后期维特根斯坦-语言游戏说-家族相似-私人语言later wittgenstein-language game-private language

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• “The language is meant to serve for communication between a builder A and an assistant B. A is building with building-stones: there are blocks, pillars, slabs and beams. B has to pass the stones, and that in the order in which A needs them. For this purpose they use a language consisting of the words "block", "pillar","slab", "beam". A calls them out;—B brings the stone which he has learnt to bring at such-and-such a call.——Conceive this as a completeprimitive language.” (PI 2)
2.3.3 The use of words or language dose not serve a sole purpose

“"The purpose of language is to express thoughts."—So presumably the purpose of every sentence is to express a thought.Then what thought is expressed, for example, by the sentence "It's raining"? “ (PI 501)
2.3.2 There are countless kinds of use of what we call “symbols”,”words”,”sentences”.
• “But how many kinds of sentence are there? Say as sertion,question, and command?—There are countless kinds: countless different kinds of use of what we call "symbols", "words", "sentences". And this multiplicity is not something fixed, given once for all; but new types of language, new language-games, as we may say, come into existence, and others become obsolete and get forgotten.” (PI 23)
2.3 Features
2.3.1 There’s no essence for language-game as human activity
• “'A proposition is a queer thing!' Here we have in germ the subliming of our whole account of logic. The tendency to assume a pure intermediary between the propositional signs and the facts. Or even to try to purify, to sublime, the signs themselves.—For our forms of expression prevent us in all sorts of ways from seeing that nothing out of the ordinary is involved, by sending us in pursuit of chimeras.” (PI 94)
“ Tell them I have had a wonderful life.”
1、Transition of the Later Wittgenstein
1.2 Critique of Tractatus
• World and language • Meaning and use
• philosophy
• Private Language
1、Transition of the Later Wittgenstein
1.1 A brief history of the later Wittgenstein
• • • • • 1919.8-1929 Austria 1929-1935 Cambrige 1935-1938 Soviet Union, Norway 1939-1947 World war Ⅱ 1947-1951 Ireland,US
1、Transition of the Later Wittgenstein
1.3 Similarities
• He is focus on how to express thoughts
• Philosophy is understood as a kind of activity • Way to deal with Philosophical problems
The Later Wittgenstein
Language-games and Private Language Weither
What are we going to talk about?
• Transition of the Later Wittgenstein
• Language-games
“Meaning is use” gives way to an emphasis on the diversity of uses.
2.2 what language-game is?
• “In the practice of the use of language (2) one party calls out the words, the other acts on them. In instruction in the language the following process will occur: the learner names the objects; that is,he utters the word when the teacher points to the stone.—And there will be this still simpler exercise: the pupil repeats the words after the teacher——both of these being processes resembling language.” • “And the processes of naming the stones and of repeating words after someone might also be called language-games. Think of much of the use of words in games like ring-a-ring-a-roses.” • “I shall also call the whole, consisting of language and the actions into which it is woven, the "language-game".” (PI 7)
Language-games theory is based on “form of life”.
2.1.2 meaning and use

“For a large class of cases—though not for all—in which we employ the word "meaning" it can be defined thus: the meaning of a word is its use in the language.” (PI 43)
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2.1 background theory of language-games 2.1.1 form of life
• “Here the term "language-game" is meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity, or of a form of life.” (PI 23)
• In summary Wittgenstein uses the term “language games” to mean:

language is made up of various “games” which have their own rules the “speaking” of language is part of an act or part of form of life. To understand the meaning of words one not only needs to know the conventional usage of them but also to pay attention to their pragmatic use.
• “Not: "without language we could not communicate with one another"—but for sure: without language we cannot influence other people in such-and-such ways; cannot build roads and machines,etc. . And also: without the use of speech and writing people could not communicate.” (PI 491)
• “Review the multiplicity of language-games in the following examples, and in others:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Giving orders, and obeying them— Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurementsConstructing an object from a description (a drawing)— Reporting an event— Speculating about an event— Forming and testing a hypothesis— Presenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagrams— Making up a story; and reading it— Play-acting— Singing catches— Guessing riddles— Making a joke; telling it— Solving a problem in practical arithmetic— Translating from one language into another— Asking, thanking, cursing, greeting, praying.” (PI 23)