办公室礼仪英语 如何称呼对方

办公室礼仪英语 如何称呼对方
办公室礼仪英语 如何称呼对方



Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her

title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed.


If yours is a "title" office, but you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr. Dodd when others are around.


If yours is an informal office, you still should wait for the other person to say, "Please call me Jim," before doing so, if he has been introduced to you as "Mr. Culyer."


Everyone, no matter whether the office is formal of informal, has a name. No assistant should ever be referred to as "my girl." She is, if a possessive must be used, "Charlene Walter, my assistant," or "Angela Badalato, my assistant."

无论公司是否有无规矩,每个人都有称呼。不是每个经理助理都可以用类似“姑娘”的倪称。如果必须说明所属关系,则应如此介绍:她是Charlene Walter,我的助理,或我的助理 Angela Badalato。



接待宾客问候礼仪英语 向宾客问候时,必须始终面带微笑用眼睛看着对方。不要说Hello或Hi应该按照时间来说: Good morning, sir. 早上好,先生。 Good afternoon, ma’am. 下午好,女士。 之后可根据情况加入适当的问句,例如: Good morning, sir. Wele to our hotel / *** hotel. 早上好,先生。欢迎光临本酒店 / ***大酒店。 Good evening, ma’am. May I help you? 晚上好,女士。需要我效劳吗? 如果知道客人姓氏,尽量使用客人姓氏。

在与客人对话的过程中,有时必须就对方要求的事项作简要而具 体的说明,有时须随声附和表示认同,或确认客人所说的话,已表 示慎重。仔细听,听清楚,在依状况作正确的回答尤为重要。 I see, sir. 我了解,先生。 Certainly 当然好的。 Just a moment, please. 请稍等。 Sorry to kept your waiting, sir. 对不起让您久等了,先生。 Could you wait a little longer, please? 请稍等一会可以吗? 在无法满足宾客的要求,而需要拒绝的时候,不可以直接说:No, 而应该用下面的`说法,并在其后加上理由说明。 Sorry, sir. I’m afraid we don’t have it. 对不起,先生。我恐怕我们没有。

说话时注视宾客的眼睛是非常重要的礼节。此外,措辞中应该避免连续使用含有“对不起”之类的语气。如果是自己的过失,用I am ?,如果是因为饭店的错误而道歉,则用 We are ?。 I’m very sorry for the delay. 很抱歉耽误您的时间。 I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. 很抱歉给您带来不便。 I’m sorry for the mistake. 很抱歉是我弄错了。 I would like to apologize for ? 。 我要为?道歉。 (上级负责人使用的措辞) You are wele. 不客气。 It’s my pleasure. 我的荣幸。 Here is your room key. 这是您的房间钥匙。 Here you are. 您要的东西在这里。

办公室礼仪英语 怎样与同事相处

办公室礼仪英语怎样与同事相处-乐于助人 Office protocol can make it different for one employee to ask anther for help. While no one likes the shirker who never seems to be able to quite get his own projects finished and turns helplessly to peers for assistance, most will willingly volunteer to lend a hand to someone who has helped him or her. 对于同事间寻求帮助,办公室内的礼节往往起着重要的作用。往往没人愿意帮助那种老是无法完成自己工作,爱偷懒的人;而大多 数人还是乐意主动地帮助那些曾经也帮助过自己的同事。 If you know a coworker is working through lunch to collate a large client packet, your volunteering to stay and help will be gratefully received and most often returned when it's you who is stuck. I say voluntarily because your offer is not to add up paid overtime hours. It is to help a peer in need. 如果知道同事午饭时间还一直忙着校对客户的文件,您主动提出留下来帮助他,会得到他的感激,在你遇到同样的情形时,会得到 他的回报。我所指的主动,是因为您的协助是没有加班费的。属于助人于困难时机。 If your offer is accepted, you do not, however, store it away in your mental favor bank or ever remind everyone what a good person you were for helping------you simply hope the favor will be returned when it's you who is overloaded(). 一旦你的好意被接受,不要刻意地老记着或提醒每个人您曾如何地帮助过他们--在你遇到力不从心的情况下总会有人回报你的。


理事长办公室独家机密翻版必究 (一)接待礼仪、常用英语 1)有外宾来访时,首先应该了解对方的车次,航班,安排以及客人身份。 2)我们作为主人,去接外宾时,应提前到达机场或车站等待,绝不能让客人久等。因为客人来时,看到有人 迎接,心里必定高兴,反之,则会留下心中阴影,事后无论怎样解释,都难以抹去这种失职和不守信誉的印象。 3)车抵达时,迎上前开门,莫慌,面带微笑,等领导先说话,然后再进行自我介绍,同时记得要先对客人说 “一路辛苦了”之类的话。 4)接待方应提前准备好外宾的住宿以及行程,并打印一些资料给外宾,如地图,景点。 5)一般情况下,我们会负责讲解校园,所以要对校园有熟悉的了解(包括中英文),这样才能做好接待工作。 下面有系列资料。 接待时注意事项: 1)送名片时,双手敬上。接名片后,真看或假装看一会。 2)当客人闲置时,提供水或饮料。 3)在走廊走法:在客人二三步之前,让客人走内侧,为了安全。 4)上楼梯,客人前,接待后。下楼梯,接待前,客人后,为了安全。 5)坐电梯,接待先进,客人先出。 6)研究一下茶道 7)交谈距离:别太近,尤其是和美国人。1米左右,不要面对面,30度角。想坐他们旁边,要先问问“May I sit here?” 8)握手:男女之间,女人先伸手;长幼之间,长者先伸手;上下级之间,上级先伸手;宾主之间,主任先伸 手。对于爱出汗的人,最好随身带纸巾,握手前先擦擦,因为谁也不想握一个粘糊糊的手。 9)美国人喜欢直呼其名,不用加先生,夫人之类的。 10)与美国人交谈,莫问私事。由于文化原因,有些问题是他们所忌讳的。不要问年龄,婚姻,收入,信仰等, 也不要问;“你这个衣服多少钱呀?”,这样会遭人厌恶。 11)对美国人多说“Please”“Thank you”“Sorry”“Can I help you”这样的话,因为这些在美国 很普遍,随处可闻。咳嗽或打喷嚏,就要说“Sorry”。 12)陪车时,客人坐在后排右侧,主人坐在后排左侧,翻译坐在前排。上车时,不要从一个门上,从两边上。


办公室人员基本礼仪规范 为加强办公室正规化管理,规范员工日常行为,提高员工精神面貌和企业形象,制订本规范。 第一条员工仪容、仪表要求 1. 上班时间保持情绪饱满,精神愉悦。 2.面部、颈部、双手清洁员工头发必须经常清洗,保持发型整洁清爽,严禁头发脏乱发型怪异。 3. 员工应经常修剪指甲,不得留长指甲,女职工不得涂抹艳丽指甲油。 4. 员工上班前不得喝酒,不吃有刺激性气味的食物,保持口气、体味清新。 5. 提倡女员工化淡妆,不得浓妆艳抹,不得使用香味浓烈的香水。 6. 手机随身携带。 第二条着装要求 1. 办公室员工上班应着公司工装、正装或商务装。 2. 男员工上班应穿着长裤,严禁穿短裤上班。 3. 男士的衬衫衣领、袖口应保持洁净,衬衫钮扣必

须扣整齐,不结领带时衬衫最多只可敞开领口向下第一颗钮扣。 4. 员工上班不得穿着拖鞋进入办公区域。 5. 女员工不得穿着露背服装、超短裙(即裙边距膝盖不得少于10cm)、奇装异服及过于透明的服装。 6. 工作时间内,怀孕员工可着孕妇装或商务休闲装,但不得穿着不适合在公司工作时间内穿着的服装。 7. 员工在上班时间佩戴工作证。 第三条行为举止要求 1. 严禁不雅举止,如脚翘桌面、当众化妆、梳头等。 2. 禁止随地吐痰。 3. 坐姿端正,上班时间不得东倒西歪、趴桌睡觉。 4. 站姿挺拔,腰部挺直、两脚并拢或自然分开不超过肩宽距离。 5. 行走从容,避免脚步迟缓、拖拉,避免鞋跟发出太大声响。 6. 上班时间不允许在办公区域进餐。 7. 积极参与办公区域卫生清扫,桌面整洁有序。 第四条办公规范要求 1. 同事间交谈、接听电话应控制音量,以不影响、干扰领座同事为宜;进出门、开关抽屉应轻手轻脚,避免发出


久仰,久仰! I have long been looking forward to meeting you. I have long desired to meet you. 久违了。 I haven’t seen you for ages/for a long time. It’s been such a long time since we met last time. 久闻大名。 I’ve heard a lot about you. 这次由我负责全程陪同你们。 I will be with you for the entire visit/trip. 欢迎你到中国来。一路上辛苦了! / 一路上还好吧? Welcome to China.I hope you’ve had a good flight. 或I hope you enjoyed your flight. / How was your journey? 谢谢你专程来接我。 Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me. 您贵姓?/您怎么称呼? May I know your name,please? 很高兴见到你。您怎么称呼7 Glad/Pleased to meet you,Misterr?(可以用拖长问话的办法来询问对方的姓名) 中国有句古话说:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎? There’s an old saying in Chinese which goes: Isn’t it a great pleasure/joy to have friends coming from afar? As a Chinese saying goes, Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends from far


英语打电话礼仪 英语打电话礼仪 基础会话 1. leaving a message (留话) 学习重点:找某人听电话 表示某人不在 表示要留话 留下自己的联络处 询问如何拼对方的姓名 会话1 留下联络处 a:this is deng—robert deng from taiwan. i‘d like to speak with your director. 我姓邓,台湾的robert邓。请您们主任听电话。 b:mr. jones is not in right now. may i take a message? jones 先生现在不在,您要不要留话? a:yes. could you ask him to call me at the hilton hotel,room no. 579? 好,请转告他打电话到希尔顿店,579号房来找我,好吗? b:certainly, mr. deng. hilton hotel, room 579? 没问题,邓先生,希尔顿579号房吗?

a:that’s right. thank you. 没错,谢谢您。 词语 1.this is……我是……。在电话中说明“我是谁”时,是用“this is……”,而不是“i am”。 2.i‘d like to……等于“i would like to……”——“我想……”。“would like”为“want”的客气用法。 3.speak with ……找……听电话;与……讲话 4.in 在(家、办公室)中。此处的“in”不是介系词,而是副词。 5.right now 现在。“right”为副词,意思是“正是”,为强调的用法。 6.take a message (帮人)留话。“take”是“记下;记录”,“message”是“口信;传话”。 7.no n. “no”是“number”的缩写,通常放在数目字的前面,表示“第……号”,如“no. 3”,即是“第三号”。 8. certainly adv. 当然可以;好(口语用法) 关键句型 caller:请转告他打到……找我 could you ask him to call me at……? 这句型适用于找不到对方,或对方有事不能前来接听时,留下自己的联络处,请其回电。 “at”之后可接地点或电话号码。“could”是请求或征询时的助动词,用于请求、委托时,语气谦和客气。

办公室礼仪英语 新雇员应该如何称呼同事

办公室礼仪英语新雇员应该如何称呼同事 办公室礼仪英语:新雇员应该如何称呼同事? Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed. 对于男女同事的.名称或职位的称呼,各个公司有不同的规矩。新雇员应该注意他们相互如何称呼而效仿。 If yours is a "title" office, but you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr. Dodd when others are around. 如果您的公司规矩是称呼职位,那么在单独会见时,您可以直呼老板查理,而有其他人在场时,应称其多迪先生。 If yours is an informal office, you still should wait for the other person to say, "Please call me Jim," before doing so, if he has been introduced to you as "Mr. Culyer."

如果您的公司比较随便,您最好还是等到别人把“库叶先生”介绍给您后再如此称呼。在此之前,你还是要等他对你说:“请叫我Jim吧。” Everyone, no matter whether the office is formal of informal, has a name. No assistant should ever be referred to as "my girl." She is, if a possessive must be used, "Charlene Walter, my assistant," or "Angela Badalato, my assistant." 无论公司是否有无规矩,每个人都有称呼。不是每个经理助理都可以用类似“姑娘”的倪称。如果必须说明所属关系,则应如此介绍:她是Charlene Walter,我的助理,或我的助理 Angela Badalato。 模板,内容仅供参考


理事长办公室独家翻版必究 (一)接待礼仪、常用英语 1)有外宾来访时,首先应该了解对方的车次,航班,安排以及客人身份。 2)我们作为主人,去接外宾时,应提前到达机场或车站等待,绝不能让客人久等。因为客人来时,看到有人 迎接,心里必定高兴,反之,则会留下心中阴影,事后无论怎样解释,都难以抹去这种失职和不守信誉的印象。 3)车抵达时,迎上前开门,莫慌,面带微笑,等领导先说话,然后再进行自我介绍,同时记得要先对客人说 “一路辛苦了”之类的话。 4)接待方应提前准备好外宾的住宿以及行程,并打印一些资料给外宾,如地图,景点。 5)一般情况下,我们会负责讲解校园,所以要对校园有熟悉的了解(包括中英文),这样才能做好接待工作。 下面有系列资料。 接待时注意事项: 1)送名片时,双手敬上。接名片后,真看或假装看一会。 2)当客人闲置时,提供水或饮料。 3)在走廊走法:在客人二三步之前,让客人走侧,为了安全。 4)上楼梯,客人前,接待后。下楼梯,接待前,客人后,为了安全。 5)坐电梯,接待先进,客人先出。 6)研究一下茶道 7)交谈距离:别太近,尤其是和美国人。1米左右,不要面对面,30度角。想坐他们旁边,要先问问“May I sit here?” 8)握手:男女之间,女人先伸手;长幼之间,长者先伸手;上下级之间,上级先伸手;宾主之间,主任先伸 手。对于爱出汗的人,最好随身带纸巾,握手前先擦擦,因为谁也不想握一个粘糊糊的手。 9)美国人喜欢直呼其名,不用加先生,夫人之类的。 10)与美国人交谈,莫问私事。由于文化原因,有些问题是他们所忌讳的。不要问年龄,婚姻,收入,信仰等, 也不要问;“你这个衣服多少钱呀?”,这样会遭人厌恶。 11)对美国人多说“Please”“Thank you”“Sorry”“Can I help you”这样的话,因为这些在美国很普 遍,随处可闻。咳嗽或打喷嚏,就要说“Sorry”。 12)陪车时,客人坐在后排右侧,主人坐在后排左侧,翻译坐在前排。上车时,不要从一个门上,从两边上。 例句: 1: Hey, Joe, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Michael, and I’m a student assistant in Shawn’s office. (首次见面用meet,若以前见过,则用see) 2: Oh, nice to meet you too. 1: Welcome to China, and welcome to CUZ. Is this your first time here? 2: Yes/No, I’ve been XXXXXX 1: Oh, but don’t worry, I think you’ll love this place. /Oh, that’s a great place! 1:Now I’d like to give you a brief introduction about our campus. First, I’d like to show you around our library, which is really marvelous. 常用短句: Fort Hays State University a)Thanks, it’s my pleasure. b)I’m sorry, it’s my fault. c)Sorry to have kept you waiting. d)This way, please. e)Turn left, turn right.


办公室英语礼仪 办公室礼仪 Office etiquette are formal rules of behavior that make professional encounters pleasant and productive. While certain procedures may seem awkward or wasteful to you as you begin working in a new situation, resist the urge to make immediate changes. Discover how things are done and why. Observe how others answer the telephone, dress, decorate desks or office space, snack on the job, circulate memos, etc. Establish in your mind other people's priorities before asserting your own. Any changes you initiate will have more validity after you have familiarized yourself with the customary procedures. 办公室礼仪能够使得职业生活愉快并且富于效率。在你刚刚开始在一个新环境上班,你可能对某些礼仪感到难以运用得体甚至觉得是繁文缛节,但是不要马上改变它。留心观察该怎样做和为什么这样做:接电话、穿衣服、办公桌和办公区的布局及装饰,在办公室用餐、传阅文件等等。你首先要对别人的行为留下印象然后再确定自己的行为规范。在你对约定俗成的习惯熟悉后再开始做一些改变会更加富有成效。

职场礼节美语:Confrontation in the Workplace办公室里冲突

职场礼节美语:Confrontation in the Workplace 办公室里冲突 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他去找美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) CH:Amy, 你在,太好了。你看没看见Marshall, 他简直气死我了。我得马上找到他,把话说清楚。 A:I'm glad he is not around. I don't know what he did, but you need to calm down before you talk to him. C:冷静? A:When we are angry, we say things that we don't necessarily mean; but we can't retract them after they are said. C:我才不管呢! A:Remember, you are going to have to work with him for a long time unless you plan to leave. If you chew him out now, you will have a difficult, if not impossible, time, rebuilding your relationship. Now tell me what the problem is. C:他有个项目,要我帮忙。 A:So you agreed? C:是啊,能够没成想,他错过了最后期限,反而跟老板说是我没有 把数据给他,可他压根就没告诉我有什么限期。 A:I understand why you are upset, and rightfully so. I still suggest that you take time to calm yourself and then


外事接待及礼仪祝辞常用表达中英对照 机场接待、见面及送别用语: 国际机场international airport 机场大楼terminal building 候机大厅waiting hall 问讯处information desk/inquiry desk 起飞时间departure time /take-off time 抵达时间arrival time 登机卡boarding ticket /boarding pass 安全检查security check 海关the Customs 海关工作人员customs officer 通过海关检查to go through the customs 海关规定customs requirements 海关条例customs regu1ations 海关手续与准则customs procedures and norms 办理海关例行手续to go through customs formalities 报关/通关to make a customs declaration 海关行李申报表baggage/luggage declaration form 外币申报表foreign currency declaration form 应纳关税物品dutiable goods /dutiable articles 往返票round-trip ticket /return ticket 入境签证entry visa 出境签证exit visa 过境签证transit visa 过境旅客transit passenger 入境手续entry formalities 简化手续to simplify procedures

9 办公室的日常礼仪(英语)

9. Everyday Etiquette fo Office Life Most bosses expect their employees to get along with one another and,more important, to get along with clients and customers.This means that however important your job skills are,they may not count for much if you don't also have some people skills. Fortunately,getting along with people usually boils down to simple, everyday courtesy. 大多数雇主期望他们的员工能够和睦相处,更重要的是,与客户和顾客相处好。这就意味着不管你的工作技能有多么重要,如果你没有一些人际交往的技能,你的工作技能便会大打折扣。好在与人相处通常就落实在简单易行的日常礼仪上。 Representing Your Employer When you work for a company, you are its representative to the outside world. For this reason, everyone from a secretary to a CEO should know how to greet visitors and make them feel comfortable. 代表你的雇主 当你供职于一家公司时,你便是其对外界的代表。基于此,从秘书到总经理,每位员工都应该知道如何接待来访者并让他们感到舒适自在。 Both men and women should stand to greet visitors who come into their office. Coworkers also should be given a warm greeting, but you need not rise each time one comes into your office. For a visitor, though, your hand should be extended just as it would be if you were the host in your own home. Ask the person to sit down; and if there is a choice of seats, you may want to wave him into one. 员工不管是男是女,当有来访者走进他们的办公室时都应起身相迎。同事之间也应打个热情的招呼,但你无需在有人进入你办公室时每次都起身致意。但是对于一个来访者,你应该伸出自己的手去欢迎客人,正如同在自家你身为主人那样。要请来访者坐下;如果有几把椅子,你应该挥手示意他落坐其中的一把。 Many managers and executives sit behind their desks when talking to co-workers and customers, but it is more gracious to move a conversation out to a sofa or two occasional chairs. Visitors should be asked whether they would like a beverage1. If the answer is yes, the manager should get the drink or ask a secretary or assistant to get it. 许多管理人员和行政人员与同事或客户说话时坐在自己的办公桌后面,但如果将交谈地点移出,移至一张沙发上或两把椅子之间,会更为得体。应该问问来访者想不想喝点什么。如果回答是肯定的,经理应该自己去拿饮料或让秘书或助手去拿。


办公室礼仪英语中的怎样做一个好上司 Part of the daily routine of most executives is to spend a period of time with his or her assistant, going over projects, dictating letters, discussing appointments to be made etc. It is easy to forget the niceties of human relations that make these meetings more pleasant when they our daily, but shouting, "Jane! Come in here!" or running through the litany of things to do without a smile is inexcusable. 大多数业务经理大部分日常业务都花在与他或她的助理研究项目,口述信函,商讨会谈时间等事务上,办公室礼仪英语:怎样做一个好上司。每天进行这样的会晤很容易忽略了相互间的和睦气氛。直呼“Jane,你过来!”或面无表情地吩咐工作是无法让人接受的.,求职英语《办公室礼仪英语:怎样做一个好上司》。 At a meeting of project managers, saying "Susan, the Kraus project needs some attention...do you think you could fit it into your schedule within the next two days? shows acknowledgment that Susan has a schedule and again makes a request out of your order.


幼儿英语招待礼貌用语 一晨间接待 1 Hi! 你好! 2 Hello! 你好! 3 Good morning. 早上好! 4 Morning. 早上好! 5 A:How are you ? 你好吗? 6 B:I'm fine,thank you.And you ? 我很好,谢谢.你呢? 7 A:Fine,thanks. 我很好.谢谢. 8 Today is English Day.Please speak English. 今天是英语日,请讲英语. 9 No Chinese on English Day. 英语日不讲汉语. 10 Practice more. 多练习. 11 Don't be shy. 不要怕羞. 12 Be brave. 要勇敢. 13 Open your mouth. 张开嘴. 14 Please say bye-bye to your Mum (Dad...). 请跟你妈妈(爸爸)说再见. 15 Wave your hands. 摇摇手. 16 Can I help you? 需要帮助吗? 17 Do you need any help? 需要帮助吗? 18 Take off your coat,please. 请脱去你的外衣.

19 Say hello to your little friends. 向小朋友问好. 20 Who brought you here today? 今天谁送你来的? 21 I haven't seen you for a long time. 我很久没有见你了。 22 What happened to you? Were you sick? 你怎么了?不舒服吗? 23 Are you better? 你好些了吗? 24 Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些了吗? 25 Did you bring your medicine? 你带药了吗? 26 Put your clothes in the wardrobe. 把衣服放进衣橱里。 27 Please fold your clothes neatly. 请把衣服叠整齐。 28 Have you brought your handkerchief? 你带手绢了吗? 29 Remember to bring your handkerchief to the kindergarden tomorrow,ok? Please remember to bring your handkerchief tomorrow.


办公室礼仪英语表达 1. Don’t yell while you are on the phone. Be mindful of your speaking volume. 不要在电话里大喊大叫,注意控制音量。 2. If you’re in an open space, don’t use your speakerphone. 开放空间内不要开扬声器。 3. Avoid jumping in on conversations that don’t involve you. 不要随意介入和你无关的对话中。 4. Do not hover around waiting for your coworker to hang up while s/he were on a phone call. Either check back later, or if it’s an emergency- politely interrupt. 如果同事在打电话而你正好有事找他/她,不要等在旁边。要么过会再来,如果特别紧急,就礼貌地打断一下。

5. How your desk looks says a lot about you. 从桌子就可以看出一个人的'个性。 6. Do not have anything political on your desk or anything that might offend someone like crude jokes or inappropriate pictures? 桌面上不要摆放政治敏感的物品,或可能会冒犯到你同事的东西,比如贴不良笑话或放不合适的照片。 7. Always show up to a meeting on time. 参加会议不要迟到。 8. Do not bring your cell phone to a meeting. If you do have it- put the ringer on silent or airplane mode 开会时最好不要带上手机。如非带不可,请调成静音或飞行模式。


商务英语接待礼仪口语表达《一》 1. 久仰,久仰! I have long been looking forward to meeting you. I have long desired to meet you. 2.久违了。 I haven’t seen you for ages/for a long time. It’s been such a long time since we met last time. 3.久闻大名。 I’ve heard a lot about you. 4.这次由我负责全程陪同你们。 I will be with you for the entire visit/trip. 5.欢迎你到中国来。一路上辛苦了! / 一路上还好吧? Welcome to China.I hope you’ve had a good flight. 或I hope you enjoyed your flight. / How was your journey? 商务英语接待礼仪口语表达《二》 1.谢谢你专程来接我。 Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me. 2.您贵姓?/您怎么称呼? May I know your name,please? 3.很高兴见到你。Glad/Pleased to meet you . 4.中国有句古话说:“有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?” There’s an old saying in Chinese which goes: “Isn’t it a great pleasure/joy to have friends coming from afar?


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d10568950.html,/(报名网址) 办公室礼仪英语:怎样与同事相处-乐于助人 Office protocol can make it different for one employee to ask anther for help. While no one likes the shirker who never seems to be able to quite get his own projects finished and turns helplessly to peers for assistance, most will willingly volunteer to lend a hand to someone who has helped him or her. 对于同事间寻求帮助,办公室内的礼节往往起着重要的作用。往往没人愿意帮助那种老是无法完成自己工作,爱偷懒的人;而大多 数人还是乐意主动地帮助那些曾经也帮助过自己的同事。 If you know a coworker is working through lunch to collate a large client packet, your volunteering to stay and help will be gratefully received and most often returned when it's you who is stuck. I say voluntarily because 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英


商务英语情景考察对话 A: Hello, are you Mr. Black? B: Yes, I am. A: Hello, I’m the Export sales of Nanning Native products company, my name is Amy, I'm glad to see you, Welcome to Nanning, How ‘s your plane journey ? B: Thank you, I feel tired because of the six-hours flights. A: Oh, yes, our company have already booked a room for you , We could arrive at the hotel 10 minutes later. B: OK. (10 minutes to the Galaxy Hotel) A: Mr. Black, your room is number 35112 on the 8th floor, this is the key to the room, I will send you to go, you could take a Shower first, then l prepare dinner for you , OK? B: Well, thank you. A: I ‘ll pick you up to eat breakfast at 8:30 tomorrow morning, then I ‘ll take you to visit our company. B: OK. A: see you tomorrow. B: see you . (The next morning) A: Good morning, Mr. Black. B: Good morning, Amy. A: Mr. Black, Do you like sandwich ? B: ah. A: Ok , Shall we go to the restaurant to eat breakfast first, Then go to visit the company together . B: Ok. (30 minutes later, came to the company at the gate) A: This is our company, our company was founded in 1998, Mainly in sales Southeast


英语打电话礼仪 大家觉得学了那么多年英文,用英文打电话是很简单的事,但是也有人一用英语讲话就特别的紧张,而且用英语打电话的话还特别的紧张还要注意自己的礼仪。那么要注意什么样的礼仪呢?下面就为大家整理了关于英语打电话的礼仪,希望能帮到你哦! 英语打电话礼仪 基础会话 1. leaving a Message (留话) 学习重点:找某人听电话 表示某人不在 表示要留话 留下自己的联络处 询问如何拼对方的姓名 会话1 留下联络处 A:This is Deng;Robert Deng from Taiwan. I‘d like to speak with your Director. 我姓邓,台湾的Robert邓。请您们主任听电话。 B:Mr. Jones is not in right now. May I take a message? Jones 先生现在不在,您要不要留话?

A:Yes. Could you ask him to call me at the Hilton Hotel,Room No. 579? 好,请转告他打电话到希尔顿店,579号房来找我,好吗? B:Certainly,Mr. Deng. Hilton Hotel,Room 579? 没问题,邓先生,希尔顿579号房吗? A:That’s right. Thank you. 没错,谢谢您。 词语 1.This is……我是……。在电话中说明“我是谁”时,是用“This is……”,而不是“I am”。 2.I‘d like to……等于“I would like to……”;;“我想……”。“would like”为“want”的客气用法。 3.speak with …… 找……听电话;与……讲话 4.in 在(家、办公室)中。此处的“in”不是介系词,而是副词。 5.right now 现在。“right”为副词,意思是“正是”,为强调的用法。 6.take a message (帮人)留话。“take”是“记下;记录”,“message”是“口信;传话”。 7.No n. “No”是“number”的缩写,通常放在数目字的前面,表示“第……号”,如“No. 3”,即是“第三号”。
