中考英语阅读话题练习四 话题:计划与安排、对未来预测、邀请

中考英语阅读话题练习四 话题:计划与安排、对未来预测、邀请
中考英语阅读话题练习四 话题:计划与安排、对未来预测、邀请





One day,a young violin player was trying to decide whether or not to continue his life in music.While he was walking,he suddenly __1__ the most famous violin teacher in the world.He could hardly believe his good __2__,so he stopped the man and asked if he could play for him.He said to himself that he would drop his dream of music __3__ the great teacher told him he was wasting his time.

The great teacher let him __4__.When the young man finished,he was sure he'd given his __5__ performance.He stood and waited for praise.__6__,the great teacher only shook his head and said,“You lack the fire.”

So the young musician was quite __7__.He decided to give up the violin and never play it https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f14757850.html,ter,he became a successful __8__.

Some years later,he met the great teacher again in another city.He __9__ over to him and said,“I'm __10__ that you don't remember me,but I stopped you on the street years ago to play the violin for you,and I just want to __11__ you today.To be honest, __12__ your coldness,I gave up my great love,and became a trader and now enjoy great __13__.How did you know all those years ago that I lacked the fire?” Again the great teacher shook his head and said,“You don't __14__ what I said.I tell anyone who plays for __15__ that they lack the fire.If you had had the passion,you wouldn't have given up.”

(C)1.A.greeted B.interviewed

C.met D.visited

(B)2.A.plan B.luck

C.result D.suggestion

(A)3.A.if B.unless

C.until D.although

(B)4.A.leave B.perform

C.attend D.avoid

(D)https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f14757850.html,monest B.worst

C.simplest D.finest

(D)6.A.Too B.Still

C.Also D.However

(A)7.A.down B.relaxed

C.excited D.happy

(D)8.A.writer B.artist

C.musician D.trader

(A)9.A.rushed B.thought

C.turned D.returned

(B)10.A.glad B.sure

C.proud D.angry

(C)11.A.serve B.help

C.thank D.hurt

(B)12.A.as for B.because of

C.according to D.in the face of

(A)13.A.success B.knowledge

C.pity D.sense

(D)14.A.translate B.explain

C.hear D.understand

(B)15.A.you B.me

C.him D.her




Dear Sarah in 2018,

This is a letter from the year 2068.I want to talk about life in 2068.

Life seems to go easy in 2068.Robots do most things for people,such as working,cooking and cleaning.Toys teach and play with children.Parents spend most of their time dreaming.

However,that's not everything.The weather changes very fast.Sometimes,when you go outside on the street,it is raining hard,and then it stops the next minute.People easily get different diseases(疾病) in 2068.We can't breathe(呼吸)fresh air on the street because of air pollution.Forests die because the water gets polluted.Animals die because they lose their home,food and water.Everyone has to pay to see real plants and animals in museums.

How does the world become like this?Well,technologies have developed too fast in the past 50 years.Some were bad for the earth and people.This is really a good lesson for people in your time.What are we going to do with the money and technologies if we don't have our home?Please slow down and take time to think about technologies.

Yours truly,

Sarah in 2068

(B)16.We can learn from the letter that in 2068 ________.

A.people will work for robots

B.robots will cook for people

C.parents will teach children themselves

D.children will always dream

(B)17.What may people do in 2068?

A.Breathe fresh air everywhere.

B.Spend money seeing real animals.

C.Use plants to improve the environment.

D.Enjoy a beautiful world.

(A)18.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.Bad things in 2068.

B.Air pollution in 2068.

C.Weather in 2068.

D.Animals in 2068.

(C)19.The writer hopes people in 2018 can ________.

A.stop using technologies

B.make more money

C.slow down technologies

D.take more lessons

(A)20.What is the letter mainly about?

A.What life in 2068 will be like.

B.Why there will be water pollution in 2068.

C.How technologies make a difference to life.

D.What people will do in 2068.


It is the first day of the summer.George and his friend Carlos are planning to go on a camping trip, which will last three https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f14757850.html,st year, their camping trip was not a success.They got a burst tyre(爆胎) on the way to their campsite.They also found that a bear took some of their food.

This year, they try to get things prepared.George is going to take a spare(备用的) tyre.Carlos is going to find a better method of storing food without attracting animals to their campsite.They don't want anything to ruin this year's trip.On this trip, George and Carlos have invited ten of their friends.George has prepared his list of activities to do with his friends.They plan to go mountain climbing, hiking and fishing.For night activities, they plan to tell stories, sing songs along with George's guitar, and play some board games.Carlos and his friends have prepared enough food.With the list Carlos made,they are going to have rice,noodles,vegetables,chicken,beef and fruit juice.

The day of the camping trip is getting near.Everyone is excited.When the day comes, George and Carlos double-check to see if they have their things ready.Everything is ready.They are ready to go.It is going to be the best trip they have ever made.

(C)21.What happened during George and Carlos' camping trip last year?

A.They lost their way.

B.It rained heavily.

C.A bear took away their food.

D.They forgot to take food.

(B)22.What does the underlined word “ruin” mean in Chinese?



(D)23.There will be ________ people to go camping together this year according to the passage.

A.8 B.9

C.10 D.12

(D)24.The second paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A.how George and Carlos went camping last year

B.where George and Carlos will take the trip

C.when George and Carlos will buy the food

D.what Carlos and George do for the trip

(A)25.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Planning for a Camping Trip

B.Making a Sightseeing Tour

C.Two Good Friends

D.Summer Holidays



Many people do not know what to do in face of a decision, big or small.Most decisions aren't going to change all our life.But often, the decision isn't between this or that.It's between acting or not.If this challenges you, here are some tips.

Jog or ride a bike to nowhere.Just start moving in hopes of leaving the familiar.Walk down every street or path you can find until you lose your way.Then, see where you end up.Remember what it felt like to wonder where you were going. Try to lose yourself more often.It'll make you better at making a decision.

Sit outside without any technology for an hour.Let yourself get bored.Can you hear the birds singing,the wind blowing or yourself breathing? Try to do this once a week, then every other day, then every day.One of the reasons we find it hard to make better decisions is that we keep getting attracted to new things.A break from the noise will lead you to the decision you need to make.

Some of these things may seem silly, but the more you do them, the more you'll control yourself.It doesn't matter where you're going.Just go.Once you start moving, you can always



中考英语阅读理解训练 1 2 1 3 We know the mosquito very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can 4 be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds 5 of them. 6 No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide that she loves you. She? Yes, she. It’s true that male mosquito doesn’t bite(咬) and 7 8 only the female mosquito bites because she needs blood to lay eggs. She 9 is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she w ill 10 11 turn to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites 12 you, just remember you are chosen. You’re different from the others! 13 If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without letting you 14 know. She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything 15 different. After she bites, you will have an itch(痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. By the time 16 17 the itching begins, and she has flown away. 18 And then what happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels tired. She just wants to find a place to have a good rest. There, 19 20 on a leaf or a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs. And then 21 what happens? 22 23 1. “Mosquito” means _______ in Chinese. 24 A. 苍蝇 B. 蜻蜓 C. 跳蚤 D. 蚊子


2020年中考英语阅读理解专题练习《热点话题》 新科技 Passage1(2019台州) Brooke wanted a doll house and some sugar cookies. So the 6yearold asked Alexa to get them. Alexa wasn't her mom or babysitter. It was a voiceactivated home assistant powered by AI(人工智能). And it made Brooke's wishes come true. A few days later, much to her parents' surprise, a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies showed up. They ate the cookies and gave away the dollhouse to a local hospital. And that's not the end of the story. When a news reporter told the story of what happened on TV, Alexa devices(设备)in many listeners' homes woke up and tried to order dollhouses! Alexa isn't the only AI willing to serve you. Apple Homepod has Siri, Google Home has its Assistant, and the upcoming Galaxy Home device will have Bixby. People who have these devices use them mainly for listening to music, checking the weather, and setting timers. According to a report from The Information, nowadays voice shopping is rare. But many scientists predict a boom(增长) in voice shopping in the near future. Is that a good thing ________. You can shout out an order as soon as you think of it, even if you are cooking, cleaning, o r driving. In addition, people with disabilities who are unable to use a keyboard or mouse can shop without any help. But voice shopping has its disadvantages. Unwanted dollhouses aren't the biggest problem. It's usually very easy to cancel an order or return products. The thing t hat worries some people is that these assistants are always listening. They have to be able to respond when you want them. So they listen for “Alexa” or “OK Google” or another order. When they hear it, they start recording the conversation. Some have worried about what happens to these recordings. Should companies be allowed to use them to learn about people's shopping habits And what if someone hacks(入侵) the device The CIA found a way to hack smart TVs to turn them into spies that listen all the time. Others could do the same with any smart device. What do you think Are you ready to start voice shopping ( )1. From the passage, we know that Alexa ________. A. can look after the baby B. can cook delicious food C. is a toy doll sold online D. is one kind of AI device ( )2. The underlined word “rare” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________. A. unusual B. expensive C. harmful D. impossible ( )3. Which of the following is the best to fill in the “________” in Paragraph 3 A. Convenience is the main advantage of voice shopping B. The cost of voice shopping is lower than other ways C. The popularity of voice shopping is increasing D. The technology of voice shopping needs improving ( )4. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us that ________ when people try voice shopping. A. AI sometimes forgets people's orders B. personal information might be hacked C. it's difficult to cancel or return products D. the needs for products can't be satisfied Passage2(2019宿迁) Technology is developing fast and it has become an important part of our life. Then what will


成长主题中考话题作文 梦回吹角连营 你是我学习的目标,你是我成长的方向,你是天地间的伟男子,你就是豪气干云的西楚霸王!梦回吹角连营,我与你相逢,哪怕只能学到你的一丝一毫,我也无怨无悔。醉里挑灯看剑,当于中军大帐里虞美人横剑自刎当场时,你一生中的红颜知己已香消玉殒,愤怒你仰天长啸,但仍换不来她的音容笑貌。虽面临绝境,但你仍丝毫不惧,于乱军中往来冲杀,不想让“三十功名”化为“尘与土”,你极力先挽回败局。从容不迫的排兵布阵,淡定自若地漫步沙场,这种“泰山崩于前,而面不改色,心不跳”的淡然,值得自己的我们每一个人学习。不想看你横死当场,我欲与你并肩作战,为你挡住那飞射的箭羽,为你冲锋陷阵。而你只是淡淡的斜睨一眼,备显不屑,我知道我没有与你并肩作战的资格我想你的豪气会让每一个人掩面愧走吧。你傲骨冲霄,铁脊宁折不弯的精神值得每一个华夏男儿学习。我知道,一人之力在万军中如九牛一毛,不足道也。 遂从鸿鹄那里借来高翔的翅膀,使我“朝游北海暮苍梧”,从猛虎那里借来咆哮的蹄爪,祝你纵横决荡九万里。欲与你冲出这“垓下之围”,但你全然不惧,仍引数十骑做最后努力。你这种不达目的死不罢休的精神,值得所有人学习。“操吴戈兮被犀甲,车错毂兮短兵接”,纵使你“力拔山兮气盖

世”,仍挽回不了这种兵败如山倒之势。最后横刀立马乌江畔,在‘赏千金,封万户侯”的重赏之下,一个个如飞蛾扑火般“视死忽如归”。“ 想当年:金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎”、想当年八拜为金兰之交、想当年“先破咸阳入关中者,王之”、想当年互相约分鸿沟,看着那在鸿门宴如土鸡瓦狗般不堪一击的义弟,今日却将自己逼迫至此,是自己错了吗?过刚真易折吗?不忍看如此,我驾“一叶之扁舟”欲渡你过江,你却“无颜见江东父老”不愿卷土重来,横剑自刎,陪你征战多年的宝马良驹乌骓,哀嘶一声,投江相随。此情此景,惟哀叹一声“身既死兮神以灵,子魂魄兮为鬼雄”,你即已死,知己已无,我只能“小舟从此逝,江海任平生。”有人说:“不可沽名学霸王。”我却不以为然。你是我学习的目标,你是我成长的方向!男儿正该如此:捐躯赴国难”纵死何惜!


中考英语句子翻译题专 练100题 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

中考英语句子翻译题专练100题·附详解 前言::句子翻译=单词,短语,句型+语法。也就是说,翻译句子并不是真的让你自己去翻译,而是要用你学过的单词短语句型来完成一个句子。希望大家能看懂我的话,所以想提高翻译水平,你首要提高的是你的词汇水平和语法能力。大量的输入最后才能输出。 一、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空限填一词: 1. 多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。 Drink more water. It _______ _______ _______ your health. 2. 昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。 The children _______ leave school _______ the rain stopped yesterday. 3. 非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。 _______ ______ _______ _______ asking me to your party. 4. 钥匙是金属做的,用来锁门。 The key _______ _______ ______ metal and _______ ______ ______ door. 5. 你们想拿回你们的电视机,是吗 You want to ________ your TV set ________, _______ you 6. 天太冷了,不能去游泳。 It's too cold _________ ________ ________. 7. 我和她年龄一样大。 I'm _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ 8. 丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。


中考话题作文写作指导 话题作文在近几年的中考中独领风骚,它以自主选材、自定立意、自选文体、自拟标题、自显个性的开放性特征,及发散性、灵活性、多元性、自主性等,给同学们施展才华创下了自由飞翔的空间!尽情的张扬个性、展示才情…… 一个酷爱大自然的人,每年十月间都要去看野鸭南飞的景观。有一年,他大发慈悲,带着饲料到那里的池塘边去喂野鸭。几年以来,有些野鸭不仅不再南飞过冬,而且变得又胖又懒,连飞也飞不起来了。人们可以很容易地驯服野鸭,但是要把被驯服的鸭子再变成野鸭就困难了。 联系上上述材料,结合自身的见闻、经历或感受写一篇不少于600字的作文,除诗歌、戏剧外文体不限 这里的材料透露的信息至少有两个方面: 1.从人的角度看:过度的宠爱,使野鸭养成了一种惰性,丧失了一种野性或本能,可提炼这样一个观点__宠爱,也要有分寸。 2.从鸭的角度看:养尊处优,优越的生活条件使野鸭少了野性,丢了本能,丧失了飞的本领,可提炼这样的观点__顺境下的成才之路或逆 境成才易,顺境成才难. 那么话题作文与材料作文有何区别呢?见以下表格分析: 角度 类别(一) 感知材料 目的不同(二) 处理材料的思路不同(三) 运用材料的 结果不同 话题作文引出话题 引发思考 起到“引子”作用 求新求异 张扬个性 选择发挥的余地大 材料作文考生提炼观点或写人记事的依据求同,准确提炼材料中的观点或主 切忌片面内容和形式上多了一层束缚 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文 美国小说家马克?吐温说:幸福就像夕阳——人人都可能看见,但多数人的眼睛却望向别的地方,因而错过了机会。 雷锋的日记中写到:把革命的利益放在第一位,为党的事业贡

献自己的一切,这才是最幸福的。 社会上流行这样的话语:有了金钱就有了幸福。看了上述材料后,你想些什么? 请以“幸福”为话题,写一篇文章。 要求:所写内容必须在话题范围之内。立意自定,文体不限(诗歌除外),题目自拟,不少于600字 如何审题? 1.要具有独到的审题眼光 2.准确把握考题中隐含的一些重要的信息 这是写好话题作文的前提 如何谋篇布局? 1.通盘考虑、列出写作提纲: 2.文体的选择 3.材料的选择与安排 4.合理且有效的开头与结尾 5.写作手法的运用等 如何确立中心? 1.立意,就是确立文章的主题(中心思想、中心论点) 2.思想健康的文章才能给人积极的影响 3.对于同一个题目可以从多角度入手 4.在切入的层面上、思考的内容上要更深一层 如何进行材料的选择? 首先,要切题一般话题作文的话题开放性大,写作角度多,选好一个角度命题即可,切不可贪大求全。要细处落笔,以小见大,适合与自己写作 其次要新颖、生动、不要人云亦云。在选材过程中角度新鲜一点,有时会取得意想不到的效果 “实”和“小”是选材的两个法门 文章的包装 1.文题的设计 2.合适而又吸引眼球的文章形式 如何“扮靓”自己的文题? 1.套用法 就是套用广告名、歌名、歌词、诗句等 2.悬念法 设置悬念,引人入胜 3.新视角 从一些新颖的的角度入手拟题 4.采用修辞手法 比喻含蓄、拟人活泼、反问有力、有时还可以用反复、引用、对偶、


中考备考阅读话题练习:青少年问题与教育 一、阅读理解(共20小题;共40分) A Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools. Several children have got mobile phones from parents and friends as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them. Lucy Bluett, an expert, said mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事) to students during school hours. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't call up their children. Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones. 1. Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones . A. when they are at home B. when they are free C. when they are at school 2. We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from . A. the makers and sellers B. the passers-by and strangers C. their parents and friends


《中考作文常见主题一点通》子曰编著人民文学出版社 中考作文四大主题 人生感悟类,自信,勤奋,乐观,信念等。 感恩感动类,亲情,友情,师生情,爱祖国,爱社会,爱生命。 审视探究类,思想认识,观注社会。 审美体验类,文化,自然,民俗审美。 人生感悟类作文两大思路 一、围绕成长经历写作 1、总括心境,可以是烦恼的、忧愁的、沧桑的、感激的,这种心境在成长道路上产生国较大影响。 (例1)秋天到了,一片黄叶从树上悠悠落下,与地面接触时,发出轻叹似的一声微响。当叶落的时候,我的心里充满了怅惘。 (例2)当我跨进初中的大门,我深深地吸了一口气,这是一个崭新的开始。 2、点出原因,学习成绩不理想,成长环境糟糕,做错了某事。 (例2)以前的我是多么弱小,骨瘦如柴,从不敢做有冒险的事情,即便家住在一条小街上。坐在教室里,看到那些同龄人都比我强,我也曾有过自卑。 3、受到触动,长辈的一席话,书中的一段话,自然界某个现象的触动。 (例2)他说:“你知道驼鸟和蝙蝠吗?它们一个有翅膀,一个没有,可是驼鸟飞不起来,蝙蝠却生出了膜翅,在天上翱翔。” 4、发生变化,思想或行动发生了一系列的变化。 (例2)我学习跆拳道,飘逸的道带,雪白的服装,一丝晃动,几分洒脱,在挥洒荷尔蒙的一时间,我看到了生出的左翼――力量。 我原本不爱书,如今却渐渐地视其为生命。 5、点明中心,人生理想,追求信念等更高层次。

(例2)也许,你是一只无翅鸟,可你却能抬着头,飞向骄傲。 二、调动历史、现实等素材写作 1、切入主题。 (例1)茫茫尘世,悠悠岁月,有几多巍峨的丰碑?有多少横空出世的豪杰? (例2)向前是一种昂扬的状态,向前是永不言弃的精神,向前是催人奋进的号角。 (例3)信步长亭,我在踏寻,寻找美丽的人生。 2、调动素材,追加意义 (例1)大漠孤烟,风卷残霜,皑皑白雪之下,我看不到大自然银装裹的妖娆,却看到一位苦守着边关冷月,过着衣不蔽体、食不果腹生活的苏武。 (例2)爱憎分明,唯见天地间一根傲骨。李陵事件,龙颜震怒,百官无人敢辩,你毅然站出,直言申辩,触怒龙颜,被打进了天牢,终因无钱捐献,身受腐刑。。。。。。。你于黑暗中前行,在苦难中向前,终成“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》” (例3)易水边,秋风萧瑟,洪波涌动,“风萧萧兮易水寒,壮土一去兮不复返”,荆轲正演绎着他的千古绝唱。秦国宫殿上,荆轲的心中是无畏的。。。。。。荆轲的美丽人生是他的一片赤胆忠心。 3、深化中心 (例1)在历史的记忆里,蓄满了先哲的人生信念,命运抉择。我们追赶着,呼啸着,对苦痛的生命,我们究竟会留下怎样的一笔?是逃避还是前行?既然我们无法选择生命,那我们何不改变生命,让生命呈现出自己涂上的色彩,如雨后彩虹般更加灿烂。 (例2)向前是我们民族昂扬的精神,这是我们民族的精魂,让我们吹起向前的号角,让中华屹立于世界强国之林。 (例3)我们美丽的人生又在何方呢?我顿时觉得很茫然。但是一会儿,这种感觉就被驱散了。因为我知道了它的方向――它在那黑夜后的黎明,在下一个山峰的顶头。 佳作展示: 理想与信念的精彩见解


中考英语句子翻译题专练100题·附详解 前言::句子翻译=单词,短语,句型+语法。也就是说,翻译句子并不是真的让你自己去翻译,而是要用你学过的单词短语句型来完成一个句子。希望大家能看懂我的话,所以想提高翻译水平,你首要提高的是你的词汇水平和语法能力。大量的输入最后才能输出。 一、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空限填一词: 1. 多喝水,这对你的健康有好处。 Drink more water. It _______ _______ _______ your health. 2. 昨天直到雨停了孩子们才离开学校。 The children _______ leave school _______ the rain stopped yesterday. 3. 非常感谢邀请我参加你的聚会。 _______ ______ _______ _______ asking me to your party. 4. 钥匙是金属做的,用来锁门。 The key _______ _______ ______ metal and _______ ______ ______ door. 5. 你们想拿回你们的电视机,是吗? You want to ________ your TV set ________, _______ you? 6. 天太冷了,不能去游泳。 It's too cold _________ ________ ________. 7. 我和她年龄一样大。 I'm _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ 8. 丽丽叫我不要忘记告诉她母亲这条好消息。 Lily asked me _______ _______ _______ ______ tell her mother the good news. 9. 昨天当我到达电影院时,电影已经开始半小时了。 When I ______ ______ the cinema yesterday, the film _______ _______ ______ for half an hour. 10. 晚饭后为什么不去散步呢? _______ _______ _______ out for a walk after supper? 二、根据所给中文,完成相应的英语句子,每空所填词数不限: 1. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in bed _______. 2. 中华人民共和国成立于1949年。The PRC _______ in 1949. 3. 我今天为你买了一件新衬衫。为什么不试一下? I bought a new shirt for you today. _______? 4. 我认为他明天不会来参加会议的。


中考作文指导 一、材料作文与话题作文的区别 ㈠概念不同: 所谓材料作文是相对于命题型议论文而言的,即在提供材料的基础上写议论文,其特点是要求作者必须根据材料进行规定写作。 话题作文是以某一话题材为范围,不限文体、不限题材的作文。其特点是思考时围绕一则材料(某一触发点),展开想象,全面拓展思维空间。 ㈡作用不同: 传统的给材料作文,作文的主题必须直接从材料中提炼、挖掘,并且材料必须运用到写作中,作论据使用。 话题作文的主题则不必从材料中提炼,而是从话题引发出来的,材料的作用在于阐发话题,启发学生作文思路,就材料本身而言,既可以运用到写作中,也可以不加采用。话题作文与材料作文相比较,在命题形式和要求上都发生了很大变化。话题作文不明确规定主题,只要求作文主题与“话题”相关,事实上,话题作文提供的是一个主题的范围。而话题作文中对材料的运用比议论文的材料运用更为灵活,更具创造性,不像材料作文,引用材料是作为引出论点的楔子。 ㈢写作的思路不同: 给材料作文,一般而言,先要读懂原材料的中心意思,或材料所蕴含的几个方面的意思。对于只有一个中心意思的材料而言,要围绕这个中心意思确立一个中心观点,在写作时在文首高度概述材料,快速切题,提出中心论点。接着,在正文部分客观、全面、辩证地分析问题,在运用原材料分析论证的基础上再旁征博引,进行充分的论证。结局再紧扣材料,提出自己的观点和希望。 话题作文不明确规定主题,只要求作文主题与“话题”相关。审题时应准确把握话题的内涵和外延,明确限制内容和开放内容,确定选材范围和和所要表现的主题。特别不能放过“话题阐述”,而不应过分拘泥于材料,对话题阐述的理解把握比研读材料更重要。因为阐述部分往往能帮助考生更好地理解话题,更有效地打开思路。如果过多关注材料,思路反会受到约束。因为阐述的材料涉及面比材料本身广阔得多,引导考生思路的意图很明显。而且作为衔接材料与话题的枢纽,其对话题的阐释既明确又要丰富。这就避免了考生对话题内涵理解上的单一。 不仅如此,审题时,不能割裂材料与话题之间的有机联系。 ㈣构思技巧不同 供料作文一般巧妙地运用引——议——联——结四个步骤。 话题作文的构思过程一般可分为四个步骤:(1).发散思维,打开思路;(2).集中思路,确立主题; (3).选择合适的文体;(4).选取适用且新鲜的素材 二、分类指导 ㈠命题作文 命题作文是几年前中考语文试题中出现频率很高的作文形式,因为它能较客观较全面地考查学生的写作能力和水平。命题作文的特点就是按照规定的作文题目写文章,常见的形式有全命题作文和半命题作文,还有的将几种形式的作文题分别组合,组成“选择式”命题,要求考生从两个或两个以上的文题中任选一题进行写作。


中考英语阅读真题题目 中考英语阅读真题题目 Ten-year- oldJohnnywasoneofthelaziestboysinhisclass.Hishomeworkwasalw ays26anditwasusuallywrong.Heonlydidhalfthenumberofmathprobl ems27theotherchildrendidandinhiscompositionshe28halfthenumb erofwords.Andusuallythewordswere29spelledbecausehewastoolaz ytousea30. Onedayhisclasswentonabustrip.The31didnotwanttotakeJohnny withthem.ButtherewasnoonetolookafterJohnnyattheschoolsosheh adtotake32.Now,children,theteachersaid,Onourbustripwewill33 oldbuildings,somebeautifulcountryside,andmanyotherthings.Iw antyoutowriteabout34interestingyouseeonthetrip.Thebustrip35 .Thechildrenlookedoutofthewindowsatalltheinterestingthings. Theytooknotes36theirnotebooks.Theteacherwasvery37withthem.T henshesawJohnny38onthefloorofthebusandwentuptohim. Areyou39?sheaskedhim. No.hesaid. Then40areyoulyingonthefloor? IfIcan'tseeanything,hesaid,Ican'twriteaboutit,canI? https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f14757850.html,teB.earlyC.goodD.fine 27.A.thatB.whoC.whatD.whom 28.A.learnedB.madeC.wroteD.read 29.A.badlyB.wellC.correctlyD.nicely


中考句型翻译练习 as soon as 1. 一收到他的来信我就会给你打电话。I will call you __________ I hear from him. 2.Mary一见到她弟弟就会告诉他这个消息。 Mary will tell his brother the news ______________________ she sees him. 3.昨天雨一停孩子们就回家了。 The children went home _______________________________________ yesterday. as...as/ not as...as 4. 麦克和安迪学习一样的努力。Mike studies ________________________ Andy. 5.“一夜成名”不像我们想得那么容易。 : An overnight success is ________________ we think. 6. 北京的春天与夏天一样美丽。 Spring is ____________________________________________ summer in Beijing. as...as possible 7. 在体育测试中,我尽力了。 _________________________________possible in the PE test. 8. 我会在考前最后一个月尽力多读英语。 I’ll try hard to read English ______________________________ in the last month. 9. 玛丽会尽快给你回信的。 * Mary will answer your letter ______________________________. ask for/ ask sb. for sth. 10.当你迷路时,你可以向警察寻求帮助。 You can ______________________________ when you are lost. 11.他每个月都跟妈妈要50元。 He ___________________________________________ every month. 12.他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。 He __________________________________________as his birthday gift. ask sb. to do / ask sb. not to do 13.】 14.老师要求我们离开教室前要关灯。 The teacher ________________________________ before we leave the classroom. 15.不要让我帮你的忙!你必须要你自己。 Don’t _________________________ help you. You must ____________________. 16.妈妈让我们睡觉前不吃东西。 My mother __________________________________________ before we go to bed. tell sb. to do/ tell sb. not to do 17.让我告诉你如何发送电子邮件。Let me ________________________ e-mails. 18.你能告诉我如何提高我的英语吗


中考话题作文写作指导 指导一、解析话题作文的构成 话题作文一般由四个部分组成,即:材料+提示语+话题+要求。比如x市中考作文试 题中:在非洲大草原上,每天早晨,羊睁开眼睛所想的第一件事就是:我必须比跑得最快 的狮子跑得还快,否则我就会被狮子吃掉。而就在同一时刻,狮子从睡梦中醒来,首先闪 现在脑海里的第一个念头是:我必须比跑得最慢的羊跑得快,要不然我就会饿死。于是, 几乎是同时,羊和狮子一跃而起,迎着朝阳跑去。——这是“材料”。 生存的压力,使羊成了奔跑“健将”,狮子成了草原“猎手”。在生活中,我们虽然 没有像羊和狮子那样的生存压力,但学习、工作的压力仍然存在,正是这样的一些压力, 使我们不断成功,不断进步。——这就是“提示语”。 请以“成长需要压力”为话题,——显然是“话题”。写一篇600字以上的文章,题 目自拟,文体不限。——这就是“要求”。 许多话题作文没有材料,比如: 阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。生命是一个奇迹,在这个星球上相聚、相守、相处也 是一个奇迹。但是世界给予我们的还有更多的忧虑和不安:战火纷飞、环境污染、瘟疫蔓延…… 对此你一定有自己的体验或思考。请以“共享生命”为话题写一篇文章。立意自定, 文体自选,题目自拟,不少于600字。 本题中“生命是一个奇迹,在这个星球上相聚、相守、相处也是一个奇迹……”,这 不属于材料,而是提示语。有些话题作文则有材料却没有提示语,如:从下面两则材料中,任选其中的一则,然后按要求作文。 材料一: 在一个大花园里住着一个盲人,他把所有的时间都用来照料这个花园。一年四季,花 园里总是一片姹紫嫣红。一个过路人非常惊奇地观赏这漂亮的花园,不解地问盲人:“你 这样做的理由是什么?你根本就看不见这些美丽的花呀!”盲人笑了,他说:“我可以告诉 你四个理由:第一,我喜欢园艺工作;第二,我可以抚摸我的花;第三,我可以闻到它们的 香味;至于第四个理由,是因为总有像你一样的人从这里经过,会因为我美丽的花园而心 情愉快!”盲人的花园是他的精神领地,苦心经营以后,他有了比花更美丽的理由。 请结合你的生活实际,以“理由”为话题,写一篇作文。 材料二:


中考英语阅读理解训练 1 We know the mosquito very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them. No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide that she loves you. She? Yes, she. It’s true that male mosquito doesn’t bite(咬) and only the female mosquito bites because she needs blood to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she w ill turn to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are chosen. You’re different from the others! If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without letting you know. She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different. After she bites, you will have an itch(痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. By the time the itching begins, and she has flown away. And then what happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels tired. She just wants to find a place to have a good rest. There, on a leaf or a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs. And then what happens? 1. “Mosquito” means _______ in Chinese. A. 苍蝇 B. 蜻蜓 C. 跳蚤 D. 蚊子 D。“吸血”和“会飞”是mosquitoes的两个主要特征。根据这两个特点,联系生活常识,即可选定答案。另外,读罢全文之后,也能将其余选项予以排除。 2. We know mosquitoes very well because ___________. A. they can be found easily B. they fly here and there C. there are many kinds of them D. they can fly B。“We know the mosquito very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere.”一句是答案的出处。 3. If the mosquito does n’t bite you, it will ________. A. get angry with you B. be afraid of you


中考话题作文如何写_中考作文指导 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 写好话题作文,要注意以下几个问题: 1、生活要深入 其实,生活要深入是写好任何文章的最基本的要求。生活,是写作取之不尽用之不竭的源泉,没有生活,哪来的写作材料?只有深入到生活中去,观察、体验、感悟,才能掌握大量的写作素材,才能从生活中找到为我所用、唯我所有的材料,写好作文,才有可能。命题作文是如此,话题作文也是如此。因此,考生首先要关注现实生活,关注社会热点,贴近现实,贴近生活,使自己的作文内容鲜活。当然,这里也需要多读多思,不断积累,博览课外读物,咀嚼时文英华,注意消化吸收,为我所用,话题作文才能真正有新颖别致的可能。 2、拟题要到位 话题作文大都要考生自拟题目,有的考生贪图省事,直接就把话题当作文章题目。其实,这是极不明智的做法,是万不得已才采取的下策。因为作为“话题”的词语,覆盖面极为宽泛,轻易用这个词语作为作文

题,无疑是给自己增加了下一步立意、选材、布局方面的难度。正确的做法是拟题前认真审读提示语,调动自己的个人阅历、生活积累和对生活的感悟,紧扣话题这个词语,深入思考,在这个词语的前后加上若干个词语进行修饰、限制或补充,恰到好处地拟订出适合自己写作的的文章题目;也可拟订一个字面上和话题这个词语并无关系,而实际上与这个词语有强烈的内在联系的作文题。题目最好要能比较鲜明地透视出文体、立意、选材等尽可能多的信息,以便从多方面制约、帮助自己的写作,同时还可给阅卷者带来愉悦感染。 3、文体要得体 话题作文“文体不限”,指的是不限制用哪一种文体,以便于写有专长的考生选择自己最擅长的文体来写作,并不等于文体的泛化(当然,如果考题能像高考一样,提示“文体自选”效果可能会更好一些)。文体的选择可以随意,但选定后,保持文体自身的规范与和谐却是必要的。有的考生把“文体不限”误以为可以写成不管什么样的文体,结果出现一些记叙文议论化、议论文记叙化、散文杂感化之类的文章,搞成一种文体的大拼盘大杂烩,信笔胡言,非驴非马,客观上影响了内容的表达,这是不可取的;为了标新立异,有的
