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Replies to Enquiries and Offers答复询价和报价

1.We are pleased to learn from your letter of … that you are interested in our …


2.We have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our latest catalogue asked for in your letter of …应贵方。。的来信,我方很高兴附寄一份最新产品目录。

3.We have the items in stock and can deliver as soon as we receive your order.


4.We have received your inquiry of … and wish to make the following offer.


5.The item you requested is presently sold out. Therefore, we can not send you an offer.贵方需要的货物已售完,因此无法给贵方报盘。

6.We will come back to your inquiry as soon as we can make you an attractive offer.一旦可以提供具有吸引力的询盘,将回复贵方的报盘。

7.This is the best offer we can send you.这是我方提供的最好报盘。

8.For this lot we can quote a highly reduced price.对于这批货物,我方的报价可大幅度降低。

9.In spite of rising production costs, our prices have remained stable.尽管生产成本正在上涨,但我们的价格仍然保持稳定。

10.Our prices are binding until …我方报价一直有效至。。

11.We assure you that we will do our best to satisfy you regarding quality.在质量方面我方保证尽力让你满意。

12.We accept orders only for quantities of …and up.我方只接受…以上数量的订单。

13.We are able to execute your order immediately.我方可以立即执行贵方的订单。

14.Packing charges are included in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.报价已包含了包装费,我方可以随时交货。

15.We trust you will find our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.相信贵方会满意我方的报价并期待贵方的订单。

16.As prices are steadily rising (As our stocks of these goods are limited) we would advise you to place your order without delay.


17.The samples which are enclosed with this letter will give you an idea of the excellent quality of our products.随函附寄的样品会让贵方了解我方产品的高质量。

18.We would like to inform you that you will be invoiced for all the samples if they are not returned to us within … days.兹通知贵方,如果全部样品在。。天内,没被寄还,我方将对样品开具发票索取款项。

19.We regret to inform you that we do not have in stock the goods in the desired quality.遗憾地告知对方,您所需质量的商品没现货。

20.We have a large quantity of … on stock.. On orders of more than … we grant a discou nt of … %. Please let us know immediately if you can make use of this offer.


Replies to Offers回复报价

1.We are pleased to find your offer of … fits well into our sales program, and enclose our official or der for the following; …我方很高兴的发现贵方报盘符合我方的销售计划,兹附上我方正式订单如下。

2.We regret having received your offer too late. We have already covered our needs elsewhere.太晚收到贵方的报盘,我方已在其他地方购买了所需物品。

3.Because your prices are higher than those of our previous suppliers, we cannot make use of your offer dated …由于贵方价格高于我方之前的供货商的价格,因此不能接受贵方的报盘。

4.Your minimum order quantities are above our present requirements. Therefore, we cannot accept your offer.贵方最小的订货量超出我方的需求量,因此不能接受该报盘。

5.The quality of the goods offered in your letter of … is not satisfactory. We would like to know if you could supply items of a better quality.贵方xx日来信中提供的货物质量不能令人满意,想知道贵方能否提供更好的品质。

6.If you could reduce the prices for your offer of … by 2%, we would b e willing to accept your offer.如果贵方能将某月某日的报价降低2%,我方很愿意接受。

7.We regularly require large quantities of the item you offered. Please let us know your prices for large orders.我们定期大批量需要你方所报货品。请通知我方大批订货的价格。

8.We would accept your offer of … i f packing charges are included.如果报价包括包装费,我们便接受你方报盘。

9.Your offer suits us. However, we must insist on delivery before end of November.


10. Your payment conditions are not acceptable. We have to insist on payment by L/C.我方无法接受贵方的支付条件,我们坚持坚持信用证付款。

11.We have to point out that the listed payment terms do not correspond to customary business practice.我方不得不指出,所列付款条件不符合贸易惯例。

12. The shipping arrangements in your offer are not acceptable. We can accept your offer only if you adhere to our wishes regarding shipping.你方报价所列装船安排无法接受。只有你方按照我方的意愿安排装运才能接受你方报价。

13. Due to the present price level, we are unable to change the price of our offer.


14. We are sorry not to adjust our offer according to your request.很抱歉我方未能按照贵方要求调整报价。

15. We are sorry not to be able to comply with your request for a lower price, but we are in a position to send you a special offer.



1.The packaging of the article features novel design and diversified styles.


2.The new packaging of the porcelain is in Chinese national style and suitable for display in supermarkets. 该瓷器的新包装风格采用中国的民族风格,非常适合在超市中展卖。

3.Please take necessary precautions that the packing can protect the goods from
