

Part 2 Secretarial writing

Notice of meeting

The different forms of notice of meeting and examples: Notice of meeting on the blackboard or bulletin board:

Notice of meeting in memo:

Notice of meeting of an international symposium

Look at the examples on the book of page 58, compare the differences between the English version and the Chinese version in both layout and contents.

Writing of Minutes of meeting

The heading of minutes:

A meeting is usually of a particular body, e.g. Board of Directors, Department, Finance Committee etc, so the heading should indicate in some way WHAT meeting this is. The heading of minutes is like this: Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on…



--Minutes of meeting held on…

The generic structure of minutes:

The minutes of meeting include:

1 What the meeting was about(heading)

2 When and where the meeting was held(time & place)

3 Who attend the meeting(presiding, present, absent)

4 What happened at the meeting(agenda & activities)

The format of minutes of meeting:

[layout 1]

[layout 2]

Past tense and passive voice in minutes:

Past tense and passive voice are often used in minutes, for example: ◆ The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 1999 were agreed and


◆ The Continuing Education Schemes of Study were discussed and the

following observations were made:

◆ A letter received by Alwyn Roberts from the Welsh Funding Council

was noted.

◆ Staff member were recommended to submit as many orders as possible.

◆ The testing results were examined and found in the conformity to

the specifications stated.

◆ After some discussions, it was decided that…

Reported speech in minutes:

Reported speech is another distinct feature of minutes, it will be used

in the following examples:



observed/ maintained

Sb. Admitted/denied that …

Insisted that…

called attention to…

suggested/proposed/recommend… etc.

Amendments in minutes:

Making amendments is difficult in wording, following are some examples used in making amendments:


should be deleted to read…

…the specific line/word delete as irrelevant/inapplicable

not applicable and should therefore deleted

Memoranda and office memos

Functions of memoranda:

Memoranda are drawn up in legal language and signed by both parties. They make specific information a matter of record. They serve as legal documents that can be referred to and used as the basis for review and action or as a source material. It is a record of joint efforts and negotiations between the two parties concerning the cooperation in manufacturing and selling of a brand product. It has the function as a Letter of Intent, which will serve as the basis for the signing of a format contract.

Functions of memos:

1 Memos record policies, decisions and action items agreed to at a meeting or conference. They provide summaries of meetings for participants as well as for those who are absent.

2 Memos serve as an effective medium of office communication. They provide an easy channel through which the executive and the stall communicate with each other. On the one hand, the executives can inform staff of policies, procedures, and actions. On the other hand, staff can report to the superior, to make proposals or to ask for comments, approval and instructions. Staff member may also use the memo to brief each other on new developments or to make comments or requests. Communicating through memos saves time and avoids lengthy conversations.

3 Memos may also be sent to individuals both inside or outside the institution to confirm the understandings reached after a telephone conversation or an interview, especially when the matter concerned is


The format of memos:

Writing practice:

Write a short memo for the following purpose.

to call a meeting of your staff

to warn employees that they will be penalized for negligence of fire precaution measures

to recommend a raise in salary for an employee

to announce the retirement of 2 long-term employees

to request suggestions from employees for improving the quality of production

Classification of business reports:

Informal & analytic

An informal report contains facts. It presents a situation as it is, not as it should be. The writer does not include his own opinions, nor does he offer his conclusions or recommendation.

An analytic report contains not only facts but also analysis of the facts and the writer’s conclusions or recommendations. The analytic report is frequently the basis for an important company decision. Thus the writer shoulders great responsibility. An analytic report might call for the writer’s recommendations on how a new product could be successful marketed, on how a company’s assembly line could be speed up, or how a specific aspect or management could be improved. Informal & formal

A formal report, is often organized according to a standard format, such as having a title page, an introduction, a section of detailed discussions.

A formal report is often accompanied by a covering letter, which serves to transmit the report from the writer to the reader. It consists of a short message, almost perfunctory in nature.

The organizational pattern of business reports:

A typical business report is made up of three parts:

Introduction: stating briefly the purpose of writing and/or the

circumstances under which the report has been


Discussion: exploring relevant issues, such as presenting

facts, analyzing statistics and data, and

discussing implications.

Conclusion: summarizing the result of the discussion and making


Business report in contrast with memos:

A memo is a short, covering one specific item—giving instructions, Making requests…etc.

A report, generally covers broader topics, such as plans for a new product or a study of a problem like declining sales…etc. They are different in genres and have different structure.

Business report in contrast with science/ research reports:

The form and content of a research report:


◆ABSTRACT (vary from 200to 500 words, including a statement of the

purpose of the project, methods and procedures used and principle findings and conclusions)

◆INTRODUCTION( a review of other people’s findings, which will

explain your motives for undertaking the project)

◆SCOPE OF RESEARCH(which should be clearly stated and defined, whether

you are searching for or testing hypotheses, suggesting a theory, or merely reporting some observations made under clearly specific conditions.

◆METHOD AND PROCEDURES( a detailed description of the methods or

analytical frame work, the steps of research, as well as the equipment and conditions or any other factors which could effect the outcome of research)

◆FIDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS(numerical data and other statistics,

usually presented in the form of tables)


◆CONCLUSIONS(such as re-examining the hypothesis, to be rejected if

the data show it to be wrong; or to be accepted if supported by the research.)

◆IMPLICATIONS(a discussion of how your research may provide a better

understanding of a board are of science)

Writing practice

Based on your own experience write a report.

Layout of an itinerary:

Verbs forms in itineraries:

Details of planned activities in an itinerary are rarely given in full sentences; usually they are presented in verbs phrases. For example: Leave Beijing International Airport for San Francisco

Arrive at San Francisco International Airport

Met by Mr. T. Keith and Miss Louis Lowes and transferred to Holiday Inn Dinner at hotel

Meeting with Mr. Antonio…

Essential quality in writing itineraries:

In preparing an itinerary, you need to find out information about: a)Details of each departure, arrival, and intermediate stops,

including exact time, date and places

b)Dates and detailed schedules of talks/meetings, appointments,

functions or events if they are included in the programme.

c)Special interests of the individual/delegation, such as places to

see, or other requests.

The most important quality for an itinerary is ACCURACY, which means that all details are accurate and clear, to ensure this, you should: a)Be sure to indicate clearly the DATE and TIME of each departure and

arrival. Use the 24-hour clock for time and avoid confusion. Provide

a note as to whether the time is local time or not.

b)Name the airport or station for each departure/arrival, especially

when there is more than one in the city.

c)Indicate the type of transport used. Give the name of the airline

and flight number in air travel. Give train number if rail transport is used.

d)Give details of the hotel if service is provided, including detailed

address, telephone number, room category and number as well as information about catering service.

e)In listing planned activities, check every detail and language

expression to make sure that no confusion will arise.

Writing practice:

Write an itinerary according to the following items:










Layout of different kinds of notes: Telephone slip:

Visitor slip:

Message slip:

Mechanics of note writing:

a)Notes are simpler in form as compared with letters. You don’t have

to use “dear” at the beginning, but you may do.

b)The date of a note is made quite clear. It may be written in

abbreviation with or without the year. It may be written in numbers,

though possible confusions may arise as 04/02/02 means something

different to the British and the American.

c)It is not necessary to include the complimentary closing, such as

“sincerely”“faithfully”at the end, but you must put your name on the note.

Stylistic features of note writing:

a)Most notes are informal in language and colloquial in tone. It is

not always necessary to use “complete” sentences when writing notes, although there are no rules about this.

b)When writing to someone of higher social status or when the relation

between the addresser and addressee suggests distance, the style may become formal.

Organization of different publicity materials:

a)company profiles

General information about S.C.

(i.e. an international bank headquartered in UK)

Introducing the bank’s scope of business

consumer banking

wholesale banking

Advertising the bank’s image & strength

Strong presence in market

Commitments to customers

Management ideal

School prospectus:

Headings of school prospectus:

Profiles( a brief history, location, size, programmes…)

Facilities ( for study, teaching & research)

Accommodation & welfare

Additional information(sport, recreation and social programmes) Contact details

Some schools may create separate sections following the headings of: History


Academic curriculum

Course fees

English language support

Achievements/ key strength

Quality indicators

City surveys

Descriptions of a city usually concentrate on:


Size and physical background



Introduction of a city for advertising purposes may also include the city’s

Economic foundation

Developments in foreign trade

Economic indicators

Other special strengths and / or features

Useful expressions and structures:




X is located /situated

X stands


应用文写作范文精选 感谢信范文: To Whom It May Concern, As a student of this university, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning the quality of the library service. In the first place, I find that most keyboards of the library computers are in poor operation, which brings much inconvenience to the users. I would also recommend the library to improve the efficiency of purchasing new books and subscribing to academic journals. Last but not least, the study rooms need to be furnished with a better lighting system. I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration. Y ours sincerely, Li Ming 申请信范文1: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of business manager you advertised in yesterday’s China Daily. T o briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of Peking University majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this June.Not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses, I also possess the rich experience of assisting management staff of several renowned international companies, such as KPMG and Microsoft. My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post.For further information, please refer to my attached resume. I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Y ours sincerely, Li Ming 申请信范文2: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my great interest in the “Olympic V olunteer Recruitment”launched recently by the Beijing Olympic Committee, and I would like to apply as a qualified candidate. As I am an English major, my fluency in both Mandarin and English, as well as my basic command of French, guarantees that I meet the language requirement for the various volunteer positions. More importantly, I have been an enthusiastic participant in many international exchange programs—which are reflected in my attached resume—and therefore, I believe my communication skills make me competent for such a post. Should you grant me an interview, I would be most grateful. Y ours truly Li Ming 求职信范文: Dear Mr. Wang, I am a computer science major from Peking University, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job. The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship.Please find more details in my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. Y ours sincerely, Li Ming


高考英语应用文写作指导----- 通知②应包括以上要点,但不要逐字翻译,要组织成一篇通顺连贯的短 文。 【试题回放】 ③开头语已为你写好。 May I have your attention, please I have 你校学生会将为来访的美国朋友举办一个晚会,要在学校广播中宣布 an announcement to make. 此事,并欢迎大家参加。为使美国朋友听懂,请你用英语写一篇广播通 知。要点如下:生词:交换礼品—— to exchange gifts 宗旨:欢迎来访的美国朋友学生会—— the Student Union 组织者:学生会________________________________________ 时间: 8 月 15 日( 星期六 ) 晚 7:30分析指导 地点:主楼屋顶花园文体信息 活动内容:音乐、跳舞、唱歌、游戏、交换小礼品(请包装好、签题目要求用英语写一篇广播通知。通知属于应用文,它是一种安排活名并在包装外面写上几个祝愿词)动或布置工作时使用的文体,包括口头通知和书面通知。口头通知是当 面向有关人员口授有关活动的信息,而书面通知是以布告的形式把事情 注意: 通知给有关人员。该作文为口头通知。 ①广播稿约 100 词。 写作关键

从人称上来看,一般通知内容主要用第三人称,通知人为了引起他 人注意的开头语可用第一人称,有时也用祈使句。通知一般使用一般将来 时和一般现在时。通知的要素是时间、地点、对象、事件具体内容、注意 事项等。通知的语言应该是简洁明了,直截了当。还应该注意要有一定的 逻辑顺序。 谋篇布局 根据通知的内容以及写作要求来看本篇文章要包括以下三个部分: 一、称语及开头语口头通知往往要有呼语,如Boys and girls,Ladies and gentlemen,等。口头通知开始往往要用上“Attention,please !”;“ May I have your attention,please”;“Be quiet,please ”,其后加上 I have an announcement to make. 二、正文通知正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。该通知中正文应包括: 1. 为欢迎来访的美国朋友举办晚会; 2. 由学生会组织; 3. 于 8 月 15 日,星期六,晚 7:30 举行;4. 在主楼屋顶花园; 5. 将跳舞、唱歌、听音乐、做游戏; 6. 交换小礼品 , 礼品需包装、签名并写有祝愿词。 三、结束语。结束语前常用“Please attend it on time ”;“Do be present on time ”;“Everyone is /All are welcome /expected ”,“Don’t be late ”之类的句子。结束时可加上“ That ’s all ”,“Thank you! ”之类的客套话。 注意:一般书面通知还应加上以下内容:①标题通知的正上方通常要有一个标题。书面通知多用Notice或NOTICE,有时口头通知也可用Announcement。②落款书面通知要落款,写出发出通知的人或单位名 称。落款一般写在通知的右下角。③日期口头通知因是现场发布,不 需要日期,但书面通知要写日期。布告式通知的日期一般写在最后一行, 即左下角,要低于落款;有时书信式通知的日期可写在右上角。 写作提示 可以先在草纸上起草,用自己最有把握的句型、单词、短语去表达, 要尝试最简单的复杂句,如用定语从句、宾语从句等,但句式不易过于 复杂,要用一些恰当的连词,使句与句之间、段与段之间过渡自然。作 文写完后,最后要进行检查。重点放在要点写全了吗时态、语态、动词 的数、单词拼写对了吗标点符号、大小写用对了吗检查完后再抄写在试


大学英语B级考试应用文写作 (一)通知: (1)Sb. are requested/ required to do sth. (have a meeting/ attend a lecture) in/ at sp. (in the meeting room) on next Friday, October 15, at 10p.m. to do sth (to discuss the English teaching method) (2)There will be sth. (a meeting of …/a lecture by sb.) in / at sp. At 9:00 a.m. on Monday, June 8, 2010. The subject of sth. (the meeting / lecture) is… (3)All the people / Everyone must attend it. (4)It is hoped that all the people / everyone will attend it. / No absence is allowed. (二)电话留言: Sb. has just rung up, saying that…

Please wait for him in your office or you can ring him back if the time doesn’t suit./ isn’t suitable. His phone number is 1234567. You can calll him at 1234567. (三)请假条: It seems that I have got a headache / I have caught a bad cold. I hope I can have two days / two weeks off. I am looking forward to your kind answer. / Thank you in advance for your consideration. I appreciate your understanding.


2020年高考英语应用文写作模板 一、邀请信 【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。 1. I’m Wang Ming from YuWen School,the president of the Student Union. 我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。 2. An English speaking contest of our school will be held on August 6. 我们学校有一场英语演讲比赛将在8月6号举行。 3. There will be a party in my garden on Sunday. 周日,在我的花园里会举行一场聚会。 4. I’d like to invite you to judge it. 我想邀请你做它的裁判。 5. I’m writing to invite you to... 我写信是邀请你...... 6. I wonder if you can come to... 我想知道你是否能来...... 7. We sincerely hope you can attend it. 我们真诚希望你能够参加。 8. It’s my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to... 我很荣幸的邀请你......

9. It’s a pity that you have to go back to America soon. So a farewell party for you will be held in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come at 6:00 pm? 很遗憾你不久就要回美国了。所以,这周六,在阳光俱乐部我们会为你举行一个欢送会。下午六点你能来吗? 【篇中句】介绍活动具体内容,并说明受邀人参加理由。 1. It will begin at 2:00 pm and last two hours, during which time 15 well-prepared contestants will deliver their speeches. 它将于下午两点钟开始,四点钟结束,在此期间将会有十五位准备充分的参赛者发表演讲。 2. We will start at 8:00 am and arrive there at 9:00. 我们将会在上午八点出发,九点到达那里。 3. During the afternoon, we’ll...together. 下午,我们会一起...... 4. Remember to take water and lunch with you. 记得带上水和午餐。 5. By the way, you may take Bus No. 322 in front of your apartment and it will take you directly to the club. 顺便说一下,你可以乘坐你家公寓前的322路公交车,它会直接把你带到俱乐部。 6. I know you are a native speaker of English and an English teacher, and I, on behalf of our school, sincerely invite you to be part of the contest.


英语应用文写作 1. Practical English Writing 1.1 Email writing ?Y ou email address should represent your identity in a way. ?According to its subject and recipient it may concern, email can be written in a formal or an informal way. ?Subject should not be blank and irrelevant to the body. ?Some abbreviations are often used in email, such as BTW: by the way; CU: see you; F AQs: frequently asked questions; HTH: hope this helps 1.2 Invitations 2. Differences between Chinese and English Writings ●Many differences between Chinese and English are rooted in the differences btw two cultures. The writing of different cultures will reflect the differences in thought patterns used by those cultures. ●Great differences in diction, syntax & discourse organization Improve the following sentences: 1)Every country, big or small, has its unique culture. 2)Don’t have a bad repairman fix your TV set; he may destroy it. 3)The state government has tried its best to improve the living standard of the people. 4)The trade relations between the two nations have much increased in recent years. 5)Although he has worked hard at English for 8 years, there are also many difficulties in his English study. 6)There may be other problems need to be solved. 7)The teacher told us don’t be disappointed. 8)While studying English, my mind often wanders. 9)W e also need to read books which about the English grammar. 10)They arrived at the station, find the train left. KEY: 1)country/nation 2)destroy/damage 3)improve/raise 4)increase/improve 5)also/still 6)...problems (which need )to be solved 7)...told us not to...


全国卷适用的英语应用文写作技巧! 想要写好应用文?那就让我们先来了解一下英语应用文的定义:关于应用文的概念,学界尚并无统一严格的定义。 但有些要点是明确的: 1.写作目的明确(应用文是为实现特定目的服务的,因此其写作动因与目的十分明确。 2.格式体例稳定(大多数应用文已经形成了稳定的通用格式和体例,这体现了其规范性和严肃性,撰写者在拟文时必须遵守格式体例的要求。) 3.时间要素明确(应用文其所针对的事务一般是在一定时期内存在的,因此执行时间、有效期和成文日期等时间要素非常明确。) 高中英语应用文常见类型: 「书信」「通知」「通告」「邮件」等 书信类应用文常见类型: 「申请信」「邀请信」「投诉信」「感谢信」 「建议信」「祝贺信」「推荐信」「道歉信」等 应用文类书信写作几个忌: 1、太多铺垫,不直奔主题; 2、侃侃而谈,过分烦琐; 3、定位不准,语气不对; 4、定位不准,用词不对。 应用文类书信写作注意几点: 1、文章既要简洁,还须要点齐全; 2、句式丰富得体,语气不亢不卑; 3、合理使用衔接词,使逻辑严密、行文流畅; 4、不忘书信基本格式,开头或结尾的礼貌用语必须有。 应用文书信常见格式: 1.称谓(Salutation): Dear Professor/Madam/Mr. Smith,,收信对像若是女士又不知是否已婚用Dear Ms比较安全。如果不知道收信人性别以及如何称呼,通常就用Dear Sir/Dear Sir

or Madam.较合适。 2.信件主体部分(body): 第一段:引入/说明写信原委;或叙前谊; 第二段:此段为信的主体,提出有关建议,劝说,说明,申请,投诉,介绍;商榷/讨论;描绘/叙述;致谢,致歉等等. 第三段:此段表达愿望/希冀,进一步要求,祝愿 3.结束语: I look forward to hearing from you./Best wishes to you and your family/Please accept our thanks in advance, 4. 礼貌落款(Complimentary close): yours truly/Sincerely yours(可放在信的最右或最左边,也有选择放中间,都是可行的)(关系教密切的yours 放后,关系较远的yours放前) 5.签名(Signature) 佳文赏析: Dear Sir: I m writing to you in the hope of obtaining a one-year grants to do some research work in your department. I am an associate professor in the Department of History in the Central university for Nationalities. In addition to research work, I also offer courses in ethnology and sociology. Recently I have finished a book on the history of Jews in China, which is to be published by the New World Press in the coming year. Enclosed please find three letters of recommendation and my resume. Thank you for your time and consideration. I took forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, Lo Liguo


英语应用文写作范文 英语应用文写作范文 英语应用文写作范文一、投诉信参考范文Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Acmodation Officer at the college and: 1) ask for a new room next term, 2)you would prefer a single room, 3) explain your reasons. Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”instead.Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding acmodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy


, 应用文写作 基本要求: 1.明确应用文写作的功能性——流畅性、逻辑性首位,难词难句一两个点睛即可 2.应用文必要的结构(套话) 3.审题:注意材料的特殊性(例:故宫…) 4.细节相关度relevant details 5.着重体现中国文化的部分 ?letters of complaint A.] B.Opening Introducing the topic 1.I am writing to place a complaint against the service of your company, concerning C.Body describing the problem- Strong adjectives: shocked, disgusted, disappointed, dissatisfied. 1. out of your words on 2.Obviously, the product fails to keep the promise in the advertisement, which disappoints me a lot. D.Body 。 what you want-a full / partial refund/compensation;a replacement;an apology 1.I’d appreciate it very much if you refund the money I’ve paid or exchange it for a new one. 2.so I require not only a formal apology but also 3.If my demand is not accepted and put into practice, I will take active steps to make sure the Consumers' Association hear about it. E.Endings 1.I look forward to your swift reply. 2.I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. 3.I look forward to hearing from you without delay. 4.| 5.I very much hope to hear from you shortly 6.I await your prompt reply ?letters of request A.Opening Give a brief self-introduction State the purpose of writing (What kind of request) 1.I am writing to formally request to do… 2.[


英语应用文 1.个人简介的写法 1)时态:用一般现在时,如果表示意愿,也可以用一般将来时。 2)内容要求:要写出姓名、年龄、所在学校班级和个人爱好等。若需要,还要写出自我介绍的目的和愿望等。 3)格式: 第一:在第一行左侧顶格写“月日,年” 第二:在第二行左侧顶格写“Dear…,” 第三:在第三行空3个字母格写正文,为一段。 第四:在紧挨着正文下方左侧空3个字母格“Best Wishes” 第五:在正文的右下方上下并列写:Your truthly\Faithfully, 人名 4)正文的写法: 第一句话:用一句话承递下文。 Eg:I read your ad in the newspaper yesterday. 第二句话:先写表示意愿的用语 Eg: (1) I`m writing to tell you that I`d like to work as a …. (2) I want to take part in …. (3) I hop e I can join…. (4) I am eager to be …. 第三句话:写开头词 Eg: (1) Hello, everyone. I `d like to introduce myself to you. (2) Glad to meet you, everyone. (3) My name is… (4) I`m very happy that I can introduce myself to all of you . (5) First, I`m very happy to meet all of you here, It`s really my pleasure. (6) Hello, welcome to our school. 第四句话:写一些描写特长的词语。 Eg: (1) Ilove sports, and table tennis is my favorite. (2) I can speak English very well and I am quite heathy (3) I enjoy swimming and often listen to pop music (4) I`m good at not only singing but also dancing (5) I have an ability to communicate with others (6) My favorite color\sport\subject is… 第五句话:写表示决心的语言 Eg: (1) I believe I can do it well if I have the chance. (2) If I am lucky enough to be a member of you, I will try my best ti do


大学英语应用文写作教学中的几点总结 应用文写作是英语语言在各种实际社会生活中的写作运用, 实用英语种类繁多,用途各异,篇幅有长有短,内容既有严肃而正式的各种证明材料、证书,也有各种日常生活中常用的自传简历,卡片英语,书信,日记以及论文写作知识等。教学过程中既涉及到语言知识,也涵盖了社会和文化知识。 1. 应用文写作原则 实用英语写作和普通英语写作一样,要求表达清晰而完整的思想,而不同于造句、改错、单句翻译。因此,仅仅具备一般语言知识还是不够的,实用英语写作除了掌握语言知识外,还要注意思想内容、题材选择、逻辑条理、书写格式等方面的知识。 在语言方面,应当在原有基础上提高思想表述的准确性、生动鲜明性以及趣味性;在思想内容方面努力做到言之有物、观点清楚、条理分明。要注意大量地进行摹拟练习。必须牢记某些固定短语,更要熟练掌握缩略语。 实用英语写作要求写作者严肃认真,一丝不苟,从遣词造句到谋篇布局,都应当仔细琢磨,反复推敲。要写好英语应用文,首先要有扎实的语言基本功、包括掌握常用词汇和基本语法;其次要多读英语应用文典范文章。如果说英语口语的提高取决于听力,那么英语应用文写作能力的提高则取决于阅读能力。写作者要大量阅读,并把听与说,读与写有机结合在一起。某些常用客套语、固定词组、常用缩略语要背诵、烂熟于心。对英语电报、电传的参考用语 也要死记硬背。最后,掌握实用英语写作的基本方法,是按固定格式模仿练习,相应改变人名、地名、日期、单位等。可以说,这是应用文写作的捷径。英语实用写作的大忌是先写中文,然后逐字译成英文。这样写出的文章必定十分生硬。实用英语文章的写作,应当用英文进行思考,用英语进行构思、排列、设计段落。尤其不应生造不合英语习惯的句子。这样做,自以为得计,其实效果适得其反。在实际交往中,西方人与中国人有不少差异,实用英语写作的作者要更有效地了解中西方文化背景。比如中国人一般不当着客人的面打开礼品,而是等客人走后才拆开礼品,西方人则当着客人的面打开礼品并赞不绝口,使客人高兴。中国人在邀请赴宴的请柬上写个“谢”字,人家就知道你不来,这叫“谢绝”。如果在请柬上写上“忝陪末座”,人家就会恭候大驾。这与西方人不同。西方人要专门回信,表示接受或婉拒。现代中国人一般不发回贴。以上是英语实用写作中的基本指导原则。这些基本原则是十分重要的,但在具体写作过程中,写作者还应当注意以下一些问题,即了解并掌握英语应用文写作的一些要求与步骤。 2.应用文写作过程中学生易犯的错误及对策 问题一:许多学生在学习中并没有对应用文的格式引起足够的重视,或由于缺乏平时的训练,写出来的作文往往格式混乱,不符合英文习惯。例如把日期写在信函的右下角,并按照汉语习惯写成年,月,日的格式;把称呼直接写成了单位名称;写地址时总是按照汉语习惯由大到小排列等。在平时作文练习中还发现许多学生存在着字迹潦草,书面凌乱,乱涂乱改,不注意字母的大小写及标点符号乱用等不良习惯。


一、申请信 (2012年高考英语全国卷I)假定你是李华,从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡(Singapore)举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。内容主要包括:1.自我介绍(包括英语能力);2.参加意图(介绍中国、了解其他国家);3.希望获准. DearSirorMadam, MynameisLiHua,amiddleschoolstudentfromChina.I’velearnedonthe Internettha tyoursummercamp,whichisgoingtobeheldinSingapore,isroundthecorner.Iamreal lyinterestedinit. I,whoamactiveandenjoyvariousactivities,hopetotakepartinitverymuch.Iknowt heabilityofcommunicationisofgreatimportanceandIcanspeakEnglishquitefluen tly.Inaddition,inyourcamp,therearesomanystudentsfromdifferentcountries.T herefore,Icancommunicatewiththestudentsfromdifferentpartsoftheworld.Noto nlycanIintroduceChinatothem,butIcanknowmoreabouttheircountriesaswell. I’mlookingforwardtoyourreply.Regards, LiHua Usefulstructure: 1.Iamwritingtoyouinthisletter toshowmykeeninterestinthepostof……whic hyouadvertisediny esterday’sChinaDaily.(我写信想表达我对你们在昨日中国日报上刊登广告中所说职位的浓厚兴趣) 2.Inreplytoyouradvertisementin……,Ibegtoapplyforthepostof……inyour company.(我看到你在…的广告,我想申请你公司的…职位。) 3.Iwouldliketoapplyforthepositionof……(我想申请……) 4.Iwouldliketoapplyforthescholarship(奖学 金)thatyourschoolmaybeoffering. 5.Iamverygladtoavailmyselfofthechancetorecommendmyselftoyou.Mynameis …….I’mstudyingin……,majoringin……(非常荣幸利用这个机会向你推荐我自己.我叫….在…读书,专业是….) 6.I’mconfidentthatmyprofessionalknowledgehaspreparedmetohandlethejob . (我相信我的专业知识能让我胜任这份工作) 7.Thekindofworkinwhichyourcompanyisengagedparticularlyinterestedme. (贵公司目前从事的这种工作特别让我感兴趣) 8.Itseemstomethatthisexperience,togetherwithmyeducation,hasgivenmei dealpreparationtoassumetheroleof……inafirmsuchasyours. (对我来说,这些经验加上我的学历,使我具备了担任贵公司……一职的条件) 9.Iamavailableforaninterviewatanytime.(随时恭候面试)


高纲1406 江苏省高等教育自学考试大纲 30460 英语应用文写作 南京师范大学编江苏省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室

Ⅰ课程性质与课程目标 一、课程性质和特点 《英语应用文写作》课程是我省高等教育自学考试英语专业本科段的一门重要的专业必修课程,其任务是帮助英语专业的自学应考者学习和掌握与涉外职业特别是商务活动相关的英语应用文及商务贸易写作,了解商务应用文写作的基本要求和方法,培养学生掌握英语应用文写作的基础知识,商务英语书信的基本格式和写作技能,了解主要的英语商务应用文写作类型,提高商务英语书面表达能力,为毕业后成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者打下良好的基础。 《英语应用文写作》课程介绍了以书信为主的英语应用文的结构和特点,提供各类应用文的常用句型与表达方式,并通过实例说明每种写作原则与注意事项,帮助学生学习多种商务信函的写作,包括建立商业关系、询价、投诉及理赔、推销信、致谢信、邀请信、求职信、个人简历、便函、会议记录、报告等。课程还通过丰富的练习,帮助学生全面提高英语应用文写作能力与英语语言沟通技巧。 二、课程目标(评价目标) 通过英语应用文写作课程的学习,学生能够熟练使用基本的应用文写作方法和技巧,能独立撰写意思清晰,用词恰当,条理清楚、符合国际标准的各类英语应用文。 英语应用文写作课程设置的目标是使得考生能够: 1、熟悉并学会使用英语应用文常用词汇和语句; 2、了解并熟悉国际标准的英语应用文,特别是商业书信和其它文件格式和通行 规范; 3、掌握在涉外商务和其它国际交往中必备的书面表达技能技巧; 4、拓宽有关涉外业务的文化知识与英语语言知识。 三、与相关课程的联系与区别 本课程可以帮助学生掌握英语应用文写作的要求以及常用表达文本格式,辨别英语应用文在语言文体上的特点,从而更好地掌握英语语言。英语应用文写


英语应用文写作之通知 通知(Notice) 通知有两种,一种是书信方式,寄出或发送,通知有关人员;另一种是布告形式,张贴通知。究竟采用哪种形式,视实际需要而定。如通知的对象为集中的较大范围的人员,例如学生、教师、会员以及读者、观众等,宜采用布告的形式。这里所讲的“通知”正是这一种。 这种通知一般在上方居中处写上“Notice” 或“NOTICE”一词作为标志,正文的下面靠右下角写出通知的单位名称或人名。但也可放在正文上面。有时出通知的单位名称用在本文的开头,这样就不需要另外注明。出通知的日期写在正文的左下角。如有单位负责人署名,可写在右下角。出通知的单位以及被通知的对象一般都用第三人称。如果正文前用了称呼用语,则用第二人称表示通知对象。 举办报告会(Notice About A Report Meeting) Notice All Are Welcome Under the Auspices1 of 1 the Foreign Language Department a report will be given on impression of visiting America by Prof. Wang Yi in the Room 501 of the Department on Wednesday, October 15, 2005, at 2:00 p.m. The Department Office October 12, 2005 注:1. under the auspices of…, 由…主持(或主办)(新P.73) [译文] 通知 外语系主办报告会 主讲人:王义教授 题目:访美观感 地点:外语系501教室 时间: 2005年10月15日星期三下午2:00 欢迎大家届时参加 系办公室 2005年10月12日 2. 召开会议(Meeting Notice) The University Commission of Academic Research NOTICE All the members of the University Commission of Academic Research are requested to meet in the University conference room on Monday, April 6 at 3:00 p.m. to discuss questions of inter-collegiate academic exchanges. April 3, 2005 [译文] 通知 兹订于四月六日(星期一)下午三点在校会议室召开校学术委员会全体委员会议,讨论校际学术交流问题,请准时出席。 校学术委员会
