


Even if every road led to Rome, when our mind is indecisive, constantly wander

ing, and unable to concentrate, we will never make it to our d estination.


Be mindful, not worried or perturbed.


A confused mind suffers agony; An enlightened mind feels at e ase.


A kind heart enjoys heavenly bliss; An evil mind experiences h ell.


If our view is incorrect, our actions will not be right; If our thi nking is bi

ased, everything we do will be wrong.

人的观念不正,就不能正业;观念如果偏差,所做的事也会错误。Learn to remain undisturbed in the tumult of people and event

s. Remain at pea

ce inside yourself even when busy and occupied.



True liberation is realized through unselfish giving for the bene fit of mankin

d. It is also realized through the challenges of relationships wit h other.


A wise person is able to let go. To let go is actually to receive, to receive

boundless happiness.

有智慧的人能舍,能「舍」就能「得」,得到无限的快乐。Wisdom is cultivated in the interplay of people and events. To escape from re

ality, to keep away from people and events, provides no mean

s to nurture wisdo



Often when a person is too smart, they will overanalyze things and contradicti

ons appear, hence, they become anxiously entrenched.

人都是因为太聪明了,分别的事多,矛盾也多,才会执着想不开。People, events and things are all living sutras that cultivate wis dom and disc

ipline the mind to remain undisturbed in the face of phenomen on.



Equanimity nurtures wisdom. When we concentrate wholehearte dly on the task at

hand and perceive the truth behind shifting phenomenon, wisd om will naturally


智慧由定而生,若能心专念一,从事入理,即能产生智慧。Spiritual cultivation cannot be found in the realm of words and writings. app

ly the lessons of daily encounters with people and events to y our practice, an

d gather th

e strength o

f equanimity. This equanimity will cultiv ate wisdom.


With wisdom, we can discern good from evil, right from wrong; With humility, w

e will have a happy life.有智慧才能分辨善恶邪正;能谦虚则能建立美满人生。

Compete only for good. Race against time, fight for every seco nd.



People often feel upset because they take careless remarks too seriously.

有些人常常起煩惱─因為別人一句無心的話,他卻有意的接受。Giving with an expectation for return brings misery.


Greed not only brings misery, it may also bring ruin.


Suffering is caused by endless desire, the desire that creates b ad karma.


Worry is a poisonous snake that sleeps in the mind; the mom ent you disturb it,

the snake will bite you.


All worries in life flow from three poisons: greed, malice and i gnorance.
