

Lesson 1

Hello,Kate! Nice to see you again. Hi,Gao Wei! Glad to see you again.

Let’s go to school. OK. Let’s go! Lesson2

Hello, Yang Ming,I have a new water bottle.

Cool! Iook. I have a new storybook.

Oh ,good! Can I see it ? Sure. Here you are.

Lesson 3

Look at my new pencil-box! Wow, how nice! What’s in it? Look!

Oh ,markers and crayons!

Lesson 4

Guess ! what’s in my bag? Books?

Yes .look, a Chinese book. And an English book.


What’s on the desk? A Chinese book.

What’s on the cha ir? An Engilsh book.

What ‘s in my bag? What’s in the pencil -box?

Show me your marker. Show me your crayon. Touch your desk. Touch your chair.

Lesson 7

I have a new pencil! Really? What colour is it? Look! Red and blue. Oh ,How nice!

I have a new ruler. What colour is it? Guess ! Red? No!

Look! It is blue. Oh ,How nice!

Lesson 8

Hi,Gao Wei. I have a new bus. Really? What colour is it? Guess ! Red? No! Blue? No!

Green, No, no, no! Yellow? Yes!

Lesson 9


I have a big ballon.

Wow! Cool!

Look! Red, yellow, blue…Green, purple, and brown.

Show me a red pencil.

Show me a blue pen.

Show me a brown bag.

Show me a yellow sharpener. Show me a purple eraser.

Show me a green ruler.

Lesson 10

Hi! Lisa, Let’s draw a panda. Great !

Colour it black and white.


Lesson 11

Let’s draw a kite.


Colour it pink, orange and grey. All right.

Let’s fly it.

Great !Lesson 12

I have a boat. What colour is it?

Guess !

Blue !

Red !

No! I t’s yellow.

This is my kite,

What colour is it? Guess !

Red and orange.

No! I t’s green ,purple and white.

I t’s a pink bag .

Really ? Yes Sure.

I have a bag. What colour is it?

Guess !

Black and white.

I t’s pink.


Wow! Super !

Lesson 13

I like hamburgers.

I like hot dogs.

Me too.

Lesson 14

Hi! Kate, Here’s a cake for you! Happy birthday !

Oh, thank you!

Lesson 15

Have an apple.

No, thanks, I like pears.

Thank you.

OK. Here you are.

Lesson 16

Mum, can I have some juice, please? Yes. Here you are.

Thank you, Mum.

That’s OK.

Lesson 17

Rice, please.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Lesson 18

Hi, I’m Big Bob. I like hamburgers, hot

dogs ,coke…

Bob. here’s some chicken for you. Thank you.

Can I have some water?

Here you are.

Thanks.Here’s a Coke for you.

Thank you.

Have some apples.


Any more?

No, no, no. Thanks.

Lesson 19

Hello, I’m Li Yan. I’m in Class One.

Hi, my name is Ann. I’m in Class Two.

Glad to meet you.

Nice to meet you.


Hello, I’m Mike. What’s your name?

My name is Liu Yu.

I’m in Class Four, Grade One. What about you?

I’m in Class Five, Grade One.


Good morning. What’s your name? My name is Gao Wei.

I’m seven.


Mum, what time is it?

I t’s nine o’clock.

Oh ! I t’s nine o’clock.

Good night.

Good night, Mum


Excuse me, Miss Liu, what time is it?

I t’s twelve o’clock.

Oh , I t’s twelve o’clock! Thank you.

Goodbye! Bye-bye!


Unit 1 Hello 教学目标与要求: 1、能听懂,会说Hello./ Hi. Goodbye./ Bye-bye. I’m… What’s your name? My name’s … 并能够在实际情景中进行运用。 2、能够听说,从读crayon, pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, pencil-case, book, sharpener, bag, school., 并能用英语介绍文具。 3、能听懂所接触的指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。 A 部分 第一课时 一、教学内容与分析 1、Let’s talk 本部分主要是会话学习。通过见面打招呼,自我介绍以及道别等情景,让学生在模仿、学习、表演的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用的目的。2、Let’s play 本部分让学生在游戏活动中熟练动用所学问候语及自我介绍用语。 二、课前准备 1、将都是用书后所附的本套教材主要人物的图片复印或剪下,涂色后制成头饰。 2、为班上学生准备出男女生常用的英文名字。 3、为Let’s paly中的游戏准备相应的道具。 三、教学步骤 1、热身(Warm-up) 不妨请学生说说他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语词汇或日常用语。同时可利用本教科书开头的蝴蝶页Welcome to English彩图中呈现的我们生活中学

生已经会说或较熟知的词汇如TV,CD,VCD,DVD,OK!Hi! Yeah! Bye! Cool! Wow! E-mail, cartoon等等来激发学生想学英语的兴趣和愿望。 2、新课展示(Presentation) 教师播放本课的歌曲“Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。 T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss? Mr…. (1)、通过教师的自我介绍自然引出Hello, I’m… /HI, I’m… (2)、教师可戴上Sarah的头饰介绍Hello! I’m Sarah. 并用同样方式介绍其他人物。 (3)、让学生到讲台上来,戴上Sarah, Chen Jie, Mike的头饰说:Hello! I’m…(4)、教师戴上Wu Yifan的头饰说Hi! I’m Wu Yifan. 并与戴Sarah头饰的学生相互问好,并有意在分手时说Goodbye. (5)、听录音来展示Let’s talk部分的教学内容。 3、趣味操练(Practice) (1)、请戴着Wu Yifan, Chen Jie, Sarah, Mike头饰的学生站在讲台前,另选一同学用眼罩蒙住眼睛,让Sarah等四位同学中的一个说Hello, 让蒙住眼睛的同学猜。如果猜中,要说Yes, I’m…如果猜错,要说No, I’m… 猜对得一分。 (2)、表演A部分对话,教师应指导学生注意语音,语调,特别是I’m 的发音,应为/aim/ 不能读成/em/. (3)、玩Let’s play中的游戏“击鼓传花”。 4、课堂评价(Assessment) 做活动手册第一单元的第1部分练习。 5、课外活动(Add-activities) (1)听录音,仿读会话,并在实际情景中运用所学内容。

新世纪小学英语3A教案 Unit 1 Now we are in P3

新世纪小学英语3A教案 Unit 1 Now we are in P3 新世纪小学英语3A 新世纪小学英语》(NewwelcometoEnglish)这套教材图文并茂,选材幽默,趣味性强,有利于激发和保持学生的学习兴趣。这套教材共分六级,每级又分A和B两册。 教材每个单元主要包括以下内容: ‘Talkingaboutthepicture’是让学生‘Funreading’中出现的生词进行预习。 ‘Learnthesesentences’展现本单元最主要的语法现象。 ‘Funreading’是在一种有趣的情景下复现所学的生词和语法结构。同时,它引导学生通过运用熟悉的看漫画的方式来培养阅读英语的习惯,这是让学生提高阅读能力的第一阶段,并为今后的学习打好基础. ‘Dialogues’让学生练习交际对话,即通过提供个人简单信息的回答方式达到交流目的。‘Rhymes’充分体现了此套教材寓教于乐的特色。 ‘Finishthesentences’(完成句子)让学生将所缺单词写出来,完成句子。 ‘Tasks’(任务)鼓励学生根据已经学过的语言做练习,无需做更多的准备。

学生情况分析及改进措施 通过二年的英语浸入式学习,学生认知于人际能力伴随语言一起发展,从而充分调动了学生的主动性,学生的英语兴趣不断提高,使英语语言的发展成为课堂中隐性的自然的习得过程。在两年的浸入式英语学习过程中,班里许多学生可以用英语思维去学习语言,由于教师在课堂上不用母语,因此儿童的英语听力理解发展的很快,并且认读能力也有相应的提高。并且一些学生在全国及全省英语比赛中取得了优异的成绩,部分学生语言表达能力有了较大提高,在三年级的教学中,我将尽最大努力提高两个班学生的英语会话水平,提高学生整体水平。 在三年级的学习过程中,为了给学生提供更为广阔丰富的语言环境,使孩子听、说能力不断提高,读、写能力随之跟上。教师应给孩子创设更为轻松的语言习得环境,设计更为丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生自然的交流。 由于三年级英语学习对读写能力有了一定的要求,为了促进学生的学习兴趣,我将制定初较为完善的评价体系,通过评价体系不仅可以把握学生对基本内容和要求的达到情况,而且可以把学生的情况及时反馈给家长,相信学生可以取得最大的进步,我也会不断改进,对一些教育教学措施加以完善。 总体教学目标


人教版小学英语教学计划三 篇 一、学生情况分析 经过三年时间的英语学习,大部分的学生已掌握了良好的英 语学习基础,对英语的学习怀着浓厚的学习兴趣,上课认真听讲,积极举手发言,学习的积极性高,语言模仿的能力强,并养成了 良好的英语学习习惯和学习方法。但仍有部分学生的英语底子较差,学习英语的兴趣不高,有时甚至没有按时完成作业。本学期 将继续抓好尖子生的培养工作,同时做好后进生的辅导工作,尽 量是他们从思想上重视英语,加强对英语学习的兴趣。 二、教材概况 PEP小学英语六年级上册,共有6个教学单元、2个复习单元。每单元分“A、B、C”三个部分,共12页,复习单元为6页。全书配有彩色卡通式插图,设计新颖活泼,生动有趣。本教材的 设计与编写体现了对传统外语教学思想的继承和发展,在比较、 分析和研究多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,博采众长,取其 精华,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。本套教材的编写思路是 以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用

英语完成有实际意义的语言任务,即:话题-功能-结构-任务。其具体特点如下: 1、强调语言运用。本教材体现交际教学思想,注重学生语言 应用能力的培养。在起始阶段采用“全身动作反应法”,让学生 在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学。 2、注重能力培养。整套教材贯穿“学会学习”的主题,培养 学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。 3、突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化,其中包括对话、歌谣、 小诗、歌曲、游戏、任务、绘画等 4、重视双向交流和中西文化的介绍。 5、重视灵活扩展。充分考虑学校老师学生个体的差异。C部 分可选择学习。 三、教学目标 本教材的教学目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学 习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心;培养学 生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的 学习习惯;使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同 时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中 西方文化,培养学生的爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的 进一步学习奠定良好的基础。具体目标如下: 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。


Lesson 1 Hi ,Lingling !Glad to see you again、Hi ,Mama! Glad to see you ,too! Nice to see you again,boys and girls、Nice to see you, Miss Wang、 A for apple B for banana、 Red is the Apple, Yellow is the banana、 Lessson 2 Hello, Lingling! This is my mum、 Nice to meet you, Auntie、 Nice to meet you , too、 This is our classroom, Mum、 It’s nice、 Yes, I like it、 C for cow,

D for duck、 Cows and ducks Live in farms、 Lesson 3 Look , Mum! This is my desk、 It’s nice 、 I Iike it、 I like the blackboard、 It’s big 、I like the eraser、 It’s cute、Eggs , eggs, eggs, The elephant is Picking up eggs、 Lesson 4 Hi,Lingling ! Glad to see you again、Hi, Doudou ! Glad to see you , too 、I like the cup 、 It’s big、 I like the eraser 、 It’s cute、Please turn to page 6、 Let’s read the words、


Unit 1 Patriotism Teaching object: Master the key words and structures, and learn sth. about what a true patriot is. The students should not only know what patriotism really means, but learn from the heroic spirit of some famous Chinese patriots. Teaching Procedures: Lead in activity; study of the text; study of words and phrases; study of reading skills; study of practical reading; study of practical writing Vocabulary: arise; command; conquer, destroy; hand on; be bound to do sth. … Structure: in order that; as well as Skills: how to identify topic sentences for paragraphs. I. Lead in 1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs what they see in the pictures and what the pictures make them think of. They could make use of the words given under “ideas”. 2. The students should discuss in pairs why they are willing to sacrifice oneself for their motherland or for a great cause and note down their partner’s opinions to the class. 3. Ask the students to tell each other what they think a true patriot would be like before they read the text. After reading the text, they are asked to make a comparison between the patriot mentioned in the text with the one in their own mind. II. Background information: 1.patriotism/patriot 2.National flag, emblem. &. anthem of the people’s republic of China 3.topic-related words or phrases: a.the war of resistance against Japan


初级中学初一年级第一学期期中测试 英 语 答 题 纸 第II 卷(共40分) 五、词汇运用(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 六、根据要求改写句子。(共5题,每空0.5分,计5分) 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 七、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分) 76. Jay Chou ________________________ Taiwan. 77. It ’s _______________________ breakfast. 78. My classmate Su Miao _______________________ Maths. 79. I hope his dream can _________________________. 80. The boy often draws pictures ____________________________. 81. Li Lei is ________________________ school. 82. Suqian is ________________________ Shanghai. 83. There is on the wall in my bedroom. 84. Our classroom is in Science Building. 85. My mother very early to cook breakfast for me every morning. 班 级 姓 名 考 号 …………………………………装………………………………………订………………………………线…………………………………………


Unit One Why College? Lead in 1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs why some high school graduates go to college and why some do not, and then ask some pairs to tell their opinions to the whole class. 2. Ask the students to find out about the advantages and disadvantages of going to college and of finding a job or, of joining the army after high school, and then to tell the reasons to the whole class. Read In I. Background Information Education in the United States The national system of formal education in the United States took shape in the 19th century. It differed from educational systems of other Western countries in three fundamental respects. First, Americans were more inclined to regard education as a solution to various social problems. Second, because they had this confidence in the power of education Americans provided more years of schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries. Third, educational institutions were primarily run by local authorities rather than by federal ones. The most notable characteristic of the American educational system is the large number of people it serves. College and Universities Colleges and universities are degree granting institutions of higher education. In the original sense of the word, a college was a group of students who gathered to share academic and residential facilities. Each college was a component part of a corporate body called a university. Today, esp. in the United States a college may be affiliated with a university or be independent. The undergraduate program generally is four years, and each year is split into two or three semesters.


人教版小学英语教学设 计 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

P E P小学英语教学设计 三年级上册 Unit5Let’sEat 一、教学内容 PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit5PartA中的Let'slearn与Let'sdo部分。 二、教学目标 1.能听、说、认读六个有关食物的单词:cake,hamburger,hotdog,chicken,bread,Frenchfries,并能用Ilike…来表达自己喜爱的食物。 2.能听懂有关食物的几个指令。例如:Showmeyourhamburger.PassmetheFrenchfries.等,并能根据指令做出相应的动作。 3.通过小组活动,增进学生间的交流,培养学生合作、共享的个性品质。 4.利用多元智能教学理论,针对所教内容和学生个体差异,使每个学生都得到最大限度的发展。 三、教学重点 让学生听、说、认读六个有关食物的单词。 四、教学难点 用Ilike...来介绍自己喜欢的食物。 五、教学准备 1.教师准备多媒体课件、录音机、相关的磁带和单词卡片。 2.CAI课件,食物模型、食物优惠券 3.学生准备所有食物的图片,各组准备每样食物若干份 六、教学步骤 Step1:Warmingup 1、师生互相问候。 2、Singasong<>学生跟随音乐边唱边做动作。(开发学生的音乐智能,体验英语学习的快乐)。 3、Agame:Listenanddo 教师发出指令 Touchyourhead/Touchyournose/Touchyourface,Touchyourear,/Touchyoureyes /Touchyourmouth…学生做出相应的动作 (设计意图:热身阶段先用歌曲充分调动学生的的情绪,再采用全身反应法,不仅营造了英语学习的氛围,让学生快速进入英语学习状态,听指令做动作的活动让学生保持注意力的集中和竞争意识,同时通过接触嘴巴巧妙的过渡到下一步的新授知识。培养学生的形体智能) Step2:Presentation 1.教师在发指令是到了“Touchyoureyes”时就停下来,让学生保持这个动作,并对学生说: T:Oh,Closeyoureyes.Ihavesomethingforyou.Nowopenyoureyes.Look!课件出示一些可爱的玩具,让学生说,it’snice,Ilikeit.最后出示一个漂亮的盒子,说Guesswhat’sinit点击课件整体呈现本课要学习的六个单词。


人教版小学英语一年级上册全册教案 目录《starter》 (3) Unit 1 School《lesson 1》 (7) Unit 1 School《lesson 2》 (11) Unit 1 School《lesson 3》 (15) Unit 1 School《Review & Rewards》 (19) Unit 1 School《Story Time》 (22) Unit 2 Face《lesson 1》 (25) Unit 2 Face《lesson 2》 (28) Unit 2 Face《lesson 3》 (31) Unit 2 Face《Review & Rewards》 (34) Unit 2 Face《Story Time》 (37) Unit 3 Animal《lesson 1》 (39) Unit 3 Animal《lesson 2》 (44) Unit 3 Animal《lesson 3》 (49) Unit 3 Animal《Review & Rewards》 (53) Unit 3 Animal《Story Time》 (55) 《Revision 1》 (59) Unit 4 Numbers《lesson 1》 (63) Unit 4 Numbers《lesson 2》 (67) Unit 4 Numbers《Review & Rewards》 (70)

Unit 4 Numbers《Story Time》 (74) Unit 5 Colours《lesson 1》 (78) Unit 5 Colours《lesson 2》 (87) Unit 5 Colours《lesson 3》 (93) Unit 5 Colours《Review & Rewards》 (110) Unit 5 Colours《Story Time》 (113) Unit 6 Fruit《lesson 1》 (116) Unit 6 Fruit《lesson 2》 (119) Unit 6 Fruit《Story Time》 (127) 《Revision 2》 (135)


新世纪小学英语3A 整体教材分析《新世纪小学英语》(NewWelcometoEnglish)这套教材图文并茂,选材幽默,趣味性强,有利于激发 和保持学生的学习兴趣。这套教材共分六级,每级又分 A和B两册。 教材每个单元主要包括以下内容: ‘Talkingaboutthepicture’(看图说话)是让学生 ‘Funreading’中出现的生词进行预习。 ‘Learnthesesentences’(学句子)展现本单元最主要的语法现象。 ‘Funreading’(趣味阅读)是在一种有趣的情景下复现 所学的生词和语法结构。同时,它引导学生通过运用熟悉的看漫画的方式来培养阅读英语的习惯,这是让学生提高阅读能力的第一阶段,并为今后的学习打好基础. ‘Dialogues’(对话)让学生练习交际对话,即通过提供 个人简单信息的回答方式达到交流目的。‘Rhymes’(歌谣)充分体现了此套教材寓教于乐的特色。 ‘Finishthesentences’(完成句子)让学生将所缺单词写出来,完成句子。 ‘Tasks’(任务)鼓励学生根据已经学过的语言做练习,无需做更多的准备。

学生情况分析及改进措施 通过二年的英语浸入式学习,学生认知于人际能力伴随语言一起发展,从而充分调动了学生的主动性,学生的英语兴趣不断提高,使英语语言的发展成为课堂中隐性的自然的习得过程。在两年的浸入式英语学习过程中,班里许多学生可以用英语思维去学习语言,由于教师在课堂上不用母语,因此儿童的英语听力理解发展的很快,并且认读能力也有相应的提高。并且一些学生在全国及全省英语比赛中取得了优异的成绩,部分学生语言表达能力有了较大提高,在三年级的教学中,我将尽最大努力提高两个班学生的英语会话水平,提高学生整体水平。 在三年级的学习过程中,为了给学生提供更为广阔丰富的语言环境,使孩子听、说能力不断提高,读、写能力随之跟上。教师应给孩子创设更为轻松的语言习得环境,设计更为丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生(在求知、感情和态度等方面)自然的交流。 由于三年级英语学习对读写能力有了一定的要求,为了促进学生的学习兴趣,我将制定初较为完善的评价体系,通过评价体系不仅可以把握学生对基本内容和要求的达到情况,而且可以把学生的情况及时反馈给家长,相信学生可以取得最大的进步,我也会不断改进,对一些教育教学措施加以完善。


小学英语教学常规 为了更好地实施国家颁布的《英语课程标准》,规范教师教学教研工作,提高教学效果,特制定小学英语教学常规。 一、备课 1、备课是上课的前提。不备课不得上课。每学期初,教师必须认真学习全日制义务教育《英语课程标准》(实验稿),掌握其基本理念、课程目标与内容标准。 2、认真研读教科书和配套编写的教学参考书,了解教材的编排体系和主要特点,把握整册(整套)教材的内容,根据教学目标、教材和学生的实际情况,制定出切实可行的学期教学计划。计划内容包括:对学生的分析、本学期的教学目标要求、教学内容、教学进度和课时安排、重点、难点等。 3、提前备一个单元的课。精心钻研教材,确定本单元的教学目标(包括语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等方面的目标),教案内容包括:教学目标、教学重点和难点、教学活动过程、教学方法、版书设计、教具准备、时间分配、作业等。 4、健全集体备课制度。有条件的学校要经常组织同年级的英语教师集体备课,做到定时间、定内容、定中心发言人。每二周必须在教师个人准备的基础上进行一次备课组活动。相互学习,取长补短,共同提高。 5、鼓励教师自制教具,课前准备实物、图片、卡片等教具和各种电化教具。 二、上课 6、教师为人表率,首先要精神饱满地对待教学工作。教态自然,举止文明、大方,语言精炼、生动、规范、并富有感染力。给学生树立良好的榜样。 7、尽量用英语组织教学,努力营造和谐、轻松、愉快的英语学习氛围。 8、课堂教学目标要明确、具体,重点要突出,难点的解决方法要恰当。 9、在课堂教学中,要做到: (1)以学生为本。既要面向全体学生,又要关注个性差异。注意培养学生的学习兴趣与学习动机。 (2)处理好英语课堂教学听、说、读、写等环节。 (3)贯彻语言交际功能和语言运用能力的原则。 (4)根据不同内容采用灵活、形式多样的教学方法。


(一)hello你好 a boat小船 a coat外套Hello,hello,let’s go. 你好,你好,我们出发吧。 Take your coat, 带上你的外套, Go to my boat. 去我的小船上。 Boy男孩girl 女孩boys and girls同学们 (二)name名字 a gate大门 a cake蛋糕 a lake 湖Kate,kate,at the gate, 凯特,凯特,在门口。 Cake,cake,by the lake, 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边, Kate is looking at the cake. 凯特在看着那块蛋糕 (三)good 好wood 木头 a foot 脚 A foot,a foot, 一只脚,一只脚 a foot is on the wood. 一只脚踩在木头上。 The wood,the wood, 木头,木头 The wood is under the foot. 木头在脚下。 Good morning早上好 Good noon 中午好Good afternoon 下午好Good evening晚上好Good night晚安 Stand up,please. 请起立Sit down,please.请坐下 Put up your hands,please. 请举起你的手。 Please put down your hands.请放下你的手

(四)hi你好 a kite 风筝 a bike 自行车 I have a bike, 我有一辆自行车, I like my bike. 我喜欢我的自行车, I have a kite, 我有一只风筝, I like my kite. 我喜欢我的风筝。 (五)evening 傍晚 a bee蜜蜂 a knee膝盖 a key钥匙 What do you see? 你看见什么? I see a key on his knee. 我看见一把钥匙在他的膝盖上What do you see? 你看见什么? I see a bee on his knee. 我看见一只蜜蜂在他的膝盖上 (六)dad 爸爸 a bag 包 a cat 猫 A cat,a fat cat, 一只猫,一只肥猫, A bag,a black bag, 一个包,一个黑包, A fat cat in a black bag. 在一个黑包里的肥猫。 Please open your books. 请打开你的书。 Close your books,please. 请合上你的书。 Please read after me. 请跟我读。 Again,please. 再来一次。

小学新世纪英语3年级下unit 7

Unit 7 Learning Targets Words: flower carnation rose lily tulip sunflower lotus pine grass plant wonderful * morning glory牵牛花cherry blossom 樱花peach blossom 桃花bamboo竹 Sentences: Are these/those...? Does Tom want roses or carnations? Dialogues: Can I help you, my boy? I want some flowers. Are these carnations? No, they are roses. Are these carnations? No, they are lilies. Look, those are carnations. I want carnations for my mother. Today is Mother’s Day. What a good boy! Grammar Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 1. Today is Teachers’ Day. I want some(rose). 2. What can you do on (father) Day? 3. Are those (lily) ? 4. Those (be) our chairs. 5. There aren’t(some) birds in the tree. Rewrite the following sentences as required 1. Those are my shirts.(一般疑问) 2. He wants some roses for his mother. 3. Tom’s got some lilies.(否定句) 4. There are five birds in the sky. 5. I like beautiful cards. Complete the following sentences 1. There are two birds the tree. 2. Here are some flowers you.


小学英语(北京版)一年级上册单元测试 Unit 1 HELLO! I’M MAOMAO 听力部分(70分) 一、听一听,排一排。(根据录音内容,给下列图标上正确的序号。)(10分) ()()()()()二、听录音,判断听到的内容与图片是否相符,相符的画“”,不相符的画“”。(12分) 1. 2. 3. 4. ()()()() 三、听录音,判断听到的内容与所给句子是否相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。(12分)

( ) 1. Hi, my name is Maomao. ( ) 2. —What’s your name? —My name is Good Boy. ( ) 3. Stand up, please. ( ) 4. Hello, boys and girls. 四、听一听,排一排。根据听到的顺序用数字重新排列小韵文。(12分)( ) A foot, a foot, ( ) The wood, the wood, ( ) The wood is under the foot. ( ) A foot is on the wood. 五、听一听,圈一圈。(根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并将其编号圈起来。)(12分) 1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B.

六、听一听,辨一辨。(根据录音内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“√”,不是的“×”。)(12分) 1. 2. ()() 3. 4. ()() 笔试部分(30分) 七、找出与图片对应的句子,用字母序号表示。(10 分) A. I’m Good Boy. B. I’m a cake. C. I’m a boat. D. I’m wood. E. I’m a gate. 八、看图连线。(8分)


小学一年级英语(上册)知识归纳|人教版 第一单元 boo 书ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔eraser 橡皮 pencil case 铅笔盒bacpac 书包 school 学校 第二单元 eye 眼睛hand 手 ear 耳朵mouth 嘴 nose 鼻子foot 脚 face 脸leg 腿 arm 胳膊 第三单元 cat 猫bird 鸟 rabbit 兔子dog 狗 chicen 小鸡duc 鸭子 money 猴子tiger 老虎 panda 熊猫elephant 大象 fish 鱼 第五单元 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 si 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 第六单元

red 红色yellow 黄色 purple 紫色brown 棕色 orange 橙色white 白色 green 绿色pin 粉色 blue 蓝色blac 黑色 第七单元 apple 苹果banana 香蕉 peach 桃子melon 西瓜 pear 梨orange 橘子 grape(s) 葡萄strawberry 草莓 pineapple 菠萝 小学一年级上册英语试卷(A) 姓名________ 分数_________口语表达 一.说出三种动物。(10分) 二.说出四种水果。(10分) 三.和老师进行简单的对话和应答。(10分) 听力 一.在你所听到的单词下打勾。(2分*5) 1. banana( ) orange( ) pineapple( ) 2.ice ( ) ice cream( ) snae( ) 3.frog( ) elephant( ) dog( ) 4.nose( ) queen( ) ite( ) 5.panda( ) money( ) duc( )


上海新世纪小学三年级英语测试卷 上海新世纪小学三年级英语测试卷 一、Copy the sentence (正确抄写下列句子) let's go to the police station that's a good idea 二、Write the words or phrases according to the requirement(按要求写 单词或词组) 中译英: 1、电视新闻: 2、工艺美术 写出下列单数名词的复数形式 3、Lily: 4、knife: 写出下列复数名词的单数形式 5、horses: 6、shelves: 写出下列动词-ing形式 7、rain: 8、get: 写出下列单词的同类词 9、moon: 10、doll 三、Read and choose (选词填空) ( )1、I can see ____ moon in the sky. A. a B. The C. / ( )2、There ____ a book and two pencils on the desk. A. are B. have C. is ( )3、Where ____ Sandy and Norman ? In the park/ A. is B. are C. have ( )4、I can ______ . I am_____ a picture now.

A. draw......drawing B. drawing.......drawing C.drawing...... draw ( )5、She's got a doll in ____ hands. A. his B. my C. her ( )6、Is there ____ milk in the bottle? A.some B.any C.many 、Please show _____ your storybook. ( )7 A. my B.mine C.me ( )8、They are _____ a football match now. A. seeing B.looking C.watching ( )9、Who _____ got a ball? I have. A.have B.has C.is ( )10、_____ are these ? Oranges. A. What B.What colour C. What shape 四、Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写句子) 1、I like maths. (改成一般疑问) 2、My mother is sleeping. (用what 提问) 3、There is a carnation in the vase. (改成一般疑问句) 4、The boys can play football in the playground. (改成现在进行时) 5、I have got six oranges. (用 who 提问) 五、Answer the questions(根据实际情况回答问题) 1、Which subject do you like best? 2、Do you often go to the library? 3、Can you make a salad? 4、What are you dong now? 5、Do you like fine days or rainy days? 六、Reading and practise(读短文,完成练习) In the park


Lesson 1 Hello, baobao! Hello ,maomao! Hello,boys and girls! Im miss wang. 你好,你好,那走吧! Take your coat,let ’s go. Hello,hello,let ’s go. To my boat,let ’s go. Lesson 2 Hi! I’m lingling. What ’s your name? My name is maomao. Hello! I’m maomao what ’s your name? She is looking for her cake. Cake,cake,by the lake. Kate is looking at her cake. Lesson 3 Hello, maomao! Hi, guoguo, Hello, what’s your name? A foot, is on the wood. The wood, the wood, The wood is under the foot. Lesson 4略 Lesson 5 Good morning miss wang! Hi,boys and girls! Good afternoon bays and girls! Good afternoon, mr li! I like my bike. I have a kite, L like my kite. Lesson 6 Good evening, grandpa! Good evening, lingling! Good night, lingling! Good night, grandpa! I see a key on his knee. What do you see? I see a bee on his knee. Lesson 7 Good moming maomao! Good morning, mum! Good evening, dad! Good evening, maomao! A bag, a black bag, A fat cat in a black bag. Lesson 9 Good morning, guoguo! Haw are you? I’m fine, thanks. Goodbye, guoguo! A cook has a book. A book, a book, The book is a cookbook. Lesson 10 Good evening, guoguo, how are you today? Fine, thank you mum.
