


一、Chinese to English (本大题5小题.每题10.0分,共50.0分。Translate the following underlined part of the text into English. )




When you put him on the spot, you can expect to see blue veins standing out on his temples and drops of sweat with the same size of soybean appearing on his forehead. He will either wear a wan smile on his long face, or purse his lips in displeasure, or scratch his head, or let out a sharp cry, or sigh and groan, or bitterly repent his folly, or keep hiccupping unceasingly, or flush crimson with shame, and suchlike. And at such a moment, feeling carefree, you can light a cigarette or just take a sip from your teacup and savor the signs of your opponent's discomfort. The pleasure you have from it, I believe, is by no means less than that a hunter gets from a deadbeat rabbit at his mercy.

[本题分数]: 10.0 分



1.给……一个威胁:可译为put…on the spot。

2.青筋暴露:可译为blue veins standing out。

3.黄豆般的汗珠一颗颗地在额上陈列出来:可译为drops of sweat with the same size of soybean appearing on his forehead。


5.哭丧着脸作惨笑:“惨笑”可译成a wan smile,“哭丧着脸”可译成

wear/draw/put on a long face。故此句可译为wear a wan smile on a long face。6.咕嘟着嘴作吃屎状:“咕嘟着嘴”就是“撅嘴”,译为purse,“作吃屎状”形容人生气、愤怒的样子,这里宜用意译,可泽成in displeasure。

7.抓耳挠腮:有固定译法,译为scratch one's head。

8.长吁短叹:可译为sigh and groan。

9.自怨自艾口中念念有词:此处表达含义重复,只要译出repent one's folly 即可。


11.这时节你“行有余力”便可以点起一支烟……:句中“行有余力”形容人无忧无虑、悠然自得的一种状态,可以译成现在分词短语feeling carefree。12.我想猎人追逐一只野兔的时候,其愉快大概略相仿佛:可直译为The pleasure you have from it, I believe, is by no means less than that a hunter gets from a deadbeat rabbit at his mercy.




Even when it comes to the 4 years' college career, what has been delivered to us is still rather superficial. People usually call university the "highest institution of learning", which is likely to cause misunderstanding that as if there were no other knowledge above this level. It is graduate school in a university that is the place to do research work at a basic level. However, even if you work in such places, you just touch the hedge slightly. What has been being stressed is the way to do research and practice. Knowledge is infinite, and time is limited even though you devote your lifetime to it. In view of this, people learn to an old age in order to acquire knowledge centuries ago, so much so that as their hair grow all white, they still keep studying. Yet, it is really interesting to do such research work.

[本题分数]: 10.0 分





2.世人常称大学为“最高学府”,这名称易滋误解:此句后半句是对前半句的总结评论,“这”指的就是世人称大学为“最高学府”这件事,所以可以翻译成定语从句。此句译为People usually call university the “highest institution of learning”,which is likely to cause misunderstanding。3.大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在:此部分在翻译过程中要注意:1)汉语中明显有强调的成分,所以需要使用英语的强调句进行翻译;2)与后半句之间虽然没有明显的表示逻辑关系的词语,但是两者之间明显是转折关系,在翻译时要加上相应的词语。此句译为It is graduate school in a university that is the place to do research work at a basic level.


历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are inevitably the province(范围)of the rich unless we abdicate(退位、放弃)society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera and other expensive forms of culture, accessible(易接近的,可达到的)to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? No body denies the imperatives(必要的)of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, man-kind stretched out a hand of not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse(冲动)towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation(表述、陈述)is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment(完成、成就)in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones (标准、试金石)for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire(立志、追求目标、渴望); they carry the most profound (深厚的、深刻的)messages that can be sent from one human to another. 参考译文: 欣赏歌剧是一种奢侈:你必须为此支付昂贵的票价。然而,享用昂贵的东西并不完全是富人的特权,除非我们放弃社会选择的权利。我们有权利使歌剧和其他昂贵的文化形式面向大众,面向那些个人没有支


一、照样子写一写: j y h t zh ai onɡer 二、比一比,再写一写: b —d l—i an—anɡer—en kua—ɡua pínɡ—qínɡ 三、按规律填空: 1、韵母:a o ( ) i( ) ( ) ai ei ( ) ( ) ou ( ) ie ( ) ( ) an en ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )onɡ2、声母: 四、默写整体认读音节:

一、帮拼音找家。 ai j h gua zhi u en hong yun l w ui ao er ie ri yue 声母: 韵母: 音节: 二、请把音节涂上红色,把韵母涂上绿色: ei fu jun ui i ng jiang huan yi rui u yuan zuo ye an dian un ong ci 三、请把整体认读音节涂成黄色: hu zhi kuan ju ri yuan yue wu hao ye jie ying 八、照样子写一写: 例:pu (p )—(u ) zhù()—()huà()—()—()jué()—()kě()—()guàng ()—()—()qún ()—()xù()—()juǎn ()—()—()jù()—()

一、照样子,写一写。 例:pu (p )—(u ) lu ()—()quàn ()—()—()lǜ()—()xùn ()—()duǒ()—()—()lüè()—()qǔ()—()guà()—()—()xún ()—()2、例:h—u—hu(注意j q x和ü的相拼规则) zh—u—( ) h—u—a—( ) x—i—a—( ) j—üe—( ) q—ǚ—( ) j—ü—án—( ) q—ü—àn—( ) x—üè—( ) ch—e—( ) ch—u—an—( ) q—i—ang—( ) l—üe—( ) x—ǚ—( ) g—u—ò—( ) h—u—ǎng—( ) k—ǎ—( ) 3、 g (gǎ)zh ( ) b ( ) k ( ) ch u—ò( ) p ǎn ( ) h ( ) h ( ) m ( ) q ( ) j ( ) j ( ) n ( ) q ü—ān ( ) q i—à ( ) x ( ) x ( ) x ( ) 二、按要求标调:(注意标调规则) 一声:hu—()四声:juan—()二声:luo—() 三声:xia—()二声:wu—()四声:chui—()一声:jiu—()三声:qiu—()二声:huang—()


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而单纯的表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际得颜色混合一起,分不清哪就是流云哪就是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂得图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,瞧一眼这美丽得黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家得最后一刻再次咀嚼。这就是黄河滩上得一幕。牧羊人不见了,她不知在何处歇息.只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚得,像些胖娃娃.如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱得神情,洁白得牙齿,那丰富而单纯得表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限得怜悯。 Beside this picturewithprofusionsof colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the river bank、Hardly none ofthemwouldspare some timeto raise their eyes tohave a glanceat the beautifuldusk、Theyare, perhaps,takinguse ofevery minuteto enjoy their lastchew before being driven home、This is a picture ofthe Yellow River bank,inwhich the shepherd disappears,andno oneknows where he is resting himself、Only the sheep,however,as free creatures,are joyfullyappreciating thedusk、The exuberant wate rplants have nutritedthesheep, making them


专八翻译 第一部分汉译英 1.2000年试题 中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。与国际著名科技馆和其他博物馆相比,它先天有些不足,后天也常缺乏营养,但是它成长的步伐却是坚实而有力的。它在国际上已被公认为后起之秀。 世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。 世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己去动手操作,自己细心体察。这样,他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙。 中国科技馆正是这样的博物馆。它汲取了国际上一些著名博物馆的长处,设计制作了力学、光学、电学、热学、声学、生物学等展品,展示了科学的原理和先进的科技成果。 The first generation museums of sciences are those devoted to natural history, which show through fossils and specimens the evolutionary changes of the earth and organisms. Those of the second generation are museums of industrial technology exhibiting achievements made in various periods of the industrial age. These two types of museums, while functioning as disseminators of scientific knowledge, treat their visitors as mere viewers. Science museums of the third generation are entirely different from their predecessors. They stress visitor participation, encouraging those interested to make detailed study of the exhibits on their own by trying their hands on them. The experience so gained will enable them to understand advanced technologies better and help them in their quest for what is still unknown in science (陶文好李孚声,《2000年英语专业八级汉译英词汇误译心理认知分析》,《上海科技翻译》,2001年第1期第36-41页) 2.2001年试题 乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。但他另外两大爱好却鲜为人知,那就是钓鱼和喝酒。 晚年的乔羽喜爱垂钓,他说:“有水有鱼的地方大都是有好环境的,好环境便会给人好心情。我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的场所。”钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。乔羽说:“钓鱼可分三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛在一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。” 译文 1 In his later years (Late in his life), Qiao Yu has become enamored of fishing (developed a penchant / special fondness for fishing). He asserts: “Mostly speaking, a place with water and fish must necessarily be blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people in good mood. I believe that the optimum fishing places are not those commercial fishing centers which provide the fishermen with all the conveniences and where fish are kept hungry for ready capture, but those naturally-formed places in the wilderness w hich exert a special appeal.” According to him, fishing can constitute an activity conducive to the cultivation of one’s


) A. 节 B. 辆 C. 趟 D. 回 2、大礼堂里,人们的神色庄严凝重。 A. 和 B. 而 C. 也 D. 却 3、这部电视连续剧可真够长,播了一个多月还没播完。 A. 就 B. 才 C. 却 D. 还 4、已经下课半天了,你怎么不离开教室啊? A. 再 B. 就 C. 又 D. 还 5、那个电影明星没有想到,自己戴了墨镜还能人认出来。 A. 叫 B. 使 C. 把 D. 令 6、今天有点阴,你最好还是雨具随身带上。 A. 给 B. 使 C. 把 D. 让 7、他是个明白人?他根本就是个糊涂人。 A. 什么 B. 哪里 C. 可能 D. 看来 8、我们班同学互相鼓励,互相帮助,齐心协力,克服了很多困难,得了第一名。 A. 大概 B. 不过 C. 应该 D. 终于 9、本来我们是要乘火车的,没想到洪水把铁路冲垮了,我们换乘长途汽车。 A. 正好 B. 还好 C. 只好 D. 不好 10、安娜跳了一个民族舞,大家请她跳一个,她就跳了一个。 A. 再再 B. 再又 C. 又又 D. 又再 11、参加演讲比赛之前,大家都把稿子背得。 A. 熟熟的 B. 熟悉的 C. 熟悉熟悉 D. 熟熟悉悉 12、这是一种什么游戏?大人孩子都喜欢。 A. 可能 B. 终究 C. 究竟 D. 毕竟 13、去图书馆借阅图书要本人的学生证才行。 A. 靠 B. 依 C. 凭 D. 按 14、他的秘密终于我发现了。 A. 把 B. 使 C. 被 D. 将 15、她要是这样胖,生活自理都成问题。 A. 下来 B. 下去 C. 起来 D. 上去 16、我不是不想做,不知道该怎样做。 A. 就是 B. 而是 C. 但是 D. 还是 17、这是离海边最近的房子,近的没有了。 A. 还 B. 再 C. 非常 D. 很 18、这件事我到底该怎么跟他说好呢? A. 不 B. 就 C. 还 D. 才 19、这样做,问题不但不能解决,带来新的问题。 A. 反而 B. 然而 C. 从而 D. 因而 20、那位老师我是认识的。 A. 临时 B. 暂时 C. 偶尔 D. 偶然 七、用指定的词语回答问题。(2×4=8) 1.背这么重的东西,你还能坚持住吗?(挺) 2.他今年考上大学了吗?(虽然……然而……) 3.你今天下午为什么没来开会?(不料) 4.你为什么又看小时候的照片?(勾起)


英语专业八级考试翻译历年真题汇总 1998年E-C: I agree to some extent with my imaginary English reader. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. They do over-phrase their own literature, or certainly its minor figures. And Americans do swing from aggressive over phrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference. But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals. Moreover, in fields where they are not pre-eminent — e. g. in painting and music —they too alternate between boasting of native products and copying those of the Continent. How many English paintings try to look as though they were done in Paris; how many times have we read in articles that they really represent an “English tradition” after all. To speak of American literature, then, is not to assert(断言、声称)that it is completely unlike that of Europe. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step(同步). At any given moment(在任何时候) the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same styles in dress, the same books on the shelves. Ideas have crossed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly. When I refer to American habit, thoughts, etc., I intend some sort of qualification(限制、限定、资格) to precede(领先、超前) the word, for frequently the difference between America and Europe (especially England) will be one of degree(唯一只是在程度上), sometimes only of a small degree. The amount of divergence(分歧、差异) is a subtle (微妙的)affair, liable(有可能的) to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. He is looking at a country which in important senses (重要的感觉)grew out of his own, which in several ways still resembles his own — and which is yet a foreign country. There are odd overlappings and abrupt unfamiliarities; kinship(亲缘关系) yields to a sudden alienation(疏远关系), as when we hail(打招呼) a person across the street, only to discover from his blank(没有表情的) response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend. 参考译文(翻译第二段): 因此,我们在说“美国”文学,并不表明我们认为美国文学与欧洲文学截然不同。一般来说,美国和欧洲一直在同步发展。无论何时,旅游者在两地都能看到同一式的建筑,见到


英语专业八级翻译练习题 1.英译汉 1) Possession for its own sake or in competition with the rest of the neighborhood would have been Thoreau's idea of the low levels. The active discipline of heightening one's perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high. What he saved from the low was time and effort he could spend on the high. Thoreau certainly disapproved of starvation, but he would put into feeding himself only as much effort as would keep him functioning for more important efforts. Effort is the gist of it. There is no happiness except as we take on life-engaging difficulties. Short of the impossible, as Yeats put it, the satisfaction we get from a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost was thinking in something like the same terms when he spoke of "The pleasure of taking pains". The mortal flaw in the advertised version of happiness is in the fact that it purports to be effortless. We demand difficulty even in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. A game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are an arbitrary imposition of difficulty. When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to change the wholly arbitrary rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules. No difficulty, no fun. 梭罗所理解的"低层次",即为了拥有而去拥有,或与所有的邻居明争暗斗而致拥有。他心目中的"高层次",则是这样一种积极的人生戒律,即要使自己对自然界永恒之物的感悟臻于完美。对于他从低层次上节省下来的时间和精力,他可将其致力于对高层次的追求。勿庸置疑,梭罗不赞成忍饥挨饿,但他在膳食方面所投入的精力仅果腹而已,只要可确保他能去从事更为重要的事务,他便别无所求。 殚精竭虑,全力以赴,便是其精髓所在。除非我们愿意直面那些需要我们全身心投入的艰难困苦,否则便不会有幸福可言。正如叶芝所言,除却某些不可能的情形,我们于人生中所获取的满足皆取决于我们在多高的境界中选择我们所愿意面对的艰难困苦。当罗伯特弗罗斯特言及"以苦为乐"时,他内心所思,大体如此。商业广告中所宣扬的那种幸福观,其致命的缺陷就在于这样一个事实,即它宣称,一切幸福皆唾手可得,不费吹灰之力。 即便于游戏之中,我们也需要有艰难困苦。我们之所以需要它,因为设若没有困难,便断无游戏可言。游戏即是这样一种方式,为了享受其中的情趣而人为地使事情变得不那么轻而易举。游戏中的种种规则,便是将困难武断地强加于人。当有人将情趣摧毁殆尽时,他总是因为拒不按游戏规则行事而使然。这犹如下棋;如果你随心所欲、心血来潮地去更改那些全然武断的游戏规则,这样去赢棋当然会更加容易。但下棋的情趣则在于,应在规则的限定范围内赢取胜利。一言以蔽之,没有艰难,断无情趣。 2)


2016年专八翻译题及答案详解 “流逝”表现了南国人对时间最早的感觉。子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫。”他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流逝也许是缓慢的,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用“流逝”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一种紧张感。 【参考译文1】 They have found that the flowing water,either a murmuring stream or a mighty river, passes quickly and never returns. With the passage of time, the young become the old and the green grass turns yellow. People naturallyhave a sense of urgency to value every bit of time. As time goes by,no matter how slowly it elapses, people always use the word “liushi” to warn thelater generations for fear of time’s flowing away. They tell their descendants to treasure every single minute and make a hurried action, which adds a sense of tension to the word. 【参考译文2】 They find that either a murmuring stream or a mighty river has gone forever and that the passage of time turns a young man into an old one, and yellows of the grass, which sends a massage of how time flies. Maybe the passing of time is slow. But no matter how slow it is, it makes people so fearful that they use “passage” to warn the later generations to rush. And the use of “passage” also infuses a sense of tension into the word. 【参考译文3】


英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考谜底 令狐采学 CE:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在垂头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发明它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而纯真的脸色。如果稍稍长久一点打量这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls.


听力题: 一:录音:“小明,窗台上落了鸟屎,去擦一下好么?"“我擦!!我不擦!!”——问:小明擦不擦窗台? 二:录音:“小明,今晚上有思修课呢!你去不去??”“我去!!我不去!!”——问:小明去不去思修课? 三:录音:“小明,你饿不饿?我们晚上吃什么好呢?”“额。。。我不饿。。”——问:小明饿不饿? 四:录音:“小明,你要他那个礼物呢还是我这个礼物呢?”“那个。。。这个吧”——问:小明要哪个? 五:录音:“小明,你想好了么?”“想好了”“你先说还是我先说?”“我说。。。你说吧。。”——问:谁先说。 六:录音:“小明,昨天下午你抱着的是谁啊?你女朋友吧?”“你妹!!!我妹!!”——问:小明抱着的是谁? 七:录音:“小明,这碟是小红的吗?”“你大爷的!我的!”——问:这碟是谁的?八:录音:“小明,今天我妹妹来看我,要不要和我一起去见她啊?”“见你妹啊,不见”——问:小明到底要不要去见人家妹妹? 九:录音:“小明,今天上课用不用带笔啊?”“带毛笔啊”——问:小明意思带不带笔?十:录音:“小明,要大扫除了,赶紧去干活。”“干!!我不干!!”——问:小明到底要不要去干活? 十一:录音:“小明,你能不能不靠在我身上?”“我靠,我不靠!”——问:小明到

底靠不靠? 十二:录音:“小明,去倒一下夜香!你倒不倒?”“我倒!我不倒!”——问:小明倒不倒夜香? 十三:录音:“小明,明天六级考试考吗?”“我靠!!我不考!!”——问:小明会去考试吗? 十四:录音:“小明,你的睫毛好漂亮,真的假的?”“假的”“真的么?”“真的”——问:小明的睫毛是真的假的? 十五:录音:“小明,你吃早饭了么?”“吃个蛋!!!”——问:小明早上吃了什么?十六:录音:“小明,毛主席和我掉水里先救哪个?”“救毛主席啊!!!”——问:小明救了谁? 十七:录音:小芳:“你妹啊,老娘这个月大姨妈还没来,愁死姐了,简直就是坑爹啊!”——问:短文中谁很着急?A. 小芳她妹妹B. 小芳她老娘C. 小芳她姐姐D.小芳她爹E .小芳她大姨妈F. 小芳。G.小芳的男友小明 十八:录音:“小明,你不爱她为什么要跟她结婚?”“你妈逼的!!我妈逼的!!!”——问:谁逼小明结的婚? 十九:录音:“小明,一起去打篮球啊?”“额,我,我不去了,我还要写小说......”——问:小明的身高是多少?A两米二六,B一米四二 二十:录音:—“小明,谢谢你送我的红蓝立体眼镜。”“闹太套~”——问:小明姓什么?A红B黄C蓝 二十一:录音:“小明,出去玩带上我妹吧”“带你妹!!!”——问:小明到底带不带?


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理- 英语专业八级翻译试题及一些翻译练习 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

全国英语专业八级考试(TEM8)的翻译部分(汉译英)原文全文 如下: 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在 花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集, 笑语四溢。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界, 一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。一 霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。 阅学生之译文,笔者发现有一个问题值得我们教师注意,即如何 在动笔翻译前,能迅速正确地确定英译的主语。如: 1. 得病以前,我受父母宠爱,在家中横行霸道。 学生译文(以下简称“学译”):Before the illness, I was much petted by parents, doing everything at will in the home. 学译:Before I became ill, I have received all the favor of my parents, just like a little tyrant at home. 参考译文:Before I fell ill, I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting parents. 我们知道,汉语表达大多为“意合”结构,结构松散,以一个一 个看似并列的短句“拼凑而成,彼此逻辑关系不明显;但英语则不同 于汉语,它是形合语言,非常讲究句子内部的逻辑关系的”外化“, 所谓”外化“,即,使用Connectives来表现其逻辑关系。我国译界 有一个比喻:汉语句子的结构像”竹竿“,是一节接一节的;而英语


难死一大波外国人的汉语八级考题 冬天,能穿多少穿多少。 夏天,能穿多少穿多少。 问:这句话想要表达什么意思? 这是近日在网上火爆的“汉语八级全真卷”中的一道题目,诸如此类让老外抓狂的题目,在这份试卷中比比皆是。这份试卷让不少被外语四六级考试、托福等“折磨”过的中国学子大呼过瘾,“中国文字太神奇了!” 1真与假 网上流传的这套试卷,共分为判断题、选择题、阅读题、作文题四部分。其中让人感到抓狂、离谱的题目确实不少。 比如把老外绕得团团转的: “你的牙真好看!” “哦,那是假的。” “啊,真的假的?” “真的。” 问:牙是真的还是假的? “小明,你饿不饿?我们晚上吃什么好呢?” “呃,我不饿。”

问:小明饿不饿? “你考完之后对答案了吗?” “对了,但没对。” 问:这个题究竟做对了吗? 甲:“昨天下雪,我从胡同口出来的时候差点没摔倒。”乙:“上次我去滑冰,被一个楞头青撞了一下,差点摔倒。”根据这两句话可知: A.甲摔倒了,乙没有 B.乙摔倒了,甲没有 C.都摔倒了 D.都没摔倒 脑筋急转弯的: 甲:今天公共汽车上人多吗? 乙:还行,第一站上来3个下去5个,第二站上来7个下去12个,第三站上来45个下去23个,第四站上来18个下去12个,第五站上来9个下去8个。问:乙共坐了几站? 考知识点的: “三长两短”的意思是: A.三根长棍,两根短棍 B.三个长处,两个短处,借指优点多于缺点 C.三个比两个长,是人多力量大的意思 D.预感凶多吉少 E.以上皆非 关于“老佛爷”和“阿玛”二者的性别,下列说法正确的是: A.前男后女 B.后男前女 C.二者皆男 D.二者皆女 E.不男不女 正如网友评论所说,“真是难为外国人了”。但诸如此类的“恶搞”试题,肯定不会登上新汉语水平考试(以下简称“汉考”)这样的大雅之堂的。汉考是为测试母语为


1995年英语专业八级考试 简.奥斯丁的小说都是三五户人家居家度日,婚恋嫁娶的小事。因此不少中国读者不理解她何以在西方享有那么高的声誉。但一部小说开掘得深不深,艺术和思想是否有过人之处,的确不在题材大小。有人把奥斯丁的作品比作越咀嚼越有味道的橄榄。这不仅因为她的语言精彩,并曾对小说艺术的发展有创造性的贡献,也因为她的轻快活泼的叙述实际上并不那么浅白,那么透明。史密斯夫人说过,女作家常常试图修正现存的价值秩序,改变人们对“重要”和“不重要”的看法。也许奥斯丁的小说能教我们学会转换眼光和角度,明察到“小事”的叙述所涉及的那些不小的问题。 参考译文:颜林海 Jane Austin’s novels tell about such things unimportant as life, love and marriage in a few families that many Chinese readers do not understand why she has enjoyed such a high reputation in the western countries. But subject matter is indeed not the decisive factor by which we can judge whether or not a novel has its depth, or whether or not it has something superior to others in its artistic appeal and ideological content. Some people compare Austin’s works to olives: the more you chew them, the tastier you feel them. It is not only because of her wonderful language as well as her creative contribution to the development of novel writing as an art, but also because of something that her light and lively narrative hides——something implicit and opaque. Mrs Smith once said, women writers often tried to rectify the existing value orders, and to change people’s opinions on “what’s important or not”. Maybe Austin’s novels can teach us how to change our perspective and vision, really to dig those things important through the narrative of the ones unimportant. E-C原文 I, by comparison, living in my overpriced city apartment, walking to work past putrid sacks of street garbage, paying usurious taxes to local and state governments I generally abhor, I am rated middle class. This causes me to wonder, do es the measurement make sense? Are we measuring only that which is easily measured--- the numbers on the money chart --- and ignoring values more central to the good life? For my sons there is of course the rural bounty of fresh-grown vegetables, line-caught fish and the shared riches of neighbours’orchards and gardens. There is the unpaid baby-sitter for whose children my daughter-in-law baby-sits in return, and neighbours who barter their skills and labour. But more than that, how do you measure serenity? Sense of self? I don’t want to idealize life in small places. There are times when the outside world intrudes brutally, as when the cost of gasoline goes up or developers cast their eyes on untouched farmland. There are cruelties, there is intolerance, there are all the many vices and meannesses in small places that exist in large cities. Furthermore, it is harder to ignore them when they cannot be banished psychologically to another part of town or excused as the whims of alien groups --- when they have to be acknowledged as “part of us.”Nor do I want to belittle the opportunities for small decencies in cities --- the eruptions of one-stranger-to-another caring that always surprise and delight. But these are, sadly, more exceptions than rules and are often overwhelmed by the awful corruptions and dangers that surround us. 比较而言,我住在在收费不菲的城市公寓里,步行去工作还得经过恶臭的街头圾袋,向我一向讨厌的地方政府和州政府缴纳高利贷式税收,竟然还被认定为中产阶级。这让我感到怀疑,这种衡量标准是否意义?难道我们就仅仅衡量那些容易衡量的东西——经济图标上数字——而忽视了对幸福生活更为重要的价值观吗?当然,对我的几个儿子来说,富饶的农村有新鲜的蔬菜,有钓上来的鱼儿,还可以分享邻居果园菜园丰收的果实。还有义务照看孩子的邻居,作为回报我的儿媳也照看他们的孩子,而邻里之间相互交换技能和劳动。但更为重要的是,你如何来衡量那里的宁静安详?如何衡量自我(感)呢? 我无意美化小地方的生活。有时外面世界的侵扰冷酷无情,比如汽油价格上涨,开发商盯着尚未开发的农田;那里充斥着凶残,充满着偏狭,大城市拥有的种种卑劣行径,小地方也都一应俱全。非但如此,一旦人们在心里无法将这些丑陋现象视为小地方才独有的,或将其解释为异乡人为所欲为的借口,而只能承认是“我们的一部分”时,人们也就更难忽视它们了。我也不想贬低城市中一有机会就让人难为情的习俗—
