






Before birth, babies can tell the difference between loud sounds and voices. They can even distinguish their mother’s voice from that of a fem ale stranger. But when it comes to embryonic learning (胎教), birds could rule the roost. As recently reported in The Auk: Ornithological Advances, some mother birds may teach their young to sing even before they hatch (孵化). New-born chicks can then imitate their mom’s call within a few days of entering the world.

This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer, a biologist at Flinders University in South Australia, and her colleagues. Female Australian superb fairy wrens were found to repeat one sound over and over again while hatching their eggs. When the eggs were hatched, the baby birds made the similar chirp to their mothers—a sound that served as their regular "feed me!" call.

To find out if the special quality was more widespread in birds, the researchers sought the red-backed fairy wren, another species of Australian songbird. First they collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and after hatching. Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and number of notes. A computer analysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks, ranking them by similarity.

It turns out that baby red-backed fairy wrens also emerge chirping like their

moms. And the more frequently mothers had called to their eggs, the more similar were the babies’ begging calls. In addition, the team set up a separate experiment that suggested that the baby birds that most closely imitated their mom’s voice were rewarded with the most food.

This observation hints that effective embryonic learning could signal neurological (神经系统的) strengths of children to parents. An evolutionary inference can then be drawn. "As a parent, do you invest in quality children, or do you invest in children that are in need?" Kleindorfer asks. "Our results suggest that they might be going for quality."

58.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 means"__________".

A. be the worst

B. be the best

C. be the as bad

D. be just as good

59. What are Kleindorfer’s findings based on?

A. Similarities between the calls of moms and chicks.

B. The observation of fairy wrens across Australia.

C. The data collected from Queensland’s locals.

D. Controlled experiments on wrens and other birds.

60. Embryonic learning helps mother birds to identify the baby birds which __________.

A. can receive quality signals

B. are in need of training

C. fit the environment better

D. make the loudest call

60. C【解析】根据倒数第二段中的"the baby birds that most closely imitated their

mom’s voice were rewarded with the most food"和最后一段"Our results suggest that they might be going for quality."可知,模仿母鸟模仿得最好的雏鸟得到最多的食物,研究结果表明,母亲会选择质量好的雏鸟。由此可知,胎教帮助母鸟辨别出那些适应环境较好的孩子。



The ability to speak more than one language certainly has its special benefits. It enables you to work in another country or interact with people whose language is different from your mother tongue. Cognitive(认知的) psychologists have been interested in how bilingualism(双语能力)shapes the mind for almost a century. There are those who suggest that in order to speak one language, bilinguals have to suppress (抑制)the influence of the other. In the past three decades, research had argued that this unique form of language processing trains the brain in the use of abilities known as "executive(执行的)functions" such as ignoring irrelevant information or shifting attention. Bilinguals of different ages and cultural backgrounds have been shown to be faster and more accurate than their monolingual(单语的)peers when performing cognitive tasks demanding these abilities. Furthermore, it has been argued that bilingualism may lead to a delayed onset(发作)of symptoms associated with dementia(痴呆).

But the scientific community recently has become increasingly skeptical of the bilingual advantage. One of the main points of criticism is that differences between monolinguals and bilinguals when it comes to executive functions are not always apparent. It appears that research on bilingualism is at a turning point. We need to pursue a new approach to understand, beyond those individual examples of executive functions, how the bilingual mind works. We have attempted to address this challenge by testing whether bilinguals and monolinguals differ in terms of how accurately they can assess their own performances. This ability is called meta cognition and is associated with other areas where bilinguals have been shown to have an advantage.

In our research, we presented participants with a situation in which they had

to observe two circles on a screen and guess which one contained more dots. Sometimes the difference was obvious, making the decision easy, while at other times the decision was very difficult (for example, one circle contained 50 dots and the other 49). Participants were then asked to determine how confident they were in their decision on a scale from less to more confident than normal.

During the course of two experiments, we found that bilinguals and monolinguals were equally likely to choose the circle containing the highest number of dots. However, monolinguals were better able than bilinguals to discriminate between when they were right and when they were wrong. In other words, bilinguals had less insight into their performance than monolinguals. This went against our initial predictions, as we expected to find a bilingual advantage in meta cognitive processing. These results indicate that bilingualism may be associated with cognitive disadvantages as well as benefits.

1. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that nowadays the scientific community______.

A. has denied the special benefits of bilingualism

B. has changed its way to understand how the bilingual mind works

C. thinks there is almost no difference between monolinguals and bilinguals

D. tries to prove whether monolinguals have more advantages than bilinguals

2. How is the last paragraph mainly developed?

A. By analyzing causes.

B. By describing a process.

C. By following time order.

D. By making a comparison.

3. What is the author's attitude towards bilingualism?

A. Supportive.

B. Doubtful.

C. Objective.

D. Ambiguous.



1. 细节判断题。根据第二段的It appears that research on bilingualism is at a turning point. We need to pursue a new approach to understand, beyond those individual examples of executive functions, how the bilingual mind works.可知现在研究对于双


2. 推理判断题。题目问:最后一段如何发展?根据最后一段的内容不难看出是将双语和一种语言进行了对比,故选D。

3. 推理判断题。从文中来看,作者既提及了双语的好处,也提到了双语的缺点,如最后一段中的In other words, bilinguals had less insight into their performance than monolinguals.。所以态度应该是“客观的”。



A little social support from your best buds goes a long way, whether you’re a human or a chimpanzee (黑猩猩). A new study that followed a chimpanzee community in the forests of Uganda has found that quality time with close companions significantly decreased stress hormone levels in the primates —whether they were resting, grooming or facing off against rival groups.

The findings, described this week in the journal Nature Communications, shed light on the physiological effects of close companionship in chimpanzees —and could have implications for human health too.

Researchers have long known that stress can worsen health and raise the risk of early death in humans as well as other social mammals.

“It can have effe cts on immune function, cardio function, fertility, cognition, and even your mood,” said study coauthor Kevin Langergraber, a primatologist at Arizona State University.

Maintaining close social bonds can help these animals (humans included) reduce some of that stress, potentially minimizing some health risks. But scientists have yet to pin down the exact physiological mechanisms at work.

“Social bonds make you survive and produce better —but how do they do that?” Langergraber said.

To find out, the international team of researchers studied members of the Sonso chimpanzee community in Uganda’s Budongo Forest, a group consisting of 15 males, 35 females and 28 juveniles and infants during the study period from February 2008

to July 2010.

Like humans, chimpanzees tend to have besties — bond partners with whom they appear to feel close. The researchers wanted to see whether interactions with these bond partners led to lower stress levels during particularly stressful situations, such as when fighting rival groups, or whether time spent with friends helped lower stress levels more generally, throughout the day.

The scientists observed the chimps perform three types of activities: resting, grooming or quarrelling with other groups of chimps. The researchers kept track of whether the chimps were doing any of these three things with their bond partners or with other chimps in their group.

A team of up to six observers watched the chimps and followed them around to collect urine (尿液) samples. The samples, collected from nine adult male and eight adult female chimps, were tested to see how much of the stress hormone cortisol they contained.

The scientists found that chimpanzees’ levels of urinary cortisol were 23% lower, on average, during the activities when they were with their bond partner. This was especially true for stressful activities, such as the intergroup rivalries, where any chimp on the front line might face physical harm or even death.

The findings in chimpanzees, some of our closest living relatives, could shed light on the role such close social relationships play in human health too, he said. Such friendships may be just as important during good times as bad — though more research needs to be done before any conclusions can be drawn.

“This has interest for a lot of people in a medical context as well,” Langergraber said.

1. The scientists carried out a research into chimpanzee community in Uganda ______.

A. to seek evidence of benefits of social bonds from physiological angle

B. to uncover whether social bonds make humans survive

C. to study how chimps perform three types of activities

D. to train chimps to maintain close social bonds with each other

2. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 10 refer to?

A. Observers.

B. Chimpanzees.

C. Urine samples.

D. Bond partners.

3. The chimps’ levels of urinary cortisol decrease most when ______.

A. they are with other chimps in their group

B. they face the intergroup rivalries with friends

C. they perform three different types of activities

D. they spend time with friends throughout the day

4. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To point out stress is harmful to all social mammals.

B. To illustrate how chimps control their stress level.

C. To urge scientists to do more research into chimpanzees.

D. To inform us friendships benefit both chimps and humans.



1.细节理解题。定位到第一段第二句“quality time with close companions significantly decreased stress hormone levels in the privates",研究表明,黑猩猩和亲密同伴之间的陪伴会显著地减少压力荷尔蒙的水平。A选项说从生理视角寻找社会纽带的好处的证据,符合文章。B选项与黑猩猩无关。C选项说研究黑猩猩的活动形式,并不是目的。D选项理解扭曲,并没有训练黑猩猩如何维系这种纽带。


3.细节理解题。定位到第11段,urinary cortisol(尿皮质醇)的平均指数是23%,根据“This was especially true for stressful activities, suc h as the intergroup rivalries”可知在群体间竞争时这个指数降到很低。




Robotic surgery is one thing, but sending a robot inside the body to carry out

an operation quite another, which has long been a goal of some researchers to produce tiny robotic devices being capable of traveling through the body to deliver drugs or to make repairs without the need for a single cut, the possibility of which has just got a bit closer.

However, unlike the plot of one film—which featured a microscopic crew and submarine traveling through a scientist's bloodstream—this device could not be inserted into blood vessels(管) because it is too big. While other types of miniature swallowable robots have been developed in the past, their role has mostly been limited to capturing images inside the body. In a presentation this week to the International Conference, Daniela Rus and Shuhei Miyashita of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described a robot they have developed that can be swallowed and used to collect dangerous objects accidentally taken in.

To test their latest version, Dr Rus and Dr Miyashita designed a robot as a battery hunter, which might seem to be an odd task, but more than 3,500 people in America alone, most of them children, swallow the tiny button cells used in small electronic devices by accident every year. To start with, the researchers created an artificial esophagus(食道) and stomach made out of silicone(硅胶). It was closely modeled on that found in a pig and filled with medical liquid; the robot itself is made from several layers of different materials, including pig intestine(肠) , and contains a little magnet. This is folded up and encased in a 10mm×27mm capsule of ice. Once this reaches the stomach the ice melts and the robot unfolds which is moved and guided with the use of a magnetic field outside the body. In their tests, the robot was able to touch a button battery and draw it with its own magnet, and during dragging it along, the robot could then be directed towards the intestines where it would eventually be gotten rid of through the anus(肛门). After it, the researchers sent in another robot loaded with medication to deliver it to the site of the battery bum to speed up healing.

The artificial stomach being transparent on one side, the researchers were able to see the batteries and visually control the robots. If not, that will require help with the help from imaging system, which will be a bit more of a challenge, but Dr

Rus and Dr Mi yashita are determined to succeed.

1. According to the passage, the robot operation will probably be able to ________.

A. travel through a scientist's bloodstream

B. photograph the body to convey to the doctor

C. enter the body to deliver drugs or make repairs

D. operate on a person outside the body completely

2. We learn from Paragraph 3 that ________.

A. the researchers did the experiment on a chosen animal

B. the robot took necessary drugs besides a little magnet

C. digesting the swallowed batteries is difficult for children

D. the actual size of the robot may be larger than the capsule of ice

3. What may the experiment mean to the medical world?

A. The surgeries will cost patients much money.

B. Patients will suffer less for some surgeries.

C. Fewer children will swallow the button cells.

D. A robot will be invented travelling blood vessels.

4. Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. An Experiment on Robot

B. Tiny Robot, Significant Role

C. The Fantastic Robotic Voyage

D. The Exploration of Robot Technology



1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“to produce tiny robotic devices being capable of traveling through the body to deliver drugs or to make repairs without the need for

a single cut, the possibility of which has just got a bit closer”可知选C。

2. 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“This is folded up and encased in a 10mm×27mm capsule of ice”可知,这种机器人需要被折叠后才能放进胶囊里,由此可推知,它的实际大小应该是比胶囊要大的。故选D。

3. 推理判断题。根据第一段末的“without the need for a single cut”可知,用上这个机器人后,不需要给病人开刀进行治病,当然可以减轻痛苦了。故选B。

4. 文章标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是一种可以放入人体内进行治病的机器人。故选C。



If you could change your child’s DNA in the future to protect them against diseases, would you? It could be possible because of technology known as CRISPR-Cas, or just CRISPR.

CRISPR involves a piece of RNA, a chemical messenger, designed to work on one part of DNA; it also uses an enzyme (酶) that can take unwanted genes out and put new ones in, according to The Economist. There are other ways of editing DNA, but CRISPR will do it very simply, quickly, and exactly.

The uses of CRISPR could mean that cures are developed for everything from Alzheimer’s to cancer to HIV. By allowing doctors to put just the right

cancer-killing genes into a pati ent’s immune system, the technology could help greatly.

In April scientists in China said they had tried using CRISPR to edit the genomes (基因组) of human embryos. Though the embryos would never turn into humans, this was the first time anyone had ever tried to edit DNA from human beings. With this in mind, the US’ National Academy of Sciences plans to discuss questions about CRISPR’s ethics (伦理问题).

For example, CRISPR doesn’t work properly yet. As well as cutting the DNA it is looking for, it often cuts other DNA, too. In addition, we currently seem to have too little understanding of what DNA gives people what qualities.

There are also moral questions around “playing God”. Of course, medicine already stops natural things from happening ——for example, it saves people from infections. The opportunities to treat diseases make it hard to say we shouldn’t keep going.

A harder question is whether it is ever right to edit human germ-line (种系) cells and make changes that are passed on to children. This is banned in 40 countries and restricted in many others. However, CRISPR means that if genes can be edited

out, they can also be edited back in. It may be up to us as a society to decide when and where editing the genome is wrong.

Also, according to The Economist, gene editing may mean that parents make choices that are not obviously in the best interests of their children: “Deaf parents may prefer their children to be deaf too; parents might want to make their children more intelligent at all costs.”

In the end, more r esearch is still needed to see what we can and can’t do with CRISPR. “It’s still a huge mystery how we work,” Craig Mello, a UMass Medical School biologist and Nobel Prize winner, told The Boston Globe. “We’re just trying to figure out this amazingly compl icated thing we call life.”

1. What is the article mainly about?

A. How CRISPR was developed by scientists.

B. What we can and can’t do with CRISPR.

C. Chinese scientists’ experiment of using CRISPR to edit human embryos.

D. The advantages of CRISPR and arguments about its ethics.

2. According to the article, the technology of CRISPR ________.

A. is very safe because it only cuts the DNA it is looking for

B. is banned in 42 countries and restricted in many others

C. could cause parents to make unwise choices for their children

D. could help us discover the link between DNA and the qualities it gives people

3. It can be concluded from the article that CRISPR ________.

A. could be helpful in the treatment of cancer and HIV

B. allows scientists to edit genomes for the first time

C. is a technology that uses an enzyme to work on RNA and DNA

D. has proven to be the most effective way to protect children against diseases

4. What is the author’s attitude toward CRISPR?

A. Supportive.

B. Worried.

C. Negative.

D. Objective.

【答案】1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D




2. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段gene editing may mean that parents make choices that are not obvio usly in the best interests of their children: “Deaf parents may prefer their children to be deaf too; parents might want to make their children more intelligent at all costs.”可知由于基因被改变,会导致父母不能正确对孩子做出决定,故选C。

3.推理判断题。根据第三段The uses of CRISPR could mean that cures are developed for everything from Alzheimer’s to cancer to HIV.可知CRISPR技术可以促进这些疾病的治疗,有帮助作用。故选A。



高中英语演讲稿 高中英语演讲稿1 Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,”Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go


高中生励志主题英语演讲稿 英语演讲能够促进学生口头表达和写作能力的提升。同议论文一样,英语演讲稿也具备论点鲜明、逻辑性强等特点,但绝不是一般的议论文。范文大全为大家整理了高中生励志主题英语演讲稿3篇,希望对你有帮助。 高中生励志主题英语演讲稿篇1 Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I\d like to talk something about English. I love English. English language is noe the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure. When I y mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs y colorful dream in the English etimes, I ade more and more friends as proved my oral English. I hope I can travel around the eday. I erica to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I y bike in Cambridge university, I , such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. I knoe e too. 高中生励志主题英语演讲稿篇2Leading members and judges, young friends: Hello, everybody! My name is XX, and going to talk about today is in exchange for time, there is no end to the dream of youth! I


高考英语作文范文:演讲稿 导读:本文高考英语作文范文:演讲稿,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 假设你正在参加全省中学生演讲比赛,请你针对有些父母经常翻开孩子的日记或书包这一现象,写一篇演讲稿,陈述你的观点。资料包括:1.认为同学们不必为此烦恼2.期望能够体谅父母的苦衷3.推荐与父母进行交流沟通 范文:Good morning , ladies and gentlemen , Some of us are having problems with our parents , as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries . I fully understand why we are not fortable about it , but there's no need to feel too sad. Our parents are checking our bags or diaries to make sure we are not getting into any trouble . They have probably heard some horrible stories about other kids and thought we might do the same . Or perhaps they just want to connect with us but are doing it all wrong . My suggestion is : Tell them we want them to trust us as much as we'd like to trust them .If you don't think you can talk to them , write them a letter and leave it lying around ---they are bound to read it . Thank you!


-1- 演讲稿(一) What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , sex or personality. Friendship can be pure. We hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. It is doubtful that is real friendship. Having friends, one can be find happiness. If you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. When you are happy , they share it with you. They are also there for you to chat with at any time. It is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says" to love each other is easy but to make friends is hard", So, it is vital that we should get along with our friends. In my opinion ,it is a shame to deceive your friends . The world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship 翻译 友谊是什么?友谊是一种不需要钱或者物质来维持的人与人之间的关系。无论人们的背景 年龄 性别或者个性怎样,友谊的维系需要感情多过财富。 友谊应该是纯洁的。然而,现今我们常常听到的是一个人怎样被他的朋友所欺骗。许多人与人走近是因为他们拥有很多的金钱。而这是否是真正的友谊令人怀疑。 通过交朋友,一个人会感到快乐。如果你有麻烦,你的朋友会帮助你,至少会支持鼓励你。当你开心时,他们会与你分享。他们会在任何时候倍你聊天。 正如谚语说的:爱别人是容易的,但与人交朋友是困难的,这是一种奇妙的感觉。所以,与我们的朋友走近是相当重要的。我认为欺骗朋友是可耻的。如果这个世界充满友谊,那么这个世界将会更加美丽。 演讲稿(二)


高中英语励志演讲稿 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 高中英语励志演讲稿 Eagle acquired in a strong wind and rain in the wings, the plum blossom in full bloom in the cold weather assail the nostrils of the fragrance. In today’s competitive times, we will not be timid, looking over, we will learn to survive in the competition, in the face of adversity in life to write music. As a philosopher said: The above on the fate of the people, confidence is the key to the fate! Thorns in front of any problems, we will hold it constant. Xue-Hai vast, we have to do down the brave sailors, wind and the waves, the future together, the ancient saying goes: The trials and tribulations, as in Ru Yu. “Youth in the footsteps of firms


高中英语演讲稿5分钟 篇一:高中四分钟英语演讲 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程: /(报名址)怎样准备高中英语演讲 敢于演讲取决于自己的精神,自己要有一种渴望表现自己的冲动,要有一种希望阐述自己观点的愿望和一颗热情澎湃的激动的心! 经常演讲,则要抓住机会演讲,寻找机会演讲,创造机会演讲!大部分高中生面子薄,总是抓不住机会来表现自己,更不用说积极的创造了。don’t be shy,just try! 如果你已经敢于演讲并希望经常演讲,那么应该要善于演讲。何谓善于演讲?善于演讲,就是懂得演讲的方法。什么是演讲的方法?我认为要想掌握真正的演讲方法,最重要的应该是懂得演讲不是仅仅的演讲,演讲是一种艺术,他是语言所迸发出的美的火花!要想掌握演讲的方法,你应该热爱演讲,你必须记住,attitude is everything! 演讲的具体技巧: 洛基英语是中国英语培训市场上的一朵奇葩,是全球已被验证的东方人英语学习的最佳模式。洛基英 1.在有了好的心态后,演讲稿就成为了第二要点。首先

你要明白,演讲稿不是普通的英文文章,它是一篇热情洋溢,激情四射的阐述你的观点的文章,它必须能够吸引听众的注意!一篇好的演讲稿应该能够很清楚的一开始就让听众知道你在说什么,做到这一点并不容易,因为有时太过于直接会让大家感到突如其来,应该有一定的缓冲。我看了很多外国名人的演讲后总结出以下几种形式: ①. 问候天气,然后转入正题。 ②. 寒暄。如:good morning!i’m very glad stand here and give you a talk. ③. 开门见山。如:good morning!today i stand here to talk about 有了好的开头,在演讲稿中,为了调动大家的激情,可以多运用排比句,在这点上美国的著名演讲家:martin luther king,jr.可以称的上是专家。 2.演讲稿写好后,你应该背过它,这是最起码的要求!因为如果拿着稿子去演讲的话,听众大都会认为你准备不充分,一开始就无法被你的内容所吸引。同时,这也会给别人一个信号:你的信心不充足。所以,背过它,背的滚瓜烂熟!这才能保证别人会被你吸引住。 3.背过了演讲稿,是处理它的时候了,什么地方该停顿,什么地方语气该加重,什么地方要快读,什么地方要慢读,都要细细斟酌!可以这么说,语气在很大的程度上决定你演讲的成功!


三分钟青春高考励志英语演讲稿三篇 导读:本文三分钟青春高考励志英语演讲稿三篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1经典励志演讲稿We Are The World ,We Are The Future Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with


(一)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter 自从进入高中以来一直觉得压力很大,学习状态不 太好,请你给他写封邮件,以帮助他振作起来。 内容要点: 1.给他三条建议 2.表达期望并送上祝福 (二) 假如你是校汉服(Han costume)俱乐部主席李华。近期俱乐部将举办一场有外国交换生参加的汉服设计大赛.你将代表主办方在开幕式上发言。请根据以下要点写一篇发言稿: 1.大赛目的; 2.大赛规则 3.对选手的祝福. My fellow students, Good morning! My name is Li Hua, Chairman of the Han Costume Club. It’s great honour for me to stand here, delivering a speech about the Han Costume Design Competition at the Opening ceremony. Aimed at helping the students, esp. the exchange students, to have a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture, the competition will be held in the following two hours. To my delight, so many competitors are active in joining us together. On behalf of the club here I’d like to announce the regulations that all the participants should obey. Firstly, finish your design on your own in two hours; Secondly, put the theme of your design in place with two lines of words. At last, I’d express my good blessing---Good luck to all the participants! Thank you for your listening. Dear Peter, I’m sorry to hear about your situation .But i hope you will soon cheer up .Here are some suggestions for you to relieve stress . First and foremost ,try to build up your confidence ,Preparing for the College Entrance Examination is a long-term process and confidence plays an important role in it .So never give up or lose heart no matter what happens .Second, you should find your own strengths and weaknessed in you study ,and seek help from both teachers and classmates in the face of difficulties and stress .Last but not least ,you ought to do more physical excise so as to keep fit as well as relax yourself. Look forward to hearing your good news soon .Best wishes to you and your family ! Yours


高中英语演讲稿范文 篇一:高中英语口语演讲稿 中学英语口语演讲稿 没主题吗? 你是要中学的还是大学的?第一篇: 中学版 ibelievemydream我相信我的梦想hellogoodeveningeveryone!mynameis....你好晚上好大家好!我的名字是 (i) msohappythaticanbeadmittedbymydreamedschool.thenewcampusgiv es meanewstartsoihaveadreamthatthefuturemecanriseoutthissmallw orld

andholdaplaceofmyself,afterseveralyears’experience.我太高兴了,我可以承认我的梦想学校。新校园给了我一个新的开始,所以我有一个梦 想,今后我可以摆脱这个小世界和举行地点的我,经过几年的经验。为了使这一梦想成真,我问自己,不仅集中了我的注意学习,因为我应该面对所有的社 会不仅是我的教科书或我的同学。ithinkcollegeisalsoasmallsocietywhereicanimprovemyself.fore xampleishouldlearnhowtogetalongwithotherthoughimaydisliketh em,orhowtodealwiththingsthatiusedregardasworthleand soon.. 我认为,大学也是一个小社会里,我可以提高自己。例如我应该学会如何相处与其他虽 然我可能不喜欢他们,或如何处理的事情,我使用方面的毫无价值的,等 等..thenisincerelyhopeicanfindmytruefriendssothatwecanstrug gleforour


高中英语语法主语从句 第一节主语从句 1.考点解析。 1.主语从句一般分为三类:由what等代词引导的主语从句;由连词that 引导主语从句,多数情况下由it作形式主语,that从句放到句子后面去;由连接代词或连接副词(或whether)引导的主语从句。 What they are after is beauty. It is not your fault that we can’t arrive on time. When they will arrive has not been decided. 2. 由关系代词what引导的主语从句,也可由whatever(“所…的一切”)或 whoever(“一切…的人”)引导。 Whatever he wants is your support. Whoever comes will be welcome. 3. 大多数主语从句都可用it代替,作形式主语,把主语从句放在句尾。要注意it代替主语从句和it引导的强调句的区别。强调句的结构是it is/was….+that…,强调人是可把that 换做who,whom,whose。如强调的是状语时,也只能用that,而不能用when, where, how, why等。 It was in Paris that they fell in love with each other. It is the lady who was my English teacher. It was last semester that he won the first prize. 2. 试题详解。 1.______ he needs is more experience. A. Who B. That C. What D. How 2.It was because of the heavy snow ______ the train was late. A. why B. that C. so D. thus 3.It doesn’t matter ______ he likes or not. A. whether B. what C. when D. that 4______ he has won the Noble Prize has been proved to be true. A. What B. How C. It D. That 5.What he wants _______ to sleep more. A. are B. have been C. is D. were 6.______ we can begin this investigation is still a question. A. When B. Why C. What D. That 7.It is ______ that the highway will be open to traffic nest year. A. report B. reported C. reporting D. by report 8.______ fails to see this will make a big mistake. A. Whatever B. what C. wherever D. Whoever 9.It is a mystery _____ the prisoner escaped. A. why B. how C. what D. that 10.It was last summer _____ he graduated from the college. A. that B. when C. / D. where 3. 实战演练。 1. We didn’t know ______ she didn’t come. A. why B. that C. when D. it 2. It is still doubtful _______ she would play the part.


高中英语励志演讲稿样本3篇 High school English inspirational speech sample 演讲人:JinTai College

高中英语励志演讲稿样本3篇 前言:演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针 对某个具体问题,鲜明、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或抒发情感,进 行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。本文档根据题材主题演讲内容要求展开说明,具 有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文档下载后内容可按需编辑修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘 Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:高中英语励志演讲稿范文 2、篇章2:高中英语励志演讲稿模板 3、篇章3:高中英语励志演讲稿模板 篇章1:高中英语励志演讲稿范文 Ladies and Gentlemen: My topic is Honesty. As a correspondent of the Qingdao Morning News, I visited Dr. James Gilman, the President of the International Committee for Marco Polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and we are looking at a dragon’s tooth. This is a true story. /chuzhong/chusan/ 65 years ago, James lived in Qingdao. Then he was only 5 years old. He often visited the


《高中英语演讲稿》 高中英语演讲稿精选(一): 我有一个梦想 I have a dream Every one has his own dream。When I was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own 。But now ,when I am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot。 I have got quite different experience from other girls。While they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story 。I was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind。Nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete。Yeah ,of course ,I'm an athlete,I'm so proud of that all the time 。 When I was 10 years old ,I became a shot-put athlete。The training was really hard ,I couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands 。But I always believe that god only help those who help themselves。During those hard days,I find I was growing more quickly than others of the same age。To be an athlete is my most correct choice。But,I quit my team after entering high school because of a silly excuse。I really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway。 Today I say to you my friends that even though I must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow 。I still have a dream 。It is a dream deeply rooted in my soul。 I have a dream that one day ,I can run,jump and pitch just like I used to be。 I have a dream that one day , I can go back to my dream sports and join the national team。 I have a dream that one day ,I can stand on the highest place at the olympic games。With all the cameras pointing at me。I will tell everyone that I'm so proud to be a Chinese athlete! This is my hope 。This is the faith that I continue my steps with!!! With this faith ,I will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !


人教版必修一各单元知识点总结Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受 get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动); take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是… 17. no longer / not …any longer 不再… 18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.) much too 太…(后接adj.) 19. not…until 直到…才 20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为… make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。


篇一:英语励志演讲稿范文 英语励志演讲稿范文(一) ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i‘m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is ―youth‖. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、do you know what is youth? 2、how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals. years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust . whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ?s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what‘s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there‘s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young . when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80. thank you! 英语励志演讲稿范文(二) good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen. psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as


高考英语作文模板:发言稿 Good afternoon, everyone, 大家下午好, The national student sports program, waged by the Ministry of Education and aimed at improving students health, was held from 10:00a.m.~11:00a.m.on April 29,20xx in many primary and middle schools all over China. Almost 11 million students in Jiangsu province participated in this program. 全国学生体育项目,进行了由教育部,旨在提高学生的健康,从上午10点举行。~ 11:通行2920xx四月在中国各地的许多小学和中学。江苏省近11000000名学生参加了这一计划。 The Ministry of Education advocates that we do exercises for one hour a day and can work healthily for 50 years. Our whole life will be very enjoyable. 教育部提倡我们每天做一个小时的运动,能够健康地活50年。我们的整个生活会很愉快的。 In my opinion, we senior high school students should do exercises for one hour a day even though our spare time is limited. Health is a basic condition for our study. If we did not do exercises, we wouldnt be


高中英语演讲稿一分钟 篇一:高中英语演讲稿一分钟 新一分钟英语演讲稿ladies and gentlemen:on behalf of my colleagues, i wish to give my warm eongratulations on thc holding of the photo exhibitionscenery of yunnan, guizhou and sichuan.talking of scenery and landscape, there are many similarities and contrasts between 中国 and canada. both have land masses that are among the worlds largest. both have some of the world s most impressive mountains, rivers and lakes. but each has things that are special to itself. the chinese are surprised by the fact that canadian fur traders of the early years were actually able to sail on canoes from the atlantic to the pacific through thousands upon thousands of lakes spread out from eastern to western canada, while canadians find the mountains drawn by chinese painters on scrolls utterly surreal. no chinese visitors would leave canada


高中英语语法知识点总结 一、定语从句与强调句陷阱题详解 1、The factory was built in a secret place, around _________ high mountains、 A、 which was B、 it was C、 which were D、 them were 【陷阱】 容易误选A或B,将 A、B中的 which 和 it 误认为是其后句子的主语。 【分析】 最佳答案是C,around which were high mountains 是一个由“介词+which”引出的非限制性定语从句,而在该从句中,主语是 high mountains,around which 是表语,所以句子谓语应用复数were,而不是用单数 was。请做以下类例题目(答案均为C):(1) Yesterday we visited a modern hospital, around _________ some fruit shops、 A、 which is B、 it is

C、 which are D、 them are(2) The murder happened in an old building, beside _________ the city police station、 A、 which are B、 it is C、 which is D、 them are(3) Next month we’ll move to a new building, next to _________ a nice restaurants where we can have Chinese food、 A、 which are B、 it is C、 which is D、 them are 2、 A man with a bleeding hand hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around _________ I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?” A、 that B、 which C、 where D、 what
