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As in the rest of the world,the Chinese use sweetness to explore the feeling of joy and happiness. At the same time, when we eating the something is sweet, we feel merry and glad.The taste buds can pick up sweetness before all other gustatory feelings.And sugar is the most common source of sweetness. Of course,clever Chinese will make full use of all the ingredients like fruits, grains and other foodsto produce sweet food.

For example,Sweet white wine is made in rice with water soaked or boiled, steamed after appearing again, sprinkle with sweet wine yeast, pour a little water, stir well, placed in a warm, dry place .In the summer, l - 2 days can be as sweet white wine; In winter, about 3 to 5 days The sweet white wine has a high nutritional value.Thesweet white wine in Changzhou is the most common, but in most parts of China folk can see sweet white wine.There is a folk song called < Sweet white wine>in Changzhou:Lane (小巷)came a shout like a gentle wind willow(柳树). Sweet like honey, white jade(翡翠,玉), mellow(香醇的)flavor(风味), wine does not intoxicate(陶醉), this life is like a cup of wine . China folk have a kind of street culture, Making sugar-figurine.Making sugar figurine is a kind of Chinese traditional craftsmanship, producers have to pick a burden, a head is heating stoves, on the other side is sugar and tools.Sugar by heating and sucrose and maltose, ecru as tan, also some add dye or pigment of red or green.When using temperature

control is the key of overheating is too thin easy deformation, cold and too hard to shape.The tools used is very simple, more is a shovel and spade.The sugar-coated figurine is boil of various shape, made of sucrose and maltose figures, animals, plants, etc.

Blow sugar figurine in the majority with animal modelling, plump, common in Chinese zodiac for content.

According to the different production process, can be divided into three types: blow sugar figurine, knead sugar figurine and painting sugar.The main components of the sugar-coated figurine is cane sugar and malt sugar.

The Chinese people are good at make sugar boil into all kinds of food. Brown sugar is raw sugar extracted from sugar cane.Not refined yet,it almost contains all the nutrients in the sugar cane juice。

In China, it is often used as a nourishment For example, Teochew people use it as an ingredient for preserving food of smoking dark.

The taste buds sensitive to bitterness lie at the base of the tongue.Though hidden deep down, they are unusually sensitive.Chinese people are good at using bitterness in cooking, not only because they can enjoy the nuanced layers of taste,No sweet without sweat is Chinese in the sense of taste to the "bitter" syndrome differentiation, is used to adhere to the belief in the adverse circumstance, they believe that the most perfect life is mixed.
