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1 爆破

1) Incomplete Plosion不完全爆破

Plosives +plosives爆破音加爆破音

Next door. Quite different. a big cat at that time

Plosives +fricatives爆破音加摩擦音

first visit step forward get there ask them good season

Plosives +affricates爆破音加破擦音

a good jo

b a sweet dream a hard journey a cold drink

2). Nasal Plosion 鼻音爆破

t,d +m,n Good morning. attend meetings at noon don’t know a loud noise 3). Lateral Plosion边音爆破

t,d +l a good leader at lunch

失去爆破现象不仅仅发生在两个单词之间,也可以发生在同一个单词的内部.例如:English friendly handbag等等。

练习S it down, please. Welcome to our hospital! Here’s a cup of hot tea. Good morning! Have a good dream! We’ll have lunch right now. Let me introduce myself.

2 连读:

1.词尾辅音+词前元音以ng结尾读[N]的单词,如果后面紧跟以元音音素开头的单词,发生连都时,中间加一个音素[g]。ring him.

Will you repeat it ? Good afternoon. Don’t mention it.

2.词尾元音+词首元音I ought to tell you. It’s too easy for me to do it. I hope you enjoy it.

缩略即在书写时将两个或多个相邻的单词省略某些字母而连接起来,在口头说出时则省略相应的某些音素后读做一个单词。我们把缩略的书写形式称为缩略式,把缩略产生的音变称为缩略音。例如:I am—I’m; you have---you’ve; how is--- how’s; that would--- that’d 3.词尾/r/音+词首元音以re或r结尾的单词,在英音中,它们不发音,在美音中,读[r],和以元音音素开头的单词相临时,发生连读。No bother at all. Excuse me for a moment. 4击穿轻辅音[h]的连读,如果前一个单词以辅音音素结尾,后一个单词的读音以轻辅音音素[h]开头,语速较快时,直接与[h]后面的元音音素发生连读。例如:isn’t he 在听力中听到的往往是[izn ti]。Can’t he? Lent him a book.

[注] 1). 如果出现在词尾音节的元音前,那么词尾的那个r不与下一个词首元音连读。

nearer and nearer

2). 再有停顿的地方,r不与后面的元音连读。这一原则也实用于其他连读现象。

I’ll go there later if I’m free. Yes, I think so. Well, I’m glad to.

3 同化:

1. /t/ +/j/ --- /tʃ/ What you have to do is…, situation

2. /d/ + /j/ --- /dʒ / Did you have a good rest last night? education

3. /s/ + /ʃ/ 或/j / --- / ʃ/ this shop, this year

4. /z/+/j/---[z ], because you


Would you please do me a favor? (C ould … )

Nice to meet you!

Weather this year is quite strange.

4 浊化:

1. 清辅音/p/ /t/ /k/ 出现在句首,后面紧跟一重读元音,送气较强。too, time, term

2. 如果/p/ /t/ /k/ 出现在重读音节前面,它们前面有一个/s/音,/p/ /t/ /k/ 几乎不送气,这就叫浊化。/p/ /t/ /k/变为/b/, /d/, /g/,spring, student, stop, speed, sky, street。

3. /p/ /t/ /k/出现在弱读元音前,送气较弱。doctor, supper, happy。

4. /p/ /t/ /k/出现在词尾时送气稍有减弱。这时即使有/s/音,也不减弱那么厉害。如:week, right, bat, ship, fast, grasp。

5 句子重音

1). 有句子重音的词

名词It’s a book.

形容词It is an old book.

数词There are eight people in the room. The second picture is better.

实意动词I told him.

副词early to bed and early to rise

感叹词O for a cup of water!

指示代词That is a map.

名词性物主代词It is not my book. It is his.

用于加强语气用的反身代词I did it myself.

复合代词Nobody is absent. Someone is asking to see you.

否定词No, it’s not him.

用于加强语气用的do: Do be careful!

双音节和多音节介词After you!

疑问代词和疑问副词What is your name?

2). 无句子重音的词

冠词It is a map of the world.

连词Comrade Li and Comrade Wang

单音节介词in the workshop

人称代词He is our monitor.

物主代词My name is Wei Fang.

关系代词I know the man whom you mean.

关系副词the place where I was born

相互代词They help each other.

作宾语用的反身代词I can’t express myself in English.
