






I. Listening Comprehension (50 points)

Directions: In Sections A, B, C and D you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then write down your answers on your , ASWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Section A Short Conversations ( 10 points, 1 for each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question. You will be given

10 seconds to answer each question you hear.

1. A. The gym is scheduled to open tomorrow. B. The new gym is open only to kids.

C. There's a new project going on at the gym.

D. He's too busy to go to the gym.

2. A. Introduce the man to Jane soon. B. Ask Jane if the man could have the book.

C. Loan the book to the man after Jane.

D. Check with Jane if she's finished the book.

3. A. He is used to living in a large apartment.

B. She knows the man's neighbor who is moving out.

C. He knows about a larger apartment she can rent.

D. The woman should go and see the man's apartment.

4. A. Call to make sure if there's a heavy storm tomorrow.

B. Leave for the airport earlier tomorrow.

C. Cancel their vacation plans.

D. Check their flight schedule in the morning.

5. A. Ask the man to produce his driver's license.

B. Go and find out if the wallet is brown in color.

C. Show the man some family pictures.

D. Show the man a wallet.

6. A. Have the man preside over the opening of the exhibit alone.

B. Find out what time the exhibit opens.

C. Stay at home and take a rest.

D. Help the man arrange the opening of the exhibit.


7. A. Purchase the car he likes so much. B. Write a check for the new car.

C. Try to sell his car before buying Dave's.

D. Find out how much the car costs.

8. A. He can meet the woman in the afternoon.

B. He would like to discuss the idea right away.

C. He thinks the woman's idea is a good one.

D. He will try to find some time to discuss the special issue with the woman.

9. A. The woman is afraid that she'll have to pay a fine. B. He has paid the fine for the woman.

C. He's returning the book soon.

D. He returned the book to the library.

10. A. See the exhibit when it goes to another city.

B. Try not to miss a pop show next time.

C. Go to the museum next week when the exhibit is on again.

D. Seize a chance whenever possible.

Section B Long Conversations (14 points, 1 for each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you are required to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions or judge whether the following given statements are true or false.

Conversation 1

Statements 11 to 20 are based on the conversation you have just heard. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

11. The staff members of the restaurant share in decision-making.

A. True

B. False

12. The owner, Paul, always has the final say when disagreement comes up.

A. True

B. False

13. Mr. Paul Thornton is the owner of the restaurant.

A. True

B. False

14. The restaurant is located in the countryside of Australia.

A. True

B. False

15. Alan has been with Paul for five years.

A. True

B. False

16. Paul once lectured on cooking with practical demonstrations in Australia and New Zealand.

A. True

B. False

17. Paul wanted to set up his business in a competitive place.

A. True

B. False


18. The restaurant used to be a farmhouse.

A. True

B. False

19. The restaurant is attractive because customers are used to those old dishes.

A. True

B. False

20. Alan doesn't want to have his recipe publicized in the magazine.

A. True

B. False Conversation 2

Questions 21 to 24 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

21. What's the relationship between the speakers?

A. They're roommates.

B. They're classmates.

C. They're cousins.

D. They're lab partners.

22. Why was the man worried at first?

A. He couldn't decide on a topic for his paper.

B. He hadn't heard from his family for a while.

C. He thought his paper was late.

D. He thought the woman had been ill.

23. According to the man, how do some bees use their sense of smell?

A. To find their way back to the nest.

B. To locate plant fibers.

C. To identify kinds of honey.

D. To identify relatives.

24. What will the man probably do over the weekend?

A. Visit his parents.

B. Plan a family reunion.

C. Observe how bees build nests.

D. Write a paper.

Section C Long Passages (14 points, 1 for each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long passages. At the end of each passage, you are required to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions or judge whether the following given statements are true or false.

Passage 1 Questions 25 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

25. According to the speaker, some job applicants were rejected

A. because they eliminated their names from the applicants' list themselves

B. because of their inadequate education as shown in their poor spelling in writing the resume

C. because they failed to give a detailed description of their background in their applications

D. because of their carelessness to spell the company's name incorrectly

26. Perfectionists refer to those who

A. pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives

B. know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstances


C. demand others to get everything absolutely right

D. are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do

27. The example of the Apollo II moon launch is to illustrate that

A. minor mistakes can be ignored in achieving major objectives

B. keeping one's goal in mind helps in deciding which details can be overlooked

C. adjustments are the key to the successful completion of any work

D. failure is the mother of success

28. The passage is mainly talking about

A. not to be a perfectionist

B. details and major objectives

C. importance of adjustments

D. hard work plus good luck

Passage 2

Statements 29 to 38 are based on the passage you have just heard. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

29. Professor Hill does not think that many British newspapers are real newspapers because they don't contain news at all.

A. True

B. False

30. In Britain, the most popular newspapers are to instruct people.

A. True

B. False

31. The real newspapers that report the facts are more serious than the popular papers but the latter have a larger circulation.

A. True

B. False

32. Facts show that the vast majority of British readers want no proper papers at all.

A. True

B. False

33. Professor Hill thinks highly of the newspaper he buys every day even though it is of a small circulation.

A. True

B. False

34. The editorial column of Professor Hill's favorite newspaper doesn't always support govermnent policy.

A. True

B. False

35. If an intelligent person finds a copy of Professor Hill's favorite newspaper 50 years from now, he will still find it shocking and surprising.

A. True

B. False

36. Professor Hill likes buying various newspapers to read.

A. True

B. False


37. According to Professor Hill, the popular newspapers are much worse than his favorite newspaper.

A. True

B. False

38. From the passage, we can see that Professor Hill looks down upon readers of the most popular newspaper.

A. True

B. False

Section D News Broadcast (12 points, 1 for each)

Directions: In this section, you will hear four news items. At the end of each news item, you are required to choose the correct answer (14, B, C or D) to each of the following questions or judge whether the following given statements are true or false.

News Item 1

Statements 39 to 43 are based on the news you have just heard. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

39. More than 1,000 Rwandan refugees have returned home after almost two years in Congo.

A. True

B. False

40. Military officials in Kigali say the refugees were recalled from the Congolese city of Kisangani.

A. True

B. False

41. Rebels in Kisangani are trying to overthrow the Congolese government

A. True

B. False

42. In June, Rwandan soldiers clashed with Ugandan soldiers.

A. True

B. False

43. After the clashes, both sides agreed to the United States' control of the city.

A. True

B. False

News Item 2

Statements 44 to 46 are based on the news you have just heard. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.

44. Two African presidents have spoken of African wars again.

A. True

B. False

45. The two presidents said money would be better spent on fighting Aids or building roads and bridges.

A. True

B. False

46. The two presidents will attend a meeting Monday in Lusaka to discuss the war in Congo Kinshasa.

A. True

B. False

News Item 3

Questions 47-48 are based on the news you have just heard.


47. The Justice Department has accused the industry

A. producing dangerous products of

B. conspiring to hide the health dangers of smoking

C. not funding a ten-billion-dollar anti-smoking program

D. not having changed its marketing practices

48. What do the government lawyers ask the judge to force the industry to do?

A. To change its marketing practices.

B. To fund a ten-billion-dollar anti-smoking program.

C. To stop the cigarette production.

D. Both A and B.

News Item 4 Questions 49-50 are based on the news you have just heard.

49. What's the plan GM's CEO announced at the automaker's annual shareholders meeting?

A. Close vehicle assembly plants.

B. Close vehicle parts plants.

C. Job-cuts.

D. Both A and B.

50. Which is NOT the reason for GM's heavy burden?

A. Slumping sales.

B. Employee's wages.

C. Employee health care.

D. Rising cost of raw materials.

II. Vocabulary (35 points, 1 for each)

Directions: There are 35 sentences in this section.Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. Mark the correct choice on your ANSWER SHEET.

51. his poor record in school, I think he should study harder.

A. In view of

B. In case of

C. In spite of

D. In charge of

52. Nancy was surprised that they had . They seemed to be a happy couple.

A. split up

B. broken down

C. fallen through

D. cut off

53. No horse has a speed _ _ to that of ours.

A. comparable

B. comparative

C. contradicted

D. compatible

54. It was her to die in a foreign country, far from her family.

A. destination

B. destiny

C. dignity

D. luck

55. Hurricanes are killer winds, and their power lies in the physical damage they can do.

A. cumulative

B. destructive

C. turbulent

D. prevalent

56. If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could be

A. deceptive

B. ineffective

C. deficient

D. prevalent


57. popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.

A. Subject to

B. Contrary to

C. Familiar to

D. Similar to

58. There are some faults which men readily , but other not so readily.

A. acknowledge

B. admit

C. confess

D. concede

59. Prague offers visitors a series of excursions and leads them into a rich and past.

A. variable

B. diverse

C. different

D. changeable

60. To produce a mighty book, you must choose a great .

A. matter

B. topic

C. theme

D. thesis

61.With prices so much, it hard for the company to plan a budget.

A. waving

B. fluctuating

C. maintaining

D. reserving

62. W With all its advantages, the artificial intelligence is by no means without its .

A. boundaries

B. restraints

C. confinements

D. limitations

63. They decided to the traffic away from the affected areas.

A. shift

B. adjust

C. divert

D. change

64. Your decision will a great strain on our friendship.

A. impose

B. propose

C. expose

D. suppose

65. Things happening in that country are televised to people all over the world.

A. live

B. lively

C. alive

D. livingly

66. We expect Mr. White will Class Two when Miss Brown suffers from heart attack.

A. take over

B. take up

C. take off

D. take to

67. The accident _ him of his sight and the use of his legs.

A. exclude

B. disabled

C. deprived

D. gripped

68. He offered to college.

A. see me through

B. look me through

C. bring me through

D. see through me

69. Talking about something which affects them personally is motivating for students.

A. chiefly

B. ironically

C. currently

D. eminently

70. I don't know you want to keep the letter. I've it up.

A. cracked

B. tom

C. broken

D. disposed

71. These measures are just beginning to

A. take place

B. take part

C. take effect

D. take after

72. We have bought an ivory sculpture, which is flawlessly

A. inquisitive

B. explicit

C. fragrant

D. exquisite


73. When the crowd saw the prize-fighter stretch out on the canvas, shouts and cheers

A. broke up

B. broke forth

C. broke through

D. broke upon

74. Outside my office window, there is a fire on the right.

A. climb

B. escape

C. step

D. stair

75. Some delegates didn't object to the proposal but stated that they would the right to comment on it at a later time.

A. conserve

B. preserve

C. protect

D. reserve

76. A budget is an estimate of probable future income and

A. award

B. revenue

C. expenditure

D. bonus

77. If a tourist doesn't have a(n) passport, he will be prevented from entering a country.

A. operative

B. valid

C. efficient

D. effective

78. " If we fail to act now," said Tom, "we'll find ourselves this later on."

A. pay back

B. pay for

C. pay up

D. pay off

79. Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. attribute to

B. attend to

C. contribute to

D. devote to

80. The doctor enjoyed both his work and his life. He had never felt any between these two things.

A. constrict

B. constraint

C. conflict

D. construct

81. The bird its wings and flew away.

A. fluctuated

B. clapped

C. flapped

D. flung

82. All of us must be on our guard against those who always us.

A. flatter

B. admire

C. falter

D. criticize

83. His intelligence and experience will enable him to the complicated situation.

A. cope with

B. settle down

C. intervene in

D. interfere with

84. Some people either avoid questions of right and wrong or just remain neutral about them.

A. violently

B. enthusiastically

C. sincerely

D. deliberately

85. She hopes to her artistic talents in the job.

A. apply

B. utilize

C. employ

D. avail

III. Grammar (30 points, 1 for each)

Direction: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the best one to complete each sentence. Mark the correct choice on your ANSWER SHEET.

86. , her proposal is of greater value than yours.

A. All things considering

B. All things being considered


C. All things considered

D. All things to be considered

87. Everybody says she is a good student, ?

A. isn't she

B. doesn't she

C. don't they

D. doesn't it

88. You me up: I don't have to go to school today. I have asked for sick leave.

A. needn't have woken

B. don't need to have woken

C. didn't need to have woken

D. needn't wake

89, University teaching in the United States is very different at both undergraduate and graduate levels of many overseas countries.

A. from those

B. than

C. from that

D. from which

90. Human beings are superior to animals they can use language as a tool to communicate.

A. in that

B. for that

C. for which

D. in which

91. My pain apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?"

A. must be

B. had been

C. must have been

D. had to be

92. in all parts of the state, pines are the most common trees in Georgia.

A. Found

B. Finding them

C. To find them

D. They are found

93.Hot air accompanied by high relative humidity feels warmer than

A. as it actually

B. it actually is

C. actually it is

D. is actually it

94. Not until an infant hedgehog opens its eyes its nest to follow its mother about.

A. it leave

B. and leaves

C. leaving

D. does it leave

95. Little schooling the two young men had, the Wright brothers were the first to discover the secret of air travel.

A. as

B. although

C. no matter how

D. however

96. , he prefers a quiet life.

A. To be an old man now

B. Being an old man now

C. Having been an old man now

D. With an old man now

97. The bite of most varieties of poisonous spiders is the sting of a bee.

A. more no deadly than

B. no deadly more than

C. no more deadly than

D. more deadly than not

98. Earthworms occur adequate moisture and food and the necessary soil conditions are found.

A. and

B. but

C. however

D. wherever

99. They lost their way in the forest, and made matters worse was that night began to fall.

A. that

B. it

C. what

D. which


100. ---It was cold yesterday.


A. So it was

B. So was it

C. Such it was

D. Such was it

101. He knows little of mathematics, of chemistry.

A. as well as

B. and still less

C. no less than

D. and still more 102. After twenty years abroad, William came back only his hometown severely damaged in an earthquake.

A. to find

B. finding

C. to have found

D. to be finding 103. The physicist has made a discovery, of great importance to the progress of science and technology.

A. I think which is

B. that I think is

C. which I think is

D. which I think it is 104. He is not under arrest, any restriction on him,

A. or the police have placed

B. or have the police placed

C. nor the police have placed

D. nor have the police placed

105. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style in a personal one.

A. rather than

B. other than

C. better than

D. less than

106. He might have lost his daughter the timely arrival of the policemen.

A. but for

B. except for

C. besides

D. except

107. Physics is the present day equivalent of used to be called natural philosophy, from most of present day science arose.

A. which, what

B. that, which

C. what, which

D. what, that

108. Mother decided to go to the supermarket as soon as she

A. finishes what she did

B. finished what she did

C. finished what she was doing

D. would finish what she was doing

109. With all the data he needed , peter began to write his thesis.

A. collecting

B. being collected

C. to be collected

D. collected 110. It was a long time the neighbors found that the old lady had been dead of cold.

A. when

B. until

C. since

D. before 111. In the course of the whole life the wise businessmen do far more than just money.

A. made

B. to make

C. make

D. making 112. Our scientific findings cannot be regarded as in such a short period of time.

A. to have been obtained

B. to be obtained

C. having been obtained

D. being obtained


113. Going out for a holiday is a good way to relax and refresh yourself, and this is especially true it comes to preventing depression.

A. since

B. before

C. after

D. when

114. How strict tutors are with their pupils a strong impact on the quality of their pupils’ academic papers.

A. has

B. have

C. having

D. to have

115. you are proven innocent, you can shake off all the shadows cast on you.

A. while

B. even though

C. now that

D. for

Ⅳ. Error Identification (20 points, 2 for each)

Directions: Each sentence has only one mistake. Please point out the mistaken item. Then mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET.

116. Light rays what enter the eye must be focused onto a point on the retina in order for a clear visual


image to form.


117. Those part-time students expected to offer some jobs on campus during the coming summer vacation.

A B C D 118. Certain zoologists regard crows and ravens are the most intelligent of birds.


ll9. Living in such a high-speed society, undeniably, computer is indispensable.


120. Mr. Smith regretted to blame his secretary for the mistake, for he later discovered it was his own




121. Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, even in a distant part of the world, we feel sympathy for the


people to have affected


122. In the teaching of mathematics, the way of instruction is very traditional, with teachers giving



lectures and students take notes


123. Ulysses S. Kay was among the United States composers visited the Soviet Union in I958 to

A B C participate in a cultural exchange program.


124. He has been hoped for a raise during the last four months, but his boss is reluctant to give him one.

A B C D 125. He cannot tell the difference between true praise and flattering statements making only to gain his

A B C D favor.

V. Cloze Test (15 points, 1 for each)

Directions.: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Many professors are associated with a particular stereotype. The 126 image of a writer, for instance, is a slightly easy-looking person, locked in an attic, writing furiously for days 127. Naturally, he has his favorite pen and note-paper, or a beat-up typewriter, 128 which he could not produce a readable word.

Nowadays, we know that such images 129. little resemblance to reality. But are they 130 false? In the case of at least one writer, it would seem not. Dame Muriel Spark, who 131 80 in February, in many ways resembles this stereotypical sitter. She is certainly not crazy, and she doesn't work in an attic. But she is rather 132 about the tools of her writing.

She insists on writing with a certain type of pen in a certain type of notebook, which she buys from a certain 133 in Edinburgh called James Thin. In fact, so 134. is she that, if someone uses one of her pens 135, she immediately throws it away. And she claims she would have enormous difficulty writing in any notebook 136 those sold by James Thin. This could soon be a problem, as the shop no longer 137 them, and Dame Muriel's supply of 72-page spiral bound is nearly finished.

As well as her 138 about writing materials, Dame Muriel Spark 139 one other characteristic with the stereotypical writer: her work is the most important thing in her life. It has stopped her from marrying, 140 the loss of her old friends and driven her from London to New York to Rome. Today she lives in the Italian province of Tuscany with a friend.

126. A. historic B. antique C. senior D. traditional

127. A. on finish B. on final C. on end D. on stop


128, A. except B. without C. beyond D. on

129. A. bear B. stand C. hold D. keep 130. A. extremely B. possibly C. likely D. completely 131. A. observed B. entered C. saw D, turned 132. A. particular B. specific C. peculiar D. special 133. A. grocer B. chemist C. stationer D. baker 134. A. mysterious B. conventional C. superstitious D. traditional 135. A. by fortune B. by accident C. by purpose D. by one 136. A. much as B. rather than C. such as D. other than 137. A. piles B. stores C. stocks D. conceals 138. A. devotion B. preoccupation C. worship D. obsession 139. A. shares B. agrees C. sides D. possesses 140. A. spent B. caused C. exhausted D. tired



专升本考试英语核心词汇积累 because [bi'k z] conj.因为; because of 因为,由于; 基于; become [bi'k m] v. (became, become)变成,成为,开始变得 before [bi'f :] prep. (指时间)在...以前; (指位置)在...前面;(指顺序、重要性等) 在...之前,先于 conj.在...以前ad.较早;以前,以往; behind prep.在...的背后,(遗留) 在...后面,落后于 ad.在背后,向后,落在后面; below prep. 在……下面; beneath prep. 在……下方(面) beside prep. 在……旁边;靠近 besides prep. 除……以外(还有)

ad. 还有,此外 between prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间 v.是,就是;表示,意味着;等于,值;成为,变成aux.v. [与动词的现在分词连用,构成各种进beyond prep. (表示位置) 在……的那边; 迟于;超出ad.在更远处 begin [bi'gin] v.开始; beginner n. 新手; beginning n. 开始,开端; at the beginning 起初; behalf [bi'hɑ:f] n.利益 behave v.举止端正, 表现,守规矩,行为; (机器等)运转 Behave yourself! 规矩点! behaviour (=behavior) n.行为,举止; (机器等)运转情况 belief [bi'li:f] n.相信;信念;信仰;信条;


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been


专升本词汇主要由:基础词汇+高频词汇+词组 同学将会在今后的一个月每天学习高频词汇。一天记30个词汇,经过一个月的突击努力,将会使你的词汇学习更加有的放矢,词汇积累过程就会相应缩短,少走弯路,避免无效的重复。 1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园

16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/978293798.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费


专升本英语语法重点汇总 一、动词时态及语态题(大家应该记住我所讲过的九种时态,特别是其中的过去完成,过去进行时,客观真理要用一般现在时等) 1、The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958. 2、By the time we got there,the play had already begun. 3、When I was a child,I knew that the earth turns about its axis. 4、When Mr.Delay got home after a day's exhausting work,his wife and children were sleeping. 二、非谓语动词题(特别是现在分词与过时分词的区别,大家一定要弄明白主动与被动这对最最重要的区别,要求大家多看我的上课笔记) 1、The film showed last night was very moving. (不用moved,大家别忘了-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别) 2、Having finishing his lecture,the teacher asked if anyone wished to asked a question. 3、The problem being discussed is very important. 4、Given more time,we are sure to finish it. 5、Will you please make yourself known to everyone here 三、It作形式主语及形式宾语题(这也是一个常考点,it本身是没有意思的,注意it 还可以指时间,天气等。) 1、It is difficult to study English wel l. 2、We think it is important to pass the exam. 四、强调句型(大家要记住的是it is (was)……that…,如果前面是it iswas 后面往往选用that,当然强调人的时候也可用who) 1、It was at an evening party that I first saw her. 2、It is what you will do that is important. 3、When was it that he bought a new car 五、倒装句型


2010年成考专升本英语词汇表 1.enable sb to do sth使某人能做某事eg.The computer enables people to communicate with each other more conveniently./计算机使人们彼此间能更方便地交流。 2.be about to do sth… when正要做某事……突然……eg.I was about to go shopping when it suddenly began to rain./我刚要出去买东西,天就突然下雨了。 3.by accident/by chance/accidentally偶然地 https://www.360docs.net/doc/978293798.html,e across sb偶然遇见 5.act on sth依……行事eg.Each student should act on the rules and regulations of the school./每个学生都应该遵守学校的规章制度。 6.add to/add up to加上/总计达eg.The number of the patients added up to three hundred last week./上星期,病人人数达到了三百人。 7.in advance/ahead of time提前 8.after all毕竟 9.agree to do sth/agree with sb/agree to sth 10.aim at doing sth下定目标做某事eg.Aiming at winning the game,he practiced hard every day./为赢得比赛,他每天努力练习。 11.allow/permit/forbid doing sth允许/允许/禁止做某事 12.allow/permit/forbid sb to do sth允许/允许/禁止某人做某事 13.apologize to sb for sth因某事向某人道歉 14.take sth in one's arms抱着…… 15.arrive at a conclusion得出结论 16.put sb to shame使某人相形见绌eg.His courage put all the other students to shame./他的勇气令其他学生都感到惭愧不如。 17.be astonish at sth因某事感到震惊 18.make the bed铺床 19.blame sb for sth/it is me to blame因某事责怪某人/该受责怪的人是我 20.break down/break up/break out/break into坏了/驱散/爆发/破门而入 21.hold one's breath/out of breath摒住呼吸/上气不接下气 22.bring about/bring up引起,使发生/抚养长大 23.burst into tears/laughters突然大哭/大笑 24.burst out crying/laughing突然大哭/大笑 25.call at sp/call on sb/call up/call off/call out to/call for/call on sb to do拜访某地/拜访某人/打电话/取消/大喊/叫来/号召某人做某事 26.carry out/work out/point out/find out实现/做出/指出/查明 27.catch up with sb/keep up with sb/put up with sb赶上某人/跟上某人/容忍某人 28.change sth into sth/exchange sth for sth把……变成/交换eg.Can you change this note into coins?/你能把这张纸币换成硬币吗?eg.May I exchange this book for your new pen?/我能用这本书换你的新笔吗? https://www.360docs.net/doc/978293798.html,e into being/come to oneself/形成/恢复意识eg.The new system came into being in the late 19th century./这种新体制在十九世纪后期开始形成。 30.have sth in common with sb和某人有共同点eg.The twins have a lot


1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/dis ability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/wid en/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/heighten/length en 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于(=be addicted to) 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 e.g. Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现~ the task accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take…into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人) e.g. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到 achievement n. 成就, 功绩 16. action n. 动作, 行动, 举动 take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事(同:take measures to do sth.) 17. actor n. 男演员→actress n. 女演员 类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)18. adapt vt. 使适应, 改编 adapt oneself to sth. 适应(= adjust oneself to sth.) e.g. He adapted/adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 比较:adopt vt. 采用, 收养 19. advance n. 前进, 提升v. 前进, 提前 in advance 预先,提前 20. advantage n. 优势, 有利条件(反:disadvantage n. 不利条件, 缺点)have an advantage over 胜过,占优势 take advantage of 利用 21. advertise v. 为…做广告 advertisement/ad n. 广告 22. advise vt. 劝告, 忠告 advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作) persuade sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果)注意:advise的宾语从句或It is advised that结构的主语从句,需使用should型虚拟语气。 advice n. 忠告, 建议 23. afford vt. 买得起, 负担得起 ~ sth. (a new car, vacation, etc.) ~ to do sth. 24. agree vi. 同意, 赞成 agree with sb. agree on sth. (经过讨论后)就…达成一致 agree to sth. (plan, proposal, etc.)


福建专升本英语必备核心词汇 =A= 1.abandon v. 放弃;抛弃,离弃 同义词:cease,depart,quit,withdraw 搭配:abandon oneself to 沉溺于;听任。。。。。。摆布 2.abide v. 坚持;遵守;容忍 同义词:bear,endure,tolerate 搭配:abide by 遵守,履行 3.abolish v. 废除,取消 同义词:abandon,cancel,destroy 4.absence n. 没有,缺乏,缺席 同义词:lack,scarcity,shortage 搭配:in the absence of 没有,缺乏 5.absolute a. 绝对的;顽强的;专制的;确实的,确定的 同义词:complete,entire,perfect,total 6.absorb v. 吸收;吸引。。。。。。的注意,使全神贯注 同义词:involve,occupy 搭配:be absorbed in 专心于 7.abstract a. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要;抽象v.摘要;提取,抽取 同义词:a. theoretical n. extract,outline,summary 8.absurd a. 愚蠢的;荒唐的

同义词:childish,comic,ridiculous 9.abuse v. 滥用;谩骂n. 滥用;谩骂,毁谤 同义词:v.misuse,curse,insult n. misuse,insult,mistreatment 10.accelerate v. 加速;促进 同义词:advance,quicken,rush 11.access n. 接近,进入;入口,通路;进入的方法 同义词:approach,course, entry, passport 12.accommodate v. 留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳 同义词:hold,provide,supply 13.accommodation n. 居住设施 同义词:housing,rooms,settlement 14.accomplish v.完成,实现 15.accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积 同义词:collect,increase,save,store 16.accuse v. 控告,谴责 同义词:blame,charge 搭配:accuse sb of doing sth 指控某人做了某事 17.acquaint v. 使认识,使了解 同义词:introduce,present 搭配:acquaint oneself with 熟悉,通晓 acquaint sb with 把…..告诉某人 18.adapt v. 适合;改编,改写


; 专升本英语必背527个核心词汇 1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/disability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/widen/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/height en/lengthen 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵 abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于 (=be addicted to) ( 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船 abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板 on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 & 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 . Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现 ~ the task — accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take… into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某 — 人) . He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到


模拟题四 第一部分:交际用语 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话是未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 1. ---Do you mind if I sit here? --- _____A_________. A. Not at all. There is plenty of room. B. Of course. Do sit down, please. C. Never mind. I’d like to have some companion. D. Sure. I’d like to have someone to talk to 2. –Why do you always tell me what to do? To be frank, I don’t like it. --- I know, but _C__. A. I don’t like it either. B. How do I do for you? C. I just want the best for you. D. Obviously. You are right. 3. ----That was a delicious dinner. ----_D_. A. Thank you. Don’t mention it. B. You’re welcome. C. Not so delicious, I’m afraid. D. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 4. --- You are most beautiful in that red sweater. --- __C___. A. Oh, no. It’s just an old one, and I have had it for years. B. Yes. I think it goes nicely with my pants. C. Thank you. My mom knitted it for me some years ago. D. Oh, but I’m not sure if it suits me. 5. ---I missed Prof. Wang’s linguistics class again yesterday. ----_____C_____. A. Congratulations! B. How nice you are! C. What a pity! D. Have a nice weekend. 第二部分:阅读理解 此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。 Passage 1 Many countries face a somewhat more serious economic problem in the form of an unfavorable trade balance with other nations. Such an imbalance exists when the total value of a country’s imports exceeds that of its exports. For example, if a country buys $25 billion of products from other countries, yet sells only $10 billion of its own products overseas, its trade deficit(贸易逆差)is $15 billion. Many underdeveloped nations find themselves in this position because they lack natural resources or the industrial capacity to use these resources, and thus have to import

英语专升本考试重点复习内部资料 (专升本英语语法,词汇,阅读理解、翻译)

语法七大语法考试重点 一独立主格 (一):独立主格结构的构成: 名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词; 名词(代词)+形容词; 名词(代词)+副词; 名词(代词)+不定式; 名词(代词) +介词短语构成。 (二)独立主格结构的特点: 1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。 2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介词等是主谓关系。 3)独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 举例: The test finished, we began our holiday. = When the test was finished, we began our holiday. The president assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. = After the president was assassinated, the whole country was in deep sorrow. Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. This done, we went home. The meeting gone over, everyone tired to go home earlier. He came into the room, his ears red with cold. He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. 二过去完成时 1)概念:表示过去的过去其构成是had +过去分词构成。 2)用法 a.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. b. 状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示"原本…,未能…" We had hoped that you would come, but you didn t. 3)过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before. By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.


英语专升本词汇表 A a [?] art. 一(个);任何一(个) ;每一(个) adequate ['?dikwit] adj. 1. 充足的,足够的 2. 适当的,胜 a. m. [ei'em] (缩)上午,午前 adjective ['??iktiv] n. 形容词 ability [?'bil ?ti] n. 能力;能耐,本领;专门技能,天资 able ['eibl] adj. 有能力的;出色的 adjust [?'??st] v. 1调节,改变. . . 以适应 2. 校正,调整 admire [?d'mai ?] v. 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕 aboard [?'b ?:d] prep. 在船(飞机、车)上;上船(飞机、车) about [?'baut] prep. 关于;对于;在…周围;大约;附近 above [?'b ?v] prep. 在…之上,高于adv. 在上面,以上 abroad [?'br ?:d] adv. 国外,海外;传开 admit [?d'mit] v. 1. 承认,供认 2. 准许. . . 进入,准许. . . adopt [?'d ?pt] v. 1. 收养 2. 采取,采纳,采用 adult ['?d ?lt] n. 成年人 adj. 成年的,充分长成的,成熟的advance [?d'v ɑ:ns] v. 1. 前进,向前移动 2. 取得进展,改 前进,进展 2. 预付,预支 absent ['?bs ?nt] adj. 缺席,不在;心不在焉的 absolute ['?bs ?lu:t] adj. 绝对的,完全的 absorb [?b's ?:b] v. 吸收;吸引…的注意,使全神贯注 abstract ['?bstr?kt] adj. 抽象的 n. 摘要,梗概 v. 提取,抽取 academic [?k ?'demik] adj. 学院的;学术的 accent ['?ks ?nt] n. 口音,腔调;重音,重音符号 accept [?k'sept] v. 接受,领受;同意,认可 access [?k'ses] n. 接近;进入;通道,入口 accident ['?ksid ?nt] n. 意外的事,偶然的事;事故 accompany [?'k ?mp ?ni] v. 陪伴,陪同;伴随,和…一起发生,伴奏 accomplish [?'k ?mpli ?] v. 完成,实现 advanced [?d'v ɑ:nst] adj. 在前面的,先进的,高级的 advantage [?d'v ɑ:nti ?] n. 1. 优点,优势,有利因素 2. 利益 adventure [?d'ven ??] n. 1. 冒险,冒险活动 2. 奇遇 adverb ['?dv ?:b] n. 副词 advertisement [?d'v ?:tizm ?nt] n. (=ad)广告 advice [?d'vais] n. 劝告,忠告,意见 advise [?d'vaiz] v. 劝告,通告,建议 affair [?'f ??] n. 事件 affect [?'fekt] v. 1. 影响 2. [在感情方面] 喜欢 afford [?'f ?:d] v. 1. 买得起,担负得起 2. 提供,给予 afraid [?'freid] adj. 1. 害怕的,恐惧的 2. 犯愁的,不乐意的 Africa ['?frik ?] n. 非洲 according [?'k ?:di ?] adj. 相符的,一致的,相应的 account [?'kaunt] n. 叙述,说明;帐,帐户 v. 作出说明 accurate ['?kjurit] adj. 准确的,精确的 African ['?frik ?n] adj. 非洲的,非洲人的 n. 非洲人 after ['ɑ:ft ?] prep. 在. . . 以后,在. . . 后面 adv. 以后,后 在. . . 以后 accuse [?'kju:z] v. 指控,控告,指责 accustomed [?'k ?st ?md] adj. 习惯的,惯常的(~ to) ache [eik] v. / n. 疼痛 afternoon [7ɑ:ft ?'nu:n] n. 下午,午后 achieve [?'?i:v] v. 完成,实现;达到,得到 achievement [?'?i:vm ?nt] n. 成就,成绩;完成,达到 acquaintance [?'kweint ?ns] n. 1.认识,相识,了解 2.相识的人,熟人 acquire [?'kwai ?] v. 取得,获得,学到 again [?'gein] adv. 再一次,又一次 against [?'genst] prep. 1. 倚在,紧靠着 2. 逆,反(对),违反 和. . . 对比 age [ei ?] n. 1. 年龄 2. 时代,时期 v. 变老 agency ['ei ??nsi] n. 代理(处),代办处 across [?'kr ?s] prep. 横过,穿过;在…的对面 act [?kt] v. 行为,举动;起作用,表演 agent ['ei ??nt] n. 代理人,代理商 action ['?k ??n] n. 行动,行动过程;作用 ago [?'g ?u] adv. 以前 active ['?ktiv] adj. 活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的 activity [?k'tiviti] n. 活动,活跃;行动 agree [?'gri:] v. 同意,应允 agreement [?'gri:m ?nt] n. 1. 协定,协议,契约 2. 达成协 agriculture ['?grik ?l ??] n. 农业 actor ['?kt ?] n. 男演员 actress ['?ktris] n. 女演员 ahead [?'hed] adv. 在前,向前,提前 actual ['?ktju ?l] adj. 实际的,事实上的,真实的 adapt [?'d?pt] v. 使适应,使适合;改编,改写 add [?d] v. 添加,增加;把…加起来;进一步说或写 addition [?'di ??n] n. 加,加法;附加物 aid [eid] n. 1. 帮助,援助 2. 助手,辅助手段 v. 帮助,援助aim [eim] v. 1. 把. . . 瞄准,把. . . 对准 2. 致力,旨在 n. 对准2目标,目的 air [??] n. 空气,大气,天空 v. 通风 additional [?'di ??n ?l] adj. 附加的,另外的 address [?'dr ?s] n. 地址,住址;演说,讲话 airline ['??lain] n. 1. 航空公司 2. (飞机的)航线 airplane ['??plein] n. 飞机


表acquire 获得,学到afternoon下午,午后词汇 A acquisition 获得;获得物afterward(s) 然后,后来 acre 英亩a gain再,又,此外 a (an) 一,一个across穿过,横过against反对;倚靠 abandon 放弃,丢弃act 行动,表演age 年龄,时代 ability 能力,才能active积极的,活动的agenda 议程,议事日程 able 能干的activity 活动,活动性agent 代理人,代理商abnormal 反常的,不规则的actor演员,男演员aggressive 侵略的,有进取心的aboard 在船(飞机,车)上actress女演员ago 以前,??前 abolish 废除,取消a ctual 实际的,现行的agree 赞同,一致,约定 abortion 流产,堕胎a cute尖的,急性的agreement 协议,同意 about 大约,关于A D 公元;广告agricultural 农业的,农艺的 above 在?上面,超过ad= advertisement 广告,做广agriculture 农业,农艺;农学abroad 到国外,遍布ahead 在前,向前,提前 告 abrupt 突然的,粗鲁的adapt使适应,改编aid 帮助,救护 absence缺席,缺少adaptation改编,适应AIDS 爱滋病 absent 缺席的,茫然add 加,进一步说(或写)aim 企图,瞄准 absolute 绝对的,确实的addicted 沉溺的,上瘾的air 天空,大气;样子 absorb 吸收,接受addition 加法,增加aircraft 飞机,飞艇 abstract 抽象的,摘要address地址,住址airline 航线,航空公司absurd 荒谬的,可笑的adequate充足的,任任的airmail 航空邮件,航空邮 政 abundant 丰富的,充裕的adjust调整,校整,适应于 a irplane 飞机 abuse 滥用,辱骂adjustment 调整,校整airport 机场,航空港 academic 学术的,学院的administration 管理,经营,行airspace 空气,空间,上空academy 院校,研究院;学会alarm 惊恐;警报 政 accelerate 加速,促进;增加速admirable可赞赏的,堂堂的album 粘贴薄;相册;文选 度admire羡慕,钦佩 a lcohol 酒精 accent 重音,口音;强调admission 允许进入,入场费a lcoholic 酒精的 accept 接爱,认可admit 承认,接纳a lgebra 代数学,代数 access接进;进入;途径adolescence青春期,青少年alike 相似的,相象的accessible 易接近的,可理解的adolescent青少年的,青春期的alive 活着的,有活力的accident 事故,意外的事adopt 采取,收养all 全部的,完全地accommodation 适应,膳食供adore 崇拜,热爱allergic 过敏的,极讨厌的 应adult 成的人的,已成熟的alley 小径,胡同 accompany 陪伴,陪同,伴随advance促进,提高,allocate分配,把??拨给accomplish 完成,实现a dvantage优势,利益allow 允许,承认,考虑到 account 解释,说明a dventure 冒险,奇遇a llowance 允许,准许, accountant 会计,出纳a dvertisement 广告,登广告almost 几乎,大概 accumulate 积累,积蓄,堆积advice 劝告,意见a lone 单独的,唯一的 accuracy 准备性;准备度advise 劝告,建议,通知along 沿着,向前 accurate 准备的,正确的advocate提倡,提倡者alongside 在旁边,横靠accuse 控告,指责a ffair 事情,事务a loud 出声地,大声地 accustomed 习惯了的affect 影响,感动alphabet 字母表 ache 痛,想念affection 爱,感情,作用already 已,已经 achieve 完成,达到afford 提供,负担的起a lso 也,同样;而且 achievement 成就,实现a fraid 害怕的,恐怕alternative两者选一的;交替的 acid 酸的,酸性物质A frica 非洲although 尽管,虽然 acknowledge 承认,感谢A frican 非洲的,非洲人的altitude 高度,高处 acquaintance认识,熟人after 在??后面,后来altogether 完全,全部,总共
