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Railway route design is civil engineering, transportation and a practical courses, This design main training students' comprehensive ability to use the basic knowledge, raises the student with qualitative analysis method of comprehensive analysis and evaluation problem. This design is calculated for "ability" and "flat vertical plane design" knowledge, broaden and comprehensive application. Through the graduation design makes the students learned capacity calculation and consolidate the basic methods of economic comparison, familiar with and use the railway line design specification, thus deepening understanding of content, improve the comprehensive analysis and problem solving ability for design and construction of foundation or continue.

The design of the main contents of the selection design the huangzhangzi longxumen new railway K0+000 to K20+390 segment,railways total length of 20.39Km,railway design speed of 200Km/h,single-track railway.

Analyed by the building construction distribution and along topography, look up the corresponding technical specifications in order to determine the level of the railway and the various paramenters of the design. Based on knowledge of the railway line selection,subgrade,railway track,the use of CAD and relate soft ware to draw the line plan,longitudinal section, cross-sectional diagaram , related calculationa show and Retaining wall.

Key words: plane, longitudinal,cross-sectional, Retaining wall


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 选题背景及意义 (1)

1.2 铁路定线原则 (1)

1.3 铁路定线方法及步骤 (2)

1.3.1 河谷定线 (2)

1.3.2 越岭地段 (3)

1.3.3 平原、丘陵地区 (3)

1.4 地质自然气象特征 (4)

1.4.1 地形、地貌特征 (4)

1.4.2 水文地质 (4)

1.4.3 气象 (4)

1.4.4 工程地质 (4)

1.4.5 地震 (5)

1.5 论文的主要工作 (5)

第二章平面线路设计 (6)

2.1 概述 (6)

2.2 直线设计 (6)

2.3 夹直线设计 (7)

2.3.1 夹直线概念 (7)

2.3.2 夹直线长度设计原则 (7)

2.3.3 夹直线长度的保证 (8)

2.4 圆曲线设计 (8)

2.4.1 曲线半径取值原则 (8)

2.4.2 曲线半径选用原则 (9)

2.5 缓和曲线设计 (9)

2.5.1 缓和曲线的作用 (9)

2.5.2 缓和曲线的选定原则 (9)

2.6 平面数据表 (11)

2.6.1 逐桩坐标表 (11)

2.6.2 平面曲线要素表 (14)

第三章线路纵断面设计 (15)

3.1 纵断面概述 (15)

3.2 纵断面设计容 (15)
