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whom,所有格whose),that, which 禾口关系副词where, when, why 等。

The boy who is weari ng a black coat bought a dicti onary yesterday.

The noodles that(which) my mother cooked were delicious.

The school where I lear ned judo was very large.

I remember the day whe n our band was formed.

I don ' t know the reason why she got so angry this morning.



Do you know the girl who just came in?

Shan ghai is a city (that) I ' ve always wan ted to visit.

Her sister married a man (who/whom/that) she met on a pla ne.

The time whe n I first met Mr. White was a very difficult period of my life.


Lori is going to marry Mark, whom she does not love.

Beiji ng, which is the capital city of Chi na, is a very beautiful city.



一.关系代词who, whom的用法


贝卩必须用宾格whom,即介词+whor h . E.g. Jonny is a person who always has no vel ideas.

The girl who the first prize in the con test is from Zhejia ng.

The pers on who/whom you just talked to is Mr. Depp.

---The person to whom you just talked is Mr. Depp.介词to 提至U定语从句前,只能用whom.)

We lgo to the hospital to see the patients, most of whom are children.

(whom 前常用表示数量的词none/neither/both/each/all of …)

(2)在定语从句中,who, that指人时可以通用,但在下列情况下用who,而不用that.

A)先行词是one, ones, anyone 时,宜用who.

One who has no thi ng to fear for on eself dares to tell the truth.

The ones who flatter me don ' t please mfenyone who laughs last laughs best.

Anyone who fails to fin ish the task give n should be criticized.

B)先行词为those 时,宜用who. Those who want to go to the Great Wall sig n up here.

No words are strong eno ugh to express our tha nks to those who worked hard to rescue survivors in the earthquake.


I met a girl in the street yesterday who grew up in Yunnan provin ce.


另一个宜用who. E.g. The boy that you met last night is the group leader who studies very hard.

E)在there be开头的句子中,事宜用who.

There is a young man who wan ts to see your father. There was a king who was kind to his people.

There are many old men who are aga inst this pla n.

二.关系代词whose的用法:关系代词whose是关系代词who的所有格形式,它既可以代人,也可以代物。当whose代物时,相当于of which. Whose 引导的定语从句既可以是限定性定语从句,也可以是非限定性定语从句。

The tourist wan ted to book a room whose wi ndow faces south.

=The tourist wan ted to book a room the wi ndow of which faces south.

=The tourist wan ted to book a room . The room ' s wi ndow faces south.

We went to see our teacher Miss Styles, whose husba nd lost his life in the earthquake.

Xi ' an, whose walls remain as good as before, is one of the few cities with city walls.

三.关系代词that, which的用法

(1)在限定性定语从句中指代物时,which和that 一般可通用。

The new house that/which I has just bought is about six miles away.

They planted some trees that /which didn ' t need much water.



This is the best way that has bee n used aga inst polluti on.


This is the third time that they have met.

