





【In Fabian families,...】 (1) discussions (2) perspective (3)

original (4) expected (5) existing (6) to admit (7)

unwilling (8) prevented (9) effective (10) be understood

【I've never believed that the only way...】 (1) dreamed (2) desire (3) has added (4) intelligent (5) challenged (6) devised (7) Choosing (8) topics (9) advantage (10) outweigh

【Women in the United States and...】(1) active (2) catch

(3) image (4) delicacy (5) be involved (6) view

(7) have allowed (8) considered (9) highly

(10) different

【Americans are always known for...】(1)move (2 )territory

(3) average (4)have commute d(5)multitude (6 )appealing

(7)head (8 )resorts (9)thrill (10)disturbing

【Mass media includes print media...】 (1) development (2) traced

(3) were performed (4) prosper (5) origin (6) primary

(7) facilities (8) latest (9) provided (10) various


【We all weaknesses and...】CBDAC BAABA ABACD ABACB

【I was raised speaking English...】ADADB CCBAD CBBDA DACAB

【Chinese basketball fans sit down...】CBBDA CBCBC BACCB ACBBC

【At least three times a week,...】ADCDB DBBAD DAAAC BDCCC

【Media is an inseparable part of life...】ACBDB CDACB DCACB CADBC


*1) D be taken over 2) D do 3) A satisfied

4) C is caused 5) C unfamiliar 6) C

has become

*1) B five-man 2) A not until 3) D

would have been

4) A have made 5) D themselves 6) B is

*1) A too 2) B as

3) C in person

4) C paying 5) A would rather

6) C whom

*1) B that 2) 无错3) A been removed

4) B plays 5) A considered6) D rebuilding

*1) C lent 2) D can you eat 3) C being told

4) B by 5) D be interviewed 6) A takes

四、翻译(10分) SectionA

/按照他所拥有的知识来衡量,他非常富有。He is quite rich in terms of knowledge he has with himself.

/无论做任何事都要遵守法律,这是文明社会的基础。 Laws must be complied with no matter what is done, which is the basis of a civilized society.

/童年艰难生活给他的磨练对于他的成功有很大的影响。The hardship he experienced in his childhood had a great effect on his success.

/发言人拒绝对这件事给出官方的评论。T h e spokesperson refused to make an official comment on the affair.

/这份表格只能由你来签字。The form cannot be sign ed by anyone other than yourself.

/和平对于一个饱经战火的国家是多么的重要。 How important peace is to a country that has gone through so many wars.

/任何事都不能阻止他们去获取胜利。Nothing can hold them back from success.

/他们的研究使人们对生命的奥秘有了新的了解。Their research has thrown some new light on the mystery of life.

/我决定全力以赴找个住的地方。I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.

/她趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。She took advantage of children’s absence to clean their rooms.

/随着世界人口的增加,我们面临着对粮食需求的增加。With the growth of the world population, we are faced with the increase in the demand for food.

/人们似乎没有考虑到这一事实,毕业并不意味着教育的结束。People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.

/昨晚成百上千的人蜂拥去看足球赛。Hundreds of people flocked to the football match yesterday evening.

/我以前在电视上见过她,但见到她本人时,她看起来很不一样。I had seen her before on TV, but she looked very different when I met her in person.

/这个公司去年如何赚了大钱,这还依然是个秘密。It is still a secret how the company made big money last year.

/音乐会非常成功,它实现了我们所有的期望。The concert was brilliant — it lived up to all our expectations.

/在抗日战争时期,八路军占据着重要位置。In the anti-Japanese war, the Eighth Route Army took center court.

/外交部长已经跟美国总统就此事件进行了沟通。The Minister for Foreign Affairs has already communicated on this event with the American President.

/人们选择乘坐私家车出行,是由于他们并不满足于享受公共交通所提供的服务People choose to drive private cars because they are not content to enjoy what public transport offers to them.

/每当春节来临,中国人纷纷赶往家里,无论离家多远。When Spring Festival comes,Chinese head for their own home no matter how far they are.

/传统的中国文化吸引着全世界的人民,超越了肤色,种族及语言。Traditional Chinese culture appeals to people all over the world without preference for skin color, race or language.

/众多的想法充溢在他的脑海,他一时不知如何决定。A multitude of thoughts filled his mind, and he was at a loss at the time.

/一个决策者必须擅长在复杂的情况中挑选出首要就觉得问题。As a decision maker, one must be good at seeking out the priorities in a complex situation.

/成功一方面靠机遇,另一方面还要靠不懈的努力。Success, for one thing, depends on opportunities. For another, it depends on continuous effort.

/我们的信念与行动得到了公众及整个社会的肯定。O ur beliefs and actions have been approved by the general public and the society at large.

/在我们的努力之下落后地区已经发生了巨大变化。Our efforts have brought about a great change for the better in backward areas.

/我喜欢这栋房子的风格,可是烟囱太大,不成比例。I like the general style of this building, but the chimneys are out of proportion—they’re too big.

/就自然资源而言,该国是南美洲最贫穷的国家之一。In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in S outh American.

/爬山之前最好有周密的准备,以防发生灾难事件。It is best to be properly prepared before climbing in case of any disaster.

/请你模仿老师的样子,读出这个单词。P lease pronounce the word the way the teacher does.



Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Decrease imports. B. Increase imports. C. Decrease its deficit by 5%. D. Increase its deficit by 5%. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. Raise the oil prices. B. Import less oil. C. Use less oil. D. Take buses more frequently. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.

新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第二册unit 1教案

授课题目:Language in Mission 授课时间:第____周第____周 授课类型:理论课 授课时数:4 教学目的: After finishing this unit, students will be able to: 1.To talk about way of learning English; 2.Get deeper insights into the text; 3.Make creative use of words, phrases and sentence patterns; 4.Be able to write an essay with three main parts “introduction, body and conclusion”; 5.To read with the skill “reading for the key ideas in sentences”. 教学重点和难点: 1.To further understand the text; 2.To apply the words, phrases and sentence patterns. 3.To read wit h the skill “reading for the key ideas in sentences”; 4.To write an essay with three main parts “introduction, body and conclusion”; 教学方法和手段: Various kinds of teaching methods are used: 1.Teaching in class. Explain the profound theoretical knowledge in class; 2.Case study. Provide case study during teaching, and make the students to discuss about the case; 3.Bilingual and full English teaching; 4.Applying modern multimedia teaching technologies; 5.Taking advantage of abundant network teaching resources. 教学内容和过程:


新编实用英语综合教程1第八单元课后答案 Unit 8 Keeping Healthy and Seeing a Doctor Put in Use ①Imagine you are a doctor. An overseas student from Englandis suffering from a toothache. He is coming to you for help make a conversation with him by filling out the blanks. Key: (1). the matter (2). very well (3). have a look (4). worry (5). some medicine (6). stop the pain (7). Take the tablets (8) several times a day ②Role-play the following conversation with your partner by putting the Chinese version into English. Key: (1). What’s wrong? You look very pale. (2). Oh, your leg is bleeding. You’d better lie down. Does that feel better? (3). I have the first-aid kit here. Let’s stop the bleeding first. (4). You should go to see a doctor immediately. Want me to accompany you to the hospital? ③Tourists may suffer from differen t kinds of illness. Imagine you are a tour guide. You notice that one of the tourists doesn’t look very well. Talk with her and try to give her some help. Key: (1). Very soon. Are you sure you’re all right? You don’t look quite yourself. (2). Oh, t hat’s too bad. You’d better take a rest now. have you had any medicine? (3). Look, this is medicated oil. You might want to rub some on your temples. (4). But you’d better go to see a doctor. I’ll accompany you to the clinic as soon as we return to the hotel. Step III. Being All Ears Listen and decode.


《英语综合教程1》课后习题答案 第一单元: Text A Exercise 1: 1.No.There are many new things in cloolege life, such as b eing on my own, having Friday off ,and talking with friendl y people. I'll have to adjust to these. 2.The first thing that came into my mind was thatIcould m ake any decisionon my own. 3.Yes. All people, including both my teachers and classmat es, are nice and friendly to me. Exercise 2: 1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A Exercise 3: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F Exercise 4:

1.Being on my own 2.Friendly people 3.Having Friday of f Exercise 5: 1—8:dfgebahc Exercise 6: 1. open an count 开立账户 close an account with a bank 和银行结账 a checking account 活期存款账户 a savings account 储蓄存款账户 2.adjust to a new life 适应新的生活 adjust to life in a big city 适应大城市的生活 adjust a watch 校准手表 adjust an error 调整误差 3.be located in a business center 坐落在商业中心 located in the city center 坐落在城市中心 located the shop 找到那商店的位置

新编实用英语综合教程1 第一版 课后答案

一.填空 1. The 2008 … time for… China. 2. Of coursel …take care of …business. 3. Never leave without … years. 4. Clearly … recognition and awards …work. 5. The great … team work. 6. Exercise will … appetite. 7. When I come across … notebook. 8. Let me … official … land. 9. In that … occasional … serious. 10. You have … at hand … traveling. 11. She is annoyed … recommended. 12. Please … feel free to … home. 13. `Nowadays … assume that … is celebrated … America. 14. Is Spring Festival a … the majority … countries? 15. My family … end-of-year cleaning. 16. Some universities … Muslim(s) … food. 17. Decorating the … colorful candles … now. 18.In the 1950s … large choice … them. 19.Do you … ways of thinking? 20.The Asian … festive event … People shared … athletes. 二,汉译英。 1.像…自己。 You, like most people, probably are learning how to market yourself. 2.对不起…走! I’m so sorry , My go-go boss asks me to leave right now. 3.我…言表。 Language is not enough to show my thanks to my parents 4.这…适用于我。 Such sweet words might please you.but they don’t work for me 5.做…差异。 We should beware of cultural differences in foreign trade 6.我们…老朋友。 We have just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages. 7.你…吗? Can you provide any evidence to show that he was not in the crime scene at that time. 8.如果…联系。 If you need our products, please contact me in advance, 9.汤姆…去过。 Tom is new to the town . He has never been there before. 10.认为…错了。 It would be wrong to assume that Valentine’s Day is only celebrated by young people. 11.随着…世界杯了。 With the development of the Internet,the World Cup could be watched at the same time


Unit 4 5 One of the difficulties that overseas students have to overcome has to do with adapting to foreign culture. One of the challenges that faces us has to do with coping with global warming. Winning a scholarship starts with getting excellent grades. Succeeding in a job interview starts with making a good impression. This is true in spoken language as well as in written language. This is true in modern societies as well as in ancient societies. Being sorry that I had broken his cell phone, I hurried out to buy him a new one. Being happy that I had got a pay raise, I spent much money in a big shopping mall. These lectures are sure to help you achieve face with new challenges. The promotion plans are sure to help us increase the sales of our new models. Don't just sit in front of the computer all day long and expect your parents to do everything for you. Don't just stay at home and expect a good job to come to you. Unit 5 Language may be a big problem, but there are many other things you can do to help. The short time schedule may be a big problem, but there are many other things we can do to catch up. Crying is not wrong. We just have to cheer up after it. Dreaming is not wrong. We just have to work on to realize our dreams. Whenever she is in bad mood, she goes to the seaside for a walk. Whenever you feel like talking with me, give me a call. If you're going with us, come and meet us at eight. If you're traveling to other places, go online for some helpful information.


听力部分 Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions 1. A. He does not like what the woman bought. B. He does not remember the price of the shirt. C. He does not remember in which shop the shirt was. D. He remembers only the woman's phone number. 2. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 3. A. He has lost his memory completely. B. He has lost his sight. C. He drank heavily last night. D. He danced until after midnight. 4. A. He remembers his life in primary school. B. He remembers his life in his nursery. C. He remembers his life in primary school but not that in the nursery. D. He remembers his life in both primary school and the nursery. 5. A. He has a bad memory. B. The woman has a bad memory. C. The couple have forgotten to bring their keys. D. The couple are blaming each other for forgetting the keys. Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choice questions 6. How long is it the man and woman haven't seen each other? A. a couple years. B. several years. C. quite a few years. D. less than 10 years. 7. How did the man find the woman in the Math class? A. The best in the class. B. At the bottom of the class. C. A mystery because nobody knew where she came from. D. Able to solve easy problems but not difficult problems. 8. How did the woman find the man in the English Writing class? A. He was weak in writing. B. He was strong in writing. C. He often read his compositions to his classmates. D. He sometimes posted his compositions on the walls. 9. What do we know from the conversation? A. Alice did not play table tennis in school. B. Ed did not hate the drama class. C. The woman played an instrument. D. The man played in the school band. 10. What do we learn about the man and the woman from the conversation? A. The man has a good memory while the woman has a bad memory. B. The man has a bad memory while the woman has a good memory. C. Both the man and woman have a bad memory.


教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

Unit 1 (2) Section A Going Out on Dates Ⅰ. Text Structure Analysis (20 min) 约会 When I was a young fellow, about thirteen, I had a group of friends who were a little older 当我还是个13岁左右的年轻小伙子时,我有一群年龄比我稍大、经than I was, and more experienced. They knew a lot of different girls, and would 验比我丰富的伙伴。他们认识许多不同的女孩,经常在天气宜人的日often go to the beach with them if the weather was good. 子里和她们一块儿到海滩上去玩。 One time we were at the beach, and most of the guys had gone out on some rocks, with the 有一次我们在海滩上时,大多数小伙子都和那些姑娘们到海边的礁girls. I was interested in a particular girl a little bit, and said to myself: "I think I'd like to 石上玩去了。我对其中一个女孩颇感兴趣,自言自语道:"我想带芭芭take Barbara to the movies…" 拉去看电影……" That's all I had to say, and the guy next to me got all excited. He marched out onto the 我想说的就是这句话,而旁边那个家伙听了兴奋不已。他迈开大步走rocks and found her. He pushed her back to the beach, allthe while saying in a loud voice, 到礁石上,找到了她。他一个劲地催她回到海滩上, 一路上大声说: "Feynman has something to say to you, Barbara!" It was most embarrassing. "芭芭拉, 范曼有事要对你说。" 那情形真令人尴尬极了。 Pretty soon the guys were all standing around me, making a scene, and saying, "Well, say 不一会儿,大伙儿都围着我站了一圈,吵吵嚷嚷,对我说:"好的,it, Feynman!" So I invited her to the movies. It was my first date. 范曼,说出来呀!" 于是,我邀请她去看电影。这是我的第一次约会。


新编实用英语综合教程2 unit 1 课后习题答案 P4-1 ①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's right P4-2 1)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ? 2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ? :3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ? 4) Lemonade if you must bring sth . P4-3 1) what are you going to do this weekend ? 2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend . 3) the early or the late show 4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop . 5) i 'd rather go to KFC 6) when and where shall we meet ? P5-1 ①tomorrow②ball game③skiing④for a long time⑤very warm⑥agree P6-2 ① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No, he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a call P6-3


UNIT1 1.Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply. 2.She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless. https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html,municating with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot. 4.Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need. 5.He wants her to give up working and stay at home to look after the children. She feels, however, that is too much for her. 6.Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing. 1.我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学习外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语不会像现在这样说得这样好。 2.没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。 3.写作不仅仅是要写老师布置的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。 4.远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。 5.英语不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界最易学、易用的语言之一。 6.远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。 UNIT2 1.As she was about to turn off the music, her father burst into her room and shouted at her, “Can’t you turn down the music a little bit?” 2.The owner of the bar kept watching the girl dancing while pretending not to. 3.Rock music appeals to sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection. 4.As us ual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start to bug him. 5.At the meeting they discussed how to keep the lines of communication open between teachers and students. 6.It makes my blood to think of these young boys and girls who are forced by their parents to beg money along the streets. 1. 我认为那些在镇上四处闲逛、浑身上下又文身又穿洞的青少年是在表达他们的个性。 2.因特网提供了一种更快捷的方式,让我们与全球的新老客户取得联系,并保持沟通渠道畅通无阻。 3.父母与自己十多岁的孩子的沟通问题不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的思想。 4.当父母与子女间有了这类沟通障碍时,青少年面临的问题更大。


新编实用英语综合教程教学大纲 教学大纲是根据《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)》,并结合我校实际情况编写。 学时:第一学期 64 学时,第二学期72学时,每周授课4学时,开设两个学期,共计 136 学时。 适应专业:高职高专各个专业。(商务英语专业除外) 一、课程的性质和任务 课程性质:本课程为公共必修课。 课程任务:经过两个学期的学习,完成《新编实用英语综合教程》一至二册的教学,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而能借助词典翻译和阅读有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。 相关课程:根据各专业自行设计安排,部分专业在修完本课程后开设专业英语。(计算机英语、秘书英语、汽车英语等) 二、课程的基本要求 本课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。通过学习本课程,学生应该达到以下要求: 1、词汇 认知 2500 个英语单词(包括入学时要求掌握的 1000 个词)以及由这些词构成的常用词组,对其中 1500 个左右的单词能正确拼写,能进行英汉互译。 2、语法 掌握基本的英语语法规则,在听、说、读、写、译中能正确运用所学的语法知识。 3、听力 能听懂涉及日常交际的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟 120 词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,理解基本正确。能理解具体信息,理解所听材料的背景,并能推断所听材料的含义。 4、口语 掌握一般的课堂用语,并能模拟或套用常用口头交际句型,就日常生活和有关业务提出问题或做出简单回答,交流有困难时能采取简单的应变措施。 5、阅读 能阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文资料,理解正确。在阅读生词不超过总词数 3% 的英文资料时,阅读速度不低于每分钟 50 词。能读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如信函、产品说明等,理解基本正确。并且掌握以下阅读技巧: 1)理解文章的主旨或要点; 2)理解文章中的具体信息; 3)根据上下文推断生词的意思; 4)根据上下文做出简单的判断和推理; 5)理解文章的写作意图,作者的见解和态度等; 6)就文章内容做出结论; 7)快速查找有关信息。 6、写作 能运用所学词汇和语法写出简单的短文;能用英语填写表格,套写便函、简历等,词句




Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Decrease imports. B. Increase imports. C. Decrease its deficit by 5%. D. Increase its deficit by 5%. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. Raise the oil prices. B. Import less oil. C. Use less oil. D. Take buses more frequently. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.


全新版《大学英语》教案 课程名称:大学英语(二级) 专业:建筑城规、土木、自动化、光电、电气和数理等学院 年级: 2007级 学年: 2007-2008 学期:第二学期 任课教师:全新版《大学英语》板块任课教师 编写时间:2008年1月

Course Schedule Aims: 1)在上学期学习的基础上,根据学生的学习情况和考试情况,帮助学生找出薄弱环节,有意识地查缺补漏,继续复习巩固语法知识,扩大学生词汇量。加强词汇的记忆,听写以及同义词,拼写相似的词语,容易混淆的词语的对比学习和实际运用,增强学生记忆和运用词汇的能力。 2)加强阅读及阅读单项技能的训练。一是完成第二册所有阅读教程的单项阅读技能的训练,二是复习巩固第一册所学过的单项阅读技能及其综合运用。并认真督促学生完成泛读任务,扩大阅读量。 同时要在课堂上进行快速阅读训练。 3)加强汉英及英汉翻译练习。督促学生完成综合教程每课后的段落翻译。翻译练习有助于学生写作能力的提高。 4)重视写作能力的培养和写作方法的训练。让学生具有初步的记叙文、说明文和议论文的写作概念和经验。 5)督促学生认真做好课外听音,保证每天有半小时

至一小时的听力训练。 Required course materials: College English (New Edition Book 2) —Integrated Curse, Listening and Speaking Course, Reading Course Note: The Reading Course Book is used as Ss’ self-access learning material. Useful English Learning Resources: Magazines: English Language Learning, College English, English Salon, English Weekly, The world of English, English Digest, Overseas English Newspaper: 21st Century, China Daily Websites: https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html, (英语比萨园地); https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html, (听力快车); https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html, (普特英语听力); https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html, (英文写作网); https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html, (旺旺英语); https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html, (中国日报);


新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程第二册 完整教案 新视野大学英语读写教程 BOOK 2 教案 教学对象 Teaching Subjects 周次课型第2-4周20XX级大学英语本科教学内容 Lesson Content 授课时间Unit 1 An Impressive English Lesson 2月29日 - 3月18日□理论课√理论、实践课□实践课课时分配 6 教学环境 Teaching Environment 多媒体教室教学目标Teaching Aims After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to: 1. understand the main idea and structure of Section Aand Section B; 2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the texts 3. talk about language teaching and learning and express their opinions about current way of teaching in an English class; 4. read with the skill ―finding key ideas in sentences‖; 5. write a xxposition with threemain parts: introduction, body and conclusion. 1. Vocabulary tediousabsorbedallergiccapturecondenseexceeddisting uishdistinctivexxplimentaryxxplementaryproclaimevid

unit 1 新编实用英语综合教程

Unit one Greeting and Introducing People Teaching Time: 5classes Teaching Goal s: By the end of this unit, students can : 1.Greet and introduce people in English https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a5090395.html,e the information in the cards to practice dialogue 3.Clearly understand the way English people greet each other 4.Describe a picture in simple English Key Points: Everyday expressions the English people employ to greet and introduce people

1st class: 50ms. Talking Face to Face Step 1 . Presentation Ⅰ. Introducing myself according to my calling card: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Nice to meet. Welcome to our college! My name is Yao fangfang . My English name is Yvonne. You can call me Mrs Yao or Yvonne as you like. From now on, we will be together through this term. I hope we can get well on with each other. I believe so! At last, I would like to give you my heartfelt wishes for you. May you have good study and campus life here. Ⅱ.Show them my calling card and explanation: first name/given name; (given at baptism)名 last name/ family name:姓


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book2-Unit2电子 教案 Unit 2 College—The ladder to success?Understanding and LearningOverview This unit addresses the topic of the value of higher education, which is mainly centered on young people who are facing bewilderment in educational choices. We hope that students will realize the significance of the humanities, with which students can gain more insights into life and society and be aware of cultural and religious differences. Text A advocates that by taking courses in the humanities, students are likely to grow into good people. Text B opposes getting a college education only for a future career, an extreme thinking driven by the economic downturn.Section A The humanities: Out of date? Background information1. the humanities The humanities are a group of academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative. Therefore, they are distinguished from the approaches of the natural sciences. The humanities, called social sciences, include history, anthropology, communication studies, cultural studies, law, language, literature, philosophy, religion, music and theater, etc. 1/ 36
