
2013-2014 学年度第二学期期中考试





1. M: Which pen did you buy yesterday, Helen?

W: I bought the most expensive one. I think it is the best.

2. W: Did you have a good summer holiday?

M: Yes, I spent five days in the USA with my family.

3. W: What kind of film do you like best, Tom?

M: Cartoons. Mickey Mouse is my favourite.

4. M: Have you listened to the weather report this morning, Mum?

W: Yes. The weather will be cloudy. The temperature is going to drop a little.



5. W: Yangzhou is a beautiful place to visit.Have you ever been there?

M: Yes, I have been there once. There are very beautiful Chinese gardens. You’d better go there in spring.

6. M: I miss Jim very much. Do you know how he is?

W: Sorry, I haven’t seen him for a long time. But his mother says he has been ill in hospital for a week.

7. M:Which would you like, tea or juice?

W: Neither. Give me some coffee with milk, please.

8. M: Where’s today’s newspaper? I want to read a report on an important basketball match.

W: Oh, dear! The newspaper is in the kitchen. But I’m afraid you can’t read it. I alw ays use the sports pages to

clean the windows.

9. M:Good luck with your exam!

W:I don’t need good luck. I need another week to study.

10. M:How much will it cost for my son and me to go to Shanghai?

W:64 yuan for you and half of the ticket price for your son.

11.M: Would you like to go swimming with us this afternoon, Jane?

W: Sorry, but I have a bad cold.

12. W: I hear you moved to another town. Is that so?

M: Yes, my father changed his job. We didn’t have many friends here, but we soon met a lot of interesting people.

13. W: Be quick,or we’ll be late for the meeting.

M: Don’t worry. We still have another 20 minutes. It is ten past nine now.

14. W: How long have you worked in the factory?

M: I’ve worked here for 10 years. B ut my wife came here two years later.

15. W: Did you all go to see the film yesterday, Mike?

M: No, except Li Yin and Bob.

W: You mean forty-six students went.


M: Excuse me, I have lost my map. I want to go to the railway station, but I can’t find it. It’s next to the clock

tower, isn’t it?

W: The railway station was there years ago, but I’m afraid it’s not there any more.

M: Oh, really? I haven’t visited Sunshine Town for a very long time. Things have changed a lot over the years. W: You’re quite right. Have you seen our new park?

M: Yes, I have just seen it. The park is so big and beautiful.

W: Yes, it is.


W: Why was Mr. Hu so angry this morning?

M: Because some of the boys made lots of noise in the classroom.

W: Was Fred one of them?

M: No, but Tim and Jack were.

W: Has Mr. Hu talked to them?

M: Already. They said that they would not do that again.

W: I hope they can keep their words.


M: Hi, Joy. Would you like to help save the environment?

W: I don’t know. What can I do?

M: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights?

W: Yes. That’s easy. Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking. What’s next?

M: Second, you can ride a bike. Don’t take a bus or a taxi if you don’t have to.

W: That will save money, too. What else?

M: Try to collect used paper.

W: Mm, newspapers, magazines, mail…We get a lot of paper at home. Good idea.

M: And last, take a bag when you go shopping. Don’t use plastic bags. The government has

encouraged people not to use plastic bags.

W: OK. My parents do most of the shopping. I’ll tell them.

听第1篇短文,回答23-25题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。听两遍。

The White House is the home of the President and his family. The 44th President of the United States of America, Obama and his family live there. Michelle Obama , the wife of Barack Obama, was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago.She is a lawyer and has had success in her life. Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia and Natasha. They go to the same school. Malia is 13 years old and she is in Grade 8. Natasha is 3 years younger than Malia and she is in Grade 5. Marian ,Michelle 's mother help to look after the two girls in the White House.

They also have a pet dog named Bo. It is a new family member.


Ping-pong is a very popular sport in China. People of different ages like playing it. Li Bo is my best friend. His favourite sport is ping-pong, but I like baseball best. He knows a lot about many famous ping-pong players, but he doesn’t know any baseball stars.

Baseball is one of the most popular sports in America. Children like playing it. They often play baseball in fields or parks. Each team has nine players. The baseball season goes from April to September. During that time, many baseball matches are on TV. People will watch them. At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. The winner is considered the greatest team.

Many people like sports in different ways. They play sports themselves. They watch the games on TV. Doing sports is good for our health, and it can also bring us great pleasure.

2013-2014 学年度第二学期期中考试



1-5 CCACA 6-10 BCCCC 11-15BBBBA 16-20 ACCBB 21-25 ACABC 26-30 CBCAB


31-35 CDDDD 36-40 CDACB 41-45CBCCA

三.完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,计15分)

46-50 DDAAA 51-55 CACBA 56-60 DCCDA

四.阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,计30分)

61-65 BCCCB 66-70 BDDBC 71-75 BCBDD


76. Relatives 77.pleasure 78.experiences 79. pollution 80. further

81. has sold 82.successful 83.French 84.eightieth 85.tying

六.任务型阅读(共10小题, 每空1分,计10分)

86.relax 87.weight 88.answers 89.time 90.minute/moment

91.doctor 92.unable 93.before 94.advice/suggestion(s) 95.Enjoy

七.阅读与表达(共5小题, 每小题2分,计10分)

96. Go to a store or supermarket.

97.(Lots of) time, money and energy.

98. (We can buy them )online.

99. Because of the technology improvement.

100. Check the information of the owner.

八.短文填空(共10小题, 每空1分,计10分)

101. there 102.for 103. passed 104.still 105.why 106. hard 107.stand 108.all 109.As 110.running 九.书面表达(20分)

Traveling is a very good activity. When you get tired of your work or study, put it down and go out to relax yourself. When you go travelling, you can visit places of great interest and enjoy the natural beauty. You can breathe fresh air. Moreover, you can make many friends during your visit. At the same time, you make your body strong and you will surely feel less stressed.

Sometimes travelling is a lot of trouble. The weather often changes. The cost may be high for you. During the holidays, there may be heavy traffic and too many people. Perhaps you are not used to the local food and you must feel very tired after walking so long.

So before going travelling, you must get everything ready. Check the computer to learn about the weather. You’d better go with your friends or family members so that you can take care of each other. Look after your things well and keep yourself safe.






c.做好旅游准备,了解天气情况, 和朋友家人在一起,相互照顾,注意安全。6分。













U N I T 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy? Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter? Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now. 2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them. Conversation 1 Girl 1:You don ’t look well. Your face looks a bit red. Girl 2:Yeah, and my head feels very hot. What should I do? Girl 1:Maybe you have a fever. You should take your temperature. Girl 2:Yes, you ’re right. 听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按 [1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。怎么了,萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧? 戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几乎起不来床了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗? 本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球时伤了我自己。最初看起来还可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。 对话4 护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希? 南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙痛。 非常痛!我真的也不能吃任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5 护士:怎么了,朱迪? 朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非常困难。 护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足够的水。现在我喉咙非常痛。 听录音。按你听到的顺序将图画标上正确的序号[1~5]。 对话1 女孩1:你看起来气色不好。你的脸 看起来有点儿红。 女孩2:是的,而且我的头感觉非常 热。我该怎么办? 女孩1:也许你发烧了。你应该量一下体温。 女孩2:是的,你说得对。 对话2 女孩1:怎么了? 女孩2:我没有照顾好自己。昨天我 没有穿足够暖和的衣服。现在我咳嗽并且喉咙疼。 女孩1:你应该喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。 女孩2:那听起来是个好主意。 对话3 女孩:你看起来很糟糕!怎么了? 男孩:我认为昨天晚上吃晚饭时吃得太多了。是饭店的自助餐。但是现在我胃痛。 女孩:那太糟糕了。下次你不应该吃这 么多。你应该马上躺下休息。 男孩:我想我应该。 对话4 女孩:你的脸怎么了? 男孩:不是我的脸。是我的牙齿。我牙痛。 女孩:你应该看牙医并且做个X 光检 查。 男孩:但是会疼吗? 女孩:不会,而且如果你现在不去看牙医 的话,以后甚至会疼得更厉害! 对话5 女孩1:哦,不!发生了什么事? 女孩2:刚才我在做饭时意外地割伤 了自己。


人教版八年级(下册)英语学科试题及答案 英语试卷 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分。卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。本试卷总分120分,考试时间120分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 听力部分(第一节) I.听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共4分,每小题1分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4.

A. B. C. II.根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两遍。(共6分,每小题1分) 5. A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Tiring. 6. A. About 10 meters. B. About 20 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers. 7. A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. In the library. 8. A. Because he did too much homework. B. Because he watched a soccer game until late. C. Because he caught a bad cold. 9. A. Mr. Green’s daughter . B. Mrs. Green. C. Mr. Green’s father. 10. A. Sunday. B. Wednesday. C. Monday III.听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共6分,每小题1分) 请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。 11. What does Joe want to be? A. An astronaut B. An engineer. C. A scientist. 12. Where will he live? A. On the moon. B. On a planet. C. On a space station. 听第二段材料,回答第13和14小题。 13. What is Henry’s father? A. A zookeeper. B. An animal doctor. C. A cleaner in the zoo. 14. How many foxes does Henry’s father look after? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 听第三段材料,回答第15和16小题。 15. What happened to the man last Sunday? A. He hurt his head in an accident. B. He was caught in the rain. C. He walked into the tree and was hurt badly. 16. What should the man do? A. Go to work as usual. B. Have a rest and drink more water. C. Take some hot food. IV.根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。听两遍。 17. Sun Xi is a ____________ boy. A. lazy B. helpful C. shy 18. Sun Xi always thinks about how to ___________ in his free time. A. help his parents B. improve his Chinese C. make money 19. It took the boy ____________ to find a plan that worked. A. five years B. five weeks C. five months 20. From the passage, we know Sun Xi ___________________. A. won’t help the poor children any more B. will go on helping the poor children C. will ask more people to help those poor children 笔试部分


A)句型转换 1.There’re some boxes in the classroom. A: 改为一般疑问句并否定回答 ___________ ___________ ___________boxes in the classroom? ___________ , ___________ ___________. 2.Those are apple trees.(改为单数句式) ___________ ___________apple tree. 3.There is only one knife in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) ________ _______ ________ ______ _______in the pencil-box? ___ ___________the door!5.Kate is in front of Millie. ( 改为同义句) Millie is ___________ Kate. 1. Miss Green is on the right of me. I am ___________ ___________ ___________ of Miss Green. B) 翻译句子 2. 不要在草坪上走。 ________________________________________________________ 3. 你们的英语老师在哪里? ________________________________________________________ 4. 湖里有什么,湖里有些小船。 ________________________________________________________ 5. 树上有多少只鸟? ________________________________________________________ 6. 我们的花在讲台后面吗? ________________________________________________________ C)书面表达(根据所给要点写一段话) 1、我叫Mike,我在七年级六班。 2、我们有一个美丽的学校。 3、在学校中间有一座大楼。 4、还有一些教室和办公室。 5、在我们学校没有任何图书馆。


初二英语期末考试听力材料2014年1月 一、听力测试 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你讲听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. W: Good morning, Mr Gao. M: Good morning, can I have your homework, plea se? 2. W: Excuse me. Can I take the book back home? M: Sure. But you must return it tomorrow. 3. W: How do you like the film? M: Very much. You know I like sports a lot. 4. W: Who is the young woman wearing glasses beside John? M: It’s his wife. 5. M: Do you sleep well at night? W: No, I can’t stop thinking about the coming test. And I have too many dreams at night. 6. M: Mary, you look very ill. You should go to see the doctor. W: I have no time. The maths exam is coming up. I’ll do my best to pass it. 7. M: So your address is 59 Greyfield Road. C an you spell “Greyfi eld”, please? W: Yes, it’s G-R-E-Y-F-I-E-L-D. M: Thank you. 8. W: So where did you go, John? M: Well, I went to Guilin for my holiday. But the rain kept us staying indoors. W: What a pity! 9. W: Hello, 276694. M: Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat. I’m just ringing to tell you the Saturday film is still OK. 10. M: Can I use your eraser? W: Sorry? M: I made a mistake in my paper. 第二部分听对话和短文答题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你讲有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 W: Can I help you? M: How much is that blue shirt? W: 27.9 pounds. The black one is 29.9 pounds. M: I want the blue one, but I have only 26.9 pounds with me. W: That’s OK. M: Thank you so much. 听第一篇短文,回答第13至15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Morskova is the best player of women’s handball. She w as born in Rostov in Russia on the 17th


初二期末考试英语听力原文 Ⅰ听力技能(三部分,共20题,计20分) 第一节根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后你将有5秒钟的作答时间。(共5小题,计5分) 1..Last Sunday we went to the zoo and watched a dolphin show 2. I’m flying to Beijing next month. 3. She often helps his mother clean the room. 4. I need some bananas to make juice. 5. I took a class last weekend. I was tired. 听一段对话,完成第6小题。 6.W:What do you usually have for dinner? M:We usually have rice and vegetables.Sometimes we have some beef.But I don’t like it.I like fish best. 听一段对话,完成第7小题。 7.W:What a beautiful card!Is it for your classmate? M:No,it’s for my mother.Tomorrow is Mother’s Day! 听一段对话,完成第8小题。 8.W:Let’s go swimming,shall we? M:Why not go for a picnic?It's more interesting. W:Good idea. 听一段对话,完成第9小题。 9.W:Hurry up,Jack.The football match is going to begin soon. M:Take your time.It’s half past one.We have got another fifteen minutes. 听一段对话,完成第10小题。 10W: Excuse me. How much is the dress? M: It’s 35 dollars. W: OK. I’ll take two. 听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。 W: Did you go to the zoo? M: No, I went to the aquarium. W: Were there any sharks? M: No, there weren’t any sharks. But there were some really clever seals. I hung out with my friends in it. We were relaxed. 听一段对话,完成第13至第15小题。 M: Hello? W: Hi, Robert. It’s Susan. I’ve got your message. M: Thanks for calling me back. W: So, what’s up? M: Well, would you like to go to the EastPark tomorrow morning? W: Tomorrow morning? I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll have to stay at home and study. M: Oh, It’s a pity. How about Sunday morning? W: Sure. I’d love to. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus? M: What about taking a bus. W: That’s Ok. 第三节笔录要点。根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。(共5小题,计 5分)


UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse:You don’t look well. What’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah:I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse:What’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David:I ate too much junk food at my friend’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben:Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse:You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy:I didn’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It’s terrible! I can’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse:What’s the matter, Judy? Judy:I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse:Oh, dear. What’s the matter? Judy:I talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. I have a very sore throat now. 听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按[1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。怎么了,萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。 然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿 上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧?戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨 天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几 乎起不来床了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗?本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球时伤了我自己。最初看起来还 可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。对话4 护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希?南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙痛。非常痛!我真的也不能吃 任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5 护士:怎么了,朱迪? 朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非常困难。 护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足够的水。现在我喉咙非常痛。


人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案含听力卷I 听力部分(第一节) I:情景反应.(只听一遍,每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3. A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A. B. C. II:对话理解.(共5个小题, 每小题1分,共5分) ( )6. What test will the boy have? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. ( )7.What team is Alice on? A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Football. ( )8. What will the girl do on Sunday? A. She will have a violin lesson. B. She will visit her grandparents. C. She will have a piano lesson. ( )9. Did the girl watch TV last night? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don't know. ( )10. What does the girl do on Sunday afternoon? A. She practices speaking English.

C. She reads books. III:听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍.(共5个小题, 共10分) ( )11. What does the boy want to do? A. Have a party at his house. B. Have a party at school. C. Have an exhibition at school. ( )12. What does the boy have to do? A. Do his homework. B. Do the shopping. C. Do some chores. ( )13. Which room does the boy need to clean? A. The bedroom. B. The living room. C. The bathroom. ( )14. What is the boy's father doing? A. He is writing a report. B. He is writing a letter. C. He is writing a book. ( )15. What will the boy's mother buy for the party? A. Fruit and drinks. B. Drinks and vegetables. C. Drinks and snacks. VI. 选择填空 (20分) ( ) 16. — What’s matter? — I have stomachache. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; an D. a; the ( ) 17. The boy the hat is my best friend Bob. A. to B. at C. in D. from ( )18. We have no coffee. Would you like tea ? A. alone B. anyway C. neither D. instead ( )19.Sorry, I______my homework at home. A.forgot B.left C.missed D.lost ( )20.— Did you go swimming with your brother last Sunday? — Yes. We enjoyed . A. myself B. ourselves C. themselves D. himself ( ) 21. I am a new student here. All my classmates are friendly to me, so I don’t feel . A. deaf B. wrong C. lonely D. strong ( ) 22. I don’t think that you should with your parents. They love you. A. rest B. work C. argue D. agree ( ) 23. Jim didn’t allow me in the room. A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke ( ) 24.I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please A. turn it up B. turn it down C. turn it on D. turn it off ( )25. Bob’s dream is to be a professional basketball player, and he never it . A. looks; up B. gives; up C. wakes; up D. cleans; up ( )26.Mary used to_____interested in music, but now she’s used to ____tennis.


八年级英语(上)参考答案及听力材料 Topic 1,Unit 1 Ⅰ.1---5 BBBCC 6---10 ACDAD 11---15 CDBDB Ⅱ.1.win 2. bit 3. dream 4. club 5. grow Ⅲ. 1. in the future 2. play against 3. cheer on 4. keep fit/ healthy 5. all over the world Ⅳ. 1---5 DCBCA 6---10 CBDDB Ⅴ.1---5 DACBE Ⅵ.1---5 BBCAD 6---10 DCABC Ⅶ. Sang Lan is one of the best athletes in our country. She was hurt badly in a contest. So she can’t stand up, but she faces the facts bravely and overcomes all kinds of the difficulties. Now she is studying hard and trying her best to be a useful person to the country. Topic 2,Unit 1 Ⅰ.1---5 DACBC 6---10 CBCDA Ⅱ. 1. 同……比赛 2. 发生;进行 3. 整理床铺 4. 保持健康 5. 增强体质 6. stand for 7. try one’s best 8. more and more 9. all over the world 10. be good at Ⅲ. 1. Is Jane 2. won’t have 3. Who is 4. Which; can 5. How often Ⅳ. 1---5 DBADA 6---10 ADCBC Ⅴ. 1. What are they talking about? 2. No, I didn’t. 3. What a pity! 4. Can we watch it on TV? 5. Work must come first. Ⅵ. 1. mind 2. practices 3. fight 4. careless 5. century Ⅶ. 1---5 DABCC 6—10 AACDB VIII. Basketball is very popular in the world. Many young people like playing basketball. It’s my favorite sport. I am a basketball fan. I like Michael Jordan. He is a very famous player. I hope I can play basketball well and be a football star in the future. Topic 3,Unit 1 Ⅰ. 1---5 BCABC 6---10 AABDC II.1---5 CDDAD 6---10 ABCDB Ⅲ.1. environment 2. more and more beautiful 3. make friends 4. symbol 5. fond of IV. 1. were 2. race(match) 3. fastest 4. about 5. hurt(broke) 6. Bad 7. see(visit) 8. Congratulations 9. is(was/stays/stayed) 10. sorry V. 1---5 CBADD 6. football 7. Sunday 8. dear 9. cold 10. cloudy 11. later 12. behind 13. cold 14. head 15. angry VI. Wang Wei had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve in the Beijing Olympic Games. He tried his best to help foreign friends from different countries. When he found a foreign friend in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matter. The foreigner told Wang Wei he was Jack, and he didn’t know the way to the Sun Hotel. Then Wang Wei helped him to find the Sun Hotel. Wang Wei talked with Jack on the way. He told Jack a lot about Beijing.


Word 资料 UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy? Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter? Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore 听录音并看图。然后把这些名字按 [1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。怎么了, 萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。 然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没事吧? 戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚会上吃 了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几乎起不来床了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗? 本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球 时伤了我自己。最初看起来还可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。 对话4 护士:你看起来很累。怎么了,南希? 南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙 痛。非常痛!我真的也不能吃任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5 护士:怎么了,朱迪? 朱迪:对不起,对我来说,说话非 常困难。 护士:哦,亲爱的。怎么了? 朱迪:我昨天说话太多而且没有喝足 够的水。现在我喉咙非常痛。


初中英语听力的下载资料 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听队菌5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答相关小题和阅读下一小题:每段对话仅读一遍。 1.what may robert do next friday? a. he tray probably go to the woman’s party with his wife, b.he may stay at home. c.he may hold a little party. 2.what can we learn from the dialogue? a.the woman dialed the wrong number. b.the woman dialed the number correctly. c.the man was wanted on the phone. 3.what does the woman mean? a.she will not stay at home. b. it is too late. c. it looks like rain and she will not have a swim. 4.where did sara work before he got the new job? a.in an advertising firm. b. in a school. c. in a library. 5.what time does the train arrive?


八年级下册第一单元听力材料 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。每个句子听一遍。 1. I don’t feel well, mum. 2. Do I have to stay in bed for one week? 3. What’s the matter with you? 4. Lucy has a bad fever. 5. When did your sore throat begin? 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。 6. W: Why do you look so unhappy, Peter? M: My father fell off his bike and hurt his left foot. Question. What happened to the boy's father? 7. W: Be careful! Look! The light is red. We should wait until the light turns green. M: Thanks for telling me. Question. Where are they talking? 8. M: I have a headache. W: What did you do all weekend? M: I played computer games. W: That's probably why. Question. Why does the boy have a headache? 9. W: I always feel weak and tired. M: Why not eat more hot yang food like beef? W: Good idea. Question. What does the man ask the woman to eat? 10. W: what’s the matter, Tom? M: I have a toothache. W: You should see a dentist. Question. Who does the boy need to see? 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答11至12两小题。 W: Is everybody here today? M: No, Tom and Mike aren't. W: Where are they? M: Tom isn't feeling well, so Mike took him to the hospital. Question. 11. Where are the speakers probably talking? Question. 12. Who is ill? 听第二段对话,回答13至15三小题。 W: What's the matter, young man? M: I don't feel well. I have a headache. W: When did it start? M: This morning. Oh, no. Yesterday evening. W: Let me have a look. Open your mouth…It's just a cold. You should get some rest. M: Do I have to take any medicine?

八年级英语下 人教版 教材听力原文及译文

UNIT 1 Section A 1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5]. Conversation 1 Nurse :You don ’t look well. What ’s the matter, Sarah? Sarah :I was playing with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn ’t put on my jacket. Now I have a cold. Conversation 2 Nurse :What ’s the matter, David? Are you OK? David :I ate too much junk food at my friend ’s birthday party. So last night, I got a stomachache. I almost couldn ’t get myself out of bed this morning. Conversation 3 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben :Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back. Conversation 4 Nurse :You look really tired. What ’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy :I didn ’t sleep very well last night. I have a toothache. It ’s terrible! I can ’t really eat anything either. It hurts a lot. Conversation 5 Nurse :What ’s the matter, Judy? Judy :I ’m sorry, but it ’s very difficult for me to talk. Nurse :Oh, dear. What ’s the matter? Judy :I talked too much yesterday and didn ’t drink enough water. I have a very sore 听录音并看图。然后把这些 名字按[1~5]的顺序编号。 对话1 护士:你看起来气色不好。 怎么了,萨拉? 萨拉:昨天我和朋友在公园里玩。然后刮起了风,但是我没有穿上夹克衫。现在我感冒了。 对话2 护士:戴维,怎么了?你没 事吧? 戴维:我在我朋友的生日聚 会上吃了太多的垃圾食品。因此,昨天晚上我胃痛。今天早上我几乎起不来床了。 对话3 护士:怎么了,本?你能动吗? 本:不完全能动。前几天我踢足球时伤了我自己。最初看起来还可以,但是现在我的背非常痛。 对话4 护士: 你看起来很累。怎么了,南希? 南希:昨天晚上我没有睡好。我牙痛。非常痛!我真的也不能吃任何东西。它疼得厉害。 对话5
