

A long time ago, there was a young man called Wang Qi. When he heard that there were many immortals in Mount Lao, he went there at once.


There was a Daoist who still looked young although he was very old. Wang

Qi became one his pupils. During the first month, Wang Qi went to the hills

for woods with others every day and listened to the instructions of his

teacher patiently. In the second month, he felt that he could not stand the hard and tiring life, but he still waited for the teacher to teach him the magical skills. In the third month, he could not bear the suffering any longer. He went to see his teacher and said, " I've been working hard for so many days. Now would you please teach me some skills, or it'll be a waste of time for me

to be here."



"What do you want to learn?"




"Then I'll teach you how to go through a wall." Then the Daoist told Wang

Qi the incantations. After reciting the incantations of the magic, Wang Qi made it. With great pleasure, Wang Qi said goodbye to his teacher and went

back home.



Back at home, he told his family and neighbors that he had met with an immortal and learned how to go through a wall magically, but no one believed

in him. So Wang Qi recited the incantations and ran towards a wall to prove

his point. However, his head hit wall with a "Bang", and he was knocked

heavily. His wife helped him to his feet and found that there was a large bump on his forehead.





I lived in DC when I was young, and dad used to take us on weekend trips

so uth into the Carolina, so that we could see what “real life” was like.

He’d just drive along the road for a while, and then pull over at some farm and start talking to the people there.



Dad was chatting up a farmer’s wife once,when I discovered this pig...


It was a nice pig. But it only had three legs. The right back leg was wooden! Well, I was as curious as could be, so I asked the farmer:



“Excuse me, sir. Why does your pig have a wooden leg?”


“Well, boy. That is a courageous pig. The wife and me duanwenw were

asleep in the house one night, when that pig came running in and woke us up. The whole place was ablaze. We just got out alive.”



“And the pig got its leg burned up in the fire?”


“Nope. Pig got out just fine. Matter of fact, he even went back in and saved the kids.”



“Then why does the pig have a wooden leg?”


“I told you, boy. That is a BRAVE pig! A heroic pig! That pig duanwenw saved our lives!”



“Yes, sir. But why does he have a wooden leg!”


“Boy, a pig like that, you don’t eat all in one sitting!”


Six people were traveling in a compartment on a train. Five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a

lot of trouble to the other passengers.



At last this young mall got out at a station with his two heavy bags. None duanwenw of the other passengers helped him, but one of them waited until the rude young man was very far away, and then opened the window and shouted to him, “you left something behind in the compartment!” then he closed the window again.



The young man turned around and hurried back with his two bags. He was

very tired when duanwenw he arrived, but he shouted through the window, “what did I leave behind?”

