


1.Things are looking ________ in this area. The economy has jumped back to an

increase of 5% annually.

A. ahead

B. forward

C. up

D. out

2. ________ this day, these experiences are still _________ great value.

A. Until, at

B. On, in

C. To, of

D. To, with

3. She looked into the future and saw many long years _________ that would belong to her alone.

A. had come

B. will come

C. came

D. to come

4. ______ with confidence, Dr. Wang skillfully performed the operation.

A. Filled

B. Being filled

C. Having been filled

D. to be filled

5. Don’t take me _________ a fool. I’m not so easily taken _________.

A. for, into

B. as, into

C. as, in

D. for, in

6. I’m very grateful _________ him because he has promised to take this load _________ my shoulder.

A. to, down

B. with, from

C. for, down

D. to, off

7. The freezing point is the temperature _________ water turns into ice.

A. at that

B. at which

C. from that

D. from which

8. The first thing you should have learned at college is to work on your own. It’s time you _________ able to manage your time.

A. are

B. were

C. should be

D. could be

9. The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on _________ time.

A. wasted

B. wasting

C. to waste

D. waste

10. It won’t be long _________ China launches her space shuttle with men in it.

A. after

B. before C, until D. when

11. The plant community _________ in a certain area becomes a food source for a

community of animals _________ to that area.

A. growing, attracted

B. grown, attracting

C. growing, attracting

D. grown, attracted

12. _________ grading the computer-based tests and providing technical support, I

noticed flaws in the writing of the test questions and in the design of the software


A. As

B. While

C. For

D. By

13. In theory there are no limits _________ what young people can achieve in this


A. in

B. for

C. to

D. at

14. It turned out what her father left her was the plain ring her mother had been

wearing when she was alive. She _________ happier if it had been diamonds.

A. couldn’t be

B. shouldn’t have been

C. wouldn’t be

D. couldn’t have been

15. The climbers _________ the summit if they had started an hour earlier.

A. could have reached

B. could reach

C. would reach

D. must have reached

16. Sometimes I think how grateful I would be today if I _________ more back in

high school about what really matters.

A. learned

B. would learn

C. did learn

D. had learned

17. When he heard the news, he was infuriated _________.

A. without words

B. speechless

C. beyond words

D. at a loss for words.

18. After _________ seemed a friendly exchange of greetings, the foreign ministers of

the two countries sat down to talk business.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. it

19. The 29-year-old new CEO is described as _________ energetic and competent.

A. to appear

B. appearing

C. appeared

D. is appearing

20. Professor Yuan is reported _________ another breakthrough in his research.

A. making

B. having made

C. to make

D. to have mad e.

21. In a state of crisis, it is usually the weak that goes _________. It goes _________ nations as well as individuals.

A. under, to

B. down, for

C. under, for

D. out, for

22. We must see _________ it that we have enough money left to see us _________

the rest of the month.

A. about, for

B. to, through

C. to, for

D. on, through

23. The students strongly objected to _________ as teenagers.

A. treating

B. be treated

C. being treated

D. treat

24. If I _________ my flight, I would be attending an important meeting in Shanghai now.

A. had caught

B. have caught

C. would catch

D. caught

25. Many observers believe that a new economic recession has set _________ for that country.

A. in

B. off

C. out

D. down

26. I quite understand _________ to discuss the matter under the circumstances.

A. you not want

B. your not wanting

C. you to not want

D. not your wanting

27. That’s one of those questions that really ________.

A. don’t need answering

B. needn’t to be answered

C. needn’t to answer

D. don’t need to answer

28. I haven’t yet considered the question _________ in your last letter.

A. to be raised

B. being raised

C. having been raised

D. raised

29. The salesman wanted to get _________ of the profit than he has been offered.

A. as much as ten percent

B. more than ten percent

C. ten more percent

D. ten percent more

30. Don’t be so disheartened. It’s only a matter of time _________ your talent is


A. when

B. before

C. since

D. after

31. I don’t think a man of your grandfather’s age _________ moved this heavy desk

out of the room all by himself.

A. must have

B. should have

C. could have

D. ought to have

32. Pointing to a very decent sofa and a few easy chairs, he said. “The furniture in this

room _________ mostly obtained from yard sales.”

A. were

B. had been

C. are

D. was

33. The teacher, with 5 girls and 7 boys from her class, _________ visiting an art

gallery when the earthquake struck.

A. were

B. has

C. was

D. had been

34. None of their new products have sold well, _________?

A. hasn’t it

B. have they

C. haven’t they

D. has it

35. It cannot be denied _________ quite a number of insects, birds and animals are

dying out.

A. that

B. when

C. how

D. why

36. Failures are not fatal _________ you let them grind your progress to a halt and

make you too afraid to take risks.

A. when

B. if

C. before

D. unless

37. We are lucky to have _________ scientists in the country to teach us nuclear


A. best of

B. the best of

C. the better

D. better

38. She was offered two jobs and her friends all advised her to choose _________.

A. the most challenging

B. the most challenger

C. the more challenging

D. the challenger

39. It _________ be realized that football, in its modern form, was _________

organized and given rules in Britain.

A. ought to, initial

B. should, firstly

C. has to, initially

D. must, first

40. __________ a broad field of study, but it also involves intensive research into

instinctive behavior of humans and animals.

A. Not only is psychology

B. Is psychology not only

C. Not only psychology is

D. Psychology not only is


1)into Chinese

1.developmental changes

2.make up a story

3.retail price

4.odds and ends

5.handle the case

6.free will

7.heroic figures

8.identity crisis

9.school personnel

10.a way of life

11. go broke

12. historical background

13. added value

14. retired workers

15. provide evidence

16. social status

17. a value system

18. a long-term goal

19. survival of the fittest

20. reasonable doubt 2)into English











11. 缩小差距

12. 捐钱

13. 拥有财产

14. 治理国家

15. 放弃研究

16. 感谢你的支持

17. 谴责战争

18. 钦佩他们的勇气

19. 挡路

20. 集中注意力


n/a.→ v

















6. dense


8. criticize







UNIT1 1.Why does the speaker urge people to be patient Because he understands that the war is long and tough. it is not to end in months but in years. he tells the people there that however long the war last, the final victory belongs to Britain. but at the same time he makes it clear that not everyday is an opportunity to take action. they have yet to wait and persevere. 2.why does the speaker advise the British people to treat triumph and disaster in the same way Because he thinks that both triumph and disaster are deceptive in that people can make things out far worse than they really are when they are in triumph. what is the change in the widespread mood referred to in p5 When Britain came under the heavy air attacks by Germany .many other nations thought that Britain was finished. As the country stood the ordeal to their great surprise, those nations changed their view. 3.why does the speaker change darker into sterner Because he has a strong conviction of victory. The 2terms have different implications. when used in the text to refer to the days of war, ”darker days”emphasizes the negative aspect of the event and shows the user’s pessimism.’sterner days’ ,though identical in its reference ,suggests optimism and pride in having the chance to rise the challenge. 4.Do you think the speaker had achieved his purpose by the end of his speech Yes, I do. By paying a visit to Harrow School and making a speech there, Churchill not only encouraged the audience of his speech but the British people in general to continue to fight rather than surrender to their enemy.


篇一:课前三分钟演讲稿 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 著名的文学家托尔斯泰曾经说过:“世界上只有两种人:一种是观望者,一种是行动者。大多数人想改变这个世界,但没人想改变自己。”想要改变现状,就要改变自己;要改变自己。 一个黑人小孩在他父亲的葡萄酒厂看守橡木桶。每天早上,他用抹布将一个个木桶擦干净,然后一排排地整齐地放好。 小男孩很委屈地哭了。 于是小男孩擦干了眼泪坐在木桶边想啊想,想了半天终于想出了一个办法,他从井边挑来一桶又一桶的清水,然后把它们倒进那些空空的橡木桶里,然后他就忐忑不安地回家睡觉了。第二天,天刚蒙蒙亮,小男孩就匆匆地爬了起来,他跑到放桶的地方一看,那些橡木桶一个一个排列得整整齐齐,没有一个被风吹倒的,也没有一个被风吹歪的。小男孩开心地笑了,他对父亲说:“要想木桶不被风吹倒,就要加重木桶的重量。 是的,我们不能改变风,改变不了这个这个世界上的许多东西,但是我们可以改变自己,给自己加重,这样我们就可以适应变化,不被打败! 人生如水,人只能去适应环境。如果不能改变环境,就改变自己,只有这样,才能克服更多的困难,战胜更多的挫折,实现自我。 篇二:课前三分钟演讲稿 老师、同学们: 大家好! 今天的课前演讲,我想先给大家讲个故事:有个女孩,在月台上追赶一张被风吹飞了的纸。热心的人们看见她万分焦急的样子,以为那是一张对她十分重要的纸,便纷纷加入追赶的队伍,可那张纸仿佛要存心捉弄大家,飞起又落下,落下又飞起来,像附了魂一样。 终于,在众人的努力下,那张纸乖乖地就范了。那个追到纸的人,得意地将战利品递给女孩。 同样的,在你的周围,是否有人大声叫嚷,让你的耳膜阵阵发聋?是否有人口出脏话,污言秽语,招来人们鄙视的目光?是否有人唏嘘起哄,吹口哨,叫人不可思议,令人费解?当发生这一切的时候,在它们主人的身上其实是丢掉了一样东西,那就是文明——几千年来中华民族宝贵的精神财富。这财富世代相传,它应该在你的身边:她是路上相遇时的微笑;是同学有困难时的热情帮助;是平时与人相处时的亲切与关怀;是不小心撞到对方时一声“对不起”;是自觉将垃圾放进垃圾箱的举动;是看到有人随地吐痰、乱抛乱扔时的主动制止;是走廊内的轻声慢步;是宿舍里暖融融的家的感觉。 绿树红花,朗朗的读书声,暖人的话语,整洁的仪表,那是一幅美丽的画面。 谢谢大家! 篇三:课前三分钟演讲 课前三分钟演讲 一、什么是演讲 三、课前三分钟演讲的好处“课前三分钟”,就是利用每节语文课前三分钟左右的时间,通过学生说话的方式,以提高学生语言组织和表达能力,锻炼胆魄,充分体现新课程“一切


I. Vocabulary and Structure Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 1. I he ________ of mankind has taken thousands of years. A. realization B. circumstance C. civilization D. circulation 2. We want especially to thank the _ _____ friends who gave us encouragement. A. numerous B. nutritious C. ridiculous D. anxious 3. They are the sort of friends who are so close they ______________ each other with their lives. A. depend C. trust served each of them well over the two brutal weeks they struggled up the mouniain. B. forgive D. believe 4. Their A. disability B. possibility congratulations D. friendship 5. W. A. Mozart will be as one of history's most famous child prodigies. A. memorized remembered I), reminded 6.'】'o many people? lasers are very but a laser is simply a device that produce a very strong light. A. mysterious B. fantastic C, terrific I), amazing 7. Dennis Joyce is a 30-year of an electric company in New York. 492 A. embroidery C. employment & It had to be done, otherwise I B. employee D. enjoyment

综英3Unit 10答案

Vocabulary P180 I. 1.unconventional 2.socialize 3.dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized 4.sensitive to the stimulus in life sharply ware of expressing their natural feelings in an artistic way 5.serve the writer's purpose most effectively and efficiently II. 1.transaction 2.cluttered 3.arduous 4.humanity https://www.360docs.net/doc/a32624353.html,mitted 6.gusto 7.bewildered 8.solitary III. 1.drudgery 2.Uncirculated 3.asocial 4.unmentionable 5.irresistibly 6.intensive 7.exclamations 8.literary IV. 1.stick to 2.fiddling with 3.took up 4.hang out 5.run away from 6.going broke 7.bring along 8.drawn into P181 VI. 1.refresh 2.go and attend 3.live a fairly satisfactory life 4.be responsible for 5.talk about 6.explain


Unit 1 1. 听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过。(distress) It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures. 2. 他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出了一副高兴的样子。(assume) He assumed an air of cheerfulness even though he lost favor with his boss. 3. 格列佛经历了冒险奇遇,见到了各色奇异的人物。(assortment) Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and witnessed an assortment of strange people. 4. 如果你再犯同样的错误,他会很生你气的。(furious) He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake. 5. 我们都被他坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引。(draw) We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner. 6. 等到欢呼的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲。(die down) The Nobel Prize winner began his speech after cheers and applause died down. 7. 他天生有一种特别的洞察力和预见力,因此,他很少随大流。(run with the crowd) He is gifted with a special sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd. 8. 我发现现实毕竟是非常严酷的,一个人难以完全按照自己的理想去生活。(live up to) I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideals. Unit 2 1. 我的顶头上司是典型的工作狂,一年365天每天工作10小时以上。(workaholic) My direct superior is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year round. 2. 校长十分注重课外活动,他认为课外活动有助于培养学生对于外部世界的浓厚兴趣。(extracurricular) The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they will help to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.


课前三分钟口语训练---敲响语文课堂第一锤 一首美妙动听的乐曲,少不了引人入境的前奏;一场扣人心弦的晚会,少不了妙语连珠的开幕词;一节回味无穷的语文课也需要丰富多彩的课前三分钟演讲来奏响课堂教学主题曲的前奏。他可以改变传统教学的沉闷单调,给学生以新意,燃起学生的学习热情。因为,每个学生都有极强都有极强的表现欲望,都想向同学或老师展示自己的能力,让人信服。 具体做法:每节语文课上课前三分钟左右的时间,小主持人主持,由学生轮流到台上演讲。提前一天准备,尽量脱稿,师生听完后要发表自己的意见和建议。训练的内容可为:“开心一刻”“佳作赏析”“一周新闻联播”“名人名言”等内容。例:在执教《再见了,亲人》一课时,课前三分钟演讲的内容可为搜集抗美援朝的相关知识或积累关于情谊的名言警句;《和时间赛跑》一课的三分钟口语练习的内容可为积累珍惜时间的名言警句。 课前三分钟是学生自我积累的展示,是自我能力的表现。每位学生都为了自己的台上的表现积极准备,博览群书。即沟通了教师与学生,学生与学生之间的情感,又增进了师生、生生之间的联系,促进了学生的语文素养的全面提高。 创设情境,启发导入

可通过课前三分钟口语练习、讲故事、看图片等多种形式创设情境激发学生兴趣。 例,执教《卖火柴的小女孩》一课,我采用了利用三分钟口语练习这个前奏导入课题。新课前,小主持人主持:今天我们来简单介绍你读过的中外名著名篇的主要内容。小主持人话音一落,几个同学依次介绍了自己读过的名著名篇,其语言流畅,内容简练,同学们听得津津有味。时间已到三分钟,小主持人对本次口语练习做了简要的小结。这时,我趁热打铁:同学们,世界文学宝库里有许多中国经典的作品,还有许多外国的名著名篇。这些名著名篇深受各国人民的喜爱,成为人类共同的精神财富。这节课,就让我们共同走进安徒生笔下的《卖火柴的小女孩》,去感受这篇名著的魅力吧。教师板书课题,学生齐读课题。 例,在执教人教版六年级上册《少年闰土》一课的课前导语可这样设计:课上教师出示鲁迅的图片,让学生介绍自己课前收集到的关于鲁迅的资料,与班内的同学资源共享。学生介绍完之后,教师结合图片补充介绍:鲁迅先生时常穿一件朴素的中式长衫,短短的头发刷子似的直竖着,浓密的胡须成一个隶书的“一”,它是我们现代文学史上著名的文学家。这节课,我们先来学习一篇鲁迅先生写的文章---《少年闰土》,教师板书课题。 例,一位教师执教的《狼牙山五壮士》一课的导语设计为:


新思维综合英语1模拟试题三 Vocabulary and Structure: Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example: The old couple at last in finding a flat to rent. A.managed B.did C.finished D.succeeded The sentence should read, "The old couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent." Therefore, you should choose D. 1.Hey, you haven't changed these years. A.a bit B.a few C.bit D.little 2.The common cold is the most of all illnesses. A.consequent B.frequent C.sequent D.subsequent 3.This lobster tastes funny. A.all kinds of B.kind of C.a kind of D.kind 4.I don't want to you. I call you just for greeting. A.disturb B.hurt C.interrupt D.break 5.How does this sound? “Sunny one-bedroom near, centrally located …” A.transmission B.transportation C.transition D.transfer 6.Some doctors suggest that you large amount of vitamins at the beginning of getting cold. A.take


Throughout history / the basic unit of almost every human society / has been the family. / Members of the family live together / under the same roof. / They share the economic burdens of life / as well as its joys. / The family head usually has considerable influence / in arranging marriages, / selecting careers / and determining all the important moves and purchases / by any member of the family. / Particularly in conditions / where society or the state / does not give aid / and the responsibilities of the family are greater, / this large group / provides better protection / in times of economic or other emergency. Unit 2 Children learn almost nothing from television, / and the more they watch, / the less they remember. / They regard television purely as entertainment, / resent programs that make demands on them / and are surprised that anybody should take the medium seriously. / Far from being over-excited by programs, / they are mildly bored with the whole thing. / These are the main conclusions from a new study of children and television. / Its author confirms / that the modern child is a dedicated viewer. / The study suggests / that there is little point in the television company’s attempts / to isolate adult viewing in the later hours. / More than a third of the children regularly watched their programs after 9 p.m. / All 11-year-olds had watched programs after midnight. Unit 3 Mother’s Day is celebrated / on the second Sunday in May. / On this occasion, / Mother usually receives greeting cards and gifts / from her husband and children. / For most mothers, / the rarest and best gift / is a day of rest. / Often, / families honor Mother / by taking her out for dinner. / In some households / the husband and children / take over meal preparations / so that Mom can spend a whole day / away from the kitchen. / Serving her breakfast in bed / is another family ritual(惯例). / Later in the day, / parents may take their children / to visit their grandparents. / Flowers are an important part of the day. / Mothers are often given corsages(装饰花) / for the occasion, / particularly if they are elderly. Unit 4 One of the world’s most deadly health problems / is spreading to new places. / The problem is heart disease / and it is affecting more and more people / in developing nations. / For years / heart disease has been the No.1 cause of death / in most industrial nations. / The disease has claimed more lives / than cancer or accidents. / Now the WHO has warned that / heart disease is increasing rapidly / in almost every developing nation. / Why is this happening? / One reason is that / people in developing nations / are living longer. / Another reason is that / many people have changed the way they live. / They now eat more fat and salt / and fewer fruits and vegetables.


谈谈课前三分钟说话训练 众所周知,培养学生语文能力包括培养学生的阅读能力、写作能力、说话能力和听话能力。但在具体的语文教学中大部分教师却侧重阅读和写作方面的训练,往往忽略了说话和听话能力的训练。这是我们语文教学中的一个失误。有的老师也知道说话能力是重要的,但在考试中难于体现和训练方法难以把握,造成对学生说话训练的不足。那么怎样训练学生的说话能力呢?我采用了以下的每节语文课上课前,让二位学生上讲台练习说话。如果组织得好,这种练习是有很大益处的。它能够促进学生说话能力的提高,这是最重要的,另外,还能活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习语文的兴趣,促使学生自觉扩大阅读面、留心观察生活(这是说话内容的来源)等等。而且一节课抽出几分钟又不是什么大难事,我们何乐而不为呢?基于学生的写作素材贫乏,我是这样起步: 第一步,个别学生可以朗读诗歌、散文等美文佳作。也可以讲故事。对其要求分两个层级:一是读准多音字、说一口标准流利的普通话;二是读准节奏,读准停顿,读准重音,读准语气和感情,训练良好的语感。这个层次较高,可结合教师指导示范、学生点评讨论的方式进行。 第二步,良好的语感初步形成之后,让学生进行能力迁移的说准训练。鼓励学生从自己的生活见闻、感受入手,准确描述事物特征、所寓事理,得于心,应于口,用于手,同时训练他们思维的严密性,为书面作文奠定良好的基础。另外,我们还展开了即兴介绍目前事物,即兴叙述自己的某段经历,即兴发表自己对一些现象的看法等。这样根据不同的场合、对象选择简明得体的语言表达方式,便成了学生的一种主动的学习行为,说话的水平达到了一个新的高度。



《新综合英语1---3单元基础知识测试卷》 班级姓名 Ⅰ:Understand the meaning of the sentences, according to the first letter of the words, fill in the blanks.(30) 1.The woman in black is from the USA, she is A . 2.Paris is the capital of F . Can you speak F . 3.J is to the east of China. 4.The man who won the Nobel Prize is from Berlin. He is a G . 5.Spagetti(通心粉) is a kind of popular I food. 6.Let’s do our b for our motherland. 7.The foreign teachers in our school are all from a . 8.The businessman is from China Town in N ,we call him an o . 9.Is everyone here?No, Jim is a from the class. 10.I took the blind man b the hand and went across the busy street. 11.The yellow leaves are dancing in the b . 12.The d life of each student is busy and boring. 13.Do you write d every day? Yes , it can help me remember the past life.. Ⅱ.Change the following sentences.(20) 1.It’s time for bed. (同义句)


Unit1 1.Our big old house was closely related with the joys and sorrows of four generations. 2.I planted these roses a long, long time ago before your mother was born. 3.Many sons left home to fight against the Fascist Nazi. 4.Take the first friendly greeting and always keep it deep in your heart. Unit2 1. A gracious manner adds the greatest splendor to your image. 2. I firmly believed the note my guest send me didn’t take long to write. 3. The simple phrase “Excuse me” made most of your irritation disappear. 4. Being on time is a virtue which belongs not only to the past but also to the present. 5. Y ou shouldn’t accept the other person’s presence without thinking of its importance. 6. Good manners produce the same feelings or actions in others. Unit3 1. I tried to comfort her by saying that we would manage to tide it over. 2. Having experienced the event, the girl might consider her visit to London rather insignificant. 3. The businesswoman as confident as that businessman must have noticed my fear.



综英3课后答案 Unit 1 Fresh start Vocabulary. 1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. (1) I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess. (2) My apparent confidence. (3) Some food to appease my hunger. (4) Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success. (5) Foolish and glaring mistakes. 2. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form. (1) distress; (2) clutched; (3) pose; (4) sneaked; (5) preoccupation; (6) shackles; (7) curse; (8) deliberation. 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. (1) assure; (2) discretion; (3) relaxation; (4) humiliation; (5) strategy; (6) embarrassment; (7) maneuverable; (8) immaturity. 4. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. (1) lived up to; (2) headed for; (3) seek out; (4) has broken out; (5)grope for; (6) trying …on; (7) go out to; (8) tipped off. 5. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. (1) vague (indistinct); (2) inconspicuously (unobtrusively); (3) self-restraint (self-control); (4) clever (intelligent,sensible); (5) manner (behavior); (6) excited (agitated); (7) sneak; (8) mature (sophisticated). 6. Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. (1) became popular; (2) respect;(3) keep up; (4) lead to; (5)understand; (6) found; (7) use; (8) start Grammer. 1. combine each nominal clause in Column A with … 1~ 4 CDBF 5~8 AEHG 2. Rewrite the following sentences… (1) My decision to resign was wise. (2) Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world.


英语课前3分钟演讲课程方案 韩长艳 一、实施原因 随着社会的发展及现代教育的要求,英语口语表达在人们的工作、生活、学习中起到越来越重要的作用。因此,英语教学中,口语表达训练就显得尤为重要。而课前3分钟的演讲,是口语表达训练的一种容易操作且很有实效的方法。 二、课程目标 “课前3分钟演讲”是指上本节课内容前的三分钟,在这三分钟内进行听说能力的有序训练,与阅读结合在一起,培养学生综合性的英语能力,提高学生英语素质。 三、组织方法 上课铃响后,新课开始前每天由一名学生到讲台前讲英语故事或表演英语儿歌,按名单顺序依次轮换。学生说完,全体学生说出听到的内容,可以是单词或一句话或故事大意,并且按ABC等级评分记录,教师指导评价。 学生提前准备英语小故事或儿歌,发到班级邮箱,老师整理好后学生打印,作为课外阅读补充材料,同时也有助于其他学生理解演讲内容,学习课外知识。 四、注意事项 注意的几点:(1)全体学生不留例外,不因听课而留遗漏。(2)天天进行,节节训练,使学生养成习惯。(3)训练内容及形式随年 级升高而加深。紧扣教材安排,有一定的梯度,让学生有准备的演讲到无准备 的演讲,一律实行脱稿上台。

五、指导评价 教师临场指导要及时公正。主要从以下方面选取一二点概括评价:1、内容评价。对内容新颖、突出重点、特点,富有教育意义的演讲,当场表扬。对内容单一肤浅的演讲及时提出修改意见。2、对表情评价。对敢于在大众场合表达自己感情的学生要赞扬;对真情不能畅快流露的学生及时引导。3、表达的评价。对口齿清楚,声音响亮者給予表扬,对腼腆羞涩的学生不能挖苦,应给予恰当的引导。4、对仪表的评价。从演讲者和听众两方面给予点评,找出优点,表扬为主,从而激发学生浓厚的兴趣。


综合英语3期末试卷 得分_________ Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension Passage A Since Insight exposed the U.S. Postal Service’s program “Under the Eagle’s Eye”, the eyes of many privacy advocates have focused like a laser on the agency. “Warning! The post office c ould report YOU as a drug dealer or terrorist,” reads a press release from the Libertarian Party. Until the Postal Service drops its orders to postal clerks to report certain legal financial transactions as “suspicious activity”, the Libertarian Party and others are urging consumers to purchase money orders, wire transfers and cash cards elsewhere. But now Insight has learned that it’s not just purchases of these financial instruments that the post office reports as suspicious. In a training video obtained by Insight, after a jewelry store owner hands a postal clerk $50,000 cash to put on his postage meter, the clerk is told to report this as suspicious transaction. Even though it may be perfectly legal, using this much cash is “strange”, the video says. “If putting a lot of money on your postage meter is a sign of criminal activity, I’m afraid we’re going to have to have a little talk with our own office manager,” says George Getz, spokesman for the Libertarian Party, which uses a postage meter to send mass mailings. “It seems unbelievable. Do you launder money 32 cents at a time? That’s crazy.” According to the Postal Service, even transactions of a few thousand dollars in cash should arouse suspicion. But privacy advocates say it is normal, for instance, for restaurant or store owners who want to send out promotional mailings to go to the post office and put the cash receipts for that day on their postage meters. “Under the Eagle’s Eye” does not apply to purchases of stamps and “philatelic” it ems. But why, then, does the program apply to postage on meters, which is merely “electronic stamps”, asks Rick Merritt, director of Postal Watch. 1) Insight is most probably ________. A) a journal 密 封线内不要 答题
