2020高考英语新题型训练23 精品



1. The World's major economic crisis is the _____ of USA trade disadvantage, which started about 25 years ago.

A. consequences

B. diversities

C. concepts

D. endings

2. What is the biggest cultural _____ for a Chinese to overcome when dealing with people from other countries?

A. fence

B. sickness

C. immigration

D. barrier

3. Running can allow us to forget everything else in the world for a moment, leaving our minds to _____. freely.

A. arise

B. transform

C. consider

D. wander

4. French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, which _____ from English in having gender (性) for all nouns.

A. benefits

B. differs

C. ranges

D. separates

5. To everyone's surprise, the manager himself _____ at the meeting that he was related to the traffic accident that happened yesterday.

A. assumed

B. predicted

C. claimed

D. recognized

6. The football match was ending when fighting _____ between rival groups of fans, but the policemen stopped them quickly.

A. broke out

B. broke down

C. broke up

D. broke off

7. Our monitor _____ those names of the volunteers after the discussion.

A. tore up

B. went about

C. rounded up

D. talked about

8. People may either enjoy or dislike this style of art, _____ their personal taste.

A. depending on

B. turning to

C. caring about

D. standing for

9. There must be many differences for _____ kinds of people in using Internet, which makes Internet colorful.

A. original

B. various

C. alternative

D. medium

10. The successful businessman gladly turned over his company to his son and devoted himself _____to his favorite music.

A. blankly

B. pointedly

C. skillfully

D. entirely

11. It was pretty _____ of the young man to realize that they were in great danger, so he cut off the electricity at once.

A. sharp

B. calm G. brave D. sensitive

12. Having been worried about the spread of viruses from animals to people, scientists surprisingly have found a(n) _____ process recently: cats and dogs catch bad things from their owners.

A. different

B. opposite

C. obvious

D. similar

13. The unexpected award really shocked Mr. Smith and from then on, he started to take himself _____ as a professional writer.

A. proudly

B. officially

C. importantly

D. seriously

14. For more than 20 years, we've been supporting educational programs that _____ from kinder-gartens to colleges.
