


II. 句子成分


57. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. All his lectures were boring. C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.

B. Half his money was gone. D. He invited many his friends to the party.

61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" EXCEPT

A. Jim did this.

B. Jim did so.

C. Jim did that.

D. Jim did.

63. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"?

A. Nearly

B. Quite

C. Practically

D. Almost

64. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence.

A. the subject

B. the adverbial

C. the object

D. the complement

65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT

A. the man who has prepared the documents...

B. the man who has been preparing the documents...

C. the man who is preparing the documents...

D. the man who willprepare the documents...

57. D. 本题是今年专四试卷中出现的新题型,对英语专业同学的语法知识提出了一个更高的要求。考查的是限定词位置的用法。英语中的限定词可分为前位限定词、中位限定词和后位限定词,一个名词前的限定词只能按照前位、中位、后位的顺序出现,其中两个前位或两个中位词不能同时出现在同一个名词前。many 是后位限定词,而his是中位限定词,与限定词排序规则有悖,故D为答案。A选项中all是前位,his是中位,符合规则;B中half是前位,his是中位限定词;C中her是中位,few是后位限定词。

61. A. 对Who told the news to the teacher的标准回答是Jim did,即Jim did it的省略句。此外,还可以用其他代词指代问句中出现的内容,so和that都可以指代前文中提到的内容,而this通常用于指代下文内容。

63. D. 本题考查一般现在时的用法。在书报的标题、球赛现场报导、小说著作等的情况介绍常用一般现在时。如:The Bible says love of money is the root of all evil.

64. A. 考查倍数表达法。本题考查的就是倍数表达法中较为常见的一种:主语+谓语+倍数+the size/amount/length/width/depth/weight等抽象名词+of…:The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 其他几种常见的倍数表达法有:主语+谓语+倍数+as+adj/adv+as;主语+谓语+倍数+adj/adv比较级+than;

65. B. 考查情态动词的用法。must作为情态动词除了表示命令、必须等意思之外,还有表示肯定推测,可能会怎么样的意思。A:你必须离开;C:你必须8点前到这儿;D:你必须按时完成阅读作业。如上三个意思均为“肯定、必须”。B:你一定感到很累了。表示肯定的判断,表示可能性,故选B。


62. "It seems that she was there at the conference." The sentence means that

A. she seems to be there at the conference.

B. she seemed to be there at the conference.

C. she seems to have been there at the conference.

D. she seemed to being there at the conference.

63. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"?

A. Nearly

B. Quite

C. Practically

D. Almost

64. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence.

A. the subject

B. the adverbial

C. the object

D. the complement

65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT

A. the man who has prepared the documents...

B. the man who has been preparing the documents...

C. the man who is preparing the documents...

D. the man who willprepare the documents...

62. C题干的意思为“看上去她似乎去参加过会议了。”所以答案为C,在动词不定式中采用完成时态来表示过去发生的事情。

63. B B选项中quite为程度副词,需要修饰形容词或者副词,所以答案为B,其在语法上是不成立的。

64. C How much在句中作动词earns的宾语,所以答案为C。

65. D该题考查动词的-ing形式作伴随定语的用法,其含有正在进行,或者一直持续进行的意思,所以答案为D,D答案表示将来含义。


51. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?

A. Why don't you do it for the sake of your friends?

B. I wish I could write as well as you.

C. For all his efforts, he didn't get an A.

D. Her eyes were red from excessive reading.

56. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. They each have two tickets.

B. They cost twenty yuan each.

C. Each they have bought the same book.

D. They were given two magazines each.

61. In the sentence "It's no use waiting for her", the italicized phrase is

A. the object

B. an adverbial

C. a complement

D. the subject

62. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. All his lectures are very interesting.

B. Half their savings were gone.

C. Many his friends came to the party.

D. Both his sisters are nurses.

63. Which of the following sentences has an object complement?

A. The directors appointed John manager.

B. I gave Mary a Christmas present.

C. You have done Peter a favour.

D. She is teaching children English.

64. Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete "We've seen the film "?

A. before

B. recently

C. lately

D. yet

51 答案:D. 本题为句意理解题。句中的斜体字部分from excessive reading是眼睛红的原因,故选D。句意:由于看书太多,她的眼睛红了。Die from

For the sake of : for the purpose ofAs well as: 表示比较For:in spite of/despite

56. 答案. C. 本题为句意表达题。不定代词each在句中可以作主语、宾语、定于和同位语,用作同位语时,each可以用在代词之后。选项A、B、D均符合语法要求,故选C。

Each they改为each of them

61 答案. D. 本题为句子成分题。在It’s no use waiting for her中,it为形式主语,句子真正的主语是动名词短语waiting for her,故选D。A意为“宾语”,B意为“状语”,C意为“补语”。62答案. C. 考查限定词排序。限定词的相互搭配关系为:前位+中位+后位。四个选项中,只有C中的Many his为“后位+中位”,不符合限定词的相互搭配关系,故选C。

63.答案. A. 本题为句子成分题。宾语后面加上一个词或一个短语用来对宾语的特征、状态等情况进行补充说明,这个成分称之为宾语补足语。它和前面的宾语一起形成“复合宾语”,宾语和宾语补足语之间存在一种逻辑上的主谓关系。选项A中的manager和宾语John之间存在逻辑主谓关系,故为宾语补足语。而选项B、C、D中的动词后面都是双宾语。

64.答案. D. 本题为句意表达题,考查的是副词作状语的用法。选项D中的yet用于否定句和疑问句,而原句为陈述句,故选D。


51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man _____ he was fifteen years ago.

A. which

B. whom

C. who

D. that

52. Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND?

A. Beg your pardon.

B. Have a good time.

C. Never do that again!

D. What noise you are making!

53. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose?

A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriously.

B. For all its effort, the team didn't win the match.

C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.

D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.

54. When you have finished with the book, don’t forget to return it to Tom, ___?

A. do you

B. will you

C. don’t you

D. won’t you

55. In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, or soaking wet, the -ING participle is used _____.

A. as a command

B. as a condition

C. for concession

D. for emphasis

56. Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?

A. The city is now ten times its original size.

B. I wish I had two times his strength.

C. The seller asked for double the usual price.

D. They come here four times every year.

58. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?

A. What do you think has happened to her?

B. Who do you think the visiting professor is?

C. How much do you think he earns every month?

D. How quickly would you say he would come?

60. Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句)?

A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time.

B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.

C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.

D. It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.

62. In the senten ce “The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning” the italicized word is used to modify ___.

A. the object

B. the verb

C. the subject

D. the prepositional phrase

64. The sentence that expresses OFFER is _____.

A. I'll get some drinks. What'll you have?

B. Does she need to book a ticket now?

C. May I know your name?

D. Can you return the book next week?

65. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)?

A. Mr. Smith's passport has been issued.

B. The visitor's arrival was reported in the news.

C. John's travel details have not been finalized.

D. The new bookstore sells children's stories.

51.D 解析:本题考察定语从句的用法。关系代词在定语从句中做表语时,无论指人还是


China is not the country (that) it was.

Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be. 。

52.C 解析:本题考察几句常用口语的交际功能。答案显然是C。

53. A解析:本题考察四个介词短语的用法,显然选A。注意:B选项中的for all是一个


54. B 解析:本题考察反义疑问句的用法。我们知道,在否定的陈述句后面用will you?,故选B。

55. D解析:本题考察现在分词做定语的用法,故选D。

56. 解析:本题考察倍数表达法。答案是B。在英语中,两倍的表达是twice,三倍以上才是three, four, five --- times。

57. A解析:本题考察习语结构not so much A as B(与其说是A,不容说是B)的用法。故选A。

58. C 解析:本题考察疑问词的用法,四个选项中只有how much做宾语,故选C。

59. B 解析:本题考察another的用法,这个词一般修饰单数名词,但也可修饰表示一个整体的复数名词。故选B

60 D 解析:本题考察名词从句用法,正确答案是D。在本句中的,It做形式主语,that引导的从句做真正的主语。

62.C 解析:本题考察反身代词的用法。题干中的himself显然是强调主语the manager,故选





51.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.Twenty miles seems like a long walk to him.

B.No one except his supporters agree with him.

C.Neither Julia nor I were going to the party.

D.Few students in my class are really lazy.

52.Which of the following determiners(限定词)can be placed before both singular count nouns and plural count nouns?

A.many a B.few C.such D.the next

53.Which of the following reflexive pronouns(反身代词)is used as an appositive(同位语)?

A,He promised himself rapid progress.

B.The manager herself will interview Mary.

C.I have nothing to say for myself.

D.They quarreled themselves red in the face.

55.Which of the following sentences expresses WILLINGNESS?

A.By now she will be eating dinner.

B.I shall never do that again.

C.My brother will help you with the luggage.

D.You shall get a promotion.

56.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.How strange feelings they are!

B.How dare you speak to me like that!

C.What noise they are making!

D. What a mess we are in!

57.which of the italicized parts functions as a subject?

A.We never doubt that her brother is honest.

B.The problem is not who will go but who will stay.

C.You must give it back to whoever it belongs to。

D.It is clear that the crime was done deliberately.

58.which of the italicized parts functions as an object?

A.He doesn’t like t he idea of my speaking at the meeting.

B.It is no use your pretending not to know the matter.

C.My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night.

D.Her falling into the river was the climax of the whole trip.

59.All the following sentences have an appositive EXCEPT

A.She bought herself a pair of new shoes.

B.Only one problem still remains-the food.

C.My friends all understand and support me.

D.She liked her current job,teaching English.

60.Which of the following best explains the meaning of“Shall we buy the tickets first”?

A.He said that we were going to buy the tickets first.

B.He requested that we buy the tickets first.

C.He suggested that we buy the tickets first.

D.He advised us to buy the tickets first.

61.Which of the following contains an adverbial clause of cause?

A.I got a job as soon as I left university.

B.As there was no answer, I wrote again.

C.You must do the exercises as I show you.

D.Wealthy as he is,Mark is not a happy man.

62.Which of the following prepositional phrases can function as an adverbial?

A.Are you sure of Simon's disappearance?

B.The man with a beard is talking to the manage.

C.Every precaution was taken against the failure of the plan.

D.Despite the rain,everyone enjoyed the trip.

64.Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of concession?

A.They used the box for keeping treasures.

B.I stepped aside for her to get in first.

C.For all that he seems to dislike me,I still like him.

D.The parents bought a birthday cake for their son.

65.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A.Poultry are very expensive in the city.

B.New machinery were introduced in the factory.

C.The police are investigating the murder case.

D.The militia were called out to rescue flood victims.

51. C. 当主语后面跟有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with,with ,like, rather than, together with , but , except, besides, ,including等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数由主语的单、复数而定。

52. C. Many a 修饰单数可数名词,few 修饰复数可数名词,the next 修饰单数可数名词,只有such既修饰单数名词又修饰复数名词。

53. B One way to identify an appositive is to ask the question: could this phrase replace the word next to it? Does this phrase make the word next to it all but unnecessary?

A 中himself 作promise的宾语;B中herself 作the manager 的同位语,C中myself 作


55. B Modal verb:A 意为现在她应该在用餐了,表示推测,C,我哥哥会帮你拖行李的,表示将来时态,D, 你会升职的,表示许诺,B,我再也不会那么做了,Shall 表示意愿\

56. A Exclamative sentence: What + a/an + adj + n+S+P;

What +adj+UN/N(pl.)+ S+P.


57. D Sentence elements: A 为object clause; B 为predicative clause;C为object clause,D为subject clause, it 是formal subject.

58. D Sentence element: A为介词短语修饰名词,B是SUBJECT CLAUSE, C是OBJECT CLAUSE, D 是SUBJECT

59 A Sentence element :A: SVOO. B中the food是one problem的appositive, C,中all 是my friends 的appositive, D中teaching English 是her current job的appositive.

60. C Modal verb: Shall we表示“征求意见”,A是陈述事实,B是提出请求D是建议他人应该怎样做,C suggest表示建议

61. B Adverbial clause: A为Adverbial clause of time,, B 为Adverbial clause of cause, C,为Adverbial clause of manner,D为Adverbial clause of concession

62 D Sentence element: A: prepositional phrase as a predicative, B prepositional phrase as

a post-attribute, C …..as a subject complement, D,as an adverbial.

64 C Sentence element:A表用途,B表目的,C for all that表让步,D 表示对象

65. B Collective noun: police, people, cattle, poultry, militia, 谓语动词用复数,machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise,谓语动词动词用单数


52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) ______.

A. appositive (同位语)

B. object

C. adverbial

D. complement.

53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)? ______.

A. Nonsmoker.

B. Deadline.

C. Meanness.

D. Misfit.

54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood? ______.

A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o’clock?

B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.

C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.

D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.

55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns

EXCEPT ______.

A. more

B. enough.

C. many.

D. such.

56. Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST? ______.

A. She opened the door and quietly went in.

B. Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports.

C. Think it over again and you?ll get an answer.

D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I don't like this.

57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词)? ______.

A. Much.

B. Neither.

C. One.

D. Quarter.

58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT ______.

A. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.

B. The President is coming to the UN next week.

C. The school pupils will be home by now.

D. He is going to email me the necessary information.

59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT? ______.

A. Politics are the art or science of government.

B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.

C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.

D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.

60. Which of in the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship? ______.

A. The arrival of the tourists

B. The law of Newton

C. The occupation of the island

D. The plays of Oscar Wilde

61. Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive? ______.

A. He is not the man to draw back.

B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.

C. Larry has a large family to support.

D. There is really nothing to fear.

62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence? ______.

Let me drive you home, shall I?

You will mind your own business!

Come and have dinner with us.

I wish you could stay behind. ‘

64. Which of the following sentences expresses a fact?

A. Mary and her son must be home by now.

B. Careless reading must give poor results.

C. It’s getting late, and I must leave now.

D. He must be working late at the office.

65. The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词) EXCEPT ______.

A. remain.

B. turn.

C. write.

D. knock.

52. 解析:此题恐怕是最受争议的题目了,有人认为选A,有人认为选D。根据English Grammar: A University Course一书,“The Subject Complement (主语补足语) is the obligatory constituent which follows a copular verb(系动词) and which cannot be made subject in a passive clause: 比如Who’s there? It’s me/It’s I. She became a tennis champion at a very early age. Feel free to ask questions!” 一般语法书也是这么说的,有的书上把这种情况下接的名词叫做predicate noun/nominative,接的形容词叫做predicate adjective。该书接着说“As well as be and seem, a wide range of verbs can be used to link the subject to its Complement; these add meanings of transition (become, get, go, grow, turn) and of perception (sound, smell, look) among others,” 比如I know it sounds stupid. The situation becomes even worse. 这些一般语法书也会提到,但是题目里的都不是这种现象,很多语法书对主语补语的介绍也就到此为止。好在这本书多介绍了一点,但情况很微妙。此书又说More problematic is the constituent following other verbs that could be used intransitively with the same meaning, as in: Saint Ethelbert was born a Saxon princess. (she was born)

He returned a broken man. (he returned)

He died young. (he died)

We shall consider such constituents as Complements on the strength of the possible paraphrase containing be (When he returned he was a broken man; When he died he was young).


53. 解析:首先要知道什么是复合词。A compound is a word that consists of more than one free morpheme。所谓morpheme词素是最小的音义结合体,其最大的特点是不能再被分割为更小的音义结合体。而free morpheme是指能独立存在使用的词素,bound morpheme则是必须依附于其他单位的词素,比如前缀后缀属于bound morpheme,如pre-,-ment,在单词shipment里,ship就是free morpheme,-ment则是bound。因此四个选项里只有deadline是由两个free morpheme构成(dead + line),其他三个都有Bound morpheme 比如non, ness, mis-等。

54.解析: subjunctive mood是指虚拟语气,四个选项里只有A的insist属于虚拟语气用法,其中that从句里省略了should。

55. 解析:限定词的用法是近几年专四的热门考点,诸如some,many,both,all,each等用法究竟如何还是希望大家多翻阅语法书和词典。这道题看似有点难度,也许你从来不知道哪个限定词可以接名词复数和不可数名词,但好在备选项里每个单词你都可以去接名词试试就知道了,比如more money, more trees; enough money, enough trees; many money?, many trees; such big trees, such behavior.所以选C。

56. 解析:首先要明白and不一定表示并列。A,C里的and表示先后;D里的and表示递进;只有B里的and表示对比。

57.解析:估计不少学生看到名词替代词这个术语,一开始都吓着了,因为压根没听说过,不过对做这道题目倒无大碍,所谓名词替代词顾名思义就是指能代替名词或名词短语,避免重复的词,英语里one, ones,(the)same等都是常见的。比如There are good films as well as bad ones.除此以外还有the kind, the sort,比如Slang disappears quickly, especially the juvenile sort.还有一些不定代词等比如all, both, some, any enough, several, none, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, the other, others, another, either, neither等,比如Can you get me some nails? I need some. I do n’t want any more food. I’ve had enough. 本题选D, quarter不是名词替代词。

58. 解析:这道题目有点意思,既考查时态,又考查will的用法,A/B/D都是将来时的各种表达,唯独C 的will,看似是将来时标志,其实不然,因为和by now矛盾,这里will的用法是指you think something is true,表说话人自己的看法,比如That will be Tim coming home now; Ask anyone and they will tell you the same thing. 本题选C。

59.解析:本题考查主谓一致(agreement/concord)。ten miles看作整体单数,mumps腮腺炎这个单词就是以s结尾的,不可数名词;furniture在英语里是不可数名词;A里的politics并不是指政治,而是指政治学(political science),是不可数名词,但这个用法主要是英式英语。此外,politics表示政治可以看作不可数名词,也可以看作复数,比如Politics have always interested me. 本题选A。

60. 解析:章振邦的书拿到手后果然发现了他的讲解,基本就是原句。第五版的55页,名词属格和of-词组一节说:名词属格和of-词组在意义和用法上有许多相同之处,比如the trunk of an elephant=an elephant's trunk,表示主谓关系有the arrival of the prime minister;表示动宾关系the occupation of the Island;表来源the law of Newton。因此据此本题选A。但我要吐槽的是先不说我手上其他参考书根本没有讲到,就这种主谓关系,动宾关系的说法我就不太同意,因为所谓词组的主谓关系和动宾关系是汉语语法里的说法,英语里说主谓自然指的是句子,一个名词短语何来主谓之说?

61.解析:又是同位语?!四个选项的用法在大部分语法书里并没有做进一步区分,都成为不定式的定语用法,修饰名词。不过章振邦的书里又出现了这个,又是原句作为选项出现,章指出不定式作为名词的后置修饰语时,不定式和名词之间的搭配关系是主谓A中的the man draw back,也可以是C和D的动宾to fear nothing, to support family;有时候也是同为关系,比如urge(冲动)的内容就是指to tell a lie撒谎,故为同位语。


62. 解析:花了点时间翻遍手头各类语法和用法图书,除了直接用动词打头,Do/Don't,You/其他唤名+动词, let类型外,均没有见到D的wish类型。说明:似乎只有章振邦的书上在情态动词will一节提到B的属于加强祈使句。我个人对此表示质疑。更常见的应该是You mind your own business。如果说You will mind your own business是祈使句,那么You will see him now岂不是也是祈使句?这显然说不通。其实You will mind your own business要有祈使句功能,还跟语气语调有很大关系,应该念成You WILL mind your own business! 而不是YOU will mind your own business. 出题人不严谨,死扣语法书,可见一斑。

64. 解析:目前来看又要有争议。很多人认为是B,而我之前说C,尽管C里的must是表示主观必须(C 只有前半句是fact,后半句谈不上什么事实)。问题在于如何理解B的must。在English Grammar: A University Course一书里有一4节谈到must的logical necessity用法问题,作者说在英式英语里有用must表示逻辑上的必定如此,尽管美国人更喜欢用have to。比如If Jane is Pat's sister and Jill is Jane's daughter, Pat must be Jill's aunt.此时Pat must be Jill's aunt就相当于不用情态动词的陈述句Pat is Jill's aunt.如此极端的例子才能说明这是逻辑上的必然,但我实在看不出选项B里一个没有语境的句子是如何有逻辑上的必然,我个人觉得Careless reading must give poor results.和Careless reading gives poor results.还是不一样的。B句是章振邦那本书里的原句,章自己也说“用must表示必然,也是一种推测或推断,其口气最为肯定,一般用于肯定陈述句”由此来看,再如何肯定那也是一种推断,不是fact。

65. 解析:看到专四考这个题目,我只能呵呵。动态动词是指能够延续持续动作的,比如hit,run等,相反的则是Stative Verb静态动词,比如know.现在进行时是常见检验手段。你不能说I am knowing the answer,只能说I know the answer,因此know是静态动词。同理,题目的A选项remain也是静态动词,其他都是动态动词。


52. Which of the following sentences expresses a future action?

A. Lucy is continually finding fault with her sister.

B. We are meeting the visitors after the performance.

C. The coach is now crossing the Garden Bridge.

D. I'm hoping that you'll give us some advice.

53. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object complement(宾补)?

A. The front door remained locked.

B. The boy looked disappointed.

C. Nancy appeared worried.

D. He seemed to have no money left.

54. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?

A. Physics is an important school subject.

B. The United States borders Canada.

C. The Niagara Falls is in North America.

D. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.

55. Which of the following sentences indicates POSSIBILITY?

A. The moon cannot always be at the full.

B. You cannot smoke inside the building.

C. He cannot come today.

D. She cannot play the piano.

56. The boys in the family are old enough for_____.

A. schools

B. school

C. the school

D. the schools

57. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a predicate-object relationship?

A. He was reading Mary's letter in the room.

B. You can buy men's shoes in this shop.

C. Mrs. Blake's passport was lost.

D. The enemy's defeat brought the war to an end.

59. Which of the following tag questions is INCORRECT?

A. Carry this parcel for me, will you?

B. Nobody wants to go there, does he?

C. Few people know him, don't they?

D. Everything is ready, isn't it?

60. Which of the following reflexive pronouns (反身代词) is used as an object?

A. I spoke to the president himself.

B. You must pull yourself together.

C. Linda herself will play the violin.

D. Frank is not quite himself today.

61. The research team can handle______ needs to be handled.

A. whenever

B. whichever

C. wherever

D. whatever

62. Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?

A. Do it right now.

B. That was a very funny film.

C. I rather like my teacher.

D. We walked about 6 miles.

63. When the sentence "They had made a mess of the house" is turned into passive voice, which of the following is CORRECT?

A. A mess had been made in the house.

B. A mess had been made by them.

C. The house had been made a mess of.

D. The house had been made a mess.

65. When the sentence "Shall I drive you to the airport first?" is turned into indirect speech, which of the following is most appropriate?

A. He agreed to drive me to the airport first.

B. He offered to drive me to the airport first.

C. He advised me to go to the airport first.

D. He suggested that I drive to the airport first.

52. B 解析A:现在进行体常与always,continually,constantly,for ever 等频度状语连用,对现阶段经常发生的动作表示某种感情色彩(多为不满)。;C有now,是一般现在式;D红色部分表示委婉语气

53 D

54 C解析:C:以s结尾的地理名词,若表示的是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等,通常做复数用。D:有一些疾病名词以S结尾,通常做单数用,

55C 解析A 不可能;B不可以,表禁止;D表能力

56 B 解析:school:used without a or the ,the process of learning in a school;the time during your life when you go to a school.

57 D 解析The enemy's defeat:defeat the enemy

59C few表示否定,后反问疑问句应用肯定。



62 A 解析now:时间副词;funny:有趣的,形容词。about:介词

63. C 解析They had made a mess of the house(主动句)

The house had been made a mess of(被动句,第一种形式)

A mess had been made of the house(被动句,第二种形式)

65. B解析:shall。。。好么?要不要。。。?


53. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. Only one out of six were present at the meeting.

B. Ten dollars was stolen from the cash register.

C. Either my sister or my brother is wrong.

D. Five miles seem like a long walk to me.

54. Which of the italicized parts expresses a future tense?

A. My friend teaches chemistry in a school.

B. I’ll give it to you after I return.

C. What is the matter with you?

D. London stands on the River Thames.

59. Which of the following is a stative verb (静态动词)?

A. Drink

B. Close

C. Rain

D. Belong

60. Which of the following italicized parts indicates a subject-verb relation?

A. The man has a large family to support.

B. She had no wish to quarrel with her brother.

C. He was the last guest to leave.

D. Mary needs a friend to talk to.

61. The following are all correct responses to “Who told the news to the teacher?”EXCEPT __ ____?

A. Bob did it

B. Bob did so

C. Bob did that

D. Bob did.

62. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. Another two girls

B. Few words

C. This work

D. A bit of flowers

63. Which of the following italicized words does NOT indicate willingness?

A. What will you do when you graduate?

B. They will be home by now.

C. Who will go with me?

D. Why will you go there alone?


54.答案:B 59.答案:D 60 答案:C 61. B 62答案:D 63答案:B

英语语法大全 句子成分分析

句子成分分析 在句中起着不同语法作用的成分,叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分有九种: 1、主语(subject)表示句子描述的是“谁”或“什么”,是谓语的陈述对象; 通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: The sun rises in the east. 日出东方。(名词) He hated to see any bird killed.他讨厌看到鸟儿被杀。(代词) To see is to believe.眼见为实。(动词不定式) Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(动名词) Where we shall hold the party is not decided yet.我们还没有决定在何处举行晚会。(主语从句) It’s human to want something better.精益求精是人类的特性。(不定式) 2、谓语动词(predicate verb)说明主语的动作或状态,由动词或动词短语担任: We study English.我们学习英语。(动词) The car broke down on the way.车在路上抛锚了。(动词短语) Do be quiet,children.孩子们,务必安静点。(助动词+连系动词) We are having a meeting now.我们现在正在开会。(助动词+实义动词) Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。(情态动词+实义动词) 3、表语(predicative)说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份,与连系动词一起构成复合谓语,通常由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词、分词或从句等担任: The next stop is the zoo.下一站是动物园。(名词) The game is yours.你(们)胜了。(代词) I was first! 我第一名!(数词) I feel terrible.我难受的厉害。(形容词) Is your mother in?你妈妈在家吗?(副词) I’m with you.我站在你这一边。(介词短语) Mary’s task is to set the table.玛丽的任务是摆桌子。(动词不定式) Her hobby is growing roses.她的爱好是种植玫瑰。(动名词) The situation is puzzling.形式令人迷惑不解。(现在分词) Do you feel satisfied with the arrangement?你对这安排满意吗?(过去分词) The fact is that they are cross with each other.事实是他们生彼此的气。(表语从句) That’s where you are wrong.这就是你错的地方(表语从句) He is no longer what he was.他已经不是以前的他了。(表语从句) 4、宾语(object)表示及物动词或及物动词短语的对象或内容,或用于介词后构成介词短语;通常由名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: May I have your attention ,please.请大家注意。(名词) I want a little.我要一点。(代词) I need two.我需要两个。(数词) Hope to see you soon.希望能很快见到你。(动词不定式) They risk losing everything.他们冒着失去一切的危险。(动名词) He insisted on seeing her home.他坚持送她回家。(动名词作介词的宾语) I’ll do what I can.我将尽力而为。(从句)


2016年英语专业四级考试词汇语法真题 参考答案与解析 11. How can I concentrate if you _________ continually ______ me with silly questions? A. have… interrupted B. are… interrupted C. had… interrupting D. were… interrupting 选A。虽然我觉得更应该说you are continually interrupting me with silly questions。不过这里用现在完成时表示的是一个动作发生过成为过去经历,有可能多次发生,也就是打断一次、两次、三次等等不断重复到现在。 12. Among the four sentences below, Sentence ___ expresses the highest degree of possibility? A. It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. B. It might take a long time to find a solution to the problem. C. It could take a long time to find a solution to the problem. D. It should take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 选D。四个里把握度最高的是should,其次是may,最后是might和could。 13. She is a better speaker than _____ in the class. A. any boy B. the other boys C. other any girl D. all the girls 选A。主语是she,女的,所以不能选B。C的正确说法是any other girl。 14. Nobody heard him sing, ______? A. did one B. did he C. didn’t they D. did they 选B。根据专四语法出题依据的书《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦)317页,nobody这种附加疑问句,书面语里用he。口语里偶见they。实际上,现代英语里为了避免有语言歧视(为什么只有he,没有she),很多人都避免只用he,而多改为they。 15. I can’t put up with ________. A. that friend of you B. that friend of yours C. the friend of you D. the friend of yours 选B。根据专四语法出题依据的书《新编英语语法教程》(章振邦)57-58页,这种双重属格结构所修饰的名词可带a, any, some等表示非确定特指的限定词,但通常不带定冠词。比如a daughter of Mrs. Green’s, any/some daughters of Mrs/ Green’s。 16. There has been an increasing number of _______ in primary schools in the past few years. A. man teacher B. men teacher C. man teachers D. men teachers 选D。合成名词复数,man/woman这种,两种都要变成复数,比如women drivers。


i 一、谓语动词63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language. (2008)A. would make B. had made C. made D. makes 58.The committee has anticipated the problems that ____in the road construction project. (2007)A. arise B. will arise ?C. arose D. have arisen 59.The student said there were a few points in the essay he ____impossible to comprehend. (2006)A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find (2007) 60.He would have finished his college education, but he______ to quit and find a job to support his family. (2007)A. had had B. has C. had D. would have 54. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.(2005) A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 55. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005) A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 56.Jack __ from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. 2003 A. has been missing B. has been missed C. had been missing D. was missed 2. For some time now, world leaders ___out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction. 2002a. had been pointing b. have been pointing c. were pointing d. pointed 二、非谓语动词: 非谓语动词 – 分词 逻辑主语与从句中动词的主动与被动的关系。 64. ______ at in his way, the situation doesn't seem so desperate. (2007) A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. To look 55.If not ______ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. (2004)A. being treated B. treated C. be treated D. having been treated not counting = not including 不算 (视为固定用法) 63.There are only ten apples left in the baskets, ______ the spoilt ones. (2006)A. not counting B. not to count C. don't count D. having not counted 65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm’s lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT(2009) A. the man who has prepared the documents... B. the man who has been preparing the documents... C. the man who is preparing the documents... D. the man who will prepare the documents... 非谓语动词 – 动名词

英语语法 句子成分分析

知识精讲 一、整体把握 成分用法说明位置 主语是执行句子的行为或动作的主 体。 陈述句中放在句首或谓语之前;疑问句或倒装句 中放在动词、助动词、情态动词之后;there be结 构中放在be之后;祈使句中常省 谓语对主语加以陈述,说明主语怎 么样或是什么。必须由动词担 任,其人称和数必须和主语一 致。 通常在主语后(疑问句、倒装句除外)。 表语与系动词连用,一起构成复合 谓语,说明主语的性质、特征、 身份、类别、状态等。 常在系动词之后。 宾语表示动作、行为的对象。一般放在及物动词或介词后。间接宾语通常放在直接宾语之前。直接宾语是人称代词,间接宾语是名词或两个宾语都是人称代词时,间接宾语放在直接宾语之后,并在间接宾语前加to或for。 定语用来修饰名词或代词,说明人 或物的状态、品质、数量及所 属等。 单个词常在被修饰的词前,短语或句子在被修饰 的词之后;副词作定语常放在被修饰的伺候;形 容词修饰不定代词放在被修饰的伺候。 状语修饰动词、形容词、副词,表 示动作发生的时间、地点、目 的、方式等。 位置比较灵活。 补语补充说明宾语或主语的成分。宾语补足语通常置于宾语之后,主语补足语通常置于主语和谓语之后。 同位语对句子中某一成分作进一步解 释、说明,与前面的被修辞成 分在语法上处于同等地位。 常常置于被说明的成分之后。有时可以放在句子 的前面(主语之前),尤其是主语为人称代词时, 为平衡句子的节奏,则把同位语放置于此代词前。 独立成分独立成分是指句子里的一个词 或词组与全局没有语法上的联 系,不属于句子的组成部分; 一般由感叹语、呼语或插入语 等担任。 可放在句首、句中或句末。 二、细讲:主语 表现形式例句


英语专业四级历年语法试题 虚拟语气部分 1. If you _____ in such a hurry, you _____ sugar into the sauce instead of salt. (TEM4-1992-50) A. were not, would not put B. were, would put C. had been, would have put D. had not been, would not have put 2. _____ their help, we would not have succeeded. (TEM4-1992-55) A. Hadn’t been for B. Had not it been for C. It hadn’t been for D. Had it not been for 3. She asked that she _____ allowed to see her son in police custody. (TEM4-1993-50) A. would be B. could b C. be D. was 4. _____ your timely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work.

(TEM4-1994-53) A. Unless B. But for C. Except for D. Not for 5. It was recommended that passengers _____ smoke during the flight. (TEM4-1994-58) A.not B. need not C. could not D. would not 6. _____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with questions. (TEM4-1994-62) A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. I realized D. As I realized 7. _____, he would not have recovered so quickly. (TEM4-1995-65) A. Hadn’t he been taken good care of B. Had he not been taken good care of C. Had not he been taken good care of D. Had he been not taken good care of 8. I _____ the party much more if there hadn’t been quite such a crowd of people


LESSON ONE 句子的三种模式 导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。 ▲主+系动词+表 注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。 1 这个人是一个老师。The man is a teacher. 主语系表语主语系表语(名词) 2 他(是)很忙。He is busy. 主语系表语主语系表语(形容词) ▲注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。 3 她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.

主语系表语主语系表语(介词短语) ▲定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。 介词短语 ---英国法学家波洛克 介词短语 Happiness is a station -----------Pollock, British jurist 形容词介词短语 5 形容词介词短语 man is a teacher 介词短语形容词

6.教室里。 形容词介词短语 The teacher is handsome. My book is 表语(介词短语)定语(介词短语) She is 介词短语即可以做表语也可以做定语,虽然它们词性相同,但由于词序不同,它们所起到的作用也不同,当在is的后面是表语,跟在名词的后面它就起到定语的作用。 课堂练习 1 1是


1. My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?" A. must be B. must have been C. had been D. had to be 2. It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him. A. do you become B. then you become C. that you become D. have you become 3. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ___ the atmosphere. A. as it is B. so is C. the same as D. and so is 4. While driving along the treacherous road, ___ . A. my right rear tire blew out B. my right rear tire had a blowout C. I had a blowout on my right rear tire D. I had my right rear tire blowout 5. Jean Wagner's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American Poetry is his insistence that ___________ it in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference. A. is to be analyzed B. has been analyzed C. be analyzed D. should have been analyzed 6. __ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect. A. Since B. When C. While D. Unless 7. This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community _____ any of them could inpidually and to promote Western art by women. A. rather than B. rather C. than D. other than 8. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ___ suffering and poverty. A. anything but B. nothing but C. none other than D. no more than 9. After ___ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctor's office. A. it B. that C. what D. which 10. The board deemed it's urgent that these files ___ right away. A. had to be printed B. should have been printed C. must be printed D. should be printed 11. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___ on benches, chairs or boxes. A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated 12. __ in this way, the situation doesn't seem so disappointing. A. To look at B. Looking at C. Looked at D. To be looked at 13. Nobody came to see me while I was out, ___ ? A. did they B. didn't they C. did she D. didn't she 14. You will see this product ___ wherever you go. A. to be advertised B. advertised C. advertise D. advertising 15. Suddenly ___ fire broke out in the room and everything in it was soon on ___ fire. A. /, a B. The, / C. a, / D. /, the 16. If you ___ Jerry Brown until recently, you'd think the photograph on the right was strange. A. shouldn't contact B. weren't to contact C. didn't contact D. hadn't contacted 17. Scientists think __ helps some trees to conserve water in the winter. A. when losing leaves B. leaves are lost C. that losing leaves D. the leaves losing



2008-2013年专四语法句子结构成分真题集 II. 句子成分 【08年】 57. Which of the following is INCORRECT? A. All his lectures were boring. C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing. B. Half his money was gone. D. He invited many his friends to the party. 61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" EXCEPT A. Jim did this. B. Jim did so. C. Jim did that. D. Jim did. 63. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"? A. Nearly B. Quite C. Practically D. Almost 64. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence. A. the subject B. the adverbial C. the object D. the complement 65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPT A. the man who has prepared the documents... B. the man who has been preparing the documents... C. the man who is preparing the documents... D. the man who willprepare the documents... 57. D. 本题是今年专四试卷中出现的新题型,对英语专业同学的语法知识提出了一个更高的要求。考查的是限定词位置的用法。英语中的限定词可分为前位限定词、中位限定词和后位限定词,一个名词前的限定词只能按照前位、中位、后位的顺序出现,其中两个前位或两个中位词不能同时出现在同一个名词前。many是后位限定词,而his是中位限定词,与限定词排序规则有悖,故D为答案。A选项中all是前位,his是中位,符合规则;B中half是前位,his是中位限定词;C中her是中位,few是后位限定词。 61. A. 对Who told the news to the teacher的标准回答是Jim did,即Jim did it的省略句。此外,还可以用其他代词指代问句中出现的内容,so和that都可以指代前


一、句子成分精讲 句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补语等。 主要成分:主语和谓语 1、主语 一个句子中需要加以说明或描述的对象。主语的位置: 一般位于句首,由名词、代词、数词或相当于名词的词、短语等充当。The school is far from here. 名词做主语 She goes to school by bike.代词做主语 Eight is a lucky number.数词做主语 The blind need more help.名词化的形容词做主语 There is a pen on the desk. 名词做主语 Predicting the future is interesting.动名词做主语 To be a doctor is my dream.不定式短语做主语 2、谓语 表示人或事物(主语)的动作和存在的状态. 英语中由动词be、动词have和行为动词来充当谓语动词 句子的时态和语态是通过谓语表现出来。 谓语动词往往由一个或一个以上的助动词或情态动词加上主要动词构成。分析句子的主语和谓语 Mr. Li teaches English. He can play the piano. My parents and I are having dinner. 3、表语 用来说明主语的身份、特征、性质、状态。 表语的位置 用在动词be和系动词的后面。 名词、代词、数词、介词短语、副词等都可以和连系动词一起构成复合谓语。 Y our pen is on the desk. He got very angry. My dream is to have a robot. 常见的系动词


英语语法——英语句子成分分析 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等。句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。 1)主语:是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词,数词或代词担任,一般放于句首。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends.(我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词students是个名词,we是代词,它们在句中做主语。 2)谓语:是对主语加以陈述,表示主语的行为或状态,常用动词或者动词词组担任,放在主语的后面。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends. (我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词study和are都是动词,study叫做实意动词,are叫做be 动词,它们在句中作谓语。 3)宾语:表示行为的对象,常由名词或者代词担任。放在及物动词或者介词之后。如: They are teachers. ( 他们是老师。) I play with him. (我和他一起玩。) 这两句话中单词teachers是名词,单词him是带词,它们在句中作宾语。4)定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如: This is a red sun.(这是个红太阳.) He is a tall boy.(他是个高个子男孩。) 这两句话中单词red和tall都是形容词,它们作定语。 5)状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。如: The students study hard. (这些学生学习努力。) I often write to him. (我常给他写信。) The bag is too heavy. (这个书包太重了。) 这三句话中单词hard 和often修饰的都是动词,第三句话中单词too修饰的是形容词,它们都作状语。 6)表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。如:This table is long. (这个桌子是长的。) 通常情况下,主语和宾语前的成分是定语,谓语前的成分是状语,时间词作状语


2014年英语专四语法真题 11.It’s essential that he_______all the facts first. A.is examining B.will examine C.examines D.examine D,虚拟语气题 12.Which of the follow italicized parts is used as an object complement? A.The front door remained locked. B.The boy looked disappointed. C.Nancy appeared worried. D.He seemed to have no money left. 13.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A.Physics is an important school subject. B.The United States borders Canada. C.The Niagara Falls is in North America. D.Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. 14.The boys in the family are old enough for_____. A. schools B. school C. the school D. the schools 15.Which of the following italicized parts indicates a predicate-object relationship? A. He was reading Mary's letter in the room. B. You can buy men's shoes in this shop.


专四语法真题集 ( 1994-2007 ) 一、1994-2003 年专四语法真题集 1.独立主格结构 1.Agriculture is the country ' s chief source of wealth, wheat _________ by far the biggest cereal crop. a. is b. been c. be d. being (TEM-4 2003 ) 2.Time ______ , the celebration will be held as scheduled. a. permit b. permitting c. permitted d. permits (TEM-4 2003) 3.There ____ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier. a. to be b. to have been c. being d. be (TEM-4 2000 ) 4.____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom. a. There was b. Since c. Being d. There being ( TEM-4 1996) 5.The country ' s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars __ the most important of these. a. have been b. are c. being d. are being ( TEM-4 1994 ) II.定语从句 1.Above the trees are the hills, ___ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. a. where b. of whose c. whose d. which 2003 2.They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, is something we had not expected. a. which b. it c. that d. what 2003 3.He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man ___ he was twenty years ago. a. which b. that c. who d. whom 2003 4.The experiment requires more money than _______ . a. have been put in b. being put in c. has been put in d. to be put in 2002 5.We' vejust i nstalled two air-conditioners in our apartment, __ should make great differences in our life next summer. a. which b. what c. that d. they 2002 6.Have you ever been in a situation ___ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him? a. by which b. that c. in where d. where 2002 7.Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff ____ i s needed for


句子成分 不同词类的单词,按照一定的语法规则组合在一起,能够表达一个完整意思的语言单位叫句子,一个句子由各种功能不同的部分组成,这些部分叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分有7种,主语,谓语,表语,宾语,定语,状语,补语。它的构成方法与中文很象,中文分:主,谓,宾,定,状,补,六类,再加上表语就形成了英文的形式。 下面主要是从词类的角度来分析句子成分: 一.主语 句子所要说明的人或者事物,是句子的主体,通常放与句首,一般不省略,可以担当主语的有名词,代词,数词,动词不定式,动名词和主语从句。下面依次举例: Walls have ears. He will take you to the hospital. Three plus four equals seven. To see is to believe. Smoking is not allowed in public places. Whether or not they will come depends on the weather. 二.谓语动词 说明主语动作或者状态的句子成分,一般又实义动词或者系动词担任,助动词和情态动词加其他动词的适当形式也可以构成谓语动词 Actions speak louder than words The chance may never come again. Tom was very sick at heart. Mary has been working at the dress store since 1994. 注意:英语中最基本的原则就是:一句话,只能有一个谓语动词 三.表语(现代某些语法书直接把表语归类到了补语当中) 是用来说明主语的身份,特征和状态,它的位置在系动词之后。可作表语的有名词,代词,形容词与分词,数词,动词不定式与动名词,介词短语,副词以及表语从句。下面依次举例:My father is a professor. Who’ that? It’s me. Everything here is dear to her. The match became very exciting. The story of my life may be of help to others. Three times five is fifteen. His plan is to seek work in the city. My first idea was that you should hid your feelings. 四.宾语 宾语表示动作的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语一般放在及物动词之后。英语介词后也会跟宾


英语专业四级语法词汇练习题(6) 所属:专四专八阅读:1021 次评论:7 条 [我要评论] [+我要收藏] 有关否定 1)双重否定最常见的形式有: no(not)...but...没有……不…… no(not)...without...没有……不,除……不 no(not)...unless没有……就不…… not...until直到……才…… 例如:There is no one but knows it.没有一个人不知道此事。 2)can not与副词too,enough, sufficiently, over,too much等词连用时,意为“无论怎样也不过分”,“越…越”。例如: You cannot be too careful.你越仔细越好。 We cannot praise him too much.我们无论怎样赞扬他也不过分。 近义词辨析 break, crack, crush, shatter,break, smash 这组词均含有“打破”或“挤碎”的意思。 break 是这组词中最常用的,指使某件东西破碎。 If you break that vase, you’ll have to pay for it.如果打破了那只花瓶,你就得赔偿。 crack 指打裂某物,但不一定打碎,因而通常不会成为碎片。 You may crack these nuts with a hammer.你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。 crush 强调挤压或踩的动作,毁坏程度取决于被压物的组织结构,或变形,或成小块,或可恢复原状。 To make wine, you first crush the grapes.若要造酒,需先将葡萄压碎。 shatter 打破某物,力大到使碎片飞出很远,常指整件东西完全被毁。 The explosion shattered most of the windows in the building.爆炸震碎了那座大楼的大部分窗玻璃。 smash 突出暴力,击打时动作较猛,被击打的东西往往完全报废。 He smashed the window with a brick.他用砖块击碎窗玻璃。
