译林版初中英语九年级下册专题练习unit 7 课时6

译林版初中英语九年级下册专题练习unit 7 课时6
译林版初中英语九年级下册专题练习unit 7 课时6

9A Unit 7 Films

Period 6 Integrated skills



1.My grandfather used to tell me the___________(故事)of Change.

2.Do you know when____________(恐龙)disappeared.

3.Andy Lau is one of_____________(空前的) greatest Chinese singers and actors.

4.It’s____________(愚蠢的)of you not to work hard.

5.--I don’t like playing chess.--__________(也不)do I.


1.The__________(act) film that I saw last night was really exciting.

2.The __________(German)all wear the same clothes.

3.I wonder who is the most____________(suit)for the position.

4.The story___________(it) has a perfect ending in my opinion.

5.Our Maths teacher always thinks of new ideas to make his class_________(live).

6.Lisa insisted on_______(tell) the truth to all of us.


( )1.The ticket price of the train is very ______.I can’t afford it.





( )2.---His father isn’t a doctor.

---_______is his mother. They are both teachers.





( )3.The man ________love with the princess in the end.



C.felt in

D.fell in

( )4.--What happened to Marc?

--He fell____the bike_____a snowy morning.



C.off, on


( )5.Although the show_____for an hour, people kept coming in.

A.was beginning


C.had began

D.had been on


CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food which can feed 200 million people for a year.

Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN World Food Programme, there were 900million hungry people all over the world in 2013. About six million children die of hunger every year.

So think about it. We should say no to people who waste food every day. An old saying goes, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work.” It tells us everybody must save food.Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Jiangsu, once lost her job because she took some leftover(剩余的) food home for her son. But many people were by her side and criticized (批评) the waste of food.

What should we do in our daily life to stop wasting food? We can do many things to prevent it from happening. Here are some tips:

Don't order too much food in a restaurant. Only order as much as you can eat. If you can’t eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.

Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. some food may not be tasty, but put body need it.

Don’t keep too much food at home, especially for fruit and vegetables.

1. How many hungry people were there over the world in 2013?


2. Why did Li Hong lose her job?


3. What should you do if you can’t eat all the food you ask for?


4. Can you keep too much food at home?


5. What’s the main idea of the passage?



Tuesday, 4th May

Hurray! I've just met my all-time hero-Wong Kam-Po. I've seen him many (1) t______ on television, but it was wonderful to meet him in person because (2) c______ is my favourite sport. I'd love to be a professional cyclist (自行车手) one day.

I arrived at Shangri-La Hotel on Sunday to meet my family for lunch, when I found out that

Wong Kam-po was giving a talk there. I decided to (3) l______ to the talk instead. Wong talked about (4) w______ the gold medal at the 2006 Asian Games. He said he felt very (5) p______ of himself and his teammates. He explained how he and his team prepared themselves for races.

After the talk, I went up to him and introduced (6) m______. I asked him some (7) a________ to improve my riding skills. I was a bit nervous, (8) s______ I couldn't express myself very well. Wong said that we needed to believe in ourselves and should never give (9) u______.

It was a fantastic (10) e______ and I really enjoyed talking to my hero!





5. ___________

6. ____________



9._____________ 10. ___________


英语教案-Unit6Atafarm第五课时 Unit 6 At a farm 第五课时句型What are these/those? Are these/those…?及其简略回答。 these和those的发音。 Let’s talk的录音。 Let’s check的录音。 Let’s sing 的录音。 自制课件。 师生共同准备蔬菜实物若干。 热身: 学生说唱本单元歌曲和歌谣。 复习: 游戏:教师将几个动物单词卡片贴到黑板上,并在下面标上序号,请任意学生说出其中一个单词,其他学生说序

号并模仿该动物的叫声或动作。 教师说谜语,引导学生用Are they…?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。 They are red。 They look like apples, but they aren’t apples。 What are they? They are tender and green。 What are they? They are long and orange。 Rabbits like eating them。What are they? They are round, pink and white。 What are they? They are brown。 French fries are made of them。What are they? 学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are。并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读;如果猜错了,教师回答No, they aren’t。再请其他人猜,直到猜对为止。 教师和学生聊一聊每个人喜爱的蔬菜或动物。 I like 。… Do you like …? (三) 新课呈现:

人教版六年级英语上册Unit 6 第5课时

第五课时 教学目标 1. 听、说、认读单词: sit,grass,hear,ant,worry,stuck,mud,pull,everyone。 2. 读懂Read and write中的小短文,画出对应的形容词并回答课后习题。 3. 能根据小短文完成课后习题。 4. 能根据罗宾和蚂蚁的对话进行角色表演。 5. 能听懂Let's check部分的听力,并完成习题。 教学重点 1. 读懂Read and write中的小短文,画出对应的形容词并回答课后习题。 2. 体会句子的连读、弱读和爆破。 教学难点 1. 能根据罗宾和蚂蚁的对话进行角色表演。 2. 体会句子的连读、弱读和爆破,并大声读出句子。 教学准备 教师准备: 1. 与本课时相关的单词卡片。 2. 与本课时相关的录音和课件。 3. 本课所用的活动记录表。 学生准备: 1. 本课所需Robin和ant的头饰。 2. 一张白纸。

教学方法 1. 角色表演法 根据本课时罗宾和蚂蚁的小对话,学生两人一组进行角色表演,在表演中要表现出形容词的特征。 2. 合作教学法 教师让学生两人一组通过合作学习完成课本63页的习题。 3. 听说领先教学法 教师播放Let's check 部分的听力,学生先听,然后利用暂停键跟读,接着,打开书,让学生根据自己的记忆完成习题。最后,教师播放听力原文并核对答案。教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1. 教师检查学生作业,发现学生不足并加以指导。 2. Free talk 教师与学生进行日常口语练习,复习已学知识。如: Teacher: How are you today? Students: I'm fine. Teacher: I'm glad to hear that. 如果学生回答说:I'm sad/angry.教师可说:I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me why? 请学生尝试阐述原因。 3. 故事大王 学生根据上节课的作业,设计情景剧表演。教师根据学生的表演评出“故事大王”和“最佳表演奖”,让学生体会到学习英语的乐趣和成就感。 Step 2: Presentation 1. 自画像 学生拿出一张白纸画自己的脸,要能突出个人心情,然后向同桌提问: Look at the picture. How do I feel? 心情被猜中时,发问者继续陈述造成这种心情的原因。此活动还可以在四人小组间展开。 2. 教师引导学生打开课本62页,教师说:Draw faces for each word. 学生读单词,画图片。


Unit 6 How Many 第五课时 课时内容 B. Let’s learn; Let’s chant 课时分析 Let’s Learn中John在问赛车场的工作人员,一共有多少辆车,在此过程中呈现数字单词16—20,以及询问他人拥有的物品的数量的问句及相应答句。在上一课时中,学生已经学到了16的英语表达方式,本课时在此基础上,让学生继续学习下边的四个数字。这几个数字的规律性很明显,学生可以从11—19九个数字与1—9九个数字的对比中更加清楚的感受到数字变化的规律。重点问答句在上一课时也已经在对话中学习过,在这个课时,可以提供更多的练习机会,让学生能够做到听说、认读这一重点句式。 Let’s chant部分将两个课时的重点问答句放在了一起,同时还加入了简单的加法及乘法的表达:10 and 8 makes 18. 4 times 5 makes 20. 需要让学生运用20以内的数字进行练习,以帮助其形成英语的数字思维能力。 课时目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:How many ... do you have? We have... 3. 能够使用英语进行简单的加法和乘法运算 课时重难点 1.重点: 能够听懂、会说、认读单词sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 能够听懂、会说认读句式:How many ... do you have? We have... 2. 难点: 能够正确使用英语进行简单的加法和乘法运算 教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。 2. 数字卡片 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上为每组画一棵树。学生表现好时就为自己的组获得一个苹果。课程结束时,水果最多的组获胜。 Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a tree. If you did well, I will draw an apple for you. At the end of the lesson, the group which gets more apples will be the winner. 2. 播放韵句:How many do you have? 将A部分Let’s chant的内容改编为适合本课时的内容播放。 Hello, my friend. Please tell me. How many apples do you have? One, two, three ... I have three. One, two, three ... I have three. Teacher: Look at the pictures. There are three apples. Let’s chant about the apples. Listen first. Then say it together. 设计意图:以小组竞赛为本课时主评价方式,这样,可以在学习过程中随时统计每组拥

Unit 6 At a farm第五课时

Unit 6 At a farm第五课时 【课题】Unit 6 At a farm 第五课时 【教学重点】句型What are these/those?Are these/those…?及其简略回答。 【教学难点】these和those的发音。 【教学准备】 Let’s talk的录音。 Let’s check的录音。 Let’s sing 的录音。 自制课件。 师生共同准备蔬菜实物若干。 【教学过程】 热身: 学生说唱本单元歌曲和歌谣。 复习: 游戏:教师将几个动物单词卡片贴到黑板上,并在下面标上序号,请任意学生说出其中一个单词,其他学生说序号并模仿该动物的叫声或动作。 教师说谜语,引导学生用Are they…?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。 They are red. They look like apples, but they aren’t apples. What are they? They are tender and green. What are they? They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them. What are they? They are round, pink and white. What are they? They are brown. French fries are made of them. What are they? 学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读;如果猜错了,教师回答No, they aren’t. 再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。 教师和学生聊一聊每个人喜爱的蔬菜或动物。 I like .… Do you like …? (三) 新课呈现: 教师请学生将装有蔬菜的盒子盖好放在桌子上,然后走到同学们中间,随意指着几个盒子问:Are these…?,并引导学生根据实际用Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.回答。如果学生回答的是No, they aren’t. 教师要继续问:What are these?并引导学生用They are …回答。(教师在操作时应多问几名学生,以增加语言的输入量。)教师适时板书句型框架。 教师将自己带来的蔬菜分别放在几个盒子里,请几个学生过来边摸边问:Are these …?或What are these?教师做出相应的回答。 学生两人一组运用黑板上的句型互相猜猜对方盒内的蔬菜。 教师打开自制课件,请学生看一遍顾客和服务员的问答。然后提问:顾客为什么要用Are those cucumbers?问,而不用Are these cucumbers?问,两者有什么区别?教师根据学生的理解情况适当讲Are those …的功能。 教师指着另外一盒蔬菜用Are those ...?随意说一种蔬菜名,然后点击,启发学生根据看到的用Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.回答。教师进行板书。 教师分别指向其他三个盒子启发学生用Are those..?提问,然后点击印证,让全班一起回答。

Unit6 What time is it第五课时教学设计

小学英语三下Unit6第五课时微课教学设计 课题名称: 三年级下册Unit6 What time is it? (Checkout time&Ticking time) 学习目标: 1.能与他人熟练讨论时间,并能在钟面上准确地画出时间。 2.能四会掌握与时间相关的数词。 3.能熟练运用本单元的日常交际用语。 课时安排: 1课时 学习过程: Step1 Warming-up 1.Greetings 2.了解本课时的学习目标 3.呈现课题,带领学生朗读并指导学生抄写课题 认真抄写课题:Unit6 课题的意思是: (设计意图:每个单元的标题是一个单元内容最直观的反映,应该引导学生反复书写课题增加印象。) 4.Amazing eyes 考考你的眼力 (1)大声读出看到的数字 (2)按顺序写一写1-12数词: (设计意图:目的是复习巩固数词,需要在学习之后对与时间有关的数词高频率出现,并从听说读写各方面加强巩固,这是本单元的基础。) 5.Amazing brain 考考你的脑力 快速计算出得数,不仅考验你对1-12数词的掌握程度,也考验你的思维反应。 (设计意图:这是在复习课时中拓展的一个娱乐板块,将数学公式与英语结合,引导学生理解学科间的联系,从而体会英语的使用范围。) Step 2 Presentation

1.Give the time看时钟报时 老师问你来答:What time is it? 你来自问自答:What time is it? It’s... (设计意图:将数词和主要句型结合起来练习,词句结合,在情境中练习效果更好。) 2.Listen and draw 听音,在钟面上画出时间,注意:时针短胖、分针细长。 (设计意图:将通过“听”获得的虚拟信息转化成书面的实实在在文字信息,这是锻炼大脑获得信息、筛选信息、处理信息的能力。) 3.Ticking time 先看一看需要在哪些方面做出评价: (1)我会问答时间。 (2)我会使用It’s time for... (3)我知道字母t在单词中的读音 4.检验(1)(2)并评价 (1)让我们来看几幅图,检测一下自己是否会用以下句子来问答时间: What time is it? It’s...It’s time for... (2)现在我们来拓展一个知识点:It's time for...句型,让我们想用动词直接来表达时,可以把for换成to就好了。It’s time to +动词。 (3)在英语书上给(1)(2)两条做评价 5.检验(3)并评价 (1)回顾Sound time (2)检测:判断小可爱们手中单词所含的字母t是相同的发音吗?相同写T,不同写F。 it eat ( ) twelve too ( ) three time ( ) get the ( ) (设计意图:通过题目的检测,可以很直接地测试自己是否真正掌握字母t在单词中的读音,同时在答题时引导学生了解字母组合th,当他们连着的时候,t就不单独发音了。) (3) 在书上作评价 Step3 Summary 1.复习了已学的数词1-12。

(人教PEP)三年级英语上册教案 Unit6 第五课时

Unit 6 Happy Birthday 第五课时教学设计 一、教学设计思路 本课时主要学习:balloon,kite,ball,plane,boat,doll等单词。首先,通过歌曲“I like to play outdoors”引出ball的学习。接着,再以学生们的作品(上次课所布置作业)为媒体,引出其它玩具词的教授,这样会使学生产生一种自豪感,更有利于引起学生的学习兴趣。然后,过各种活动,让学生巩固所学玩具词。最后,通过Let’s do部分让学生在了解一些动作词的同时巩固本课时的玩具词。 二、教学目标 (一)知识 听说,认读单词balloon, kite, plane, ball, car, boat, doll. (二)能力 能听懂所学的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作。 (三)情感 养成活泼好动的好习惯。 三、教学重点 单词:balloon, kite, plane, bal, cat, boat, doll. 难点:单词:balloon, plane的发音;Let’s do部分动作单词的理解。 四、教学媒体 1.教师准备ball,balloon,kite,car,plane,boat,doll的图片和实物。 2.教师准备Let’s do的动作图卡。 3.教师准备七张彩色纸,纸的颜色分别为:Pink,Purple,yellow,brown,black,orange,red。 五、教学过程 1.导入 教师播放课件歌曲“I like to play outdoors.”带动课堂活跃起来。 2.呈现新课 1)教师根据歌曲“I like to play outdoors.”置疑: What can you see in the pictures of the song? What are they doing now?

人教PEP版英语三年级下册Unit 6 第五课时教学教案

第五课时 课时内容 B. Let’s learn; Let’s chant 课时分析 Let’s Learn中John在问赛车场的工作人员,一共有多少辆车,在此过程中呈现数字单词16—20,以及询问他人拥有的物品的数量的问句及相应答句。在上一课时中,学生已经学到了16的英语表达方式,本课时在此基础上,让学生继续学习下边的四个数字。这几个数字的规律性很明显,学生可以从11—19九个数字与1—9九个数字的对比中更加清楚的感受到数字变化的规律。重点问答句在上一课时也已经在对话中学习过,在这个课时,可以提供更多的练习机会,让学生能够做到听说、认读这一重点句式。 Let’s chant部分将两个课时的重点问答句放在了一起,同时还加入了简单的加法及乘法的表达:10 and 8 makes 18. 4 times 5 makes 20. 需要让学生运用20以内的数字进行练习,以帮助其形成英语的数字思维能力。 课时目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句式:How many ... do you have? We have... 3. 能够使用英语进行简单的加法和乘法运算 课时重难点 1.重点: 能够听懂、会说、认读单词sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty 能够听懂、会说认读句式:How many ... do you have? We have... 2. 难点: 能够正确使用英语进行简单的加法和乘法运算 教学准备 1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。 2. 数字卡片 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.开始课程前,将学生分成四组,在黑板上为每组画一棵树。学生表现好时就为自己的组获得一个苹果。课程结束时,水果最多的组获胜。 Teacher: I’ll divide you into four groups. Each group has a tree. If you did well, I will draw an apple for you. At the end of the lesson, the group which gets more apples will be the winner. 2. 播放韵句:How many do you have? 将A部分Let’s chant的内容改编为适合本课时的内容播放。 Hello, my friend. Please tell me.


第五课时 一、英汉互译。 1. 靠右 2. in the library____ _ 3. 按顺序来____ _ 4. work quietly____ _ 5. 小声讲话____ _ 6. play a game____ _ 二、读句子,为下列句子选择相应的选项。 ( ) 1. They are play a game. ( ) 2. She is colouring at the desk. ( ) 3. They are doing homework in the class. ( ) 4. We are walking in the street. ( ) 5. She is talking in the library. A. Keep to the right. B. Talk quietly. C. Take turns. D. Keep your desk clean. E. Work quietly. 三、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 当你想告诉别人在图书馆的时候要小声说话,应该说: A. Talk quietly when you are in the library. B. Talk loudly when you are in the library. ( ) 2. 当你想借别人的蜡笔时,应该说: A. Can I use your crayons? B. Can I give your crayons? - ( ) 3. 当你想告诉别人保持桌面整洁时,应该说: A. Keep your desk clean. B. Keep your room clean. ( ) 4. 当你想告诉别人“他们在桥上走路”时,应该说: A. They are running on the bridge. B. They are walking on the bridge.


Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science 第五课时Section B (3a-self-check) 课型:新授课主备人:赵耐转审核人:吴秋红时间:10月20日 学习内容:P 48 Writing a plan ; Self-check 学习目标:写作训练 学习重难点:同上 课前预习: 1.读背单词和短语 2.翻译短语和句子: 1.)让地铁变得更好 2.)人们没有必要开车去上班 3.)那听起来很酷! 4.) 去上大学 3. 情景对话: A. _______________________________________? B. I want to be a scientist. A. Wow! _____________________! But it’s also difficult .____________________? B. After I finish high school ,I’m going to go to university. A. ___________________________________? B. In Beijing .. A. ____________________________________? B. I’m going to study there for four years. ______________________? A. I think I want to be a teacher . I’m going to teach in the poor country. B.__________________________? A. I want to help the poor children and make them get more knowledge . B. __________________________! I hope everyting is well. 巩固提升: 一.根据中文意思完成下列各句. 1. 寒假期间我打算找一份临时工。 I am going to ______ ______ _______ ______ on winter vacation. 2. 我的英语学得不好, 我想参加一个英语学习班。 I don’t learn English well. I’m going to _____ _____ _____ _____. 3. 几个女孩子说, 她们准备经常锻炼身体保持健康。 Some girls said they were going to ______very often ______ ______ ______. 4. 你打算在哪儿工作? Where _____ you ______ ______ ______? 5. 听起来巴黎就是我能喜欢的城市. Paris ______ ______ a city that I could ______. 二. 单项选择(15分) ( )1. My brother found a part-time job ______ a waiter in a restaurant. A. to B. of C. with D. as ( )2. He is a great ______. He is famous for his great paintings. A. pilot B. artist C. programmer D. engineer ( )3. We are going to ________ a sports meeting next month. A. hold B. keep C. make D. build ( )4. I am taking ____ acting lessons. I’m going to be ______ actor. A. the; a B. the; the C. /; an D ./; the
