


第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共70分)

一、是非选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。对每小题的命题做出选择,对的选A ,错的选B 。

1、已知集合A={}3,2,1,B={}4,3,2,则A B={}3,2

2、(1+x )N 的二项展开式共有n 项

3、直线2X +3y-1=0与直线4x+6y+7y=0平行

4、数列2,1,21 ,41,8

1,…的通项公式是a n =2n 5、椭圆252x +4


y =1的焦点在x 轴上 6、函数f(x)=3x +x+5是奇函数

7、y=sinx 在第一象限内单调递增

8、a 、b 表示两条直线,α、β表示两个平面,若a ?α,b ?β,则a 与b 是异面直线

9、“a 2=b 2是“a=b ”成立的必要不充分条件


11、函数y=lgx 的定义域是

A .()+∞∞-, B.[0,+∞] C.(0,+∞) D.(1,+∞)

12.式子log 39的值为






A .30° B. 90° C. 60° D. 45°

14、已知一个圆的半径是2,圆心点是A (1,0),则该圆的方程是

A .(x-1)2+ y 2=4 B.(x+1)2+y 2=4

C. (x-10)2+y 2=2

D. (x+1)2+y 2=2

15、已知a=4, b=9,则a 与b 的等比中项是

A .6 B. -6 C.±6 D.±


1 16、同时抛掷两枚均匀的硬币,出现 两个反面的概率是

A .21 B.31 C.41 D.51 17、设椭圆14


2=+y x 的两个焦点分别是F 1、F 2,AB 是经过F 1的弦,则△ABF 2的周长是

A 、25 B. 45 C. 252+ D. 254+

18、如图,直线PA 垂直于直角三角形ABC 所在的平面,且∠ABC=90°,在△PAB, △PBC, △PAC 中,直角三角形的个数是 P

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3



第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共80分)


19.Cos 300°=_______________

20. 设a=x 2+2x,b=x 2+x+2,若x>2,则a 、b 的大小关系是________

21.已知正方体的表面积是54cm 2,则它的体积是___________

22.已知双曲线162x -19


=y 则它的离心率是__________ 23.四本不同的图书,分给四个同学,每人一本,则不同的分法有_____种(用数字作答)

24.当a>0且a ≠1时,函数f(x)=a x-2-3的图象必过定点__________


25.已知a=(-3,5), b =(-15,m).

⑴当实数m 为何值时,a ⊥b ;

⑵当实数m 为何值时a ∥b 。

26.已知数列{}n a 满足a 1=1, a 2=3,a n+2+a 2=2a n +1(n ∈N *)

⑴求a 3,a 4的值;

⑵求数列{}n a 的前N 项和S 。

27.现用长8m 的铝合金制作一个矩形窗户的边框,问怎样设计,才能既使铝合金恰好用完,又使窗户的面积最大?

28.已知函数f(x)=lg x

x +-11. ⑴f(-31)+f(-3

2)的值; ⑵求证:函数f(x)为奇数函数;


29.如图,已知矩形ABCD ,MA ⊥平面ABCD ,若AB=MA=1,AD=3。

⑴求异面直线MB 与CD 所成的角的大小; M

⑵证明:CD ⊥MAD ;

⑶求二面角M-CD-A 的大小。



30.已知点A (8,0),B 、C 两点分别在y 轴和x 轴

上运动,且CP BC BP AB =⊥,。

⑴求动点P 的轨迹方程;

⑵若过点A 的直线l 与P 的轨迹交于不同两点M 、N QN QB ?=49。其中 Q (-1,0),求直线l 的方程。


2013年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择题(共30小题;第小题1分,满分30分) 1. —,Michael? —I’m fine. Thanks. A. Where are you from B. What are you C. What would you like D. How are you 2. —What are you going to be when you grow up? —I want to be teacher. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 3. Lily is a kind girl. Often helps us learn English. A. He B. His C. She D. Her 4. —is your new bike? —Just $ 150. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often 5. —What time do you usually get up, Rick? —I usually get up five o’clock. A. in B. at C. on D. for 6. Look! Kate and Jane talking under the tree over there. A. was B. were C. is D. are 7. —Is her hobby taking photos or collecting stamps? —. It’s reading. A. Neither B. Both C. None D. All 8. Don’t take your car-you can come in . A. me B. mine C. myself D. my 9. I would like to go to the to see a film this Saturday. A. bookstore B. supermarket C. cinema D. airport 10. Mary is now. So she is going to buy a larger house. A. shy B. poor C. busy D. rich 11.—Could you let me know you came yesterday? —By train. A. why B. where C. how D. what 12.—Tom, you come to my party this weekend? —Sorry. I have to do my homework. A. can B. may C. need D. must 13. As we all know, two heads are than one. A. good B. well C. better D. best 14.—Don’t you something burning in the house, Sam? —No. I have a terrible cold. A. taste B. see C. hear D. smell 15. Tom lives far from the school and he to school by bus every day. A. goes B. went C. is going D. has gone 16. They didn’t go for a walk it was raining. A. though B. because C. until D. unless 17. Oh, , if you see Jackie, tell her I’ll call her this evening. A. by the way B. in the way C. on the way D. to the way 18. I am reading the book won the Bokker Prize. A. who B. what C. that D. whose 19.—Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. —Really? Where he ? A. has ; gone B. will ; go C. did ; go D. does ; go 20.—, do you know where the nearest park is? —It’s on the Center Street. A. Excuse me B. Thank you C. Not at all D. That’s right 21. How could you let her away like that? A. run B. to run C. running D. runs 22.—Would you like something to drink, or coffee? —Coffee, please. A. fruit B. tea C. bread D. meat 23.—Could you tell me ? —It’s about ten minutes’ ride. A. when do you go to school B. when you go to school C. how far is your school from here D. how far you school is from here 24.—Would you mind the window for me? —Not at all. A. close B. closes C. to close D. closing 25.—I have been to New York. —. A. So do I B. So I do C. So have I D. So I have 26.—There is something wrong with my eyes. —You should have your eyes . A. tested B. test C. to test D. testing 27. Dad always his shoes and leaves them by the front door when he comes back. A. takes down B. takes off C. takes away D. takes up 28. It is very beautiful picture. It by Judia. A. will paint B. will be painted C. painted D. was apinted 29.—It’s a long sorty, but there are not any new words in it. —Good! It will be herd for children. A. So B. Or C. But D. And 30.—Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.


数学常用公式 代数 1. 集合,函数 1. 元素与集合的关系 x 三A = x 一C J A, x 三C u A 二X A. 2. 包含关系 A^B-A u A U B=B= A B= C J B C J A =A DC U B八=C u AUB 二R. 二次函数的解析式的三种形式 ⑴一般式f (x) = ax2 bx c(a = 0); (2) 顶点式f (x)二a(x - h)2 k(a = 0); (3) 零点式f (x) = a(x - %)(x - x2)(a = 0). 5. 指数式与对数式的互化式 log a N 二b:= a b二N (a 0,a = 1,N - 0). 6. 指数不等式与对数不等式 (1) 当a 1时, [f(x)>0 a f(x) >a g(x) = f (x) > g(x); log a f (x) Alog a g(x)二*g(x):>0 /(x^g(x) (2) 当0 :: a ::: 1 时, [f(x)>0 a f(x)&曲)二f (x) :: g(x); log a f(x) log a g(x)= g(x) 0 [f(x)£g(x) 7. 对数的四则运算法则 若a> 0, a M 1, M>0, N> 0,贝U (1) log a(MN) =log a M log a N ; M ⑵ log a log a M -log a N ; N (3) log a M " = nlog a M (n R).

2. 数列 (1) 数列的同项公式与前 n 项的和的关系 a * 二', n 1 (数列{aj 的前 n 项的和为 = a i ■ a^|l ■ a n ). S n -S nj , n _2 ⑵ 等差数列的通项公式 a^ a 1 (n _1)d 二dn a^d( n ? N ); d 2 1 d n (a 1 d)n . 2 2 (1)解连不等式N ::: f (x) :: M 常有以下转化形式 N f (x) :: M = [ f (x) 一 M ][ f (x) 一 N ] :: 0 1 1 j f (x) - N M - N (2) 常用不等式: 2 2 (1) a,b ?R= a 2 b -2ab (当且仅当a = b 时取“=”号). a ■ b (2) a,b ?R= - ab (当且仅当a = b 时取“=”号). 其前n 项和公式为S * = “印a n ) ⑶等比数列的通项公式 a nA a 1 n , — K . 二 q q q (n N q 3. ?(1-q n ) 其前n 项的和公式为s n =三1_q , q 「或s, n a“q =1 比差数列订」 a n 芒"1 n d,q = 1 a n 勺=qq ? d, q = b(q = 0)的通项公 b (n - 1)d ,q =1 bq n +(d _b)q nJ1-d q ; q -1 其前n 项和公式为S * = nb n(n -1)d,(q =1) d 1 -q n d (b_ —)二+—n ,叶1) 不等式 f (x) - N M - f (x)


云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试模拟试题 数学第一章(基础知识)田应雄命题 一、选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一个符合题目要求的,并且2B 铅笔在答题卡上将该项涂黑) 1、下列各式的值为零的是( ) A 00 B 1log 1 C 0)32(- D 1log 2- 2、4 的平方根是( ) A. 2 C.±2 D.±2 3、若5log 7a =,3log 5b =则3log 7=( ) A . a+b B. ba D. 2ab 4、已知a>-b,且ab>0,化简|a|+|b|+|a+b|-|ab|等于( ) +2b-ab +ab +ab 5、已知方程220x x a +-=的一根1x =3,则方程的另一根2x 和a 的值为( ) A . 2x =1,a=3 B.2x =1,a=15 C. 2x =-5,a=3 D.2x =-5,a=15 6、下列各式变形正确的是( ) A. 222()x y x y +=+ B.2()()()x y x y x y -=+- C.22211()42x xy y x y ++=+ D.23522 33123(4)x y x y x y y x -+=-+ 7、1 103249 3.90.125++=等于( ) A. B. 311 8、521)2log x +=(, 则x 等于( )

9、以直线方程20,4x y m x y -+=+=-的公共解为坐标的点P(x,y)一定不在( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 10、已知|a|=a,那么a 是( ) A 正数 B 负数 C 非负数 D 0 11、12,a a -+=则22a a -+=( ) A. 0 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1 12、若x+y=m x-y=n, 那么2x-3y=( ) A . 12(4m+n) B. 12(5m-n) C. 14(n-5m) D. 12(5n-m) 13、已知log (log )log b b b a n a =则n a =( ) C.a b log D.b a log 14、若关于的方程(a-2)2x -2ax+a+1=0有两实数根,则a 的取值范围应为( ) A. a<-2 B. -2-2且a ≠2 15、若k 能使方程组???=++=+k y x k y x 32253的解x 、y 的值的和为2,则k 的值为( ) 16.有一个两位数,它的十位数字与各位数字之和是6,则符合条件的两位数有( ) A. 4个 个 C .6个 个 17.某工厂今年的总产值为a 元,计划每年增产b%,则第四年的总产值为( ). A. %)1(b a + B. 3%a b a + C. 2%)1(b a + D. 3%)1(b a +


2019年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题 数学 本试题纸共3页,满分100分。考试时间120分钟。 ー、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,项符合题目要求的。) 1.已知21a ”,命题q:“11


2018年云南省高等职业技术教育招生考试试题 数 学 一.选择题(每小题2分,共40分) 1.若0a b <或 B . 13a ≤≤ C .13a << D .13a a ≤≥或 7.23x -<的解集在数轴上表示为 8.已知函数23(1)3y x =-+的图象是由函数23y x =的图象移动得到,其方法是( )。 A .先向左平移1个单位,再向上平移3个单位 B .向左平移1个单位,再向下平移3个单位 C .向右平移1个单位,再向下平移3个单位 D .向右平移1个单位,再向上平移3个单位 9.以下函数中, 是奇函数( ) A . 2()cos f x x x =+ B .()sin f x x x =+ C .1()sin f x x x =? D . 2()sin f x x x e =++


2012年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷 Ⅰ.单项选择题(共30小题;第小题1分,满分30分) 1. —Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. —. A. You are welcome B. Don't. say so C. You're right D. Don't do that 2. —is your brother? —He is a teacher. A. Which B. What C. How D. Who 3. —Have you seen Tony Story? —Yes. is a good film for kids. A. He B. She C. It D. There 4. Look! A student playing basketball on the playground. A. is B. are C. was D. were 5. —is your new bicycle? —150 dollars. A. How long B. How many C. How old D. How much 6. —Would you like another cup of coffee? —No. . A. Thank you B. All right C. Never mind D. With pleasure 7. —How do you usually go to work? —By . bus, but yesterday I walked. A. a B. the C. 不填 D. an 8. We have a sports meeting . September every year. A. at B. in C. on D. of 9. Yesterday Lily invited Bob and to her birthday party. We had a good time. A. I B. mine C. myself D. me 10. —Do you have a pet? —Yes, I have a I" like it very much. A. car B. magazine C. dog D. computer 11.—How long can I the book? —A week. A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy 12. I can’t tell you what Jane will do this afternoon. I know of her daytime habits. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 13. It is a street. Please be careful when crossing it. A. long B. busy C. modern D. heavy 14.—Smith, somebody wants you on the phone. —no one knows I am here. A. But B. So C. For D. And 15. you help me? I can’t carry the heavy box upstairs. A. Need B. May C. Must D. Can 16. Do you want me what the story is about? A. telling B. to tell C. told D. tell 17. You should talking. We must keep quiet in the library. A. continue B. enjoy C. stop D. learn 18.—Can you tell me you got to the park? —On foot. A. where B. how C. when D. why 19. That sounds rather simple, but it’s very difficult. A. in fact B. in time C. in turn D. in need 20. Willy owned number of books than anyone else I have ever met. A. a large B. a larger C. the largest D. the larger 21. I am writing a letter to Rose, father works in a bank. A. whose B. who C. that D. which 22.—I to the post office. —While you are there, can you get me some stamps? A. went B. have gone C. am going D. go 23. I suggested her out to dinner for a change. A. taken B. take C. to take D. taking 24. We have to hurry up we can catch the last train. A. as if B. so that C. while D. unless 25.—Has Kate finished her report? —I don’t know. She it last night. A. will write B. has written C. is writing D. was writing 26. Don’t too late, or you will fell sleepy in class tomorrow. A. stand up B. look up C. stay up D. get up 27. You have had your hair ; it looks great. A. cuts B. cutting C. to cut D. cut 28. It’ ’s beginning to snow. A. besides B. except D. therefore 29.—The room is dirty. —I know. It for weeks. A. hasn’t been cleaned B. hasn’t cleaned C. wasn’t cleaned D. didn’t clean 30.—Talk to you later. —All right. . A. I’d like to B. See you C. Not at all D. No way


2017年三校生高考数学卷 一.选择题。(每空3分) 1.集合A=1,2,3,4,5,B=2,4,5,8,10,则A∩B=(): A.1,2,3,4,5,8,10 B.2,4 C.2,4,5 D.? 2.不等式x+2x?4<0的解集为(): A.2,?4 B.?1,8 C.?∞,?2∪4,+∞ D.?2,4 3.在?∞,+∞内下列函数是增函数的是(); A.y=2x B.y=1 2x C.y=x2 D.y=log1 2 x 4.直线2x?y+5=0的斜率和y轴上的截距分别是(); A.1 2,5 2 B.-2,-5 C.2,5 D.5,2 5.下列计算正确的是() A.20 =0 B.ln1=0 C.2?2=?4 D.a23=a5 6.在1,2,3,4四个数中任取两个数,则取到的数都是奇数的概率为(); A. 5 6B. 1 6 C. 1 5 D.1 4 7.直线2x+3y?4=0与3x?2y+1=0的位置关系是(). A.直线 B.相交但不垂直 C.平行 D.垂合 二.填空题:(每空3分) 1.函数y=5 4x?3 的定义域为__________; 2.已知2,m,b?4,1.且a⊥b,则m=__________; 3.在数列a n中,若a1=16,a n+1=1 2 a n,则该数列的通项a n=__________; 4.一个玩具下半部分是半径为3的半球,上半部是圆锥,如果圆锥母线长为5,圆锥底面与半球截面密合,则该玩具的表面积是__________; 三.解答题;, 1.求经过直线x+y?2=0和x?y=0的交点,圆心为4,?3的圆的方程(16分) 2.已知sinα=?4 5 ,α是第四象限的角,则tanα的值和cosα的值(16分); 3.为了参加国际马拉松比赛,某同学给自己制定了10天的训练计划。第一天跑2000米,以后每天比前一天多跑500米,这位同学第七天跑了多少米,10天总共跑了多长的距离,


江西省2020年三校生高考模拟考试数学试卷(三) 注意事项:本试卷分是非选择题、选择题和填空、解答题两部分,满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟,试题答案请写在答题卡上,不能超出答题卡边界,解答题必须有解题过程。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共70分) 一、是非选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.对每小题的命题做出判断,对的选A ,错的选B ,请把答案填涂在答题卡上) 1、石城职校所有女教师组成一个集合 ………………………………………………(A B ) 2、若b a >,则)(* N n b a n n ∈>……………………………………………………(A B ) 3、23 120sin = o ………………………………………………………………………(A B ) 4、已知),1(),2,1(x b a -=-=ρρ ,且b a ρρ//,则2 1-=x ………………………………(A B ) 5、函数x y =是偶函数 ………………………………………………………………(A B ) 6、若直线的倾斜角为 4 3π ,且过点)2,1(-,则直线的方程为01=-+y x ………(A B ) 7、正方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,异面直线BC 与1DD 所成的角为o 90…………(A B ) 8、等比数列}{n a 中,21=a ,165=a ,则2=q …………………………………(A B ) 9、双曲线9422x y -渐近线方程为x y 2 3±=…………………………………………(A B ) 10、某商场共有4个门,若从一个门进另一个门出,不同走法的种数有12种……(A B ) 二、单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,请把答案填涂在答题卡上) 11、设集合}3,0,3{-=A ,}0{=B ,则………………………………………………( ) A . B 为空集 B . A B ∈ C . A B ? D . A B ? 12、若1 .33 a a >,则下列结论正确的是………………………………………………( ) A . 1>a B . 1=a C . 1-+x x 的解集是 …………………………………………………( ) A . ),1()2,(+∞--∞Y B . )1,2(- C . ),2()1,(+∞--∞Y D . )2,1(- 14、函数? ? ?->--<+1,31 ,1)(x x x x x f ,则=-+)2()0(f f ……………………………………( ) A . 0 B . 1 C . 2 D . 3 15、函数)1lg()(+=x x f 的定义域为…………………………………………………( ) A .}1{>x x B . }0{≠x x C . }1{->x x D . }1{-≠x x 16、在等差数列}{n a 中,1683=+a a ,则=10S ………………………………………( ) A . 80 B . 68 C . 48 D . 36 17、若直线013=++y x 与01=++y ax 互相垂直,则=a …………………………( ) A . 31- B . 3- C . 3 1 D . 3 18、某小组有 6 名男生,7 名女生,从中各选一名学生去听讲座,则不同选法种数是( ) A . 6 B . 7 C . 13 D . 42 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共80分) 三、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. 19、=-+-0 2)13(1log 100lg _____________________; 20、已知6)(+=x x f ,则=)0(f __________________; 21、已知5件产品中有3件正品,2件次品,若从中任取一件产品,则取出的产品是正品的概率等于______________; 22、已知2,3==b a ρρ,则a ρ与b ρ的夹角为o 45,则=?b a ρρ_____________; 23、已知)1,5(),3,1(B A ,则线段AB 的中点坐标为__________________; 24、以椭圆焦点1F 、2F 为直径的两个端点的圆,恰好过椭圆的两顶点,则这个椭圆的离心率是____________________ . 班级:_____________________姓名:_____________________座位号:_________________ ***************************密*********************封*********************线****************************


? 2014 --- 2018 年云南省三校生考试章节分析题 一.集合、方程、不等式 2014 年 1、(2014 年)绝对值不等式| x -1 |> 1 的解集是( )。 A 、{x | - 1 < x < 5 } 3 2 B 、{x | x > 5 或x < - 1 } 2 2 C 、{x | x > 5 } 2 2 2 D 、{x | x < - 1 } 2 12(2014)、设 x = 1, y = -2 为二元一次方程组?ax + by = 2 的解, a , b 分别为( )。 ?bx + ay = 5 A 、 -4,-3 B 、 -3,-4 C 、3,4 D 、 4,-3 17、(2014)下列选项中,哪项不是集合{x | x 2 - 2x = 0} 的子集( )。 A 、Φ B 、{0,2} C 、{2} D 、{2,3} 19、(2014)已知 a = , b = ,则 a 2 + b 2 - ab 的值为( ) A 、0 B 、97 C 、96 D 、1 2015 年 1、(2015)设 a ,b 为实数,两实数在数轴上的位置关系如下图,则下列表述中正确的是 ? ? ( ) A 、 a > b B 、 a < b b C 、 a ≥ b D 、 a ≤ b 2、(2015)对于二无一次方程2x +1 = 1 的实数解,表述正确的是( ) A 、方程无解 B 、方程有唯一解 C 、方程有无穷个解 D 、方程仅有无理数解 3、(2015)不等式A 、{x | -3 < x < 1} -1 x 2 + 2x - 3 > 0 的解集是( ) B 、{x | -1 < x < 3} C 、{x | x < -1或x > 3} D 、{x | x < -3或x > 1} 4、(2015)设 M = {x | (x - 1)(x - 2)(x - 3) = 0} ,则下列各式中正确的是( ) 3 + 2 3 - 2 3 - 2 3 + 2


14.—Smith, somebody wants you on the phone. 年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷2012—no one knows I am here. A. But B. So C. For D. And 15. you help me? I can't carry the heavy box upstairs. A. Need 分) B. May C. Must D. Can 小题;第小题Ⅰ.单项选择题(共301分,满分3016. Do you want me what the story is about? 1. —Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. A. telling B. to tell C. told D. tell 17. You should —. talking. We must keep quiet in the library. A. continue A. You are welcome B. Don't. say so B. enjoy C. stop D. learn 18.—Can you tell me C. You're right D. Don't do that you got to the park? —is your brother? On foot. — 2. A. where B. how C. when D. why He is a teacher. —19. That sounds rather simple, but B. What A. Which C. How D. Who it's very difficult. A. in fact B. in time 3. —Have you seen Tony Story? C. in turn D. in need 20. Willy owned is a good film for kids. number of books than anyone else I have ever met. —Yes. A. He B. She C. It D. There A. a large B. a larger C. the largest D. the larger 21. I am writing a letter to Rose, father works in a bank. 4. Look! A student playing basketball on the playground. A. whose B. who C. that D. which B. are A. is C. was D. were 22.—I is your new bicycle? —5. to the post office. —While you are there, can you get me some stamps? 150 dollars. — A. went C. How old A. How long B. How many D. How much B. have gone C. am going D. go 23. I suggested Would you like another cup of coffee? 6. —her out to dinner for a change. —A. taken B. take . No. C. to take D. taking 24. We have to hurry up C. Never mind A. Thank you B. All right D. With pleasure we can catch the last train. 7. —A. as if B. so that How do you usually go to work? C. while D. unless 25. —By —. bus, but yesterday I walked. Has Kate finished her report? —I don't know. She D. an B. the A. a C. 不填it last night. 8. We have a sports meeting A. will write . September every year. B. has written C. is writing D. was writing 26. Don B. in A. at 't C. on D. of


2019年三校生高考模拟考试(三) 数 学 试 题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B 铅笔将试卷类型填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码横贴在答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的,答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 一、选择题:(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项符合题目要求). 1.已知集合{}2,A a =,{}4B =,且{}1,2,4A B =U 则a =( ) A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 2.函数0.2log (1)x -的定义域为( ) A (1,2) B ]( 1,2 C []1,2 D )1,2?? 3.已知,a b 是实数,则“0a =”是“()30a b -=”的( ) A .充分非必要条件 B .必要非充分条件 C .充分必要条件 D .非充分非必要条件 4.不等式2560x x --≤的解集是( ) A . {}23x x -≤≤ B .{}61x x -≤≤ C . {}16x x -≤≤ D .{}16x x x ≥≤或 5.下列函数中,在区间(0,+∞)上为增函数的是( ) A .y =x +1 B .y =(x -1)2 C .y =2-x D .y =log 0.5(x +1)



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

2017年江西省三校生高考 英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共125分) Ⅰ.单项选择题(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分) 从A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.—How will you go to Beijing this weekend? —By _____ car. A.a B.an C.the D.不填2.—What is the _____ of the country you went to last year? —The United States. A.name B.law C.population D.size 3.—Thank you very much for your help, Kate. —_____ A.No thank please. B.You are welcome. C.That’s right.D.Don’t worry 4.You will probably understand better when you are a grandparent _____ . A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.myself 5.—How beautiful this card is! —Yes, it’s _____ my sister. Today is my birthday. A.from B.for C.to D.about 6.I was a _____ writer than he was. A.good B.bad C.better D.worst 7.You could catch the 10:00 or the 10:30. _____ train gets you there in good time. A.Both B.Either C.All D.None 8.My brother _____ speak any English because he is only five months old. A.wouldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.can’t 9.—_____ do you like your new job? —It’s really boring. A.What B.How C.Why D.Which 10.Would you like to stay at home _____ go to watch movies with me? A.and B.so C.or D.but 11.—Was the yesterday’s math problem difficult? —Yes. I could _____ work it out. A.hardly B.easily C.usually D.nearly 12.—Can I help you, sir? —Yes. I _____ this radio here yesterday, but it doesn't work . A.have bought B.was buying C.buy D.bought 13.Jack told a funny story and we were all made _____ . A.to laugh B.laugh C.laughing D.laughed 14.My son has grown bigger and become too _____ for me to carry on my back. A.handsome B.serious C.long D.heavy 15.Michael never _____ classes. Last week he went to school when he was badly ill. A.loses B.misses C.remembers D.changes 16.The teacher asked us to stop _____. So we kept quiet at once and listened to him carefully. A.to talk B.talking C.talks D.talked 17.It is said that the basketball match will be _____ because of the bad weather. A.got off B.turned off C.put off D.set off 18.—Do you want to go to Hayden Park tomorrow? —No. I _____ there many times. A.went B.have gone C.was D.have been 19.One of my friends _____ already learnt 100 English songs in the past two years. A.have B.has C.are D.is 20.I couldn't phone my new boss _____ I had not got his number. A.because B.until C.though D.unless 21.We will have to get the car _____ before Tuesday. A.to repair B.repaired C.repairing D.repair 22.I don’t like people _____ talk much but never do anything. A.who B.which C.whose D.whom 23.—Do you know the lady under the tree over there? —Sorry. I don’t know_____. A.what is she B.what she is C.who is she D.who she is 24.—I couldn’t get any tickets for the game. —_____ A.What fun! B.Sounds good. C.What a pity! D.Good idea. 25.—The traffic in our town is getting busier and busier. —Yes. A new road _____ soon. A.has built B.has been built C.will build D.will be built Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
