英语写作2 课后答案

英语写作2 课后答案
英语写作2 课后答案

英语写作2 课后答案

Unit 1


1) A person can look for a job in several ways.

2) Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.

3) One’s personality plays an important role in foreign language learning.

4) Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.


Paragraph 1: All inventions are either basic inventions or improvements on earlier inventions. Paragraph 2: There was a serious accident in the chemistry lab yesterday.

Paragraph 3: Nutritional deficiency is a major problem of the elderly.


1) topic sentences

Paragraph 1: The world had enjoyed many benefits from the invention of the telephone. Paragraph 2: I had a terrible morning today.

2)sentences that do not support the topic sentence in the paragraph

Paragraph 1: Many people do not like writing letters to each other. And nowadays, the Internet has brought us more convenience.

Paragraph 2: I heard that he was also very strict with his own children.


Topic sentence: 5) Generally speaking, there are many attractions of living in a city.

Logical sequence of the sentences: 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 8, 3, 2.


(1) First of all

(2) Secondly

(3) By and by

(4) In addition

(5) In short


1) repetition of key words : junk food, students

2) use of transitional signals: for one reason, also, as a result, however

3) use of pronouns: they, their, this

Part III Follow-up Exercises


Topic sentence: When I was a child, we never varied our Christmas Eve ritual.

1) , when 2) 3) As soon as 4) , 5) 6) Meanwhile, 7) Finally, 8) After 9), 10) and 11) Ad 12) , 13) Then 14) 15)


Logical sequence of the sentences:

4, 10, 5, 12, 3, 7, 15, 9, 14, 2, 11, 8, 13, 6, 1

Topic sentence: My family spent two fun-filled days at Disney World last year.

Concluding sentence: Although we were very tired at midnight, we agreed that our two-day vacation at Disney World was one of the best we had ever had.


(1) Then (2) morning (3) afternoon (4) Then

(5) After that (6) when (7) already (8) after


The New Year celebration was so unforgettable for me when I was a child. Weeks before the New Year’s Day, my mother would let me help her send out New Year’s cards and go shopping with her. In the crowded markets, I bought firecrackers, like all the other kids. Then, beginning on New Year’s Eve, the sound of exploding firecrackers was everywhere, day and night. On New Year’s Day, I watched huge parades go by in the middle of the streets. People wearing costumes danced past us. Some o f them were playing instruments, some were having lion dances, and dragon dances.Afterwards, we worshiped our ancestors in a temple and visited friends and relatives to wish them happy.


logical sequence of the sentence: 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 5, 2

Relationship: Primarily, the organization of the paragraph represents movement in geographical space.


1) in above in front of under through behind

2) The central focus is “a shocking experience.” To support the main idea, the writer uses a lot of descriptions and organizes these details according to the space relationship, and thus coherence is achieved.


(1) into

(2) crosses

(3) In the center of

(4) Outside

(5) inside

(6) On the front

(7) over

(8) down

(9) lined with

(10) At the rear


This paragraph is developed in a circular order, i.e. from east to north, and then to south


1) Pattern: description with supplementary explanations.

2) the table

Steps of the process

Step 1 Wooden casks are first interconnected and then stacked in tiers.

Step 2 Young sherries are poured into the casks at the top wheras the mature sherries are drawn out of the casks at the bottom.

Step 3 Different sherries are constantly mixed up.

Result of the effort

Step 1 no

Step 2 One third of the content is drawn out of one cask in any one year.

Step 3 Special characteristics of the different sherries are maintained year after year.


(1) with

(2) while

(3) slowly

(4) Gradually

(5) with

(6) By this time

(7) Suddenly

8) final

(9) ending

(10) applause


Task One

Procedures of celebrating the festival:

Step 1: Prepare and lay out food; make the special lanterns.

Step 2: Keep dancing and singing overnight.

Step 3: Throw the food and lanterns into a river or sea.

Step 4: Watch the lanterns drifting way.

Linking words and phrases that connect these procedures:

Firstly, also, afterward, then, signals the end

Task Two

A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is firstly prepared and laid out for them. Also prepared and specially made are the lanterns, which are hung outside each house to help

the dead to find their way. Afterward people keep dancing and singing all night long till the early morning. Then the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns, which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water. This signals the end of the festival. Thousands of lanterns then slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.


According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the day for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the day usually falls on one of the days in the latter half of Septem ber. For this occasion people need to buy moon cakes in advance. And when that evening comes with a full moon rising, Chinese families begin to have a big dinner together. The family members enjoy many delicacies, including sweet or salty moon cakes as well as some special food like taros and young soy beans. For those who are absent from the family, moon cakes have already been s ent to them days before. When the family enjoy all of these, they will look up at the full moon, ch atting or missing their faraway relatives or friends. For them, the full moon symbolizes “reunion.”Such feelings and scenes are fully expressed by a Chinese saying: the moon at home is exceptiona lly brighter.


1) Paragraph A follows Pattern 2, which uses one extended example to illustrate the controlling idea. Paragraph B follows Pattern 1, which uses several examples to illustrate the topic sentence.

2)The outline for paragraph B:

Topic sentence: Working in an apple plant was the worst job I ever had.


1. First of all, the work was physically hard.

Specific details:

1) For ten hours a night, I took cartons that rolled down a metal track and stacked them onto wooden skids in a tractor trailer.

2) Each carton contained twelve 32-ounce cans or bottles of apple juice, and they were heavy.

2. The second bad feature of the job was the pay.

Specific details:

I was getting the minimum wage at that time, $1.25 an hour, plus a minimum of a nickel extra for working the night shift.

3. The worst feature of the apple plant job was the working conditions.

Specific details:

1) During work we were limited to two 10-minute breaks and an unpaid half-hour for lunch.

2) The steel floors of the trucks were like ice; the quickly penetrating cold made my feet feel like stone.

Concluding sentence: I felt humiliated by the poverty that forced me to do such a bitter job.


Logical sequence of the sentences:

3, 6, 1, 8, 2, 4, 7, 5,

Pattern: It follows Patten 1 and uses many examples to illustrate the controlling idea.


(1) For example (2) Furthermore (3) In still another instance

(4) Even (5) his (6) these (7) contemporary


Examples 2, 3 and 5 are relevant and specific. They are effective examples that can be used. Examples 1 and 7 are not specific, though relevant.

Examples 4 and 6 are completely irrelevant. They don’t refer to a Massac husetts law.


1) Topic sentence: I’ve never seen a girl as lazy as Arena.

2) Topic sentence: English teachers are applying different means to teach English language.

3) Topic sentence: Americans have been decreasing their working hours since the early 1900s.

4) Topic sentence: My father has been a generous man to his children.


Subject: Republic

Class: a form of government

Characteristics: in which power resides in the people (the electorate)

Subject: Wolf

Class: a large, dog-like carnivorous mammal

Characteristics: with yellowish or brownish gray and coarse fur, erect pointed ears, and a bushy tail

Subject: Jazz

Class: a style of music

Characteristics: that features improvisation and performance

Subject: persistence

Class: a kind of quality

Characteristics: not giving up even during rough times


1), 2) The expression “is where” and “is when” should not be used to begin the main part of a definition. The linking verb “is” should be followed by a noun, a pronoun or an adjective. Improved: 1) A stadium is a structure or building in which sports spectaculars are held.

2) Socialism is a theory or system of community organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production, capital, land and so forth, in the community as a whole.

3) This is a circular definition, a practice of defining a term with the term itself.

Improved: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy of light to produce compounds, such as sugar and starch, from a number of substances including water and carbon dioxide.

4) The subject is defined in a language equally or more complex than the original.

Improved: Surreptitious means “secret.”

5) Exemplification is mistaken for definition; the examples are good for clarification, but they do not define.

Improved: Political conservatives are people who are dedicated to preserving the existing conditions, such as William F. Buckley, Jr., and Pat Robertson.

6) It is a generalization rather than a precise definition, for the concept is defined with characteristics without being first put under a class or category.

Improved: Hearing aids are a kind of device which enables deaf people to hear sounds such as normal speech.


Task One

Logical sequence of the sentences: 2, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6,

Task Three

-- The purpose of the paragraph is to explain a Spanish word which has no exact English equivalent.

-- The two main characteristics of machismo are courageous behavior and earthy sexuality.

-- “Also” is the transitional word that leads you from the first characteristic to the second one.


a) Members of all social classes and people of all ages consider rude behaviors to be socially unacceptable, but the standard has changed over the years. For my grandmother, who was born before the turn of the century, it was rude to start eating before everyone else was served. It was also very rude for children or younger people to interrupt older people when they were speaking. For my dad, who grew up during the Depression and the Second World war, it was rude not to say hello to a clerk in the store, and he thought my brothers and I were rude when we made unfavorable remarks about him.

b) Today, rudeness is not just a matter of forgetting small courtesies. Rudeness is also being impatient and pushy. When people cut into my lane when I am driving or shove in front of me in line, I get very angry.


1) pattern: single effect and multiple causes.

2) causes

(1) got drunk at the party

(2) had taken the drug of Accutane

(3) adolescent depression


Bart Jr’s suicide


Logical sequence of the sentences:

2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 5,

Pattern of cause and effect:

single effect and multiple causes.


Task one.

Topic: Society itself may be producing the distortions of personality, mental illness, and emotional instability.


1) society’s compartmentalizing

2) society’s competitive demands

3) inability to rebel


Distortions of personality, etc.


1) Topic: University Students’ Entertainment

Topic sentence: University students’ entertainment can be divided into three categories according to where it takes place.


a) entertainment at home

b) entertainment on campus

c) entertainment elsewhere

2) Topic: Roles of Young Married Women in Society

Topic sentence: The average young married woman in today’s society has her life divided into three different roles.


a) the role of life

b) the role of mother

c) the role of self

3) Topic: Neighbors

Topic sentence: Neighbors fall into three categories according to their different attitudes towards you.


a) those who are friendly

b) those who are indifferent

c) those who hate you


1) Out: firm, single basis: size

2) Out: fatigue, single basis: field

3) Out: Baptism, single basis: branch

4) Out: seashore, single basis: time


Logical sequence of the sentences:

7, 3, 10, 9, 1, 5, 8 ,4, 2 ,11, 6,

Subject: Christmas gifts

Topic sentence: Christmas gifts can be divided into three groups, according to their after-Christmas fate.


a) those that are welcomed and put into use very soon

b) those that are halfway between being hated and loved

c) those that you banish as soon as possible.

Concluding sentence: By New Year’s Day, you have either used, stored or disposed of each of your Christmas gifts.


(1) types (2) Though (3) Finally (4) however (5) Even though (6) Before (7) third (8) If

(9) Then (10) these


Pattern: point-by-point

Subject 1: Western Homes


Room function: Each room has its own function.

Table: Each home has several tables for different functions. Door: Western homes have fixed, hinged doors.

Subject 2: Japanese Homes


Room function: One room serves all the functions.

Table: One low table serves all the purposes.

Door: Japanese homes have lightweight sliding doors.


Logical sequence of the sentences:

5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 8, 7, 1

Pattern of comparison and contrast: subject by subject

5. Put the following words in the blanks; some can be used twice. (1) similar (2) although (3) difference (4) identical (5) again (6) while (7) But (8) difference (9) consistency (10) completely



General Statement: The enormous importance of television news had started the process of change in the printed press.


Paragraph one:

At present, there has been profound change in mass media. In the magazine industry, for example, mass magazines have routinely been replaced by magazines aimed at very specific audience. Suburban, community, and neighborhood newspapers have boomed, while many large metropolitan newspapers have declined. Movies have gone after particular audiences and tastes. Mini-theaters attract small audiences. Network radio has been superseded by AM and FM stations aimed at very specific audiences. The CB radio boom is an example of the success of an extremely personal form of communication. Television is headed in the same direction. That can mean something for everyone—and an endless string of choices. In brief, each medium is moving toward more and more specialization.

Paragraph Two:

How have advertisements affected people’s lives?Radio commercials get millions of teenagers to shop for the products made “exclusively” for them. Similarly, magazine, advertisements, showing gorgeous models dressed in the latest style, convince women that they must buy a new wardrobe in order to remain fashionable. And newspapers, too, are filled with ads which stress the need to “buy now at bargain prices” everything form pills to major household appliances. Finally, TV programs, also, are interrupted every five minutes with commercials urging people to try a new detergent, to compare their brand of cigarettes with another, or to drink a different kind of beer. Thus, mass media advertising serves mass production by getting people to buy, buy and buy.


A. Programs on TV tend to have a high level of maturity.

(1) fostering maturity at early age or hindering maturity

(2) misleading children to imitating scenes on TV

B. TV serials or dramas may oversimplify complex social and psychological problems.

(1) enjoying simple-minded soap operas and stereotyped characters

(2) giving a false picture of reality

C. Informative and cultural programs are frequently interrupted by vulgar advertising.

(1) too many commercials

(2) an insult even to the intelligence of a moron

Generalization: In brief, it is harmful and damaging for children to watch too much television.


(1) Thus (2) When (3) also (4) however

(5) Moreover (6) indeed (7) also (8) Yet

(9) and (10) Thus


The description centers on one trait of personality: Uncle Amo’s being ordinary and average in life.


There are obviously three methods used: comparison (1), generalization (2, 4), and cause-effect



1) For example, some people don’t like to stay at home after work.

2) I once stopped drinking for a while.

3) The world we live in is changing every day.

4) And the price of tobacco has been going up on the international market.

5) A lot of people have successfully given up smoking now.


1) The thesis statement is “there are minor differences between them in three areas.” It is the second sentence in the first paragraph.


By repetition of key words: difference, British English, American English.

By using transitional words and phrases: in terms of, in addition to, second, third, generally speaking.


Task One

(1) usually (2) often (3) Since (4) on the other hand

(5) also (6) but (7) Although

Task Two


Sentences that tell: 1, 3, 6 Sentences that show: 2, 4, 5


Logical sequence of the sentences: 8, 3, 7, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 12, 4, 11, 10


(1) While

(2) in the morning

(3) in the evening

(4) While

(5) until

(6) while

(7) before

(8) at six o’clock

(9) As soon as

(10) Unfortunately

(11) What’s more

(12) After

(13) the next morning

(14) later

(15) Luckily

(16) until

(17) at last

3. Conclusion


We used to go sled riding down in curving garden paths.

Once my father wanted to buy the house and fix it up.

In nice weather, we played pirates and outlaws in the lilac bushes.

It was the favorite place to play in our neighborhood.

5. 3, 2, 7, 1, 8, 5, 6, 4


1) cozy 2) soft 3) On one side of

4) Next to 5) muted 6)On the other side of

7) nap 8) orange 9) lighted 10)sizzling


1) The writer employs the spatial order in his description.

The opening sentence presents an image of both ends of the table, with the rest of the description organized from these points in space. Sentence 2 shows the progression of objects from the ends of the table to the center. Sentence 3 focuses on the objects in the middle of the table. Thus the reader can visualize the scene very vividly.

2) The prepositional phrases of location and direction are:

at one end of the table, at the other end of the table, on a bed of creased paper, round its shin, beside this, between these rival ends, on which lay bunches of purple raisins, on which lay a solid rectangle of Smyrna figs, in which stood some tall celery stalks, in the center of the table

3) The verbs used are primarily static verbs, like “to be,” “lay,” and “stood,” which reinforce the spatial pattern and contribute to the central impression. They are effective for the purpose as the point of view is that of an observer who is close to the scene being described.

3. Thesis statement : If blind people can sense color differences, then perhaps we, too, are

affected by colors unconsciously.

Organizational structure

Paragraph 1: Introduction/Thesis statement

Paragraph 2: Supporting paragraph

Topic: discoveries of manufacturers

Examples: sugar, foods and cosmetics

Paragraph 3: Supporting paragraph

Topic: discoveries of experiments

Examples: red, blue, yellow

Paragraph 4: Conclusion: result of the discoveries


1) The thesis statement is “Bones can provide archaeologists with a valuable method of

measuring time.” It is the first sentence in the first paragraph.

2) The purpose is to inform.

Methods of development :

a) process of calcium collection in bones over long times;

b) scientific deduction from the change in bones;

c) example to support the thesis.

3) Unity: by introducing the thesis ( information ) in the first paragraph, and explaining the key

points involved in the information ( i.e. what calcium and calcium-9 in bones are and how they come into being ) and how scientists can make use of them in the second paragraph, and finally citing an example to confirm the truth of the information.


a) by repetition of key words: bones, method, calcium, calcium,

calcium-9, archaeologists

b) by use of transitional words and phrases: while, when, because, in comparison

to , actually, little by little


1) confirmed 2) findings 3) than 4) Whereas 5) as

6) if 7) together 8) lead to 9) where 10) adults


Purpose: to inform drivers that they should keep the four-second rule instead of the two-second rule on highways in order to avoid collision or pileups.

Topic 1

1) Most multiple-car pileups occur at speeds over 55 miles per hour.

2) Their drivers may observe the famous two-second rule.

3) This rule means to keep two seconds of traveling time behind the vehicle ahead. Topic 2 ( also thesis ): On highways drivers should use the four-second rule, not the two-second


1) The distance needed to stop a car should vary with the square of its speed.

2) If the driver accelerates, the stopping distance needs to increase accordingly.

Topic 3(also restatement): … use the two-second rule for city driving and the four-second rule for highways.

1)Most the slowing occurs over the last half of the stopping distance.

2)Some practical examples are given.

3)For greater details the reader may refer to the attached table to determine the right

time allowed to avoid accidents.

Sample Essays

On Student Lovers’ Living Togethe r

?According to official statistics, the number of college student lovers living together off

campus in Beijing has increased by four times between 1997 and 2001. This is undeniably true of many other places in China. Although many students do not strongly object to it, I don’t think it is advisable for college student lovers to live together away from campus.

?Some lovers say that living together can relieve their loneliness and pressure, but it is not

really the best choice. On the one hand, the real reason for their loneliness is that they are not focusing their mind on study. Study, the most important task for university students, can prove to be fascinating if you really focus on it./ On the other hand, even if their loneliness is real, there are many better ways to deal with it./ For instance, they can find friends to take part in sports or other entertaining activities. By staying away from other classmates, living together can be a source of rather than solution to loneliness.

?Other lovers argue that they mean to get married after graduation, and this experience can help them test each other to see if they are suitable for married life. But this mentality does not hold water. The two lovers may really love each other, but living together can actually spoil a good relationship, because it enters into weakness rather strength, doubt rather than conviction. / A follow-up study shows that few couples living together really end in marriage.


全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试题 课程代码:00597 I. Correct the errors in the following sentences.(改写病句)10% Example: After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television .I resolved never to buy that brand again. After seeing an offensive mouthwash ad on television, I resolved never to buy that brand again. 1.Those berries are poisonous don’t eat them. 2.Our city’s buildings are not as modern as your city. 3.To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase. 4.He told me that Mary had returned home for a week. 5.I read the book on the bus which did not interest me at all. II. Read the following passages and identify the topic sentence in each by underlining it.(阅读以下每段文章,然后在每段文章的主题句下划线。)20% 1. The biggest problem in ancient DNA reserch is getting the DNA in the first place. The favorite material to work with is bone, and a small chunk of it is best. Cells can lie inside the hard bone structure waiting to be liberated after the calcium has been dissolved away. That’s the easy bit. Getting the DNA out, what little of it that remains is horrendously difficult and many teams have succumbed to pitfalls in the past. The rule is that it has to be done in a clean room better than used to assemble spacecraft to go into deep space, and it has to be done away from any other source of potentially contaminating DNA. 2. Names usually have origins, especially for Indians. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics, might be given names such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might have been named Thundercloud. Grey Eagle, Red-Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of Indian names after animals. 3. Many TV commercials imply that a woman’s self-esteem depends on her cleaning ability. In one commercial, we see a woman terribly upset because her guests find spots on her glassware. Countless other commercials blur out the message that a woman will pass muster as a person if her kitchen floor gleams and her toilet bowl is blue. This idiocy must work, because the images of women scrubbing, moping, waxing and smiling keep on coming over the air. 4. As human beings, we are constantly in the stage of change. Our bodies change everyday. Our attitudes are constantly evolving. Something we swore by five years ago is now almost impossible for us to imagine ourselves believing The clothes we wore a few years ago now look strange to us in old photographs. Everything is changing. This is a prediction I can make with absolute certainty. 1


1. My view on…(就...问题,我的观点) Model 1 模板一 Para 1第一段 Different people have different views on... It is held/ believed/ thought/ recognized/ acknowledged that...But it is also held that ... 就 ...而言,不同的人有不同的观点(见仁见智)。大家都认为...但也有人认为... Those who hold the first opinion feel…In contrast/however/on the contrary, those who hold the second view believe/suggest/argue/believe/think that… 持第一个观点的人认为...相反地,持第二个观点的人认为 Para 2 第二段 As to me, I agree with the former/latter opinion. Admittedly… /后者 In my opinion, I am for From my standpoint / viewpoint, I am in favor of From my point of view, I am supportive of As far as I am concerned What’s more,… Moreover,… Furthermore,… ,… Para 3 结尾段 In a word, … In sum In brief In short It’s necessary to take a correct attitude to…. Only …, can we … In conclusion 对...持正确的态度是有必要的。只有...,我们才能... To sum up As is mentioned above, Taking all the above into consideration, Model 2 模板二 Para 1第一段 随着...到来/诞生,在我们生活/社会中...变得越来越... When asked about ..., different people will offer different opinions.


写作基础训练 Ⅰ) 五大句型 根据谓语动词的不同性质,语言学家总结出英语的五大基本句型。无论多么错综复杂的句子,都是在五大句型的基础上扩展而成的。总体上,句子必须包含至少一个主谓结构。有了这种认识,就可以避免写出残缺句。 使用动词时应考虑以下几个方面: ●及物还是不及物? ●短暂性还是持续性? ●描述动作还是状态? ●一次性动作还是习惯性动作? ●助动词还是习动词。 1.主+谓(+状) SV(A) The sun rises in the east. Everything is going on well. We set off in the early morning. 2.主+系+表SVC He is an expert in computers. They remain silent. Leaves turn yellow in autumn. 3.主+谓+宾SVO I like sports. Mary has finished her work. My father will meet one of my uncles at the airport. 4.主+谓+双宾SV oO Pass me the salt, please. (= pass the salt to me, please.) Would you buy him a gift? (= would you buy a gift for him?) The teacher asked me a question. (= the teacher asked a question of me.) 5.主+谓+宾+宾补SVOC The young couple watched their baby play on the grassland. Carl Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work. I found it hard to keep up with them. Exercise1. SV A 1.他期盼的那封信最终来了。 2.生活费用上涨了百分之二十。 3.那座寺庙坐落在山顶上。 4.谢谢你,我自己应付得了。 5.作为艺术家,他的成功开始了。 6.时不我待。 7.鸟可以随时飞翔。 8.听了他的话,在场的人都笑了。 9.他们停下来休息, 10.车子突然抛锚了。 Exercise2. SVC 11.天气变得越来越暖和了。 12.他的梦想会成真吗? 13.船到桥头自然直。 14.这个主意听起来很有道理。 15.做一名知名作家让人感觉不错。 16.我感到有些紧张。 17.女士们希望永葆青春。 18.孩子们很容易地入睡了。 19.腐败的食物对健康不利。 20.你妹妹看上去病了。 Exercise3. SVO 21.你打算到哪儿去度假? 22.我对这件事全然不知。 23.失败后他从不泄气。 24.你最后一次见到它是什么时候? 25.你应当为他人树立榜样。 26.晚会上我们玩得很开心。 27.教室需要打扫。 28.结果令我失望。 29.有钱人应帮助穷人。 30.妇女可以把任何事做得与男人一样好。Exercise4. SV oO 31.他送给我一本书作为生日礼物。 32.我可以把我的朋友介绍给你的父母吗? 33.老师耐心地向我们解释了原因。 34.你给我买了什么东西没有? 35.她为全家人做一日三餐。 36.小时候爸爸经常给我讲故事。 37.借给我五元钱,好吗? 38.我侄子每两个月给我写封信 39.经理已经为客人订了房间。 40.我可以请你帮忙吗? Exercise5. SVOC 41.同学们选他当班长。


A: All the young children were _________ over the outing. A. excited B. exciting A : What is the least dangerous kind of robbery? B : ________ robbery. A. Safe B. Safety C. Saving All the people were _________ to hear that the pirates attacked our merchant ships. A. astonished B. astonishing All the fruits must before they are paid for. A. weight B. be weighed C. weigh D. be in weight A : What are we all doing at the same time? B : We are all growing __________. A. old B. elder C. elderly B: Be careful __________ you cross the street. A. how B. for C. to D. with C: D: Do you wish me ___________? A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed Didn’t I ask you ________ in your homework this week? A. hand B. handed C. handing D. to hand E: Everyone longs ________ the summer holiday. A. till B. toward C. towards D. for Everybody was _______ at the news of a sudden outbreak of polio in the community. A. alarmed B. alarming F: G: Great changes _______ in our institute in the last few years.


作文范文 请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作: 1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切 2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to …… And most children …… According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% ….. However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because …… Besides, being independent …… Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent. Parents should encourage their children to …… By doing so, parents …… In addition, parents should urge their kids to …… For example, …… 范文 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.


英语基本句型写作练习一 分析下列句子成分并写出句型。 1. You should study hard. 2. She went home very late yesterday evening. 3. That morning we talked a great deal. 4. I wrote a letter last night. 5. I want to talk with you this afternoon. 6. He has read this book many times. 7. My brothers are all college students. 8. Mrs Brown looks very healthy. 9. Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 10. In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. 11. Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 12. Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. 13. Would you please pass me the dictionary? 14. We call her Alice. 15. His parents named him John. 16. All of us considered him honest. 17.They pushed the door open.

18. There isn’t going to be a meeting tonight. 19. There was only a well in the village. 20. There is (are) a teacher of music and a teacher of art in the school.指出下列句子加粗部分是什么句子成分: 1. The students got on the school bus. 2. He handed me the newspaper. 3. I shall answer your question after class. 4. What a beautiful Chinese painting! 5. They went hunting together early in the morning. 6. His job is to train swimmers. 7. He took many photos of the palaces in Beijing. 8. There is going to be an American film tonight. 9. He is to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 10. His wish is to become a scientist. 11. The meeting will last two hours. 12. They have carried out the plan successfully. 13. At the age of fifteen he became a famous pianist. 14. He showed the ticket to the conductor. 15.They have set the thief free.


第一部分英语写作基础(答案) 第一章句子写作 1.1 句子的种类 I. 1) Is there any water in the bottle? 2) Can she sing and dance very well? 3) Has he a brother in England? Or: Does he have a brother in England? 4) Does it often rain here in summer? 5) Did you always play together at that time? 6) Who is he? 7) How many times have you been to Beijing? 8) Where do they live? 9) What does your father like very much? 10) Why did he go to school yesterday? II. 1)“Shall we go by bus or by train?”“Better go by train.” 2)“Are we going to have the meeting today or tomorrow?”“Tomorrow.” 3)“You are not ready, are you?”“No, I am not.” 4)We can’t take these books out, can we?”“No, we can’t” 5)Take care not to catch cold. 6)Speak a little slower. I can’t follow you. 7)Let’s not waste our time arguing about it. 8)How pretty you are in that skirt! 9)What a beautiful city Hangzhou is! 10)How I miss my parents! III. 1)She has not had her lunch. 2)I was too excited to say a ward. 3)None of the problems is difficult. 4)You can find this kind of mobile phone somewhere. 5)He opened the door and we all went in. 6)Put on your coat, or you will catch cold. 7)It was late, so we went home. 8)He doesn’t earn much, but he spends money freely. 9)Turn off the light before you leave the room. 10)I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 1.2句子的基本句型 I. 1)SVC 2) SV 3)SVC 4) SVOC 5. SVOA 6) SVO 7) SVOC 8) SVOiOd 9) SVOC 10) SVA II. 1)My ink has run out. (SV)


全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试 英语写作基础试题 课程代码:00597 全部题目用英文作答。 I.重写句子(15 points,1.5points each) Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. Example: The history of English words in the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.I like roller-skating. I like ice-skating better.(compound sentence) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm.(loose sentence) 3.Mary put the steak on the grill. The charcoal was burning evenly.(complex sentence) 4.His valuable papers were destroyed in the fire. Tom called the insurance company.(complex sentence) 5.I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended.(periodic sentence) 6.Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor.(simple sentence) 7.Jerry is smart. He should be able to handle eighteen credits this semester.(compound sentence) 8.I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me make-up work to do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence) 9.Jack applied for a job. He went for an interview. He was hired.(parallel structure) 10.Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes.(periodic sentence) II.改写病句(15 points,3 points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences. 11.The rain might last for a while, clouds covered the entire sky. 12.In the evening we would swim in the lake and dancing afterward. 13.That woman just bought her dog a milk shake in a red skirt. 14.To pass the course, your term paper must be handed in on time. 15.Harry wouldn’t make a good negotiator he doesn’t have the patience. III.标出主题句(15 points,5 points each) 16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the choice in the blank. A.I eat a lot of homemade ice cream. B. Homemade ice cream is my favorite.


要点:四级120-150六级150-180长短句交叉,不多次重复,高级词汇15个 被动句,插入语,定语从句,强调,名词从句,问句 句型 There is no denying the fact that......不可否认是It is undeniable that……毋庸置疑的是…… It is indisputable that......不可争辩是 when it comes to sth,the overwhelming majority of ......说到sth An increasi ng great number of……一个数目增加的…… It is,therefore,high time that same applicable approaches were implemented by……。Thus,its competetive edge will be sharpened effectively。适当方法被用,提高竞争力。 sth exert a tremendous fascination on sb某人对某物感兴趣 It is no exaggeration to sa y……说……是毫不夸张的 Recently the issue of the phenomenon of……has been brought into focus……问题已成为焦点 As the (classical)proverb goes,‘’……‘’正如谚语所说 With the rapid growth of……,随着……快速增长, 名词短语 fresh point/look新论点/看法 applicable/apposite/appropriate approaches恰当的方法an empty slogan一个空洞的口号 income/generation gap收入差距/代沟 a local point of view狭隘的看法 specialized knowledge and skills专业知识与技能sustainable/rapid development可持续/快速发展 Pandora's Box潘多拉的魔盒 international prestige国际地位 culture/economic globalization文化/经济全球化 vigor and vitality生机与活力 macro regulatory and control ability宏观调控能力Ivory Tower象牙塔 maintenance of ecological balance保护生态平衡 urban/affuent life城市/富足的生活 indispensable element不可或缺的要素 domin/experiential/rudimentary knowledge领域/经验/基础知识 merits and demerits优点和缺点 a two-edged sword双刃剑 动词短语 hatch and breed孕育与培养 seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges抓住机遇,迎接挑战 scrape up/reinfore one's knowledge积累/巩固知识 differentiate virtue from vice区分善恶 (be)despised and condemned被蔑视和谴责 take sth seriously严肃对待 pay a heavy price付出代价 be virtually impossible极不可能 focus attention on self-image注重自我形象 be proficient in精通于 reap the benefits of因/从……得到好处 be conducive to sth有助于 turn a bleed eye on无视 sharpen one' competitive edge提高某人竞争力 be inclined to do想要,倾向做 contribute directly to直接有助于 pray in aid of求助于 frown upon反对 ignite one's enthusiasm点燃热情 swarm into涌入 exert a positive/negative impact on对……有积极/消极影响discriminate against/(in favour of)歧视/偏爱 illustrate sth with sth用……解释……strengthen basic and public construction加强公共基础建设 google the Internet上网搜索 deliver emails发邮件 undertake correspondent obligation承担相应义务function in the disservice of对……有害 foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses扬长避短 连词 Ironically讽刺地说 Unquestionably毋庸置疑 on most occasions大多情况下 Specifically speaking具体地说 Conspicuously显然 as a consequence of由于……(不好)Confronted with sth(问题)面临...... In my perspective在我看来 whereas/howbeit=however as an illustration作为例子 in that=because principally最重要地 be the occasion of引起 futhermore/moreover/additionally另外,此外,而且 in consequence/consequently结果(不好)(be)in contradiction of与……矛盾 in the foreseeable future在可预见的将来 Albeit/notwithstanding虽然,即使


2018年自学考试《英语写作基础》试题及答案 Ⅰ.Supply the missing paragraph (20 points) The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the City Like many other city dwellers, I often complain about having to cope with the problems related with city life. I sometimes fancy getting closer to nature and appreciating its beauty fully in the country. Once a friend asked me, “Do you really hate life in the city that much? If you had a choice, would you move away to the country?”I compelled myself to think about city life more seriously. Now I have to do justice to it. Admittedly, the attractions of city life still appeal to me strongly despite its drawbacks. In general, city life is relatively convenient and comfortable. The supply of water and electricity is continuous. Whenever one wants, all he has to do is just turning on a faucet or pressing a button. There is also a variety of vehicles for transportation, form buses and cars to trains and planes, that help people move about efficiently. Shopping centers are seen and there in cities. Thanks to the amazing diversity of commodities, going shopping is often interesting and enjoyable for city dwellers. Besides the


1. Earthquake A severe earthquake occurred all of a sudden at 10 a.m yesterday in a rurai erea , about 200 kilometers east of the city . Initial reports coming out of the region indicate the earthquake has coused widespread damage and heavy causualties .Many adolescents were among those injured or killed . Yet it remains obscure exactly how many people were hurt and killed as the entire area has been enveloped in rubble . However , one thing is certain : many of the survivors may face years of pain and suffering . Local people were clearly shaken by this remainder of their mortality . Some religious ones have gatheered to pray that it will never recar . 2. Human and Nature When talking about human and nature , first , I alwafs think the nature give our human veary much —— foods、water、sunshine、warmth or something . We have enough space , and we are enjoying the favor of the nature every now and then . But sometimes , nature is cruel to us , and our human is powerless . For example , earthquake、flood、drought、and so on . 3. Dreams As I was growing up , my dream was always changing . In my childhold , my dream bbecome a policeman in future , So that I could cath the thief and criminal . However , by jonior middle school , my dream was to a People’s Liberation Army man in future . This dream was not changed until I college and I konwn it was don’t prealize . At the university , I attended the national flag guard . We raise flag in morning and flay down at night every day .Where I was deeply in love with militry life . Tody , I have a new dream . I hope to find a good job after graduate or will creat my own career . Then I consider my marriage . In order to be able to find a good job after graduate , I’m going to learn professonal knoledge now . 4. Green Consumption The conception of green consumption has gradually become popular in China . More and more green foods make their appearance on the market and more people become conscious of environmental protection . However , there still exist quite a few difficulties in the further promotion of this gerrn consumption . On the one hand , many people are still not quite clear of the advantages of green foods . On the other one hand , driven by high profits , make fake green foods are found in the m arket . Moreover , many consumers don’t want to pay extra money for the green foods . There maybe several ways to solve these problems . Firstly , the government should supervise the good quality strictly to protect the conssumers’ benfit . Secondly , th e conception of green consumption should be futher promoted and emphasized . Thirdly , the government should work together with the manufacture to make the price more reasonable .
