

1. ________money,she is quite rich.However this does not mean that she is happy.

A. concerning B.In terms of C.As to D.In the light of

2. ladies, let’s ________ at this point in the meeting and have a coffee.

A.take off B.drop off C.break off D.1ay off

03.You must be very careful.the work________ precision.

A.retails B.repels C.retains D.entails

04.She knows a lot of young men,but it isn’t easy to choose a/an________one who is both rich and attractive.

A.diligent B.qualified C.eligible D.elegant

05.He was________ about the spring outing,but he came back quite depressed and said he shouldn’t have joined in it.

A.enthusiastic B.fantastic C.courageous D.discouraged

06.If you want this pain killer, you’11 have to ask the doctor for a________ A.prescription B.recipe C.subscription D.parameter

07.The criminals were printing________dollar bills when they were arrested.

A.false B.suspicious C.conspicuous D.fake

08.In many Indian________, a child will have one name at birth and other names during various stages of his or her life.

A.tribes B.customers C.tributes D.districts

09.The girl________ her skirt and waded across the stream.

A.wrapped B.tucked up C.shortened D.put up

10.His________words produced the effect he wanted and people gave money to help him.A.elegant B.eloquent C.evil D.excessive

11. Too much time had________before I attempted any serious study.

A.eclipsed B.elapsed C.collapsed D.covered

12.Arrogance and pride are similar in meaning,but there is a________ difference between them.A.decisive B.thorny C.precise D.subtle

13.“Be careful!One of the lions got________!”Shouted one zoo-keeper.

A.lost B.loosened C.lose D.loose

14.We could all see clearly that this newcomer had________teeth.

A.untrue B.artificial C.imitated D.false

15.I can’t draw a clear picture about it.You________go and have a look by yourself.

A.may well

B.may very well

C.may just as well

D. may be well to

16.She went to teach in the small mountain village________ her own will.

A.in B.to C.by D.of

17.The size of the audience,________was foreseen,was well over one thousand.

A. whom

B. who

C. as

D. that

18.You haven’t learnt calculus yet,but I'm sure you________ before the end of this semester.

A. will learn B.have learn C.will be learning D.will have learnt

19.1 would rather he________ the President.

A.become B.became C.will become D.becoming

20.People say________ tobacco is bad for________ lungs.

A.the,the B.a,the C./,the D./,/

21.The farmers received a________ from the government to grow this crop.

A.subsidy B.subsidiary C.subordinate D.successor

22. Do you think it’s fair to keep a bird________ in a cage all the time?

A.restricted B.1imited C.confined D.cnclosed

23. A hot iron can scorch and discolour________ fabrics quickly.

A. soft B.delicate C.fragile D.decent

24.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material________ to its burning temperatures.

A. is heated

B. will be heated C.be heated D.would be heated

25.If you are always sitting up late at night, you may________ from overwork soon.

A.collapse B.fall C.descend D.benefit

26. If he doesn’t pay them the money,they will________ him soon.

A. suffice B.sue C.summon D. inform

27.It was unusual for there________ so little traffic in the sstreet.

A.being B.had C.be D. to be

28.Nobody phoned while 1 was out, ________?

A.did it B.did he C.did they D. was it

29.The________ workers on strike are ready to fight at any time.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/af14037541.html,itary B.offensive C.militant D.aggressive

30.To________ the risk of theft,install a good alarm system.

A.decrease B.minimize C.1essen D.eliminate

31.Old generation tends to recall the________ of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today.

A.misfortune B.adversity C.disaster D.acccident

32.I always feel she has a________ against me,although I don’t know what wrong I've done her.

A.grunt B.grudge C.groan D.grumble

33. Since we don’t have the key,we must use________ to open this locked door. A.strength B.vigor C.energy D.force

34.I keep meaning to write to my parents but I'm so busy nowadays that I can’t seem to________round to it.‘

A.walk B.get C.work D.go

35.His sending her a dozen roses was a________ declaration of love.

A.virtual B.ambiguous C. wealthy D.loyal

36.Try to________ sailing through the sky on a cloud.


B.visualize C.recommend D.appreciate

37.Sally likes to________ her brother about his girl friend,which ofien makes him awkward.A.chase B.tempt C.tease D.charm

38.The thought of flying________ him so much that he decided tO go by boat.A.endangered B.terrified C.justified D.testified

39.On New Year’s Eve,the policemen made a________on a gambling casino.

A.raid B.radiation C.rail D.radius

40.If the pain________ ,take the medicine according to its instructions.

A.occurs B.incurs C.recurs D.vanishes

41.When his mother scolded him for his wrong doings,he________instead of listening to her.“It is entirely your fault.”

A.reacted B.nodded C.retorted D.blamed

42.If you buy them by wholesale, I will give you a 1 5%discount;if you buy them by________ ,you must pay a full price.

A.retail B.retention C.return D.restraint

43. I feel that his subject gains a lot from the attractive________of the matter. A.presentation B.preparation C.preference D.potential

44.If you ask an agent to help you find an apartment,you have to pay him a________ before you can rent the house.

A.fine B.premise C.premium D.visit

45.Anne is so calm and________.She does everything well.

A.practicable B.applicable C.practical D.appreciable

46.The book Black Beauty________the life of a horse.

A.postulates B.ponders C.plots D.portrays

47.Tlhe scene is so beautiful that it________my power of description.

A.ascends B.descends C.transcends D.overtakes

48.The two cities were connected to each other by a________after flood cut them off.

A.suspension B.diversion C.highway D.harbour

49.The secret agent concealed her real mission,therefore many local people were________into thinking that she was a good person.

A.betrayed B.driven C.deceived D.convinced

50.In the 1980’s, four cities in southern China were first________as special economic zones, enjoying special policies.

A.designated B.judged C.emerged D.nominated


英语专四词汇表(A) abdomen n. 腹,腹部 abolish vt. 废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等) aboriginal adj. 土著的,原来的n. 土著居民 aborigine n. (澳洲的)土著;土人 abound vi. 多,大量存在,富于,充满 abridge v. 删节,削减,精简 abrupt adj. 突然的,陡峭的,生硬的 absolve v. 宣布免除(承诺、责任等);赦免,免受惩处,宣告无罪abundant adj. 丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于

abuse n. 滥用,虐待,辱骂,陋习,弊端v. 滥用,虐待,辱骂 accessory n. 附件,零件,附加物,从犯,同谋者adj. 附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的accommodate vt. 供应,供给,使适应,调节,和解,向……提供,容纳,调和vi. 适应accompaniment n. 陪伴物,伴奏 accomplished adj. 完成的,熟练的,多才多艺的 accord n. 一致,符合,调和,协定vt. 一致,给与vi. 符合◆of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地accordingly adv. 因此,从而 accordion n. 手风琴adj. 可折叠的 ace n. (纸牌或骰子)幺点,一流人才,高手,佼佼者 acknowledge vt. 承认,答谢,报偿 acquaint vt. 使熟知,通知

acquaintance n. 相识,熟人 acrobat n. (走钢丝的)杂技演员,随机应变者,翻云覆雨者 acronym n. 首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n. 针刺疗法 acute adj. 敏锐的,激烈的,严重的[医]急性的,剧烈 adapter n. 适配器,改编者 addict n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人 adhere vi. 粘附,胶着,坚持v. 坚持◆adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于adherence n. 粘着,忠诚,坚持 adjacent adj. 邻近的,接近的◆be adjacent to接近 admiral n. 海军上将,舰队司令,旗舰


a(an) art. (非特指的)一(个);任何一个;每一(个) A.D. n.公元 A.M. ad.上午,午前 abandon v.放弃;抛弃,离弃 abdomen n.腹;腹部 abide v.(by)坚持;遵守;容忍 ability n.能力,智能;才能,才干;技能 able a.能够,有能力的 abolish v.废除,取消 about prep.关于;在…周围;在…各处ad.大约 above prep.在…上方;(数量,价格等)大于… abroad ad.出国,在国外 abrupt a.突然的,意外的;陡峭的,险峻的;(举止,言谈等) 不流畅的absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏 absent a.(from) 缺席的,不在场的;漫不经心的 absolute a.绝对的;完全的;专制的 absorb 吸收;吸引,使专心 abstract a.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要;抽象v.摘要;转移 absurd a.愚蠢的;荒唐的 abundant a.丰富的;充足的 abuse v.& n.滥用;谩骂 academic a.学院的;学术的,教学的

accelerate v.加速;促进 accent n.腔调,口音;重音(符号) accept v.认可,接受 access n.接近,进入;入口,通路;接近(或进入) 的方法accident n.事故 accidental a.偶然的,意外的 accommodate v.留宿,收容;供应,供给;容纳accommodations (-s) accompany v.陪伴,陪同 accomplish v.完成,实现 according (to) account n.帐户 accumulate v.积累,积蓄;堆积 accurate a.精确的,准确的 accuse v.(of) 控告,谴责 accustom v.(to) 使习惯 ache v.痛;哀怜n.疼痛,酸痛 achieve v.完成,达到;获得 acid n.酸a.酸的;酸性的 acquaint v.(sb.with) 使认识,使了解 acquaintance n.熟人;相识;熟悉 acquire v.取得,获得;学到


词汇专项训练 第1套 1. As Kara happily flipped through her college catalogues, her parents looked on in dismay, mentally calculating the total_costs. A. faire B. wage C. tuition D. fee 2. 1 attribute her success in science_the encouragement she received from her parents. A. on B. to C. with D. into 3. Even when it was_for her to keep her mouth shut, she was always ready with a retort. A. advised B. advisable C. advisory D. advising 4. It is difficult to believe the newspaper accounts of the dots because of the way some reporters distort and_the actual events. A. exaggerate B. enlarge C. widen D. overtake 5. Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular_for 30 million participants of all ages. A. fantasy B.pastime C. symposium D. penalty 6. In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small_,but after she moved· to New York, she was just only one among many millions. A. pond B. sea C. ocean D. lake 7. Although he thought he was helping us with the job, he was only_. A. in a way B. in the way C. on the way D. by the way 8. Because these lines are taken out of context, they do not_the message the author intended. A. convert B. transfer C. exchange D. convey 9. Inability to relax, to_a problem, often prevents its solution. A. let off on B. let up on C. let go of D. let down in 10. Try to be_in your eating this holiday season; if you control your appetite, you won't gain too much weight. A. temperate B. terminal C. tranquil D. tender 11. Spanish women_just 4.1%of corporate boards, according to a study by the European Professional Women's Network. A. make off B. make for C. make out D. make up 12. If you don't eat a more_dinner, you'll be hungry later on. A. vast B. considerable C. resourceful D. substantial 13. On our vacation we_an interesting antique store. A. chanced upon B. concentrated upon C. counted upon D. congratulated upon 14. Now, there's absolutely no question in any objective observer's mind that entry to Oxford and Cambridge is_competitive. A. finely B. firmly C. fiercely C. flexibly 15. The new Lenovo laptop with the butterfly keyboard and the built-in FAX modem is a pretty _____machine. A. profound B. significant C. fundamental D. sophisticated



专四词汇练习1 第一题:选择正确的单词填入句子。 abandon, desert, forsake, quit, give up You must ___1___ your bad habits. He ___2___ his wife and went away with all their money. The fort had been hurriedly ___3___. You must ___4___ smoking, or you won’t surviv e. One friend of mine has decided to ___5___ his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. 第二题:请用以下词组造句 come about,see about,go about ■参考答案■ 答案: 第一题: 1. forsake 2. abandoned

3. deserted 4. give up 5. quit 第二题: come about:Do you know how the phrase came about? see about:He promised to see about the matter. go about:The story may not be true, but it is going about all the same. abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤其指对其负有责任或义务者,或者放弃一个项目或计划。 desert强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等。 forsake指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着重于断绝情感上的依恋。 quit强调突然或出其不意的放弃,一般指“停止”。 give up多用于口头,表示停止做某事。


计算机常用英语词汇表 高频700单词 一、硬件类(Hardware) ('hɑ:dwε?) CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元('sent?'pr?uses?'ju:nit)Main board主板(mein b?:d) RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)('r?nd?m '?kses 'mem?ri) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器(ri:d '?unli 'mem?ri) Floppy Disk 软盘('fl?pi disk) Hard Disk 硬盘(hɑ:d disk) CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器('m?nit?) keyboard 键盘('ki:b?:d) mouse 鼠标(maus) chip 芯片(t?ip) CD-R 光盘刻录机 HUB 集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator, 调制解调器('m?udem'm?djuleit?di:'m?djuleit?) P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用(pl?ɡplei) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply) 不间断电源(?nint?'r?pt?b?l

pau?s?'plai) BIOS(Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统('beisik 'input 'autput 'sist?m) CMOS(Complementary- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) (k?mpli'ment?ri 'met?l '?ksaid semik?n'd?kt?)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装(set?p) uninstall卸载(?nin'st?:l) wizzard向导('wiz?d) OS(Operation System)操作系统(?p?'rei??n 'sist?m) OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化('?fis ?:t?'mei??n) edit编辑('edit) copy复制('k?pi) cut剪切(k?t) paste粘贴(peist) delete删除 (di'li:t) select选择 (si'lekt) find查找 (faind) select all全选 (si'lekt ?:l) replace替换 (ri'pleis) undo撤消 (?n'du:) redo重做 ([ ri:'du:) program程序('pr?uɡr?m)


英语专业四级语法词汇练习题(6) 所属:专四专八阅读:1021 次评论:7 条[我要评论] [+我要收藏] 有关否定 1)双重否定最常见的形式有: no(not)...but...没有……不…… no(not)...without...没有……不,除……不 no(not)...unless没有……就不…… not...until直到……才…… 例如:There is no one but knows it.没有一个人不知道此事。 2)can not与副词too,enough, sufficiently, over,too much等词连用时,意为“无论怎样也不过分”,“越…越”。例如: You cannot be too careful.你越仔细越好。 We cannot praise him too much.我们无论怎样赞扬他也不过分。 近义词辨析 break, crack, crush, shatter,break, smash 这组词均含有“打破”或“挤碎”的意思。 break 是这组词中最常用的,指使某件东西破碎。 If you break that vase, you’ll have to pay for it.如果打破了那只花瓶,你就得赔偿。crack 指打裂某物,但不一定打碎,因而通常不会成为碎片。 You may crack these nuts with a hammer.你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。 crush

强调挤压或踩的动作,毁坏程度取决于被压物的组织结构,或变形,或成小块,或可恢复原状。 To make wine, you first crush the grapes.若要造酒,需先将葡萄压碎。 shatter 打破某物,力大到使碎片飞出很远,常指整件东西完全被毁。 The explosion shattered most of the windows in the building.爆炸震碎了那座大楼 的大部分窗玻璃。smash 突出暴力,击打时动作较猛,被击打的东西往往完全报废。 He smashed the window with a brick.他用砖块击碎窗玻璃。 全真模拟试题 1. ____ native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world. A. In spite of B. That it is C. It was D. Although 2. Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____ in a short period of time. A. to have been created B. to becreated C. having been created D. beingcreated 3. We feel it is high time that the Government ____something to check the inflation. A. did B. do do D. would do 4. It has been proposed that we ____ our decision until the next meeting. C. can delay D. are to delay 5. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy-five miles an hour____ originate over tropical ocean waters. A. which B. who to 6. ____ is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large-scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.


1.His dominant________was to take all things into earnest consideration. A. Trait C. trace 2.Both properties occupy a region long known as the lung of Haikou for its green________and fresh air. 3.If you fulfill this________task, you could well deserve a promotion. 4.Although he tried to focus on homework, the boy was________by his favorite cartoon. 5.His greatest is his utterly natural and profoundly good musical instinct. 6. Your ability to argue is of no________if you get your facts wrong. A. ground B. avail C. practice D. Consequence 7. The man is very angry because his friend borrowed his car behind his back. The underlined part means________ A. secretly B. publicly C. suddenly D. dis appointedly 8.________ increases in the oil price have prompted anxiety among the car owners. A. Abrupt B. Ample C. Acute D. Automat ic 9.Throughout our lives, mothers are there with an encouraging word, a sympathetic ear, and a(n) ________ heart. A. obedient B. tame C. tender D. Temperate 10.Embracing globalisation, Shanghai has become one of the most _____




51. What a nice day! How about the three of us _____ a walk in the park nearby? A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking 52. If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn. A. could have been B. would'be C. will be D. would have been 53. She _____ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference. A. had been B. must be C. has been D. must have been 54. _____ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whichever D. However 55. A new laptop costs about _____ of a second-hand one. A. the price of three times B. three times the price C. as much as the three times price D. three times more than the price 56. I was very interested in _____ she told me. A. all that B. all which C. all what D. that 定语从句的先行词为all时,引导词只能用that 57. We consider ______ he should have left without telling anyone beforehand. A. strange why B. it strange what C. it strange that D. that strange 58. It is going to be fine tomorrow. _______. A. So is it. B. So it is. C. So it does. D. So does it. So it is表示进一步的强调 So is it表示一件事如此,另一件事也如此。 59. Little _____ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger. A. she cared B. she may care C. may she care D. did she care 60. The couple had no sooner got to the station _____ the coach left. A. when B. as C. until D. than


英语分类词汇表(1)1性别及家庭成员 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 mother 母亲 father 父亲 grandpa 爷爷grandma 奶奶grandmother祖母grandfather祖父 dad 爸爸(口语)mum 妈妈(口语)uncle 叔叔 aunt 阿姨 sister 姐妹 brother 兄、弟 Ms 女士 Mr 先生 Miss 小姐 2动物 panda 熊猫 monkey 猴子 dog 狗 cat 猫 bird 鸟 bee 蜜蜂 bear 熊 horse 马 pig 猪 duck 鸭子 rabbit 兔子 tiger 老虎 lion 狮子 chick 小鸡 fox 狐狸 hen 母鸡 cow 奶牛cock 公鸡 3数字 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 twenty-one 二十一 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十 seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 one hundred一百 thousand 千 4食物饮料三餐味道水 果 rice 米饭 meat 肉 noodles 面条 fish 鱼 chocolate 巧克力 egg 蛋 vegetable 蔬菜 carrot 胡萝卜 bread 面包 orange 桔子 apple 苹果 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 cake 蛋糕 candy 糖果 cookie 饼干 hot dog 热狗 breakfast 早餐 lunch 午饭 supper 晚饭 dinner 晚饭,正餐 lemon 柠檬 pear 梨 peach 桃子 banana 香蕉 5衣服 T-shirt T—恤衫 shirt 衬衫 skirt 短裙 cap 帽子(前边有帽沿的) hat 帽子(周围有帽沿的) shoes 鞋子 shorts 短裤 vest 背心 pants 短裤 dress 连衣裙 6冠词 a 一(个,件……) an


Test Three 关于dare的意义和用法 作为情态动词表示“胆敢”,dare通常只用于否定陈述句和疑问句。例如: How dare he s dare作为情态助动词没有过去式形式,其否定式为daren’t,既可指现在时间,也可指过去时间。例如:Tom wa dare还可用主动词,随后的不定式可带to,也可不带to。例如: He does 近义词辨析 bes 这组词均含有“除…外”的意思。 besides “除…外,还有…”,指更进一步的拥有,包括所“除”事物在内。 Have you got any clothes besides these?除了这些衣服你还有别的吗 but不包括所引事物在内,多与nothing, not anything, nobody, nowhere, all, anybody 等连用。 He has nobody but himself to blame for that.那件事他没法指责别人,只能怪他自己。 except不包括所引事物。常与no, none, nothing等否定词或all,everyone, everything 等连用,但不可用于句首。 They all went to the Summer Palace except one.除一人之外他们都去了颐和园。 except for常指除去所引情况让人稍感遗憾之外,整体情况尚属理想,被除去的 事物与正在谈及的事物之间不具有共同属性或性质。 The roads were clear except for a few cars.除几辆小汽车外,路面很空旷。 全真模拟试题 1. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been robbed 2. ______before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a A. Though having never acted B. As he had never acted C. Despite he had never acted D. In s 3. By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world’s population ______ in citie A. are living C. have lived D. will 4. Mr. Milton prefers to res shonest bus A. than take B. than to take C. rather than take 5. No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ______ going A. it is B. as is C. there is D. 6. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _____ a sudden


专四词汇语法练习(19) 1. Everyone in the family bullied her and made her do all the chores, she was indeed __B__. A. Ciderella B. a Cinderella C. the Cinderella D. that Cinderella 1. B) 【句意】家中的每个人都欺侮她,叫她做所有的家务,她真是个灰姑娘。 【难点】Cinderella源于童话《灰姑娘》,现已成为专有名词。 2. Air is to us __C__ water to fish. A. like B. as C. what D. that 2.C) 【句意】空气对于我们来说就像水对于鱼一样。 【难点】固定句型A is to B what C is to D. 3. __A__ troublesome the problem is, he faces it with patience. A. However B. No matter C. Despite D. Although 3.A) 【句意】无论问题多么麻烦,他都耐心地去面对。 【难点】however=no matter how, 意为“不管…”。 4. Peter became angry and said that _D__. A. he was tired to listen to them B. the listening to them was tired for him C. he was tiring listening to them D. he was tired of listening to them 4.D) 【句意】彼得非常生气,并说他很讨厌他们说话。 【难点】sb be tired of doing sth意为“某人厌倦做某事”。 5. Weather __D__, the picnic will be held as scheduled. A. permits B. should permit C. will permit D. permitting 5.D) 【句意】若天气允许的话,野餐将如期进行。 【难点】“Weather permitting”作为独立结构,意为“如果天气允许的话”,也可以用“if weather permits”。 6. We regret __B__ you that your subscription is overdue. A. informing B. to inform C. being informed D. to be informed 6.B) 【句意】我们很遗憾地通知你,你的订单已经过期。 【难点】“We regret to inform you”意为“我们很遗憾地通知你”。 7. __D__ you are a college teacher, you probably have to take your holidays in July and August. A. Since that B. Since now C. By now D. Now that 7.D) 【句意】既然你是个大学老师,你大概不得不在七、八月份休假。


专四新闻词汇 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

国际关系 常见国际组织机构名称 United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 联合国粮食农业组织 Security Council 联合国安理会 Economic and Social Council 经济与社会理事会 United Nation Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金组织 United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划处 International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 ITU=International Telecommunications Union 国际电信同盟 UNIDO=United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业开发组织 IBRD=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴与开发银行 IOC=International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO) IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定 常见巴以冲突问题新闻词汇 Jewish settler 犹太定居者 assassination 暗杀 cease-fire 停火 Gaza Strip 加沙地带 conflict 冲突 withdrawal 撤退 (缩) Palestine Liberation Organization 巴勒斯坦解放组织 Fatah 法塔赫(巴解组织最大的一支游击队) West Bank 约旦河西岸 Oslo agreement 奥斯陆协定 evacuate 疏散 Likud party 利库德集团 Middle East 中东 targeted elimination 定点清除 unilateral action 单边行动 灾难新闻 与灾害、灾难有关用词 rescue official 援救人员 capsize (特指船)倾覆 volcano eruption 火山爆发 flood 洪水 mudslide 泥石流 drought 干旱 depredate 掠夺,毁坏 death toll 死亡人数


初中英语词汇表 注:n 名词 v 动词 adj形容词adv 副词 prep介词 conj连词phr.短语 num数词 pron 代名词第一册1----833 1 what [hw?t] pron 什么 2 is [iz] v 是 3 what's [hw?ts] what is 的缩写形式 4 your [ju?] pron 你的,你们的 5 name [neim] n 名字 6 my [mai] pron 我的 7 I [ai] pron 我 8 am [?m] v 是 9 I'm [aim] I am 的缩写形式 10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上) 11 row [r?u] n (一)排,(一)行 12 one [w?n] num 一 13 number ['n?mb?] n 数字,号码 14 two [tu:] num 二 15 too [tu:] adv 也 16 three[θri:] num 三 17 are [ɑ:] v 是 18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们 19 yes [jes] adv 是 20 four [f?:] num 四 21 five [faiv] num 五 22 no [n?u] adv & adj 不,不是 23 not [n?t] adv 不 24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意) 25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级 26 grade [greid] n 年级 27 six [siks] num 六 28 seven ['sevn] num 七 29 eight [eit] num 八 30 nine [nain] num 九 31 ten [ten] num 十 32 zero ['zi?r?u] num & n 零 33 plus [pl?s]prep 加,加上 34 it [it] pron 它 35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式 36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样 37 old [?uld] adj ...岁的,老的 38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一 39 twelve [twelv] num 十二 40 minus ['main?s] prep减,减去 41 thirteen ['θ?:ti:n] num 十三42 fourteen ['f?:'ti:n] num 十四 43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五 44 hello [h?'l?u] int喂(问候或唤起注意) 45 please [pli:z] int 请 46 can [k?n] v.aux 能,可以,会 47 spell [spel] v 拼写 48 that [e?t] pron 那,那个 49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密 50 this [eis] pron 这,这个 51 in [in] prep 用...(表达) 52 English['i?gli?] n & adj 英语,英国人 53 in English[in'i?gli?]phr. 用英语(表达) 54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...) 55 clock [kl?k] n 钟 56 and [?nd] conj 和,又,而 57 pencil-box['penslb?ks]n 铅笔盒 58 an [?n] art 一(个;件.) 59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔 60 ruler ['ru:l?] n 尺子 61 pen [pen] n 钢笔 62 sharpener ['?ɑ:p?n?] n 卷笔刀 63 eraser [i'reis?] n 橡皮擦 64 room [ru:m] n 房间 65 book [buk] n 书 66 map [m?p] n 地图 67 desk [desk] n 书桌 68 cup [k?p] n 杯子 69 bag [b?g] n 书包 70 compute r[k?m'pju:t?]n电脑,电子计算机 71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标 72 bed [bed] n 床 73 keyboard ['ki:b?:d] n 键盘 74 isn't ['iznt]is not 的缩写形式 75 pear [p??] n 梨 76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕 77 banana [b?'nɑ:n?] n 香蕉 78 apple ['?pl] n 苹果 79 orange ['?:rind?] n 橙子,橘子 80 egg [eg] n 蛋 81 bike [baik] n 自行车 82 bus [b?s] n 公共汽车 83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车 84 jeep [d?i:p] n 吉普车 85 Chinese['t?ai'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n 中国人,汉语 n 中国人,汉语


专四词汇语法练习(24) 1. If only the arbitration court ____ the dispute. A. resolve B. will resolve C. can resolve D. would resolve 2. I advise you ____ of ____out such a dangerous plan. A. to stop to think... carry B. to stop thinking... carrying C. to stop thinking... carry D. to stop thinking... to carry 3. She bought ___plates. A. one dozen beautiful pale blue dinner B. one dozen pale blue beautiful dinner C. beautiful one dozen pale blue dinner D. one dozen dinner beautiful pale blue 4. More and more advanced farm machines ____ , the agricultural production increased tremendously. A. using B. having used C. having been used D. to have been used 5. I think you are supposed ____ your graduate study last year. A. to be finishing B. to have finished C. to finish D. to have been finished 6. The paper ____ several persons are risking their lives is an important report on missiles. A. after which B. for which C. with which D. at which 7. The actress is not so beautiful ____ the press described in advance. A. that B. which C. as D. what 8. The protection device can eliminate the faults ____they cause more damage. A. unless B. until C. before D. although 9. All ____is peace and progress. A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed 10. ____he was aware of the real meaning of life. A. That was from that book B. It was that book which
