

1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Romantic Age?

2. What are the chief characteristics of the 18th–century literature in England?

3. What are the major features of Dickens’ novels?

4. What are the major features of Shakespea re’s dramatic works?

5. How much do you know about Milton’s Paradise Lost?

6. What are the major features of Dickens’ novels?

7. How much do you know about Wordsworth?

8. What are the major features of Milton’s poetry?

9. What are the major featu res of Chaucer’s writing?

10. How much do you know about Shelley?

11. What are the characteristics of Milton’s poetry?

12. What are the characteristics of Dickens’ novels?

13. How much do you know about Milton’s Paradise Lost?

14. What are the chief characteristics of the 18th–century literature in England?

15. What are the chief characteristics of Chaucer’s literary writing?


1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Romantic Age? ①The Romantic Age in England was like the Elizabethan Age, distinctively an age of poetry. It was regarded as the second great age in English literary history; for poetry is the highest form of literary expression, and seems to have been most in harmony with the noblest powers of the English genius. The glory of the age is in the poetry of Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelly, Keats, Moore, and Southey; ②Women novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed for the first time, an important place in English literature. Mrs. Anne Radcliff was one of the most successful writers of the school of exaggerated romance. Jane Austen offered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring work her masterpiece----Pride and Prejudice; ③The greatest historical novelist Walter Scott also appeared in this period. His historical novels combine a romantic atmosphere with a realistic description of historical background and common people life. Scott marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it; ④Romantic prose was represented by Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hume. Lamb was the best essayist, whose familiar essays are very famous. 3.What are the major features of Dickens’ novels? ①Dickens’ novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. His novels tell much of the unhappy experiences of his own childhood. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation, and criticize the vices of capitalist society. ② The success of Dickens novels also lies in his character-portrayal. Not only are the major characters in his novels very carefully delineated and given distinctive individual characteristics but also his minor figures create in the readers’ mind strong impressions of their personalities. Some of Dickens’characters are really such “typical characters under typical circumstances”that they become proverbial or are representative of a whole group of similar persons. ③Dickens is a great humorist and satirist. His novels are full of humor and satire ④Dickens is not especially known for the construction of plot in his novels. There is in his novels often more than one minor thread of story beside the major one, and these threads are generally very loosely woven together. He seems to love a complicated and involved plot. ⑤In almost every one of Dickens’ novels there is a happy ending, which points to the author’s optimism which is an admirable thing for a critical realist because that means his still has his hopes after seeing the gloomy world all around him and one hand, and as a petty-bourgeois intellectual, could not overstep the limits of his class on the other hand. ⑥Another feature in Dickens’novels is his adroit use of language. On the whole Dickens has a richness of expressions and generally succeeds in using the right words and phrases at the right moments for the right characters to attain the right effects. 12. What are the characteristics of Dickens’ novels?(同第三题)


FLASH复习提纲与参考答案 1.时间轴、画布、工具栏、属性面板哪个不属于Flash工作环境的组成部分? (画布) 2.在Flash中新建文档可使用哪些菜单命令或快捷键方式进行? (①在【开始页】,选择【创建新项目】下的【flash文档】。②【文件】,选择【新建文档】。 ③新建FLASH文件【Ctrl】+【N】) 3.Flash是属于(Macromedia)公司的产品。 4.在Flash中舞台是用户在创建Flash文档时放置矢量对象和元件的矩形区域,如果需 要改变舞台的背景颜色,可使用哪个快捷键方式进行? (在【属性面板】中选择【背景】便可更改背景颜色) 5.在Flash中,哪个选项用来修改由画图工具画出图形的线的属性? (【选择工具】) 6.在Flash中,哪个选项用来选定一个不规则的区域? (【套索工具】) 7.在Flash中,用来绘制矩形和正多边形的是哪个工具? (【矩形工具】) 8.在Flash中,用来绘制椭圆和圆形是哪个工具? (【椭圆工具】) 9.在Flash中运用直线工具可以在工作区中拖拽鼠标画出直线。若同时按住(【Shift】) 键,则可画出水平方向、垂直方向、45度角和135度角等特殊角度的直线。 10.使用Flash的绘图工具直接绘制出的图形可以统称为(形状),其又可以分为线条和填 充两个独立部分。 11.在Flash中,帧是组成动画的基本单位。关键帧是用来定义动画在某个时刻新的状态。 插入关键帧的快捷键为: (【F6】) 12.在Flash中,插入帧的快捷键为: (【F5】)

13.在Flash中,插入空白关键帧的快捷键为: (【F7】) 14.在Flash中,图层中的对象在最后输出的影片中看不到,这种图层的类型是哪种? (遮罩层) 15.逐帧动画、形状补间动画、动作补间动画、卡通动画哪个不是Flash的动画类型? (卡通动画) 16.动作补间动画的变形对象不能是哪种对象? 位图、字符、组合、矢量图(矢量图) 17.形状补间动画的变形对象必须是哪种对象? 位图、字符、组合、矢量图(矢量图) 18.在Flash中如果要对字符设置形状补间,必须按(【Ctrl】+【B】)键将字符打散。 19.图片、脚本、按钮、影片剪辑哪个不是Flash可以创建的元件类型? (脚本) 20.在Flash中进行动画影片制作后按【Ctrl+Enter】键,不仅可以看到制作出来的整体 效果,还同时生成一个扩展名为(.swf)的文件。 21.Flash诞生于哪一年? (1995年) 22.Macromedia的网络三剑客是 (Flash、Fireworks、Dreamweaver) 23.位图图像是通过图形的轮廓及内部区域的形状和颜色信息来描述图形对象的;矢量图 形比位图图像优越;矢量图形适合表达具有丰富细节的内容;矢量图形具有放大仍然保持清晰的特性,但位图图像却不具备这样的特性这些说法是否正确?(正确) 24.关于时间轴上的图层,是否能图层可以上下移动?(能) 25.图层是否可以重命名?(能,鼠标左键双击便可) 26.图层是否能锁定?(能) 27.图层是否能隐藏?(能) 28.在Flash中,帧频表示?


贵州城市职业学院2014—2015学年度第二学期 本大题得() 分 一、单选题(每题2分,共20分) 1. 1765年英国人(A )发明了蒸汽机。 A.瓦特 B. 福特 C ?卡尔?本茨 D.古诺 2. 属于中国汽车自主品牌的是:(A ) A.红旗 B. 福特C .大众D. 起亚 3. 采用人字齿轮形状作为公司标志的汽车公司是:(C ) A.法国标致 B. 德国大众 C .法国雪铁龙 D.韩国现代 4. 第一家采用流水线生产方式的汽车企业是(B )。 A.奔驰 B. 福特 C .法拉利 D.丰田 5. 活塞位于(A )内 A.气缸 B. 曲轴箱 C .空气滤清器 D.飞轮 6. VIN 车辆识别代码共有(B )位 A. 15 B. 17 C . 20 D. 25 7. 柴油机是由(B )发明的 A.奥托 B. 狄塞尔 C .雷诺尔 D. 古诺 8. “多功能汽车”的英文简写是(B ) A. SUV B. MPV C . 4WD D. RV 9. 斯巴鲁SUBAR 的含义是(A ) A.昂星宿 B. 龙卷风 C .流星 D.银河系 10. 东风汽车标记是一对(B ) A.树叶 B. 飞燕 C .鱼鳍 D.羽毛 : 号位座 :名姓 :号学 :级班 ? ? 业专《汽车文化》期末考试(A ) 试卷命题人:王丰 任课老师:王丰

本大题得()分 二、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1.汽车史上的四次大变革是:第一次流水线生产方式_______ 、第二次汽车产品多样 性 _____ 、第三次精益的生产方式、第四次汽车工业走向世界。 2.至1966年,我国汽车工业已形成第一汽车制造厂、南京汽车制造厂、上海汽车制造厂、济南汽车制造厂、北京汽车制造厂五个汽车生产基地,基本填补了汽车类型的空白。 3.汽车的主要性能指标有动力性、燃油经济性、制动性、操纵稳定性、行驶平顺性、 排放污染物和噪声。 4.汽车主要是由发动机、底盘、车身、电气设备四大部件组成。 5.四冲程汽油机的一个工作循环包括四个行程,进气、压缩、做功、排气。 6.按传动介质分,汽车传动系的形式有机械传动、液力传动、液压传动、电传动。 7.两位德国人卡尔?本茨、戈特利布?戴姆勒被誉为现代汽车之父。 8.确定汽车外形有三个因素,包括机械工程学、人机工程学、空气动力学。 本大题得()分 三、判断题(只判断正误)(每题1分,共10分) 1.在我国,拖拉机和摩托车属于汽车的范畴。(x ) 2.按我国规定,中型客车的车长划分为 3.5米v L V 7米。(x ) 3.美国福特汽车公司生产出T型车,又在世界上首推流水线装配汽车的方式。(V ) 4.发动机由曲轴连杆机构、配气机构、燃料供给系、传动系、润滑系、冷却系、和起动系组 成。(x ) 5.宝马的英文缩写是BMU (X )


1.现实主义、批判现实主义(代表人物、作品,以及每部作品讲了什么故事)P276—比如《匹克威克外传》主要讲什么?P281 《双城记》主要讲什么?P298 《大卫科波菲尔》主要讲什么?P292 2.其中自传体形式的作品有哪些? 3.傲慢与偏见的第一个名字:first impression(Pride and prejudice现) 4.三姐妹指的是? 5.19世纪有名小说名利场副标题:“A Novel Without a Hero”作者:William Makepeace Thackeray P303 6.18th浪漫主义作家、代表作P211 反对什么,反抗什么思想? 7.Pop代表作有哪些?P134 剪发记? 8.玄学诗派有哪些人物组成?Leading Feature? P116 9.乌托邦is written in form of ?P33 10.Universal Wicks大学才子是谁?P50 11.中世纪文学流行的是? 主题特征骑马精神P8? 12.最著名作家:乔叟P19 13.对于三次征服的概念(1)罗马征服P1 (2)英国人征服P2(3)诺曼征服P5 14.人民大宪章什么时候出现?时间:1837年

1.John Milton He was born in London in 1608. He is a master of the blank verse, and a great stylist. And he is famous for his grand style.But his style is never exactly natural. He devoted almost twenty years of his best life to the fight for political, religious and personal liberty as a writer. His famous works are Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. 2.Romance Romance was the most prevailing kind of literature of the upper class in feudal England in the Medieval Ages. It is a long composition in verse or in prose which describes the life and chivalric adventures of a noble hero. The central character of romances is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapon. The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances. 3.the Enlightenment It is the philosophical and artistic movement growing out of the Renaissance and continuing until the nineteenth century. It was an optimistic belief that humanity could improve itself by applying logic and reasons to all things. Typically, these enlightenment writers would use satire to ridicule what they felt illogical errors in government, social

英国文学简史期末考试复习要点 刘炳善版

英国文学史资料British Writers and Works I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. e.g. Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey Artistic features: https://www.360docs.net/doc/b3220096.html,ing alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b3220096.html,ing metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. It is ____alone who, for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensive (综合的,广泛的)realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. ( A ) A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Matin Luther C. William Langland D. John Gower writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ① 坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use …heroic couplet?(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③ 声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事) Famous three:King Arthur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf II The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Two features 1. a thirsting curiosity for the clasical literature 2.the keen interst in the activities of humanity.


江西省井冈山经贸学校2014—2015第二学期 15汽修(3)班《汽车文化》期末考试题 注意事项: 1、考生应严格遵守考场规则,得到监考人员指令后方可答题。 2、考生拿到试卷后应首先填写密封线内各项内容(准考证号、姓名、学校),不得填出密封线外,同时把座位号填写在试卷右上角座位号栏内。 3、用蓝、黑色圆珠笔或钢笔把答案直接写在试卷上。 4、注意字迹清楚,保持卷面整洁。 5、考试结束将试卷放在桌上,不得带走。待监考人员收毕清点后,方可离场。 一、填空题 :(每小题 1 分,共计 20 分) 1、 汽车诞生在 年。 2、 世界上第一条汽车流水装配线是在 国。 3、 被誉为赛车之父的是 。 4、 德国奥迪汽车公司原来是由 家公司合并而成。 5、 发明子午线轮胎的公司是 。 6、 中国唯一符合FIA 国际标准的F1赛道在 。 7、 世界上最著名的勒曼24小时汽车耐力赛举办地点是在 。 8、 世界上累计产量最高的汽车是 。 9、 SUV 是 汽车。 10、 现代汽车鼻祖是本茨及 。 11、 世界上最大的汽车城是美国的 。 12、 宝马的英文缩写名称是 。 13、 客车的车辆类别代号是 。 14、 我国汽车报废标准规定,家用轿车的使用年限为 年。 15、 VIN 车辆识别代码共有 位。 16、 汽油的辛烷值越高,其 越好。 17、 自动变速器上N 代表 。 18、 排气管“放炮”的主要原因有 。 19、 电控汽油机大多采用 点喷射。 20、 最新的汽车分类标准将汽车分成 商用车和 车两大类。 二、单选题 :(每题 2 分,共计 60 分) 1的驱动形式是 。 A 、FR B 、FF C 、RR 2、 兰博基尼在创建初期生产什么 。 A 、飞机 B 、农用机械 C 、自行车 3、 最注重汽车安全性的汽车厂商是 汽车公司 。 A 、沃尔沃 B 、奔驰 C 、通用 4、 ABS 是 的缩写。 A 、 全球卫星定位系统 B 、电子防抱死制动系统 C 、汽车驱动防滑驱动系统 5、 GPS 是 A 的缩写。 A 、 全球卫星定位系统 B 、全球监测系统 C 、全球导航系统 6、 保时捷的创立者,甲壳虫的设计者是 。 A 、 菲迪南德.波尔舍 B 、菲迪南德.雷诺 C 、菲迪南德.费雷 7、 舒马赫夺得过 F1冠军 。 A 、 6 B 、5 C 、7 8、 转子发动机的发明人的国籍是 。 A 、日本 B 、德国 C 、 美国 9、 F1大奖赛全年共有 站。 A 、17 B 、16 C 、15 10、 ESP 是 的缩写。 A 、主动式车身悬挂系统 B 、电子动态稳定系统 C 、电子感应刹车控制系统 11、“MPV ”是 的英文缩写。 A 、高级房车 B 、运动型多用途车 C 、多用途厢式车 12、奥兹莫比尔是 汽车公司的品牌。 A 、克莱斯勒 B 、通用 C 、奥迪 13、Seat 品牌属于 国家。 A 、美国 B 、意大利 C 、西班牙 14、第一个ABS 系统的制造商是 。 A 、博世 B 、西门子 C 、德尔福 15、最早的电动汽车 。 A 、1847年,美国的法莫(M.Farmer)制造了第一辆无导轨蓄电池为动力的电动汽车 B 、1880年,法国的卡米?福尔最先制造出利用蓄电池作动力的、实用的电动汽车、 C 、 ,中国武汉理工大学研制的混合动力电动汽车 16、我国生产的第一辆汽车叫 。 A 、民生牌 B 、 民族牌 C 、民权牌 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 身份证号: ……………………………装………………………订………………………线…………………………………



一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485) ?《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf) ?《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ) 杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer) “英国诗歌之父”。(Father of English Poetry) 《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales) 二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初) ?托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More ) 《乌托邦》(Utopia) ?埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser) 《仙后》(The Faerie Queene) ?弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon) 《论说文集》(Essays) 克里斯托弗·马洛 Christopher Marlowe ?《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine) ?《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus) ?《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta) 威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare ) 《哈姆莱特》(Hamlet) SONNET18 三、17世纪文学 约翰·弥尔顿 John Milton 《失乐园》(Paradise Lost) ?约翰·班扬(John Bunyan) 《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress) 四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期) 18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。新古典主义推崇理性,强调明晰、对称、节制、优雅,追求艺术形式的完美与和谐。 亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)是新古典主义诗歌的代表。 ?乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift 《格列佛 ?丹尼尔·笛福 Daniel Defoe 英国小说之父 《鲁滨孙漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe) ?亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding 《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones) ?乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift 《格列佛游记》Gulliver’s Travels ?亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding 《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones) 托马斯·格雷 Thomas Gray 《墓园哀歌》(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard) 五、浪漫主义时期文学(1798-1832) ?罗伯特·彭斯 Robert Burns ?威廉·布莱克 William Blake ?威廉·华兹华斯 William Wordsworth ?塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)


#期末考试专项复习 #一、矩阵与数据框 #1.生成特定的矩阵与数据框 #矩阵 #方法一 a=array(1:10,dim=c(2,5)) rownames(a)=1:2 colnames(a)=c("one","two","three","four","five") a dimnames(a)=list(1:2,c("one","two","three","four","five")) nrow=nrow(a) ncol=ncol(a) dim(a) #方法二 a=matrix(1:10,nrow=2,byrow=F) rownames(a)=1:2 colnames(a)=c("one","two","three","four","five")

a=matrix(1:10,nrow=2,byrow=F, dimnames=list(1:2,c("one","two","three","four","five")) ) #数据框的生成 df=data.frame( Name=c("Alice","Becka","James","Jeffrey","John"), Sex=c("F","F","M","M","M"), Age=c(13,13,12,13,12), Height=c(56.5,65.3,57.3,62.5,59.0), Weight=c(84.0,98.0,83.0,84.0,99.5) );df Lst=list(Name=c("Alice","Becka","James","Jeffrey","John"), Sex=c("F","F","M","M","M"), Age=c(13,13,12,13,12), Height=c(56.5,65.3,57.3,62.5,59.0), Weight=c(84.0,98.0,83.0,84.0,99.5)) Lst Lst[["Name"]] Lst["Name"] Lst[1] Lst[[1]] Lst$Name


2017—2018第一学期 17春汽修班《汽车文化》期末考试题 注意事项: 1、考生应严格遵守考场规则,得到监考人员指令后方可答题。 2、考生拿到试卷后应首先填写密封线内各项内容(准考证号、姓名、学校),不得填出密封线外,同时把座位号填写在试卷右上角座位号栏内。 3、用蓝、黑色圆珠笔或钢笔把答案直接写在表格里。 4、注意字迹清楚,保持卷面整洁。 5、考试结束将试卷放在桌上,不得带走。考试时间90分钟。 判断题: 选择题: 一、判断题 :(每题 2 分,共计 40 分) 1、F1赛车发动机的冷却是靠水来冷却的。 ( ) 2、美国通用汽车公司创建于1908,创建人是威廉.C 杜兰特 ( ) 3、大众汽车公司主要有大众和奥迪两大品牌。 ( ) 4、本次和戴姆勒发明的汽车都采用柴油机 ( ) 5、1895年,法国的米其林兄弟制造出了用于汽车的充气轮胎 ( ) 6、美国第一大汽车公司是福特汽车公司 ( ) 7、福特汽车公司生产的T 型汽车是世界第一条流水线装配而成的汽车。 ( ) 8、爬坡试验包括最大爬坡度与爬长坡以及动力三项试验。 ( ) 9、德国工程师卡尔本次发明了在世界上第一辆摩托车。 ( ) 10、世界上第一辆吉普车是由美国班特姆公司制造。 ( ) 11、汽车是用内燃机作为动力,主要在公路上或马路上行驶的交通工具,通常有4个或4个以上的橡胶轮胎,用来运载人或货物。 ( ) 12、汽车电气设备由车身和发动机组成。 ( ) 13、1956年7月,国产第一辆“解放”牌4t 载货汽车在第一汽车制造厂诞生。“一汽”也因此被誉为中国汽车工业的摇篮。 ( ) 14、所有的宝马轿车都是后轮驱动。 ( ) 15、马自达以其辉煌的技术创新历史而自豪,尤其以转子发动机为代表。 ( ) 16、汽车噪音的主要来源有两个方面,一是发动机,另一个是喇叭。 ( ) 17、太阳能汽车使用太阳能电池把光能转化成电能储存在蓄电池中,用蓄电池来推动汽车。( ) 18、白色的汽车发生交通事故的几率远高于黑色汽车。 ( ) 19、未来小客车的造型必然是在鱼形车的基础上加以改进。 ( ) 20、方程式汽车赛项目只有F1。 ( ) 二、选择题 :(每题2分,共计40 分) ( )。 A 、凯迪拉克 B 、地球 C 、水星 D 、 雪佛兰 2.( )成功地创造了一整套现代公司组织管理体系。 A 、 阿尔佛雷德 斯隆 B 、 丰田喜一郎 C 、 威廉 杜兰特 D 、威廉姆 迈巴赫 3.我国第一辆轿车是( )。 A 、红旗CA770高级轿车 B 、解放牌轿车 C 、SH760中级轿车 D 、东风牌轿车 年一级方程式汽车大赛中国大奖赛在( )赛道举行。 A 、北京 B 、上海 C 、广州 D 、大连 5.世界上最早组织汽车比赛的国家是( )。 A 、法国 B 、英国 C 、美国 D 、中国 年美国克莱斯勒的( )小客车,首次采用流线形车身。 A 、气流牌 B 、和风牌 C 、甲壳虫 D 、顺风牌 7.汽车排放造成的大气污染会破坏( ),从而造成太阳辐射过强,也会导致出现高温天气。 A 、臭氧层 B 、对流层 C 、大气层 D 、电离层 8.氢气汽车指用( )的汽车 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 身份证号: ……………………………装………………………订………………………线…………………………………


A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE 1. the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were three tribes from Northern Europe. 2.English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people. 3.Features of Beowulf 贝奥武普: the most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration头韵.(definition)In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. Other features of Beowulf are the use of metaphors and of understatements. 4. The French-speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066.(the Norman Conquest) 5. The Romance 罗曼司---the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England. It was a long composition, sometimes in prose, describing the life and a adventures of a noble hero. Adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table 6. The Class Nature of the Romance The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romance , as loyalty was the corner-stone of feudal morality, without which the whole structure of feudalism would collapse. They were composed for the noble, of the noble, and in most cases by the poets patronized by the noble. 7.the Ballads 民谣The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad. A ballad is a story told in song; usually in 4-line, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. 8. The Robin Hood Ballad --- the various ballads of Robin Hood are gathered into a collection called The Geste of Robin Hood.绿林好汉罗宾汉的故事 9. The founder of English poetry is Geoffrey Chaucer. 乔叟 The Canterbury Tales ---(1) a collection of 24 stories (2)close links---stories are closely connected to each other (3)stories into groups on different subjects -- story-tellers, from ranks, professions, religions (4)variation in form 三大著名教堂:Westminster Cathedral 西敏寺大教堂Saint Pail’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Canterbury Cathedral 坎特布雷大教堂 10.The Renaissance and Humanism The rise of the bourgeoisie soon showed its influence in the sphere of cultural life. The result is an intellectual movement known as the Renaissance, or, the rebirth of letters. It spang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. Two features


1.Climax is the point at which one opposing force overcomes the other and conflict is resolved. 高潮在这一点上,一个反对力量克服了其他和冲突解决。 2. round character and flat character: flat character is cartoon like, usu. exaggerated. Round character is lifelike, who has both advantages and disadvantages, grows as the plot develops and usu. undergoes some change.一样和平板字符:平淡的角色动画,usu.夸大。圆形人物栩栩如生,谁都有各自的优势和劣势,随着情节发展,usu.经历一些变化。 3. Journey story is also called Picaresque novel, in which there is always a trip, and characters grow and develop along the journey, such as A Journey to the West, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.In this kind of story, there are lots of interesting episodes instead of all-unifying plot旅程的故事也被称为流浪汉小说,总有一个旅行,和人物沿途的成长和发展,比如《西游记》、《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。在这样的故事,有很多有趣的情节,而不是all-unifying阴谋 4. Gothic novel is an old genre since 18th century, from which detective story, fantasy story, mystery story derive. 哥特式小说是一个古老的风格自18世纪以来,侦探小说,幻想故事,神秘的故事中。 5. Novels of the soil focus on country life, and usu. more on its hardship than on its pleasure.土壤的小说关注乡村生活,和usu.更困难比快乐。 6. The plot development in a fiction or drama can be divided into five stages: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. 小说或戏剧的情节发展可分为五个阶段:博览会,上行,高潮,下降动作,决议。 7. Essays can be divided into narration, description, exposition, argumentation论文可以分为叙述、描述、博览会、论证 8. American literature can be divided into5 stages:Colonial Period, Reason and revolution, romanticism, realism, modernism美国文学可分为5个阶段:殖民时期,理性和革命浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义 9. Figure of speech: personification treats objects as human beings, which are described with human emotion and action.图的言论:化身把对象作为人类,与人类情感和行为描述。 10. Poetry can be divided into three types: narrative(ballard, epic, etc), dramatic, lyric.诗歌可分为三种类型:叙事(巴拉德、史诗等),戏剧性,抒情。 11. Allegory is a story in which events and human characters represent abstract ideas and teach a moral lesson. While fable is usu. Written for kids, and the characters are often animals.寓言故事的事件和人物代表抽象的概念和给一个道德教训。而寓言一般,为孩子们写的和人物往往是动物。 12. Noah Webster is a lexicographer, who onc e said “America must be as independent in literature as she is in politics, as famous for the arts as for arms.”诺亚·韦伯斯特词典编纂者,曾说过“美国必须像她那样独立的文学在政治、艺术作为武器一样出名。” 13. Washington Irving is the father of American Literature. His style includes entertainment, humor, vivid plot and characters, musical rhythm, historical elements. He wrote Rip V an Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, A History of New York, The Sketch Book华盛顿·欧文是美国文学之父。他的风格包括娱乐、幽默、生动的情节和人物,音乐节奏,历史元素。他写了里普·万·温克尔,无头骑士的传说,纽约的历史素描的书 14. James Cooper is first major frontier novel writer, who starts the tradition of writing western frontier life. His Leatherstocking Tales center around the hunter Natty Bumppo, including Deerslayer, Pathfinder, The Last of Mohicans,
