

txt>unit 1 p9

iii. notes must be precise and to the point; the style is casual. in notes of introduction, the following are usually included:

1. the name of the person to be introduced

2. his/her identity

3. the purpose of the introduction

4. appreciation

1 june, 20__

dear mr. sullivan,

this is to introduce mr. hu ming. he is a linguistics student at our university. mr. hu is looking for a teaching assistant’s post. any assistance rendered him would be highly appreciated. thank you.

sincerely yours, geoffrey jackson

unit 2 p 19

iii. a note of invitation should state precisely:

1. what invitation it is

2. the time and the place

3. the pleasure of seeing the addressee on that occasion

4. a reply is expected. (in some, this is not mentioned.) 20 october, 20__ dear meili,

we are going to have a music appreciation evening in our classroom this coming saturday. the time is 7:30 pm. symphony no. 9 by beethoven will be on the programme. we would like to have you join us, as we know you are one of the classical music lovers. drop me a line if you are interested. hoping to see you on saturday.


wang fang

unit 3 p31

iii. a note accepting an invitation usually includes:

1. appreciation of being invited

2. his/her certainty of having a good time

3. his/her assurance of being punctual/ /his/her apology for having to be late (optional)

4. his/her offer of help (optional)

5. his/her looking forward to the occasion

16 march, 20__

dear rebecca,

thank you for asking me to come to your house-warming party.

i have long heard that you’ve moved to the suburbs, away from all kinds of conveniences. i’m a little surprised that you seem quite happy with your new house. i’d be only too glad to come and see f or myself. you can count on me to be punctual. you’re quite a green hand at housekeeping, as is known to all. do you want me to come earlier to help? looking forward to seeing you.love,


unit 4 p41

iii. a note declining an invitation usually includes: 1. appreciation for being invited 2. reason for not being able to attend 3. regret for missing such an occasion

4. extending felicitation, etc., should the occasion require

14 april, 20__

dear rebecca,

thank you for inviting me to your 20th birthday party. but, alas, i must stay away from this gala occasion, which, to me, is very painful. you see, i’ve been down with the flu for some time now. and i was told that i wouldn’t be able to recover soon. i can’t pass on the virus to you all. it really breaks my heart to miss this great party! all the same, my heartiest congratulations! yours,


unit 5 p53

iii. in writing a note of thanks, besides expressing our gratitude, we also show our pleasure at the gift itself, for example, we may say that it is exquisite or it is just what we want, etc. we may also show our appreciation of the senders considerateness or his/her cleverness at picking out the right thing, etc.

26 december, 20__

dear aunt mabel,

thank you for your wonderful gift! how could you possibly have known? i did need a

more sophisticated recorder. the old one that i have has seen me mature from a lanky school boy to a college student. indeed, it has more than served its purpose. remember? it was also a present from you. again a million thanks!

your loving nephew,


unit 6 p64

ii. in writing a telephone message, it is necessary to give the name of the person who called and the exact time of call. the message must be stated clearly and in good order.

10 a.m., 1 march

prof. johnson,

prof. smith called at 9:50 a.m. he said his rheumatism prevented him from leaving the house in this nasty weather. so he would not be able to come to discuss the energy project with you and your colleagues. he asked to be excused. he sent his regards to mrs. johnson.



等我赶到顶楼会议室时,他们已经离开了。(by the time)

(by the time i got to the meeting room on the top floor, they had already left.)


(this programme caters for many different types of interest and taste among the public.)

3.这首老歌使人想起了过去那些美好的日子。(bring back)

(the old song has brought back memories of those good old days.)


(they finished the project one week earlier than they had expected to.)


(at last the jury was convinced that the middle-aged man had nothing to do with the murder.)

6.这是我第三次到上海来,我发现了上海已呈现出一副新的面貌。(… the third time…)

(this is the third time i have been in shanghai, and i’ve noticed that shanghai has taken on a new look.) unit 2

7. 你知道哪个队赢了那场足球比赛吗?(use a nominal clause)——do you know which team won the football match?


— i have no idea. you may ask xiao li. he is a member of the team./ he is on the team.)

8. 说这部电影样样都好或是一无是处,都是不太合适的。(either…or…)

(it is not proper to regard this film either as totally good or as completely bad.)

9. 我在想是否应该把这次考试不及格的事告诉父母。(wonder)

(i wonder if i should tell my parents that i failed in the examination.)

10. 当然,他是表现得很差,但毕竟他只有六岁。(after all)

(of course, he behaved dreadfully, but after all, he is only six years old.)

11. 一看见老板,他就全身发抖,好象见到了鬼一样。(as if)

(the moment he saw his boss, he trembled as if he had seen a ghost.)


(i do n’t think we can afford the house, even if we save every penny we have.)

unit 3

13. 有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible)

( is it possible to persuade him to give up smoking?)

14.如果你来电话时我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信。(available) (if i am not available when you call me, please leave a message with my secretary.)


(this book covers nearly all the important topics on language teaching.)

16.从我们已收集的信息来判断,这家公司极可能在下星期宣布破产(declare bankruptcy)。(judge from) (judging from the information we have gathered, this company is very likely to declare bankruptcy in the following week.)


(she devoted her whole life to homeless children.)


(only high-ranking officials have access to these confidential files.)

unit 4

19. —我是否一定得参加秋季运动会?(have to)

—do i have to take part in the autumn sports meet?

不是一定得去, 但我想最好还是参加。(had better)

—no, you don’t. but i think you’d better take part in it.)

20.如果我在大学里努力学习,那么四年后我将能够自如地使用英语.(be able to) ( if i study hard in college, i’ll be able to use english freely in four years.)

21.左邻右舍每一个人都在试图帮助这个可怜的小女孩,只是方式不同而已。(in different ways) (everyone in the neighbourhood is trying to give their help to the poor little girl, but in different ways.)



(the chairman of the meeting suggested adjourning the

meeting for a week so that everyone could have some more

time to get fully prepared for the discussion.)


(he had to convert all his securities to cash to pay his debt.)


(it is what you did, not what you said, that counts.)

unit 5



(it took a sharp eye to distinguish cultured pearls from

genuine pearls.)

26.对于一个在战争中经历了这么多苦难的人来说,这件事真是小事一桩。(go through)

(to a man who has gone through so many hardships during

the war, this was really a small matter.)


(that was the first time i had had serious trouble with an employer.)


(the newcomer asked the middle-aged man sitting next to him

if he knew the place very well.)


(the new evidence which emerged from this investigation was quite unfavorable to him.)

30.如果必要的话,他会努力劝说父亲卖了这幢房子以抵债。(should …)

(should it be necessary, he would try to persuade his father to sell this house to pay the debt.) unit 6


(this young man’s carelessness involved him in serious trouble.)

32.据我所知,这么可怕的事情从未在我们镇上发生过。(as far as)

(as far as i know, such a terrible thing has never happened in our town before.)


(he is easy-going and has a variety of interests, which has enabled him to make a lot of friends.)


做成的。(consist of )

(this soup, which is the hostess’s speciality, consists of tomatoes, meat and peas.)


(printing was known to the chinese as early as the 9th century.)


(you should base your judgment on your own observation rather than on gossip.) unit 7


(it took him two hours to get to the newly-built museum by bike.)


(the girl was so obsessed with her new doll that she held it

day and night.)

39.他这么粗心,竟然没告诉我们什么时候去机场接他。(when+ infinitive phrase)

(he was so careless that he didn’t even tell us when to meet

him at the airport.)

40.看见火车轰隆隆地向他开去,他即刻做出的反应就是要跳离铁轨,但他的双脚却不听使唤。(refuse) (when he saw the train roaring

towards him, hiss immediate response was to jump off the rail, but his legs refused to move.)


(doubt) (he is so clever and he works so hard. no doubt he will be successful in the future.)

42.当着两个证人的面,他在遗嘱上签上了自己的名字。(presence) (he signed his name on his will in the presence of two witness.) unit 8



(use two relative clauses) (the police wanted to find out whether the man who telephoned her just now was the suspect they were after.)

44.上海的交通问题相当严重,世界上的其它大城市也都这样。(true of)

(traffic in shanghai is quite a serious problem. the same is true of other big cities in the world.)

45.今年我们有这么多的工作要做,我们不得不取消假期了。(do without)

(we have so much work to do this year that we’ll have to do without a holiday.)


(he denied his students a chance to speak.)


(chinese grammar differs from japanese grammar in many aspects.)


(some students are trying to kill time while others feel pressed for time.)

unit 9


(conditional sentence)

if the great composer were still alive, he would surely compose many more wonderful works.


(conditional sentence) (if y ou lose your way in the city, you’d better ask the police for help.)

51.他过于自信了。事实上,他还没有他所自认为的一半那样能干。(as… as)

(he is overconfident. actually he is not half as capable as he thinks of himself.)

52.作为外国人,他无法与当地人进行交流。(no way)

(being a foreigner, he had no way of communicating with the local people.)

of the new teaching method, teachers have found that

students have become more motivated and active in class.) 54. 54.他真够幸运,能够及时赶到车站,坐上了回家的末班车。(adjective + enough)

(he was lucky enough to get to the bus stop on time to catch the last bus home.)

unit 10

55.对不起,我今晚不能来。我将去机场接一位来自加拿大的教授。(use future progressive tense)( i’m sorry i can’t come tonight.

i’ll be meeting a professor from canada at the airport.)

56. 到下星期六,他将已经完成了他的工作回国了。(by)

(by next saturday he will have finished his work and returned

to his own country.)


(since she hasn’t received any letter from her son for over

three months, she is deeply concerned about his safety.)

58.我们都认为他是这一地段最风趣幽默的人。(think of)

(we all thing of him as the most interesting and humorous person in the neighbourhood.)

59.她的演唱极大地促进了晚会的成功。(contribute to)

(her singing contributed greatly to the success of the party.)

unit 11

60.每个人都很清楚,他不愿意让那个新来的人与他和用他的办公室。(it…that…)(it was plain to everyone that he was unwilling to share his office with the newcomer.)


(the extra room proved very useful when we had visitors.)


(the hostess was so considerate that we were provided with everything we needed the moment we arrived.)


(the boy identified the suspect among the crowd by the scar on his face.)


(mr. smith is unusually kind and generous, as all his friends agree.)


(no one can tell for sure when the world came into existence.) unit 12

66.你听说了吗?星期五下午将举行一场辩论。(be going to)

(have you heard that a debate is going to be held on friday afternoon?)


(scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production.)


(he reminded me of what i might otherwise have forgotten and thus saved me a lot of trouble.)


(to join the army, one must meet certain physical standards.)

70.杰出的语言学家史密斯教授的讲座使学生们受益匪浅。(benefit) (students benefited a lot from the lecture given by professor smith, an outstanding linguist) unit 13

71.每当他遇到经济困难时,他总是向父母求助。(run into)

(whenever he runs into financial difficulties, he turns to his parents for help.)


despite his wife’s dissuasion, he dashed out of the house to quarrel with a neighbour.)

73.小孩子们应该花更多的时间在户外玩,而不是在室内看电视。(instead of)

(young children should spend more time playing outdoors instead of watching tv indoors.)


(her new job enabled her to send home regularly five hundred yuan a month to maintain the family.)



they all believed that his chances of success were slim.

2. 我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。

i don’t know why she always has an air of sadness.

3. 等到所有同学都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。after all students were seated, the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.

4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。

please take good care of our stomach which is a vital organ of our human body.


he considered it absurd for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.

6. 她的研究涉及多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。

her study was full of challenge, which was concerned with many languages and cultures.

7. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。

as is scheduled, all staff should take turns to do late duty.

8. 想到要远离父母独自生活,她深感不安。

she felt upset at the thought of leaving her parents and having an independent living in a remote area.

9. 对于她是否胜任这份工作我们不甚担心,我们所担忧的却是她的


what we worry much is not her qualifications for the job, but

her health.

10. 想到要做一次环球航海旅行,他为之激动不已。

the prospect of having a cruise around the world made him greatly excited.

unit 2p25



when looking at some children’s toys that i played with during my childhood . i could not help but wonder why i liked them so much then.



some officials pointed out that the lavish bonuses to bank

show the need for certain financial reforms.

3.会长简单的陈述了马上要做的事,即选出一个秘书和财务管理人。the president of the society briefly stated the business in

hand ,namely to choose a secretary and treasurer.


instead of getting angry at this ,we should try to figure out

what to do.



what if you fell in love with a girl who was attached with a boyfriend .will you tell her that you like her .



he likes to gloat all the prizes he had won ,and put them in the glass cabinet.



for the sake of all of our children , please keep in mind and

vote sensibly on election day.


last month , we cut back on the amount that we ate out ,so we saved a lot of money.


一个途径,但我试了一下,就和多年前的一些老朋友取得了联系。 it never occurred to me to try facebook as a way of connecting with old friends ,but i tried it and got in touch with some of



a top us military commander in iraq declares that iraqi army forces are ready to take over security operations when the us withdraws its combat troops.

unit 3p41

1. 凡是听到她不幸的遭遇的人无不深表同情。

no one who has ever heard about her misfortune will not feel sympathy for her.

2. 他提出这个问题是出于好奇心,而非出于求知欲。

he asked the question out of curiosity rather than out of his desire for knowledge.

3. 这位年轻学者专心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软件,他深信在不远的将来自己会成名。

this young scholar devoted himself to the development of a new type of computer translation software in the full conviction that he would make a name in the near future.


don’t take it seriously. what i’ve just said is not meant to

5. 这扇门这么低,那个高个子进屋时无法挺直身子,只能低头猫腰进入。

it was such a low door that the tall man had to bend himself rather than keep upright when entering the room.

6. 我们的班长两个星期前突然发烧,从此一直卧床不起。

our monitor was suddenly down with a high fever two weeks ago and has been remaining in his bed since then.

7. 令人难以置信的是他在两年内竟然把这些普通女孩训练成了世界一流的长跑运动员。

it’s unbelievable that he made world-class long distance runners out of these ordinary girls within two years.

8. 他们竭力说服她放弃诉讼,但都无济于事。

they tried their best to talk her into giving it up the lawsuit, but in vain.

9. 那些过着富裕生活的农民从未想过要迁居到大都市去生活。

it never occurred to those comfortably off farmers that they would move to metropolises.

10. 他在餐厅享用美味的晚餐时听到车子的警报声,猛然间他想起自己停在外面马路上的车子未锁

while enjoying his delicious dinner in a restaurant, he heard the car alarm and realized in a flash that he left his car
