


1.中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM

2.中医基础理论basic theory of TCM

3.临床经验clinical experience

4.辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation

5.中药学Chinese pharmacy

6.针灸acupuncture and moxibustion


8.方剂prescription; formula

9.滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire

10.六腑six fu-organs


12.社会属性social attribute


14.邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi 15.治疗学therapeutics

16.风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold

17.同病异治treatment of the same disease with different remedies 18.异病同治treatment of different diseases with the same remedy 19.疾病本质nature of disease

20.相互转化mutual transformation

21.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat

22.相互消长mutual wane-wax

23.相互制约mutual restriction


25.五行学说the doctrine of five elements

26.相乘相侮subjugation and counter-restriction

27.土虚木乘deficient earth being subjugated by wood

28.生克制化inhibition-development with generation and restriction 29.母病及子involvement of a child- organ by its mother-organ disorder 30.藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations

31.奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs

32.水谷精微essence of water and food

33.临床实践clinical practice

34.藏而不泻storage without discharge/excretion

35.心气充沛sufficiency of heart qi

36.血液充盈sufficiency of blood

37.汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin

38.脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation 39.后天之本origin of acquired constitution

40.奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs

41.上焦upper energizer

42.泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid

43.初步消化primary digestion

44.月经来潮occurrence of menstruation


46.水液代谢water metabolism

47.气机调畅smoothness of qi movement

48.气机qi movement

49.气化qi transformation

50.先天之气innate qi

51.后天之气acquired qi

52.气生血qi generating blood

53.气行血qi propelling blood

54.津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin

55.气为血帅,血为气母Qi serves as commander of blood and blood does as mother of qi 56.益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse

57.经络学说meridian theory

58.经络系统meridian system

59.十二正经twelve regular meridians

60.奇经八脉eight extraordinary meridians

61.十二经别twelve meridians’divergences

62.外感六淫six exogenous pathogenic factors

63.风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking the exterior

64.感受寒邪attack/invade by pathogenic cold

65.阴虚生内热production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency

66.七情内伤internal impairment due to seven emotions

67.体质强弱(body )constitutional state

68.五心烦热feverish sensation in the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)

69.五志过极extreme changes of five emotions

70.阴阳互损mutual involvement of yin and yang

71.精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi

72.肌肤甲错squamous and dry skin

73.预后良好favorable prognosis

74.脉象pulse conations

75.表里同病disease involving both exterior and interior

76.寒热错杂co-existence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat

77.真寒假热true cold with false heat

78.寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat one

79.热证转寒transformation of heat syndrome into cold one

80.潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating

81.中草药Chinese medicinal herbs

82.四气五味four properties and five flavors

83.燥湿健脾drying dampness to invigorate the spleen

84.升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating

85.归经channel tropism of medicines

86.用药禁忌medication contraindication

87.方剂学science of prescription

88.方剂的加减modification of a prescription

89.剂型与剂量drug form and dosage

90.药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herb

91.引经报使guiding action

92.药物饮片herbal slice

93.针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion (therapy)

94.针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing

95针刺止痛analgesia by acupuncture

96.针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia

97.耳针疗法ear acupuncture (therapy)

98.提插捻转lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating (techniques)



TCM has a history of thousands of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases.


TCM has a unique and integrative theoretical system.


Huangdi Neijing has laid a foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.


Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.


Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases.


In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, there appeared the so-called “four great physicians” in medical school.


Zhang Congzheng believed that all diseases were caused by pathogenic factors and advocated the three means of diaphoresis, emesis and purgation to eliminate the pathogens for cure of diseases 8.中医理论体系有两个基本特点:一是整体观念,二是辨证论治。

The theoretical system of TCM is mainly characterized by holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation.


TCM believes that the human body is an organic whole.


The holism permeates through various aspects of the physiology, pathology, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation and treatment of diseases.


The heart opens into the tongue and is internally and externally related to the small intestine. 12.人体阳气白天多趋于表,夜晚多趋于里。

Yang qi in the human body tends to flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night.


Syndrome is a generalization of pathological changes at a certain stage during the course of a disease.


Syndrome includes the location, cause and nature of a disease as well as the state of pathogenic factors and healthy qi.


Yin and yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomena in nature.


Under given conditions, either yin or yang may transform into its counterpart.


Function pertains to yang while substance to yin.


No matter how complicated pathological changes of a disease are, they are nothing more than relative predominance of yin or yang.


The so-called vital qi refers to the structure and functions of the body, including body resistance against diseases.


The formation of the theoretical system of TCM was deeply influenced by the doctrine of five elements.


Water is characterized by moistening and downward flow.


The liver pertains to wood because its qi is characterized by ascending.


The spleen pertains to earth because it governs transportation and transformation.


Subjugation means to launch an attack on the weak.


The one generating me is my mother and the one being generated by me is my child.


The common physiological function of the five zang-organs is to produce and store essential qi. 27.六腑的共同生理特点是受盛和传化水谷。

The common physiological function of the six fu-organs is to receive, transport and transform water and food.


The essence-qi in the kidney is helpful for promoting the growth of skeleton.


The heart and the small intestine are internal-externally related (to each other).


The physiological functions of the five zang-organs are closely associated with the minds and emotions.


The main physiological function of the heart is to control blood and vessels, and govern the spirit. 32.血液的正常运行必须以心气充沛,血液充盈和脉道通利为其基本的前提条件。Sufficient heart qi, abundant blood and smooth vessels are essential prerequisite to normal circulation of blood.


The respiratory function of the lung directly influences the production of pectoral qi.


The spleen is the origin of acquired constitution and the source of qi and blood production. 35.肝的主要生理功能是主疏泄和主藏血。

The main physiological functions of the liver are to control free flow of qi and store blood. 36.肾主生长、发育与生殖。The kidney governs growth, development and reproduction. 37.肾所藏的精气包括“先天之精”和“后天之精”。

The essence stored in the kidney includes innate essence and acquired essence.


When the kidney functions normally to receive qi, breath will be smooth and even. 三、


The main physiological function of the gallbladder is to store and excrete bile.


The main physiological function of the stomach is to receive and decompose foodstuff.


The small intestine also absorbs a large quantity of water as it is absorbing essence from the chyme.


If the small intestine functions well to separate the lucid from the turbid, the defecation and urination will be normal.


The stomach and the spleen are internally and externally related.


Qi is the most essential substance to constitute the body.

45.人体的气来源于禀受于父母的先天之精、饮食物中的营养物质和存在于自然界的清气Qi in the body is derived from innate essence inheriting from the parents, and acquired essence coming from both food nutrients and fresh air.


Qi is a sort of refined substance with powerful activity.


Qi transformation refers to various changes caused by qi movement.


The primordial qi, as the most essential and important qi, is the primary power of life.


The pectoral qi is a kind of qi accumulating in the thorax, functioning to enhance heart beat and regulate heart rate and cardiac rhythm.

50.营主内守而属阴,卫主外卫而属阳。The nutritive qi pertains to yin with its nourishment to the interior of the body while the defensive qi pertains to yang with its protection of the body


Qi, blood and body fluid are the basic substances for maintaining human life activities.


Both the blood and body fluid are liquid substance, they function to nourish and moisten, pertain to yin as compared with qi.


The human body discharges water mainly through urination and perspiration.


The production, distribution and discharge of body fluid depend on the qi transformation of the lung, spleen, kidney, tri-Jiao, bladder, etc..


Qi can produce, propel, control blood, and thus it is said “qi is the commander of blood”.


Meridian system is the pathways for qi and blood to circulate in the whole body.


The minute collaterals are the smallest collaterals. That is why they are literally called in TCM. 58.经络学说是研究人体经络的生理功能、病理变化及其脏腑相互关系的学说。

The meridian theory is to study the physiological functions and pathological changes of human meridians and their relationships with the viscera.


The three yang meridians of hand and the three yang meridians of foot are connected with each other in it, so “the head is the place where all kinds of yang meet”.


Qi and blood in the meridians circulate in cycles, without an end.


The six pathogenic factors are a collective term for six exogenous pathogens of wind, cold, summer-heat, dampness, dryness, and fire.


Pestilent pathogens are a kind of highly infectious pathogens, which are characterized by sudden onset, severe condition, fulminating infectivity and strong epidemicity.

63.七情内伤直接影响相应的内脏,使脏腑气机逆乱,气血失调,导致种种疾病的发生。The seven abnormal emotions often directly impair their related internal organs, leading to disorder of visceral qi, disharmony between qi and blood, and consequently bringing on diseases. 64.饮食不节主要是损伤脾胃,导致脾胃功能失常。

Immoderate diet mainly impairs the spleen and stomach, leading to dysfunction of them. 65.痰和饮都是水液代谢障碍所形成的病理产物。

Phlegm and stagnant fluid are both pathological substances caused by retention of water. 66.许多疾病的过程也就是邪正斗争及其盛衰变化的过程。

The course of many diseases is a process of combat between pathogenic factors and healthy qi as well as the ebb and flow of their strengths.


Predominance of pathogenic factors leads to excess while depletion of essence results in


When healthy qi triumphs over pathogenic factors, it will lead to improvement of or recovery from an illness.


Blood deficiency refers to a morbid state of blood insufficiency or hypofunction of blood to nourish.


Blood stasis with qi stagnation means that unsmooth flow of qi leads to disturbance of blood circulation.


Local pathological changes may involve the whole body and the viscera, which can be manifested in various aspects.


The four diagnostic methods were developed gradually in the long-term medical practice.


“False vitality” is a false manifestation of temporary vitality during the critica l stage of a disease. 74常色指人在正常生理状态时的面部色泽。

Normal complexion refers to the facial colors under physiological conditions.


Clinically, only combined use of the four diagnostic methods can enable one to perform the correct diagnosis.


The manifestations of a disease, though complicated, can be generalized into a certain pattern in the light of the eight principles.


Heat syndrome, characterized by hyperactivity of human functions, is caused by invasion of pathogenic heat or predominance of yang with decline of yin.


Deficiency syndrome is a pathological generalization of various manifestations due to deficiency of healthy qi.

79.实证是对人体感受外邪,或体内病理产物蓄积而产生的各种临床表现的病理概括。Excess syndrome is a pathological generalization of various manifestations caused by exogenous pathogens or accumulation of pathological substances in the body.


Deficiency of genuine yin or yang refers to insufficiency of kidney yin or yang.


The seasons and methods of collecting herbs vary with the parts used for medicinal purpose of the herbal plants.


Cold-natured herbs have the functions of clearing away heat, purging fire, and removing toxin. 83.热性药物具有祛寒、温里、助阳的作用。

Hot-natured herbs have the functions of expelling coldness, warming the interior and invigorating yang.


Herbs pungent in flavor have the functions of dispersing and promoting flow of qi and blood. 85.毒性剧烈的药物用量过多就会发生副作用或中毒。

Overuse of herbs with acute toxicity will cause side-effects or intoxication.


The science of prescription aims to study the combination of herbs, formulating rule of different herbs in a prescription, and clinical application and pharmacology of the compound prescription. 87.方剂组成发生变化后,其功用和主治也发生变化。

The function and indication of a prescription vary with the modification of its component herbs. 88.在主证不变的情况下,可随着症状的变化加入或减少某些药物以适应当前的病情。Some herbs can be added or deducted according to the changes of symptoms as the main syndrome is unchanged.


Those (prescriptions) that are mainly composed of pungent herbs with the function of dispersing exterior pathogens in treatment of exterior syndrome are called exterior syndrome-relieving prescription,


The herbs used in wind-expelling prescriptions are mostly bitter in flavor, warm and dry in property, and yang-lifting in function.


The therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion has a long history in clinical practice.


The common needle-inserting methods are classified as single-handed insertion and double-handed insertion.


The rotating technique refers to the manipulation of twisting the needle to and fro after inserting it into a certain depth.


Even reinforcing-reducing technique refers to the manipulation of lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating of the needle with moderate force and even frequency after inserting it, and then withdrawing it after the arrival of qi.


The therapy of moxibustion is usually applicable to the treatment of deficiency, cold and yin syndromes.


1. What is traditional Chinese medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with a history of thousands years, unique and integrated theoretical system, rich practical experience and good clinical effect, has been making great contribution to Chinese people’s health care and the development of Chinese nation, it is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases.

2. Do you know what the characteristics of TCM?

The characteristics of TCM is concept of holism and treatment based on Syndrome differentiation.

3.How do you understand the theory of yin and yang.

Yin and yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomena in nature. Yin yang oppose each other. Yin and yang depend on each other. Yin and yang wane and wax between each other. Yin and yang transform between each other. The theory of yin and yang permeates through all aspects of theoretical system of TCM, it serves to explain the organic structure, physiological function and pathological changes of the human body, and in addition guides clinical diagnosis and treatment..

4 .Please tell the order of restriction of the five elements

Restriction implies bringing under control or restraint. The restricting activity among the five elements follows a circular order: wood restricts earth, earth restricts water, water restrict fire, fire restricts mental, and mental in turn restricts wood. In this circular order, each of the five elements is marked by “being restricted” and “restricting”.

5 .What is the main function of liver and lung.

The main physiological function of the liver are to store blood, govern free flow of qi, control tendons also regulates the volume of blood in circulation and open into eyes.

The main physiological functions of the lung are to do dominate qi and control respiration, govern ascent, dispersion, purification and descent as well as regulate water passage. The lung is related to sorrow in emotions and the skin and hair in the exterior. The lung opens into the nose.

6 .What are the extraordinary fu-organs and why they are so called?

“Extraordinary fu-organs” including the brain, marrow, bones, ve ssels, gallbladder and uterus. They are similar to the fu-organs in morphology and to the zang-organs in function so it is called extraordinary fu-organs..

7 .What are the physiological functions of qi ?

The first is promoting. The second is warming. The third is defending. The fourth is consolidating. The fifth is transforming.

8.What are the relationships among qi and blood?

Qi is the commander of blood and blood is the mother of qi. (1) Qi generates blood. (2) Qi propels blood.( 3 )Qi commands blood. (4) Blood generates qi. (5) Blood carries qi.

9 .What is meridian system?

Meridian system is the most important part of TCM. It serves as the foundation for acupuncture, moxibustion, tuina and qigong.Its theory focuses on the study of the physiological functions and pathological changes of human body as a whole. The meridian system refers to the pathways for qi and blood to circulate in the whole body. The meridians can be classified into two categories, namely the regular meridians and the extraordinary meridians.

10.How many pathogenic factors are mentioned in the text? What are they?

1. abnormal changes of weather known as six excesses

2. pestilence--a kind of fulminating infectious pathogenic factors.

3. sudden, strong and continuous emotional stimulation.

4. improper diet or imbalanced diet

5. phlegm and fluid retention

6. static blood

11.Do you know anything about disharmony between yin and yang?

Disharmony between yin and yang refers to the relative exuberance or debilitation of yin and yang or failure of yin to control yang or yang to control yin due to various pathogenic factors. The pathological changes of disharmony between yin and yang mainly include relative exuberance,

relative debilitation, mutual consumption, mutual repulsion and depletion of yin and yang.

12 .What are the four diagnostic methods?

The four diagnostic methods include inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry as well as pulse-taking and palpation.

13.Do you know anything about eight principles?

The eight principles refer to yin and yang , exterior and interior , cold and heat as well as deficiency and excess. The manifestations of diseases, though complicated , can be generalized into certain patterns in the light of the eight principles.











经络不通的十四个常见症 状(图解) 《黄帝内经》说:“经脉者,所以能决死生,处百病,调虚实,不可不通。” 中医上常讲这样一句,通则不痛,通则不痛! 下面介绍一下经络不通的十四个常见症状:





五、足太阴脾经不通的常见症状:脘腹胀气吸收不良口淡;容易呕吐作闷容易倦怠虚胖;头胀头脑不清湿重脚肿便溏;关节酸胀糖尿病。 六、足阳明胃经不通的常见症状:喉咙痛胃痛怕热消化不良;倦怠膝关节酸痛便秘;唇干舌燥身体消瘦。 七、手少阴心经不通的常见症状:心烦心惊心悸心闷心痛;短气上气有压力感忧郁易怒;口腔溃疡口干口臭。 八、手太阳小肠经不通的常见症状:小腹绕脐而痛心翳闷头顶痛;容易腹泻手脚寒凉;吸收不良虚肥;肩周炎。 九、足太阳膀胱经不通的常见症状:恶风怕冷颈项不舒腰背肌肉胀痛;腰膝酸软静脉曲张尿频尿多;尿黄前列腺肥大。 十、足少阴肾经不通的常见症状:手足怕冷口干舌燥腰膝酸痛咽喉炎;月经不调性欲减退;前列腺肥大足跟痛尿频尿少尿黄。 十一、足少阳胆经不通的常见症状:口干口苦偏头痛容易惊悸;善叹息便溏便秘皮肤萎黄;消化不良关节痛脂肪瘤;痰湿结节积聚。 十二、足厥阴肝经不通的常见症状:口干口苦情志抑郁胸胁胀痛;眩晕血压不稳易怒冲动;皮肤萎黄易倦乏力前列腺肥大;月经不调乳房疾病。 十三、督脉不通的常见症状:虚寒怕冷手足不温疲劳乏力;颈椎痛腰椎痛痔疮便秘;阴阳失调。 十四、任脉不通的常见症状:怕热汗多阴阳失调月经不调;阳痿性冷淡消化不良胸翳气喘。


英语复习要点 听力:Exercise one Directions:In this part ,you will hear 5 short conversations. 1、A)Bob’ half sister B)Bob’ cousin C)Bob’s aunt D)Bob’s wife 2、A)8933466 B)8913462C)8913526 D)8913427 3、A) Teacher and student B) Doctor and patient C)Shop assistant and customer D)Husband and wife 4、A)20 B)18 C)19D)21 5、A)Buy some food B)Buy some fish C)Buy some flowers and fruit D)Buy some vegetables and fruit Exercise two Directions:In this part ,you will hear a long conversation. 6、A)He is very tired B)He is very busy C)He is very helpful D)He is very kind 7、A)$10 B)$20 C)$30 D)$ 40 8、A) Because he wants to go outside B)Because he wants to play with him C)Because he wants to borrow another $10 from him D)Because he wants to have dinner with him 9、A)Are you tired B)How much do you make an hour ? C) May I please borrow $10? D)Can I buy an hour of your time ? 选词填空: 1、I’ve never believed that the only way to get an education is to sit at a desk with four walls around you.The world is our classroom and our home ,a 41-foot sailing boat ,takes us there. My husband and I(1) dream (2)desire (3)added (4)intelligent (5)challenged (6)devised (7)choosing (8)topics (9)advantage (10)outweigh 2、women in the United States and in many other countries participate in a growing number of sports and games .This has not always been the case ,however. In fact, women have not been as (1) active (2)catch (3)image (4)delicacy (5)involved (6)view (7)allowed (8)considered (9)highly (10)different 完形填空: 1、We all have weaknesses and strengths -no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to 1)C the strengths and sometimes it’s the other way around . some people get 2)B easily. Some 3)D to manage their finances properly. Some people are 4)A communicators and struggle with relationships. (1)A、weigh B、weight C、outweigh D、under weigh (2)A、well B、sick C、excellent D、bad (3)A、struggled B、struggles C、struggling D、struggle (4)A、hopeless B、hopeful C、useless D、useful (5)A、receive B、adapt C、accept D、adult (6)A、using B、facing C、losing D、ending (7)A、tremendous B、wonderful C、real D、glorious (8)A、limit B、add C、increase D、declines (9)A、took part B、attended C、entered D、came


老年人常见症状的中医保健知识 一、腰腿痛 (一)临床表现:主要为腰腿部疼痛,或以腰酸腿软为特点,每遇阴雨天或腰部感寒后加剧,喜揉喜按,体倦乏力。 (二)保健要点 1.体穴疗法: 常用穴位:委中、犊鼻 定位:委中穴在腘横纹中点,当股二头肌腱与半腱肌肌腱的中间。犊鼻穴位于髌骨与髌韧带外侧凹陷中。正坐屈膝位,在髌骨下方,髌韧带外侧凹陷处取穴。 操作方法:可以用拇指点按双侧委中,点按的力量要适中。如此反复5~10次。10天1个疗程。患者也可自行按压。 2.体育康复法: 八段锦的“双手托天理三焦”和“左右开弓似射雕”。 太极拳、五禽戏均可使腰腿的筋骨得到缓和而充分的活动。体力较差者可练简化太极拳,如体力条件较好可练四十八式太极拳、五禽戏。 3.药物外敷法: 可用伸筋草、川断煎汤,取汁用毛巾在腰部湿敷,每次20分钟,每日2次。 如有腰痛以酸软为主,喜按喜揉,劳动后加重者,可用肉桂、生姜炒至热后以绢包裹熨痛处,冷后再炒热敷。 4.饮食疗法: 芝麻核桃粥:核桃仁(碾碎)、芝麻少许、大米100克,将核桃、芝麻、大米一起入锅加清水适量煮粥,煮熟即成。 枸杞羊肾粥:羊肾一个,枸杞子、大米,将羊肾、枸杞子、大米一起入锅加清水适量煮粥,煮熟即成。 以上两粥均具有补肾的作用。 5.足浴疗法: 药物:补骨脂、威灵仙,如有遇寒后腰痛加重,可加肉桂、川椒。 操作方法:将所有药物加水煎取3000ml,取药液置入药桶内,药液平面没膝,水温以40℃为宜,每次30~45分钟,以全身微微出汗为佳,日1~2次。 疗程:30天为一疗程。 注意:患严重心力衰竭、心肌梗死、有出血风险、皮肤破损或皮肤感染者不宜足浴,饭前、饭后30分钟不宜进行足浴。 二、失眠 (一)临床表现:表现为入睡困难,易醒,醒后不能再睡,严重者数日彻夜不睡。 (二)保健要点


英语期末复习要点 一、重点专业词汇 1睦邻运动 the settlement movement 2人际距离 3结构式访谈structured interview 4济贫法The Elizabeth Poor Law 5归属需要 6 文化惰性cultural inertia 7弱势群体 Vulnerable groups\disadvantaged groups 8抽样偏差sampling bias9刻板效应effect of stereotype 10人在情境中Person in situation 11教育不平等 12 情绪失常emotional disorder 13社会政策Social Policy 14 归属感 15 攻击行为aggressive behavior 16单亲家庭 a single-- parent family 17潜意识冲突 18情感交流affective interaction 19农民工Migrant workers 20态度改变 attitude change 21职业发展制度career development program 22社会排斥social exclusion 23威信型父母authoritative parent 24就业辅导career guidance 25社会融合social integration 26权力社会authoritative society 27情感教育affective education 28功能主义functionalist perspective 29平均寿命 30职业认同career identity 31镜中我 looking-glass self 32正强化刺激 positive reinforcing stimulus 33情感纽带affectional tie 34机械团结mechanical solidarity 35第一印象 primary impression 36知觉防卫机制perceptual defense mechanism 37积累经验 gather experience 38个人特征 individual characteristics 39情感性依附affectional attachment 40能力发展 41质量保证 42 反社会行为antisocial behavior 43青少年危机 44相对剥夺理论 relative deprivation theory 45趋近行为advent behavior 46样本观察sample observation 47 行为社会化behavior socialization 48行为塑behavior shaping 49被抽样总体sampled population 50身心问题Body-mind problem


第六讲归纳内容要点,概括中心意思 分析概括作者观点态度 (教案) 【解读考点】 所谓“归纳”就是把具体的内容加以抽象、提炼;所谓“要点”就是事情涉及的重要方面。“内容要点”就是通过归纳、总结分析事情的原因、结果、影响等。文章的内容可以是局部的,也可以是全文的。概括“中心意思”就是用简明的语言归纳文章的核心内容或作者的思想观点,其形式就是“通过什么,表现了什么,有什么影响”等。“作者观点态度”其实就是理解作者对文中涉及的某问题、某现象的看法。本考点是要求从整体上把握文意,对具体的内容加以概括,对复杂的内容加以整理。 【考查方式】 1、根据要求归纳要点: (1)试用自己的话归纳作者关于XX的感受; (2)作者从哪几个方面对XX进行描述; (3)从全文来看,作者的看法(感受)是什么; (4) 作者对XX的看法表现在哪些方面。 2、概括文章或文段的主旨 (1)试用一句话概括全文的主旨; (2)对某文段的概括最恰当的一项 (3)试用简洁的语言概括某段的内容。 3、分析归纳作者的观点态度 (1)下列表述符合(不符合)作者看法的一项 (2)文章阐述了作者对XX的看法,请简要概括。 (3)请分析概括作者对XX所持的态度(即归纳要点)。

【方法指导】 一、概括文章的中心思想 1、归纳内容的步骤。 【步骤】整体阅读,分清文体,理解文意(弄清作者写了人、物、事、理,怎么写的)——跳出文章,结合背景,整体把握主旨(文章涉及到哪些社会问题,有哪些潜台词,弦外音)——舍本逐末,归纳要点(把握文章的真意和灵魂,即作者写作的真实意图)。 科技文:说明对象是什么——有何特点——有何价值(对社会有何意义) 社科文:中心观点是什么——有无分论点——用什么材料论证——结构特点——语言特点 文学作品:写了什么人、事——人(事、物)有何特点——表达了什么感情——如何评价这些人。 2、明确主旨的角度。 (1)从文章的题目入手。如《古都的秋》作者借助对古都的秋景和景物的描写,揭示了古都的秋“来得清净、悲凉”的特点,抒发对古都的热爱。 (2)从开头、结尾入手。如《在马克思墓前的讲话》“这个人的逝世,对于欧美战斗的无产阶级,对于历史科学,都是不可估量的损失。这位巨人的逝世以后所形成的空白,不就就会使人感觉到。”“他的英名和事业将永垂不朽!”作者高度评价马克思对无产阶级、历史科学等方面的贡献,抒发对他的崇敬之情。 (3)从写作背景、文章关键句入手。如:“所以我们要运用脑髓,放出眼光,自己来拿。”《拿来主义》 作者针对如何批判继承文化遗产提出“拿来主义”的观点,主要从揭露“送去主义”、“送去者”与“送来”者的奴才主子关系、“送来者”的本来面目,批判对待文化遗产的三种态度等方面来阐述的。 (4)从散文的类型入手。 记叙类:以记人物叙事为主,主要看作者所写的人物的性格特点,把握画龙点睛的句子,分析赞扬了什么精神,鞭策了什么世风; 抒情类:以抒发作者主观的感情为主,主要看抒情的方式,直接还是间接。间接看是借景抒情还是托物言志、借古讽今,还看流露什么感情,阐发了什么哲理。(包括哲理散文) 议论类:以议论为主,主要看作者的观点,借助哪些生动形象的材料来论证的。


考前英语复习要点及方法分享 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 初三阶段的英语学习,同学们一方面仍在学习新的语言知识,另一方面也已进入了查漏补缺、归类总结的复习阶段。因此,同学们应学会做个有心人,把学校学习和自我学习,语法巩固和能力突破,学习新知识和复习旧知识有机地结合起来,不断丰富、充实自己的英语学习,以备战明年的中考。以下,笔者将为大家介绍一些初三英语学习的要点和方法。 错题集:临考前的“宝典” 上课的过程包括三个主要的环节:预习、上课和练习巩固。这三个环节构成一个完整的体系,缺一不可,都需要同学们认真去落实。预习帮助你了解教师的教学意图,使你有明确的学习目标,知道自己应做什么和怎么去做,为认真

上好课打下基础。上课时应集中注意力,主动配合老师完成各项教学活动。同时要善于做笔记,有选择性地把老师教授的重点、难点都记录下来。我们还应积极地回答问题,在口头表达中把新学的语言知识运用于实践,如小组对话、小品表演等,以加深我们的印象。做练习时应首先复习一遍所学的单词、语法,然后抛开课本、单词册和笔记,独立地完成练习,这样才能反映我们语言学习的真实掌握情况。同时,及时地批改和订正也是非常重要的。建议同学们应准备一本错题集或难题集,对所学的词汇、词性转换、时态、固定句型等都能有所积累,也使这本错题集成为自己临考前的“红宝书”。 制定适合自己的学习计划 客观地分析自己的英语能力和实际水平,从而制定出可操作、可实践的英语学习计划,对督促我们有效地提高英语成绩很有帮助。如某同学英语成绩中等,在请教过老师和分析过自己的英语

试卷后,他发现自己的语法基础知识部分答题情况良好,但阅读理解和写作部分失分较多。因此,他制定了一份英语学习的短期计划。即每天除完成老师布置的学习任务,他加强了课外阅读和英语写作的练习,力图使自己这两方面的能力有所突破。学习计划又可分为短期计划、中期计划和长期计划,它需要我们一面实践,一面及时总结和调整,记住:正确的学习计划+认真执行=梦想成真。 记单词有“窍门” 单词是英语学习的基础,它是垒起英语这座长城的坚硬的基石。初三复习阶段,单词的记忆是非常重要的。下面,笔者为大家介绍一些巧记单词的方法。 选择最佳记忆时间 每一个同学都有不同的记忆习惯和最佳记忆时间,通过实践摸索,同学们可以选择自己记忆效果最佳的时间。如每天清晨或每晚临睡以前,坚持每天背单词的习惯。


中医常见病症40种(中国中医药版) 中医常见病症(40项) 1、感冒1、风寒:辛温解表-宣肺散寒-荆防败毒散(荆芥、防风、生姜、柴胡、薄荷、川芎、桔梗、枳壳、茯苓、羌活、独活、甘草) 2、风热:辛凉解表-银翘散(银花、连翘、荆芥、薄荷、豆豉、芦根、牛蒡子、生甘草) 3、暑湿:清暑祛湿解表-新加香薷饮(银花、连翘、香薷、厚朴、扁豆) 4、气虚:益气解表-参苏饮 (人参、苏叶、葛根、前胡、法夏、茯苓、枳壳、橘红、桔梗、甘草、木香、生姜、大枣) 5、阴虚:滋阴解表-加减葳蕤汤(葳蕤、葱白、桔梗、白薇、豆豉、薄荷、炙草、大枣) 2、咳嗽:1、风寒袭肺:疏风散寒、宣肺止咳-三拗汤合止嗽散(麻黄、杏仁、甘草、紫苑、百部、荆芥、桔梗、陈皮、白前) 2、风热犯肺:疏风清热、宣肺止咳-桑菊饮(桑叶、菊花、薄荷、连翘、桔梗、杏仁、甘草、芦根) 3、风燥伤肺:疏风清肺、润燥止咳-桑杏汤(桑叶、豆豉、杏仁、象贝母、南沙参、梨皮、山栀) 4、痰湿蕴肺:燥湿化痰、理气止咳-二陈平胃散合三子养亲汤(半夏、茯苓、陈皮、甘草、苍术、厚朴、苏子、白芥子、莱菔子) 5、痰热郁肺:清热肃肺、豁痰止咳-清金化痰汤(桑白皮、黄芩、山栀、知母、瓜蒌、桔梗、麦冬、橘红、茯苓、甘草) 6、肝火犯肺:清肺泻肝、顺气降火-加减泻白散合黛哈散(桑白皮、地骨皮、知母、黄芩、甘草、桔梗、青皮、陈皮、青黛、海蛤壳) 7、肺阴亏耗:滋阴清热、化痰止咳-沙参麦冬汤(沙参、麦冬、花粉、玉竹、百合、桑叶、扁豆、甘草) 3、哮病:发作期:1、寒哮:温肺散寒、化痰平喘-射干麻黄汤(射干、麻黄、干姜、细辛、半夏、紫菀、款冬、五味子、甘草、大枣)小青龙汤2、热哮;清热宣肺、化痰定喘-定喘汤(麻黄、黄芩、桑白皮、杏仁、半夏、款冬花、苏子、白果、甘草)3、寒包热哮:解表散寒、清热化痰—小青龙加石膏汤(麻黄、桂枝、芍药、甘草、干姜、细辛、半夏、五味子、石膏) 4、风痰哮:祛风涤痰、降气平喘—三子养亲汤(白芥子、苏子、莱菔子) 5、虚哮:补肺纳肾、降气化痰—平喘固本汤(党参、五味子、冬虫夏草、胡桃肉、沉香、灵磁石、脐带、苏子、款冬花、法夏、橘红)缓解期:1、肺脾气虚证:健脾益气、补土生金-六君子汤(党参、白术、茯苓、陈皮、法夏、甘草)2、肺肾两虚证:补肺益肾-生麦地黄汤合金水六君煎(人参、麦冬、五味子、地黄、山茱萸、山药、茯苓、丹皮、泽泻、半夏、陈皮、甘草) 4、喘证:实喘:1、风寒壅肺;宣肺散寒-麻黄汤和华盖散(麻黄、桂枝、杏仁、甘草、桑白皮、紫苏子、赤茯苓、陈皮)2、表寒里热;解表清里、化痰平喘-麻杏石甘汤3、痰热郁肺;清热化痰、宣肺平喘-桑白皮汤桑白皮、黄芩、黄连、栀子、贝母、杏仁、苏子、半夏)4、痰浊阻肺;化痰降逆、宣肺平喘-二陈汤合三子养亲汤(半夏、陈皮、茯苓、苏子、白芥子、莱菔子) 5、肝气郁痹;开郁降气、宣肺平喘—五磨饮子(沉香、木香、槟榔、乌药、枳壳)虚喘:1、肺气虚耗:补肺益气养阴-生脉散合补肺汤(人参、黄芪、麦冬、熟地、五味子、紫苑、桑白皮)2、肾虚不纳:补肾纳气-金匮肾气丸合参蛤散(熟地、山药、枣皮、茯苓、丹皮、泽泻、桂枝、附子、人参、蛤蚧) 3、正虚喘脱: 扶阳固脱、镇摄肾气—参附汤(人参、附子)送服黑锡丹(黑锡、生硫磺、川楝子、葫芦巴、木香、制附子、肉豆蔻、补骨脂、沉香、小茴香) 5、肺胀1外寒内饮:温肺散寒,降逆涤痰-小青龙汤(麻黄、桂枝、干姜、细辛、半夏、甘草、五味子、白芍)2痰热郁肺:宣肺泄热,降逆平喘-越婢加半夏汤(麻黄、石膏、生姜、半夏、甘草、大枣)3痰瘀阻肺:涤痰祛瘀,泻肺平喘-葶苈大枣泻肺汤合桂枝茯苓丸。(葶苈子、大枣、桂枝、茯苓、丹皮、桃仁、赤芍4痰蒙神窍:涤痰,开窍,熄风-涤痰汤、安


摘要 摘要( abstract) 也称为内容提要,通常在学术论文中都必须附有摘要,其位子应放在论文的正文之前,对整个论文内容的概述。无论对专业读者还是对非专业读者而言,摘要都是一个非常重要的文件。 摘要如果和论文一起发表,则被称为一次性出版物摘要,主要用于帮助读者评价文章内容及其潜在作用,使读者不必阅读全文就可以了解论文的内容。除此之外,摘要也可以被单独收入文摘机构出版的摘要期刊如:生物学文摘(Biological Abstract)、化学文摘(Chemical Abstract)等,称为二次性出版物摘要。此类脱离论文独立成篇的摘要主要用于方便读者检索文摘、收集信息,帮助研究者寻找新的研究领域。 1.1 摘要的定义 摘要的英文术语:有两个词汇,一个是 abstract, 一个是 summary 根据美国国家标准学会 ( American National Standards Institute ) 于1971年通过并颁布的《美国国家文摘写作标准》(American National Standards for Writing Abstracts)规定,abstract 不应与 summary 混同。

Abstract 对一篇论文的主要内容以精炼的文字进行高度概括,使读者不必阅读论文全文即可迅速了解论文内容,或者让读者对即将阅读的文章有思想准备,或者让读者判断是否有通读全文的必要。文中只对论文信息进行浓缩,而不加主观评论或解释,可以脱离原文而独立成篇。字数通常在100 –150 个词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的1% - 5%(有的杂志规定摘要平均为全文的 3% - 5% )。现在越来越多的用法是abstract。尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用abstract 这个术语,在论文的题目下也通常要用这个词。 Summary (概要) 与 abstract 无明显差别。严格地说,summary 一般附在论文的后面,对论文的主要结论和成果进行再叙述。其前提是读者已经通读的全文,通过summary 来巩固论文的主要论点和成果。在某些论文中,用summary取代正文中的conclusion部分。Summary是论文的“缩影”,可以概括论文的全部内容,只是在删繁就简上下功夫,字数长短不一,少则两三句话,多则500个单词甚至更长.美国的一些高校规定,说是论文提要(summary)以250词左右为宜,而博士论文提要以350词左右为宜。博士会议论文的提要一般规定为300 – 500词或1000个印刷符号。 至于究竟采用什么形式,要根据征稿简则而定。一般说来,国际学术会议论文集要求按Summary方式来写摘要,而正式出版发行的刊物要求不禁一致。对于个别论文还见有前面为


2015年高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛A题评阅要点[说明]本题要点仅供参考,各赛区评阅组应根据对题目的理解及学生的解答,自主地进行评阅 本题要求根据视频中物体的太阳影子,建立数学模型确定视频拍摄地点和日期,主要考察学生关于空间几何问题的建模能力以及非线性优化问题的求解能力,对求解精度具有一定要求。 评阅时应注意:“北京时间”与“北京当地时间”的不同,经度与时间的关系,关于春分、秋分、冬至、夏至的近似对称性等。大气折射会导致太阳高度角产生一定偏转,所以考虑大气折射情况的模型更佳。 对能够自行构造数据进行模型检验的论文,应给予较好的评价。 问题1 在已知拍摄时间及地点的条件下求影子长度的数学模型,并分析长度关于日期、时间、经纬度等参数的变化规律,有较多的参考文献给出这一问题的模型,如直接采用文献中的模型,应指明其出处。 问题2 在已知物体影子顶点真实坐标及拍摄日期与北京时间的条件下,根据问题1得到的影子长度变化模型,反解出维度及当地时间,根据当地时间和北京时间之间的关系确定经度,附件1的位置是(109.50E,18.30N)。 评阅应以模型和方法为主,结果仅作为参考。要尽可能使用所给数据的全部信息。 问题3 余问题2相比,问题3的拍摄日期未知,反演难度有所增加,同时使用长度和角度信息反演效果更好。附件2的位置是(79.750E,39.520N),日期是7月20日,附件3的位置是(110.250E,29.390N),日期是1月20日。 由于日期相近的影子长度和角度变化较小,导致参数反演问题的近似解较多,可以将日期,经纬度一定范围内的结果都认为是近似正确的。 评阅应以模型和方法为主,结果仅作为参考。 问题4 建立影子顶点大地坐标与视频坐标之间的关系,然后反演模型中的参数。由于反演参数的增加,以及视频数据提取时产生的误差,导致模型求解精度下降,确定拍摄地点的难度增加。 评阅时主要关注模型和方法是否合理正确,结果仅作为参考。 反演模型中的参数:?


小学英语语法汇总 一、时态 1.一般现在时 (1)表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用“usually通常, often常常, every…每…, sometimes有时,always总是,”等词。 (2)基本结构: I / You / We / They He / She / It 肯定句动词原形动词第三人称单数形式 否定句don’t + 动原doesn’t + 动原 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Do… ? Yes, I do.Does…(动词原形)…?No,she doesn’t. 特殊疑问句What do …?How does she…(动词原形)…? (3) 动词第三人称单数形式(同名词单数变成复数方法相同) 1 一般情况+s 如:walk-walks 2. 辅音字母+y结尾去y +ies fly-flies 3. 结尾是s, x,sh, ch +es watch-watches 4. 特殊的do-does ,have-has, go-goes 2.现在进行时, (1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now现在, look看,linsen听”. (2)基本形式:be + 动词ing eg: I am(not) doing my homework. You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating. What are you doing? Is he reading? (3)动词的现在分词形式(动词+ing) 一般情况+ing walk—walking 结尾是不发音的e -e + ing come—coming 重读闭音节双写最后一 个字母+ing run-running swim-swimming 3. 一般过去时 (1)表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用“last …上一个…, just now刚才, a moment ago刚才,yesterday昨天”等词。(2)be 动词的过去式: am/is—was are—were (3)过去式基本结构 肯定句(Positive)动词过去式I went shopping last night. 否定句(Negative) Didn’t + 动词原形I didn’t go shopping last night. 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Did …+ 动词原形…?Did you go shopping last night? 特殊疑问句(wh-) What did…+ 动词原形…?What did you do last night? (4)词过去式的变化: 规则动词的变化: 一般动词+ed planted,watered,climbed 以不发音的e结尾+d liked 辅音字母加y结尾-y+ ied study—studied, cry- cried 重读闭音节单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写最后一个 字母+ed stop –stopped plan - planned


2020高考英语概要写作、读后续写专题讲解与复习 “概要写作”重点考查考生理解和呈现原文要点和准确使用词汇和语法结构的能力。要求学生客观并且简练的概括出原文,而且要保证故事的完整连贯,逻辑通顺。(这类题型相对来说比较简单;考察三方面的能力:1. 找关键词的能力;2. 把关键词写成正确句子的能力;3. 把句子写成合理的段落的能力) 读后续写主要关注学生以下四个方面的能力: ①把握短文关键信息和语言特点的能力。学生需要了解所给短文的主要内容,清楚其关键词和语言结构的使用情况,并通过续写短文表现出来。 ②语言运用的准确性和丰富性。学生能准确、恰当地使用所学词汇和语言结构,还能够根据内容需要使用较多、较复杂的词汇和语言结构。 ③对语篇结构的把控能力。学生需要掌握上下文逻辑关系,所续写的短文与所给短文及段落开头语之间要有连贯性,所续写的短文内语句要连贯、有序。 ④创造性思维能力。学生所续写的短文要具有较丰富的内容,包含详细和生动的情景、态度和感情描述。 ] 读后续写解题思路 ◆续写思路 和以往的高考英语命题作文不同,读后续写要求考生首先要读懂已有

信息,不仅要读懂字面含义,还要厘清文章的脉络和关系。续写这篇短文时,考生需要明白故事的发展进程、前因后果、地理位置变化、人物情感等。在此基础上,考生顺着文章的思路,根据线索,发挥想象,对其后的情节进行合理预测,并用英语表达出来。同时,在组织语言时,切记使用5个以上给出的提示词。 ◆续写分析 若已知线索:去西部荒野——体验农场生活——骑马去森林 (父亲带作者去“西部荒野”,喂鸡牧羊,体验农场生活;见父亲和叔叔骑马很是潇洒,作者心生向往,于是亲身上马体验,和父亲一同骑马走向森林……) | 可续写线索:迷路?找到回农场的方法?回到农场? 1. 第一段所给首句“Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.”这一句是故事发展的转折点,可从兔子出现后带来的结果入手扩展开去,可以写马受到惊吓狂奔而去,也可以写因追赶兔子而迷路,无论从何角度拓展,需注意与续写第二段首句呼应。 2. 第二段所给首句“We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.”这一句呼应前文Uncle Paul的嘱托——不要误了晚饭、不要迷路,可以从如何寻路返回入手去写续文。前文提示农场附近有河流,并且river为标有下划线的关键词语,所以可以从沿着河流回到农场的角度拓展。


2017高教社杯全国大学生数学建模竞赛A 题评阅要点 [说明]本要点仅供参考,各赛区评阅组应根据对题目的理解及学生的解答,自主地进行评阅。 CT 系统参数标定及成像 根据图1所示的二维平行光CT 系统成像过程和模板(附件1)及其接收数据(附件2),建立数学模型标定CT 系统的各个参数。进一步根据标定的系统参数,对附件3和附件4进行成像。 问题1 建立基于正方形托盘下待重建物体与接收信息之间关系的数学模型,并分析在所给模板下接收数据关于系统参数的变化规律。接收信息与X 射线经过介质的长度成正比,根据附件1中模板介质的吸收率为1,可以得到系统的放大增益。若仅仅采用CT 相关参考文献给出的通用性的线积分模型,不根据所给模板给出具体的数学模型,仅仅用非线性优化方法对所有参数一起求解,一般不可能得到系统参数中旋转角度的精准标定。 间距0.2768 x 29.6463o y (-9.2663,6.2729)

上图给出了所建立的坐标系和第一个旋转角度的示意图。旋转中心为( 9.2663, 6.2729),旋转中心到探测器的垂足离探测器左端点的距离为70.7107,探测器单元的间距为0.2768,增益(即信号的放大倍数)为 1.7725。前几个旋转角度分别为29.6463o,30.9999o,31.5553o,32.6447o,33.6770o,34.6463o,35.6463o;第16个旋转角度为44.7967o;第32个旋转角度为60.5453o;第89个旋转角度为117.4437o;最后两个旋转角度为207.6463o,208.6358o。 探测器的位置大都是在前一个位置的基础上逆时针旋转1o。 问题2根据问题1得到的系统参数,对另外一组接收数据进行重建。 可以采用一般的CT重建模型,但应注意CT的旋转中心不在正方形托盘的中心,需要进行处理。一般的CT重建模型是求解第一类积分方程,属于近似解法,本题需要针对待重建介质几何形状为椭圆且吸收率为分片常数这种特殊性质,对成像模型和算法进行改进。 也可以使用数学软件中的命令来完成,但此时可能会出现重构图像平移和旋转,应说明如何处理。 重构图像为


归纳内容要点,概括中心思想 本考点要求归纳某一段落的思想内容或整篇材料的中心。这是检测考生对一篇阅读材料整体理解程度的主要手段,也就是测试考生是否真正读懂了文章。同时,它还检测考生的表达,要求能按照题干的指令进行归纳概括。分析归纳内容要点和中心思想,需要阐释能力和综合能力。即求考生能真正读懂文章能把文章的内容转化成自己的认知,在完成这一思维行为之后还必须具备语言的转化能力,也就是能把文中的内容(“原话”)变成自己的话。 对具体的内容能够准确地加以概括,提炼出它的核心,这是一种抽象的概括能力;对抽象的内容能够加以阐发,使之具体化,即利用具体的材料或经验作出解释,这是一种形象发散思维能力;对含蓄的语句加以解释即结合具体语境分析,揭示语句的深层含义和言外之义,以便更好地把握作者的思想,准确理解作品。 分析归纳,需要准确地分析、归纳中心思想。首先要弄懂句与句之间的关系,段与段、层与层之间的关系,并通过分析,抓住各部分里最主要、最本质的信息然后用自己的语言归纳概括出来。 读懂作者的心思,把握文章的中心,是答题的前提。面对具体的问题,还要注意答题的角度和技巧。这一点我们可以借鉴以往命题及答案,揣摩答题思路。具体地说,可以重点注意以下几个方面。 1.逐点梳理,压缩归纳。这个方法主要针对材料内容丰富,答题“点”比较清晰的试题而言。对“点”较丰富的材料,答题注意一个个“点”依次梳理过去,对每一个“点”加以适当压缩提炼即可。如2004江苏19: (4).草堂足供观赏,甬道曲折,尽可徜徉,更何况又是细雨迷蒙,黄叶铺地!草堂,草堂,此时此际的草堂在诉说什么呢?从开元到天宝,《壮游》,《三吏》《三别》,《北征》,《秋兴八首》,直到《茅屋为秋风所破歌》……一代诗史再现了一个时代,仅这些就足以彪炳青史了。这是杜甫的不朽,这是杜甫的辉煌,这也是杜甫的价值所在。舍此,我们又何以了然在一个大起大落的时代里,有一个愈老大愈清瘦愈苦寒的杜工部!这些是不必说的。但仅仅如此,就远不能了然杜甫诗歌抑郁沉雄的内在生命力,也远不能了然士人的用世之志与命运悲剧。这正是文章憎命达的命意所在,是其深层的人生意蕴所在,也是中国历史上人才的成就与命运的二律悖反。 从文章第四段看,“草堂在诉说什么呢?”请根据文意概括回答。(4分) 【答案】①一代诗史再现了一个时代,②杜甫的苦寒人生;③中国历史上人才成就与命运的二律悖反(矛盾冲突),或作“中国历史上士人用世之志与命运悲剧”。 【分析】本节文字有一系列标识性词语,考生只要较好地把握文章中这些标识性词语,就能准确归纳作者述说的要点。问号后到“仅这些就足以”“这是……这是……”“这也是……”是一层,这一层叙说杜甫诗歌创作的成就、意义,这一层意义考生比较容易掌握。“舍此,我们又何以了然在一个大起大落的时代里,有一个愈老大愈清瘦愈苦寒的杜工部!”这是第二层意思,这一层的意思是,通过杜甫草堂,通过杜甫的诗歌,我们还可以看到杜甫的苦寒人生。“这些是不必说的”这一提示语说明前面两层意思还


Unit1 When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? 一、单词与短语 January一月February二月March三月April四月 May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月 December十二月spring春天summer夏天autumn秋天winter冬天warm暖和的hot炎热的cool凉爽的cold寒冷的season季节when什么时候where哪里why为什么 in在[某月、某年、某季节等] 二、句型与语法 1.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? It’s in ...(月份)./In ...(月份)./My birthday is in ...(月份). 扩展: your When is (男人名)’s/his birthday? (女人名)’s/her My It’s in...(月份)./In ...(月份)./ His birthday is in ...(月份). Her 2.Happy birthday!生日快乐! Thank you./Thanks.谢谢。 3.Where are you from?你来自哪里? I’m from China./I am from China./China.我来自中国。 4.How old are you?你多大?(how old 用来问年龄) I’m twelve./I’m twelve years old. 5.Have you got ...?你有...吗? Yes,I have./No,I haven’t. 例:Have you got a pet? Yes,I have./No,I haven’t. 6.Do you like...?你喜欢...吗? Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 例:Do you like spring?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.


如何归纳概括内容要点 一、归纳概括内容要点的两个意识和两种基本形式 阅读下面的文字,完成文后题目。 卷轴提供的形制,保障了舒卷的权力和自由,而在长幅横式的卷轴作品中,舒卷过程本身就是观看活动的一个介入因素:它拒绝对全幅作即时性的呈现,而对观看范围进行必要的控制,使观看成为一个历时性的过程。具体而言,这类作品展示时,作品左侧部分随着观看的进行被陆续打开,与此同时,右侧部分则被不断收起,观看者视野所及,就是“舒”和“卷”所呈现的自然范围(约为一个手臂的长度)。这种观看方式,要求作品在展示过程中体现出“段落感”,以使观看者视野中的图像保持一个相对完整而又不完全重复的空间。这样的段落空间是逐步呈现和不断变换的,因而是由时间统领和支配之下的空间。这是此类卷轴作品与静态展示的油画作品的重要差别。 (节选自姜勇《舒卷的粉墙》,有删改) 1.概括该段的主要内容。 (2012·福建)阅读下面的文字,完成文后题目。 蟋蟀之话夏丏尊 ①鸣虫是秋季的报知者。 ②蟋蟀的鸣声,本质上与鸟或蝉的鸣声大异其趣。鸟或蝉的鸣声是肉声,而蟋蟀的鸣声是器乐。鸟的鸣声是和人的叫唱一样,同是由声带发出的,其鸣声虽较人的声音有变化,但既同出于肉质的声带,与人声究有共同之点。蝉虽是虫类,其鸣声由腹部之声带发出,也可以说是肉声。 ③蟋蟀等秋虫,雄性的鸣声比之鸟或蝉的鸣声,是技巧的,而且是器械的。它们的鸣声由翅的鼓动发生。用显微镜检查时,可以看见翅的特别的发音装置,前翅的里面有着很粗糙的状部,另一前翅之端又具有名叫“硬质部”的部分,两者磨擦就发出声音。前翅间还有一处薄膜的部分,叫做“发音镜”,这是造成特殊的音色的机关。秋虫因了这些部分的本质和构造,与发音镜的形状,各奏出其独特的音乐。其音乐较诸鸟类与别的虫类,有着如许的本质的差异。 ④螽斯①与蟋蟀的发音样式大同小异。螽斯左前翅在上,右前翅在下;蟋蟀反之。螽斯的状部在左翅,硬质部在右翅;而蟋蟀则两翅有着同样的构造。此外尚有不同的一点:螽斯之翅耸立作棱状,其发音装置的部分较狭;蟋蟀二翅平叠,因之其发音部分亦较为发达。在音色上,螽斯所发的音乐富于野趣,蟋蟀的音乐却是技巧的。 ⑤无论鸟类、螽斯或蟋蟀,能鸣只有雄,雌是不能鸣的。这全是性的现象,雄以鸣音诱雌。它们的鸣,和南欧人在恋人窗外所奏的夜曲同是哀切的恋歌。蟋蟀是有耳朵的,说也奇怪,蟋蟀的耳朵不在头部,倒在脚上。它们共有三对脚,在最前面的脚的胫节部,有附着薄膜的细而长的小孔,这就是它们的耳朵。它们用了这“脚耳”来听对手的情话。石块或落叶丛中是它们的生活的舞台,它们在这里恋爱,产卵,以至于死。 ⑥蟋蟀的恋爱生活和其他动物及人类原无大异,可是有一极有兴趣的现象:它们是极端的女尊男卑的。试把雌雄二蟋蟀放入小瓦器中,彼此先用了触角探知对方的存在以后,雄的即开始鸣叫。这时的鸣声与在田野时的放声高吟不同,是如泣如诉的低音,与其说是在伺候雌的意旨,不如说是一种哀恳的表示。雄的追逐雌的,把尾部向雌的接近,雌的犹淡然不顾。于是雄的又反复其哀诉,雌的如不称意,犹是淡然。雄的哀诉,直至雌的自愿接受为止。雄蟋蟀在交尾终了后,不久就要遇到悲哀的运命——所存在者只翅或脚的碎片而已。 ⑦蟋蟀产卵,或在土中,或在树干与草叶上。雌蟋蟀在产卵时,先用产卵管在土中试插,及找到了适当的场所,就深深地插入,同时腹部大起振动。产卵管是由四片细长的薄片合成的,卵泻出极速,状如连珠,卵尽才把产卵管拔出。一个雌蟋蟀可产卵至三百以上。雌蟋蟀于产卵后亦即因饥寒而死灭,所留下的卵,至次年初夏孵化。 ⑧蟋蟀在昆虫学上属于“不完全变态”的一类,由卵孵化出来的若虫②差不多和其父母同形,只不过翅与产卵管等附属物未完全而已。这情形和那蝶或蝇等须经过幼虫、蛆蛹、成虫的三度变态的完全两样。(像蝶或蝇等叫做“完全变态”的昆虫。)自若虫变为成虫,其间经过数次的脱皮,身体的各部逐渐完成。变为成虫以后,经过四五日即能鸣叫,其时期因温度地域种类个体而不同,大概在立秋前后。 它们由此再像其先代的样子,歌唱,恋爱,产卵,度其一生。(选自《名物采访》,有删改) [注]①螽斯:昆虫,身体绿色或褐色,触角呈丝状。②若虫:不完全变态类(渐变态)昆虫的幼体。 2.根据全文,概括蟋蟀的生命历程。
