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本次课标题:Unit 6 Trade

(Start ing up / Vocabulary / Read ing)

1. Greet the stude nts and in troduce the aims of this class

2. Warmer.

3. Overview.

4. Quotati on: Every time we buy a foreig n car we put some one else out of work.

5. Starting up: students discuss questions about imports and exports. They also complete a chart placing countries according to natural resources and economic wealth.

6. Vocabulary: Students study some useful words, phrases and collocations for talk ing about intern ati onal trade.

7. Reading: Students read an application for a letter of credit, complete a form, an swer comprehe nsion questi ons and write a letter.

Teacher's Resource Book (高等教育出版社)


能 力 训

练 任 务 及 过 程


Period I:

Part D

Allow a few minu tes for discussi on in groups, the n ask stude nts to talk about their ideas in ope n classes. The questi on stude nts are discuss ing here is one to which no one knows the an swer. Various suggesti ons have bee n put forward-historical accide nts, culture etc.

Step Three

Step Four Step Five Vocabulary: Free trade

This section introduces some basic vocabulary which is useful to discuss the topic of intern ati onal trade.

Part A

Part B

Divide the class into small groups to discuss the follow-up questi ons.

Part C

1) Students work through Exercise C in pairs, going on to Exercise D when they have

fini shed.

Part D

To break into a market

To carry out a market survey

To place an order

To meet a delivery date

To quote a price

To arrange in sura nee cover

To comply with regulati ons


exporter or importer




exporter or importer

exporter or importer

Readi ng: Letters of credit

Letters of credit are used in international trade to guarantee payments. The importer ' account is debited by the agreed amount of money. His or her bank then instructs a correspondent bank abroad to make the money available to the exporter. This reading sect ion is based on a letter from an exporter request ing the bank to ope n a letter of credit. Students extract information to complete a form, answer comprehension questions and write a letter.

Part A

Exporter: Julia n Mon tero Goods: red & white wines

Importer: Conno isseur Qua ntity: 500 cases

Value: US$ 50,000

Method of payme nt: irrevocable letter of credit

Docume nts required: four clea n copies of the Bills of Ladi ng

Con tract restricti on: no part shipme nts

Part B

An swers:

1 in 30 days

2 brands and qua ntities

3 Julian Mon tero

4 A copy of the letter to the corresp ondent bank in Arge nti na

Part C

1) Tell stude nts to read through the in struct ions to Exercise C, the n make sure they un

dersta nd by ask ing them to tell you what they have to do.

2) Stude nts work through the match ing exercise in dividually, check ing their an swers in pairs whe n they have fini shed.
