

1.------I’d like to invite you to dinner this Sunday, Mr. Brown?

------I’m sorry, but I’ve other plan.

2.------I’m sorry I’ve broken your glass.

------Not at all. That’s an old one.

3.------Is there anything else you want to buy?

------No, I have got everything.

4.------ It’s very important for everyone in the world to save water.

------I agree with you.

5.------Shall we meet at ten to six?

------That would be nice.

6.------Windy, isn’t it?

------Yes, it is.

7.------Excuse me, may I take this seat?

------Sorry, the seat is taken.

8.------What do you like best in sports?

------Actually I like to play volleyball.

9.------I really should be off now?

------Could you stay a little longer?

10.------Let me congratulate you on winning the first prize in the English Competition.

------Thank you very much!

11.------How nice your piano is!

------Thank you.

12.------Would you please turn down the music?

------I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you.

13. ------I’ve lost my pickup camera. How unlucky I am!

------I’m sorry to hear that.

14.------Do you mind if I smoke here?

------No, I don’t mind a bit!

15.------Sorry I’ve interrupted you.

------That’s all right.

16.------Good morning. May I help you?

------No, thank you.

17.------Could you take out the coat in the bag for me?

------With pleasure.

18.------I have no idea what I’m going to do.

-----Why not go to the library.

19.------Would you like an apple?

------Yes, I’d love to, but not now.

20.------What date are you coming back, Tim?

------On the nineteenth, June.

21.------Hello! I’d like to speak to Mary, please?

------Mary speaking.

22.------Would you like to watch a football match?

------Sor ry, I’m busy at the moment.

23.------I’m sorry I cannot help you now. I’m busy at the moment. I could do it tomorrow if you like.

------That’s OK. Thanks any way.

24.------I’d like to have a cup of coffee, Miss.

------Pardon me.

25.------It’s really cold tonight.

------Yes, it is, isn’t it?

26.------May I use your computer for a while?

------Sure, go ahead.

27.------I beg your pardon?

------I said, “Here is a postcard for you.”

28.------Have a good day, Miss Chen.

------You too.

29.------What’s the weather like today?

------It’s foggy.

30.------Why don’t you buy some flowers for him?

------That’s a good idea.

31.------Is your son better now?

------Yes, much better. Thanks a lot.

32.------How much do the vegetables cost?

------20 dollars.

33.------What do you find hardest in English?


34.------I’d li ke to invite you to dinner this Saturday evening, Miss Green?

------I’m very sorry, but I have other plans.

35.------Do you think I could borrow your notebook?

------Yes, help yourself.

36.------What is Smith like?

------He isn’t handsome.

37.------I passed the College Entrance Examination.


38.------I feel a bit hungry.

------Why don’t you have some bread?

39.------Do you have any objection to my plan?

------No, of course not.

40.------I’m afraid I can’t go to the concert with you.

------What a shame!

41.------Sorry, I cannot go and enjoy your play tonight.

------What a pity!

42.------I’m Tim, from Australia.

------Nice to meet you.

43.------Would you please give us a talk on modern art?

------I would like to, but I’m not free these days.

44.------Is Professor Smith going to attend the meeting this afternoon?

------I’m afraid not. He’s gone to Beijing.

45.------Do you mind if I use your pocket computer?

------No, do as you please!

46.------Your French is very good.

------Do you think so?

47.------Tha nk you. It’s really a nice gift.

------I’m glad you like it.

48.------Would you like some coffee?

------Yes, please.

49.------Thank you for showing me around your campus.

------It’s my pleasure.

------Hi, Jack.

------Hi, Jane.

50.------It is warm today, isn’t it?

------Yes, it is.

51.------You look very nice in this jacket.

------Thank you.

52.------Hurry up, or you’ll be late.

------I’m coming.

53.------What did you think of the film?

------Very interesting.

54.------How long will you stay in Shanghai?

------Two weeks.

55.------I like the color of your dress.

------Thank you.

56.------What day is today?


57.------Is it your birthday today?

------No, I think it’s Lucy’s.

58.------Excuse me, may I ask a question?

------Yes, what is it?

59.------ How about going for a walk?

------That’s a good idea.

60.------ Peter, you play football very well.

------Thank you.

61.------How tall is your brother?

------He’s taller than you.

62.------How is your headache?

------About the same.

63.------Excuse me.


64.------What’s the postage for the card to America?

------I’ll have to weigh it first.

65.------Lovely day, isn’t it?

------Yes, it is.

66------Shall I repeat the sentence, Miss?

------Go ahead, please.

67------Do let me know if you want any help?

------It’s kind of you, thank you.

68------It’s your birthday today. Happy birthday to you!

------Thank you.

69------How about these pens? They are five yuan each.

------Good, I’ll take two of them.

70------What’s wrong with your car?

------A window is broken.

71------Can your brother drive?

------No, he’s too young.

72------Do you take sugar or milk with your tea?


73------How are you going to spend this weekend?

------I don’t have any special plans yet.

74------You missed the concert, I suppose.

------Yes. I hope I’ll have another chance later. 75------Can you wait a moment?

------I’m afraid I can’t.

76------I think I have to leave now.

------Must you go so soon?

77------Let’s call a t axi and go straight there.

------Good idea.

78------How well you speak English!

------Thank you.

79------Where can I make a phone call?

------In the teacher’s office.

80------Hello. How’s everything with you?

------Fine, thanks. How about you?

81------I’d like to borrow a book on Chinese history.

------OK. On the second shelf on the left.

82------Could you play a game of chess with me?

------I’m sorry. I’m busy now.

83------What a nice day! Shall we go fishing this evening?

------It sounds a good idea.

84------Happy New Year!

------The same to you.

85------I’m sorry to take your seat by mistake.

------It doesn’t matter.

86------Hello, Mr. Black.

------Hello, Mr. Smith.

87 ------Excuse me, is it the right way to the bank?

------Yes, it is that way, about two hundred meters away. 88------What time is it by your watch?

------Sorry, my watch has stopped.

89------Shall we go shopping this afternoon?

------I’d rather stay at home.

90------I’ll turn my tape-recorder down a bit?

------That’s kind of you.

91------Aren’t you going to the movie tonight?

------Yes, I am.

92------Do you think it will rain this afternoon?

------Yes. The sky looks rather grey.

93------Please get me an ice-cream.

------OK. Here you are.

94------Why didn’t you hand in your homework?

------But I did, sir.

95------Let’s visit the newly-built museum tomorrow, shall we?

------All right.

96------I had a bad cold.

------Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

97------Do you enjoy travelling by bicycle?

------Only when the weather is good.

98------Sorry, I broke your cup while I was cleaning the table.

------That’s all right.

99------What’s the weather like in summer here?

------It’s pleasant.

100------Sorry to have taken up too much of your time.

------That’s OK.

1------Can I help you?

------I’d like to have some bananas.

2------Is that 62339709?

------Sorry, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

3------I attended your English Evening last week.

------So glad to know you were there.

4------You like to play football, don’t you?

------No. I prefer basketball to football.

5------I’m going to the library. Anything I can do for you?

------Could you return these books for me?

6------What’s wrong with you, Miss Li?

------I’m not feeling wel l today.

7------How is your family?

------They are all fine, thanks.

8------Would you please say it again?

------All right.

9------David, I’d like you to meet Miss Joan, my friend.

------How do you do? Nice to meet you.

10------How are you doing these days, Baker?

------Not very well, I’m afraid.

11------Have you ever been to Australia?

------No, I have never been there.

12------Thank you for your good present.

------My pleasure.

13------Could you pass me the salt?


14------Your eyesight is getting worse. Why don’t you wear a pair of glasses?

------Yes, I suppose I’d better.

15------What does he look like?

------He is a short man with a big nose.

16------Which subject do you prefer, maths or physics?

------I think maths is rather boring.

17------What sort of job will you do when you leave here?

------I hav en’t quite decided yet.

18------You know Tom and Marry, don’t you?

------We met at Susan’s party.

19------You are leaving tomorrow morning, aren’t you?

------Yes, I’ll take CA Flight 747.

20------Wish you a happy birthday!

------Thank you very much.

21------Would you mind turning the radio down a bit?

------No, not at all.

22------I have some trouble in learning English.

------Really? How come?

23------What do you think of our maths teacher?

------He is always good and kind.

24------Another bridge will be built across the Huangpu River.

------That’s great.

25------Listen, I’ll tell you a piece of good news.

------Really? What is it?

26------Well done, boys.

------Thank you.

27------Can I do anything to help you?

------Sure. I just need some help.

28------Hello, may I speak to Bill, please?

------Bill speaking.

29------They say it will be fine tomorrow.

------I hope so.

30------Thank you very much for the dinner.

------Not at all. Hope you can come again.

31------You look pretty in that red dress.

------Thank you.

32------Will you please post this letter for me if it’s not too much trouble for you?

------I don’t see why not, but I will post it on my way to school. 33------I wonder if you’ll be free tonight.

------Sorry, I’ll be busy then.

34------Excuse me, is it the right way to the bank?

------Come on. I’ll show you the way.

35------What’s wrong with you?

------I’m not feeling well today.

36------How about these pens? Ten yuan each.

------Good, I’ll take two of them.

37------Do you have any plans for this weekend?

------Yes, I’m going to see a movie.

38------I’ve got a job at a university.

------Really? Congratulations!

39------It’s a pity that you didn’t see the film yesterday.

------I wish I had.

40------Would you be kind enough to get me a glass of water?

------It’s my pleasure.

41------What’s the time now?

------It’s eight forty.

42------I think you look very nice in blue.

------I’m glad you think so.

43------How’s your study?

------Not too bad.

44------Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you?

------What for?

45------I’ll pick you up at 9 and see you off at the station.

------That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.

46------I have been suffering from a bad cough for almost ten days.

------I’m terribly sorry to hear that. What does the doctor say?

47------Is there a supermarket near here?

------Yes, it’s only two minute’s walk.

48------A fine day, isn’t it? Why don’t we go for a drive in the country?

------That would be very nice.

49------How is everything going?

------Not too bad, you know.

50------I haven’t seen your father for some time. Is he away from Shanghai?

------No. He’s been very ill, too ill to leave his bed.

51------Could you lend me your bike?

------Sorry, I’m using it right now.

52------Be sure not to disturb the others.

------No, I won’t.

53------I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

------That’s all right.

54------How often do you have your sports meeting?

------Once a year.

55------Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?

------Neither, thank you.

56------Be more careful when you handle these glasses.

------Yes, I will.

57------What shall we do to welcome New Year’s coming?

------How about having an English evening?

58------What does Mr. Thompson look like?

------He is a middle-aged man, with a pair of glasses.

59------You don’t like tennis, do you?

------No, it’s too expensive.

60------I missed the weather forecast this morning. Did you hear it?

------Yes, it said it would rain this evening.

61------You’ve got a wonderful house here.

------It’s very good of you to say so.

62------I’d like some apples, please.

------Certainly, sir.

63------I have always wanted to be a teacher.

------Good for you! We need good teachers.

64------Would you be kind enough to get me some information about that school?

------I should be very happy to help you.

65------Shall I go straight ahead and then turn right?

------No. You’ll have to turn left.

66------I’m going to turn the TV up, OK?

------Please don’t. It’ll be too loud.

67------What’s the best time to meet?

------Shall we say about 2?

68------Would you like to come on a holiday with me?

------No. If you don’t mind, I’d rather stay at home. Thank you all the same. 69------How did you enjoy the concert last night?

------What a disappointment!

70------It’s really a pity that your mother met with an accident. How was she?

------Luckily, she was not seriously hurt.

71------May I have your name?

------Call me Jerry, please.

72------How did you do in yesterday’s maths test?

------I was very careless.

73------I wonder which kind of book can help me with my English reading.

------Why not choose some short English stories to read?

74------The dish you cook is really very good.

------I’m glad you like it.

75------Doing it like this takes time. Do I have to?

------Yes, that’s the only way.

76------I hope it won’t rain tomorrow.

------I hope so, too.

77------Why not have an English evening in the classroom next week?

------I think that’s a good idea.

78------How about coming to see a football match with me?

------That’s sounds very nice. Thank you.

79------Will you take CA Flight 981 or CA Flight 988?

------CA Flight 981.

80------Thank you very much.

------My pleasure.

81------What do you think of my son?

------He is really a clever boy.

82------Why don’t you have more English listening?

------Thank you for your advice.

83------Would you like me to call a taxi for you?

------Yes, I’d be glad if you could.

84------Your hands are full. Shall I carry the suitcase for you?

------Thank you very much, but I can manage.

85------I’ve a suggestion for you. I hope you won’t mind.

------Of course not.

86------It’s too late. Good night, Dad.

------Good night, dear.

87------What’s wrong with your bike?

------It does n’t work.

88------I feel terrible today, doctor.

------What’s the trouble?

89------What will the weather be like tomorrow?

------You’d better listen to the weather forecast.

90------Thank you for your help.

------Never mind.

91------You live far from your school, don’t you?

------Yes, it’s about five miles away.

92------Would you do me a favor?

------Of course. I’ll be glad to do any favor for you.

93------I’m not myself today.

------You’d better go to see a doctor.

94------What about going picnic this weekend?

------Good idea. We’ll invite all our friends to go with us. 95------How is the weather today?

------It’s fine.

96------Remember me to your parents.

------I will. Thank you.

97------I haven’t seen Judy recently. What happened to her?

------She has been down with a pneumonia.

98------I’m afraid I’m running a fever, doctor.

------How long have you been like this?

99------How is Jimmy?

------He is much better now.

100------Nothing serious. Take it easy.

------What do you advise, doctor?

1------David has been ill for a week.

------I’m sorry to hear that.

2------You seem to be tired.

------I have been working for ten hours continually.

3------I hear Mr. Wang has gone to Australia. Is that ture?

------Not exactly. He is going there this summer.

4------Let me help you to carry the box.

------Oh, thanks. It’s very kind of you.

5------Would you like to play bowling with us?

------I’d like to, but I’m not good at it.

6------Tell us something about the Olympics.

------Sorry. I know little about it.

7------John is really a good sportsman.

------Yes, he will play a losing game with dignity.

8------I was told that Mr. Smith wouldn’t come to attend our meeting this evening.

------Why didn’t you let me know earlier?

9------What do you think of your new deskmate?

------He is active and full of energy.

10------Is any reference book here worth reading?

------Of course. What subject do you want.

11------Would you mind my using your calculator?

------Sorry. I’m using it now.

12------Let me show you the way to the People’s Square.

------That would be of great help to me.

13------I’m not myself today, doctor.

------Tell me what’s the trouble.

14------What’s the weather like in your hometown?

------It often rains in spring.

15------You don’t live far from here, do you?

------No. It is only a few steps from here.

16------Remember me to your parents.

------I will. Thank you.

17------Don’t work too hard, and take more rest.

------I’ll follow your advice, doctor.

18------How much do these apples cost?

------Twenty yuan.

19------How long have you had the bike?

------About three months.

20------Can you tell me where the nearest post-office is?

------Take the first turning on the left.

21------What do you find hardest in English?


22------Will it take you long to your school?

------No, it’s no distance at all.

23------Can you tell me the way to the nearest bank?

------Sorry. I’m a stranger here.

24------Is this bus going to the Shanghai Railway Station?

------Sorry, sir. You’ve taken the wrong bus.

25------You can’t take this blackboard away, I’m afraid.

------Why not?

26------How long will it take you to finish reading the novel?

------About a couple of weeks.

27------How many languages can you speak, John?

------I know nothing about the others. Only English.

28------You don’t like coffee with sugar, do you?

------No, I don’t.

29------I’m afraid I have spread some wine on your dress.

------Oh, don’t worry, I’ll have it cleaned.

30------I’m not feeling very well, I’m afraid.

------Really? Have you been to the doctor’s? 31------What’s the postage for mailing a letter to Hong Kong?

------How do you want to mail it?

32------How long can I keep the book?

------Till you have finished reading it.

1.Ask the way to Jingjiang hotel.

Where is the …? / How can I get to …? / Do you know …?

2.Ask your classmate about the maths lesson / test you have missed.

What did the teacher teach? / Is … diffi cult ( or easy) ?

3.You are persuading Mike to go to a concert on Saturday evening?

Will you go with me? / why not go with me?

4.Ask your teacher how to learn English well.

How can I learn English well? / can you give me some tips on how to learn English?

5.At a restaurant / snack bar, you are discussing what to eat?

Would you like…? / What would you like…? / Which would you prefer,…or…?

6.Ask Peter about a photo of his family.

Who is the man? / Is she/he your…?

7.Ask Alice where she lives.

Where do you live? / Is your home far from here?

8.At a supermaket / shop, you ask customers questions.

Can I help you? / What would you like?

9.At a booking office of Shanghai Railway Station, you ask a man inside quesitions.

Do you still have the tickets to Xi’an? / How much is the ticket?

10.Ask about the postage of a packet to the U.S.

What’s the postage? / How long does it take to get to the U.S.?

11.You want to know how Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year.

How do Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year? / What do you do on the Chinese New Year?

12.Ask your friend John about the journey from Britain.

Did you enjoy the journey? / What do you think of …?

13.You want to know your friend’s life in Europe.

Did you enjoy the life in Britain? / What do you think of … ?

14.You’d go and buy a TV set to decorate the room. You ask the shop assistant.

How much is the TV set? / Which one is better?

15.Peter has a toothache and wants to make an appointment to see Dr.Brown. Now the nurse answers the phone and asks questions.

Can you come on Wednesday morning? / When can you come?

16.You are shopping for a pair of shoes at a shoe store. She asks the assistant.

How much is …? / Which pair is better?

17.You and Jackie are discussing which TV program to watch on a Saturday night.

Which program do you like? / Do you like cartoons ( or plays )

18.Your class will have picnic. Ask your classmates’ opinion of it.

What’s your opinion? / Shall we go together?

19.Your friend looks excited. Ask him sth.

What’s happened? / Why are you so excited?

20.You want to buy an English reference book. Ask questions to the shop assistant.

Where can I find an English reference book? / Can you help me?

21.Your friend received some stamps from an Australian teacher. Ask two questions about the teacher. Is he your former English teacher? / Where is he working now? What else is he interested in?

22.One more underground line has been built recently in Shanghai.

How many stops does this new line have? / Where is the terminal of this new line?

Can we go to Pudong by this new line?

23.You lost your keys. Ask your deskmates two questions.

Have you seen my keys? Can you help me to find it?

24.You are going to buy a birthday present for your mum. You go to your friend for advice.

What present should I buy for my mum? / May I buy some flowers?

25.Your friend has just come back from Japan, and you are interested in Japanese food.

Do you like Japanese food? / What do you think of Japanese food?

26.You are talking about Thanksgiving Day with an American student on your school campus.

Can you tell me sth about Thanksgiving Day? / What do Americans do on that day?

27.The students’ Union needs some volunteers to help me the old in the neighborhood.

What should I do there? / Can you tell me their address?

28.You are not clear about today’s homework. You ask your classmate questions.

What’s today’s homework? / Do we have maths exercises?

29.An astronaut gives a lecture in your school. After the lecture, you ask him questions.

Would you come to our school again? / May I have your signature?

30.Your classmate has just played a basketball match against another school. You ask questioins.

Did you win the match? / What’s the score?

31.You have heard your classmate has published short article in the students’ English newspap er. What’s your article about? / How much did you get for the article?

32.A teacher will come to teach your class. Ask your class teacher about him.

Is he a young teacher? / Does he come from another school?

33.You are going to invite a friend of yours to have dinner with you. You ask questions.

Can you come tomorrow? / Are you free tomorrow?

34.Next Wednesday is your teacher’s birthday. You want to do something for her.You ask your classmates questions.

Will you buy a present for her? / Should we go and visit her?

35.You have just bought a new TV set and want it to be delivered to your home. You ask the shop assistant questions.

When can I get the TV set? / Are you sure of my address?

36.Jack has just received a scholarship from one of the universities in Australia.

Is it easy to get a scholarship? / How much did you get?

37.Your classmate has just bought a new bicycle. Ask her questions.

How much is your bicycle? / What is the brand of it?

38.Your deskmate is absent for school today. Ask your class teacher questions about it.

Is she ill? / Can she come tomorrow?

39.You are working as a receptionist at a hotel. Someone calls to book a room. Ask questons. Jingjiang Hotel. Can I help you? / When will you arrive?

40.Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask him two questions.

What film is it? / What time does it begin?


话题。考生根据屏幕上显示画面及话题,准备1分钟,然后答题,答题时间为1分钟。要求考生根据所给话题,至少讲出6句话。 第五部分看图说话 考生有1分钟时间准备,然后有1分钟时间对图片进行描述。要求考生至少讲6句话(不包括已给的句子)。 考试前建议考生强化朗读技能,高中和初中书后的单词表要按音标正确朗读。平时多积累词汇,在教师的指导下,挑选一些代表性的句子,经常操练。考生要克服羞涩心理,挑战错误,努力开口,利用一切可以练习英语的机会,只要你做个有心人,把握机遇,你一定会说一口流利的英语。 考点及注意事项 第一部分朗读 Reading(10%) 测试学生的语音基础、意群停顿、语气转换、自然流畅的连读、失爆等朗读技巧。这一部分要求考生朗读所给的文章,难度相当于高中阶段所学的相关英语课文。在考试中,屏幕上所显示的文章内容量多于规定时间内正常语速所能涵盖的内容,即无论朗读者的语速有多快,都不可能在规定时间内将所有内容读完。因而,考生只要按照正常的语速朗读,并将注意力主要集中在语音语调等方面即可,不必为了追求速度而将文章朗读的模糊不清,舍本逐末。在准备期间,要注意每个句子的停顿,不可读破句。即使有不认识的单词,也不要中途停下,而是按照自己的理解,凭语感将它读出来(其实这也是考查意图之一)。只要朗读连贯,基本上不会影响整体印象。另外,还有最重要的一点,即朗读时要从短文开始部分读。 第二部分快速应答 Quick Response(10%) 测试考生对功能性语言的掌握。 要求考生针对所听到的情景在规定的时间内进行应答。 首先学生应搞清这题不是回答问题,而是对你所听到的句子作恰当的反应。这部分的难点是没有情景提示,考生必须在听到句子后的瞬间判断这句子应在什么情景下使用,其前后呼应的句子应该是什么。然后,再确定一个正确的应答句。在听到考题时,应搞清这个句子的类型:是一般疑问句,还是特殊疑问句;是陈



’d like to invite you to dinner this Sunday, Mr. Brown ------I’m sorry, but I’ve other plan. ’m sorry I’ve broken your glass. ------Not at all. That’s an old one. there anything else you want to buy ------No, I have got everything. It’s very important for everyone in the world to save water. ------I agree with you. we meet at ten to six ------That would be nice. , isn’t it ------Yes, it is. me, may I take this seat ------Sorry, the seat is taken. do you like best in sports ------Actually I like to play volleyball. really should be off now

------Could you stay a little longer me congratulate you on winning the first prize in the English Competition. ------Thank you very much! nice your piano is! ------Thank you. you please turn down the music ------I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you. 13. ------I’ve lost my pickup camera. How unlucky I am! ------I’m sorry to hear that. you mind if I smoke here ------No, I don’t mind a bit! I’ve interrupted you. ------That’s all right. morning. May I help you ------No, thank you. you take out the coat in the bag for me ------With pleasure. have no idea what I’m going to do.


2021年广东高考英语听说考试材料12套 Test One Part One People do get hurt in "adventure sports" and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hanggliding accidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So "exciting" isn't always the same as "dangerous". This is even more true when you consider the activities of every day life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports of any king. Part Two 1.It's nice of you to show me around your school. 2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station? 3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus. 4.How did you enjoy the concert last night? 5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. Part Three (1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend two questions about it. (3-4)You have a toothache and want to make a appointment to see Dr Brown. The nurse asks you two questions. Part Four What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai? Part Five The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday... Test Two Part One Teenagers who don't get up in the morning are brighter and more successful. A study of students' sleep by reserarchers in the USA found that teenagers who get up early are often tired and can't concentrate in class. "Young children love to get up early but teenagers have a different biological clock," says a professor of Brown University. Her reserach showed that teenagers naturally go to sleep and wake up later than normal-for good biological reasons. Now many American schools have changed the start of their morning classes from 7.30 to 8.30 or even 9.00. Part Two 1.(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith? 2.I'm sorry that I forgot to bring the book here. 3.I'd love you to come to my birthday party. 4.Why not have another cup of tea? 5.You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you? Part Three (1-2)You are in your Rnglish teacher's office, asking the teacher two questions about English learning.


高考英语口语考试复习 材料 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

高考英语口语考试复习材料A maintenance has kept the Empire Stare Building in pristine condition. Experts say that as long as its is maintained, it could stand for centuries. Others buildings on the Manhattan skyline won’t be so lucky. But other buildings can’t claim to be enduring symbols of a place and a people. The Empire State Building was one of the last products of the Golden Age of skyscrapers. After World War II, the elegance of the Art Deco giants gave way to the boxy lines of modern height rises. Why did this happen Partly, it grew out of an argument amongst architects over the best ways to dress the frame of a building. 2 情景介绍 角色:朋友 情景:问一个朋友去度假的计划 任务:询问相关信息 生词:无 2-1 你什么时候去度假 2-2 你去度假前,我还能够见到你吗 2-3 你认为我的工作如何 3 请根据你刚才看到的片断,准备一篇口头作文,讲述一位公司经理的故事. 故事说明Jack是一家公司经理。他为人固执;常常固执己见,不听下属的劝告。最后下属不得不放弃自己的立场。 B 1. Lawsuits and economists have done away with most of the perils of construction. Today, buildings in the . are assembled by crews working under strict safety guidelines set by federal government. This is still a dangerous business but fatalities are rare. Cranes are the key machines on a modern construction site. They come in all sizes. Some are on the ground, some are in the air. By providing contractors with the ability to life heavy loads and place them with precision, cranes make it possible to build massive structures in record time. 2. 情景介绍


高考英语口试材料 12 套、广东高考英语口语考试题型分析及备考策略、提高高考英语听力的 六大关键及高考英语听力应试注意事项 Test One Part One People do get hurt in "adventure sports" and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hanggliding accidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So "exciting" isn't always the same as "dangerous". This is even more true when you consider the activities of every day life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports of any king. Part Two 1.It's nice of you to show me around your school. 2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station? 3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus. 4.How did you enjoy the concert last night? 5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. Part Three (1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend two questions about it. (3-4)You have a toothache and want to make a appointment to see Dr Brown. The nurse asks you two questions. Part Four What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai? Part Five The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday... Test Two Part One Teenagers who don't get up in the morning are brighter and more successful. A study of students' sleep by reserarchers in the USA found that teenagers who get up early are often tired and can't concentrate in class. "Young children love to get up early but teenagers have a different biological clock," says a professor of Brown University. Her reserach showed that teenagers naturally go to sleep and wake up later than normal-for good biological reasons. Now many American schools have changed the start of their morning classes from 7.30 to 8.30 or even 9.00. Part Two 1.(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith? 2.I'm sorry that I forgot to bring the book here. 3.I'd love you to come to my birthday party. 4.Why not have another cup of tea? 5.You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you? Part Three (1-2)You are in your Rnglish teacher's office, asking the teacher two questions about English learning.


2018年英语口试问题参考题组 1 I-1 1) Describe one of your social activities. 2)Describe yourself. 3) What book have you read that impress you most? Say sth. I-2 1) Tell sth. Unforgettable about your school life. 2) What’s your favorite book/ movie/ TV? Why? 3) What’s your favorite animal? Why? 1-3 1) Is smart phone helpful to your studies? Explain. 2) Describe a challenge you have ever experienced. 3) How often do you read newspapers? What section do you like best? 2018年英语口试问题参考题组 2 II-1 1) Describe one of the most exciting things in school. 2) What’s your hometown like? 3) Does Wechat play an important role in your study? Explain. II-2 1) Do you think competitions are important for high school students? Why? 2) What person has most influenced you in your life? Say sth. about him/her. 3) What do you remember about your first day of school or your first teacher? II-3 1) What event of the school sports meet have you ever taken part in? Say a few words about it. 2)Recommend a good book with a brief introduction. 3)Do you have any plan for your future studies? Say sth. about it. 2018年英语口试问题参考题组 3 III-1 1) Do you think your smart phone does harm to your study? Why or why not? 2) Use three adjectives to describe yourself. 3) What is the happiest experience you ’ve ever had in school? III-2 1) Have you ever bought anything on line? If so, say sth. about it. If not, explain. 2) Do you think a good eating habit is important for health? Why? 3) Do you often tell your parents about your school life? Why? Why not? III-3 1) Do you like shopping on line? Why? Why not? 2) How do you usually keep in touch with your friends? 3) Describe your favorite teacher in a few words. 2018年英语口试问题参考题组 4 IV-1 1) What is the happiest memory about your childhood? 2) Do you have any idea about your future major at college? Say sth. about it. 3) Do you watch TV? If so, what ’s your favorite programme? If not, why? IV-2 1) How many hours a week do you do sports? Is that too little, too much, or just enough? Explain. 2) What majors do you like to choose mostly in college? 3) Describe one of your best friends. IV-3 1) What do you think of your school life? 2) Please recommend some TV programs that you think are worth watching. 3) Do you have any dream about your future? Say a few words about it. 英语口语考试常涉及的问题: 1.subjects 2.school activities 3.class 4.family 5.singer/film star/song/book 6.animals pets 7. friendship 8. neigbourhood 9. studying 1.How do you like your school? 2. What present will you give to your mother on her birthday? 3.What present will you give to your father on his birthday? 4What will you do to protect yourself when an earthquake broke out? 5.What should you do before leaving the lab? 6.Please say something about either of your parents. 7.Will you introduce yourself briefly?


高考英语口语考试备考须知 成绩评定评分等第为优、良、及格、不及格。一般情况下高校的要求要在良以上。 评分标准: 优:语音、语调准确,吐音清晰,朗读流利,对句子重读、意群和停 顿、连读、节奏等方面把握较好,能回答主考所提出的问题。 良:语音、语调比较准确,朗读流利,对重读、意群和停顿、连读、节 奏等把握较好,基本上能回答主考所提出的问题。 及格:语音、语调基本准确,虽有些错音,但能模仿出正确读音,朗读 较为流利,能回答主考所提出的部分问题。 不及格:口吃、大舌、嘶哑、方言过重或有其他先天性发音障碍(即可评为不及格),语音语调差,且无法模仿出正确的读音,朗读文段不流利,几乎回答不了主考所提出的问题。 大部分的学生经过认真准备,达到良的水平一般都没有问题,考官培训的时候也都被要求放低标准,尽量不卡考生的前程。所以大家放松心情,一定要自信,你们都很棒! 为大家考试顺利特补充以下几点:(请大家格外注意黑体部分) 考试内容: 福建省高考英语口试主要由两大内容组成:1,朗读短文;2,回答问题。 一,短文。在短文朗读过程中,将着重考查考生的语音、语调、流 利度、重读、意群、连读、节奏等基本的语音技能。所以应在1分钟准备的时候一边快熟朗读,一边读懂短文,有利于正式考试的时候能够按照意群朗读达到理想的效果。同时,文章中还会出现若干个非常见人名、地名,遇到读不出来的单词,你可根据词型,大概发音就行,不要卡在那了,关键是流利。还要注意序数词,2nd, 3rd 等以及较长数字如 754,000,000的准确读法。 另外,值得注意的是朗读和回答不必求快,从容自然的表现不仅给人留下良好的印象,也有利于你与考官的交流。 二,问题。问题将由教官口头提出。考生将见不到考题的文字。这也是同时在考查考生的听力能力。毕竟,听、说不分家。考生如果没有听 清问题,可以请考官重复问题。口试过程中有些紧张,有时考官提出的问题不太明白,你可请他再重复一遍,用诸如这样的问话I’m sorry! I don’t quite follow you. Would you like to repeat your question/ Could your say it again/ I beg you pardon! 思考过程中的思维流停顿、反复,是可以被接受的。如果需要做思考再回答的,可以说:“Let me think it over for a


高考英语口试概况及样题Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

高考英语口试概况 一. 口试的对象: 报考外语专业或报考对外语有特殊要求的专业(省高招办在招生计划公布时注明)的考生。外语口试的题目由省教育厅自行命题。 二. 口试的程序: 外语口试试卷共6套,每半天使用一套题,每套题各包含3份题型相同、难度相近但内容不同的考题,由考生随机抽取一份作为口试题目。每份试题包括两部分: 一部分是“提问问题”(本部分题目由主考老师持有); 另一部分是“短文朗读”(本部分由学生持有并在考场内准备1分钟左右)。每位考生口试总时间一般控制在3至5分钟。 三. 口试的等级: 考生口试成绩由2至3位口试教师按试卷评判标准统一评估后填入记录表。主考老师对考生语音面貌以及语言交流情况作出优、良、合格、不合格四个等级的评价。考生是否有口吃、大舌、嘶哑、方言过重也作为评判的根据。等级成绩并不计入学生高考总分,而是当成院校录取参考。 四. 口试的备考:

1、“提问问题”部分 主考老师就日常生活方面的话题与考生交谈(也就是一般问答)。考生在这部分存在的问题主要是准备不足,考时紧张,本来简单而容易的问题,却不能正确回答,或者没听清楚老师的问题而草率回答,造成失分。就这方面存在的问题,考生在考前应作好充分准备。日常生活会话,范围不广,很容易做好准备。一般是见面时的问候语,或者是关于学校、家庭、学习(特别是英语学习)方面的问题等。 2、“短文朗读”部分 这一部分主要考察考生的语音、语调是否准确;意群的划分、停顿是否得当;是否能读出感情色彩等朗读技巧。在这部分测试中,部分考生问题主要在语调、停顿、感情色彩方面,考生只是很平淡地用一种语调朗读短文。备考时应模仿说话人的语气,语调,尽量把感情色彩读出来。在朗读文章时还要充分理解短文的内容,只有完全了解了文章的含义、内容,才能用正确的语气朗读出来。考试时也应利用有限的时间把短文的含义弄清楚,不能只局限于认识所有的单词,然后读出来就完了。考生可以每天跟着磁带(或mp3)朗读一段短文,校正自己的语音、语调(这很重要)。高考听力材料的最后一篇独白,可以作为跟读材料。 3、临场应考方面 考试时要从容不迫, 落落大方, 彬彬有礼, 同时要克服紧张情绪。遇到听


2016级高考英语口试复习材料汇总(一)云南省普通高考英语口语考试及评测说明核心提示 我省高考英语口语测试采用全国英语等级考试(PETS)二级计算机辅助口语考试试题,以下是对PETS第二级考试计算机辅助口语考试简要介绍。 1)概述 PETS第二级考试计算机辅助口语考试时间约为12分钟,满分为5分。口试中计算机播放的指导语为英语。 2)内容与结构 口试分为三节,测试考生的英语口语交际能力。考试时间约为12分钟。 口试采取计算机测试的形式。 第一节:考查考生初次见面时向他人提供个人的事实性信息(如姓名、学校、职业、家庭等)的能力。该节约需2分钟。 第二节:考查考生根据动画内容,询问具体事情,回答有关具体事情的询问的能力。该节约需6分钟。 第三节:就第二节谈论的话题进行继续性问答,考查考察考生回答具体问题;阐述个人观点的能力。该节约需4分钟。 3)口试步骤 口试考试前,考生输入准考证号,进入测试系统进行试音。 口试考试后,进入第一节,考生回答屏幕上口试教师提出的有关考生个人情况的几个问题。该节时间约为2分钟。 第二节包括两段动画,一段动画考生就动画内容提问,李明回答;另一段动画李明提问,考生回答。该节时间约为6分钟。 第三节和第二节穿插进行,即考生完成第二节第一段动画的话题后,口试教师出现,询问有关这个话题的继续性问题;考生完成第二节第二段动画的话题后,口试教师再询问有关这个话题的继续性问题。该节时间约为4分钟。 4)PETS2级计算机辅助口语过程模拟(见光盘) (1)考试正式开始,计算机播放动画。办公室门打开,镜头推进,口试教师坐在桌子后面,微笑道:Hello. Welcome to PETS-2 speaking test. My name is Wang Jing. Nice to meet you. (2)口试教师向考生提问:“What’s your name, please?”考生听到“嘟”的一声后回答(回答问题时间5秒)。然后口试教师继续提问下列问题(每个问题考生有7秒的回答时间) Where do you study?/What subjects do you study?/What subject do you like best?


高考英语口试材料12套、广东高考英语口语考试题型分析及备考策略、提高高考英语听力的六大关键及高考英语听力应试注意事项 Test One Part One People do get hurt in "adventure sports" and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious which activities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hanggliding accidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas six people a year die in fishing accidents! So "exciting" isn't always the same as "dangerous". This is even more true when you consider the activities of every day life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports of any king. Part Two 1.It's nice of you to show me around your school. 2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station? 3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus. 4.How did you enjoy the concert last night? 5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone. Part Three (1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend two questions about it. (3-4)You have a toothache and want to make a appointment to see Dr Brown. The nurse asks you two questions. Part Four What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai? Part Five The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday... Test Two Part One Teenagers who don't get up in the morning are brighter and more successful. A study of students' sleep by reserarchers in the USA found that teenagers who get up early are often tired and can't concentrate in class. "Young children love to get up early but teenagers have a different biological clock," says a professor of Brown University. Her reserach showed that teenagers naturally go to sleep and wake up later than normal-for good biological reasons. Now many American schools have changed the start of their morning classes from 7.30 to 8.30 or even 9.00. Part Two 1.(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith? 2.I'm sorry that I forgot to bring the book here. 3.I'd love you to come to my birthday party. 4.Why not have another cup of tea? 5.You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you? Part Three (1-2)You are in your Rnglish teacher's office, asking the teacher two questions about English learning.


高考英语口试准备材料 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

’d like to invite you to dinner this Sunday, Mr. Brown ------I’m sorry, but I’ve other plan. ’m sorry I’ve broken your glass. ------Not at all. That’s an old one. there anything else you want to buy ------No, I have got everything. It’s very important for everyone in the world to save water. ------I agree with you. we meet at ten to six ------That would be nice. , isn’t it ------Yes, it is. me, may I take this seat ------Sorry, the seat is taken. do you like best in sports ------Actually I like to play volleyball. really should be off now ------Could you stay a little longer me congratulate you on winning the first prize in the English Competition. ------Thank you very much! nice your piano is! ------Thank you. you please turn down the music ------I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you. 13. ------I’ve lost my pickup camera. How unlucky I am! ------I’m sorry to hear that. you mind if I smoke here ------No, I don’t mind a bit! I’ve interrupted you. ------That’s all right. morning. May I help you ------No, thank you. you take out the coat in the bag for me ------With pleasure. have no idea what I’m going to do. -----Why not go to the library. you like an apple ------Yes, I’d love to, but not now. date are you coming back, Tim ------On the nineteenth, June.


高考英语口语考试的七大注意事项高考外语口试七大注意事项 1、凭高考《准考证》、《外语口试通知单》到指定考点报到处交费报到。 2、考生进入考场只能携带钢笔或圆珠笔(蓝、黑色)、高考《准考证》、《外语口试通知单》、身份证,不得携带手机、电子词典、书包、书籍、纸张等。 3、考生进入考点,要严格按工作人员的安排实行相关各项准备。 4、考生到点名处领取《外语口试成绩表》后,对照口试通知单认真填写区县(指考生高考报名单位所在区县),口试语种、口试号、考生号、姓名、性别等项目。 5、每个考生在备考室按试卷内容准备10分钟,然后随领队进入考场口试。 6、口试时要严肃认真,积极主动回答口试教师的提问。 7、口试完毕后,立即退出考场,退出考场后不得与未口试的考生交谈相关口试内容,不得在考场附近停留或大声喧哗。 高考口试小秘诀 ●考前工作做足背一些口语表达句型。 ●条理清楚拿高分学会第一、首先这样的连词。 ●“卷面”分数不可失进入考场后先用英语打招呼。 ●忌讳重复使用一个词 ●勇敢地承认不会

●语法出错不要紧遇到时间紧迫或问题复杂时,只要能表达清楚 意思即可。 磁带训练熟悉语境 能够用现行的高考听力磁带作些变动实行自我训练,现在的高考 听力磁带的第一部分是听录音,然后在所给的四个答案中选出对的, 我们能够这么做:听了问句后,我们立即发声回答。第二部分听短文,我们能够认真听后再实行复述所听的内容,提升我们的听力、记忆力,特别是一种报数的口语水平训练。第三部分信息填词,能够在听了一、两句以后就停下,然后根据所听的句子,发挥自己想象力,发声叙述 我们推理或想象以后可能发生的情况,培养我们的语言及语言思维水平。 Tips: 听试题要注意句式 在听到给出的问题时,应首先弄明白这个句型究竟是陈述句还是 祈使句,是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,然后作有针对性的回答。考 生在应答时不要过度紧张,并要注意语境中的时态使用,学会机智答题。 录音比较改善发音 判断一个人的英语口语水平,他的英语发音很重要,而说话者本 身却并不一定意识到自己发音的缺陷,即我们平常说的不准,这儿提 供一个很好的办法。就拿我们都有的高考听力磁带来训练、提升自己 发音。先仔细听磁带的标准发音,有对话,有短文,听了后就模仿朗读,尽可能使语音、语调、节奏都与磁带一样,并实行录音。再把自 己朗读的录音与磁带的发音实行比较,找出差别,再听,再录音,再 比较,反复实行数次,你的英语发音就会很地道,很标准了。这样训 练还有一个很大的好处是,你口试第三大题短文朗读很容易取得高分。 Tips:
