



TPO29-1 Characteristics of Roman Pottery

Paragraph 1:

The pottery of ancient Romans is remarkable in several ways. The high quality of Roman pottery is very easy to appreciate when handling actual pieces of tableware or indeed kitchenware and amphorae (the large jars used throughout the Mediterranean for the transport and storage of liquids, such as wine and oil). However, it is impossible to do justice to Roman wares on the page, even when words can be backed up by photographs and drawing. Most Roman pottery is light and smooth to touch and very tough, although, like all pottery, it shatters if dropped on a hard surface. It is generally made with carefully selected and purified clay, worked to thin-walled and standardized shapes on a fast wheel and fired in a kiln (pottery oven) capable of ensuring a consistent finish. With handmade pottery, inevitably there are slight differences between individual vessels of the same design and occasional minor blemishes (flaws). But what strikes the eye and the touch most immediately and most powerfully with Roman pottery is its consistent high quality.

1. Paragraph 1 indicates which of the following about Roman pottery?

O Roman amphorae were of much higher quality overall than other Roman pottery.

O Roman pottery can best be appreciated when actual pieces are handled.

O Roman pottery declined slightly in quality when the use of fast wheels and kilns was introduced.

O Roman practical tableware spread more rapidly across the Mediterranean than amphorae did.




Paragraph 4:

Only rarely can we derive any “real” quantities from deposits of broken pots. However, there is one exceptional dump, which does represent a very large p art of the site’s total history of consumption and for which an estimate of quantity has been produced. On the left bank of the Tiber River in Rome, by one of the river ports of the ancient city, is a substantial hill some 50 meters high called Monte Testaccio. It is made up entirely of broken oil amphorae, mainly of the second and third centuries A.D. It has been estimated that Monte Testaccio contains the remains of some 53 million amphorae, in which around

6,000million liters of oil were imported into the city from overseas, imports into imperial Rome were supported by the full might of the state and were therefore quite exceptional----but the size of the operations at Monte Testaccio, and the productivity and complexity that lay behind them, nonetheless cannot fail to impress. This was a society with similarities to modern one----moving goods on a gigantic scale, manufacturing high-quality containers to do so, and occasionally, as here, even discarding them on delivery.

6.According to paragraph 4, Monte Testaccio is particularly important for archaeologists because archaeologists were able to

O conclude how amphorae manufacturing increased rapidly after the second century A.D.

O find the locations where most of the amphorae in the Roman Empire were produced

O obtain relatively accurate calculations of the quantities of amphorae used over time in that place

discover that the Roman state had supported amphorae production

解题:这里介绍Monte Testaccil是在支持本段的论点。回到原文这段的第一句可以看到原文说“很难通过broken pot来确定那个时期的pot产量,而Monte Testaccil确实个例外。所以也就是说可以通过这个dump遗址得到当时的quantities。选C

【4】从陶罐碎片堆中我们很难推算出真正的数量。但也有例外。有一处遗址出土的陶器代表了其曾经的陶器消费的很大一部分,因此可以据此推测出其数量。罗马第伯尔河左岸上一座古代城市码头的旁边有一座约50米高的大山,叫做Monte Testaccio. 该山全部由公元二到三世纪的油罐碎片组成。据估计,Monte Testaccio山上约有5300万只油罐并由此从海外进口了约6亿升的油。向罗马帝国的进口由国家全力支持,因此也非常例外----但是Monte Testaccio的制作规模及其背后的生产力和复杂性却绝对不容忽视。

8.Paragraph 4 indicates which of the following about the port on the Tiber River near Monte Testaccio?

O It was built around the third century A.D.

O It was close to areas where large quantities of oil were produced.

O It was in use only for a very short period of time.

It had impressive level of commercial activity.

解题:根据Tiber River定位,看到后面的描述说around 6000 million liters of oil were imported into city form oversea。那么也就是说当时的进出口贸易非常繁华。对应答案D。

【4】从陶罐碎片堆中我们很难推算出真正的数量。但也有例外。有一处遗址出土的陶器代表了其曾经的陶器消费的很大一部分,因此可以据此推测出其数量。罗马第伯尔河左岸上一座古代城市码头的旁边有一座约50米高的大山,叫做Monte Testaccio. 该山全部由公元二到三世纪的油罐碎片组成。据估计,Monte Testaccio山上约有5300万只油罐并由此从海外进口了约6亿升的油。向罗马帝国的进口由国家全力支持,因此也非常例外----但是Monte Testaccio的制作规模及其背后的生产力和复杂性却绝对不容忽视。

9.The statement in paragraph 4 that amphorae delivered to the port near Monte Testaccio were occasionally discarded support which of the following?

O Traders at the port were often careless.

O The quality of the amphorae used at the port was not very good.

O The scale of the trade made it possible to waste quality amphorae sometimes.

O The importing of oil from overseas gradually declined, reducing the need for pottery containers.

解题:根据原文discarded定位到原文最后一句。如同现代工业社会一样,大量生产和需求,但是背后的生产力并不能满足之类的。所以在运送的时候也是如此。有时大量运送就难免会有打碎的。因此选择C。A原文没提到;B原文也没说,而且前文一直在说pot都是high quality的。D这里也没说到oil和pottery的关系。

【4】从陶罐碎片堆中我们很难推算出真正的数量。但也有例外。有一处遗址出土的陶器代表了其曾经的陶器消费的很大一部分,因此可以据此推测出其数量。罗马第伯尔河左岸上一座古代城市码头的旁边有一座约50米高的大山,叫做Monte Testaccio. 该山全部由公元二到三世纪的油罐碎片组成。据估计,Monte Testaccio山上约有5300万只油罐并由此从海外进口了约6亿升的油。向罗马帝国的进口由国家全力支持,因此也非常例外----但是Monte Testaccio的制作规模及其背后的生产力和复杂性却绝对不容忽视。

Paragraph 5:

Roman pottery was transported not only in large quantities but also over substantial distances. Many Roman pots, in particular amphorae and the fine wares designed for use at tables, could travel hundreds of

miles----all over the Mediterranean and also further afield. But maps that show the various spots where Roman pottery of a particular type has been found tell only part of the story. What is more significant than any geographical spread is the access that different levels of society had to good-quality products. In all but the remotest regions of the empire, Roman pottery of a high standard is common at the sites of humble villages and isolated farmsteads.

10.The statement that “maps show the various spots where Roman pottery of a particular type has been found tell only part of the story” makes the point that

O maps indicate where specific pottery styles have been found, but they do not indicate where these styles originated

O maps show the geographical spread of Roman pottery but not the people who had access to it

O maps do not usually include pottery styles found in the remotest regions the Roman Empire

O archaeologist studying Roman pottery need to use a range of techniques in their investigations

解题:这里说Map只是tell part of the story,那么证明能得到roman pottery的不仅是map描画的范围,应该会有更大的范围;从而来支持这一段的中心句,over substantial distances。A选项错误,styles是从罗马来的。C,D跟原文也没关系。而B符合,说maps在一定程度上说明了罗马陶器的地理散播,但并不是所有能得到陶器的人。




【托福阅读题型】否定事实信息题实例解析(四) 否定事实信息题是托福阅读的最常见题型之一,因为此题需要用排除法,且通常要阅读四句话以上的文字,它相当于四道事实信息题,所以它属于比较耗费时间的题型。那么,下面我们就为大家带来相关的例题。 托福阅读否定事实信息题 例题4: Paragraph 3:Over long periods of time, substances whose physical and chemical properties change with the ambient climate at the time can be deposited in a systematic way to provide a continuous record of changes in those properties overtime, sometimes for hundreds or thousands of years. Generally, the layering occurs on an annual basis, hence the observed changes in the records can be dated. Information on temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of the climate that can be inferred from the systematic changes in properties is usually referred to as proxy data. Proxy temperature records have been reconstructed from ice core drilled out of the central Greenland ice cap, calcite shells embedded in layered lake sediments in Western Europe, ocean floor sediment cores from the tropical Atlantic Ocean, ice cores from Peruvian glaciers, and ice cores from eastern Antarctica. While these records provide broadly consistent indications that temperature variations can occur on a global scale, there are nonetheless some intriguing differences, which suggest that the pattern of temperature variations in regional climates can also differ significantly from each other. Paragraph 4:What the proxy records make abundantly clear is that there have


托福阅读如何搞清楚事实信息题的题干 众所周知,事实信息题在每1篇文章中的所占比例是比较大的,并且搞定这个题型是考生在托福阅读方面获胜的保障。所以,本篇文章将和大家分享搞定这个题型的关键是弄清楚这个题型的题干的这个必杀锏。 这个人肿么了嘛?别人都是告诉我们怎么搞到事实信息题的答案,你为何要告诉我们如何搞清楚事实信息题的题干呢?事实信息题就好像是医院里的一类病人一样,题干就是病情表现出来的症状,医生想要解除病人的痛楚,必须对症下药,那么考生想要解决事实信息题,也一定要有的放矢。 因此,找到事实信息题的答案的关键步骤之一,就是必须审清楚题干。通过分析题干的过程必须弄清楚两个问题:问什么和定位什么,之后答案自然就跳出来了。可是好多学生就会说:当然是问什么就定位什么啊,也就是说,两者是一回事! 的确,有一部分事实信息题是这样的,问什么就定位什么,之后就可以得到答案。比如TPO4中的第1篇文章Deer Populations of the Puget Sound中的第1题:Paragraph 1: Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of eastern Washington(B), is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country; it is now restricted to(A) the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River. 1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the white-tailed deer(问并定位) of Puget Sound?


托福阅读正逆思维搞定推断题 托福阅读,托福阅读备考,托福阅读技巧 托福阅读正逆思维搞定推断题。托福阅读十种题型,问学生觉得哪种题型最难,什么答案都有,十种占全了,每个人都有每个人的弱项,所以难易有别,但居多的是文章小结题和推断题,一个是到最后没时间好好斟酌了,一个是摸不到头脑该选哪一个,其实,推断题没有想象中的那么难,因为托福文章有很清晰的逻辑架构。 托福文章有很清晰的逻辑架构。T(topic)+A(aspect)+A(attitude)的篇章结构和TS(topic sentence)+D(detail)的段落结构是几乎每节课我都会提到的,只有明白了文章的写作思路才能更好更快的做对题目,作者必定是按着一定的行文顺序编排段落的,如果画一个水平轴作为事件发展的顺序,推断题是让你从这个轴上的某一个点去推测,平面图形,无非就两个方向,顺着轴发展的方向或者逆着轴发展的方向,也就是我们接下来要说的正向和逆向思维去解决推断题。 OG上将推断题定义为检查考生对文章中强烈建议但绝不明说观点(strongly implied but not explicitly stated in the text)的理解程度,属于理解性题目,题目要求如下: Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about X? According to paragraph 5, what does the author imply about X ? Paragraph 1 suggests which of the following about X? According to paragraph 3, what do Y indicate about X? 题干中有出现infer, imply, indicate或suggest这四个单词,我们就判定一个题目为推断题,那推断题如何解答呢? 第一步,判断题型。我们拿到题目,看到上面四个单词中的任何一个,心中就想着这是推断题,推断题的做题忠旨是文章中强烈建议但未明说的。 第二步,审清题干。明白题目是要我们根据哪段进行推测,推测关于什么的。 第三步,原文定位。根据题干中我们找到的信息点,回到原文定位,找到相关句。 第四步,推测+判断。根据相关句进行正向或逆向的推理,最后择优而选,确定答案。 前三步,可以借用做事实信息题的方法来做,最后一步的推测,相对于正向推理,逆向推理对同学们简单一些,回到原文中定位,发现相关句中存在着对比或转折的,直接否定前者,得出答案,例如TPO2中的The Origins of Cetaceans 的第2题,让你推测关于early sea otters的,回到原文中定位,你会发现,关键句中存在着一个unlike,说不像sea otters,想象一下早期鲸类比较困难(not easy=difficult),那我们逆推一下,不就是说想象早期sea otters 长什么样比较容易,正确答案中出现了not difficult,所以这道题很简单,当然ETS不会一直


托福阅读题型之否定事实信息题常用套路 为了帮助大家高效备考托福阅读,熟悉托福阅读题型套路,新东方在线托福网为大家带来托福阅读题型之否定事实信息常用套路一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。更多托福报名官网、托福考试报名指南等最新资讯尽请关注新东方在线托福网! 在托福阅读中,有一类别致的题型叫作否定事实信息类问题(Negative Factual Information Questions)。这类问题考察考生区别真实信息与虚假信息的能力。要分辨这种题型非常容易,因为题干中会出现大写的拒绝(“NOT”或“EXCEPT”)引起我们的注意。 例如: The author’s description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT... According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X? 当我们看到“EXCEPT”或“NOT”这两个词的时候,就要马上反应过来这道题问的是以下哪个选项为否定事实信息。为了便于理解,我们把这种信息叫做虚假信息,也就是原文中没有说明是正确的信息。

下面为大家梳理一下虚假信息的三大套路:自相矛盾、无中生有、答非所问。 一否定事实信息题自相矛盾 第一种情况是选项信息与原文相矛盾,错误表述文中的信息或观点。例如下题: According to paragraph 6, all of the following statements aretrue of plants in the alpine zone EXCEPT: ○Because they are low, they are less exposed to strong winds. ○Because they are low, the winter snow cover gives them moreprotection from the extreme cold. ○In the equatorial mountains, they tend to be lower than inmountains elsewhere. ○Their low growth form keeps them closer to the ground, where thereis more heat than further up. 这道题的选项1改写原文“…avoid theworst rigors of high winds…”;选项2对应原文“…take advantage of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover”;选项4对应原文“…make use of the higher temperaturesimmediately adjacent to the ground surface”;选项3中的


托福阅读陷阱类偷换概念题解题思 路实例讲解 托福阅读中常有考生遇到这种情况,一道题目明明看懂了对应的*内容,选择时却还是出现了错误,今天给大家来托福阅读陷阱类偷换概念题解题思路实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读陷阱类偷换概念题解题思路实例讲解 托福阅读偷换概念陷阱题实例讲解 托福阅读想要取得高分,我们一定要警惕其中的陷阱题型,比如偷换概念题。下面我们一起来看一道题: 例题: Paragraph 5: Even the kind ofstability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated withmaximum diversity. At least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is oftenfound in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community. Once a redwoodforest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individualsgrowing on the forest floor are reduced. In general, diversity, by itself, doesnot ensure stability. Mathematical

models of ecosystems likewise suggest thatdiversity does not guarantee ecosystem stability—just the opposite, in fact. Amore complicated system is, in general, more likely than a simple system tobreak down. A fifteen-speed racing bicycle is more likely to break down than achild’s tricycle. Which of the following can be inferredfrom paragraph 5 about redwood forests? A. They become less stable as theymature. B. They support many species when theyreach climax. C. They are found in temperate zones. D. They have reduced diversity duringmid-successional stages. 思路解析: 推断题(inference question)和事实信息题、否定信息题一样,以“找关键词+定位”为切入点。本题的关键词是redwood forest, 回到原文定位到第三句:Once a redwoodforest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individualsgrowing on the forest floor are reduced. 这句话的意思是:例如,红杉树林一旦成熟,其中的物种数量以及单个物种的数量都会减少。


托福阅读细节题 细节题是一种看起来简单实际上很考察阅读基本功的题型,通过一道细节题就可以考察出自己的问题在哪里,以及以后学习中需要加以注意的地方。下面就和大家分享托福阅读细节题:最能摸清你阅读基础的一类题,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福阅读细节题:最能摸清你阅读基础的一类题 先给大家普及一下细节题的解题步骤: 1. 读题干,找出题干中的关键信息(就是题干提问的关键词) 2. 到*中寻找关键信息对应的句子 3. 选择一个关键信息对应句子的同义改写选项 我们来看一道例题: T17-1 Europes Early Sea Trade with Asia Paragraph 3: ……Even if they hugged theAfrican coastline, they had little chance of surviving a crossing of the IndianOcean Shortly after 1400. Shipbuilders began developing a new type of vesselproperly designed to operate in rough, open water: the

caravel. It had a widerand deeper hull than the galley and hence could carry more cargo: increasedstability made it possible to add multiple masts and sails. In the largestcaravels, two main masts held large square sails that provided the bulk of thethrust driving the ship forward, while a smaller forward mast held atriangular-shaped sail, called a lateen sail, which could be moved into avariety of positions to maneuver the ship. 8. According to paragraph 3, what did thelateen sail contribute to the caravel as a sailing ship? ○It provided stability for the front partof the ship. ○It made it possible for the hull to bewider and deeper. ○It added considerably to the speed of thewind-driven ship. ○It imp roved the capacity of the ship to beguided. 这道题题干中的关键词是lateen sail. 带着它回文中找到相关信息:while a smaller forward mast held a triangular-shaped sail, called alateen sail, which could be moved into a variety of positions to maneuver the ship.这个句子比较长而且还出现了定语从句,开头还有一个托福阅读常考的词while,并不是一下子就可以顺译出来的,如果考托er们读不懂这个句子,大概会有如下两种情况:


美联英语提供:托福阅读事实信息题详解 https://www.360docs.net/doc/b817054801.html,/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 托福阅读文段的结构和出题点都有一定的规律,比如说托福阅读文段一般是总分总的格式,考生重点关注首段,尾段,转折句,开头句,基本上就能找到主题句。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的托福阅读事实信息题详解,希望能给大家带来帮助! 更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 1. 提问方式: Accordingto paragraph… which of the following statements is true of / concerned with /related to X? 例:According toparagraph 1, what was true of the Sahara region around 6,000 B.C.? (TPO 28 EarlySaharan Pastoralists) Accordingto paragraph… why / how / what….? 例:According to paragraph 1, why is playdifficult to define? (TPO 30 Role of Playin Development) 分析:通过以上两种不同提问方式可以总结出该题型有以下几个特点: 1). 该题型是就某段话当中的某个细节信息(即提问方式1中的X)进行提问。 2). 该题型可以围绕该细节信息的不同方面进行提问,通过特殊疑问词which;what; why; how可以看出。 3). 由于题干中未出现infer;suggest; indicate等字样,所以该题型旨在考察文本信息的字面含义,无需考生进行文本的隐含意推理。


托福阅读如何做好事实信息题 托福阅读考试中了解题型是考生必须掌握的一项基本功,因为这关系到大家能否迅速地做出应对使用针对性解题思路才解答不同题型。今天给大家带来了托福阅读如何做好事实信息题,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福阅读如何做好事实信息题 托福阅读事实信息题提问方式介绍 1、According to Paragraph…, which of the following is true about X? 2、According to Paragraph…, how / what/ why…? 3、Paragraph… / The passage supports which of the following statements aboutX? 带有提问方式的题型有以下几个特点: a. 该题型属于细节类题型,并且在大部分情况下题干中会出现一个明确的细节定位词───X。 b. 该题型是对细节信息的正面提问(由题干中true / support 可知),这一点与否定事实信息题相反。

c. 该题型疑问部分一般由特殊疑问词:which / how / what / why… 引导,可以得出该题型可以就某细节信息的具体“特性、原因、方式等”进行发问。 托福阅读事实信息题解题步骤讲解 第一步:读题干,划出定位词。 定位词特点: a. 在提问方式1和3当中就是X所代表的部分。 b. 在提问方式2中比较复杂,一般是寻找该句中的名词部分,多数充当句中的主语或宾语。 c. 定位词有可能是原文原词或者近义词。 例题1:According to paragraph 6, which of the following statementsabout aquifers in deserts is true? (TPO 12Water in the Desert) 本题干的定位词即aquifers, 符合提问方式1。 例题2:According to paragraph 7, why would a social group use shunning?(TPO 13 Types of Social Groups) 本题干的定位词即shunning, 符合提问方式2。


托福阅读题型十大技巧锦囊 “得阅读者,得天下。”托福阅读向来是考生提分必争之地,也是中国考生的传统强项。基本考生考前会采取题海战术,将自己武装成十万个我都知道。 于是,你背完了英文化学周期表;你了解了九大行星排列;你知道了最前沿的科技发展和美国经济新政;你是颗移动的the big bang 云硬盘。你只祈祷考前记住所有的这些信息量,考后再统统delete 。 如果考到一个你事先复习过的知识点,你欣喜若狂。 如果考到一个你似曾相识却扫视而过,你追悔莫及。 如果考到一个全新的知识点,恭喜你,你顿时挂机。 事实上,托福阅读的单词量是浩瀚星尘,无论你猜或不猜它都在哪里,不离不弃。所以,TPO 小站为冒星星眼的考生们编织了以下十个托福阅读答题锦囊,当你埋首题海两眼泪茫茫时,不妨看过来。 Reading Skills Top 10 1 Factual Information 2 Vocabulary 3 Negative Factual Information 4 Inference 5 Organization 6 Paraphrasing 7 Purpose 8 Insertion 9 Main Idea 10 Categorizing

十大技巧锦囊? 之一 小单词,大线索 Factual information【事实信息题】 “真相,永远只有一个!”20分钟一篇托福阅读,平均到800字篇幅的文章中去,再排除那些判断全文的主旨题,这是火眼晶晶的节奏啊。 所以事实信息题不是考你细工出慢活的时候,而是靠你抓Key words paraphrasing and location(关键词替换定位)。 如何最有效的锁定答案,这里小站针对事实信息题给出的第一条锦囊——小单词,大线索。 多年来,被应试题海战术训练的极其有素的考生们,早就学会了巧妙抓关键词了,但往往是我认识这个单词,但我还是选错了。就像你参加一个世界咖啡评选比赛,你觉得认为是白咖啡或巴西咖啡吧,但你未必知道土耳其咖啡才是咖啡之王。分析事实信息题的特点是:范围小,正确率极高。 题型表现最多形式是:因果关系和表比较级关系的长难句。 表因果关系的词: Cause:frontality/since/in that/on account of Effect:so that/therefore/as a result/consequently 表比较级的词: unlike…from /prior to/ more than 所以,在获取key words之后,我们要做的才是重点。你有看过柯南在发现一丝线索后就停止推理吗?不,所谓的大线索,就是将关键词放回原句,让案件重现,理顺关键句的因果关系,让正确选项浮出水面。 纸上谈兵终不靠谱,绝知此事要做真题! 小伙伴们快来小站托福板块,阅读区实践吧。


托福阅读题型讲解 题目特征: 四个选项中一般只有一个选项被原文提及,或与原文语意一致(同义),此选项即正确答案。 提问方式: Official Guide P.20 解题方法: 找出题干中的关键词(key words),一般为核心名词概念或形容词, 回原文定位key words,精读其所在句,准确理解语意。 例题: 题目特征:

四个选项中有三个选项被原文提及,且与原文语意一致;只有一个未被提及,或与原文语义相矛盾,此选项即正确答案。 提问方式: Official Guide P.22 提问关键词: NOT EXCEPT 解题方法: ①未被提及的选项为正确答案 找出题干中的关键词(key words),回原文定位key words,精读其所在句,准确理解语意。 例题:

②与原文语义相矛盾的选项为正确答案 找出题干中的关键词(key words),回原文定位key words,精读其所在句,准确理解语意。 注意总结常用否定词:without, rather…than…, excluding, 例题:


四个选项在原文中都没有被直接提及或明显说明,需要考生在理解原文语境和语义的基础上进行准确推理,以得出答案。 提问方式: Official Guide P.23 提问关键词: infer、imply 解题方法: 找出题干中的关键词(key words),回原文定位key words,精读其所在句,并理解前后语境,即通读后一句和前一句。(key words→本句→后一句→前一句)之后,遵循作者的原意向原文所涉及的方面进行推理,原文没涉及的方面一定错,与作者原意不符的表述一定错。 例题:


托福阅读大题型 下面是YJBYS小编为大家搜集的托福阅读大题型,供大家参考。 阅读具体题型简介 1. Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题 2. Negative Factual Information questions (0 to 2 questions per set )排除题 3. Inference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )推断题 4. Rhetorical Purpose questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )修辞目的题 5. Vocabulary questions ( 3 to 5 questions per set ) 词汇题 6. Reference questions ( 0 to 2 questions per set )指代题 7. Sentence Simplification questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )简化句子题 8. Insert Text questions ( 0 to 1 questions per set )插入句子题 9. Prose Summary 文章内容小结题 10. Fill in a Table 完成图表题 其中,前八种为微观题,解题不需要联系文章主旨。后两种为宏观题,解题需要联系文章主旨,解题难度高于微观题。 新托福考试的十种题型有六种是沿用旧托福考试中已经出现的题型(细节题、排除题、推断题、修辞目的题、词汇题、指代题),因此这六种题型我们最好使用旧托福的复习资料。因为新托福考试备考过程中的一个问题就是真题资料的匮乏,我们需要尽可能利用来自ETS的真题资料。而四种新题型,句子简化题、插入句子题、文章内容小结题和图表题,代表了托福考试的新动向,是需要引起广大考生的重视的。下面我们就来对这十种题型一一进行介绍和评价。 1、Factual Information questions (3 to 6 questions per set )细节题 这是托福阅读考试中可能占到最大比重的一种题型,托福阅读考试一般是每篇文章 12-14道题,尤其最近几乎都是14道题,如果一篇文章中出现了 6道细节题,这个比例 还是非常引人注目的。而且细节题可以说是能屈能伸的一种题型,就是说,它要容易,可以很容易,它要想难,可以非常难。所以我们的同学复习到后期,进行错题统计的时候会


托福阅读考试部分题数题型细节 托福阅读高分是很多同学梦寐以求的考试结果,而阅读部分考生也的确有相对更高的可能性拿到好成绩,今天给大家带来了托福阅读考试部分题数题型细节,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福阅读考试部分题数题型细节 托福考试改革后阅读基础知识:阅读考试的量化指标 新托福阅读考试分为无阅读加试和有阅读加试两种。 无阅读加试的情况下,共有3篇*,总计考试时间为54分钟,每篇*的平均答题时间为18分钟,考生可以自由分配3篇*的阅读和解题时间。 有阅读加试的情况下,在已有的3篇*及54分钟答题时间的基础上,再加1篇*,共计72分钟,加试期间的*的考试时间依然可以自由分配。 无论加试与否,每篇*均为10道题目,各篇长度为700词左右。需要注意的是一旦完成了一个部分的考试便可。 托福考试改革后阅读基础知识:阅读*出处以及选材范围

作为一项语言能力测试,托福考试是考查考生能否具备足够的语言交流能力,以期在北美完成正常的学习任务和研究工作。因此,其阅读*原型大都选自美国大学本科生使用的教材,以达到最佳的模拟测试效果。从选材范围可见:托福阅读的*内容对考生知识存储量的广度有一定的要求,但同时考虑到考生来自于不同的专业,对于其他学科往往不具备专业素质,因此为了遵守考试公平性原则,*均不对其所述及的学科做过多深入的探讨。 托福考试改革后阅读基础知识:阅读*类型及篇章段落结构根据托福阅读*的出处及选材范围,我们可以将这些*归为三类:说明文、议论文、史实文。三者合一统称为:学术性*。这种类型的*,必须具备说理性特质,即行文逻辑大都遵循着相对固定的结构模式。 一句话:托福*的篇章结构有规律可寻,段落组成有原则可守。 以上就是托福考试改革后阅读部分基础入门常识的介绍,希望大家能够跟上改革步伐及时适应调整,为考试做好准备。 托福阅读备考:三种不同做题顺序 方法一:顺序做题 在这样的方法中,通常大家都会用5分钟左右的时间阅读完整篇*,而将大概的重点都放在*的结构和关键内容的理解中。而


论托福阅读题型之肯定事实信息题 在托福阅读考试中,肯定事实信息题一直是比例最大的题型,但是不少同学还是在该题型上失分很多。今天我们就一起来分析一下对于这种题型的应对方法。 众所周知,事实信息题是考官根据原文的某个细节出的题,因此它的题干及正确选项在原文都无疑的会有词汇上的对应关系。我们只要能准确地找到这些对应关系,就可以很容易的得出正确答案了。 一般来说,事实信息题的做题步骤是1. 看题干信息,一定要明确题干到底要考什么,不要受到某些不重要的词的干扰,2. 用分析到的题干重要信息(即关键词)到文章中寻找对应关系(原词,同义词,词性变化),务必做到有针对性的读文章。3.找到定位位置后,仔细阅读所在句子,找出题目所考内容,到选项中选出对应关系。 我们以OG的一道题为例: According to Darwin's theory of evolution, members of a species are forced to struggle for survival because A. Not all individuals are skilled in finding food B. Individuals try to defend their young against attackers C. Many more individuals are born than can survive until the age of reproduction D. Individuals with certain genes are more likely to reach adulthood 先分析题干,题干问的是struggle for survival 的原因,而且有Darwin这样的醒目的关键词,我们可以结合这两组词,原文如下: Consider Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin held that many more individuals are produced than can find food and survive into adulthood. A struggle for survival follows. Those individuals who possess characteristics that provide them with an advantage in the struggle for existence are more likely to survive and contribute their genes to the next generation. 定位到具体句子后,我们要分析,题目问的是原因,应该往前读还是往后读呢?这时要观察到follows这个词. A struggle for survival follows我们可以翻译为:为生存而进行的斗争紧随其后了。如此以来,原因的位置就应该很明确了,往前读! Darwin held that many more individuals are produced than can find food and survive into adulthood.比对选项,会发现第三个选项的意思与找到的地方完全对应,同义词包括:produced=born; until the age of reproduction = into adulthood. 因此答案为C. 再来一例: According to paragraph 2, sculptors in the Italian Renaissance stopped using cannonballs in bronze statues of horses because A. they began using a material that made the statues weigh less B. they found a way to strengthen the statues internally C. the aesthetic tastes of the public had changed over time


托福阅读事实信息题合集之TPO32-2 托福阅读事实信息题是阅读考试中比较常见的一种题型,tpo则是托福阅读备考最权威的材料,所以托福小编综合二者,为大家集中整理了tpo阅读中考察的事实信息题及其对应的解析,供大家参考使用。本文带来的是TPO32-2的事实信息题,一起来看看吧。 TPO32-2 Siam, 1851 – 1910 Paragraph 2 The same situation viewed from the perspective of the rural population is even more complex. According to the government's first census of the rural population, taken in 1905, there were about thirty thousand villages in Siam. This was probably a large increase over the figure even two or three decades earlier, during the late 1800s. It is difficult to imagine it now, but Siam's Central Plain in the late 1800s was nowhere near as densely settled as it is today. There were still forests closely surrounding Bangkok into the last half of the nineteenth century, and even at century's end there were wild elephants and tigers roaming the countryside only twenty or thirty miles away. 3 According to paragraph 2, which of the following was true of Siam in 1905? Its urban population began to migrate out of the cities and into the country. Its Central Plain was almost as densely populated as it is today. It was so rural that wild elephants and tigers sometimes roamed Bangkok. It had many more villages than it did in the late 1800s. 答案D 解释该段第2,3句; 1905年有3万人比起18世纪晚期有很大的增长 同样的情况从农村人口的角度来看则更为复杂。根据政府的第一次农村人口的人口普查,1905年,在暹罗大约有三万个村庄。这大量的增加可能出现在二三十年前,即19世纪末。现在很难想象,但是暹罗的中部在1800年代末远远没有像今天这么多人口定居。十九世纪下半叶,曼谷周围还有大片的森林,甚至在世纪末的时候,距离乡村二三十英里远的地方还有野生的大象和老虎。 Paragraph 3


托福阅读哪种题型最难 如果说其他题型是通过词汇积累或者对于*里的信息的透彻理解就可以掌握的话,那么更侧重于考察出题人的逻辑思维模式的题型就是推理题了。下面就和大家分享托福阅读哪种题型最难,希望能够帮助到你们,快来一起学习吧。 托福阅读哪种题型最难 对于托福阅读来说,词汇是根本。在阅读中词汇题(vocabulary questions)的数量很多,每篇存在三至五题不等。 接下来就是阅读中的句子。句子细节在托福中的考察形式和内容相比词汇更为深入。有对于单个句子结构和主干意思理解做出的考察,即句子简化题(sentence simplification questions)。有对于文中明确表述的细节信息的考察和理解,即事实信息题(factual information questions)。还有对于文中明确表述信息真伪的识别和理解,也就是否定事实信息题(negative factual information questions)。除此之外,阅读还会考察对于文中强烈暗示而未明确表述的信息的识别和理解能力,即推理题(inference questions)。 在阅读中,对于段落的考察往往侧重于句子之间的关系。句与句之间的连接往往会有名词的重复以及代词的指代,所以有了指代题(reference questions)。内容的衔接除了代词指代之外,还

有逻辑关系的递进,所以又有了修辞目的题(rhetorical purpose questions)。如果说指代题和修辞目的题是对于句间关系的识别的话,那么句子插入题(insert sentence questions)则是两者的升级版,是对于句间关系的逻辑的应用。 当然,托福阅读也涉及篇章中段落的主旨以及段间的关系的考查。若是顺承的关系往往出的是总结题(prose summary questions),若是对比分类的关系往往出的是表格题(fill in a table questions)。 通过以上分类相信大家对于托福阅读十大题型考察的能力有了了解。那么十大题型里,哪种题型相对比较难呢?如果说其他题型是通过词汇积累或者对于*里的信息的透彻理解就可以掌握的话,那么更侧重于考察出题人的逻辑思维模式的题型就是推理题了。 托福官方指南里对于推理题的表述:对于文中强烈暗示而未明确表述信息的识别和理解。大家重点关注强烈暗示这几个词,言下之意就是通过一些相关信息的表述来传递内在的意思,所以体会出题人传达相关信息的模式就变成了解题的关键。 托福阅读长难句:植物抗旱适应性 They possess drought-resisting adaptations: loss of water through the leaves is reduced by means of dense hairs covering
