


Part 1 Interview:

Sample Scenarios

Interlocuter: Good morning. My name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B?

A: Yeah.

B: Yeah.

I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we‘d like to know something about each of you. Ms A, can you tell me a bit about yourself.

A.My pleasure. As you know, my name is A. I‘m from Jiangsu Province. I‘m now

studying in OO University. And I‘m majoring in international trade there.

I: Thank you. Ms A. Now Ms B, can you tell me something about your ambitions?

B: Yes, I am now a student with OO University majoring in business administration.

I hope I can get my MBA and join a world famous multinational company. And after I have had enough experience, I am going to start a company of my own.

I: Thank you, Ms B. And Ms A, could you tell me about your ambitions?

A: A big question for me indeed. I‘ve never thought about it, but I bet I‘ll work towards a CEO of a big multinational corporation. That‘s my goal in life. And that‘s why I am spending so much time on English, business English in particular..

I: Mr. A, you say you‘re spending a lot of time on business English. Do you think business English is difficult to learn?

A: Not exactly, though it may be difficult at the initial stage. The thing is that you need to have some business knowledge before you start to learn business English.

I: How about you, Ms B? Is it difficult for you?

B: Not really. You know, I like English very much, and my major is business administration. So I have always found business English very interesting.

* * * *

I: Good morning, my name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B?

A: Yeah.

B: Yes.

I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we‘d like to know something about each of you. Miss A, can you tell me something about your work?

A: My pleasure. I‘m working with APC Inc., which is a US-based company. I have worked there for three years on the international marketing side. I must say that it is a very interesting job. I love my job.

I: Thank you, Miss A. Now Miss B, can you tell me about your activities outside college?

B: Well, I do a lot of interesting things in my spare time. I often go shopping on weekends,something most of the young ladies like me do that in their spare time. And I have worked part time for several big companies. I think, by doing that, I can have some hands-on experience in business. That‘s very important for my future career.

I: Thank you, Miss B. And you Miss A, can you tell me about your hometown?

A: Hmm…well, my hometown is Nantong. It lies at the mouth of Yangtze River, the longest in China. It has a population of 5 million. There‘s quite some places of historical interests there. And the economy there is growing fast in my hometown. The friendly environment has attracted a lot of investment from overseas.

I: Miss B, you said you‘d worked for several companies on a part time basis. Is there any other reason for you to work there apart from obtaining some work experience? B: Yeah. Obviously I can make some extra money from that. You know, my mother is now retrenched. It‘s really not easy for my parents to support me. And I don‘t want to be too heavy a burden for them.

I: How about you, Miss A? Are you a part time by any chance?

A: Oh, yes. But I don‘t work for companies. I teach several private students. I think teaching is a very interesting job, especially when I see my students are making progress. And just as Miss B said, money is an important consideration for me. So I teach for entertainment as well as for cash.

Other possible questions:

Life:What‘s your name? Where are you from? Do you think the place you are living in is an ideal place for living? Where do you like to live, in the city or in the countryside? Do you live near here? How did you come here?

Work: Where do you work? What kind of work do you like? Who do you work for? What do you like best about your work? What do you think of your present job? What do you think of working at home? Do you like your boss? What kind of boss do you like best?

Study: Where do you study? What kind of subjects do you like best? Do you like your school? How do you like exams at school?

Hobbies: What do you often go shopping for? Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like best? Do you think football is more popular in China than before? What are you hobbies? What kind of extracurricular activities do you like best? Why are you interested in golf?

* * * *

Part 2 Mini-presentation: (1 min preparation, 1 min talk)

The structure of a good mini-presentation:

I.Introduction: one or two sentences. No need to be very long.

There are two ways of starting the question in BEC III ―how to…‘ and ?the importance of…‘,and BEC II questions always start with ?what is important when doing something‘

So, for ?how to…‘, you can always start with ?Well, when it comes to xxing…, quite a number of things can be done.‘or ?Well, as is known to all, it is very important to…The question is of course – how?‘

For ? the importance of…‘, you can start with ?Well, in my view, you should not underestimate the importance of …‘ or ?Well, as is known to all, it is very important to…The question is of course –why?‘

For BEC II, you can start with ?Well, when it comes to xxing…, several vital factors must be taken into account. ? or ?Well, as we all know, many factors must be considered when…, the questions is of course – which ones?‘

Basically, ?how to…‘ asks about methods, ?the importance of…‘ asks about benefits, and ‘what is important when…‘ asks about factors to consider.

II. Main body: 1st point + development sentences

2nd point + development sentences

(3rd , 4th points + development sentences) ……

During the preparation, you should think of at least two points, in the form of key words or key phrases. Then you make a sentence using the each key word or phrase.

There are four common ways to construct a development sentence:

1.Explanation of the point : In this way, To put it another way, In other words, That is to

say, …so to speak, …let‘s say

2.Stating Reasons : As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, Therefore, Due to, Thanks to,

On account of

3.Giving Examples: Say, For instance, For example, As a good example, By way of example

4.Negative hypothesis : If…not

Beginning: First of all, To begin with, For one thing, At the first stage, Initially, The company will begin by…

Transition: And, And of course, Then, Besides, On the other hand, But more than that, Not only that, Apart from that, And an other thing, On top of that, What‘s more, Beyond those, But most importantly, But above all, Last but not least, Once…, Having (done)…

III. Recapitulation or Conclusion: one or two sentences.

All in all, In short, In a word, In brief, To summarise, To sum up, To recap, In conclusion, On the whole, Altogether, In a nutshell, To cut a long story short

You can use the pattern ?While there are also other considerations in… I believe the factors mentioned above are the most significant ones. ?for ?how to…‘ and ?what is important…‘ questions. For ?the importance of…‘, you can use ?While there are also other arguments why… I believe the

reasons mentioned above are the most significant ones. ?

* * * *

Sample Mini-presentations:

A. III-1. Career Development: how to fill a key vacancy

When it comes to filling a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure. (开题)

It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. (要点1,关键词job description)From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on. (发展1,解释)

Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. (要点2,关键词recruitment method)This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter. (发展2,例子)

Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through t he company‘s recruitment processes. (要点3,关键词recruitment processes)This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. (发展3,例子)This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.

The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate (要点4,关键词negotiate terms)and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want. (发展4,解释)

Even though different companies vary somewhat in their efforts to fill open posts, the steps mentioned above are very much the norm rather than the exception in any industry. (结论)

B. III-11. Recruitment: the importance of having a good CV

Well, in my opinion, you should never underestimate the importance of having a good CV. (开题)

To begin with, in the majority of cases, your CV is the employer‘s first impression of you. (要点1,关键词first impression)Your first chance to impress your potential employer, let‘s say. (发展1,解释)As you should remember to your advantage, yo u‘ve got only 30 seconds to leave a positive impression on someone, whether he is a customer or a potential employer. (发展1,解释)

But more than that, your CV also showcases your essential skills in order to compete in today‘s job market. (要点2,关键词skills)In other words, it provides an illustration of your skills to organize, summarize, prioritize and present information effectively, say, as well as your linguistic and communicative abilities. (发展2,解释)

But above all, a CV, by its very nature, also indicates how your qualification and experience match your employer‘s requirements. (要点3,关键词qualification and experience)In this way, your prospective boss will be able to reach a sound decision on your suitability for the position. (发展3,解释)

Even though employers these days use a variety of selection techniques, such as analyzing your handwriting or psychometric tests, a good CV is still the single most important part of any application. (结论)

C. II-13. What is important when choosing a new supplier? Prices and discounts, Reputation

Well, when it comes to choosing a new supplier, several vital factors must be taken into account.

To begin with, I think we must consider the price of goods first. We can compare the prices offered by different suppliers and choose the one which is more reasonable. Because only if we get the supply at lower price can we make profits. Of course, it would be even better if the supplier can offer discounts to regular clients.

Another point we should also consider is the location of the su pplier. We‘d better choose one who is not too far away from us. If the supplier is too far away, that will most likely increase the cost of transportation.

Besides, it‘s also very important to consider whether the supplier is reliable. We would never choo se those who always deliver their goods late or those who can‘t ensure the quality of goods. Because late delivery may bring heavy loss to us, and quality is the lifeline of any business. Otherwise we may lose our own clients. So in this aspect, we must not make any concessions, and lower prices cannot be a valid mitigating factor.

While there are also other considerations in choosing a supplier, such as reputation, means of payment, after-sales service, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.

D. II-36. What is important when choosing business premises to rent? Location, Length of contract

Well, as we all know, many factors must be considered when choosing business premises to rent, the questions is of course – which ones?

From my point of view, we should first take the location into consideration. Some companies choose to locate in office blocks downtown; some would like to be near the largest concentrations of their target customers. It depends largely upon the type of the company in question. Companies that provide services must be located within easy access. So they usually choose those places where there is convenient transportation.

Another important facet to consider is the size of the premises. Nowadays, more and more large companies prefer an open, spacious working floor which allows colleagues to communicate and interact freely. Of course, a small company would not rent the whole floor. That will be a waste of space and an unnecessary cost burden.

Last but not least, the length of contract should not be neglected. A fixed-term contract is

legally binding and can only serve to make your situation worse in times of recession. Whenever possible, flexible contract arrangement should be preferred.

While there are also other considerations in choosing business premises, such as rent and facilities, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.

E. III-7. Career Development: The importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career

Well, as is known to all, it is very important for a person to acquire a range of skills in the course of his career. The question is of course – why?

When he has a range of skills, first of all, he is obviously more competitive than those who don‘t and therefore has better chances of surviving a downturn. To put it another way, companies are likely to retain highly skilled staff members even when mass layoff is inevitable.

And that‘s not the only benefit. A person with a range of skills is more likely t o work his way to the top of the corporate ladder. In most companies, whether or not you have the appropriate skills is a relevant criterion for promotion.

On the other hand, it will also be easier for a skilled employee to find a job outside his own company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In this way, acquiring a variety of skills in one‘s career offers more professional mobility.

So, when all the benefits are taken into account, no wonder acquisition of skills is taken so seriously nowadays.

F. III-8. Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companies

Well, when it comes to assessing different career opportunities, several vital factors must be taken into account.

First of all, the type of company should be taken into consideration. Different types of firms have their own benefits and challenges. In a multinational company., say, you can learn international business management and culture, and as an icing on the cake, you may have more opportunities to travel abroad. However, English is the working language in multinationals. You have to be very good at English to work there. So state-owned companies may better suit some people.

Salary should be another important consideration. As everyone knows, multinational companies usually offer higher salaries. But if you have just graduated from college, you shouldn‘t be too concerned about that. As a new hand, it‘s more important to gain more experience through working rather than earn quick money.

After salary, we should not ignore other financial rewards in the form of fringe benefits. Some companies offer housing allowance, car allowance, children‘s education allowance in addition to salaries. Still others provide staff with free health club and cafeteria. And high tech firms often supplement salaries with stock options.

Although there are also other considerations in assessing different career

opportunities, such as training, location, and good colleagues, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.

G. III-31. Human Resources: how to select the right staff for promotion

Well, as is known to all, it is very important to select the right staff for promotion. The question is of course – how?

For one thing, qualification definitely counts a great deal. A good qualification, especially an advanced degree, normally indicates high aptitude and a wide range of knowledge and skills. Even though we often hear clichés like ?But degrees don‘t mean everything‘, in the real world, qualification actually means a lot.

That said, there ARE certain skills and knowledge, or what we call flair, that come only from long-time hands-on experience. So it is only natural that the next thing to consider should be experience. Only by accumulating enough experience can an employee be totally at ease with his duties. Besides, experience can also tell us about his performance, track record, and leadership potential.

Well, last but not least, personality should also be a factor in any staffing decision. Different positions require different personal qualities. The highest virtues for an engineer engaged in R & D, for instance, would be meticulousness and creativity. Yet for a sales manager, being energetic and outgoing is much more important because sales managers have to leave a good first impression upon their clients. But for any position, hard-working people are always welcome.

So to recap, qualification, experience and personality are the three promotion criteria that we all need to keep in mind.

H. III-62. Product Promotion: how to promote an imported brand

With so many people these days making a conscious decision to buy domestic products, the pressure on those companies wishing to promote imported brands is greater than ever before.

Initially, a company needs to show how their product is superior to the local equivalents. Maybe it‘s better quality; maybe it‘s more stylish; maybe it‘s better image. Anyway, a company needs to show customers the benefits of being more adventurous in their buying decisions, in order to encourage them to move away from the home brands they currently use.

Well, beyond that, if you market a product as something exotic or unusual, say, you‘re bound to attract new clients. As you may also have expe rienced, most people have a strong craving for things novel and unfamiliar. Of course, when the sense of curiosity wears off, such a strategy will usually fall short of expectations.

Last but not least, cultural stereotypes are also a powerful selling tool. A cosmetics range associated with French chic, for example, is sure to attract customers. And if people are looking to buy a reliable car, there‘s no better label than ?made in

Germany‘. These national associations can also be exploited at the point o f sale. Playing French music in supermarkets, for example, is proven to improve the sales of French wine.

All in all, if you want to successfully promote an imported brand, you need to give your customers a good reason to try something a little bit more exciting than their own home brands.

I. III-70. Advertising: the importance of stereotypes in advertising

Well, I‘m very much convinced that you should never underestimate the importance of stereotypes in advertising.

First of all, a stereotype is something enduring and easily identifiable to a whole national group. When an Asian audience see Eiffel Tower in an ad, they instantly conjure up the romantic image of Paris at night. And with that in mind, any product associated with French chic, say, cosmetics, perfume, and fashion, will become an easy sell. As another example, the German Audi designers in white lab coats are obviously obsessed with perfection. And so we can guarantee that any product we buy from them is going to be designed to perfection the moment we see this ad.

What‘s more, stereotypes can make us feel good about our own value systems or customs. An ad targeted at a British audience might pit a refined Londoner against a brash New Yorker and that‘ll give the impression that the product we‘r e selling is obviously full of taste and discretion. And in this way, stereotypes reinforce the positive qualities in the minds of the viewers.

And lastly, stereotypes make good comedy because everybody wants to laugh at other countries and people who are different. A fictitious aboriginal tribe once served as the backdrop for a celebrated cell phone ad. The contrast between the modern and the primitive kept the audience in stitches. And of course, if they‘ve had a laugh, they‘re more likely to remember the advert.

So to sum up, stereotypes are useful to advertisers because they‘re basically a shorthand. You‘ve got thirty seconds to get your main selling point across. And with a stereotype you can do that in two.

J. III-84. Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriately In recent years, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool.

Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks -- from attracting attention, to describing the product, to making the sale. Among these, the first one is undoubtedly the most crucial function. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. Nowadays, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller‘s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a ―five-second commercial‖. The renowned Campbell Soup Company, say, estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of

$26 million worth of advertising. However, everyone‘s favorite success story on packaging involves the ubiquitous red Coke can. Marketers everywhere have emulated but rarely equaled the marketing power of its simple design. More recently, the picture of a smiling Tiger Woods, the golf guru, appears on the boxes of a certain brand of cereals, apparently to convey an image of fitness, energy, and vitality. The effort has not been wasted – its sales tripled in one year.

In brief, while good packaging can serve many practical purposes, it is with its utility in effective product promotion that marketers are primarily concerned.

K. III-87. Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s products Well, as is known to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. The question is of course – how?

I think there are several ways to do that. For one thing, we should always make sure that we provide our customers with quality goods and quality after-sales service, as these two aspects are indisputably the lifeline of any business. Continuous new product development and innovation in service are also necessary in reinforcing and expanding customer base.

Apart from that, enough emphasis should be laid on the feedback from our customers. If necessary, prompt action should be taken to take care of their needs and demands.

Finally, if possible we should provide some incentives to repeat customers. For example, we can grant a certain rebate to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. And offering coupons and free delivery to customers are also effective and feasible methods.

All in all, we should try our utmost to keep our customers satisfied and fulfill their expectations. Only by doing so can we maintain clients‘ interest in our products.

L. III-113. Production Development: the importance of R & D to a company To illustrate the importance of research and development to some firms, the level of annual investment in research and development by the top ten listed corporations in the States can serve as a telling indicator: each of these firms typically spends more than $1 billion on research and development per year. The question is, why?

First of all, firms invest funds in research and development primarily in order to design new products. F or instance, Procter and Gamble‘s R & D resulted in its two-in-one shampoo and conditioner technology. This new technology has been used in its famous Pantene, Head & Shoulders products, which now enjoy a significant market share in various countries.

On the other hand, companies also use R & D to improve the products they already produce. Again, Procter and Gamble has improved the technology of Tide detergent more than seventy times. And not surprisingly, Tide is now the leading detergent in North America.

What‘s more, R & D can allow one firm a huge competitive advantage and therefore improve revenue streams dramatically. For example, Pfizer, one of the pharmaceutical titans, has successfully obtained patents for such best selling drugs as Benadryl, Listerine and Viagra. In other words, Pfizer now has the monopoly in these lucrative drugs. This ?license to print money‘ comes directly from Pfizer‘s R & D activities.

In short, firms that spend money on R & D have found to their delight that the benefits almost always exceed the expenses.

M. III-130. Health and Safety: the importance of a safe working environment for maintaining staff morale

Firms that create a safe working environment not only prevent injuries but improve the morale of their employees as well. I feel strongly that this is something indispensable for any company.

First of all, a safe working environment offers peace of mind to staff members and therefore can significantly motivate staff to enhance a firm‘s productivity. As a result, m any leading firms, such as Intel and GE, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Not surprisingly, these are some of the best performing firms anywhere in the world.

What‘s more, a safe environment can reduce the occurrence of workplace a ccidents, which are usually a source of staff dissatisfaction and low trust in the management. Taking safety measures can enhance staff loyalty and, in turn, moral. For instance, Levi Strauss and Co. imposes safety guidelines not only in its US facilities but also in Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks, meanwhile, has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries, in an effort to buck against sweatshop-like working conditions. These two companies have been rated highly by their employees.

In short, if you want to boost morale among your staff, or to put it in plain words, if you want to see enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty in your workforce, then safety should have your prior attention.

N. III-137. International Business: the importance of a global presence for a company With more mergers and acquisitions than ever before, I think it‘s becoming quite clear that a company in the future will need to have a global presence in order to compete in tomorrow‘s market place. This presence can give a company many competitive advantages.

To begin with, say, it can give access to local market knowledge, which can help avoid some very, very expensive mistakes on account of cultural conflicts. The Matsushita Firm of Japan learned this at a price, when they, without knowing the negative connotations of the word in the US, first launched their products under the brand name of ―National‘. Only when they switched to ?Panasonic‘ did the fla t sale become brisk.

On top of that, a global presence can spread the risk of doing business. As the saying goes: Don‘t put all your eggs in one basket. If a company sells to more than one market, it can survive a downturn in any one of those markets, tha t‘s something for sure.

And if a company becomes truly global, the size of the company means it can realize economies of scale, say, in advertising or distribution or shipping. It can also move its production from country to country and take advantage of the best conditions at any given time.

So I think, all in all, when these things are taken into consideration, it‘s quite clear that any company not looking to establish a global presence in the future may not have a future at all.

O. III-138. Business Ethics: how to encourage ethical behaviour from employees Figures show that more and more companies are now reporting their ethical performance and it‘s clear, I think, that companies now have to address the issue of ensuring ethical behaviour amongst their staff. The question is of course – how?

To begin with, awareness is key. And in order to promote awareness for ethics, the company needs to put ethics high on the training and staff development agenda. The HR department, say, can sponsor some workshops or seminars on business ethics, or even invite some external experts for this purpose.

Once these procedures are in place, the company then needs to spell out an official code of ethical practice and ensure that all employees have access to it and can understand it easily. The company then needs to implement an effective and anonymous system of reporting any breaches of this code. Some companies even benchmark their ethical practices against those of industry leaders and see how they‘re doing.

I suppose it‘s also vital that companies ensure that their senior managers set a good example, ?walk and talk‘ so to speak. If they don‘t behave ethically why should staff?

All in all, whatever measures a company adopts, it needs to make staff understand why ethics is important not just to the company but also to themselves as well.

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BEC II Part 2 questions:

Career 职业题

1.What is important when looking for a new job? Location, Salary, Good colleagues

See C, F

--Last but not least, good colleagues are not a minor consideration either. As we all know,

good colleagues provide a supportive work environment, and therefore can also foster teamwork and cooperation in your job. On the other hand, not so helpful colleagues will cause frustration and reduce productivity.

2.What is important when preparing for a job interview? Studying the job

advertisement, Finding out about the company

--To begin with, studying the job ad is a crucial first step. Only by doing so can you fully understand the employer‘s re quirements on qualification, experience, skills and so on. In this way, you wouldn‘t be wasting your time applying for the wrong position.

--Another important thing to do is to find out about the company. This may be done in many ways. For example, there are often articles about larger companies in newspapers and international business magazines. Visiting the firm‘s website is also a neat idea. Many firms even provide their annual reports for free download on their homepages. Of course, if possible, the best way is simply to ask someone, say a friend or a colleague, who knows about the firm well.

3.What is important when being interviewed for a job? Information about the

company, Personal appearance

See II-2.

--Another important aspect to consider would be your personal appearance. In the majority of cases, your appearance is the employer‘s first impression of you. Your first chance to impress your potential employer, let‘s say. As you should remember to your advantage, you‘ve got only 30 seconds to leave a positive impression on someone, whether he is a customer or a potential employer.

4.What is important when starting a new job? Knowledge of company procedures,

Help from company staff

--To begin with, knowledge of company procedures would be useful. Most firms have their own specific sets of procedures that you, as a new staff member, should observe. For instance, many enterprises do now allow the use of company email and internet service for personal purposes. Other companies ban smoking on their premises. Still others require certain staff to wear company uniforms.

---Last but not least, help from veteran staff is not a minor consideration either.

As we all know, colleagues‘ assistance provide a supportive work environment, and therefore can also foster teamwork and cooperation in your job. On the other hand, not so helpful colleagues will cause frustration and reduce productivity.

5.What is important when considering a career change? Further study or training,

Opportunities for future promotion

--For one thing, whether further study or training is provided is a crucial first consideration.

When an employee receives further training, he is obviously more competitive than those who don‘t and therefore has better chances of surviving a downturn. To put it another way, companies are likely to retain highly trained staff members even when mass layoff is

-- Last but not least, opportunities for future promotion is no small factor either. A firm with plenty of promotion opportunities allows staff members to work his way to the top of the corporate ladder. That will give employees not only enough room for personal growth, but also better financial rewards. As a result, employees in such companies are more likely to achieve a better level of job satisfaction.

6.What is important when aiming for promotion? Quality of performance, Company


--To begin with, the quality of your performance is normally the most significant factor in promotion. Here, what I mean by performance includes, but is not limited to, your track record, your productivity, your efficiency, your integrity and your leadership skills. Therefore, you should try your best to acquire extra skills and qualifications, as well as doing a good job.

--On the other hand, you must also show loyalty and commitment to your company.

If your firm feels that you do not intend to stay on, there is little likelihood for you to be promoted. So, don‘t ?shop around‘ for the best job possible. Instead, you should plan to stick with a company until you have proven yourself.

Staffing 选人题

7.What is important when selecting staff for promotion? Attitude to work, Current


See II-6.

8.What is important when selecting applicants for a job? Work experience, Personal


See G.

9.What is important when selecting staff for marketing trips abroad? Position in the

company, Previous experience of other countries

--Well, initially, position in the company might be an important factor to consider.

In stead of entry-level staff, senior staff should be sent, in order to handle certain situations too complicated for rookies. Also, a high position means higher authority and larger decision-making power in important matters.

--What‘s more, previous experience in the foreign country is also a pl us.

Everyone country has its unique language and culture. Local market knowledge can help avoid some very, very expensive mistakes on account of cultural conflicts.

The Matsushita Firm of Japan learned this at a price, when they, without knowing the negative connotations of the word in the US, first launched their products under the brand name of ―National‘. Only when they switched to ?Panasonic‘ did the flat sale become brisk.

10.What is important when choosing people to work in teams? Variety of experience,

personal qualities

11.What is important when choosing a new sales agent? Experience of agent, Number

of contacts

See G.

--Last but not least, the number of an agent‘s contacts is no small consideration either. Networking has now become an important aspect in the modern business world. The more people you know, the easier it will be for you to market products, to expand your customer base, and to close deals.

12.What is important when selecting a business partner? Personality, Capital

See G.

--Another important factor to consider is the amount of capital of your business partner possesses. A higher level of capital not only provides a better safety net, but also offers more opportunities for business expansion and growth.

13.What is important when choosing a new supplier? Prices and discounts, Reputation

See C.

--Besides, reputation can also be a vital consideration. We would never choose those who have shady reputation. Because that may bring heavy loss to us, and reputation is the lifeline of any business. Otherwise we may lose our own clients. So in this aspect, we must not make any concessions, and lower prices cannot be a valid mitigating factor.

Training 培训题

14.What is important when choosing a business language course? Cost, Size of course,


--To begin with, like in many other things in the business world, cost is the primary consideration. It is often said that you always pay for what you get, but you don‘t always get what you pay for. While excessive costs can be a big minus, extremely low prices may not necessarily be a good thing either. We really have to decide what our budget is and then look at the price-quality ratio.

--Well, the size of the course is another thing we should take into account.

Normally the smaller a course is, the more hands-on opportunities you will get.

This is especially important in a business course because there are certain skills and knowledge, or what we call flair, that come only from hands-on experience.

See G.

15.What is important when choosing a management training course to attend?

Program contents, Length of course

--Well, one of the first things to consider is the contents of the training program.

Only by understanding the objective, focus and target audience of the program can we be sure that the program is the right one for us. Otherwise, we will just be wasting our time and efforts.

--Apart from that, the length of the course should not be neglected either. The

longer a course is, the more knowledge and skills you can learn from it. But you should also consider the impact a long training course has on your working and family life. The golden mean will be to strike a balance between the two.

16.What is important when planning health and safety training? Selecting topics,

Selecting staff to attend

-- Well, one of the first things to consider is to select topics for the training. Only by choosing the appropriate topics can we be sure that the program is the right one for the staff. Otherwise, we will just be wasting our time and efforts.

--Health and safety is something that should concern many different departments in

a firm. As a result, we should involve not only people directly related to

manufacturing, say, Production and Quality Control, but also Marketing, After Sales Service, and R & D in order to enhance awareness throughout the company. HR人事题

17.What is important when dealing with a heavy workload? Time management,

Sharing tasks

--Well, the first thing to consider is time management. When a heavy workload is at hand, we should always start early, in order to meet deadlines. Also we can resort to technology, such as software, to speed up the processing of certain routine tasks. And we must not neglect the ordering of priorities in that time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with. But most importantly of all, we should allocate blocks of time to specified tasks, so as to have a definite idea of when we should complete a certain task.

--On the other hand, sharing tasks with a colleague is also worth mentioning.

Sometimes stress at work does get out of control. In such cases, we should seek help from other colleagues so as to finish our work in time. And whenever necessary, we can also reciprocate the favor.

18.What is important when introducing a reward system for staff? Purpose of the

reward system, Types of reward offered

--At the first stage, the purpose of the reward system should be determined. Is it to show appreciation for staff‘s contribution to the firm? Or is it an effort to enhance staff productivity and performance? Or is it a way to reinforce loyalty and commitment to the company? Whatever the aim, it must be clarified before introducing the reward system.

-- After purpose, we should not ignore the types of reward offered. Some companies offer cash prizes and salary increases in addition to the usual promotions. Still others provide staff with free holidays or useful training programs. And more sophisticated firms often supplement these with some form of non-material rec ognition, say, an ?Employee of the Month‘, or ?Employee of the Year‘ award certificate.

19.What is important when aiming to reduce staff turnover? Financial incentives,

Career structure

--To begin with, we should not underestimate the importance of financial incentives. Not just salary. We should not ignore other financial rewards in the form of fringe benefits. Some companies offer housing allowance, car allowance, children‘s education allowance in addition to salaries. Still others provide staff with free health club and cafeteria. And high tech firms often supplement salaries with stock options.

-- Last but not least, career structure is no small factor either. A firm with a flexible career structure allows staff members to work his way to the top of the corporate ladder. That will give employees not only enough room for personal growth, but also better financial rewards. As a result, employees in such companies are more likely to achieve a better level of job satisfaction.

20.What is important when motivating staff? Financial benefits, Career development


See II-19.

Sales & Marketing 营销题

21.What is important when developing new products? Market research, Costs

involved, Pricing

--One of the most important things to consider is market research. Market research can help determine your target market, or the target group for your products. This refers to the age group, education group, and income group likely to purchase your products. And through market research, you can also find out about their habits and attitudes, say, what TV programs and newspapers are their favorite.

For instance, if you are marketing a product for the teenagers, you‘d achieve good results if you have your commercial inserted into sitcoms such as ?Friends‘ popular among this group. Just those gorgeous teen idols are convincing enough.

--On top of that, Costs involved are not to be neglected, either. Here, costs involve not only direct cost, such as production costs, but also indirect ones, such as R & D costs required to develop the new products from scratch, as well as marketing and advertising costs in order to promote the new product to potential customers.

--Last but not least, well, pricing is another key factor that must be taken into account. In addition to the costs mentioned above, manufacturers must decide on an appropriate profit margin as a return on their investment. But it is also important to consider the competitors‘ prices and the local average spending level or the purchasing power of your target group. If your pricing is too out of touch with reality, your new products are unlikely to survive the keen competition.

22.What is important when aiming to reach new markets? Market research,


See 21.

--But more than that, advertising is also an important factor to consider.

Advertising can take many forms. We can choose traditional media such as TV, radio, newspapers or periodicals. Even among these, those with a large circulation or wide coverage are the most desirable. To achieve a stronger visual impact, we can even use some usual methods, say, flying an advertising balloon above the city.

Sometimes, we need to sponsor local celebrities, such as athletes, movie stars, or media personalities, in order to achieve immediate and durable publicity.

23.What is important when marketing a new product? Holding a presentation,

Distributing questionnaire

--First of all, what you can do is to hold a presentation. This is useful for the launching of your new product, because it will give much useful information in an objective manner. The shortcoming of this method is that a presentation will normally only attract people in your industry, and it will be hard to reach wider circles of potential customers.

--The next thing to do is to distribute questionnaires. Questionnaires can help determine your target market, or the target group for your products. This refers to the age group, education group, and income group likely to purchase your products.

And through questionnaires, you can also find out about their habits and attitudes, say, what TV programs and newspapers are their favorite.

24.What is important when selling a new product? Price, Quality, Advertising

See II-21, 22.

-- Besides, it‘s also very important to emphasize the quality. No matter how exciti ng our advertisement is, quality is still the lifeline of any business. Otherwise we can only expect to lose our clients in the long run. So in this aspect, we must not make any concessions, and lower prices cannot be a valid mitigating factor, either.

25.What is important when retailing the product? Relationship between retailers and

consumers, The quality of the products

See II-24.

--First of all, we should pay close attention to relationship between retailers and consumers. A retailer‘s demand comes from t wo groups: new customers and repeat customers. Beyond designing strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, companies should retain current customers and build lasting customer relationships. In my opinion, the key to customer retention is superior customer value and satisfaction.

26.What is important when setting prices for new products? Production costs, Competitor‘s prices

See II-21.

27.What is important when advertising a new product? Target markets, Choice of


See II-21, 22.

28.What is important when planning an advertising campaign? Market research,

Selecting appropriate media

See II-21, 22.

29.What is important when deciding on packaging for products? Image, Production


See J.

30.What is important when exporting goods or services for the first time? Professional

advice, Personal contacts

--To staff off, seeking professional advice may be an important first step.

Undoubtedly, there are many business and legal regulations related to export. But as a novice in this area, it is impossible to fully understand all the details involved.

Professional advice then becomes an indispensable way to avoid expensive mistakes.

--Last but not least, the number of personal contacts is no small consideration either. Networking has now become an important aspect in the modern business world. The more people you know, the easier it will be for you to market products, to expand your customer base, and to close deals. The same can be said when export business is concerned.

Customer Service客服题

31.What is important when monitoring the quality of service provided? Feedback

from customers, Checking sales figures

--To begin with, feedback from customers cannot be overlooked. There are several ways to obtain customer feedback. For instance, we can distribute questionnaires to customers and then collect them. Some companies even put a customer response card in the product package. Setting up a helpline service or customer email service is also an fast and effective means of keeping in touch with customers.

--Another vital thing to do is to check sales figures. Sales figures are normally strongly correlated to the quality of service provided. In today‘s competitive business environment, a firm with poor service standards will suffer the drain of repeat customers almost immediately, and perhaps permanently. Therefore, any sign of declining sales figures should serve as a warning signal to people in charge of customer service.

32.What is important when aiming to improve customer service? Staff training,

Customer satisfaction surveys

-- Another vital thing to do is to train staff who deal with customers. In today‘s competitive business environment, a firm with poor service standards will suffer

the drain of repeat customers almost immediately, and perhaps permanently. Staff training should thus stress appropriate appearance, basic courtesy, good manners, as well as patience and a positive attitude.

-- Having done staff training, customer satisfaction survey cannot be overlooked, either. There are several ways to do this. For instance, we can distribute questionnaires to customers and then collect them. Some companies even put a customer response card in the product package. Setting up a helpline service or customer email service is also an fast and effective means of keeping in touch with customers.

33.What is important when dealing with complaints from clients? Offering an apology,

Suggesting a solution to the problem

--Well, the first and most important step to take will be an apology. Whatever the cause of the complaint, the firm must first show the customer its sincerity in resolving the issue. An unapologetic attitude on the firm‘s part would only reinforce the negative view the customer already holds.

--Suggesting a solution to the problem, on the other hand, is also necessary.

Sometimes, the problem can be fixed by taking some minor steps. On other occasions, some forms of financial compensation, say, a coupon or voucher, is warranted if the customer has sustained a heavy loss. In any case, a follow-up investigation is should be conducted to identify the true causes of the complaint and preventive measures be taken to prevent its reoccurrence.

Planning 规划题

34.What is important when choosing new office equipment? Prices and discounts,

Brand names

--To begin with, like in many other things in the business world, price is the primary consideration. It is often said that you always pay for what you get, but yo u don‘t always get what you pay for. While excessive costs can be a big minus, extremely low prices may not necessarily be a good thing either. We really have to decide what our budget is and then look at the price-quality ratio.

--Another important factor to take into consideration is the brand name. Without doubt, brand name products are far more expensive than generic ones. But usually, brand name products carry an assurance of quality and better after sales service pledges. Also prestige plays an important role in the choice. In any case, it is better to strike a balance between reputation and utility.

35.What is important when founding a new branch? Location, Size

See D.

36.What is important when choosing business premises to rent? Location, Length of


See D.

37.What is important when choosing a company site? Location, Price

See D, II-34.

38.What is important when relocating a business? Local workforce available, Location

of site

See D.

--On top of that, local workforce available is no minor factor either when relocating a business. If an area has an abundant supply of highly skilled professionals in your industry, you are more likely to recruit the best candidate for any job. That will help reduce business costs and enhance productivity.

39.What is important when planning the layout of a new store? Attractiveness,

Security of goods

--For one thing, attractiveness is probably the single most important factor in store layout. In today‘s competitive business environment, any store owner must try his or her best to make the store appealing, stylish, and cozy in order to attract customers into the store. Only then is there a possibility of creating transactions with the customers.

--That said, security of goods should also become a consideration. Certain store layouts allow customers close access to goods. That‘s reasonable because customers would buy the goods only if they have seen them clearly. Yet for precious or fragile goods, such as jewelry or porcelain, there should always be some forms of protection, say an alarm, to prevent theft or damage. Communication & Socializing 交流社交题

40.What is important when deciding whether to attend a conference? Venue, Speakers

--To begin with, venue is an important consideration. Some conferences have good topics, but unfortunately are held overseas. This means significant cost and time commitment on the part of the participants. Also it is a question of opportunity cost. Sending staff to a faraway conference may mean the loss of product work time in the firm.

--Besides, we should also take into account who the speaks are at the conference.

If the speakers are renowned scholars or executives of the leading firms in your industry, it is almost always worth your time and money to attend the conference.

On the other hand, if the quality of the speakers is less than satisfactory, you should think twice before you decide to attend.

41.What is important when exhibiting at a trade fair? Quality of display, Staff selected

--For one thing, the quality of your display is probably the single most important factor at a trade fair. In today‘s competitive business environment, any fair participant must try his or her best to make the stall appealing, stylish, and cozy in order to attract potential customers. Only then is there a possibility of creating transactions with the customers.


BEC中级口语 第一讲 Ⅰ Presentation Example PART 2: Mini-presentation A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Selecting applicants for a job W orking experience P ersonal qualities Sample 1 I choose topic A-what is important when selecting applicants for a job. As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are 3 things to consider. First, I think working experience is very important when selecting applicants. Applicants who have already had the work experience in the relevant fields will learn the new job easier and quicker. And it will also save the company a lot of training fees if the applicant has related experience. Second, we must consider the personal qualities of the applicants, such as personality and health. Companies tend to employ people whose character fits a special job. For example, consulting company tends to employ applicant who is analytical and knowledgeable, but advertising agents like their employees to be energetic and creative. Third, I believe language is of great importance when selecting applicants. Nowadays, we do business with people from all over the world. Always we buy goods from Africa, and sell our electronic product to Europe; a foreign language especially English is needed if the company wants to expand to the world. Applicants who can speak one or more foreign languages will have a better chance to get the job. Sample 2 As we all know, the criteria used by HR professionals in screening and selecting applicants normally include such factors as working experience, personal qualities and communicative skills. Firstly, we pay a lot of attention to working experience of the applicant. A person with a solid record of related experience is more likely to fit in with a new company. Therefore he or she can be trusted to fulfill the tasks and solve the problems in a more professional and competent way. In addition to this, we also look at the personal qualities of the applicant. Does he or she has integrity, perseverance or ‘can do’spirit? Surely any organization can benefit from the reliability, devotion and enthusiam of its employees. Finally, good communicative skills such as interpersonal skills and team spirit are also becoming an important precondition in selecting qualified employees. B: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…? Preparing for a job interview S tudying the job advertisement Finding out about the company Before you go for an interview, you must make preparations so as to face the interviewer with more confidence. They include studying the job advertisement, finding out about the company, preparing yourself psychologically, etc.


BEC中级口语考试:基础篇 1.1第一部分考试形式 (Test format of Part 1) 在第一部分考试中,考官就考生的个人情况或工作、学习情况向其提问,考生作答。然后考官再提问,考生再作答。考官一般会对每个考生进行两轮提问,每一轮三至四个问题,随后转向另一名考生,在两名考生间交替进行,直到规定时满为止,一般大约3 分钟。 这部分考试的特点是:话题涵盖的范围一般比较简单、浅显,不会超出日常会话的范畴,而且大部分话题都比较类似,是由主考官从剑桥大学考试委员会印发的Question List上随机挑选的。考前的充分准备足以保证考生应付大多数问题。而且在第一部分考核过程中,考官提问的问句大部分都是简单句,一般不超过15个单词,清晰易懂。 1.2应试建议 (Tips on how to cope with Part 1) (1)Greet upon entering the exam room. 进入考场后,考生应当充满自信,自然大方地向考官问候致意。话不需多,但自然、新切的问候语,可以给考官留下良好的第一印象。常用的问候语包括: Good morning, sir / miss / madam. Good afternoon, sir / miss / madam. Nice to meet you. (注:有两位男老师在场,可以称呼gentlemen. 有两位女老师在场,可以称呼misses. 有一位男老师和一位女老师在场,可以干脆免去后面的敬呼语,或直接采纳上面第三种问候方式,以免去敬呼语太长、太繁琐的尴尬。Madam 一般用于明显很年长的女教师,否则改用miss,因为女性对年龄认可度比较敏感。) (2)Relax yourself, yet do avoid over relaxing yourself. 大部分考生都有过这样的经历:平时跟同伴一起练口语的时候说得挺流畅的,但一到课堂上回答老师问题时,或是一进入口语考试房间时,所有头脑中的思路都不翼而飞,头脑一片空白。因此,在很多情况下,口语考试表现不好并不是口语水平问题,而是过分紧张导致的发挥失常。因此,平时试着让自己多练练紧张时放松的能力,对于克服进入考场后突然情绪紧张导致的发挥失常很有帮助。 (3)Familiarize yourself with the pronunciation and intonation of the interlocutor and the other candidate. 由于考生来自不同的地域,很多方音重的考生在说英语的时候也同样如此,这在很大程度上会影响其他同一考场的考生的理解和反应。考官尽管发音准确,但因为不熟悉他(她)的语音语调,也有可能造成误解。因此,进入考场后,要尽快熟悉他们的语音语调及语速,以免由于误听导致反应错误。 (4)Be precise in understanding the questions. 考官的提问也好,同伴的问题也好,没听清的情况下切不可盲目作答,一定要问清楚问题是什么。考生要清楚的一点是,BEC口语考试是“口语”考试,而非听力考试,也许没听清对方的问题会影响你的分数,而在没听清问题的情况下盲目作答而导致答非所问,更会真正丢分。在以往的考试中,有些考生由于事先针对第一部分做了充分的准备,因此在考官提问的时候没有全神贯注,而是凭着准备过的问题想当然,背诵事先准备好的答案。这种错误是极不应该的,不仅会给考官留下作弊(cheating )的不良印象,还会由于听力水平不佳而被扣分。要求对方重述问题的常用句型包括: Pardon, please? I beg your pardon? Sorry, could you please say that again? I’m sorry, but I didn’t quite catch you. Would you please repeat what you’ve


剑桥BEC真题集第四辑(中级)口语修正版答案 What is important when Planning a presentation? ●Audience ●Equipment needed Firstly,You need to know who is going to be the target audience. Whether the audience know anything about the topic of your presentation, What they are interested in, and Why they come to your presentation. Once you have found out something about the target audience, you need to keep in mind their interests and needs so as to make your presentation interesting and meaningful for the target audience. Secondly, you need to decide what kind of equipment will be needed for the presentation, e.g. over-head projector; clear transparencies; computer; microphone, acoustic for the venue where the presentation will take place. Also,You need to make sure that the equipment needed will be available on the day when the presentation will take place. what’s more, you need to check that all the equipment is in good condition and works well. What is important when selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients ●Experience ●Reliability Firstly, you need to select an interpreter who is experienced in interpreting for such meetings, the interpreter should have a wide knowledge about business management and familiar with the special terms and jargons for commercial negotiations, finance, law, etc. in addition, a background knowledge about the target country is also important too. Secondly, the interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients should be reliable in the following aspects: being punctual for the meetings,keeping information learned at the meetings confidential and interpreting accurately what is being discussed What is important when introducing a new product range onto the market ●Timing ●advance publicity Firstly ,the introduction should be made at an appropriate time, i.e. when the market is matured for having this new product range, in other words, there will be prospective customers to buy the products. If there are any competitors who are planning to introduce similar products onto the market, then it is necessary that the introduction should be made ahead of their introduction so as to grab as much market share as possible. Secondly, advance publicity is important in that it will pave the way for the introduction, i.e. to make it known to the general public. There are different ways to implement advance publicity. -- to have a news conference to declare the introduction --to advertise on TV/radio, in newspaper/magazines --to deliver samples of the new product (delivery can be made in the streets, in


剑桥商务英语(BEC)中级口语考试试题 口语考试分为三部分: 第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟Example 1.Q:What’s your name? A:My name is (Kate) (注:括号内的为参考答案) 2 .Q:Where are you from? A:I come from (JiangSu Province) 3. Q:Are you a student or worker? A:I am a (student/worker) 要点::以上问题,只要你简单阐述就行了,不要长篇大论,而且老师问什么,你回答什么,千万不要拖泥带水。 Exercise:(每人问两个问题和答两个问题) 1、What is your major? 2、Which course do you like best? 3、Why do you study English? 4、Do you like doing business? Why? 第二阶段:时间大概6分钟,每个考生分别发给一张带有三个不同题目的卡片,每个考生的题目都是不同的。考生需要从三个题目中选择一个题目,准备一分种,然后根据题目的要求他和提示作一分种的简短发言。 Exercise :(以下问题三选一,每人陈述一分钟,并把你要讲的内容写在作业本上。) 1、Selecting a business magazine,which is more important? Cost Content 2、Choosing software, which is more important? Potential benefit


b e c中级口语第三部分 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

互相讨论: 本部分考试时间约5分钟,以考生之间的双向对话方式进行,要求考生根据所给的商务背景知识和相关提示准备30秒之后进行为时3分钟的讨论,然后考官将根据考生的发挥情况围绕主题分别对考生提问。这个阶段主要测试考生在比较与对比、总结与分析、争论与让步等中的语言表达能力。 1. 应试技巧: (1)了解自己角色 考生拿到卡片后应迅速浏览关于场景的介绍,熟悉自己扮演的角色,并努力在以下的对话中以此角色的立场来思考问题及阐述观点,这样才能保证对话的顺利进行。 (2)理清发言要点 考生拿到卡片后还应根据题目的要求,迅速展开联想,构思出发言的要点。最好按重要性将各要点排序,做到发言过程中逻辑清晰,条理通顺。 (3)控制发言时间 在考试中不能一味地表现自己,太“霸道”,也不能一味沉默,太“谦虚”。要把握分寸,掌握时机,恰当地运用口语表达技巧,自然地接续、打断、插入或附和别人的话茬,完整地表现自己。 (4)与同伴密切合作 在整个谈话中,考生都应遵循“合作”的原则,保持一种友好、礼貌、轻松的氛围,使讨论卓有成效。在对话过程中要注意在自己发言的同时还要给对方创造发言的机会,使讨论

能够活跃自然。在产生尴尬无话题可讲的情况下,双方都应当尽力找到谈话突破口,保持谈话继续进行。 (5)注意肢体语言 肢体语言有助于给考官留下好的印象。时刻保持微笑,认真地倾听同伴的发言,并适当地点头表示同意(但也不可过于频繁)。 2. 考试演示 考题: Effective Time Management Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation. Discuss and decide together: why poor time management can become a major problem in company. what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.参考答案: Zheng: Hi, Ms. Wen. As you know, our company is kind of out of control these days. Don't you think so


1.Staff turnover Reasons S ome people are just leaving for individual reasons,such as private problems concerning family,career growth,etc More and more people are now pursing for boundary-less careers.They place premium on flexibility and capacity to do several kind of jobs,to learn new things,and adapt quickly to different group setting. Situation Have some problems concerning the management style of our company.We should examine our succeeding planning,our motivation programs and appraisal system. Several times we have failed to promote high-potential managerial staff to a higher position.We should make full use of job rotation and transfer to motivate the employees. Solution 1.offer good salary People who get a fairly good salary do not always think about changing their jobs.Everyone wants to get a good salary,so money is the first thing to consider in choosing a job.&High salary is always the key attraction to the good staff. People can get high job satisfaction from the high salary. 2.give bonus to those who work hard 3.maintain staff satisfaction by providing them with a democratic environment 4.keep the communication line open solve problems as they emerge 5.offer psychological consultancy advice so that employees can better adjust themselves to their work pressure. 6.offer career planing A successful career planing can lead people to a satisfying and rewarding lifestyle. Results High staff turnover will induce replacement and training cost,cause tense and stress,increase workloads,decline employee's morale and decrease productivity. 2.Meetings Preparations 1.Send them the exact time,location,agenda,the person who will attend and other documents they need to read. Creating a agenda helps participants know what they should should be talking about and keeps the conversation focused. Make sure the copies of agenda are available before the meeting. 2.It's important to communicate with speakers before the conference,to get to know the basic outline of their speeches. 3.Relevant equipments such as microphones,PowerPoints,OHP(overhead projectors) are need to ensure the meetings to go on smoothly. Speakers


2.1 What is important when aiming to improve career prospects (职业规划)? When aiming to improve career prospects, I would take four factors into account, namely, a good reading habit, a good command of foreign languages, a further education and organic frame of the world (先列出四论点). To start with, a good reading habit can enrich your knowledge. When you are reading business articles, the latest business events will give you a clue of what to do on your own opinions. Secondly, foreign language learning is becoming increasingly(有意识的替换more and more)popular in companies because it guarantees effective communication with overseas business partners. Thirdly, further education helps you to step forward. With more training, your proficiency will be improved. Last but not least, an organic knowledge system also plays an important part in the career development. A broadened horizon(开阔眼界) would enhance your professional skills. 2.2 What is important when deciding how to transport goods? When you are deciding how to transport goods, the destination of the delivery is the prime element to be considered(这也是表明观点的一种表达方式哦). For the sake of (为了~~) convenience(论点1), various means of transportation should be adopted with regard to different distance of the delivery. Furthermore, we can not overlook speed(论点2). A more prompt delivery means a faster turnover(此处意为流通量,注意它的其他两种意思:营业额及turnover rate员工的离职率). On the other hand, delivery and loading of the goods should not be neglected(论点3). If the goods are not taken care of, there could be damages either in transit or during the loading and unloading process or by other reasons. If the percentage of the damaged portion is too high and the goods are in a bad condition, the company can suffer from a huge loss. And now it comes to the last point: price(论点4). Other things being equal, as long as the transport company can handle the items properly(可以用专业术语“野蛮装卸”rough handling表示), we would definitely choose the one that grants us the best offer. 2.3 What is important when purchasing new machinery? When purchasing new machinery for production line(生产线), the level of automation should be considered first(论点1). Just imagine how much labor it will save if the whole process is computerized and fully automatic, that is exactly the reason why we buy new machineries: to save labor and raise efficiency. Moreover, we should be aware of the maintenance requirement (论点2) of the machineries we bought. It should be stated crystal clear(完全明白,十分明了)in the payment terms(专业术语:付款条件,支付条款)whether it is the responsibility of the buyer or the seller to get the maintenance covered(意为“负责”). Furthermore, quality should be viewed before the purchase(论点3). Finally, if I were in charge of the purchase, my interest will be towards safety(论点4). The visual of some worker getting caught in the blade(刀片)of the machinery is horrifying. If we don’t take this seriously, this image will not be a hypothetical case(噩梦


B E C中高级口语总结(根据 陈小蔚口语书各主题总结) -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

主题 一.商务旅行/差旅 (1)前期准备preparation 1.accommodation:book a hotel(hall等)with adequate working facilities(such as fax machine,internet access,computers等) 2.transportation :choose a convenient(suitable)means of transportation (2)费用:hotel bills,traveling expenses,public transportation fares,fax or telephone charges, client entertainment expenses (3)考虑因素: 文化差异cultural differences:different thought patterns;working style;ways of decision-making;shopping habits;ways of seeing the world 如何应对: 1.promote the global mindset 2.become sensitive to the cultural difference/be open-minded 3.respect for native culture 4.consider cultural taboos 5.the staff should acquaint with differences in language, laws and social customs 6.relocate the employee to work abroad to experience different working style 二.员工培训training (1)主要内容:(内容+意义 https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd17655586.html,munication skills +avoid misunderstanding;get the work well done 2.customer service +it is critical to mee t customers‘ needs; increase customers’ satisfaction


BEC Oral Examinations Model paper (Vantage) Part One: Phase I I: Good morning/afternoon. I’m …and this is my colleague …. S/he’s just going to listen to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please? (To A) What’s your name? Where are you from? I: Thank you. (To B) And you? I: Thanks. Do you work or are you a student, B? I: (What do you do? What do you study?) I: What about you, A? (What do you do? What do you study?) I: What do you like most about your job/studies, A? I: (Why?) I: What about you, B? Phase II Communications -- I: Do you like communicating with other people by letter, phone or e-mail? Why? Well, it depends. Usually, I prefer letter, phone or e-mail because it is cost-effective. I mean these forms allow us to communicate with each other where and when we want to. But telecommunicating sometimes makes you feel isolated and out of touch, leading to demotivation and less productivity. I: Do you think companies should be able to contact their staff outside working hours? Why or why not? Employment -- I: Do you think interviews are the best methods of judging applicant s’ suitability for a job? I: How do you prefer to prepare for an interview? I: How do you prefer to deal with stress before and during an interview? Business meeting— I: Do you prefer to have a lot of things planned for each week?


1.1真题及答题思路(Authentic testing items & answer cues) (1)Can you tell me something about yourself? (这是第一部分考试经常出现的一个问题。面对这样的问题,考生的回答应该包括如下信息:your name, your age, your occupation (or your school and major) and your personality.) Sample answer for your reference: Well, my name is Zhang Peng. I’m twenty-one years old.I’m now studying in Dalian Maritime University towards a bachelor degree (of engineering / of science / of arts), majoring in navigation / marine engineering /physics / English. I think I’m an out-going person; I love making friends. (2)What kind of person would you say you are? (问及个人性格特点的问题也是一个常问见问题。该问题的各种不同措辞及若干关于个人性格特点描述的常用形容词,详见2.3.1的讲解) Sample answer for your reference: I’m always trying to be optimistic, no matter what kind of difficulty I have met with. And I sup pose I’m confident and positive, always working hard and sparing no effort to achieve my goals. Also I’m a person with a strong will and an independent mind. But that sometimes leads me to being impulsive, not calm enough, which is one of my major drawbacks. (3)Can you tell me something about your friends? (这个问题要求考生描述一下自己的朋友,考生可以考虑从朋友的数量、如何相识、朋友的性格、共同爱好等方面作答。) Sample answer for your reference: I have a large circle of friends. Most of them are my former school-mates /work-mates. They are all open, diligent and smart. We have a lot of common interests. We share both happiness and bitterness, and support each other in times of adversity /difficulties. (4)What has been your most valuable experience? (这类问题要考生叙述自己最宝贵的经历,考生应当有所展开,略加描述。) Sample answers for your reference: 1.Up till now, I believe my most valuable experience is studying here, in Peking University, which is regarded as the Harvard of China. I've got the chance to know many talented young people, and have


历年BEC中级商务英语口试常用句型总结100句 1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 2 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。 3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。 4 I won’t check this baggage这件行李我不托运。 5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.我要坐在飞机前部。 6 I missed my train.我未赶上火车。 7 I haven’t nothing to declare.我没有要申报的东西。 8 It’s all personal effects.这些东西都是我私人用的。 9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。 10 I’d like two seats on today’s Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please. 我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。 11 We waited for John in the lobby of the airport. 我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。 12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.我要买一张优待票代替。 13 I’d like a refund on this tick et.我要退这张票。 14 I’d like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。 15 You have to change at Chicago Station. 你必须要在芝加哥站转车。 16 We have only one a day for New York. 到纽约的一天只有一班。 17 Sorry, they are already full. 抱歉,全部满了。 18 I’d like to reserve a seat to New York. 我要预订一个座位去纽约。 19 The flight number is AK708 on September 5th. 班机号码是9月5日AK708。 20 There’s a ten thirty flight in the morning.早上10点半有班机。 21 I’m looking for my baggage。我正在找我的行李。 22 I’d like to make a reservation我想预订。 23 The sooner, the better. 越快越好。 24 I’d like to change my reservation.我想变更一下我的预订。 25 I’d like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。
