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百尺竿头更进一步make still further(增进)progress

百里挑一one in hundred

百发百中shoot with great accuracy (正确度)

百依百顺docile(听话)and obedient(服从的)

百感交集all kinds of felling well in ones heart

百闻不如一见it is better to see for oneself rather than to hear for many times 白头偕老live to old age in conjugal(夫妇间的)bliss(福佑)

白纸黑字black and white

班门弄斧display (显示)one's slight skill before an ecpert

背井离乡leave one's native place

背信弃义break faith(失信)with sb. be perfidious

病入膏肓the disease(病)is not curable(可医治的)

不可救药be past praying for (祈祷)beyond redemption(拯救)

不学无术ignorant (无知)

察言观色carefully watch what sb. is doing and saying

痴心妄想wishful thinking

初出茅庐young and inexperienced(无经验的)

初露锋芒display(展示)one's talent (天才)for the first time

打草惊蛇act rashly(轻卒地)and alert(警惕)the enemy

打抱不平defend (防护)sb. against an injustice(不公平)

道貌岸然be sanctimonious(假装神圣的)


点石成金touch a stone and turn it into gold

东山再起bob (振动)up like a cork(软木塞)

东施效颦blind imitation (盲目模仿)with ludicrous effection

对牛弹琴Cast pearls before swine(明珠暗投)

对症下药suit the remedy(治疗)to the case

风吹草动 a sign of disturbance(动乱)or trouble

风云人物man of the time

风烛残年have one foot in the grave (坟墓)

风声鹤唳 a fleeing(逃)army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound 风雨同舟stand together regardless (不管)of situation(境遇)

风雨如晦grim (严酷)and grave situation

负荆请罪offer a humble apology (谦逊的道歉)

过河拆桥kick down the ladder(梯子)

害群之马 a black sheep

含辛茹苦endure (忍耐)all kinds of hardships

含血喷人smite(遣责)with the tongue

狐假虎威bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections

画饼充饥feed on illusions(幻想)

画龙点睛make the finishing point

画蛇添足gild(镀金)the lily(百合)

狡兔三窟 a foxy(狡猾的)person has more than one hideout

解甲归田be demobilized(复员)

金玉其表have golden coat only

金科玉律the golden rule

金蝉脱壳escape (逃脱)by crafty scheme(狡诈的阴谋)

井底之蛙 a person with a very limited outlook

井水不犯河水one should care his own business

开门见山come straight to the point

开诚布公speak frankly(坦白地)and sincerely(真诚地)

刻骨铭心remember to the end of one's life

口齿不清 a twist (扭曲)in one's tongue

口蜜腹剑 a Judas(犹太)kiss

口口声声keep on saying

滥竽充数be there just to make up the number

老调重弹harp on the same string

老奸巨滑a crafty old scoundrel(恶棍)

老马识途an old hand is a good guide

老气横秋arrogant (傲慢的)on account of one's seniority(资历)

老死不相往来never in contact with each other

老羞成怒be shamed (羞愧)into anger

老谋深算experienced and astute(机敏的)

乐极生悲extreme(极度的)joy begets sorrow

毛遂自荐volunteer(自愿)one's services

迷途知返realize one's errors (错误)and mend one's ways

迷惑不解mixed-up scratch one's head over

明哲保身be worldly wise and make oneself safe

明争暗斗strife(斗争)openly and secretly

明知故问ask while knowing the answer

明目张胆brazenly (厚脸皮地);do evil openly(公然作恶)

明察秋毫be perceptive (有理解的)of the slightest(轻微的)

目不识丁analphabetic(文盲);not know one's ABC

目中无人be overweening (骄傲的)be supercilious(自大的)

南辕北辙poles apart(截然相反)

南腔北调 a mixes accent(口音)

弄假成真what was make-believe has become true

千丝万缕countless ties(结)

千钧一发close call hang by a hair hang by a thread(线)

千辛万苦innumerable trials (无数的考验)and hardships

千载难逢occuring (出现)only once in a thousand years very rare 千里迢迢from a great distance

青出于蓝The students surpass the teacher.
