

Annotated Bibliography

Abraham, S. (2012). Job Satisfaction as an Antecedent to Employee Engagement. SIES Journal of Management, 8(2), pp. 27-36.

Abraham (2012) focused on examining the relationship between job satisfaction and employee engagement. In order to test the relationship between the variables, questionnaire survey was hired as the tool to gain primary data from 30 workers. In this academic research, systematic sampling technique was hired as the method to select research samples for data collection. Techniques of statistical analysis including correlation analysis, regression analysis and t-test analysis were employed to analyze the gained primary data from research samples. Based on the analysis results, Abraham (2012) found that job satisfaction as an antecedent that will significantly impact on the increase of employee engagement. Additionally, the results of regression analysis shows that employee engagement will be affected and driven by all kinds of factors, including the nature of job, the recognition of superiors to followers’ work, comparative benefits, teamwork spirit, cross-department cooperation, as well as proper and equal policy of company.

This article has higher practical value as this research proves that employee engagement can be increased by improving employee satisfaction. Such finding provides approach to increase the level of employee engagement in organization. However, limitations of this article are also witnessed. Key limitation is use of small scope of research sample to answer research theme. In this research, only 30 workers were used to study for finding out the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee engagement. To some extent, the use of small-scope samples will lower down the convincing and reliability of the research results.

The research findings of this research are useful for the current research project because Abraham (2012) proves that employee satisfaction is a key antecedent affecting the level of employee engagement. This could be used to explain key driver and antecedent of employee engagement. Additionally, the findings also dominate

some key factors that will influence the level of employee engagement. Thus, the findings could provide implications for developing employee engagement.

Eldor, L., & Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2016). The nature of employee engagement: Rethinking the employee–organization relationship.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp1- 27.

Eldor and Vigoda-Gadot (2016) has rethought the relationship between employee and organization in order to hence theoretical basis of employee engagement. In this academic article, Eldor and Vigoda-Gadot (2016) have compared and contrasted the conception of employee engagement to other similar conceptions such as psychological contract and psychological empowerment based on theoretical analysis, and have examined whether the contributions of employee empowerment work centrality over psychological contract and psychological empowerment. In order to realize research objectives, questionnaire survey has been adopted as the instrument to gain primary data from 593 workers who were selected from public and private organizations located in Israel. The gained data were analyzed by using statistical analysis technique. Based on the data analysis results, Eldor and Vigoda-Gadot (2016) have found that employee engagement differs from both psychological contract and psychological empowerment. The results suggest that employee engagement shows a higher level of employee activation and mutual exchange simultaneously, which is significant different from psychological contract and psychological empowerment. In addition, the results have also proved that employee engagement will produce significant effect on work centrality.

This academic article has provided could provide theoretical foundation for studying employee engagement. In the academic article, the findings are drawn from empirical investigation. Therefore, the research findings of this academic article are convincing as the results are based on objective analysis of statistical data. However, it should be noticed that this academic article has also some limitations. The first limitation is that research samples are limited in organizations located in Israel. Thus, the research findings would be more suitable for explaining the relationship between

employee engagement and work centrality in organizations in Israeli. Another limitation is that the article is based on cross-sectional research instead of longitudinal research, which will hamper to examine the cause direction and stable relationship between employee engagement and work centrality.

The findings of this academic article will be useful for my research because the findings not only outline the concept of employee engagement, but also prove the importance of employee engagement to organization. For this, the findings of this article can be cited as important evidence to justify why employee engagement is so important to contemporary organizations.

Jha, B., & Kumar, A. (2016). Employee Engagement: A Strategic Tool to Enhance Performance. DAWN: Journal For Contemporary Research in Management, 3(2), pp.21- 29.

Jha and Kumar (2016) have studied the benefits of employee engagement based on primary and second research. Secondary research was used to collect second information data from various journals, articles, reports, as well as websites to demonstrate knowledge about employee engagement. In terms of primary research, questionnaire survey was employed to gain information data from 100 people in New Delhi area. The questionnaire survey will be conducted through direct approach, mail, and phone. The research results show that employee engagement helps to develop employees’positive attitudes and behaviors, which in turn motivate employee’s working efficiency and performance, resulting in the improvement of organizational effectiveness and performance.

The results of this academic research are credible as the research results are generated based on primary and secondary research. To ensure the objectivity of research results, statistical analysis is used to process and analyze the gained primary data. The data analysis results have been represented in graphic form, which visual shows the final conclusion of the academic research. In a sense, this academic article provides theoretical and practical rationale to explain the importance of

employee engagement to both employees and organization. However, it should be noticed that there are also some limitations in this academic research. One the one hand, this research only select small-scale sample as the research samples to study the importance of employee engagement. In this research, only 100 samples were selected as the research samples for this research. On the other hand, this research was conducted in New Delhi area. This may cut down the reliability of the research findings.

In general, these research findings are useful for my research project as Jha and Kumar (2016) clearly state employee engagement plays an important role in improving the efficiency and performance of both employees and organization. The findings provide empirical evidence to support the notion that employee engagement is very important to organization in today’s business world. Therefore, the usefulness of this academic research to my research project is obvious.

Kumar, R., & Sia, S. K. (2012). Employee engagement: Explicating the contribution of work environment. Management and Labour Studies,37(1), pp.31- 43.

Kumar and Sia (2012) study the contribution of eight work environment dimensions including supervisor support, co-worker cohesion, work pressure, task orientation, autonomy, physical comfort, control and clarity to three dimensions of employee engagement including cognitive engagement, emotional engagement, and physical engagement has been examined. To understand the relationship between work environment and employee engagement, questionnaire survey is hired as the tool to gain primary data from 100 workers from two food processing enterprises in Patiala, Punjab, India. To ensure the representation of research samples, simple random sampling technique is used in this research. The findings show that two work environment dimensions including autonomy and work pressure will significantly contribute to the improvement of emotional and cognitive engagement, and that co-cohesion has positive impacts on physical engagement.

To some extent, the research results found by Kumar and Sia (2012) could provide positive implications for Indian organization as the results could help Indian organization to improve employee engagement by improving work environment factors. The results are supported by empirical investigation and statistical analysis so that it is believed that the research results are credible. But, on the other hand, it should also be noticed that there are some limitations that cannot be ignored. The first limitation is that the sample size for this research is quite small. This will negatively lower down the convincing of the research results. On the one other, the representation of research sample is not high. In this research, the total research sample is consisted of 9 female workers and 92 male workers. Uneven gender distribution will cut down the effectiveness of research results to explain the relationship between work environment and employee engagement because different gender employees will have different views. Therefore, the research results may be biased in explaining the impact of work environment variables on employee engagement variables.

Generally speaking, the research results found by Kumar and Sia (2012) are useful for the current research project because Kumar and Sia (2012) clearly state some key work environment factors that will influence the level of employee engagement in organization. Therefore, the research results can be used as the evidence to support the notion that the antecedents and drivers of employee engagement within organizations.

Megha, S. (2016). A brief review of employee engagement: definition, antecedents and approaches. Clear International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, 7(6), pp79 – 88.

Megha (2016) demonstrates employee engagement based on the review of previous literature. To conduct systematic research, an integrated literature review is hired as the method to gain data from previous academic articles. The articles related to the present research theme will be categorized according to themes. By conducting systematic review of previous articles, findings were presented. In terms of definition

of engagement, various scholars have defined employee engagement under different protocols. Reviewing various definition of employee engagement, a common idea is that employee engagement is desired condition, and is directly related to work involvement, work enthusiasm and passion, work commitment, and personal effort and energy in workplace. Additionally, the research results also shows different drivers and antecedents of employee engagement, including personal personality and perception, employee emotional experiences and wellbeing, work-life balance, interpersonal relationship within workplace, management style, employee voice, job design, two-way communication, commitment to employee well-being, high-efficient internal cooperation, a focus on development, good quality line management, managers’ visible commitment, as well as human resource policies. Regarding with the approaches for promoting employee engagement, the research results show that previous scholars have proved theoretical framework for organizations to approach employee engagement, including need-satisfying approach proposed by Kahn (1990), burnout-antithesis approach proposed by Maslach et al (2001), work engagement approach proposed by Schaufeli et al (2002), satisfaction-engagement approach proposed by Harter et al (2002), and multidimensional approach proposed by Saks (2006).

This research has conducted a systematic and comprehensive review of engagement literature. By conducting systematic review, the results could provide positive theoretical and practical implications for organizations to improve the level of employee engagement in workplace. But, this article has its limitations. a key limitation is that this research searched for employee engagement literature through entering keywords. Consequently, some important employee engagement research will not be included.

The findings are useful for my current research as Megha (2016) demonstrate the definition of employee engagement, antecedents and drivers of employee engagement and specific approaches to increase employee engagement. Therefore, the findings can be used to support my research project.

Shuck, B., Reio. T.G., & Rocco, T.S. (2011). Employee engagement: an examination of antecedent and outcome variables. Human Resource Development International. 14(4), pp. 427-445.

This article investigates the impact of job fit, psychological climate, affective commitment on employee engagement, and in the meantime discuss the positive implications of employee engagement. This research hired an internet-based self-report survey to gain data from 283 heterogeneous research samples. After the data were collected, SPSS statistics tool was used to process the data for testing the relationship between research variables. The results show that job fit, psychological climate, and affective commitment are three key antecedences of increasing employee engagement. In addition, the results also demonstrate the improvement of employee engagement helps to reduce employees’ turnover intention.

The findings of this article are persuasive because the findings were generated through empirical investigation. In this article, the conclusion is distilled from the analysis of objectively quantitative data. But, limitations of this article also exist. This research selected heterogeneous research samples from all kinds of organizations that are attached to a certain association. This limits the general applicability of the research findings in different associations. Additionally, the findings of this research were generated from self-report survey. Under this condition, the researcher failed in controlling the authenticity of sampling data, which may result in biased results. Generally speaking, this academic article is useful source to support my research project. This research has conducted empirical investigation and has proved that significant impact of job fit, psychological climate, affective commitment on employee engagement. Therefore, the findings can be used to illustrate some drivers and antecedents of increasing the level of employee engagement within organizations. Additionally, the findings also prove that employee engagement helps to increase discretionary effort, and to reduce employees’turnover intention. Therefore, the findings can be used to prove the importance of employee engagement to organizations.


外国语学院2018届毕业论文文献综述(示范) 一、研究背景 近来多篇论文中出现零翻译的提法(杜争鸣,2000;邱懋如,2001;刘明东,2002;袁斌业,2002a,2002b,2002c,2002d;石琳,2003;余清萍,2003;余清萍,秦傲松,2004;肖耀田,2004),但国内学者所编三本译学词典(林煌天,1997;孙迎春,1999;方梦之,2004)均未出现零翻译这一词条,国外三本词典/术语著作(Shuttleworth & Cowie,1997;Baker,1998;Delisle,2004)亦未收入这一条目,只有国内孙迎春(2001)编著的《汉英双向翻译学语林》收进了“零翻译(音译、形译之一种)zero translation”(58页)及“zero translation零翻译(音译、形译之一种)”(268页)两个条目,同时又有贾影(2002)反对零翻译提法,并认为承认不可译有“积极作用”。但零翻译现象确实存在,如DIY(自己动手),IQ(智商),EQ(情商),这些零翻译词汇经常在汉语中出现。英语中也有类似情况,如美国《时代》周刊中报道中国特色事物时经常使用拼音,如aizi(矮子),pizi(痞子),shiganjia(实干家),yuan(缘)(王祥兵,2002),shuangying(双赢),guanxi(关系)(顾静,2005)。 这些研究成果揭示了零翻译现象的存在,引进了零翻译的概念,促进了翻译理论概念的扩大,但是从发表的论文及孙迎春(2001)的这两个条目来看,各自运用的名称虽同(也有不同,如杜争鸣称为不译),但概念的内涵及外延均有出入,因此有必要探讨当前零翻译研究的问题并提出相应研究对策。 二、研究现状及不足 1. 定义不统一、模糊不清 传统翻译理论多把零翻译归结为“音译法”、“移译法”,只看到技巧层面的意义,如秦建栋(1999)讨论“英汉词汇空缺现象刍议”列举“音译法”、“移译法”,袁斌业(2001)论及“英语本族人音译汉语词汇的语用分析”,虽然看到“音译在我国只能用来翻译名词,而在国外则可以用来翻译包括名词在内的各种词语”,但未能从中提炼出零翻译的概念,实际上这里已包含有零翻译与音译的某些区别。 国内最早使用zero translation这一术语的是杜争鸣(2000),但他称之为“不译”,并分析了直译、意译与不译三种翻译策略。他不停留于策略本身,从跨文化交际的视角分析了三种策略的社会语言学与跨文化交际涵义,并看到了不译的三层文化含义。不译背后体现译者对于翻译目的的认识,“而翻译的目的必然直接或间接地反映反映译者本人对翻译的文化含义的意识与潜意识,反映他翻译时所采取的文化姿态与立场。”即翻译观的问题。但从术语的精确性来说


信息资源管理文献综述 题目:大数据背景下的信息资源管理 系别:信息与工程学院 班级:2015级信本1班 姓名: 学号:1506101015 任课教师: 2017年6月 大数据背景下的信息资源管理 摘要:随着网络信息化时代的日益普遍,我们正处在一个数据爆炸性增长的“大数据”时代,在我们的各个方面都产生了深远的影响。大数据是数据分析的前沿技术。简言之,从各种各样类型的数据中,快速获得有价值信息的能力就是大数据技术,这也是一个企业所需要必备的技术。“大数据”一词越来越地别提及与使用,我们用它来描述和定义信息爆炸时代产生的海量数据。就拿百度地图来说,我们在享受它带来的便利的同时,无偿的贡献了我们的“行踪”,比如说我们的上班地点,我们的家庭住址,甚至是我们的出行方式他们也可以知道,但我们不得不接受这个现实,我们每个人在互联网进入大数据时代,都将是透明性的存在。各种数据都在迅速膨胀并变大,所以我们需要对这些数据进行有效的管理并加以合理的运用。

关键词:大数据信息资源管理与利用 目录 大数据概念.......................................................... 大数据定义...................................................... 大数据来源...................................................... 传统数据库和大数据的比较........................................ 大数据技术.......................................................... 大数据的存储与管理.............................................. 大数据隐私与安全................................................ 大数据在信息管理层面的应用.......................................... 大数据在宏观信息管理层面的应用.................................. 大数据在中观信息管理层面的应用.................................. 大数据在微观信息管理层面的应用.................................. 大数据背景下我国信息资源管理现状分析................................ 前言:大数据泛指大规模、超大规模的数据集,因可从中挖掘出有价值 的信息而倍受关注,但传统方法无法进行有效分析和处理.《华尔街日


工商管理学院《客户关系管理》课程作业 题目:关于电子商务背景下的顾客忠诚的文献综述 班级人力09乙 学号 0990310208 学生姓名汪超 指导教师 二○一二年四月

关于电子商务背景下的顾客忠诚的文献综述 摘要:近年来,电子商务发展迅速,电子商务已作为一个新兴的商业模式出现,据CNNIC发布的《第28次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2010年12月,我国网络购物用户规模达到1.61亿人,网购渗透率达到35.1%,全年市场交易金额达到5231亿元,网络购物逐渐成为网民常态的消费方式。我国的电子商务从20世纪末开始起步,至今只有十几年的时间,虽然发展速度很快,但是购物模式、服务机制不完善,顾客满意度不高等存在缺陷。较低的顾客满意度水平势必会影响顾客的购买意愿,直接会影响到商家的整体收益。因此,对电子商务背景下的顾客满意与忠诚度的影响因素进行研究,并提高客户的满意于忠诚度就极为重要。 关键词:电子商务;网购;客户满意;客户忠诚;影响因素; 一、引言 众多学者研究发现,忠诚的顾客会从企业购买更多的服务,增加公司的收益;忠诚的顾客会降低自身的感知风险,对服务企业竞争对手的诱惑表现出更高的抵抗力;忠诚的顾客会主动的推荐新顾客,为服务企业带来新生意,顾客忠诚能够使企业提高生产效率,降低成本,集中精力,宣传企业形象和消除信息透明化带来的负影;忠诚顾客是企业竞争力重要的决定因素,更是企业长期利润的重要源泉。因此顾客忠诚忠诚越来越成为研究的焦点。国内学者对传统的顾客忠诚影响因素研究较多,而网络方面研究较少,对电子商务网站忠诚的研究就更少,国外学者对顾客忠诚方面的研究发展到了网络忠诚的探讨,但主要是对影响顾客忠诚的某一个或几个层面进行研究,很少有对电子商务类网站忠诚的因素进行系统分析。随着Internet的发展和电子商务的应用,很多传统企业都在建立电子商务网站,通过网站去宣传产品及服务信息,在激烈的市场竞争中争取获得更多的利润,抢占更多的市场份额,所以研究顾客对电子商务网站的忠诚就很有必要。 二、客户忠诚度的含义 客户满意与忠诚是企业经营效益的决定性因素,也是决定企业成败的关键。迄今为止,顾客忠诚的内涵没完全界定,人们从不同的侧面提出了自己的观点.目前比较流行的有3种,

文献综述 英文

文献综述 大学生时间管理研究——以郑州大学西亚斯国际学院为例 姓名:代永寒学号:20091211205 专业:工商管理班级:工本2班 史蒂芬?柯维的《要事第一》 “要事第一”,顾名思义是指重要的主要的事情要放在第一时间去完成。而在实际工作中我们往往是将认为急迫的紧要的事情放在第一时间完成; 本书通过四个象限来告诉我们如何区分事情的紧急性与重要性,从而告诉我们在平常的工作中应怎样去区分事情属轻属重,以及造成事情紧急性的原因,在平常工作中要注意哪些方面以避免出现紧急事件的情况。 第一象限包括四点:A危机 B 急迫的问题C最后期限迫近的项目 D 会议准备工作等。第一象限显得紧迫与重要,但我们要知道形成第一象限的紧迫与重要主要是因被延误及没有进行计划与预测及计划所致。第二象限包含准备工作、预防、价值、筹划、建立关系、真正的再创造与赋予能力。第二象限属于质量象限,属于重要但不紧迫的事情,但我们必须要去做,因只有这样才能避免出现第一象限包含的情况。第三象限包含干扰、电话;邮件、报告;某些会议;很多临近、急迫的事情及很多流行的活动。第三象限包括“紧急但不重要的事情”,而事实上它易给人造成假象,从而形成第一象限情况。第四象限包含琐事、打发时间的工作、某些电话,解闷,“逃避”行为、无关紧要的邮件及过多地看电视;第四象限属于既不紧急也不重要的事情,它是浪费象限,第四象限中的行为是堕落行为。这四个象限告诉我们如果在办事过程中不是以重要性而是以紧要性为出发点,就会出现第一第三甚至第四象限的情况,在平常的工作中,我们要加以区分,日常工作生活中往往事情越是紧迫,反而说明事情越不重要!像最近存货系统因急着想能早日上线,在运作过程中被卡住,故一心想着去解决软件中存在的问题,而忽略了与其他人员的沟通协调,存货上软件固然重要,但与公司整体运作相比就稍显其次,没合理分配其他人员手头事项,这样会导致其他问题的增多,从而会出现第一第三象限甚至于第四象限的浪费情况。 “要事第一”,告诉我们在日常的工作与生活中要从以下方面着手加以区分、


信息资源管理文献综述题目:大数据背景下的信息资源管理 系别:信息与工程学院 班级:2015级信本1班 姓名: 学号:1506101015 任课教师: 2017年6月

大数据背景下的信息资源管理 摘要:随着网络信息化时代的日益普遍,我们正处在一个数据爆炸性增长的“大数据”时代,在我们的各个方面都产生了深远的影响。大数据是数据分析的前沿技术。简言之,从各种各样类型的数据中,快速获得有价值信息的能力就是大数据技术,这也是一个企业所需要必备的技术。“大数据”一词越来越地别提及与使用,我们用它来描述和定义信息爆炸时代产生的海量数据。就拿百度地图来说,我们在享受它带来的便利的同时,无偿的贡献了我们的“行踪”,比如说我们的上班地点,我们的家庭住址,甚至是我们的出行方式他们也可以知道,但我们不得不接受这个现实,我们每个人在互联网进入大数据时代,都将是透明性的存在。各种数据都在迅速膨胀并变大,所以我们需要对这些数据进行有效的管理并加以合理的运用。 关键词:大数据信息资源管理与利用 目录 大数据概念 (3) 大数据定义 (3) 大数据来源 (3) 传统数据库和大数据的比较 (3) 大数据技术 (4) 大数据的存储与管理 (4)

大数据隐私与安全 (5) 大数据在信息管理层面的应用 (6) 大数据在宏观信息管理层面的应用 (6) 大数据在中观信息管理层面的应用 (7) 大数据在微观信息管理层面的应用 (8) 大数据背景下我国信息资源管理现状分析 (9) 前言:大数据泛指大规模、超大规模的数据集,因可从中挖掘出有价值 的信息而倍受关注,但传统方法无法进行有效分析和处理.《华尔街日 报》将大数据时代、智能化生产和无线网络革命称为引领未来繁荣的大技术变革.“世界经济论坛”报告指出大数据为新财富,价值堪比石油.因此,目前世界各国纷纷将开发利用大数据作为夺取新一轮竞争制高点的重要举措. 当前大数据分析者面临的主要问题有:数据日趋庞大,无论是入库和查询,都出现性能瓶颈;用户的应用和分析结果呈整合趋势,对实时性和响应时间要求越来越高;使用的模型越来越复杂,计算量指数级上升;传统技能和处理方法无法应对大数据挑战. 正文:


文献综述 目前对网络安全软件忠诚度的研究是比较缺乏的,忠诚度的研究还停留在传统的消费品上,但是在先前研究中的一些基本理念和基本价值计算模型有着较高的借鉴价值。 一、品牌忠诚度的内涵研究 传统意义上认为品牌忠诚度就是指消费者在购买决策中,多次表现出来对某个品牌有偏向性的(而非随意的)行为反应。它是一种行为过程,也是一种心理(决策和评估)过程。品牌忠诚度的形成不完全是依赖于产品的品质、知名度、品牌联想及传播,它与消费者本身的特性密切相关,靠消费者的产品使用经历。提高品牌的忠诚度,对一个企业的生存与发展,扩大市场份额极其重要。品牌忠诚度是品牌价值的核心。它由五级构成,包括无品牌忠诚者、习惯购买者、满意购买者、情感购买者、忠诚购买者。 黄嘉涛认为品牌忠诚是态度与行为的综合反映,它不仅仅是顾客的重复购买行为,更是顾客的一种情感偏好,这种偏好实质上是顾客在长期品牌经历中形成的高强度的心理依恋和信任。并且认为承诺与信任是这种忠诚关系发展和维持的核心因素,因为承诺与信任是联结顾客与品牌的关键心理力量。 朱洁在《网络品牌忠诚度初探》中认为对于网络用户而言,网络品牌的忠诚度是指网民在某网站重复浏览或消费的行为。并且获得新顾客的成本比维持老顾客的成本高得多。 二、品牌忠诚度的价值研究 传统意义上品牌忠诚度的价值主要体现在以下几方面:1、降低行销成本。营销学中著名的“二、八原则”认为80%的业绩来自20%的经常惠顾的顾客。在微利时代,忠诚营销愈见其价值。企业创造优异的价值有利于培养顾客忠诚观念,反过来顾客忠诚又会转变为企业增长利润和更多的价值,企业创造价值和忠诚一起构成了企业立于不败之地的真正内涵。2、易于吸引新顾客,品牌忠诚度高代表着每一个使用者都可以成为一个活的的广告,自然会吸引新客户。根据口碑营销效应:一个满意的顾客会引发8笔潜在的生意;一个不满意的顾客会影响25个人的购买意愿,因此一个满意的、愿意与企业建立长期稳定关系的顾客会为企业带来相当可观的利润。品牌忠诚度高就代表着消费者对这一品牌很满意。

图像科学综述 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

附录 图像科学综述 近几年来,图像处理与识别技术得到了迅速的发展,现在人们己充分认识到图像处理和识别技术是认识世界、改造世界的重要手段。目前它己应用于许多领域,成为2l世纪信息时代的一门重要的高新科学技术。 1.图像处理与识别技术概述 图像就是用各种观测系统以不同形式和手段观测客观世界而获得的,可以直接或间接作用于人眼而产生视知觉的实体。科学研究和统计表明,人类从外界获得的信息约有75%来自于视觉系统,也就是说,人类的大部分信息都是从图像中获得的。 图像处理是人类视觉延伸的重要手段,可以便人们看到任意波长上所测得的图像。例如,借助伽马相机、x光机,人们可以看到红外和超声图像:借助CT可看到物体内部的断层图像;借助相应工具可看到立体图像和剖视图像。1964年,美国在太空探索中拍回了大量月球照片,但是由于种种环境因素的影响,这些照片是非常不清晰的,为此,美国喷射推进实验室(JPL)使用计算机对图像进行处理,使照片中的重要信息得以清晰再现。这是这门技术发展的重要里程碑。此后,图像处理技术在空间研究方面得到广泛的应用。 总体来说,图像处理技术的发展大致经历了初创期、发展期、普及期和实用化期4个阶段。初创期开始于20世纪60年代,当时的图像采用像素型光栅进行扫描显示,大多采用巾、大型机对其进行处理。在这一时期,由于图像存储成本高,处理设备造价高,因而其应用面很窄。20世纪70年代进入了发展期,开始大量采用中、小型机进行处理,图像处理也逐渐改用光栅扫描显示方式,特别是出现了CT和卫星遥感图像,对图像处理技术的发展起到了很好的促进作用。到了20世纪80年代,图像处理技术进入普及期,此时购微机已经能够担当起图形图像处理的任务。VLSL的出现更使得处理速度大大提高,其造价也进一步降低,极大地促进了图形图像系统的普及和应用。20世纪90年代是图像技术的实用化时期,图像处理的信息量巨大,对处理速度的要求极高。 21世纪的图像技术要向高质量化方面发展,主要体现在以下几点:①高分辨率、高速度,图像处理技术发展的最终目标是要实现图像的实时处理,这在移动

顾客忠诚度 ---文献综述

顾客忠诚度评价方法 一、顾客忠诚度的定义 第一个明确提出顾客忠诚这个名词是科普兰德,这一概念并很快就被认可,越来越多的学者开始在这一领域研究。早期研究中,学者们主要从消费者的再购率、消费者从本企业购买的产品数量在他们购买的同类产品总量中所占的比例、消费者的购买方式、消费者对企业的口头宣传、消费者与企业关系的持久性等方面计量消费者忠诚感.Tucker(1964)首次对顾客忠诚进行了数字化的度量,他认为“顾客忠诚的最好表述是顾客的行为,顾客连续购买某一品牌产品3次,既可以认为顾客忠诚于这个品牌”。Newman和Werbel(1973)从排他险角度对顾客忠诚进行了定义,他认为“品牌忠诚定义为重复购买某一品牌,并且只考虑该品牌,而且不需要收集其他品牌信息”。Bloemer和Ksaper(1995)将顾客忠诚分为两类:真实的顾客忠诚和不真实的顾客忠诚,真实的顾客忠诚是来源于公司产品或者服务的品牌承诺,而不真实的顾客忠诚则来源于顾客的惰性。他认为真实的顾客忠诚是偏向的、行为反应、在一系列类似的备选品牌中选择、以及是导致品牌承诺的心理过程的函数。而不真实的忠诚的定义则是是惰性的函数。基于认知、意动、情感、和行为这四个维度,Richard Ol iver(1999)对忠诚度做出了这样的定义:“顾客忠诚是顾客对在其未来进行购买某种类似产品或者服务时的一种发自内心的一种承诺,这种承诺会导致顾客在选择产品或者服务的时候,趋向选择同一品牌或者公司的产品”。Rowley(2005)认为顾客忠诚可以分为四个类型:俘获(captive)型、便利寻找者(convenience一seeker)、满意(contented)型和承诺(committed)型。国内学者罗海


Title :Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design Author:yu Department of Materials "Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design" literature review Abstract摘要 By read these references and documents, in-depth understanding of the contemporary mold of advanced manufacturing technology and metal forming technology, a number of instances of mold design and the understanding and learning, to further study the method of stamping die design, die design and thus have a directionalguidance.As used in this design and drawing die punching die and so on, through the design of the book related to mold in-depth study, this drawing die and the punching die and so the design methods have shape.These references and documents, the design of low-cost high-accuracy die with directional guidance. Keywords: Mold advanced manufacturing technology Mold Manufacturing Trends Drawing Punching CAE Die Materials Prices Preface前言 As China's economic integration with the world economy, the rapid development of basic industries, mold manufacturing industry is also developing fast.In the current economic situation, people pay more attention to efficiency, product quality, cost, and new product development capabilities.The innovation and development of mold manufacturing concern. 1.1 The history of the development of mold Archaeological discoveries in China, as early as 2,000 years ago, China has been used to make bronze stamping dies to prove that in ancient China stamping die stamping and achievements to the world's leading.In 1953, the Changchun First Automobile Works in China for the first time established a stamping plants, the plant began manufacturing cars in 1958, cover mold.60 years of the 20th century began producing fine blanking dies.In walked a long path of development temperature, the present, China has formed more than 300 billion yuan (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan statistics) the production capacity of various types of stamping dies. 1.2 Development Status and Trends Die Since reform and opening, with the rapid development of the national economy, the market demand of mold growing.In recent years, the mold industry has been the growth rate of about 15% of the rapid development of industrial enterprises in the ownership of the mold components also changed dramatically, in addition to professional mold factory outside of state-owned, collective, joint ventures, wholly-owned and private has been a rapid development.


at89c52单片机简介 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述 A T89C52 Single-chip microprocessor introduction Selection of Single-chip microprocessor 1. Development of Single-chip microprocessor The main component part of Single-chip microprocessor as a result of by such centralize to be living to obtain on the chip,In immediate future middle processor CPU。Storage RAM immediately﹑memoy read ROM﹑Interrupt system、Timer /'s counter along with I/O's rim electric circuit awaits the main microcomputer section,The lumping is living on the chip。Although the Single-chip microprocessor r is only a chip,Yet through makes up and the meritorous service be able to on sees,It had haveed the calculating machine system property,calling it for this reason act as Single-chip microprocessor r minisize calculating machine SCMS and abbreviate the Single-chip microprocessor。 1976Year the Inter corporation put out 8 MCS-48Set Single-chip microprocessor computer,After being living more than 20 years time in development that obtain continuously and wide-ranging application。1980Year that corporation put out high performance MCS -51Set Single-chip microprocessor。This type of Single-chip microprocessor meritorous service capacity、The addressing range wholly than early phase lift somewhat,Use also comparatively far more at the moment。1982Year that corporation put out the taller 16 Single-chip microprocessor MCS of performance once


信息资源管理文献综述题目:大数据背景下的信息资源管理系别:信息与工程学院 班级:2015级信本1班 姓名: 学号:1506101015 任课教师: 2017年6月

大数据背景下的信息资源管理 摘要:随着网络信息化时代的日益普遍,我们正处在一个数据爆炸性增长的“大数据”时代,在我们的各个方面都产生了深远的影响。大数据是数据分析的前沿技术。简言之,从各种各样类型的数据中,快速获得有价值信息的能力就是大数据技术,这也是一个企业所需要必备的技术。“大数据”一词越来越地别提及与使用,我们用它来描述和定义信息爆炸时代产生的海量数据。就拿百度地图来说,我们在享受它带来的便利的同时,无偿的贡献了我们的“行踪”,比如说我们的上班地点,我们的家庭住址,甚至是我们的出行方式他们也可以知道,但我们不得不接受这个现实,我们每个人在互联网进入大数据时代,都将是透明性的存在。各种数据都在迅速膨胀并变大,所以我们需要对这些数据进行有效的管理并加以合理的运用。 关键词:大数据信息资源管理与利用 目录 大数据概念 (2) 大数据定义 (2) 大数据来源 (2) 传统数据库和大数据的比较 (3) 大数据技术 (3) 大数据的存储与管理 (4) 大数据隐私与安全 (4) 大数据在信息管理层面的应用 (5) 大数据在宏观信息管理层面的应用 (5) 大数据在中观信息管理层面的应用 (6) 大数据在微观信息管理层面的应用 (7) 大数据背景下我国信息资源管理现状分析 (8)

前言:大数据泛指大规模、超大规模的数据集,因可从中挖掘出有价值 的信息而倍受关注,但传统方法无法进行有效分析和处理.《华尔街日 报》将大数据时代、智能化生产和无线网络革命称为引领未来繁荣的 大技术变革.“世界经济论坛”报告指出大数据为新财富,价值堪比 石油.因此,目前世界各国纷纷将开发利用大数据作为夺取新一轮竞 争制高点的重要举措. 当前大数据分析者面临的主要问题有:数据日趋庞大,无论是入 库和查询,都出现性能瓶颈;用户的应用和分析结果呈整合趋势,对 实时性和响应时间要求越来越高;使用的模型越来越复杂,计算量指 数级上升;传统技能和处理方法无法应对大数据挑战. 正文: 大数据概念 大数据定义 维基百科对大数据的定义则简单明了:大数据是指利用常用软件工具捕获、管理和处理数据所耗时间超过可容忍时间的数据集。也就是说大数据是一个体量特别大,数据类别特别大的数据集,并且这样的数据集无法用传统数据库工具对其内容进行抓取、管理 大数据来源 1)来自人类活动:人们通过社会网络、互联网、健康、金融、经济、交通等活动过程所产生的各类数据,包括微博、病人医疗记录、文字、图形、视频等


关于顾客忠诚度的文献综述 【摘要】随着市场竞争的日益激烈和客户价值选择的变迁,当今企业市场竞争的性质已经发生了革命性的变化。对于许多企业来说,重要的问题并不是统计意义上的市场占有率,而是客户对其满意程度以及拥有多少忠诚的客户。客户满意是企业留住客户,并使之发展为忠诚客户的前提;忠诚客户的数量决定了企业的生存与发展,也是企业长治久安的根本保证。客户满意与客户忠诚关系的研究,对于企业产品更新换代,执行顾客保留策略,降低顾客流失率以及企业的长期战略规划都具有重要的意义。 【关键词】客户关系管理;客户忠诚;客户满意 一、引言 当前,企业面临的市场环境已经由卖方市场转向为买方市场,企业之间的市场竞争也开始集中为对顾客的争夺。争取和保持顾客成为了企业生存和发展的根本,因此当今企业既要不断的争取新顾客,又要努力保持现有顾客。其中顾客忠诚以其对企业经营绩效产生的巨大贡献成为了当今国内外学者关注的焦点。二、顾客忠诚度的内涵 第一个明确提出顾客忠诚这个名词是科普兰德,这一概念并很快就被认可,越来越多的学者开始在这一领域研究。早期研究中,学者们主要从消费者的再购率、消费者从本企业购买的产品数量在他们购买的同类产品总量中所占的比例、消费者的购买方式、消费者对企业的口头宣传、消费者与企业关系的持久性等方面计量消费者忠诚感。Tucker(1964)首次对顾客忠诚进行了数字化的度量,他认为“顾客忠诚的最好表述是顾客的行为,顾客连续购买某一品牌产品3次,既可以认为顾客忠诚于这个品牌”。Fredrick(2001)从排他险角度对顾客忠诚进行了定义,他认为“品牌忠诚定义为重复购买某一品牌,并且只考虑该品牌,而且不需要收集其他品牌信息”。Fredrick将顾客忠诚分为两类:真实的顾客忠诚和不真实的顾客忠诚,真实的顾客忠诚是来源于公司产品或者服务的品牌承诺,而不真实的顾客忠诚则来源于顾客的惰性。他认为真实的顾客忠诚是偏向的行为反应、在一系列类似的备选品牌中选择、以及是导致品牌承诺的心理过程的函数。而不真实的忠诚的定义则是是惰性的函数。基于认知、意动、情感、和行为这四个维度,


英语专业文献综述 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

Y i b i n U n i v e r s i t y 2015届本科毕业论文文献综述 题目_翻译目的论指导下的英语介词汉译策略研究 二级学院外国语学院 专业英语 学生姓名简汝梦 学号年级 2011级 指导教师徐文英职称讲师 年月日 文献综述 翻译目的论指导下的英语介词汉译策略研究 Study on the Translation Strategies of English Prepositions Based on Skopos Theory 摘要:英语介词使用频率高,搭配能力强,含义灵活,因此在翻译中属于比较难以处理的一种词类。目的论论者认为翻译是有明确的目的和意图,在译者的作用

下,以原文文本为基础的跨文化的人类交际活动。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法。目的论的提出为英语介词的汉译提供了可靠的指导。本文将目的论引入到介词翻译中,认为在目的论原则的指导下,英语介词的汉译可通过加词、减词、分译、转译等策略来达到较好的翻译效果以及更好地实现翻译目的。 关键词:英语介词;翻译;目的论 导言:随着时代的发展,以及中国入世的大好形势的出现,汉语与英语在世界上似乎显得同等重要,所以将这两种语言互相转化是我们越来越重要的任务。在英语中,英语介词数量不多,但其构成的介词短语在英语中的出现频率很高,功能多样且位置灵活,对构成句子具有重要作用,因此对于英语介词的翻译策略问题一直深受广大翻译学者的关注。目的论以文本目的为翻译过程的第一准则,目的论者认为翻译是一种有目的的活动,目的决定了译者需要采用何种翻译策略和方法,即“目的决定论”。目的论的提出为英语介词汉译提供了有效的指导。因此,译者若能熟练掌握翻译目的和翻译方法,则能译出高质量的译文。鉴于此,本文先是阐述各大专家对于英语介词翻译以及翻译目的论的已有研究和探索,并结合笔者自己的观点加以评述;然后以此综述在翻译目的论指导下研究英语介词的汉译策略是个切实可行的手段;最后预测此观点的发展前景一定是光明受欢迎的。 历史发展:对于翻译目的论的发展历程,笔者在总结各前辈的资料中得出:在20世纪70年代,功能主义翻译理论兴起于德国,其四大代表性人物及其理论是: 凯瑟林娜·赖斯(Katharina Reiss)的功能主义翻译批评理论(functional category


大数据外文翻译参考文献综述 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Data Mining and Data Publishing Data mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the party

running the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy. Although data mining is potentially useful, many data holders are reluctant to provide their data for data mining for the fear of violating individual privacy. In recent years, study has been made to ensure that the sensitive information of individuals cannot be identified easily. Anonymity Models, k-anonymization techniques have been the focus of intense research in the last few years. In order to ensure anonymization of data while at the same time minimizing the information


客户关系管理研究文献综述 摘要:客户关系管理(CRM)是最近几年管理界热烈讨论的话题,经济的发展与人民生活水平的提高,使得原来以产品为到现在为导向的企业经营模式已日益不能满足消费者多样化、个性化的需求,客户关系管理就成为企业界关注的领域,本文拟从信息的角度对当前客户关系管理研究进行总结,为今后的研究奠定基础。 关键词:客户关系管理(CRM)、信息技术(IT)、功能 近年来,“顾客满意”似乎已成为企业界人士最常挂在嘴边的用语,因为他们认识到顾客是最终评定产品及服务品质优劣,并能决定是否继续与该公司交易的人,也就是说顾客是公司利润的源泉。随着竞争日趋白热化,全球各公司获取顾客光顾的成本不断增高,加上顾客多样化选择的机会等因素,让人感觉生意越来越难做。面对越来越挑剔的顾客和激烈的同行竞争,吸引新顾客和保留现有顾客已成为企业必须面对的重要课题,因此研究客户关系管理(CRM 或Customer Relationship Management)对于满足客户个性化需求,提高客户忠诚度和保有率,实现缩短销售周期、降低销售成本、增加收入、扩展市场,从而全面提升企业的赢利能力和竞争力有着重要的作用。因此,本文旨在对客户关系管理的研究现状进行总结,以便在此基础上做更深入的研究。 1 客户关系管理的概念 所谓客户关系管理是一种以客户为中心的经营策略,它以信息技术为手段,并对工作流程进行重组,以赋予企业更完善的客户交流能力、最大化客户的收益率①。 客户关系管理是一个IT业术语,它涵盖了方法学、软件技术和网络技术,通过一种组织化的方式来帮助企业管理客户关系。 客户关系管理是一概念,它把管理理念和业务实践融合在一起,它继承了销售、定单管理、客户服务以及协调和统一在客户生命周期内与客户交互的所有信息。CRM帮助企业管理单个客户,通过快速响应和高效的服务建立同客户之间的牢固关系。 客户关系管理应用是一个前端应用工具,通过它能够很方便地捕捉、融合、分析和共享企业已有的和潜在客户的信息。此过程主要贯穿市场、销售和服务阶段,目的是为了更好地了解客户,精确地定位客户对企业的产品和服务提出的需求。CRM软件的实施主要有两个目标:第一,使得企业能更有效地定位、联系和赢得新客户;第二,使得企业与现有客户之间的关系更牢固。 CRM不是一个产品或服务,而是一种商业策略,通过它来有效管理企业客户关系,它为企业的每一个客户提供了一个完整的集成视图。 综合以上对客户关系管理的定义和有关文献可以看出:CRM是在信息技术支持下,依据一定的商业规则形成的软件工具,目的是为了更好地服务于客户和留住客户,增强企业竞争力最终达到赢利的目标②。 2 客户关系管理的研究现状 近年来,国内外的学者对客户关系管理理论、方法和实施做了多方面的研究。主要是针对客户关系管理的重要性、客户关系管理的基本功能和技术要求以及如何实现客户关系管理等。从信息的角度,客户关系管理的代表性的研究有:Hurwitz Group提出的CRM的六个主要的功能和技术要求;余军合,吴昭同(2000)提出的客户关系管理的三大基本功能;江波(2002)提出的客户关系管理的技术架构和典型功能以及技术实现;AMT网站客户关系管理研究小组提出的CRM系统具有的五大功能模块;以


MCS-51系列单片机 中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述 Structure and function of the MCS-51 series Structure and function of the MCS-51 series one-chip computer MCS-51 is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces. This company introduced 8 top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51 series in 1980 after introducing 8 one-chip computers of MCS-48 series in 1976. It belong to a lot of kinds this line of one-chip computer the chips have, such as 8051, 8031, 8751, 80C51BH, 80C31BH,etc., their basic composition, basic performance and instruction system are all the same.8051 daily representatives-51 serial one-chip computers. A one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts: (1) One microprocessor of 8 (CPU). ( 2) At slice data memory RAM (128B/256B),it use not depositing not can reading /data that write, such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show, etc. (3) Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8K B ), is used to preserve the
