



Chapter 1: Financial Economics 1-1

Chapter 2: Financial Markets and Institutions 2-1

Chapter 3: Managing Financial Health and Performance 3-1

Chapter 4: Allocating Resources Over Time 4-1

Chapter 5: Household Saving and Investment Decisions 5-1

Chapter 6: The Analysis of Investment Projects 6-1

Chapter 7: Principles of Market Valuation 7-1

Chapter 8: Valuation of Known Cash Flows: Bonds 8-1

Chapter 9: Valuation of Common Stocks 9-1

Chapter 10: Principles of Risk Management 10-1

Chapter 11: Hedging, Insuring, and Diversifying 11-1

Chapter 12 Portfolio Opportunities and Choice 12-1

Chapter 13: Capital Market Equilibrium 13-1

Chapter 14: Forward and Futures Markets 14-1

Chapter 15: Markets for Options and Contingent Claims 15-1

Chapter 16: Financial Structure of the Firm 16-1

Chapter 17: Real Options 17-1

CHAPTER 1 – Financial Economics

End-of-Chapter Problems

Defining Finance

1. What are your main goals in life? How does finance play a part in achieving those goals? What are the

major tradeoffs you face?


Finish school

Get good paying job which I like

Getmarried and have children

Own my own home

Provide for family

Pay for children’s education


How Finance Plays a Role:


Finance helps me pay for undergraduate and graduate education and helps me decide whether spending the

money on graduate education will be a good investment decision or not.

Higher education should enhance my earning power and ability to obtain a job I like.

Once I am married and have children I will have additional financial responsibilities (dependents) and I

will have to learn how to allocate resources among individuals in the household

and learn how to set aside enough

money to pay for emergencies, education, vacations etc. Finance also helps me understand how to manage risks such

as for disability, life and health.

?Finance helps me determine whether the home I want to buy is a good value or not. The study of finance

also helps me determine the cheapest source of financing for the purchase of that home.

Finance helps me determine how much money I will have to save in order to pay for my children’s

education as well as my own retirement.

Major Tradeoffs:


Spend money now by going to college (and possibly graduate school) but presumably make more money

once I graduate due to my higher education.

Consume now and have less money saved for future expenditures such as for a house and/or car or save

more money now but consume less than some of my friends


Chapter Six The Analysis of Investment Projects This chapter contains 41 multiple choice problems, 20 short problems and 8 longer problems. Multiple Choice 1.The objective of a firm's management is to only undertake the projects that ________ the market value of shareholders' equity. a)decrease b)do not decrease c)change d)do not change Answer: (b) 2.The decision rule that management uses with the net present value is to undertake only those projects with ________ NPV. a) a discounted b) a contingent c) a positive d)negative Answer: (c) 3.If a firm decides to invest in automated machines that will allow the firm to reduce labor costs, this is an example of a ________ capital expenditures project. a)new products b)replacement of existing assets c)cost reduction d)advertising Answer: (c) 4.The NPV of a project represents the amount by which it is expected to increase ________. a)the break-even point b)capital budgeting c)capital expenditures d)shareholder wealth Answer: (d)

国际金融学 课后题答案 杨胜刚版 全

习题答案 第一章国际收支 本章重要概念 国际收支:国际收支是指一国或地区居民与非居民在一定时期内全部经济交易的货币价值之和。它体现的是一国的对外经济交往,是货币的、流量的、事后的概念。 国际收支平衡表:国际收支平衡表是将国际收支根据复式记账原则和特定账户分类原则编制出来的会计报表。它可分为经常项目、资本和金融项目以及错误和遗漏项目三大类。 丁伯根原则:1962年,荷兰经济学家丁伯根在其所著的《经济政策:原理与设计》一书中提出:要实现若干个独立的政策目标,至少需要相互独立的若干个有效的政策工具。这一观点被称为“丁伯根原则”。 米德冲突:英国经济学家米德于1951年在其名著《国际收支》当中最早提出了固定汇率制度下内外均衡冲突问题。米德指出,如果我们假定失业与通货膨胀是两种独立的情况,那么,单一的支出调整政策(包括财政、货币政策)无法实现内部均衡和外部均衡的目标。 分派原则:这一原则由蒙代尔提出,它的含义是:每一目标应当指派给对这一目标有相对最大的影响力,因而在影响政策目标上有相对优势的工具。 自主性交易:亦称事前交易,是指交易当事人自主地为某项动机而进行的交易。 国际收支失衡:国际收支失衡是指自主性交易发生逆差或顺差,需要用补偿性交易来弥补。它有不同的分类,根据时间标准进行分类,可分为静态失衡和动态失衡;根据国际收支的内容,可分为总量失衡和结构失衡;根据国际收支失衡时所采取的经济政策,可分为实际失衡和潜在失衡。 复习思考题 1.一国国际收支平衡表的经常账户是赤字的同时,该国的国际收支是否可能盈余,为什么? 答:可能,通常人们所讲的国际收支盈余或赤字就是指综合差额的盈余或赤字.这里综合差额的盈余或赤字不仅包括经常账户,还包括资本与金融账户,这里,资本与金融账户和经常账户之间具有融资关系。但是,随着国际金融一体化的发展,资本和金融账户与经常账户之间的这种融资关系正逐渐发生深刻变化。一方面,资本和金融账户为经常账户提供融资受到诸多因素的制约。另一方面,资本和金融账户已经不再是被动地由经常账户决定,并为经常账户提供融资服务了。而是有了自己独立的运动规律。因此,在这种情况下,一国国际收支平衡表的经常账户是赤字的同时,该国的国际收支也可能是盈余。


Essentials of Investments (BKM 5th Ed.) Answers to Selected Problems – Lecture 4 Note: The solutions to Example 6.4 and the concept checks are provided in the text. Chapter 6: 23. In the regression of the excess return of Stock ABC on the market, the square of the correlation coefficient is 0.296, which indicates that 29.6% of the variance of the excesss return of ABC is explained by the market (systematic risk). Chapter 7: 3. E(R p) = R f + βp[E(R M) - R f] 0.20 = 0.05 + β(0.15 - 0.05) β = 0.15/0.10 = 1.5 β=0 implies E(R)=R f, not zero. 6. a) False: b) False: Investors of a diversified portfolio require a risk premium for systematic risk. Only the systematic portion of total risk is compensated. c) False: 75% of the portfolio should be in the market and 25% in T-bills. βp=(0.75 * 1) + (0.25 * 0) = 0.75 8. Not possible. Portfolio A has a higher beta than B, but a lower expected return. 9. Possible. If the CAPM is valid, the expected rate of return compensates only for market risk (beta), rather than for nonsystematic risk. Part of A’s risk may be nonsystematic. 10. Not possible. If the CAPM is valid, the market portfolio is the most efficient and a higher reward- to-variability ratio than any other security. In other words, the CML must be better than the CAL for any other security. Here, the slope of the CAL for A is 0.5 while the slope of the CML is 0.33. 11. Not possible. Portfolio A clearly dominates the market portfolio with a lower standard deviation and a higher expected return. The CML must be better than the CAL for security A. 12. Not possible. Security A has an expected return of 22% based on CAPM and an actual return of 16%. Security A is below the SML and is therefore overpriced. It is also clear that security A has a higher beta than the market, but a lower return which is not consistent with CAPM. 13. Not possible. Security A has an expected return of 17.2% and an actual return of 16%. Security A is below the SML and is therefore overpriced. 14. Possible. Portfolio A has a lower expected return and lower standard deviation than the market and thus plots below the CML. 17. Using the SML: 6 = 8 + β(18 – 8)


Chapter Nine Valuation of Common Stocks This chapter contains 47 multiple choice questions, 17 short problems, and 9 longer problems. Multiple Choice 1.In a quote listing of stocks, the ________ is defined as the annualized dollar dividend divided by the stock’s price, and is usually expressed as a percentage. (a)cash dividend (b)dividend payout (c)dividend coverage (d)dividend yield Answer: (d) 2.According to the discounted-dividend model, the price of a share of stock is the ________ value of all expected ________ dividends per share, discounted at the market capitalization rate. (a)present; current (b)present; future (c)future; future (d)future; current Answer: (b) 3.The value of common stock is determined by which of the following expected cash flows? (a)dividends and interest payments (b)dividends and maturity value of stock (c)dividends and net cash flows from operations of the firm (d)interest payments and maturity value Answer: (c)


CHAPTER 10: ARBITRAGE PRICING THEORY AND MULTIFACTOR MODELS OF RISK AND RETURN PROBLEM SETS 1. The revised estimate of the expected rate of return on the stock would be the old estimate plus the sum of the products of the unexpected change in each factor times the respective sensitivity coefficient: revised estimate = 12% + [(1 2%) + (0.5 3%)] = 15.5% 2. The APT factors must correlate with major sources of uncertainty, i.e., sources of uncertainty that are of concern to many investors. Researchers should investigate factors that correlate with uncertainty in consumption and investment opportunities. GDP, the inflation rate, and interest rates are among the factors that can be expected to determine risk premiums. In particular, industrial production (IP) is a good indicator of changes in the business cycle. Thus, IP is a candidate for a factor that is highly correlated with uncertainties that have to do with investment and consumption opportunities in the economy. 3. Any pattern of returns can be “explained” if we are free to choose an indefinitely large number of explanatory factors. If a theory of asset pricing is to have value, it must explain returns using a reasonably limited number of explanatory variables (i.e., systematic factors). 4. Equation 10.9 applies here: E(r p) = r f + P1 [E(r1 ) r f ] + P2 [E(r2) – r f ] We need to find the risk premium (RP) for each of the two factors: RP1 = [E(r1) r f ] and RP2 = [E(r2) r f ] In order to do so, we solve the following system of two equations with two unknowns: 31 = 6 + (1.5 RP1) + (2.0 RP2) 27 = 6 + (2.2 RP1) + [(–0.2) RP2] The solution to this set of equations is: RP1 = 10% and RP2 = 5%


第10章指数模型 10.1 复习笔记 1.单指数证券市场 (1)单指数模型 ①单指数模型的定义式 马科维茨模型在实际操作中存在两个问题,一是需要估计大量的数据;二是该模型应用中相关系数确定或者估计中的误差会导致结果无效。 单指数模型大降低了马科维茨资产组合选择程序的数据数量,它把精力放在了对证券的专门分析中。 因为不同企业对宏观经济事件有不同的敏感度。所以,如果记宏观因素的非预测成分为F,记证券i对宏观经济事件的敏感度为βi;则证券i的宏观成分为,则股票收益的单因素模型为: ②单指数模型收益率的构成 因为指数模型可以把实际的或已实现的证券收益率区分成宏观(系统)的与微观(公司特有)的两部分。每个证券的收益率是三个部分的总和:

如果记市场超额收益R M的方差为σ2M,则可以把每个股票收益率的方差拆分成两部分: (2)指数模型的估计 单指数模型表明,股票GM的超额收益与标准普尔500指数的超额收益之间的关系由下式给定: R i=αi+βi R M+e i 该式通过βi来测度股票i对市场的敏感度,βi是回归直线的斜率。回归直线的截距是αi,它代表了平均的公司特有收益。在任一时期里,回归直线的特定观测偏差记为e i,称为残值。每一个残值都是实际股票收益与由描述股票同市场之间的一般关系的回归方程所预测出的股票收益之间的差异。这些量可以用标准回归技术来估计。 (3)指数模型与分散化 资产组合的方差为 其中定义资产组合方差的系统风险成分为依赖于市场运动的部分为它也

依赖于单个证券的敏感度系数。这部分风险依赖于资产组合的贝塔和σ2M,不管资产组合分散化程度如何都不会改变。 相比较,资产组合方差的非系统成分是σ2(e P),它来源于公司特有成分e i。因为这些e i 是独立的,都具有零期望值,所以可以得出这样的结论:随着越来越多的股票加入到资产组合中,公司特有风险倾向于被消除掉,非市场风险越来越小。 当各资产为等权重,且e i不相关时,有。式中,为公司特有方差的均值。当n变大时,σ2(e p)就变得小得可以忽略了。 图10—1 证券数量与分散风险 2.资本资产定价模型与指数模型 (1)真实收益与期望收益 资本资产定价模表示了各种期望收益之间的关系,而可以观察到的只是实际的或已实现的持有期收益;构造一个规模巨大的市值加权的资产组合也是难以实现的。因此资本资产定价模型的有效性难以进行实证检验。


华侨大学金融市场学课件习题答案—科目老师:刘卫红(希望以后修这门的同学计算方面会轻松点儿) 来源: 金融市场习题答案 1、某公司发行面额为100万元的商业票据融资,发行折扣为5720元,期限为60天,则该票据投资者的实际收益率为多少? 2、假设某投资者以994280元的价格购买了上例中面额为100万的商业票据,在持有30天后将其出售,此时市场利率为5%,则该商业票据的市场价格为多少?该投资者的实际收益为多少? ?元 实际收益=995850.62-994280=1570.62元 3、某银行发行大额可转让存单,面值50万元,存单利率5%,期限270天,某投资者持有该存单4个月后出售,出售时市场利率为4%,计算存单的转让价格。 4、某证券的回购价格为100万元,回购利率为5.5%,回购期限7天,则该证券的售出价格是多少? 回购利息=回购价格×回购利率×回购天数/360=100万×5.5%×7/360=1069.44元,售价=100万 -1069.44=998930.56元 5、假定某投资者以6.75%的利率投资于5天期限的再购回协议,协议金额为2500万元,该投资者的收益为多少?如果该投资者与借款人签订的是连续再购回协议,5天后终止该合同,假定5天中每天的再购回利率分别为6.75%,7%,6.5%,6.25%,6.45%,这一连续协议的总利息收入为多少? 投资收益=2500万×6.75%×5/360=2.344万 总利息收入=2500万×(6.75%+7%+6.5%+6.25%+6.45%)×1/360=2.29万 1、息票债券的票面利率为8%,面值1000元,距到期日还有5年,到期收益率为7%,在下列情况下分别求债券的现值。(1)每年付息一次;(2)半年付息一次;(3)每季度付息一次 (1)


第1章投资环境 1.1 复习笔记 1.金融资产与实物资产 (1)概念 实物资产指经济生活中所创造的用于生产商品和提供服务的资产。实物资产包括:土地、建筑物、知识、机械设备以及劳动力。实物资产和“人力”资产是构成整个社会的产出和消费的主要内容。 金融资产是实物资产所创造的利润或政府的收入的要求权。金融资产主要指股票或债券等有价证券。金融资产是投资者财富的一部分,但不是社会财富的组成部分。 (2)两种资产的区分 ①实物资产能够创造财富和收入,而金融资产却只是收入或财富在投资者之间的配置的一种手段。 ②实物资产通常只在资产负债表的资产一侧出现,而金融资产却可以作为资产或负债在资产负债表的两侧都出现。对企业的金融要求权是一种资产,但是,企业发行的这种金融要求权则是企业的负债。 ③金融资产的产生和消除一般要通过一定的商务过程。例如,当贷款被支付后,债权人的索偿权(一种金融资产)和债务人的债务(一种金融负债)就都消失了。而实物资产只能通过偶然事故或逐渐磨损来消除。

2.金融市场 (1)金融市场与经济 ①金融市场的概念 金融市场是指以金融资产为交易对象而形成的供求关系及其机制的总和。它包括三层含义,一是它是金融资产进行交易的一个有形和无形的场所;二是它反映了金融资产的供应者和需求者之间所形成的供求关系;三是它包含了金融资产交易过程中所产生的运行机制。 ②金融市场的作用 a.金融市场允许人们通过金融资产储蓄财富,使人们消费与收入在时间上分离。人们可以通过调整消费期获得最满意的消费。 b.金融市场使人们可以通过金融资产的买卖来分配实物资产的风险。 c.金融市场保证了公司经营权和所有权的分离。 ③代理问题 代理问题是指公司的管理者追求自己的利益而非公司的利益所产生的管理者与股东潜在的利益冲突。解决代理问题的管理机制有:期权等激励机制、通过董事会解雇管理者以及雇佣独立人士监控管理者。绩效差的公司通常面临着被收购的危机,这是一种外部的激励。 公司治理危机包括会计丑闻、分析师丑闻和首次公开发行中的问题。 (2)金融系统的客户 金融系统中的客户包括家庭、企业和政府。 家庭通过金融市场持有金融资产进行理财;企业利用金融市场融资;政府一方面通过金融市场融资,另一方面也是金融环境的规范者。 (3)投资环境与客户需求 ①金融中介的定义与性质


CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS FINANCE? Objectives ?Define finance. ?Explain why finance is worth studying. ?Introduce the main players in the world of finance—households and firms—and the kinds of financial decisions they make. Outline 1.1 Defining Finance 1.2 Why Study Finance? 1.3 Financial Decisions of Households 1.4 Financial Decisions of Firms 1.5 Forms of Business Organization 1.6 Separation of Ownership and Management 1.7 The Goal of Management 1.8 Market Discipline: Takeovers 1.9 The Role of the Finance Specialist in a Corporation Summary Finance is the study of how to allocate scarce resources over time. The two features that distinguish finance are that the costs and benefits of financial decisions are spread out over time and are usually not known with certainty in advance by either the decision-maker or anybody else. A basic tenet of finance is that the ultimate function of the system is to satisfy people’s consumption preferences. Economic organizations such as firms and governments exist in order to facilitate the achievement of that ultimate function. Many financial decisions can be made strictly on the basis of improving the tradeoffs available to people without knowledge of their consumption preferences. There are at least five good reasons to study finance: ?To manage your personal resources. ?To deal with the world of business. ?To pursue interesting and rewarding career opportunities. ?To make informed public choices as a citizen.

《金融学(第二版)》讲义大纲及课后习题答案详解 十二章

CHAPTER 12 CHOOSING AN INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO Objectives ?To understand the process of personal investing in theory and in practice. ?To build a quantitative model of the tradeoff between risk and reward. Outline 12.1 The Process of Personal Portfolio Selection 12.2 The Trade-off between Expected Return and Risk 12.3 Efficient Diversification with Many Risky Assets Summary ?There is no single portfolio selection strategy that is best for all people. ?Stage in the life cycle is an imp ortant determinant of the optimal composition of a person’s optimal portfolio of assets and liabilities. ?Time horizons are important in portfolio selection. We distinguish among three time horizons: the planning horizon, the decision horizon, and the trading horizon. ?In making portfolio selection decisions, people can in general achieve a higher expected rate of return only by exposing themselves to greater risk. ?One can sometimes reduce risk without lowering expected return by diversifying more completely either within a given asset class or across asset classes. ?The power of diversification to reduce the riskiness of an investor’s portfolio depends on the correlations among the assets that make up the portfolio. In practice, the vast majority of assets are positively correlated with each other because they are all affected by common economic factors. Consequently, one’s ability to reduce risk through diversification among risky assets without lowering expected return is limited. ?Although in principle people have thousands of assets to choose from, in practice they make their choices from a menu of a few final products offered by financial intermediaries such as bank accounts, stock and bond mutual funds, and real estate. In designing and producing the menu of assets to offer to their customers these intermediaries make use of the latest advances in financial technology.


第15章利率的期限结构 15.1 复习笔记 利率期限结构,即不同到期期限债券利率之间的关系,通常用被称为收益率曲线的曲线图来描述。 1. 确定的期限结构 长期债券收益率较高的原因有二:一是长期债券风险较大,需要较高的收益率来补偿利率风险;二是投资者预期利率会上升,因此较高的平均收益率反应了对债券后续寿命期的高利率预期。 (1)债券定价 给定期限的利率称为短期利率。利用不同期限的短期利率对债券进行贴现可以得到债券的价格。利用债券的价格,可计算出每种债券的到期收益率。收益率是单利,它等于相对于债券价格的债券支付额的现值。虽然利率可随时间变化,但各期的到期收益率均以“平均”利率计算,以贴现所有各期的债券支付。不同期限的到期收益率可以构成收益率曲线。 零息票债券的到期收益率有时也称为即期利率,即今日对应于零期时的利率。到期收益率实际上是每一时期利率的几何平均值。 (2)分离债券和息票债券的定价 零息票债券的价格可以通过用债券到期时的即期利率对债券票面价值贴现后得到。可以把息票债券的每一次付息从结果上视为各自独立支付的零息票债券,它们可以独立地被估价。息票债券的总价值就是其每一次现金流价值的总和。

债券交易者经常要区分零息票债券和息票支付债券的收益曲线。纯收益曲线反映了零息票债券的到期收益和到期时间之间的关系。 (3)持有期收益(holding period yield, HPY ) 在一个简单的没有不确定性因素的世界中,任何期限的债券一定会提供相同的收益率。实际上,尽管不同的债券有不同的到期收益率,但每一种债券提供的未来一年的收益率将等于这一年的短期利率。 持有期收益指在一定时期内投资的总收益,包括各种来源的收入。其计算公式如下: 投资的期初价值投资的期末价值 HPR 其计算得出的值总是大于或等于0, 即它不可能为负值。如果该值大于1.0表明财富增加,这意味着持有期的收益率为正;如果该值小于1.0表明财富减少,这意味着在持有期的收益率为负;如果该值等于0表明投资损失殆尽。 持有期收益率(HPR )指一定时间内投资的总收益率,用百分数表示。其计算公式如下: HPY=HPR -1 (4)远期利率 在利率变化确定的情况下,可从零息票债券的收益率曲线中推出未来短期利率,其计算公式为: 式中,n 为期数;y n 为n 期零息票债券的到期收益率。 当未来利率与不确定性相联系,用式(15-4)推断出的利率称为远期利率而不是未来短期利率,因为它不一定是未来某一期间的真实利率。 如果n 期的远期利率为f n ,则可用下式定义f n :


Chapter Four Allocating Resources Over Time This chapter contains 46 multiple-choice questions, 18 short problems and 9 longer problems. Multiple Choice 1.________ is the process of going from present value to future value, whereas ________ is finding the present value of some future amount. (a)Discounting; compounding (b)Compounding; annualizing (c)Compounding; discounting (d)Discounting; leasing Answer: (c) 2.________ refers to the interest rate at which money received before the end of the planning horizon can be reinvested. (a)Internal rate (b)Reinvestment rate (c)Cost of equity (d)Compound interest Answer: (b) 3.The difference between an immediate annuity and an ordinary annuity is ________. (a)the number of periods (b)the amount of the payments (c)the interest rate (d)the timing of the payments Answer: (d)

投资学精要 博迪 第八版 课后答案 Chapter2

CHAPTER 02 ASSET CLASSES AND FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS https://www.360docs.net/doc/bf7644755.html,mon stock is an ownership share in a publicly held corporation. Common shareholders have voting rights and may receive dividends. Preferred stock represents nonvoting shares in a corporation, usually paying a fixed stream of dividends. While corporate bonds are long-term debt by corporations, typically paying semi-annual coupons and returning the face value of the bond at maturity. 2.While the DJIA has 30 large corporations in the index, it does not represent the overall market nearly as well as the 500 stocks contained in The Wilshire index. The DJIA is simply too small. 3.They are short term, very safe, and highly liquid. Also, their unit value almost never changes. 4.Treasury bills, certificates of d eposit, commercial paper, bankers’ acceptances, Eurodollars, repos, reserves, federal funds and brokers’ calls. 5.American Depository Receipts, or ADRs, are certificates traded in U.S. markets that represent ownership in shares of a foreign company. Investors may also purchase shares of foreign companies on foreign exchanges. Lastly, investors may use international mutual funds to own shares indirectly. 6.Because they produce coupons that are tax free. 7.The fed funds rate is simply the rate of interest on very short-term loans among financial institutions. The London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) is the rate at which large banks in London are willing to lend money among themselves. 8.General obligation bonds are backed by the local governments, while revenue bonds have proceeds attached to specific projects. A revenue bond has less guarantees, therefore, it is riskier and will have a higher yield. 9.Corporations may exclude 70% of dividends received from domestic corporations in the computation of their taxable income. 10.Limited liability means that the most shareholders can lose in event of the failure of the corporation is their original investment. 11.Money market securities are referred to as “cash equivalents” because of their great liquidity. The prices of money market securities are very stable, and they can be converted to cash (i.e., sold) on very short notice and with very low transaction costs.


第三章利息与利息率 复习思考题 仁利息的计算方法有哪些?为什么复利反映利息的本质? (1)利息有两种基本计算方法:单利计算法与复利计算法。 (2)原因:利息是信用关系赖以生存的条件。利息既是债权人的一项收入来源,也是债权人放弃资金流动性,暂时放弃其他赚钱机会的补偿。经济社会中既然产生并长期存在着利息这一经济范畴,就表明了资金可以只依其所有权取得一部分社会产品的分配权力,其存在的合理性,使得复利的存在也具有了合理性。因为按期结出的利息属于贷出者所有,贷出者有权对这部分利息的使用者收取利息。因此, 只有复利才能真正反映利息的本质特征。 2.决定和影响利率水平的一般因素是什么? 平均利润率;借贷资金的供求关系;预期通货膨胀率;中央银行 货币政策;国际收支状况。 3.古典利率决定理论和凯恩斯的流动偏好利率理论有何不同? 古典利率决定理论认为,利率决定于储蓄与投资的均衡点。投资是利率的递减函数,即利率提高,投资额下降;利率降低,投资额上升;储蓄是利率的递增函数,即储蓄额与利率成正相关关系。 凯恩斯完全抛弃了实际因素对利率水平的影响,其利率决定理论基本上是货币理论。凯恩斯认为,利率决定于货币供给与货币需求的数量,而货币需求又基本取决于人们的流动性偏好。他认为,人们对收入有两

种抉择,一是在总收入中确定消费与储蓄的比例,即现在消费还是未来消费的选择;二是在储蓄总量确定后,具体储蓄形成的选择,即流动偏好的选择。假定人们的收入支出只有两种资产的选择,即人们或者用其收入购买债券,从而获得利息;或者手持现金,从而满足其交易的需求和谨慎的需求和投机的需求。凯恩斯认为,由于人们无法准确预测未来,人们宁愿放弃债券投资可能带来的利息收入,也不愿放弃对流动性强的资产——现金的持有,即人们对货币具有流动性偏好。人们进行债权投资可能带来的利息收入,是放弃流动性强的现金资产的报酬。因此,由于流动性偏好所形成的货币需求是利率的递减函数。 4.为什么利用IS-LM模型分析的利率决定理论是一种一般均衡的利率决定理论? 在实际工作中,收入因素对利率的决定是有重要作用的,这种作用是通过对储蓄和货币需求的影响来实现的。由英国经济学家希克斯首先提出,美国经济学家汉森加以发展而形成的IS-LM模型,充分考虑了收入在利率决定中的作用,从而促进了利率决定理论的发展。IS-LM分析模型,是从整个市场全面均衡来讨论利率的决定机制的。市场均衡利率是产品市场与货币市场同时达到均衡时决定的。 5.阐述可贷资金利率理论的一般内容 该理论认为,市场利率不是简单的由投资与储蓄决定的,也不是仅仅是由人们的“流动性偏好”形成的货币需求与中央银行货币供给决定的,而是由可贷资金的供给和需求来决定的。可贷资金的需求包括两个部分,一是投资需求,二是货币贮藏的需求。这里影响市场利率的货币贮藏需求不是货币贮藏的总额,而是当年货币贮藏的增加额。用公式来表示,即
