
1.我们将随时向你们提供良好的服务。(be ready to )
2.他常常匆匆忙忙地去上班。(in a hurry)
3.这孩子根本不听我的话。(not... at all )
5.我们每天都以做早操来开始我们的学校生活。(begin... with)
6.你纸用完时,请告诉我一下。(run out of)
7.你不妨过一小时走。(as well)
8.下个月,我就能买一辆新车了。(can afford to)
9.你十六岁了,可不再是个孩子了。(no longer)
10.我能订购一个蛋糕吗?(place an order for)
11.这儿将建造一个超市。(set up)
12.他五十岁时开始学习日语。(pick up)
14.别让这些油靠近火。( keep... from)
15.现在蔬菜和水果都很便宜。(both... and)
16.人们发现多吃水果是必要的。(find it necessary to)
17.谁在主管这家商店?(be in charge of)
18.我们应该在此休息一会儿。(for a while)
19.你应该弄清楚他们何时来。(find out)
21.去年的这个时候,我正在学习法语。(this time last year)
22.孩子们都喜欢冰淇淋。(be fond of)
23.她眼睛里饱含着泪水。(be full of)
24.今天上午我碰巧遇见了我的一个老朋友。(It happened that)
25.他俩都没去过日本。(neither of)
28.只有一位成员没来开会。(be absent from)
30.这个箱子对她来说是太重了。(much too)
31.你可不能拿火来玩呀。(play with)
32.这水太脏不能喝。(too. . . to)
33.一位老人给了我一些木柴生火。(make fire)
34.你真好,给了我这么好的建议。(be kind of...)
35.请代我向你的父母问好。(to remember)
36.他年轻时经常在这河边钓鱼。(used to)
37.请您带我参观一下你们的学校好吗?(show... around)
38.他们拆掉了一座旧桥,又造了一座新的。(pull down)
39.在某种程度上,他的进步是了不起的。(in a way)
40.他们来不来没关系。(it doesn't matter...)
41.这小孩有一辆他自己的自行车。(of one' s own)
42.他伸手去摘树上的苹果。(reach for)
43.是我的过失,打碎了那个花瓶。(be to blame for)
44.他坚持要把晚饭放在花园里吃。(insist on doing)
45.妇女在我们国家中起着重要的作用。(to play a part)
46.一本好书对孩子会有很大影响。(have an effect on...)
47.他的想法证明是对的。(prove to be)
48.这儿的学生学习德语而不学英语。(instead of)
49.我正忙于我的功课呢。(be busy with)
50.他们打算把价格降低50元。(reduce... by)
51.你应该多吃些水果,例如苹果、桔子及香蕉。(such as)
52.老师对我的回答很满意。(pleased with)

父母为他的进步而感到自豪。(be proud of)
54.成千上万的人正在保卫他们的城市免遭洪水袭击。(protect... from
55.我迟早会知道结果的。(sooner or later)
56.杭州以其茶叶和丝绸而闻名。(be famous for)
57.许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会。(be present at)
58.因为那场雨,他们都迟到了。(because of)
60.他坐公交车上班只需二十分钟。(it takes. . . to. . .)
61.你能说出这两幅画的区别吗?(tell the difference between)
62.大雨使得我们无法进行比赛。(prevent... from...)
63.这季节公园里有各种各样的鲜花。(all kinds of)
64.汤姆在昨天的面试中失败了。(fail in)
65.取笑盲人是不礼貌的。(make fun of)
66.多亏了好天气,上星期天我们玩得很高兴。( thanks to)
67.我的想法是以事实为基础的。(be based on)
68.我们有一个月没收到我们孩子的信了。(hear from)
69.这听起来像打雷。(sound like)
70.我确信他们能用一小时完成工作。(be sure that...)
71.这位科学家说他的成功属于人民的。(belong to)
72.我们要用好我们的业余时间。(make good use of)
73.到明年年底,我们将在这儿工作了四年。( by the end of.. .)
74.你为什么一筹莫展只是一个人坐在这儿?(do nothing but)
75.要看电视的人到202室去。(those who)
76.老师告诉我要将作业补上。(make up for)
77.在那场暴风雪中,没有一个人冻死。(die from)
78.人们相信所有植物都需要水。(It is believed)
79.这些学生不仅会说英语,还会说法语。(not only... but also)
80.他们用电子邮件保持着联系。(keep in touch... by. . .)
81.我想他出事了。(happen to)
82.我从来没梦想会取得如此大的成功。(dream of...)
83.重要的是要依靠我们自己。(rely on)
84.我们将尽可能早地赶到那儿。(as... as possible)
85.这支足球队由15个成员组成。(consist of)
86.谁来处理这个问题?(deal with)
87.你必须设法跟上你的同学。(keep up with)
88.那小孩非常爱护他的新玩具。(take good care of)
89.如果你有困难,请拨8585185。(be in trouble)
90.这些蔬菜没有污染。(be free from)
91.你打算采取什么措施来处理这些信息?(do... with...)
92.我只给你一次机会。(no more than)
94.使我吃惊的是,孩子们把每件事都准备好了。(to my surprise)
95.他一生精力都贡献在种植果树上。(devote one's life to...)
96.当他听到那消息,他禁不住发起了大火。(can't help doing)
97.那老师注意到有一个男同学看上去有病。(notice )
98.你不要紧张,就和平时一样走进大厅。(as usual)
99.他自己成功地做完了实验。( succeed in doing...)
100.那工程师说:"即使有危险,我也要解决这个问题。"(even if)

102.别关上那台计算机,我过一会儿要用。(turn off)

1 .We are ready to give you good service.
2. He often goes to work in a hurry.
3 .The child does not listen to me at all.
4. 1 wonder when we can leave here.
5. Every day, we begin our school life with morning-exercises.
6. Please tell me when you run out of paper.
7. You may as well leave in an hour.
8 .I can afford to buy a new car next month.
9. You are sixteen. You are no longer a child.
10. May I place an order for a birthday cake?
11.A super-market will be set up here.
12. He picked up Japanese when he was fifty years old.
13.After the meeting, she remained sitting there for a long time·
14. Keep the oil from the fire·
15.Both vegetable and fruit are cheap now.
16. People find it necessary to eat more fruit.
17.Who is in charge of the shop?
18.We should have a rest here for a while.
19. You should find out when they will come.
20. I was reading a newspaper when the telephone rang.
21.I was studying French this time last year.
22. Children are all fond of ice cream.
23.Her eyes were full of tears.
24. It happened that I met an old friend of mine this morning.
25. Neither of them has been to Japan.
26. Would you mind waiting in the room?
27.A world without trees is terrible.
28.Only one member was absent from the meeting.
29. The child pretended to cry.
30. The box is much too heavy for her.
31.Oh, you can't play with fire.
32. The water is too dirty to drink.
33.An old man gave me some wood to make fire.
34. It is kind of you to give me such a good suggestion.
35.Please remember me to your parents.
36. He used to fish in the river when he was young.
37. Would you show me around your school?
38. They pulled down an old bridge and built a new one.
39. In a way, his progress is great.
40. It doesn't matter whether they will come.
41.The child has a bike of his own.
42. He reached for an apple on the tree.
43.I am to blame for breaking the vase.
44. We insisted on having the dinner in the garden.
45.Women play an important part in our country.
46. A good book has great effect on children.
47. His idea proved to be correct.
48.The students here study German instead of English.
49. I am busy with my lesson.
50. They were going to reduce the price by 50 yuan.
51.You should eat more fruit, such as apples, oranges and bananas.
52. The teacher is pleased with my answer.
53. His parents are proud of his progress.
54. Thousands of people are protecting the city from the flood.
55. Sooner or later I will know the result.
56. Hangzhou is famous for its tea and silk.
57. Many old people were present at our concert yesterday.
58.Because of the rain, they were all late.
59. We must try to meet the situation.
60. It takes him only twenty minutes to go to work by bus.
61.Can you tell the difference between the two pictures?
62. The heavy rain prevented us from having the game.

are different kinds of flowers in the park this season.
64. Tom failed in the interview yesterday.
65. It is impolite to make fun of the blind.
66. Thanks to the good weather, we had a good time last Sunday.
67. My idea is based on facts.
68. We haven't heard from our child for a month.
69. It sounds like thunder.
70. I am sure that they can finish their work in an hour.
71.The scientist said his success belonged to the people.
72. We should make good use of our spare time.
73.By the end of next year, we will have worked here for four years.
74. Why did you do nothing but sit there alone?
75.Those who want to watch TV may go to Room 202.
76. My teacher told me to make up for my homework.
77. In the snow-storm, nobody died from cold.
78. It is believed that all plants need water.
79. The students can speak not only English but also French.
80. They keep in touch with each other by e-mail.
81.I think something has happened to him.
82. I have never dreamt of getting such great success.
83.It is important to rely on ourselves.
84. We must arrive there as soon as possible.
85. The football team consists of 15 members.
86. Who will deal with the problem?
87. You must try to keep up with your classmates.
88. The child takes good care of his toys.
89. Please dial 8585185, if you are in trouble.
90. The vegetable is free from pollution.
91.What are you going to do with the information?
92. I will give you no more than one chance.
93. The war lasted three years.
94. To my surprise, the children have got everything ready.
95.He devoted all his life to planting fruit trees.
96. When he heard the news, he couldn't help getting angry:
97. The teacher noticed that a boy-student looked ill.
98. You should not be nervous and walk into the hall as usual.
99. He succeeded in doing an experiment himself.
100. The engineer said, "I will solve the problem, even if it may be dangerous."
101.The dark cloud suggests that it's going to rain soon.
102.Don't turn off the computer. I will use it in a moment.
