


Good afternoon, everyone. The title of the paper is Visible Microspectroscopy for Diagnosis of Gastric Precancer. Its author is Liu Yong from Department of Physics, Zhao qing University. It’s presented by Li Mengfan from CAS, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science. You can know more about cancer and the new method to diagnose gastric precancer after reading this paper.


Cancer is very common among human beings. It is mostly related to the habit of the patients, the job, the environment, the drinking water and the soil matters, too. If a person is affected by certain bacteria, he may also get gastric cancer. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, mental tension, eating improperly and living irregularly increase the possibility of having cancer. Before specific treatment, the doctor should make sure whether the patient has cancer and where the focus is. The method used to diagnose cancer and locate the

cancerous area is very important.


Before we design a method to diagnose cancer, we should know more about cancer like where it starts and what it causes.

Firstly, about 90% of the human’s cancer start from the epithelial layer of skin, internal organs and tubular organs in the body. Secondly ,cancer usually accompanied by the changes of organization structure in the cell level.So, the changes which appear in the structure of organization and chemical composition provides important evidence for diagnosis of precancer.


Normal method to diagnose gastric precancer is Reflectance spectroscopy. It’s very prospective in early diagnosis of cancer and is commonly used these years.

One of the most common technology is diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, it can acquire the approximate information of the target tissue. This method is low cost, fast and non-invasive, it provides important means for diagnosis of malignant damage of organization of human organs. However, there are also some disadvantages of this method which need to be improved.


This is the system of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the light beam emitted from the tungsten halogen lamp is guided into the integral ball by the source fiber. The light come out of the integral ball irradiate the standard board, the reflected light of the standard board is treated as the background. Then take target tissue substitute for the standard board, and scan the reflected light of it. The reflected light spectra of the gastric tissue mucosal layer and the submucosa layer is guided into the spectrometer by the collector fiber. The spectrometer and the computer is connected by USB, spectrum can be processed using computer.


First of all, only average visible spectrum of the target tissue can be acquired, it means that the docters cannot make out the location of the cancerous tissue precisely.

What’s more, the device is easy to be affected by changes of optical path length induced by different set-up of prober and the variation of hemoglobin concentration due to the pressure between prober and tissue.


To avoid the problems of the commonly used techniques, diffuse reflectance visible spectroscopy, scientists do a lot of researches to find out a new way to diagnose precancer.

The new method is Visible Microspectroscopy. The visible microspectroscopic measurement device is accomplished on the basis of fiber confocal microscope, its 3-d imaging principle devote to the optical tomography ability of the system.

The visible microspectrum of cancerous and normal tissue can be analysed and

contrasted, so it’s more useful than the normal method.


This is the structure of the visible microspectroscopy device .

The fiber coupler can separate the lighting beams from the signal beam. The two lens can focus the light on the tissue ,

The 3-D electronic controlled platform move along the direction of optic axis, so that the device can acquire the visible microspectroscopy signal of the sample in different depth, precisely locate the boundary of the cancerous tissue.The signal measured from different position can be stored in the computer after analysed by the spectrometer.


This is the spectrum chart of the normal tissue and cancerous tissue, they are analyzed by the spectrometer before being transmitted to the computer. The upper chart is the visible spectrum of normal tissue, it is regular. Contrasting to this, in the nether chart, the spectrum of the cancerous area shows that the strength of reflected light grows as the wave length grows.


In comparison with the normal method, there are a lot of advantages of the new method.

Firstly, the structure of visible microspectroscopy device is very simple. The main parts consist of source, fiber coupler, 3-D electronic controlled platform, spectrometer and the computer.

Secondly, the 3-D space microspectrum can be acquired , which can help the doctors efficiently make out whether the gastric tissue is cancerous.

What’s more, the optical tomography ability enabled the device to precisely locate the edge of the cancerous area.


i. In conclusion, the main goal of this research is to find a new way to diagnose the

gastric precancer.

ii. The spectrum of the normal and cancerous gastric tissues which can be measured by visible microspectroscopy in cell level is the central idea .

iii. This new method can obtain the cell level information, and is not affected by

changes of optical path length and hemoglobin concentration.


i. The device is very simple, so it can have a small size, which can reduce the sufferings of patients.It can efficiently make out whether the tissue is canceration.

ii. Besides, the 3-D space microspectrum and optical tomography ability can make the device accurately distinguish the cancerous tumor area from the normal tissue in cell level, thus the boundary of the cancerous tissue can be ascertained accurately.

iii. The result of the research shows that this device may be used to non-invasively diagnosis of early gastric cancer.


This device is only researched in the lab, there are still a lot of works to do to make this device applied into practice. So, s pecial design of this device should be made which can be applied to the medical diagnosis.


1我访问过一些地方,遇到过不少人,演谈起来,奇妙的事可多呢。 There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I meet. 2你们已经取得了进步,对此我毫不怀疑。 There has been no doubt in my mind of the progress which you have achieved. 汉语:由先到后,由因到果,由假设到推论,先叙事后总结,符合汉语“末尾焦点”的语言习惯和“从众归一”的思维方式。“循序渐进” 英语:先表示个人感受、态度或是首先就事情本身做出评论,然后再叙述事情的来龙去脉。“开门见山” 这种小型热带鱼由于具有自行修复受损和患病的眼部细胞的独特功能,长期以来一直为科学家所关注。 The tiny tropical fish has long interested scientists because of its unique ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in its own eyes. 一项技术突破使科学家得以第一次利用成年猴子培育出几十个克隆胚胎,从而开拓了以医疗为目的的高效克隆人类胚胎的前景。 The prospect of being able to clone human embryos efficiently for medical treatments has been raised by a technical breakthrough that has enabled scientists to make dozens of cloned embryos from adult monkeys for the first time. 如蒙尽早回寄来样品或产品册,将不胜感激。 It would be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be soon forwarded to us. 如能尽早回复,我将非常感谢。 I will be very obliged to you if you will kindly grant me a reply at your earliest convenience. 英语:先叙述最近发生的事,再叙述次近发生的事,最后叙述最远发生的事。 汉语:由远到近。 当有列举与总概时,英:先总概后列举;汉:先列举后总概 在自然界找不到游离状态的铝,因为这种金属总是和其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是跟氧结合(铝和氧都有很强的亲和力),所以,铝直到十九世纪才被人类发现。

国际学术交流英语 welcome speech

Sample 1 Welcome Speech by Mr. Wang Dekun Ladies and Gentlemen: It is a great honor for us to have the Sixth IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (CAIA) held here in Nanjing, the capital of our Province. I am Wang Dekun, mayor of Nanjing City. Please allow me on behalf of the Jiangsu Provincial Government and myself to extend my warmest congratulations on the convening1of this conference. I would also like to warmly welcome you—all the conference participants home and abroad to the conference. Jiangsu is one of the most developed provinces in China. It is known for its strength and potential for further development in industry, agriculture, science and technology, culture, education, etc. Jiangsu is such a congenial place that it attracts talented people from everywhere. Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening, Jiangsu Province has made great and rapid advancement in various aspect of its economic and cultural life. It has also made remarkable achievements in the past few years in its exchange and cooperation with foreign countries. CAIA will no doubt be a new impetus2 to the development of Jiangsu, which sits in the middle between conferences that are almost purely theoretical and those that are almost purely applications oriented. The purpose of this conference is to educate the professional software engineer in how to apply AI techniques to real problems. We are honored to invite some distinguished experts to give keynote speeches, focusing on the boundary between theory and practice; in particular, on representations and problem solving techniques and their demonstrated application to real problems. Consequently, there is a conjoint emphasis on “what” (the application) and “how” (the method). Thus, CAIA will provide the opportunity for researchers and engineers who are interested in “real world” applications to share their ideas and experiences. I sincerely applaud the opening of this conference, which is indeed a platform of technological exchange for guest experts and scholars home and abroad. I believe, by way of this conference, the relationship between us will be strengthened and we will innovate more beneficial solutions through the use of artificial intelligence technologies. I would like all of you to feel at home here in China and wish the conference a great success. Thank you. self-introduction welcoming the participants introducing the host province information about the conference: purpose, characteristics, etc. significance of the conference expressing good wishes


智慧树知到《国际学术交流英语》章节测试答案 第一章 1、We can acquire conference information from_________. A.Internet B.academic journals C.from academic associations D.from private channels 答案: Internet,academic journals,from academic associations,from private channels 2、Sponsor of a conference is the institution that initiates the conference while organizer of the conference is entrusted by the sponsor to organize the conference. A.对 B.错 答案: 对 3、A Call for Papers and a conference notice are two totally different documents and they have nothing in common. A.对 B.错 答案: 错

4、Academic committee is also called __. A.program committee B.scientific committee C.paper committee https://www.360docs.net/doc/c19878254.html,anizing committee 答案: program committee,scientific committee,paper committee 5、Which of the following is NOT true concerning “parallel session” A.Parallel session is smaller-scale meetings which take place at the same time in different rooms. B.Young scholars usually present their papers at the parallel session. C.Parallel session may involve more detailed discussion between authors and participants. D.Parallel session doesn’t allow walk-ins and walk-outs. 答案: Parallel session doesn’t allow walk-ins and walk-outs. 第三章 1、Which of the following statement about abstract isNOTcorrect A.An abstract contains key words found in a research paper, thesis, or review. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c19878254.html,ponents of an abstract vary according to different disciplines. C.An abstract is an excerpted passage from a research paper, thesis, or review.

国际学术交流英语词汇 UNIT 2

Task 1 Keynote speaker n. 主讲人;大会发言人; Prospective[pr?u'spektiv] adj. 未来的;预期的n. 预期;展望 Ongoing adj. 不间断的,进行的;前进的 Bear vi. 承受;结果实vt.忍受;具有;支撑 Sincerity[s?n'ser?t?]n. 真实,诚挚 Attendees[?'t?n'di]n. 出席者;在场者 Letterhead n. 信头 Salutation['s?lj?'te??n] n. 称呼;问候;招呼;寒喧 Complimentary close[k?mpl?'ment(?)r?] n.结尾敬语,结尾客套语Enclosure[?n'kl????] n. 附件 Learning aids Full block format齐头式 Modified block format修改/正式齐头式 Intended[?n't?nd?d] adj. 缩排的,缩格书写的 Flush vt. 使齐平 Open punctuation['p??kt??'e??n]省略标点法;开放式标点 Respectively[r?'sp?kt?vli]adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地 Postcode n. (英)邮政编码;邮区号 Courtesy['k??t?s?]n. 礼貌;好意;恩惠 Professional title[pr?'f???nl] n. 职称;专业头衔 Business title 商号;商业头衔 Capitalized ['k?p?t?lɑ?zd] adj. 大写的 Cordial['k??d??l]adj. 热忱的,诚恳的;兴奋的 Ample['?mpl]adj. 丰富的;足够的;宽敞的 Account[?'ka?nt]n. 账户;解释;账单;vi. 解释;导致;报账 Invitee[,?nva?'ti]n. 被邀请者 Abbreviation[?'briv?'e??n]n. 缩写;缩写词 Accommodation[?,kɑm?'de??n]n. 住处,膳宿 Seminar ['s?m?nɑr] n. 讨论会,研讨班 R.S.V.P. abbr. (法)敬请赐覆(repondez s'ilvous plait) Tone n. 语气;色调;音调;音色 Terminology n. 术语,术语学;用辞 Chair a session 主持一个会议 Interchange vt.(指两人等)互换vi. 交换;n. 互换;立体交叉道 Panel n. 座谈小组,全体陪审员 Preparatory [pr?'p?r?t?ri]adj. 预备的n. 预科;预备学校 Symposium [s?m'poz??m]n. 讨论会,座谈会;专题论文集; Covered adj. 覆盖了的;隐蔽着的;有屋顶的 Reimburse [,ri?m'b?s]vt.偿还;赔偿 Subsidized adj. 补贴的,补助的 Subsistence allowance [s?b's?st?ns][?'la??ns]n. 预付给新进员工的钱;生活津贴

国际学术交流英语 Unit 5

Unit 5 presentation of Speeches Task 1 Ceremony ['ser?m?n?] n. 典礼,仪式;礼节 Participant [pɑ?'t?s?p(?)nt] n. 参与者;关系者 Uniqueness [j?'nikn?s] n. 独特性;独一无二 Learning aids Sponsor ['spɑns?] n. 赞助者;主办者 Indicate ['?nd?ket] vt. 表明;指出;预示 Stimulate ['st?mj?'let] v. 刺激;鼓舞,激励 Announce [?'na?ns] v. 宣布;述说;预示 Accomplish [?'kɑmpl??] vt. 完成;实现;达到 Goodwill n. [贸易] 商誉;友好;好意 Remark n. 注意;言辞v. 评论;觉察 Convene [k?n'vi:n]vt. 召集;聚集;传唤 Delegate ['d?l?ɡ?t] vt. 委派…为代表n. 代表 Municipal [mju'n?s?pl] adj. 市政的,市的;地方自治的 Hearty adj. 衷心的;丰盛的;健壮的;精神饱满的 Congress ['k??gres]n. 国会;代表大会;会议 Atomic [?'t?m?k] adj. 原子的,原子能的 Cordial ['k??d??l] adj. 热忱的,诚恳的 Symposium [s?m'p??z??m] n. 讨论会,座谈会;专题论文集 Systemic [s?'st?m?k] adj. 系统的;全身的;体系的 Desirable [d?'za??r?bl] adj. 令人满意的;值得要的 Mushrooming adj. 迅速增长的 Divergent [da?'v?d??nt] adj. 相异的,分歧的;散开的 Ample adj. 丰富的;足够的;宽敞的 Highlight ['ha?la?t] vt. 突出;强调;使显著n. 最精彩的部分;加亮区Non-sinusoidal [?s?n?'s??dl] adj. 非正弦的 Tackle n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒v. 处理;抓住;Pharmaceutics [?fɑ:m?'sju:t?ks]n. 制药学;配药学 Rehabilitation [?ri???b?l?'te?n] n. 复原 Forum n. 论坛,讨论会;法庭 Disseminate [d?'s?m?net] v. 宣传,传播;散布 Hemisphere [?hem?sf??(r)]n. 半球 Initiative [?'n???t?v] n. 主动权;首创精神adj. 主动的;自发的Derive [d?'ra?v] v. 源于;得自 Innovate ['?n?vet] v. 创新;改革;革新 Ever-lasting adj. 持久的 Memorable ['m?m?r?bl] adj. 显著的,难忘的 Dedication [ded?'ke??(?)n] n. 奉献;献身 Task 2


TrendsandCyclesinGlobalDynamicsand PerspectivesofWorldDevelopment October13–15,2017 ConferenceAgenda 1.TheOpeningCeremony Time:9:00-9:30Oct13,2017 Place:137ConferenceHall,TengxiangBuilding,LiulinCampusofSWUFE Presider:RenzhongDing,VicePresidentofSWUFE

Agenda: 1.LocalgovernmentofficialsfromtheJiangXiProvince 2.AkaevAskar,Professor,FormerPresidentoftheKyrgyzRepublic 3.ZhangZongyi,PresidentofSWUFE 4.IlyaIlin:Professor,DeanoftheFacultyofGlobalStudies, LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity,andPresidentofInternationalAssociationofGlobalStudies(inre presentativeofacademicianVictorSadovnichij:RectoroftheLomonosovMoscowStateUniversity) 5.ZiminSergey:SecretariatoftheShanghaiCooperationOrganization, HeadofProjectLomonosovMoscowStateUniversity 6.rnB.Bodvarsson:VicePresidentoftheChineseEconomistsSociety 2.2017InternationalConferenceon TrendsandCyclesinGlobalDynamicsandPerspectives ofWorldDevelopment PerspectivesofworlddevelopmentSummit Time:10:00-12:15Oct13,2017 Place:137ConferenceHall,TengxiangBuilding,LiulinCampus Presider:FangjianLiu,ExcecutiveDeanofSchoolofEconcmics,SWUFE (Agenda): 10:00—12:15:Keynotespeech(3timeslots,40minuteseach) 1.KeithE.Maskus:ProfessorofEconomics,AssociateDeanforSocial Sciences,UniversityofColoradoatBoulder Title:GlobalEconomicsofIntellectualPropertyinthe21stCentury 2.LiGan:ProfessorofEconomics,DeanofSchoolofeconomics, SouthwesternUniversityofFinanceandEconomics Title:ResearchessentialsofChinaHouseholdFinanceSurvey 3.AkaevAskar:Academician,Professor,FormerPresidentoftheKyrgyzRepublic,RussianAcademyofSciences,LomonosovMoscowStateUni versity(withtranslationbyBermetAkaeva:AssociateProfessor,LomonosovMoscowStateUniversity ) Title::ManagementofIncomeInequalityasaKeyforPost-crisisEconomicGrowth(InRussianwithtra


智慧树知到《国际学术交流英语》章节测试答案第一章 1、We can acquire conference information from ________ . A. I nternet B. a cademic journals C. from academic associations D. from private channels 答案: Internet,academic journals,from academic associations,from private channels 2、Sponsor of a conference is the institution that initiates the conference while organizer of the conference is entrusted by the sponsor to organize the conference. A. 对 B. 错 答案: 对 3、A Call for Papers and a conference notice are two totally different documents and they have nothing in common. A. 对 B. 错 答案: 错 4、Academic committee is also called __.

A. p rogram committee B. scientific committee C. paper committee D. organizing committee 答案: program committee,scientific committee,paper committee 5、Which of the following is NOT true concerning “parallel session ”? A. P arallel session is smaller-scale meetings which take place at the same time in different rooms. B. Y oung scholars usually present their papers at the parallel session. C. Parallel session may involve more detailed discussion between authors and participants. D. Parallel session doesn 't allow walk-ins and walk-outs. 答案: Parallel session doesn ' t allow walk -ins and walk-outs. 第三章 1、Which of the following statement about abstract isNOTcorrect? A. A n abstract contains key words found in a research paper, thesis, or review. B. C omponents of an abstract vary according to different disciplines. C. An abstract is an excerpted passage from a research paper, thesis, or review. D. The length of abstracts varies according to discipline and the length of the work. 答案: 2、We write an abstract when ___. A. s ubmitting articles to academic journals


??o?…§?‘??¥??°?€????é?…?-|? ?ˉ?o¤?μ è?±èˉ-?€???è???μ?èˉ ??-”??? ?????€?? 1?€ We can acquire conference information from_________. A.Internet B.academic journals C.from academic associations D.from private channels ?-”???: Internet,academic journals,from academic associations,from private channels 2?€ Sponsor of a conference is the institution that initiates the conference while organizer of the conference is entrusted by the sponsor to organize the conference. A.?ˉ1 B.é”? ?-”???: ?ˉ1 3?€ A Call for P apers and a conference notice are two totally different documents and they have nothing in common. A.?ˉ1 B.é”? ?-”???: é”? 4?€ Academic committee is also called __. A.program committee B.scientific committee C.paper committee https://www.360docs.net/doc/c19878254.html,anizing committee

国际学术交流英语 Unit 6

Unit 6 Application, Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement Task 1 Curriculum vitae [k??r?kj?l?m'vita?] 简历 Association [?s??s?'e??(?)n; -??-] n. 协会,联盟,社团Unambiguously [,?n?m'bigju?sli] adv. 不含糊地;明白地Aspiration [?sp?'re??(?)n] n. 渴望;抱负;呼气Differentiate [,d?f?'ren??e?t] v. 区分,区别Complementary [k?mpl?'ment(?)r?] adj. 补足的,补充的 Learning aids Correspondence [k?r?'sp?nd(?)ns] n. 通信;一致;相当Connection [k??nek?n] n. 连接;关系; Eligible ['el?d??b(?)l] adj. 合格的,n. 合格者Admittance [?d'm?t(?)ns] n. 进入;入场权Forthcoming [f??θ'k?m??]adj. 即将来临的n. 来临Automation [??t?'me??(?)n] n. 自动化;自动操作Pursue [p?'sju?] v. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠Dramaturgical [,dr?m?'t?:d?ik?l] 戏剧作法的 Dramaturge ['dr?m?t?d?] n. 剧作家 Reproductive [,ri?pr?'d?kt?v] adj. 生殖的;再生的Optimization [,?pt?ma?'ze???n] n. 最佳化,最优化 Co-founder n. 共同创立者


Task 1 Call for Conference Papers The planning process for holding a conference should begin very early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference. Format of call for conference papers ·Theme and/or background ·Conference objectives ·Topics to be discussed ·Time and venue ·Papers and submissions ·Organizing institution and committee ·Contact information Sample Conference Goals: To promote the study of material science in China; to introduce the development of the research work; to discuss the important issues in the field; to provide opportunities for international communication; to promote the understanding of related disciplines; to explore future cooperation possibilities between the countries. Topics to be Discussed: Papers are solicited on theoretical issues and their applications related to crystal materials. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: Papers and Submissions: Authors are invited to submit full papers, up to six pages, with the authors’names and affiliations, complete address (including email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author), before April 10,2006, by email to . The language is Chinese or English. The papers will be reviewed by the program committee based on content, presentation and suitability for the conference. The papers must be in an MS word or Latex format (A4, single space, Songti, 10 points if in Chinese, or Times New Roman, 12 points if in English). More detailed information will be available on the web page: . Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns 1. Call for papers ·Papers are being invited for TI 83rd World Conference to be held in Shanghai, May 23-27, 2004. ·Titles of proposed papers with a 200-word abstract should be submitted no later than May 10, 2006. ·The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by July 15, 2006. 2. Submission ·The submitted papers should be original and have not been published elsewhere.

国际学术交流英语 第四单元重点词汇

Unit 4 Task 1 Words 1, tactful, 机智的,圆滑的。 2, expertise, 专门知识。 eg, The appropriate handing of a meeting depends on a chairman’s adequate preparations, expertise in the topic of the meeting and tactful chairing manners. 3, credential, 学术经历,成就。 eg, I am going to start by covering Randy’s academic credentials. 4, tenure, 长期聘用。 eg, He was granted tenure a year early at Shandong university. 5, delegate, 代表。Distinguished delegates. 6, reservoir, 水库。 eg, Everyone has an enormous untapped reservoir of potential. 7, exponentially, 以指数方式地。 eg,If you want to keep your wealth and grow it exponentially, please join me in …8, adjourned, 休会 eg, I declare the plenary session adjourned until tomorrow. 9, recital, 朗诵 biography, 传记 anecdotes, 轶事 eg, Avoid boring the audience with a long recital of the speaker’s biography or with a long series of anecdotes about your acquaintance with him. 10, prestige, 威望、声望 eg,The less well-known the speaker is, the more you will need to build up his prestige. 11, venue, 地点 eg, Be in attendance at the venue minutes. 12, rehearse, 排练 eg, You should rehearse your remarks several times before you chair a meeting. 13, podium, 乐队指挥台,讲台 eg, You should walk confidently to the podium, stand erect . 14, salute, 致敬,欢迎 e g, “Your Excellencies” used to salute a head or heads o f government present. 15, allotted, 分配的 eg, You should also indicate the allotted time for each presentation. 16, courteous, 有礼貌地,谦恭地 eg, A good chairperson needs to deal with unexpected events in a firm but courteous manner. 17, affiliated, 附属的,有关联的,就职于 eg, From 2000 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Institute for Social. 18, verse, 诗 crystallized, 趋于完美的



国际学术交流英语-外研版(部分) content 1.Preparations for International Conference Task 1 Call for Conference Papers 2. International Letter Exchanges Task 1 Letters of Invitation Task 2 Acceptance and Refusal 3. International Conference Task 1 Chairing a Meeting 4. Presentation of Speeches Task 1 Giving a Welcome Speech Task 2 Giving a Closing Speech Task 3 Giving a Dinner Speech 5. Application, Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement Task 1 Application for Academic Exchange Task 2 Curriculum Vitae Task 3 Personal Statement

Task 1 Call for Conference Papers The planning process for holding a conference should begin very early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference. Format of call for conference papers ·Theme and/or background ·Conference objectives ·Topics to be discussed ·Time and venue ·Papers and submissions ·Organizing institution and committee ·Contact information Sample Conference Goals: To promote the study of material science in China; to introduce the development of the research work; to discuss the important issues in the field; to provide opportunities for international communication; to promote the understanding of related disciplines; to explore future cooperation possibilities between the countries. Topics to be Discussed: Papers are solicited on theoretical issues and their applications related to crystal materials. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: Papers and Submissions: Authors are invited to submit full papers, up to six pages, with the authors’ names and affiliations, complete address (including email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author), before April 10,2006, by email to aa@https://www.360docs.net/doc/c19878254.html,. The language is Chinese or English. The papers will be reviewed by the program committee based on content, presentation and suitability for the conference. The papers must be in an MS word or Latex format (A4, single space, Songti, 10 points if in Chinese, or Times New Roman, 12 points if in English). More detailed information will be available on the web page: https://www.360docs.net/doc/c19878254.html,.
