




1. 这次股市波动在全球都有一定的关联影响,这说明全球化在逐步进展。过去中国认为自己的市场是一个相对比较小型的市场,也是一个正在建设中的、比较幼年的市场,或者说是在转轨经济中逐步发展的新兴市场。由于全球经济一体化的进展,股市波动相互之间关联密切,这也说明中国的市场还需要加速发展,我们要进一步提高直接融资的比重,进一步把资本市场建设得更好、更快、更加国际化。关于流动性过剩问题。流动性偏多是全球的现象,中国也存在流动性偏多的问题。美国财政赤字那么大,它那儿的流动性也很丰富,产油国资金也很丰富。因此,资金面上的宽松是全球一体化之下相互影响的现象。宏观调控当局都应该重视这个问题,做好自己的工作,对于过剩的流动性应该采取稳健的、适当收缩的政策。

2. 端午原是个防病防灾的日子,却因大诗人屈原增添了纪念层面的意义,增添了爱国情怀和报国无门的悲情、齐心协力救助生命的悲壮;因了陶渊明酷爱重阳,因了他酷爱的菊的勾连,重阳节衍生了“颂陶”的文化意蕴,歌颂他“人淡如菊”的精神境界,“重阳无酒”也成了知识分子安贫乐道的形象写真。

3. 1994年起,比尔?盖茨开始了他的收藏爱好。作为拥有600亿美元财富的收藏者,盖茨想买什么就可以买什么,而他购买艺术品似乎也完全凭个人的兴趣,没有明确的学术或商业性目标。还有很多不知名的微软富翁也有收藏艺术品的爱好,这些微软人囊中的巨额财富和近乎疯狂的收藏行为对美国艺术市场产生巨大的推动作用,证明了微软公司在文化市场中有多重要。一个软件公司创造的巨额财富使大量重要艺术作品流向微软人手中,流向西雅图。

4. 2009年3月的全国“两会”上,吴邦国提出,今年要着力加强社会领域立法,继续完善经济、政治、文化领域立法。社会领域的公平正义,变化并没有那么快,我们只需要翻找出过去的研究和报道,就可以看到今天的问题所在。例如,上文提到的新华社2006年那篇文章中,对社会领域立法促进公平正义列举了五个方面:一是保障公民权利,尊重和保障人权;二是发展社会事业,提高公共服务的能力和水平;三是健全社会保障,发展慈善事业;四是规范社会组织,使各类具有公益或互益性质的社会组织,纳入规范化、法制化管理的轨道;五是重视社会管理,包括加强公共安全、应对突发事件等。社会领域立法以促进公平正义,也许更加直接地体现了孟德斯鸠在《法的精神》中强调的重点:限权。也就是保障私权利,限制公权力。从新华社列举的五项内容可以看出,每前进一步的关键都是公私权界。显然,在这方面还有相当漫长的路要走。




















比尔?盖茨:威廉?(比尔)H. 盖茨是全球个人计算机软件的领先供应商——微软公司的创始人、前任董事长和首席执行官。盖茨出生于1955年,曾从哈佛大学辍学创办微软公司。目前,盖茨已从微软公司引退,专注于比尔及梅琳达?盖茨基金会的慈善事业。

微软:微软(Microsoft)公司由比尔?盖茨与保罗?艾伦创建于1975年,是世界PC机(Personal Computer,个人计算机)软件开发的先导,目前是全球最大的电脑软件提供商,其主要产品为Windows操作系统、Internet Explorer网页浏览器及Microsoft Office办公软件套件。


西雅图:西雅图位于美国本土48个州中最西北角的华盛顿州,是美国西北部重要城市和海港。西雅图已有 150年的发展历史,一直以来都给人以浪漫多情的印象,好莱坞电影《西雅图夜未眠》(Sleepless in Seattle)之后尤其如此。西雅图的地标是为1962年在此举行的世界博览会而设计的太空针塔。西雅图拥有领先的经济群体,其中微软是世界上最大的私人计算机软件公司,世界最大的飞机制造厂家波音公司是该地区最大的雇主。



新华社:新华社全称为新华通讯社,是中华人民共和国的国家通讯社,是中国最大的新闻信息采集和发布中心。新华社前身是“红色中华通讯社”,创建于193 1年11月,1937年改现名。新华社总社设在中国首都北京,全社的新闻采集和处理系统由总社、国内分社、国外分社三部分组成。





















贵州财经大学2018年硕士研究生入学考试 《翻译硕士英语》试题B卷 PART I VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (30%) Directions: There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1.Textile is the chief source of wealth in this area, wool _____ by far the biggest industry. A. being B. been C. be D. is 2.His remarks were _____ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 3.Have you ever been in a situation ____ you know the other person is right yet you can’t agree with him? A. by which B. that C. in where D. where 4.The soccer player is believed _____ of transferring from his present club to another. A. that he is thinking B. to be thinking C. that he is to think D. to think 5.He was _______ to her birthday party. A. more than pleased to come B. pleased more than to come C. more pleased than to come D. more than pleasing to come 6.As it turned out to be a small house party, we _____ so formally. A. need not have dressed up B. must not have dressed up C. did not need to dress up D. must not dress up 7.So badly ____ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months. A. did he injure B. injured him C. was he injured D. he was injured 8.When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer, _____? 第 1 页共8 页


翻译硕士(MTI)(英语笔译)(学科专业代码:580100) 一、学位名称 翻译硕士专业学位(英语笔译) 二、培养目标 1.培养德智体全面发展的人才。要求学生有坚定正确的政治方向,热爱祖国,有理想,遵纪守法,有敬业精神,有职业道德,有团队合作精神,有健康的体魄和心智。 2.掌握一门第二外国语;培养有国际视野、交流才能和创新意识的具有坚实的双语基础、专业知识和口笔译技能,适应国家经济、文化、社会发展需要的高层次、应用型、专业性笔译人才。 三、学习年限 2年 四、培养方式 1.实行学分制。学生须通过学校规定课程的考试,成绩及格即取得相应学分;修满规定学分后可撰写学位论文;学位论文经答辩通过可申请翻译硕士专业学位。 2.实行导师组集体指导制。导师组由校内导师及社会翻译专家共同构成。 3.试行课内教学与课外实践相结合的培养模式。学生在完成规定课程学习的基础上,还应充分利用寒、暑假及课余完成大约十万字的笔译实践。 五、课程类型及学分 总学分:30 学分 其中,学位基础课: 3门课 6学分 专业必修程: 4门课 8学分 专业选修课: 7门课 14学分 社会实践与学术会议:提交4篇相关论文 2学分鼓励学生参加国家人事部II级或教育部中级笔译资格证书考试,获证书者计2学分。 六、学位论文及学位授予 学生修满规定学分,各科成绩合格,在导师指导下撰写出学位论文并通过答辩,准予毕业

并发给翻译硕士专业学位研究生毕业证书,符合《中华人民共和国学位条例》者,授予翻译硕士专业学位。论文形式二选一:研究论文或实践报告,二者均要求用英语写作,前者字数一万至一万五,后者八千左右。 七、学位论文撰写时间安排 6月答辩时间安排 12月答辩时间安排 八、课程设置


翻译硕士《翻译硕士英语》样题 I. Vocabulary and grammar (30’) Multiple choice Directions: Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on your answer sheet. 1. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field. A. contradict B. reform C. counter D. protest 2. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _________. A. minority B. scarcity C. rarity D. minimum 3. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January. A. carries into effect B. takes effect C. has effect D. puts into effect 4. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________ government spending. A. finance B. expand C. enlarge D. budget 5. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region. A. concentrated B. extensive C. intense D. intensive 6. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the precious cave paintings. A. forbidden B. rejected C. excluded D. denied 7. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _________. A. pull back B. pull up C. pull through D. pull out 8. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been toward on-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s _________ rather than the company’s. A. benefit B. availability C. suitability D. convenience 9. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church. A. mark B. signal C. sign D. gesture 10. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it. A. lightly B. sparsely C. hardly D. rarely 11. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can. A. would be B. will have been C. was D. were 12. With some men dressing down and some other men flaunting their looks, it is really hard to tell they are gay or _________. A. straight B. homosexual C. beautiful D. sad 13. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. A. so as to B. such as to C. such to D. as much as to 14. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. had been coming D. came 15. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. A. I was and always will be B. I have to be and always will be C. I had been and always will be D. I have been and always will be 16. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home. A. some type of B. some types of a C. some type of a D. some types of 17. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ the journey in exactly two days. A. must take B. must have made


翻译硕士(MTI)英语学好领导人讲话 也很重要 下面是翻译硕士(MTI)有关国家领导人讲话的汉英内容,这是温家宝总理在第八届东盟商务与投资峰会上的讲话的全部原文来供大家阅览。 深化合作共同繁荣 ——在第八届中国-东盟商务与投资峰会上的讲话 中华人民共和国国务院总理温家宝 2011年10月21日,南宁 Strive to Deepen Cooperation for Common Prosperity --Address by H.E. Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At the 8th China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit Nanning, 21 October 2011 尊敬的纳吉布总理, 尊敬的洪森首相,

女士们,先生们: The Honorable Prime Minister Dato' Sri Najib, The Honorable Prime Minister Hun Sen, Ladies and Gentlemen, 今年是中国-东盟友好交流年,也是中国-东盟建立对话关系20周年。这次峰会以“深化区域合作,实现共同繁荣”为主题,很有意义。我代表中国政府,对会议的召开表示热烈祝贺,对各位嘉宾的莅临表示诚挚欢迎。 This year is the China-ASEAN Friendship and Exchange Year and the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. It is therefore highly relevant for the summit to take "deepen regional cooperation for common prosperity" as its theme. On behalf of the Chinese government, I wish to extend warm congratulations on the opening of the summit and sincere welcome to all the distinguished guests present. 中国与东盟国家或山水相连,或隔海相望。自古以来,我们的祖先就共同生息、繁衍在亚洲这片热土上。“远亲不如近邻”。地缘这根纽带把我们紧密联系在一起,无论在中国,还是在东盟国家,随处都可以看到双方文化交流、影响、融合的印记,至今传诵着郑和下西洋、文莱渤泥王来华、万隆会议这样脍炙人口的历史佳话。中国和东盟各国人民之间的传统友谊源远流长、历久弥新。 China and ASEAN countries are linked by the same mountains and rivers or face each other across the sea. Our forefathers have, since ancient times, lived and multiplied in Asia, the homeland for us all. As the Chinese saying goes, "It's better to have a neighbor close by than a relative far away." Geographic proximity has brought us close to each other. One can easily find vestiges of interaction and integration of our cultures whether in China or ASEAN countries. Stories of Admiral Zheng He's many voyages to the Western Seas, travel to China by Boni King of Brunei, and the Bandung Conference have been told from generation to generation. Indeed, the traditional friendship between the Chinese people and the people of ASEAN countries has run a long course and is poised to become even stronger.


翻译硕士考研指导 2016外交学院英语翻硕考研-英汉翻译-如何选词有些词看起来很简单,翻译是一下子就会想到常用的对应词。但有时最常用的对应词却不能准确地表达原作的意思,这是因为一个词的具体含义往往要结合上下文才能确定,在翻译的时候也只有综合上下文来考虑怎样处理这个词,才能译得准确。那么在处理一个词的时候要注意哪些方面呢? 一、吃透原文 例1:各级干部要认真学习马列著作和毛主席著作,刻苦钻研业务,提高领导水平。(五届人大一次会议文件) Cadres at all levels should apply themselves to the study of works by Marx, Engels,Lenin and Stalin and by Chairman Mao,gain the professional proficiency required by their jobs,and improve their art of leadership. 我们一看到“水平”往往首先想到level.在大多数情况下,译作level是可以的。如“科学文化水平”,译作scientific and cultural level.但是在这里“领导水平”指的是领导能力、领导艺术,所以译作art of leadership. 例2:要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平…… We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army. 这里的“水平”指高度,故译作height,和动词搭配也比较顺。 例3:还要努力读一点历史和小说。 We should also find time to read some history books and novels. 这里“努力”一词理解为“挤出时间”是对的。如译作make an effort,则会让人误解为 我们的文化水平很低,读历史和小说很吃力。 二、免生歧义 例1:延安虽然还没有战争,但军队天天在前方打仗,后方也唤工作忙,文章太长了,有谁来看呢? Although there is as yet no fighting here in Yanan,our troops at the front


《英语翻译基础》样题参考答案 I. Directions:Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one pint for each. (30’) 1. 亚太经贸合作组织 2. 东南亚国家联盟 3. 首席财务官 4. 消费价格指数 5. 邮政特快专递 6. 联邦调查局 7. 全球定位系统 8. 首次公开募股 9. 北大西洋公约组织 10. 国际货币基金组织 11. 最惠国 12. 知识产权 13. 注册会计师 14. 欧洲自由贸易联盟

15. 国际原子能机构 16. mortgage loan 17. health-care food 18. the bonded zone 19. bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency 20. (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival 21. tertiary industry; service sector 22. a state with an adequate legal system 23. international common practice 24. cash on delivery 25. enterprises running in the red/under deficit 26. downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency 27. conglomeration and merger of enterprises 28. retain the job but suspend the salary 29. special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) 30. market access

2015-211 翻译硕士英语

第 1 页共9 页

12. His proposal is __________ to our interests. A. adverse B. diverse C. averse D. reverse 13. Mr. Wilson is ____________ in his work. A. sufficient B. deficient C. proficient D. efficient 14. You’d better put a __________ on that cut finger. A. string B. band C. bandage D. cloth 15. Turntable, amplifier and speaker are ___________ of a phonograph. A. compounds B. compositions C. composites D. components 16. As a result of careless washing the jacket __________ to a child’s size. A. shrank B. condensed C. decreased D. compressed 17. All things ____________, the planned trip will have to be called off. A. considered B. be considered C. considering D. having considered 18. During the conference the speaker tried to _________ his feeling concerning the urgency of a favorable decision. A. comply B. impose C. imply D. convey 19. I can’t afford a car, so I guess I’ll have to __________. A. do without it B. do without C. be without D. be without it 20. They seldom paid us high ___________, even if we did our best to do the job. A. complement B. compliment C. implement D. supplement 21. Weight is an inherent ___________ of matter. A. propriety B. prosperity C. property D. privilege 22. I haven’t booked a ticket. I’m taking a chance __________ the theatre not being full. A. on B. for C. in D. to 23. The travelers ___________ themselves after a short break. A. refreshed B. resumed C. renewed D. restored 24. The doorway was too low that he had to ____________ to go through it. A. scoop B. snoop C. sloop D. stoop 25. He could not help walking to and fro, for he was _________ at the false accusation. A. indifferent B. indignant C. indicative D. indigenous 26. Don’t be so ____________, spend your money more carefully. A. extravagant B. extraordinary C. extramarital D. extrasensory 27. At last the two armies ____________ at the railway station. A. convicted B. converged C. converted D. compelled 28. The company has really _________ since the chief engineer joined us. A. flattered B. fluttered C. flourished D. flushed 29. Tigers’ coats are tawny with black ___________. A. stripes B. strikes C. strolls D. strides 30. After ____________ the window open, the burglar sneaked into the house and took away all he had. A. prying B. plying C. pluming D. probing 第 2 页共9 页


2015北二外英语翻译硕士真题 1 二外 我学的是法语。今年总体来说不难。 题型无变化,还是35个单选:主要考语法词汇,有不少是往年的真题。一篇完型,今年考得是一篇关于节日给家人送礼物的。阅读两篇:算是整份试卷最难的了,词汇很多不认识,不过作对一大半还是没问题的。汉译法5个句子,也有几个表达是考过了(我看过,没记住啊)。最后一篇法译汉,太不难了,可以称作是历年最简单的,讲的是法国面包消费的问题,但是哟几个单词没猜出来是啥意思。 2 翻译基础 今年的题也比去年简单,汉译英,英译汉都只有一篇。(话说14年的题量得多上一倍,考前模拟一下做完就很有难度啊。考前就猜到今年会较少题量,果然被我猜中!) 词汇翻译:15个英译汉,大概有digit divide; ALS; FTAAP;UNCDP;existentalism;Bogor Goals;sinology;amino acid 汉译英:十八届四中全会亚太经合组织逆袭真人秀和而不同互联互通(忘了,真的是记性不好) 段落翻译:英译汉是关于1992年里约大会后环境方面的问题,主要是关于环境立法的,句子都挺长的。关键是搞清楚逻辑关系和意思吧。 汉译英是一段关于中国传统价值观的,大概是:《中庸》里说:“好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。”最后一句“知耻近乎勇”中的“耻”其实是人之所以为人的一个文明尺度。……孟子说“恻隐之心,人皆有之;……(说了四心)。” 恻隐之心,就是不忍,就是“恕”,就是“己所不欲勿施于人”;恭敬之心,就是文明礼貌;是非之心,就是坚持社会的公平正义;羞恶之心,就是知耻。此四心,孟子称之为“四端”,也就是人开始的地方。没有四心,就不能称之为人,孟子称之为“非人”。 孟子的四端在我们现在社会的意义无需多提。我们当今社会人与人之间的同情心都成了稀罕物。人们的见死不救难道只是因为害怕被法律误判吗?我认为不是。主要原因是人们缺乏同情心……。如果现在要提人们共同的价值观,我认为仁义礼智信最为合适。这五个字来源于中国传统文化的根本价值,应该成为全社会的价值观。 (大概是这个样子)


翻译硕士英语 Part one: multiple choice 1. The two most important in making a cake are flour and sugar. A. elements B. components C. ingredients D. constituents 2. Cultural indicated that human beings hand their language down from one generation to another. A. translation B. transition C. transmission D. transaction 3. We must look beyond and assumptions and try to discover what is missing. A. justifications B. illusions C. manifestations D. specifications 4. No one imagined that the apparently businessman was really a criminal. A. respective B. respectable C. respectful D. respected 5. If nothing is done to protect the environment, millions of species that are alive today will have become . A. deteriorated B. degenerated C. suppressed D. extinct 6. The of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe. A. essence B. texture C. content D. threshold 7. The old lady has developed a cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time. A. perpetual B. permanent C. chronic D. sustained 8. What the correspondence sent us is an news report. We can depend on it. A. evident B. authentic C. ultimate D. immediate 9. Having had her as a professor and adviser, I can tell you that she is an force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations. A. inspirational B. educational C. excessive D. instantaneous 10. Some researches feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather sensitive people. A. subjective B. subordinate C. liable D. vulnerable 11. The harder the shrub is to grow , . A. the more higher price is B. the higher price it is C. the higher the price is D. the higher is the price 12. It is that I would like to go to the beach. A. so nice weather B. such nice weather C. so nice a weather D. such a nice weather 13. Her little car isn’t to seat more than two people comfortably.


2016年山东大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷 (总分:72.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Vocabulary(总题数:20,分数:40.00) 1.He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too______for someone of his talent and creativity.(分数: 2.00) A.prosaic B.insatiable C.exacting D.enthralling 2.The museum arranged the fossils in______order, placing the older fossils dating from the Late Ice Age on the first floor and the more recent fossils on the second floor.(分数:2.00) A.alphabetical B.chronological C.random D.arbitrary 3.With the evolution of wings, insects were able to______to the far ecological corners, across deserts and bodies of water, to reach new food sources and inhabit a wider variety of promising environmental niches.(分数:2.00) A.relate B.disperse C.transgress D.revert 4.Having recently missed out on the Matisse retrospective, which has taken Paris and New York by storm, and on the tour of great paintings from Philadelphia's Barnes collection, London is becoming______in the competition to show blockbuster international art exhibitions.(分数:2.00) A.a trend-setter B.an also-ran C.a world-beater D.a mecca 5.What most______the magazine's critics is the manner in which its editorial opinions are expressed too often as if only an idiot could see things any other way.(分数:2.00) A.belies B.impedes C.riles D.placates 6.Despite her compassionate nature, the new nominee to the Supreme Court was single-minded and ______in her strict adherence to the letter of the law.(分数:2.00) A.merciful B.uncompromising C.dilatory D.vindictive 7.Although he generally observed the adage "Look before you leap," in this instance he was______acting in an unconsidered fashion.(分数:2.00) A.chary of B.impervious to C.precipitate in D.hesitant about


翻译硕士(MTI)英语作文怎样表达正负 面效应 在英语翻译写作中,对于正负面效应的问题大家会吗?大家在平时写作中有没有遇到过这方面的内容呢,下面就是老师教你翻译硕士(MTI)作文怎样表达正负面效应。 一、【正面效应表达句8条】 1、XXX can broaden our horizon, enlarge our scope of knowledge and enrich our spiritual civilization. 译文:XXX能拓宽我们的视野,扩大我们的知识面,丰富我们的精神文明。 适合范围:网络,文化,读书等积极向上的行动。 2、XXX provide(s) us with convenience. 译文:XXX能给我们提供方便 适用范围:大多数文明创新的事物。 3、XXX meet(s) such kind of need in physical and psychological aspects. 译文:XXX满足我们的身心健康 适用范围:积极向上的精神状态,健康的学习,生活,工作状态,有益的活动等 4、Of all the ingredients of success, XXX seem(s) to be the first within our control. 译文:在成功的所有元素中,XXX 看似是我们最能把握的。 适用范围:抽象类词汇,比如个人意志、学习时间、学习状态等 5、XXX win(s) the appreciation of the public. 译文:XXX 赢得了公众的共识,有重要的用处 适用范围:环境治理、文化融合、弘扬传统文化等正面事件。


北京外国语大学翻译硕士考研信息 学习经验 翻译基础:翻译基础先是30道短语互译,英译汉汉译英各15道,共计30分;段落英译汉汉译英分别1段,每段60分。 30个短语翻译 北外出题紧跟潮流热点,2015年考的“NASA”,bitcoin就是往年考过的,“Paparazzi”也很简单,lady gaga有首歌名就是这个,ALS则是今年流行的Ice bucket Challenge相关,还有十八届四中全会,如果你看了政府工作报告,一定不陌生。当然,也有比较生僻的. 备考方法: 1、首先是中国日报英语点津上的新词新译,北外的好多题都是出自其中,我把英语点津上的词语翻译专门整理打印出来,按照计划每天复习一点。 2、还有就是政府工作报告,这个推荐大家去背诵,不单单是短语,对段落翻译也很有用,比如15年的“量化宽松政策”就是出自政府工作报告,“十八届四中全会”也是。 3、缩略语部分,多积累资料来背诵,但是北外出的缩略语并不难,所以你只要把平常那些重要的记住,就差不多可以应对考试,而且通过真题来看,缩略语一般都是国际上的,例如与联合国相关的,国内的考的比较少。 4、还有就是有一本卢敏出的《笔译二级三级通用的词汇》和China Daily出的一本书《最新汉英特色词汇词典》 第二部分:篇章翻译 总体来说:英译汉相对汉译英来说是简单的 北外出题的方向偏向政治经济,而汉译英有出过类似于政府工作报告之类的,也有出过散文小品之类的,比如之前出过关于“道”的,今年又出了“心”的,什么恻隐之心,礼义廉耻 住:(翻译这个不可能有突飞猛进,需要你坚持练习,但也不要一味地求量,每次练完后要自己进行理解和总结,翻译没有标准的答案,只有谁翻译的比较精,比较雅,比较准,坚持练一段时间,有了量的积累,自己总结体会,进步自然而然就会有的。再次提醒大家,不要求量,每次练过后,及时积累,查缺补漏,把这次翻译练习中暴露的不足马上补上,还有就是一定要坚持每天进行练习,下笔写,不然你会发现时间长不练习的话,手就生了。一定要多多练习,看再多的经验也是没有用的,所以希望大家一定要练习,从实践中提升自己的翻译能力。 还有一点就是翻译时,先把句子看完,不要看一点翻一点,看自己翻译的通不通顺,尤其是英译汉,不要翻译下来的中文,自己都读不懂,想好再下笔,注意语序刚开始翻译可能比较费时,但这是基础,一步步来,没有谁能刚开始就翻译的很好的,在练习时,能让人中你的译文中读出你对原文的理解。翻译时,不要看答案,即使你很想知道这句话到底是怎么翻译的,坚持翻完再对照答案来看,自己对比找出自己那些地方没有翻译出来或者翻译的不好,遇到好的答案就背诵下来。一篇文章可以翻译两三遍,也比把所有文章都翻译一遍的效果好的多! 百科 试卷结构:25个名词解释,一篇应用文,一篇作文 第一部分:名词解释 1、这部分建议大家先搜集真题,把真题的名词解释都熟记于心,因为北外爱出原题啊,可以把北外的名词解释放在一个表格里,认真分析,你会发现真的有好多原题啊,就以真题为本,把和真题


翻译硕士英语 Part one; multiple choice 1-5 CCABD 6-10 AACAD 11-15 BCDCD 16-20 CAACB Part two: reading and comprehension 21-25 BCDCA 26-30 DDCBC 31-35 BDCAD https://www.360docs.net/doc/c47291325.html, and fashion magazines 37. Developing eating disorders 38. impossibly proportioned 39. 3 years 40. make money Part three: essay University Education is Essential to One's success It is not an uncommon phenomenon that many people become successful without a formal college education, some typical examples of which are Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft; Li Jiacheng, a Hong Kong billionaire and Hua Luogeng, a world-class mathematician. This leads some people to believe that a person can achieve great success without a formal education and that the qualifications a successful person needs cannot be acquired through the study in university or other institutions of similar nature. It cannot be denied that there do exist such examples in every country; however, I can hardly share the above point of view for several reasons In the first place, a college or university is a specialized institution of higher learning where people can receive systematic and scientific training in a certain field, which paves the way for their future career. With the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, a man without a sound academic background can hardly accomplish anything. Only in universities and other institutions of higher learning can he/she master the professional knowledge and relevant skills essential to his/her career. Secondly, it is wise to learn at another man's cost. We can benifit much from the invaluable experience and knowledge handed down from our ancestors and draw a lesson from the failure of our predecessors so as to avoid detour. Thirdly, when in university, one also has to learn to communicate and cooperate with teachers and fellow students, during which one cultivates friendship and acquires the interpersonal skills, both of which are conductive to one's future career and success. University is said to be a miniature society. Last of all, there are innumerable successful people who attribute their achievements to a formal university education. It is no wonder that so many parents spare no efforts to send their children to colleges and universities.
