哈佛大学公开课--幸福课 第一集演讲内容及ppt部分内容

哈佛大学公开课--幸福课 第一集演讲内容及ppt部分内容
哈佛大学公开课--幸福课 第一集演讲内容及ppt部分内容




I'm teaching this class because i wish a class like this had been taught when I was sittingin your seat as an undergrad here.I came here in 1992,and started at computer science.And then I had a mini epiphany halt way through my sophomore year.I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me,wonderful teachers.I was doing well acedemically.I was doing well in athletics.I was doing well socially.Everything going well.Except for the fact that I was unhappy.And I didn't understand why.It was then in a matter of moments that I decided to find out why and became happier.And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.With single question how can I became happier.Overtime I did became happier,what contrbuted most to my happiness was when I encounted a new emerging field that time didn't have a name that it has today.But essentially research that falls uder or with the field of positive psychology. Positive psychology studying it,applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier,It continues to make me happier,And I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.

So this is positive psycology,and we will be exploring this new,relatively and fascinating field.And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.

“How can this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics”.And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing,extremly charismatic,very cheerful and extrovert and of course ,tall.Why is it so popular,because it works,You see this whole realm on life flouring on happiness,on well being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movement(心理自助运动).what do we have in the self-health movement?We have that books are very intering,that are very accessible,we have speakers are very outgoing attracting the masses into these workshops,seminars and lectures.But there is a big “but”here.Many of those books,many ot these workshop and seminars lack of substances(缺少实际内容).very often,overpromising and under-delivering.So those are five things you need to know to be happy.The three things to be the greatl eader.The one secret of success,happiness and a perfect love life. overpromising and under-delivering(夸大其词,效果甚微).On the other hand, we have academica(学术界),what do we have in academia?We have a lots of rigor, a lot of substances.We have datas analayzed,reanalyed and meta-analyzed.things really work,really good stuff.But there is also a big “but” here.Very few people read refereed acedemic journals.I mean think about it:how many of people outside this room of course have read

the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personnality and Social Psychology(个性与社会心理学)?Most pepple don’t even know what that means.The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal arctical is read by seven people.You know…and that include the author’s mother.So you know I say half in jest but it’s atually really sad。Because…certainly sad for me,as an academic.Because those things are good.They are important,those things can make a differrence,can make more of a differrence.But not accessible to most people.and this is where positive psychology comes in.And this is also where this class comes in.

The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to creat a bridge between Ivory tower and mainstreet.In other words,it is to bring the rigor,the substance,theempirical of foundation,the science from academia and merge it with accessibil of the self-help or New Age movement.In a way the best of both worlds.And this explain the popularity of the field of positive psychology: science that works.

The class will be tore into two levels,the first will be taught as any other class in

psychology.or any of the class you’ve taken here.You’ll be introduced here to studies,to research,to rigorous academic work.You’ll be writing paper,academic paper.You will be taking exams.Just like other class.But then it will also be taught at the second level.which is for every paper that you’ll read,every paper that you’ll write,you’ll always be thinking“Ok,how can I take these ideas and apply them to my life?How I apply to my life?How I apply them to my commumity?”Two levels.The acedemic,applied.I didn’t introduce whether it’s in the readings or in the lecture ideas just because they are intesting for the sake of the idea.It is always an idea that is both rigorrous and can be applied.Just a few words about housekeeping(再唠叨几句题外话).About feedback and questiongs.If you have any questions,anything not clear,if you agree or disagree something,email me or email you TF(Teaching fellow at Harvard,just like TA at other school,and we’ll always respond.Sometimes if the question is asked by ennough people,we’ll respond to it publicly.All the powerpoints,as well as the videos of the class will be online,will be available within a couple of days.The vedios,unfortunately,can’t be available before.we tried.couldn’t figure it well.so it will be available within a day or two after.The reason why I do put them up is so that you have the opportunity if you want to see it again or if you have miss a class.And also because and this is the reason why the power ponits always available,I want you to be engaged in the material.Iwant you to be engaged in whatever it is that we are discussing in class.Not necessarily thinking about getting down everyword that I say on paper.remembering everythng,memorzing everything.I want you to take rather than passive notesof writing down what is on the power point or every word that I say.I want you to take active notes.And that means being engaged with the material.For example,if you heard something and idea and you say, “Oh,that’s interesting.”star it,write it down.Or “Ok I think I’ll start applying this”Write it down. “or I want to tell my mom about this later”

Or“I want to talk my rommates or my team about the idea” Write it down. Active notes-taking is opposed to passive note-taking for two reasons.First of all,the class is a class about making a difference in people’s lives.I wound not teaching the class just for its academic beauty.So write it down if you can have an idea that you can think you can apply.The second reason why we should that is because you’ll remember more.Better attention,better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged as opposed to just taking down passive notes.

Throughout the class,we will take “time-ins”(练习时间)as opposed to”time-outs”(休息时间),it’s like a time out.It’s the time where we stop the class and you look inward.And this is literally a time of silence in a class.I will stop for a minute or two.And you’ll have a chance either to just stare at me or anyone else.

Or think about what we’ve just discussed.Or have a guiding question that I provide you that you will address during the class.The reason why I have “time-ins”…this is something that I am introducing for the first time.I have done a lot work in the area of silence.I have read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quite times whether it’s in a class in a lecture, whether it is at home.whether it is for a leader.,for friendship,for the children starting from pre-schools.First of all,it will only be a minute or two at a time,may be once or twice a lecture.Second,it is may be the most important thing you’ll take from this class.The notion of embracing stillness.(即享受安静这一理念)。I’ll read to you

an expert from a study that run by two MIT professors.This is just for your edification.David Fostor and Matthew Wilson.Indeed the following study that I think confirms the importance of “time-in”,time to look inside.What they did is they scanned the brains of rats while they were in a maze and after they went through the maze.And here’s what they have found. “what the results suggest is that while there certainly is some record of your experience as it is occurring.In other words,when they are doing the maze.the actual learning.when you try to figure out “what was important?what is should I keep and throw away?that happens after the fact,during periods of quite wakeful introspection.What they show was rats who went through the maze and went through the maze again and again,learned far less than rats who took time aside chilled out alittle bit after a maze,had more margarita.Experience embrace stillness.This has implications to human beings as well.so what they say is that “replay might consititute a general mechanism of learning and memory”.Both learning,understanding,as well as memory retention.when we reflect,when we replay the material,we are much more likely to retain,to remember what we have just been through.so the importance of time aside cannot be over-emphasized.In his wonderful book of teaching Parker Palmer—it’s called The Course to Teach,says the following,words are not the sole medium of exchange in teaching and learning.we educated with silence as well.Silence gives us a chance to reflect on what we have said and heard.In authentic education,Silence is treated as a trustworthy matrix for inner work students must do,a medium for learning of the deepest

sort.”Silence is something is missing from our culture.Robert M Pirsig’s book “an Inquiry into Morals”it’s an anthropological study of Native Americans.What he does there is compare their culture to Amerians from European ancestry.And one of the distinguishing characteristics between these two cultures is their approach were silence.What he found was when he went and sat around with Native Americans.They woule sit around the fire and hang out for two three hours without saying a word.Just sit around.look at one another.Smile.Have a good time.Introspect.Just be there for hours.While he ponits out that in our culture we feel very uncomfortable with the absence of words,with the absence of sound or noise,we have to fill up all the gaps.and we paid a price for this lack of

stillness.(In realationships,in virtue and morality, in happiness andwellbeing ingenaeral.

Backarounde on positive psychology

In many ways,positive psychology is the brainchild the product and the grandchild of humanistic psychology.in fact called the third force.because the first force was behaviorism,the work of Skinner,the work of Watsom,the work of Thorndik.the second force was psychoanalysis,the work of Freud,Jung,Adler to some extent.the third force,humanistic psychology came as an reaction o it.

We have cognition and thoughts that matter.

Information can’t decide our success.our self-esteem.our motivation leval.

The same objective information very different interpretion.

Who doing well, have more than they need,and yet they are unhappy.who have little and yet they never ceased to never stop to celerate life.in other words it’s not just the information goes in.It’s also the shape,the interpretation.the erception the focus.And that is determined by the shape of the form(TRANS FORM)

“you know if there is aWOW,the wow is that there is no wow.”that’s it.a good life

a rich life incledes ups and downs,includes pains and getting up again,includes failure and getting up again.

You already know it inside of you. “commom sense is not that common”and this espeacially applies to application.the aim of the class is to make commom sense more common.”thank you for reminding of me of something that I’ve already known.”

Constant remind of what you already know, of what inside you.

Chip away some of the cognitive limitations that prevent you from seeing what you already knew or emotional limitations that prevent you from deriving the benefits of what you already knew or behavioral limitations.The ABC factor: affect,behavior,and cognition.

My hopes in this class is to bring up many more question marks than

periods.as kids,we always curious,asking questions.

Comedian Seinfeld.

This loking up,this opening up.the one real objective of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.

First thing was extrordinarly successful groups really believe in themselves.they thought they could do well.they were driven,they were motivated.they thought”I am going to make it,I am going to succeed”the second thing is they were always asking questions.initially of their boss,later of their employees,of their partners,parents.friends.they were always at the state of curiosity. Always loking up,this opening up,want to understand the world more.


“The soul grows by subtraction, not addition.”


“In pursuit of knowledge, e very day something is acquired; in pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped.”

Lao Tzu

In Search of “WOW”

?There is no “WOW”!

?Making common sense more common

Information is not enough

“What is wrong is not the great discoveries of science—information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t.”

Archibald MaCleish

It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life

It is about identifying the right questions

Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.

“The most common source of mist akes in management decisions is the emphasis on finding the right answer rather than the right question.”


“The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.”

Bishop Creighton

The Question of Questions

How can we help ourselves and others—individuals, communities, and society—become happier?

It is not a survey of positive psychology

It is a selective exploration of the ‘question of questions.’


?Cross cultural psychology

“[We were] a little surprised by the Dalai Lama’s seeming resistance to the notion of cultural differences.”

Daniel Goleman “What is most personal is most general.”

Carl Rogers

“We must remember that knowledge of one’s own deep nature is also

simultaneously knowledge of human nature in general.”

Abraham Maslow “There is one thing, and only one in the whole universe which we know more about than we could learn from external observation. That one thing is [ourselves]. We have, so to speak, inside information; we are in the know.”

CS Lewis

It is about rigorous fun

“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”

Oliver Wendell Holme “On Monday, don’t tell me how great it was; tell me what you’re doing differently.”

Peter Drucker ?20-30 minute Presentation

–Any topic within positive psychology

–Written text (10-15 pages double spaced)

–Slides (word or powerpoints)


–Reference to research

–Optional: stories, film clips, exercises, etc

?Why a presentation?

–Teaching as learning

–Spread goodness…

Focusing on What Doesn’t Work

“The science of psychology has been far more successful on the negative than on the positive side; it has revealed to us much about man’s shortcomings, his illnesses, his sins, but little about his potentialities, his virtues, his achievable aspirations, or his psychological height. It is as if psychology had voluntarily restricted itself to only half its rightful jurisdiction, and that the darker, meaner half.”

Abraham Maslow

Why Positive Psychology?

1.The importance of focusing on what works

2.Happiness is not the negation of unhappiness

3.Prevention through cultivating capacity

The Importance of Focusing on What Works

“The aim of Positive Psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life.”

Martin Seligman

Reframing Questions:

The Case of At-Risk Population

?Traditional psychology (Post-WWII)

–“Why do these individuals fail?”

?Positive psychological approach (1980s-)

–“What makes some individuals succeed despite unfavorable circumstances?”


“A class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk.”

Masten & Reed ?Ordinary characteristics, extraordinary results


–Faith and a sense of meaning

–Prosocial behavior

–Focusing on strengths

–Set goals

– A role model

–Social support

From Pathogenic Questions to Salutogenic Questions

“All those familiar with the history of science are aware that important advances come with the formulation of new questions. The question is the breakthrough; the answer comes with difficulty, but it is the new question that is important. The salutogenic question, I submit to you, is a radically new question, which provides the impetus for formulating a new paradigm to help us understand health and illness. It has serious implications for researcher and clinician, biological and social scientist alike.”

Aaron Antonovsky

“We see what we look for and we miss much of what we are not looking for even though it is there... Our experience of the world is heavily influenced by where we place our attention.”

The Case of a Chicago School

?Traditional Way

–“How can we keep students in school?”

?Marva Collins’Way

–“How can we cultivate the seed of greatness in our students?”

–“How can we cultivate the seed of greatness in our selves and families, in our communities and organization, in our nation and

our world?”

2. Happiness isn’t the Negation of Unhappiness

neurosis, anger, anxiety, wellbeing, satisfaction, joy

depression, psychosis excitement, happiness Disease Model Health Model Focus on weaknesses Focus on strengths Overcoming deficiencies Building competencies Avoiding pain Seeking pleasure Running from unhappiness Pursuing happiness Neutral state (0) as ceiling No ceiling

Tensionless as ideal Creative tention as ideal 3. Prevention through Cultivating Positive

?Illness as the absence of health (vs. health as the absence of illness)

“It [neurosis] is a falling short of what one could have been, and even, one could say, of what one should have been, biologically speaking, that is, if one had grown and developed in an unimpeded way. Human and personal possibilities have been lost. The world has been narrowed, and so has consciousness. Capacities have been inhibited.”

Abraham Maslow

“We have discovered that there are human strengths that act as buffers agai nst mental illness: courage, future-mindedness, optimism, interpersonal skill, faith, work ethic, hope, honesty, perseverance, the capacity for flow and insight, to name several... We have shown that learning optimism prevents depression and anxiety in children and adults, roughly halving their incidence over the next two years... Similarly, I believe, that if we wish to prevent drug abuse in teenagers who grow up in a neighborhood that puts them at risk, that the effective prevention is not remedial. Rather it consists of identifying and amplifying the strengths that these teens already have.”

Martin Seligman

Cultivating Capacity

?Stronger “psychological immune system”

?Larger and stronger “psychological engine”

?Mental health at Harvard

“The messag e of the Positive Psychology movement is to remind our field that it has been deformed. Psychology is not just the study of disease, weakness, and damage; it also is the study of strength and virtue. Treatment is not just fixing what is wrong; it also is building what is right. Psychology is not just about illness or health; it is about work, education, insight, love, growth, and play. And in this quest for what is best, Positive Psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception or hand-waving; instead it tries to adapt what is best in the scientific method to the unique problems that human behavior presents in all its complexity.”

Martin Seligman Bibliography and Recommendations



??Antonovsky (1979). Health, Stress, and Coping. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.?Masten, A. S. & Reed, M. J. (2002). Resilience in development. In C. R. Snyder and S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology, 528-540. Oxford University Press.?Seligman, M. E.

P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive Psychology. American Psychologist, 55, 5-14.?Sheldon, K. M. & King, L (2001). Why Positive Psychology Is Necessary. American Psychologist, 56, 216-217.?Snyder,

C. R. & Lopez, S. J. (Eds.) (2002). Handbook of Positive Psychology,

528-540. Oxford University Press.?Collins, M. & Tamarkin, C. (1990).

Marva Collins’Way. Putnam: New York. Werner, E. & Smith, R.

(2001). Journeys from Childhood to Midlife: Risk, Resilience and Recovery. Cornell University Press.

Practical Idealism: Making A Difference “I am not only the disinterested and impersonal seeker for pure cold truth for its own sake. I am also very definitely interested and concerned with man’s fate, with his ends and goals and with his future. I would like to help improve him and better his prospects. I hope to help teach him how to be brotherly, cooperative, peaceful, courageous, and just. I think science is the best hope for achieving this, and of all the sciences, I consider psychology most important to this end. Indeed, I sometimes think that the world will either be saved by psychologists—in the very broadest sense—or else it will not be saved at all.”

Abraham Maslow

哈佛公开课:幸福课 第一集 笔记(April记录)

哈佛公开课:幸福课 Harvard Open Course : Positive Psychology 背景: “幸福课”是2010年哈佛最受欢迎的选修课是,听课人数超过了王牌课《经济学导论》。教这门课的是一位名不见经传的年轻讲师,泰勒?本-沙哈尔。他的课程使得他成了“哈佛红人”。他提出:幸福,是可以通过学习和练习获得的。”他的课程目标在于把艰深的积极心理学学术成果简约化、实用化,让学生懂得自我帮助。 第一课什么是积极心理学 积极心理学课程由来 首先,解释自己为什么想开这门课“因为这是我自己想上的一门课”,然后叙述自己走入积极心理学研究的过程。——当自己刚进入哈佛,一切都仿佛很好,但他却不快乐。于是他想解决这个问题,于是慢慢从计算机走入心理学领域。(好棒的跨度,在国外因为想了解一样东西而跨专业好像蛮common的) 然后介绍了他逐渐从8个人的讨论组到850个人的大课的过程,写到达到850人后,引起了媒体的兴趣,然后描述了媒体采访他的时候,总是提出的一个问题“你比我们想象的更内向”,作为一个joke,1米7不够资格传授快乐吗?(good joke point,并且不光是joke,是发人深思的一种现象)但点出了他最后反思而得:因为他们想给自己一个答案:为什么这个课这样流行,唯一解释就是导师乐观开朗、高大。但他们关注错了,他们应该关注信息,而非传达者。因为这个课程遍及全国,以及全球。(这样引入幸福课的普及,远较直接说XX学校也开了XX好得多) 各个大学开设此课程,各国政府也是,为什么?因为它有效。幸福感这一领域,此前一直被心理自助运动统治,心理自助运动带来什么?热情外向的宣讲者,常具领袖气质,吸引大众参加他们的讲座,但常常言过其实。(通过描述相对立的一种心理学运动来映衬积极心理学) 再来说说学术界——(引入人们对学术界知之甚少,但学术界有好东西,又用了一个比较):有多少人度过最近12期的《个性与社会心理学》?大多数人甚至不知道这是什么东西,我博士班的班主任估计过,学术期刊上一篇文章的读者只有7个人,甚至包括作者的母亲。(用具体的人代替somebody,令人更有亲切感,母亲的joke两个亮点)总结:作为学者,我觉得这很可悲,因为这些研究非常精彩、非常重要,但是晦涩难懂,所以我们需要积极心理学的课程,在象牙塔和大众之间搭建桥梁。(又落脚到主题,本课程的意义)


第一课 各位,早上好。很高兴能回到这里。 高兴见到你们。 我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。 可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。 但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。 我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。 大二期间,突然顿悟了。 我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。 我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。 一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。 也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。 于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。 目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。 渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。 但本质上属于积极心理学畴。 研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。 而且这种快乐继续着。 于是我决定将其与更多的人分享。 选择教授这门学科。 这就是积极心理学,1504号心理学课程。 我们将一起探索这一全新相对新兴令人倾倒的领域。 希望同时还能探索我们自己。 我第一次开设这门课程是在2002年。 是以讨论会的形式,只有8名学生。两名退出了只剩我和其他六个人。一年后学生稍微多了点。有300多人参加。到了第三年,也就是上一次开课。 有850名参加是当时哈佛大学人数最多的课程。 这引起了媒体的注意。因为他们想知道为什么。 他们对这一奇特现象非常好奇竟然有比经济学导论更热门的课程。怎么可能呢? 于是我被请去参加各类媒体采访,报纸,广播,电视。 在这些采访中,我发现了一种有趣的模式。 我前去参加采访。进行采访。 结束后,制片人或主持人会送我出来。说些诸如Tal多你抽空参加采访。 不过你跟我想象的不太一样的话。 我漫不经心的问。 我无所谓,不过总得回应“有何不同?” 他们会说“这个嘛,我们会以为你很外向”。 下一次采访结束时仍是如此“多接受采访”。 不过Tal,你跟我想象得不太一样。


1. When we suppress a natural phenomenon that phenomenon only strengthens 当我们压抑一种自然现象时,那种现象只会加强 2.Painful emotions are as much as part of human nature, as the law of the gravity is part of physical nature 人类本性的痛苦情绪,一如物理世界的万有引力定律 3.Belief as self-fulfilling Prophecies. We creat our reality. 信念即自我实现预言,我们创造我们的现实。 4.We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.With our thoughts ,we make our world. 境随心转,全由意念升起,我们的念头造就了世界。 5.Goethe,“Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be, and he shall become as he can and should be” 歌德说:“人是怎样便怎样待他,他便还是这样的人.一个人能够或应该怎样便怎样待他,他便会成为能够怎样或是应当怎样的人。” 6.James stockdale said,” You must confuse faith that you would prevail in the end which you can never afford to lose with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality whatever you might be .” James stockdale说:“你不能把坚信自己最终会在输不起的情况

哈佛大学公开课 –公正 迈克尔

哈佛大学公开课–公正迈克尔.桑德尔教授主讲-<<杀人道德的侧面>> 由Graywolf_Robbie整理 这段时间一直在学习著名大学的公开课程,如哈佛大学的[该如何是好],[幸福课],[心理学],耶鲁大学的[金融市场],[博弈论],[心理学导论][死亡],普林斯顿大学的[领导能力简介],[人性],还有斯坦福大学的[经济学],[商业领袖和企业家].等等,下载了很多视频,上班看,下班也看,感觉著名大学授课方式与理论水平真不是盖的.一听就上瘾了.所以就想把视频里面的资料再取出来再复习一下,温故而知新.以下本文取自[该如何是好]课程的第一课.我觉得非常精彩. 这是一门讨论公正的课程,我们以一则故事作为引子: 假设你是一名电车司机,你的电车以60km\小时的速度形式在轨道上飞驰,突然发现在轨道的尽头有五名工人在施工,你无法令电车停下来,因为刹车坏了,此时你极度绝望,因为你深知,如果电车撞向那五名工人,他们会全部死亡。假设你对此确信无疑,你极为无助,直到你发现在轨道的右侧还有一条侧轨,而在侧轨的尽头,只有一名工人在那里施工,而你的方向盘并没有坏,只要你想,就可以把电车转到侧轨上去,牺牲一个人而挽救五个人. 下面是我们的第一个问题:何为正确的选择?换了你会怎么做?我们来做个调查,有多少人会把电车开到侧轨上去?有多少人会让电车继续往前开?选择往前开的,请不要把手放下. 测试结果表明:只有少数人选择继续开下去,而大部分人都选择转弯。我们先来听听大家的想法,探究一下原因?你们会认为这是正确的选择。先从大多数选择了转向侧轨的同学开始,为何要这样选择?理由是什么?有没有自告奋勇的. 学生A:我认为当可以只牺牲一个人时,牺牲五个人是不正确的选择。 教授:当可以只牺牲一个人时,牺牲五个人是不正确的选择,这理由不错,还有其他理由吗?人人都赞成这个理由吗? 学生B:我认为这和9.11的时候是一种情况,那些让飞机在宾州坠毁的人,被视为英雄,因为他们选择牺牲了自己,而不是让飞机撞向大楼牺牲更多的人。 教授:这么看来这条原则和9.11是一样的,虽然是悲剧,但牺牲一个人保全五个人依然是更正确的选择。这就是大多数人选择把电车开到侧轨上去的理由吗?现在我们来听听少数派的意见。那些人选择不转弯的. 学生C:我认为这与种族灭绝和极权主义正名是同一种思维,为了一个种族生存下来,以灭绝另一个种族为代价。 教授:那换了是你在这种情况下会怎么做?为了避免骇人听闻的种族灭绝,你打算直接开上去把这五个人撞死吗? 学生C:大概会吧。 教授:我们来考虑一下另一种情况下的例子,看看你们大多数人会不会坚持刚才的原则(即牺牲一个人保全五个人是更好的选择),这次你不是电车司机,只是一名旁观者,你站在桥上俯瞰电车轨道,电车沿轨道从远处驶来,轨道尽头有五名工人,电车刹车坏了,这五名工人将被撞死,但你不是电车司机,你真的爱莫能助,但是你真得不是电车司机,直到你发现,在你的旁边靠着桥站着一个超级大胖子,你可以选择推他一把,他就会摔下桥,正好摔在轨道上挡住电车,他必死无疑,但是可以拯救五个人的生命。 现在,有多少人愿意选择把胖子推下去?有多少人不会?通过举手调查结果,大多数人没有选择推胖子下去,一个显而易见的问题出现了我们“牺牲一个人保全五个人”的这条原则,到底出了什么问题?第一种情况的时候,大多数人会赞成的这条原则怎么了,两种情况下你们都属于多数派,你们是怎么想的?应该如何来解释这两种情况的区别? 学生D:我认为第二种情况牵涉到主动选择推人,而被推的这个人本来和这件事情一点关


哈佛大学公开课“幸福课”第四课 大家好,我们是“哈佛召回”组合,想向教员和同学们传达一份特殊的情人节讯息…..(唱歌)。 早上好,请他们献歌时,本来想选另一首歌,但是…算了吧。“我们确实爱你们”。 今天课程的内容是上节课的延续,是这门课的基本前提,“我们来自哪里,我们将去哪里”。从各个方面展开论述螺旋的基础,我们将在本学期一起创建它。上次我们讲到改变有多么困难,我们谈到“双胞胎研究”(Twin studies),Lykken和Tellegen提出的,也许改变我们幸福水平和试图改变身高一样困难和徒劳无功,然后谈到这些研究学者们犯的一般性的失误和错误,误解改变的本质,因为如果一个人在改变,问题已不再是“是否可能改变?”,而是“怎样才可能改变”。还谈到剑桥--萨摩维尔研究(Somerville Cambridge study),证明劳斯莱斯干预彻底失败。五年来,剑桥,哈佛和麻省理工的顶尖科学家,研究人员,精神病专家和心理学家,沥尽心血,带着美好的意图,事实改变,但最终失败。不仅没有实现正面的改变,实际上是带去了负面的改变。还记得吗?干预组的酗酒比例和对照组相比是增加的,未参与干预的对照组更有可能在二三十年后获得升职。改变是困难的,但我们又说“Marva Collins实现了改变,所以改变是可能的”。Martin Seligmen和Karen Reivich及大量学者都成功地实现改变,困难在于如果我们想成为实践理想主义者就是要理解是什么带来改变然后去做。传播理念,传播研究的理念,即使研究并非总是传达好消息,它传达的是行之有效的方法,渴望,希望,愿望,那远远不够。好的意愿,理想主义,好的意图是不够的,我们需要扎根于研究。这正是Maslow的想法,当他谈及类似的曼哈顿计划时,科学家,积极心理学家,当时的心理学家和社学科学工作者聚在一起,在流行学术领域中挑出几种观念,几个有效的项目,再复制它们。研究最好的,正如Mariam同学课后找到我时说的“流行学术其实是要将杰出大众化”,我喜欢这个说法。将杰出大众化研究最好的再应用在其他人身上。我们有了这样一个伟大的计划,有了Maslow创造类似曼哈顿计划(Manhattan-type Project)的伟大想法。但是如果我不想参与计划呢?不想成为学者?只想做自己的事,我能否实现改变?答案是:绝对能够。 人若想在世间有岁作为,真正实现改变,面对的最显著障碍之一是他们低估自己实现改变的能力。心理学界有很多研究。爱默生(Emerson)和莫斯科维奇(Moscovici)是先驱,他们和其他学者都证明少数人,经常是一个人,如何实现重大改变,能实现显著的改变。爱默生说:“人类历史是少数派和一个人的少数派的权力记录”。很多社会科学研究支持这个观点。人类学家Margaret Mead说:“永远不要怀疑一小群有思想、坚定的市民可以改变世界。”事实上,正是这群人改变着世界。所有改变从一个人或一小众人的思想开始,然后不断扩大。问题是“他如何扩大”以及为什么我们难以理解我们能够做出改变这个事实,并接受,被同化以及据此生活。如果我们能了解我们需要理解的是改变如何发生,改变以指数级发生,我们与其他人的联系及他们与更多人的联系形成了一个指数函数,可以用你们熟悉的“蝴蝶效应”(butterfly effect)为例加以解释,一只蝴蝶在新加坡拍动翅膀,理论上能在佛罗里达引起龙卷风,原因在于粒子的连续碰撞。它也解释了六度分隔理论(6 degrees of separation):在一个潜在善的网络里我们是关联和相互关联的。为了说明人类网络的指数本质,我们来以笑为例。研究证明笑有传染性,别人笑会引起你发笑,你笑会引起别人发笑,以此类推。即使路人与你擦肩而过时,你没笑,表面上你没有笑,但你面部的细微肌肉会收缩,让你感觉更好。笑是传染的。如果你的笑感染了三个人,这三个人,每个人又引起另外三人发笑,那九个人,每个人再用笑容感染三个人,只需要20度的分隔,从你用笑容感染三个人开始,全世界就会笑起来。社会网络的指数本质,让别人感觉良好也有感染力。恭维别人,如果你能让三个人,甚至四个人度过美妙的一天,他们会推展,让四人有美好的一天,以此类推。只需要很短的时间,整个世界都会感觉更加美好。这是


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哈佛公开课《幸福课》(积极心理学)有 关笔记(无顺序) 话题:适应力现实教育学习 一、这个世界需要具有实践精神的理想主义者。据调查,成功的大学生具有强烈的使命感,想做伟大的事,让世界变得更美好。“我该怎样使这个世界变得更好?”这不是空话,无论在学术还是实践工作中,他们勇往直前,做到了了不起的事,充满热情的理想主义者,特别善良。有些人只是“自我”的一代,这一代人所关心的一切只是“我要多赚点钱”,“我要买套更大的房子”,“我要变得成功,取得更多赞誉”,“变得更有威望”。但有这种想法的人,他们的错误在于,他们只看到了这些。他们也不如有崇高使命感的人成功。二、有时,光有美好愿望,我们还是无法发挥全部潜能,甚至有些情况下造成的伤害多于帮助。理想主义远远不够,往往使对方陷入被动受害者地位,而不是帮助产生积极的主导心态。(皮格马利翁)赞扬别人,赞扬小孩,是有害的。如果没有分辨地夸奖别人,从长远角度讲,实际上害人比帮助人更多,无论是身心健康还是成功等方面。三、“如果我们对自身的培养

不够,对各种人际关系培养不够,就会发生个人成长失败。” 四、心理学家证实了培养乐观精神能预防儿童和成人的抑郁和焦虑,约能将他们两年内患病率减半。人类有些因素可以抵制精神疾病:勇气、面向未来、乐观、人际技巧、信仰、职业道德、希望、诚实、毅力、心胸和洞察力等。培养自身优势、培养能力、关注健康、信仰、乐观、自信等等,能更好面对生活困难。四、冥想可以极大程度上改变我们的大脑,可以帮助产生积极的情绪,而在痛苦面前变得更坚定。每周三次锻炼,每次三十分钟,效果与现有最有效的心理药物是一样的。五、相信改变是可能的。当内部(大脑的想法)与外部(现实)不一致时,我们会感觉不舒服。改变的方法:1、更新基模2、忽略外部信息3、主动寻找证据4、创造新的现实。运动员跑跑,开始都不相信4分钟跑完1公里,直到一人提出可以,并且做到,之后很快很多人都可以做到。 六、学会失败,从失败中学习。史上最成功的人,通常也是失败最多的人。(爱迪生发明灯泡)七、成功别无他法,成功没有捷径。八、悲观者:短期目标、长期目标都很现实。乐观者:短期目标不现实,长期目标现实。因为乐观者的短期目标总是很乐观,如第一个提出可以4分钟跑完1公里的人。但最后他实现了,所以,长期目标就成了现实。八、高的期望导致失望。越战战俘,生存者有两个特点:1、相信能重获自由。2、看中现实,正确估计形势,正视残酷现实。

幸福课_ 哈佛公开课_中英文对照 第一课 校对版

第一课 Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here. 各位,早上好。很高兴能回到这里。 Wonderful to see you here. 高兴见到你们。 I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here. 我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。 This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. 可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。 But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you. 但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。 I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator. 我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。 And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year. 大二期间,突然顿悟了。 I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. 我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。 I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially. 我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。 Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why. 一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。 It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier. 也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。 And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology. 于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。 With a single question: How can I become happier. 目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。 Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today. 渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。 But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology. 但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。 Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier . 研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。 It continues to make me happier. 而且这种快乐继续着。


哈佛大学幸福课感悟 姓名:XXX 班级:XXX 学号:XXXXXXXXX 幸福永远是人类的追求,人类所有的努力都是为了实现幸福的理想。但是,什么是幸福?怎样才能得到幸福?至今仍有无数的人在苦苦寻找着答案。 现实生活告诉我们,幸福是一个经常变幻的不等式:富裕不能带来幸福,贫穷不能夺走幸福;苦难不会减少幸福,名利也不会增添幸福。人生的历练同样告诉我们,幸福还是一个没有标准答案的矛盾选择:得到了,你也许并不幸福;失去了,你也许获得了更多的幸福;接受了,也许是你幸福的损失;给予了,也许给你换来幸福的倍增。所以,今天的你我,即使衣食无忧,功成名就,仍会感到自己并不幸福。很多现代人,即使实现了很多梦想,获得了很多成功,仍会常常产生这样的困惑:我是幸福的人吗?我的幸福究竟在哪里?我们来到这个世上,到底追求什么才是最重要的?泰勒博士坚定地认为:幸福感是衡量人生的唯一标准,是所有目标的最终目标。人们衡量商业成就时,标准是钱。用钱去评估资产和债务、利润和亏损,所有与钱无关的都不会被考虑进去,金钱是最高的财富。但是我认为,人生与商业一样,也有盈利和亏损。具体地说,在看待自己的生命时,可以把负面情绪当作支出,把正面情绪当作收入。当正面情绪多于负面情绪时,我们在幸福这一“至高财富”上就盈利了。所以,幸福应该是快乐与意义的结合!一个幸福的人,必须有一个明确的、可以带来快乐和意义的目标,然后努力地去追求。真正快乐的人,会在自己觉得有意义的生活方式里,享受它的点点滴滴。我国有一句古训:自助者,天助也。惟有自己才是自己的救命神。一个人如果树立了正确的价值观,丰富自己的修养,正确认识和塑造自我,就会铸就一个人的幸福和成功。 泰勒博士早年为了准备重要赛事,除了苦练外,须严格节制饮食。比赛一结束,他干的第一件事,就是奔到自己喜爱的汉堡店,一口气买下4只汉堡。当他急不可待地撕开纸包,把汉堡放在嘴边的刹那,却停住了。因为他意识到,上个月,因为健康的饮食,自己体能充沛。如果享受了眼前汉堡的美味,很可能会后悔,并影响自己的健康。望着眼前的汉堡,他突然发现,它们每一种都有自己独特的风味,可以说,代表着4种不同的人生模式。 第一种汉堡,就是他最先抓起的那只,口味诱人,但却是标准的“垃圾食品”。吃它等于是享受眼前的快乐,但同时也埋下未来的痛苦。用它比喻人生,就是及时享乐,出卖未来幸福的人生,即“享乐主义型”;第二种汉堡,口味很差,里边全是蔬菜和有机食物,吃了可以使人日后更健康,但会吃得很痛苦。牺牲眼前的幸福,为的是追求未来的目标,他称之为“忙碌奔波型”;第三种汉堡,是最糟糕的,既不美味,吃了还会影响日后的健康。与此相似的人,对生活丧失了希望和追求,既不享受眼前的事物,也不对未来抱期许,是“虚无主义型”;会不会还有一种汉堡,又好吃,又健康呢?那就是第四种“幸福型”汉堡。一个幸福的人,是既能享受当下所做的事,又可以获得更美满的未来。 泰勒博士为学生简化总结了“幸福课”10项贴士,我加了一些自己的体会: 1、遵从你内心的热情。 先知道自己要什么,再问最想要的是什么,最不能失去的是什么。一件不值得做的事情,也就不值得做好——这是基本的心理学。遵从内心,而非别人的评价,放弃也是一种负责。减去不重要的,那些你内心真正需要的事物,才能唤醒生命的热情。做到这一点依然需要表达并倾听自己内心的声音,知道自己想要什么,不断深入挖掘自己的快乐根源,这样才能有明确的目的,追寻幸福的时候才会少走弯路。 2、多和朋友在一起。不要被日常工作缠身,亲密的人际关系,是你幸福感的信号,最有可能为你带来幸福。与朋友交流之前,需要先和自己交流。这样,和别人在一起的幸福才不

哈佛公开课 幸福 第一课 中英文对照字幕整理

Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。很高兴能回到这里。 Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。 I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。 This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。 But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。 I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。 And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。 I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。 I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially.我成绩优异。擅长体育运动。那时壁垒打的不错。社交也游刃有余。 Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why.一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。而且我不明白为什么。 It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。 And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。 With a single question: How can I become happier.目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。 Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I en countered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。 But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。


《当幸福来敲门》讲座详稿 各位老师、同学: 大家下午好! 很高兴也觉得很荣幸今天能得到这样一个大的舞台来给同学们讲讲自己的一些体会以及感悟。在我们的讲座正式开始之前,我想先邀请大家跟我做一个游戏,可能在有些班级我做过这个游戏,那我们在共同来做一做,非常有趣的一个游戏。请大家站起来,伸出你的两只漂亮的手,跟着我的指示来做动作,先把你的左手放到右手上,然后再把左手放回到原位,然后把右手再放到左手上,再把右手放回到原位,然后继续来,加快频率~~~快~~~ 谢谢大家再次给我的掌声,这让我倍受鼓舞,希望在这节讲座中,大家能各有所获,我自己也能达到我自己预期的目标。 今天的讲座呢,我会就我在我在大学学习心理学所学到的关于“幸福”的一点点感悟,跟大家谈一谈我们如何让自己变得更加幸福。有很多人会问学习心理学的人这样一个问题,你们是不是因为自己心理有病,才学习的心理学。面对这样的问题,我也不知道作如何的解答。因为什么呢?因为我既不认为学心理学是因为我们自己有心理疾病,但是当时选择心理学的原因就是因为我认为自己心理有病。其实,我说的有病,并不是大家第一印象中对于心理疾病的理解——抑郁病、心理变态等等,这些病已经属于精神病范畴了。其实,这只是每个人都会面对的一些特定的问题。比如说我们的消极情绪,大家会经常的郁闷么?有时候会情绪很低落?有时候自己会做一些自己都无法理解的事?有时候感觉自己很不幸福,仅仅是有时候?与其说学心理学是因为自己解决自己的心理疾病,还不如说是想要自己更加幸福。 那么大家有没有这样的想法——想要让自己更幸福一点? 哇!很多人回应啊!看来大家都想让自己更幸福啊~~~~ 那么很建议大家学学积极心理学 恩,也很建议大家今天专心听听今天的幸福课——当幸福来敲门 那么欢迎大家进入幸福课堂,因为仅仅有一个小时的讲座时间,想要讲到“幸福”的方方面面是很难的,所以我只能挑关于幸福的一些凤毛麟角来讲自己的感悟,所以有一定的局限,欢迎大家课后批评指正,也欢迎有兴趣更加了解的同学来跟我讨论~~~·好,我现在问大家一个问题,大家现在感觉怎么样? 哈,当问这个问题的时候,你要回答我,好极了。 然后我会再问,你们现在感觉怎么样?你要回答我:棒极了 最后我再问,你们现在感觉到底怎么样?你们要说:爽极了 有没有感觉到幸福的感觉? 生活中有一种人感觉是幸福不起来的,这种人每天眉头紧锁,充当着一个表情杀手,单见蹙颚眉,不知心恨谁啊!!其实一个人对别人影响最大的,首先是他的表情,所以大家一定不要做焦裕禄——焦虑、抑郁、忙碌。也不要做孔繁森—恐惧、烦人、阴森。今天讲的“幸福”,首先送给大家“幸福三宝”:第一宝:每天记得微笑,现在,在座的同各位可以给自己的旁边坐的同学一个大大的微笑。心理学研究表明每天笑一笑会提高自己的幸福感,即使你心里不太高兴,如果你多做微笑的表情,还是会让你的心情愉快很多。有些人经常不笑,导致面部神经就会萎缩,所以要多笑。我送给大家的“幸福”第二宝就是:点头。跟别人交谈的时候,听老师讲课的时候,你的点头传递给别人的信息就是你在听他讲,你认同他,这样的交谈肯定是很愉快的,其实就是告诉你要学会倾听别人。“幸福”第三宝就是:真诚的赞美别人。没有人喜欢被批评,谁都会享受听到别人的赞美。当你多多看到别人的优点,


我们来到这个世上,到底追求什么才是最重要的?塔尔博士坚定地认为:幸福感是衡量人生的唯一标准,是所有目标的最终目标。 第一讲 1.Soul grows more by subtraction than by addition,灵魂的增长更多的来自于减法,而不是加法,chipping away those limitations。 2.人文哲学(humanistic philosophy)衍生出关于学习,教学和教育的新概念,简单的说(stated simply),教育的功能,人类的目标(the human goal),人性的目标(humanistic goal),那些所有被人类关注的目标(the goal so far as human beings are concerned),最终都是自我的实现(is ultimately the self-actualization of a person),成为一个完整的人(the becoming fully human),达到人类或者(the development of the fullest height),特定的某个人所能达到的极限。通俗点说(in a less technical way),就是帮助一个人成为最好的自己。(这比军队的征兵广告出现的早),所以要,be all you can be (做最好的自己!) 3. it is about fulfilling out potential(开发潜能),chipping away those limitations (解除那些束缚). 4. Ask and you shall receive.--- Say the scripture 问后即有收获,圣经如是说(提问意义重大~)


哈佛大学幸福课观后感 人文学院刘允 100101005 观看了哈佛大学的幸福课给了我很多的感触,让我知道了人的一生应当积极追求的是幸福,幸福感是衡量一个人成功的唯一标准,是每个人应当追求的目标中的终极目标。没有幸福感的人是可悲的,也注定一生是悲惨的。只有幸福的人群才会在社会的各个层面取得成功,包括荣誉,地位、收入、友谊以及健康。从明天起我应当积极努力做一个幸福的人,它将会是我一生值得为之奋斗的理想。 从泰勒·本-沙哈尔的讲课中我了解到幸福是什么,它不是崇高的荣誉,炙手可热的权力,更不是享用不尽的金钱,而是快乐地追求有意义的事情。幸福是一个持续的状态,不是短暂的快感,是需要用一生去完成的理想,是需要不断努力追求的结果,幸福不会从天而降,是需要每个人积极地争取,是需要每个人用心去经营,去打造。就如同米开朗基罗的《大卫》雕塑,是需要每个人用心去雕琢,敲掉大卫身上多余的石头,摆脱束缚,才会的得到幸福。 马克思说过:“一切人类生存的第一个前提,也就是一切历史的第一个前提,这个前提是:人们为了能够‘创造历史’必须能够生活。但是为了生活,首先就需要吃喝住穿以及其他一些东西。因此第一个历史活动就是生产满足这些需要的资料,即生产物质生活本身。”从马克思主义的观点出发,我们可以看到幸福概念的源头是需要和欲望。如果人的需要得不到满足,人的现实性和人的幸福也就是一句空话。马克思把人的幸福和人的需要看作不可分离的。他认为人的自身

的实现,在一定意义上就“表现为内在的必然性,表现为需要”。在这里,英国空想社会主义者格雷的话不是没有道理的,他说:“幸福———人类一切企求的最终目的———在我们的自然需要没有得到满足以前,是无法达到的。”不容置疑,满足人的需要是实现幸福的必要条件,而人的自由创造性的劳动无不是为满足人的一定的需要而展开的。由此可见,幸福的基本条件是需要。 当需要得到满足时,是不是就真正幸福了?那么真正的幸福应该是什么?怎么样才能成为一个幸福的人,我想幸福的人应当是这样的。 幸福的人应该乐观接受自己。自我接纳是人天生拥有的权利,试想,如果一个人对自己都不接纳,不敢正视自己的问题,他又如何能获得自信,获得自尊心,获得引导自己积极向上的动力呢。生活中,我们都走向了一个误区,大部分想成功的人,都在不断需找自己的缺点和不足,想通过改善它们以此取得成功。但是事实并非如此,关注自身的优点和长处人比那些只是关注自身缺点的人更容易获得成功。很明显的道理,如果我们不懂得欣赏自身的长处,那么我们的优势就会不断贬值,而最终我们身上便没有闪光的优点,剩下的只有平凡。 幸福的人应当学会宽容。人短暂的一生中会经历各种坎坷,对于生活中的不如意的事情,应当怀着一个宽容的态度,不要总是拿别人的错误不断的惩罚自己,应当学会原谅生活,抛弃心灵的包袱,用积极良好的心态走在人生的大道上。每当我遇到令人不高兴的事情时,就会想起林则徐的一句话:“海纳百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,无欲


放假回来这几天总是有一种闷闷不乐的感觉,很想自己一个人静一静。按 理说过年应该开心才是,父母和往常一样在家张罗一切,作业的完成和生 活也一切顺利,可是这几天总是有一种焦躁感。于是带着“如何更加幸福快乐”的疑问把Tal教授的幸福课视频看完,不能说看完就变得快乐幸福了, 但是在很多方面还是得到了启发。 哈佛大学的心理学讲师——Tallben Shahar老师,为我打开了新的视野,让 我重新认识到了什么是幸福。 在词典中,幸福是心理欲望得到满足时候的状态。但幸福是什么?大多数 人都是不知道的。Tall老师坚定的认为:幸福感是衡量人生的唯一标准,是 所有目标的最终目标。这又何尝不是呢?每一个人想要成功的目的不就是 为了幸福吗? 他在课程中说到:是不是幸福的人不会有失败,不会有挫折?这个答案是 否定的。幸福的人从来不回避失败,他们把失败作为自己学习成长的机会,通过失败去发现自己潜在的弱点,去寻找弥补自己薄弱环节的方法,争取 下一次的成功。幸福课程中,Tal反复强调的一句话就是“Fail to learn or learn to fail”(从失败者学习),成功者并不是生来就成功的,他们往往是那些 失败最多的人。所以在追求我们自己的目标时,永远记住我们学会走路不 是一蹴而就,而是经过爬行,不断摔倒练习,最后才能够优雅地迈步。而 在这个过程中,迈出的勇气至关重要。而勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是心怀 恐惧,但是还是一如既往的前行。(Courage is not having no fear but having fear and go ahead anyway)。在心理安全的组织中,可以安全地讨论过失,不 会害怕告密,不会害怕摔倒。这样的组织才可能会是学习型组织和创新型 组织,因为员工有机会从失败中学习。对于他的观点,我认为很值得我们 去学习。 世界在改变,人也在改变。越来越多的人只会盲目的追求自己那所谓的幸福,越来越多的人不知道幸福到底是什么。Tal老师的幸福课能让我们重新 定义幸福,能让我们对幸福有更多的了解。Tal老师的幸福课主要是从积极 的心理学出发,拥有了积极的心理态度,内心会变得平静镇定,即使面对 失败,也能较快的走出失败的阴影,认识到自己的问题所在,从而走向成 功幸福之路。 正如爱默生说过的一句名言:“如果天上的繁星,一千年才亮一回,那么我 们都会举首欣赏繁星的美丽。然而,因为繁星每天都在,所以我们就习以 为常而不以为然。”


1.问题不在于问自己现在是幸福或者不幸福,因为幸福是个循 序渐进的过程,也许是一生的追求,因此它不是一个目前非此即彼的选择题,你只能问自己,我比前两年幸福吗?我现在做的事有助于不断增进我的幸福感吗?这才是有意义的问题。 2.对于增进自身的幸福感来说,关键不在于接收多少信息,而 在于怎样运用它,这就好比本我不是经由不断给自己身上加东西而实现的,而是不断凿去多余的束缚而显现的。 3.不是每个理论都适合个体,因此当看到方法论时要分辨是否 要把它运用到自己的生活中 4.问题经常缔造现实,我们通常所问的问题决定了我们要关注 生活的哪些方面。如果总是问“我需要改变什么、我们的关系到底出了什么问题,怎么解决这些问题”,当然这些问题很重要,但也有一些问题,诸如“我这件事情为什么做得好、我有什么优点”等,这些也相当重要,也要被提及。要认识到这些好的方面不是理所当然的就有的,因此我们要对其关注,对其赞美,如若不然,它们是不会增值的 5.在自我成长的道路上,始终坚信“没人会来,没人会骑着马 带你到幸福的地方”,你能到什么程度,完全取决于你自己,不要抱怨,作为个体,这是必须明确的责任。 6.学习积极心理学,就是要发展自身的“心理免疫系统”,就 像“身体免疫系统”一样,有了这个系统,我们不可能不会

生病,而是不常生病,或者即使生病,也可以自我消化。另外也是发展一个自身的“心理引擎”,引擎越大,在人生的道路上跑的更快,遇到坎儿也过得更轻松。 7.积极心理学的几个前提:(1)、架起从学术到生活的桥梁, 做一个现实的理想主义者,这也是社会唯一所需要的。(2)、要相信改变的可行性,意即幸福感是可以通过个人努力来提高的。另外从个人的幸福到全世界的幸福是通过指数级来传递的(3)、外部因素与内部因素:外部因素对快乐的影响微乎其微,比如考入好的大学、有一个好工作、找到一个理想伴侣、搬到梦寐以求的地方等,这些生活情景当时也许会使自己的快乐达到峰值,但过一段后就会回到以前的平均水平。 但除却极端情况(包括从满是战乱专制的国家生活到进入自由民主的国家);影响快乐的最主要是内部因素。(4)、关于人性:世间所有人可以分为两派,一派认为人性受约束,他们认为人生而有快乐、悲伤、愤怒、嫉妒等情绪,我们消灭不了它们,但可以去约束和完善,由此产生了政治、科学、道德等;另一派认为人性不受约束,这类人一般归为乌托邦主义或共产主义(其实我的观点认为不过人性到底怎么样,就目前来看确实坏的情绪很难被消除,就算存在乌托邦或人类意识的扬升那也许在我有生之年并不会发生,因此就目前为止我也接受人性受约束)。人性受约束也是继续学习积极心理学的基础,既然我们不能消灭坏情绪,那么就得允许其
