



Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

According to the text, 127 countries have legislation protecting a citizen’s right to communicate privately by mail; 87 countries have entered into mutual legal assistance arrangements with other nations; and 66 countries have passed legislation mandating privacy in some areas. The U.S. does not have privacy legislation. However, according to the text, a right to privacy is constitutionally supported in the U.S. Le Code de Création pour l’Internet, passed in May 1996, declares illegal any attempt to threaten the privacy of citizens communicating, chatting, and entering into e-contracts with foreign merchants via the worldwide web.

1. This passage mainly discusses ______.

A) privacy legislation in different countries

B) codes of conduct for good communication

C) legal protection for Internet purchasers

D) legislation for international mutual assistance

2. According to this passage, 127 countries ______.

A) have legislation agreeing to privacy of communication by mail

B) have passed legislation to support online shopping

C) have entered into mutual legal assistance agreements

D) have supported the right to privacy constitutionally

3. In the U.S., ______.

A) citizens’ right to privacy is supported by the constitution

B) privacy legislation fully protects e-contracting

C) threatening others’ privacy is illegal on the Internet

D) the right to privacy is not constitutionally supported

4. The French have ______.

A) developed an international code of communication

B) introduced a taxation code for Internet communication

C) forbidden the Internet to merchants dealing with foreign consumers

D) p assed a law to safeguard citizens’ privacy on the Internet

5. Privacy is protected by legislation in ______ countries.

A) 87 B) 66 C) 127 D) 214


1. A。本文主要讨论的是不同国家的隐私立法。文章提到,127个



2. A。根据文章内容,127个国家通过了保护私密通信的立法。因此,该选项正确。

3. A。根据文章内容,美国宪法支持公民的隐私权。因此,该选项


4. D。根据文章内容,法国通过了一项法律,保护公民在互联网上


5. C。根据文章内容,共有127个国家通过了保护隐私的立法。因此,该选项正确。



Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.

China's government says the country's Internet statistics should be more accurate. Local agencies are allowed to inflate (夸大)audience (受

众)numbers. Some do so to impress their superiors. Some websites invite users to aim at an ad beyond the actual page viewed. Traffic statistics currently allow for distortion (扭曲). For example, people could use a

website for thirty minutes but if they have gone to other websites in the meantime, their time could be recorded as fifty minutes on the first site they visited. There are seven factors used in statistics on Internet users: the total number of Internet users, the number of websites registered, the number of websites visited, web traffic, the amount of advertisements, the number of pages opened, and the number of E-mail sent. Under the current system, the number of Internet users is only counted once, and the number of web pages visited is included in the number of websites visited. An office under the National Bureau of Statistics said that each of these will be counted separately in the future.

6. Current traffic statistics could be distorted because ______.

A) people spend more time surfing than they should

B) they were inflated by Internet users

C) Internet users visit a lot of different sites

D) different browsers give different results

7. The expression “distortion” in the text refers to ______.

A) the act of inflating audience numbers

B) the inaccuracy of traffic statistics

C) the boosting of Internet users’ time

D) the increase of websites visited

8. How many factors are mentioned for Internet users statistics?

A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8

9. Which of the following is included in the number of websites visited now?

A) The number of pages opened.

B) The number of E-mail received.

C) The total number of Internet users.

D) The amount of advertisements.

10. According to the passage, the information given by local agencies


A) is often exaggerated

B) is easily distorted

C) always satisfies the central government

D) creates a good impression on their superiors


6. C。根据文章内容,当前的流量统计可能被扭曲,因为人们在上


7. B。根据文章内容,文章中提到的“distortion”指的是流量统计的


8. C。根据文章内容,文章提到了7个用于统计互联网用户的因素。因此,该选项正确。

9. A。根据文章内容,当前的统计中,访问网站的数量包括了打开的网页数。因此,该选项正确。

10. A。根据文章内容,地方机构提供的信息常常夸大。因此,该选项正确。




大学六级真题阅读理解及参考解析大学六级考试是全国性的英语水平考试,对于英语学习者来说具有 较高的难度和挑战性。其中,阅读理解是考试中的重要部分,考察考 生对于文章细节、推理和逻辑等方面的理解能力。在本篇文章中,我 们将针对大学六级真题阅读理解部分进行参考解析。 阅读理解题常见题型包括细节理解题、目的意图题、推理判断题等。这些题型的解答需要考生具备扎实的英语基础和良好的解题思路。下 面针对一道大学六级真题进行解析,以帮助考生更好地掌握解题技巧。 原文: (文章内容省略) 解析: 本题为一道细节理解题,要求考生根据原文提供的信息来推断出文 中提到的“Global China Center”所涉及的具体领域。 首先,我们需要从文章中找到“Global China Center”的提及。根据原文,我们可以找到以下几处相关信息: 第一处出现在第一段第一句:“The University of Miami announced the creation of the ‘Global China Center’ at a ceremony held at the university.”这句话告诉我们《Global China Center》是由迈阿密大学宣 布的,进一步说明了该中心的创建背景和情况。

第二处是在第二段:“The center will engage in academic, cultural and economic exchanges with China.”这句话中明确了《Global China Center》将与中国进行学术、文化和经济交流。 第三处是在第二段的最后一句:“It will also offer Chinese language programs and cou rses on Chinese culture, history and society.”这里提到该 中心还将提供中文课程和有关中国文化、历史和社会的课程。 通过以上三处信息的分析,我们可以推断出“Global China Center”主 要涉及学术、文化和经济领域,而且也提供有关中国的语言和文化课程。 综上所述,根据文章中的相关信息,我们可以推断“Global China Center”主要以学术、文化和经济领域为核心,同时也提供了中文和中 国文化相关的课程。 通过以上的解析,我们可以发现在解答细节理解题的过程中,关键 在于准确把握原文中的关键信息,并进行逻辑推断和判断。在考试过 程中,应注意审题,针对问题有针对性地寻找答案,不要在文章中花 费过多时间。 在备考过程中,可以通过多做真题来熟悉题型和解题技巧。同时, 也可以多进行阅读训练,提升自己的阅读速度和理解能力。 总结: 大学六级真题阅读理解部分考察考生的细节理解、推理判断和解题 技巧。解题过程中,关键在于准确把握原文关键信息,并基于此进行


英语六级阅读真题训练及答案 英语六级阅读真题训练及答案 英语六级考试中的阅读题是考试中的'重点题型,需要考生多做阅读练习提高阅读能力,下面店铺为大家带来英语六级阅读真题训练及答案,供各位考生模拟练习。 英语六级阅读真题训练1 Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge (剧增) of women in the workforce mayportend a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would ratherwork than marry. The converse (反面) of this concern is that the prospects of becoming amulti-paycheck household could encourage marriages. In the past, only the earnings andfinancial prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earningability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show thateconomic downturns tend to postpone marriage because the parties cannot afford to establisha family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the economy rebounds, the number ofmarriages also rises. Coincident with the increase in women working outside the home is the increase in divorcerates. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The impact ofa wife’s work on divorce is no less cloudy than its impact on marriage decisions. The realizationthat she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choosedivorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally plausible. Tensionsgrounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. Given highunemployment, inflationary problems, and slow growth in real earnings, a


六级英语阅读专项练习附答案讲解 六级英语阅读专项练习原文 Divorce doesnt necessarily make adults happy. But toughing it out in an unhappy marriageuntil it turns around just might do, a new study says. The research identified happy and unhappy spouses. culled (选出 ) from a national database.Of the unhappypartners who divorced. about half were happy five years later. But unhappyspouses who stuck it out often did better. About two-thirds were happy five years later. Studyresults contradict what seems to be commonsense, says David Blankenhorn of the Institute forAmerican Values, a think-tank on the family. The institute helped sponsor the research leambased at the University of Chicago. Findings will be presented in Arlington, Va.. at the SmartMarriage conference. sponsored by the Coalition for Marriage. Families and CouplesEducation. The study looked at data on 5,232 married adults from the National Survey of Families andHouseholds. It included .64.5 who were unhappy. The adults in the national sample wereanalyzed through 13 measures of psychological well being. Within the five years, 167 of theunhappy were divorced or separated and 478 stayedmarried. Divorce didnt reduce symptoms of depression, raise self-esteem or increase sense ofmastery compared withthose who stayed married, the report says. Results were controlled for factors including race, age, gender and income. Staying marrieddid not tend to trap unhappy spouses in violent relationships. What helped the unhappymarried turn things around To supplement the formal study data, the research team askedprofessional firms to recruit focus groups totaling 55 adults who were marriage survivors.All had moved from unhappy to happy marriages. These 55 once-discontented married felttheir unions got better via one of three


六级英语阅读理解试题附解析 六级英语阅读理解试题原文 Caught in a squeeze between the health needsof aging populations on one hand and the financialcrisis on the other, governments everywhere arelooking for ways to slow the growth in health-carespending. Increasingly, they are looking to the generic-drugs (普通药物) industry as a savior. InNovember Japans finance ministry issued a report complaining that the countrys use ofgenerics was less than a third of that in America or Britain. In the same month Canadascompetition watchdog criticized the countrys pharmacies for failing to pass on the savingsmade possible by the use of generic drugs. That greed, it reckoned, costs taxpayers nearlyC$1 billion a year. Then on November 28th the European Commission issued the preliminary results of itsyear-long probe into drug giants in the European Union. The report reached a damning~,though provisional, conclusion: the drugs firms use a variety of unfair strategies to protecttheir expensive drugs by delaying the entry of cheaper generic opponents. Though this initialreport does not carry the force of law (a final report is due early next year), it has caused muchcontroversy. Neelie Kroes, the EUs competition commissioner, says she is ready to takelegal action if the evidence allows.


英语六级的阅读练习题及答案英语六级的阅读练习题及答案「篇一」 1.She was a very quiet and kind director.She never laughed,___1___lose her temper.But when she worked she was very strict.We have been told by her that under no circumstance____2___the telephone in the office for personal affairs。 1.[a] or she never did [b]nor did she ever [c]or did she ever [d]nor she never did 2.[a]may we use [b]we may use [c]we could use [d]did we use 2.Seldom___3___any mistakes during my past five years of works.However,I still could not gain success as a good writer like my teacher.Finally my teacher told me:”Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of life around you___4___write successfully and meaningfully” 3.[a]should I make [b]did I make [c]I did make [d]would I make 4.[a]you will [b]can’t you [c]you can [d]can you


六级英语阅读真题练习及答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《六级英语阅读真题练习及答案》的内容,具体内容:阅读理解在英语六级试卷中占有很大的分值,为了帮助大家提高英语阅读能力,下面我为大家带来,供各位考生阅读练习。六级英语阅读真题练习1Questions 31 to 35 ... 阅读理解在英语六级试卷中占有很大的分值,为了帮助大家提高英语阅读能力,下面我为大家带来,供各位考生阅读练习。 六级英语阅读真题练习1 Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Crying is hardly an activity encouraged by society. Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy,typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. The shedder of tears is likelyto apologize, even when a devastating (毁灭性的) tragedy was the provocation. The observerof tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional outpouring. Butjudging from recent studies of crying behavior, links between illness and crying and thechemical composition of tears, both those responses to tears are often inappropriate andmay even be counterproductive. Humans are the only animals definitely known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution hasgiven rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume thatcrying has one


英语六级仔细阅读练习附答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语六级仔细阅读练习附答案》的内容,具体内容:在英语学习过程中,阅读理解能力是学习者发展语言能力的基础和手段。国内的各类英语考试中几乎都有阅读理解题型,大学英语六级考试也不例外。大学英语六级阅读理解试题是试卷中分值最重的题型,为了提... 在英语学习过程中,阅读理解能力是学习者发展语言能力的基础和手段。国内的各类英语考试中几乎都有阅读理解题型,大学英语六级考试也不例外。大学英语六级阅读理解试题是试卷中分值最重的题型,为了提高大家的阅读水平,下面是我为大家带来,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 英语六级仔细阅读练习一 Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. Terry Wolfisch Cole may seem like an ordinary 40-year-old mom, but her neighbors knowthe truth: Shes one of the "Pod People." At the supermarket she wanders the aisles in a self-contained bubble, thanks to her iPod digital music player. Through those little white ear buds,Wolfisch Cole listens to a playlist mixed by her favorite disc presenter-herself. At home, when the kids are tucked away, Wolfisch Cole often escapes to another solomedia pod- but in this one, shes transmitting instead of just receiving. On her computer weblog, or "blog", she types an


英语六级阅读理解真题及详解 英语六级阅读理解真题及详解 英语六级阅读理解是六级考试中的一大重点,通过阅读理解题目的训练,可以提高自己的阅读理解能力。下面给大家分享一篇英语六级阅读理解真题及详解,希望对大家备考六级有所帮助。 Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. According to the text, 127 countries have legislation protecting a citizen’s right to communicate privately by mail; 87 countries have entered into mutual legal assistance arrangements with other nations; and 66 countries have passed legislation mandating privacy in some areas. The U.S. does not have privacy legislation. However, according to the text, a right to privacy is constitutionally supported in the U.S. Le Code de Création pour l’Internet, passed in May 1996, declares illegal any attempt to threaten the privacy of citizens communicating, chatting, and entering into e-contracts with foreign merchants via the worldwide web. 1. This passage mainly discusses ______. A) privacy legislation in different countries B) codes of conduct for good communication C) legal protection for Internet purchasers D) legislation for international mutual assistance


英语六级阅读理解附答案解析 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语六级阅读理解附答案解析》的内容,具体内容:下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。Personality is to a large extent inherent-A-type parents usually bring ... 下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。 Personality is to a large extent inherent-A-type parents usually bring about A-type offspring.But the environment must also have a profound effect,since if competition is important toIhe parents, it is likely to become a major factor in the lives of their children. One place where children soak up A-characteristics is school, which is, by its very nature, ahighly competitive institution. Too many schools adopt the "win at all costs" moral standardand measure their successby sporting achievements. The current passion for making childrencompete against their classmates or against the clock produces a two-layer system, in whichcompetitive A-types seem in some way better than theirB-type fellows. Being too keen to wincan have dangerous consequences:remember that Pheidippides,the firstmarathonrunner,dropped dead seconds after saying:"Rejoice,we conquer!" By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis onexaminations. It is a rare school that


6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解 2022年6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解析 大学英语六级考试是由国家统一出题的,统一收费,统一组织考试,用来评定应试人英语能力的全国性的考试,每年各举行两次。以下是店铺帮大家整理的6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 6月大学英语六级阅读真题及答案解 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select oneword for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified bya letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on ,Answer Street 2 with a singleline through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. Let's say you love roller-skating. Just the thought of __26__ on your roller-skates brings asmile to your face. You also know that roller-skating is excellent exercise. You have a __27__attitude toward it. This description of roller-skating __28__ the three components of an attitude: affect,cognition, and behavior. You love the activity; it's great fun. These feelings __29__ the affectiveor emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes. The knowledge wehave about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude. You understandthe health __30__ that the activity can bring. Finally, attitudes have a behavioral component.Our attitudes __31__ us


历年英语六级阅读真题解析_学习英语实用方法 英语真题是什么?真题既可以包含某年某项考试全部内容的完整试卷,也可以同类型汇总的形式出现的专项训练。下面是小编收集推荐的历年英语六级真题,仅供参考,欢迎阅读。 历年英语六级阅读真题解析 Passage One Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage. Schools are not just a microcosm (缩影) of society; they mediate it too. The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equipping them better to understand and handle the world outside -- at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons. This is ambitious in any circumstances, and in a divided and unequal society the two ideals can clash outright(直接地). Trips that many adults would consider the adventure of a lifetime -- treks in Bomeo, a sports tour to Barbados -- appear to have become almost routine at some state schools. Parents are being asked for thousands of pounds. Though schools cannot profit from these trips, the companies that arrange them do. Meanwhile, pupils arrive at school hungry because their families can't afford breakfast. The Child Poverty Action Group says nine out of 30 in every classroom fall below the poverty line. The discrepancy is startlingly apparent. Introducing a fundraising requirement for students does not help, as better-off children can tap up richer aunts and neighbours. Probing the rock pools of a local beach or practising French on a language exchange can fire children's passions, boost their skills and open their eyes to life 's possibilities. Educational outings help bright but disadvantaged students to get better


英语六级阅读理解经典题目及答案 According to recent research in the United States。men and women communicate in such different ways that it can be compared to people from two different XXX has XXX from an early age。She notes that little girls tend to express more doubts and have less definite ns compared to little boys。who use XXX their status with their listeners. XXX ns。XXX。in private ns。men and women speak in equal amounts。but with different XXX for women。XXX intimacy。while for men。private ns are a way to explore the power structure of a nship. they XXX it will lead to more XXX power by being able to help others。rather than being XXX. 2.XXX。XXX his knowledge and power。On the other hand。when a XXX。she is XXX.


六级英语阅读理解试题附答案 六级英语阅读理解试题原文 The "paperless office" has earned a proud placeon lists of technological promises that did not cometo pass. Surely, though, the more modest goal ofhe carbon-paperless office is within the reach ofmankind? Carbon paper allows two copies of a document to be made at once. Nowadays, acouple of keystrokes can do the same thing with a lot less fuss. Yet carbon paper persists. Forms still need to be filled out in a way that produces copies.This should not come as a surprise. Innovation tends to create new niches( 合适的职业), ratherthan refill those that already exist. So technologies may become marginal, but they rarely goextinct. And today the little niches in which old technologies take refuge are ever more viableand accessible, thanks to the Internet and the fact that production no longer needs to be somass; making small numbers of obscure items is growing easier. On top of that, a widespread Technology of nostalgia(技术怀旧 ) seeks to preserve all theways people have ever done anything, simply because they are kind of neat. As a resulttechnologies from all the way back to the stone age persist and even flourish in the modernworld. According to What Technology Wants, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders ofWired magazine, Americas flintknappers (燧石) produce over a million new arrow


大学英语六级真题阅读:长篇阅读答案及解 析 Section B Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. The College Essay: Why Those 500 Words Drive Us Crazy A) Meg is a lawyer-mom in suburban Washington, D.C., where lawyer-moms are thick on the ground. Her son Doug is one of several hundred thousand high-school seniors who had a painful fall. The deadline for applying to his favorite college was Nov. 1,and by early October he had yet to fill out the application. More to the point, he had yet to settle on a subject for the personal essay accompanying the application. According to college folklore, a well-turned essay has the power to seduce an admissions committee. He wanted to do one thing at a time, Meg says, explaining her son s delay. But really, my son is a


6月英语六级阅读真题及答案(卷一) 6月英语六级阅读真题及答案(卷一) 篇2 6月英语六级阅读真题及答案(卷一) 篇3 For the past severalyears, the Sunday newspaper supplement Paradehas featured a column called Ask Marilyn. People are invited to query Marilynvos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 - the highest score ever recorded. IQtests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper afterit has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among othersimilar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queriesfrom the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, Whats the difference between loveand fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? ①Itsnot obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numericalpatterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poetsand philosophers. Clearly, intelligenceencompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart?How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about itfrom neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields? The defining term ofintelligence in humans still seems


2021年6月大学英语六级仔细阅读练习题附答案及解析(4) Passage One Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. They're still kids, and although there's a lot that the experts don't yet know about them, one thing they do agree on is that what kids use and expect from their world has changed rapidly. And it's all because of technology. To the psychologists, sociologists, and generational and media experts who study them, their digital gear sets this new group apart, even from their tech-savvy (懂技术的) Millennial elders. They want to be constantly connected and available in a way even their older siblings don't quite get. These differences may appear slight, but they signal an all-encompassing sensibility that some say marks the dawning of a new generation. The contrast between Millennials and this younger group was so evident to psychologist Larry Rosen of California State University that he has declared the birth of a new generation in a new book, Rewired: Understanding the ingeneration and the Way They Learn, out next month. Rosen says the tech-dominated
