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中南财经政法大学武汉学院外语系《大学英语3》课程教案Teaching Plan for College English (Book 3) Foreign Languages Department of Wuhan College, ZNUEL


Lecture Notes

1.Warm-up discussion:

1)Does your mother work? What‟s her job?

2)What are your basic household chores at home?

3)Vacuum the house; Take out the garbage; Wash the dishes; Do the laundry; Clean the bathrooms; Dust the house; Take care of the pets; Recycle the collected papers/plastics

4)Do you think your parents understand you? Why or why not?

5)How much do you think you understand your parents?

6)Do you think there can be a friendship between parents and children? Information related:

1) Women in the workforce today

FACT 1: Women are now the majority of the workforce in the USA.

This occurred in the first half of 2010 for the first time in American history, and now women make up fifty-one percent of the professional workers in the USA. seventy percent of American women with children under eighteen are earning a paycheck while raising their children. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women now hold 51.4 percent of managerial and professional jobs—up from 26.1 percent in 1980. Women are fifty-four percent of all accountants and hold about half of all banking and insurance jobs. Women are about one-third of the physicians and forty-five percent of the associates in law firms—and both percentages are rising fast. And, in the EU, women have filled six million of the eight million new jobs since 2000.

FACT 2: Women now earn almost sixty percent of university degrees in the USA and Europe.

Women‟s education is changing to more marketable subjects. In 1966, forty percent received a BA specializing in education and two percent in business and management. Now it‟s twelve percent education and fifty percent business and management. Women earn only twenty percent of the degrees in engineering and computer science. In the USA, women earn fifty-seven percent of the bachelor‟s degrees and fifty-nine percent of the master‟s degrees. Women are fifty-one percent of those enrolled in medical school and nearly half of those in law school.

FACT 3: In the USA, women make or influence eighty percent of consumer spending decisions.

Women purchases extend way beyond food, health, and beauty. Yes, women do purchase sixty-five percent of apparel. But they also purchase fifty-two percent of all new vehicles, including trucks, and influence eighty percent of those purchases. They purchase forty-five percent of consumer electronics and influence sixty-one percent. And women purchase eighty percent of family health care decisions, seventy percent of travel decisions, fifty-five percent of wine, and twenty percent of homes (and
