




1. 做个好朋友to be a good friend

2. 做下列调查make the following survey

3. 合计总分add up the score

4. 得分get points

5. 心烦意乱地来到学校come to school upset

6. 不理睬铃声ignore the bell

7. 使你那个德国朋友平静下来calm down your German friend

8. 关心你朋友be concerned about your friend(s) 9. 松开了get loose

10. 不得不去户外遛狗have got to walk the dog outdoors

11. 帮他期末考试作弊help him cheat in the end-of-term exam

12. 列出理由make a list of reasons / list the reasons 13. 记下一连串的请求set down a series of requests 14. 根据问卷调查according to the questionnaire 15. 根据编辑的忠告according to the editor’s advice 16. 为了分担你的困难in order to share your difficulties / troubles 17. 与老板相爱fall in love with the boss 18. 与我的同桌相处融洽get along / on well with my deskmate 19. 关心青少年be concerned about teenagers

20. 为了和老板面对面地交流in order to communicate with the boss face to face

21. 信任政府trust / believe in the government 22. 经历了太多的战争go through too many wars 23. 相邻的城镇neighboring towns 24. 相邻的国家neighboring countries




1.survey n. 调查,勘察,检测

The reporter made a survey of river pollution.

短语make a survey of…做…调查。

[典例]CCTV__ ___public opinion about the poisonous milk powder.

A. make a list of B .make a record of C. make a survey of D .make fun of


2. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的vt. ( upset, upset)

[典例] 1).James was upset because he had lost his ticket.詹姆斯很烦躁因为他把票弄丢了。

2). I was very upset because one of my friends was rude to me.我很心烦,因为我的一个朋友对我很无理。

3). His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.他在考试中作弊,这使他老师很生气。

4). The students really upset her. 学生们着实让她烦恼。


The bad news upset him.

[重点用法] 1.be upset about/over/at 对…感到心烦意乱upset sth打乱(计划/安排)

[练习]The hurricane came unexpectedly , witch _____our plane.

A. damaged

B. upset

C. harmed

D. gave up

3.ignore v. 不理睬;忽视

She saw him coming but she ignored him.

拓展ignorant adj.无知的,粗鲁的,无理的;ignorance n. 无知,愚昧,不知道

[典例]用ignorance ignorant ignore填空。

1,他们一直蒙在鼓里,不知道他落了难。They remained________ of his cruel fate.

2..对于他的孤陋寡闻,我着实吃了一惊。I was surprised at his ________.


________the child if he misbehaves, and he will soon stop.

KEY:ignorant ignorance Ignore

4.calm v. 使平静;使镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的

Jim tried to calm the frightened children .

You should keep calm even in the face of danger.

拓展:calm down 使平静下来,安静下来

When she heard the news, she was so excited that nothing could calm her down.

The crying children soon calmed down.

Calm down, sir. What is the trouble?

5. concern v.担忧; 涉及; 关系到n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系

[典例] 1). The news concerns your brother. 这消息与你兄弟有关。

2). The boy's poor health concerned his parents. 那男孩健康状况不佳,使他的父母亲忧虑。

3). That's no concern of mine. 那不关我的事。

[重点用法] as / so far as … be concerned 关于;至于;就……而言

As far as English is concerned, he is the first in the class.就英语而言,他是全班第一的。be concerned about/for 关心be concerned with与…有关

We are all concerned about/for her safety

.This text is concerned with basketball stars.

[练习] 用concern的适当形式填空

1). There is an article that _______ the rise of the prices.

2). The children are rather _____ about their mother’s health.

3). Officials should ______ themselves _______ public affairs.

答案: 1). concerns 2). concerned 3). concern … with

6. loose adj. 松开的;松的

He went to the dentist because he had a loose tooth.

Check that the button has not come loose.

loose构成的短语:come/get loose 松开,松动

break loose 挣脱let…loose 松开,放开,使自由

[典例]1.She usually wears hear_______(松散的)。

2. Who has______ _____ ______ ______ (放开了狗)?

KEY:loose let the dog loose

7.series n.连续;系列

He has a series of football posters.

a series of…一系列的…,一连串的…,一套…

【注意】a series of+复数名词做主语的时候,谓语动词需要用单数形式。

8.outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外

The rain prevented them from eating outdoors.


The outdoors 户外野外。outdoor 做形容词意为ie:户外的,室外的

I am not really the outdoor type.

9. dusk n. 黄昏;傍晚

You must return to your house before dusk.

at dusk 在黄昏,在傍晚The street lights go on at dusk.

10. entirely adv. 完全的,全然的,整个的

I entirely agree with you.

拓展:entire adj.整个的,完全的She wasted the entire day on it.

[练习] 用entire和entirely填空

1.That is an_______ different matter.

2.The________ village was destroyed.

11. dusty adj. 积满灰尘的

The room was dusty.

In summer the town becomes very dusty.

拓展:dust n. 灰尘 A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off.

12. settle vt. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居,安家;解决

[典例] 1). He settled his child in a corner of the city 他把孩子安顿在城市的一个角落里。

2). The family has settled in Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。

[重点用法] settle down 镇定下来settle in 在…定居

[练习] 中译英

1). 题目这么难,谁能解决?

答案: 1). Since it is so difficult, who can settle this problem?

13. suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历

[典例] 1). Do you suffer from headaches? 你常头痛吗? 2). She's suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。[重点用法] suffer from/with/for sth 感到疼痛﹑不适﹑悲伤等; 受苦; 吃苦头:

[练习] 中译英



答案: 1). We suffered much money in that accident..

2). He suffers terribly with his feet.

14. disagree vt. 不同意

[典例] 1). Even friends sometimes disagree with each other. 即便是朋友也有时意见不一。

2). We disagreed on future plans. 我们对未来的计划产生了分歧。

[重点用法] disagree with sb/what sb says/sb's decision 不同意某人的观点[某人的话/某人的决定]

[练习] 中译英

1). 中国的报道与日本的不符。

2). 他不同意让我早些回家。

Key: 1). The reports from China disagree with those from Japan.

2). He disagreed to let me go home early.


1. add up 加起来

[典例] 1). Add up your scores and see how many points you can get.把你的得分加起来,看看你能得几分。

2). Tom, what do ten, twenty and five add up to?汤姆,10,20和5加起来是多少?

[短语归纳] add (…) to …. (把什么)加入…中add up to …加起来是

[练习] 用add的适当形式或构成的词组填空

1). Will you _____ some more students to this project?

2). Small numbers _____ a large one. 3). 50 _______ 50 equals 100.

答案: 1). add 2). add up to 3). added

2.have got to 不得不,必须

辨析:相当于have to 不得不,必须但是二者之间有一定的区别

Have got to 的否定形式是直接在have后面加not,疑问句时候把have提前。而have to 则是要借助助动词do. 当句中有频度副词出现的时候通常只用have to。Have got to很少用于过去时,而have to除了可用于过去时,还可以与情态动词,助动词连用。

3. go through 经历;经受

[典例] 1). The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。

2). I went through the students’ papers last night.

[短语归纳]go ahead前进;请说(做)吧go by走过,(时间)过去go along with向前,(与…)一起去

go in for爱好,从事go out外出;(灯,火)熄灭go over越过;复习go up爬上,(价格等)上升

go on with 继续;进行;暂时使用

[练习] 用go 构成的词组填空

1). It is wise not to ____ with this plan.

2). Prices ______ a little now. People are happy.

3). Anyway, don’t always_______ at night by yourself.

4). I am tired. I want to _____ now.

答案: 1). go on with 2). go up 3). go home 4). go to bed

3.on purpose 故意,有目的地

[典例] The boy broke Jack’s window on purpose. He wanted to frighten Jack.那男孩是故意打破杰克的窗玻璃的,他想吓一下杰克。

[短语归纳] do sth. on purpose: 故意做某事on purpose 表示故意地、有企图、有目的地


1). He didn’t do it ______. 2). What was your ____ ?

答案: 1). on purpose 2). purpose

4. get along with 与某人相处;(工作的) 进展

[典例]1). It’s very hard to get along with him 他很难相处。

2). How are you getting along with your work? 工作进展如何?

[短语归纳] get along/on well/ nicely/ badly with 与……相处得好/不好,……进展顺利/不顺get away 离开,逃离get down下来;写下,取下get back 回来;恢复;取回;重新上台

[练习] 中译英

1). 你现在和同事相处得好不好?

2). 她已重新获得从前那份工作。

答案: 1). Are you getting along well with your colleagues?

2). She's got her old job back.

5. in order to…为了……(可置于句首或句中)

[典例]1). She arrived early in order to get a good seat. 她到得很早, 图的是得个好座位。

2). I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her. 我同意她的建议是为了不让她伤心。

[短语归纳]in order that…以便……(后跟句子)so that…以便……(后跟句子)

so as to为了……(只能置于句中,不能置于句首)

[练习] 中译英



答案: 1.He left early in order to/so as to/in order that/so that he should/would/might arrive on time.

2. In order to get everything ready by 6 o'clock, she worked hard.


1. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.遛狗时,你不小心把狗松开了,


[解释]此句含有一个省略句While walking the dog,省略了主语you以及are。当时间或者条件状语从句中的主语和主句主语一致,且从句中含有be动词的时候,从句可以使用“when/while+doing/done”结构。

While working , she stopped to talk with me at times.工作时,他有时候停下来和我说话。

[注意]当时间或条件状语从句的主语是it时,也通常将it 和be 省略。

If (it is )possible, I will go to see my grandparents this week. 如果可能的话,这周末我将要去看望我的祖父母。

2. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。

[解释]本句中含有It is/was+被强调成分+that/who+其他成分的强调句型。强调句型It is/was+that…可以对句子里德主语,宾语,表语状语等进行强调,若强调的主语是人,后面的that也可以换为who/whom。

It is she who is going to speak at the school meeting.是她要在校会上发言。

It was in the street that I met my teacher last week.上周,我是在街上遇见了我的老师。



c,强调句的一般疑问形式为:Is/Was it that …that/who/whom…?

d,强调句的特殊疑问形式为:特殊疑问词+is/was…it that…?

e,判断一个句子是不是强调句的方法就是把句子中的It is/was…that/who/whom去掉,看句子结构是否完整,完整的话就是,不完整就不是。试判断:

It was at 7 am that Marry got to school.

It was 7 am. when Marry got to school.

.3. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer…但观看这些已不再是乐趣…


It is no use/good/need doing ath. 或者It is not any use/good/need doing sth。It is of little use/good/need doing sth.。It is useless doing sth 。均表示做某事没有必要。

4. Mom asked her if (whether) she was very hot with so many clothes on.妈妈问她穿那么多衣服是不是很热。[解释] with复合结构:with + 宾语+ v. –ing / v. –ed / to do / adj. / adv. / prep. phrases


1) 如果在该结构中的分词表示的动作是由前面的名词或代词发出的,构成主谓关系,该分词用现在分词形式。

2) 如果分词表示的动作与前面的名词或代词构成动宾关系(被动关系),该分词用过去分词形式。

3) 宾语补足语也可以使用介词短语,形容词或副词来充当,表示宾语所处的状态。



1.with + 宾语+ 副词,如:With Mr Li away,we have got more room.

2.with + 宾语+ 介词短语,如:The man came in , with a book in his hand.

3.with + 宾语+ 现在分词,如:With summer corning , the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.

In some part of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.

4.with + 宾语+ 过去分词,如:The thief was brought in, with his hands tied back.

With his hair cut, he looks much younger.

5.with + 宾语+ 不定式,如:With so many problem to solve, I have to work hard.

With Mr Smith to teach them English next term, they will be greatly improved in spoken English.

[练习] 中译英:1. 那房子昨晚发生火灾,结果里面的东西都烧光了。

2. 下学期史密斯先生教他们英语,他们的口语会大有提高。

3. 随着冬天的到来,天气越来越冷。

答案:1. The house caught a big fire last night , with nothing left in it.

2. With Mr Smith to teach them English next term , they will be greatly improved in spoken English.

5. I don’t set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do …我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水帐……

[解释] as引导的从句为比较状语从句,意为“像大多数人那么做”。

as 用作连词,可引导下列状语从句:

1). 引导状语从句,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语的同时性As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening.


2). 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然,即使”(从句需倒装)Cold as it is, my brother wears only a shirt. 尽管天气冷,我哥只穿了一件衬衫。

3). 引导方式状语从句,表示“以……方式”。As water is to fish, so air is to man.我们离不开空气,就像鱼儿离不开水。

Why didn’t you take the medicine as I told you to? 为什么你没有按我说的服这药?

4). 引导原因状语从句(=since; because),“由于,因为”。As you were not there, I left a message. 因为当时你不在那,所以我给你留了便条。

5) 引导比较状语从句。She is as tall as you. 她和你一样高。

[练习] 中译英 1. 随着年龄的增长我越来越对科学感兴趣。

2. 由于雨下得很大,你最好穿上雨衣。

3. 他学习很努力,但考试还是没及格。

答案:1. As l get older l get more interested in science.

2. As it is raining hard,you'd better put on your raincoat.

3. Hard as he worked,he failed in the exam.

6. It is/was the…time that………第几次……

[解释] that从句中的谓语动词一般用完成时态。1). It is the first time that he has heard this song.

[练习] 中译英1 这是他第二次来中国。


答案:1. It is the second time that he has come to China.

2. It was the first time that I had held an art exhibition.


人教版必修一各单元知识点总结Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受 get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动); take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是… 17. no longer / not …any longer 不再… 18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.) much too 太…(后接adj.) 19. not…until 直到…才 20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为… make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。


人教版_高中英语必修一unit1_知识点总结 Survey n. 纵览,视察,测量v. 审视,视察,通盘考虑,调查 1. we stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶上,眺望乡村? 2. a quick survey of the street showed that no one was about. 扫视街道, 空无一人? Add v. 增加 1. he added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些? 2. if you add 4 to 5, you get 9. 四加五等于九? 3. add up all the money i owe you. 把我应付你的钱都加在一起? Upset a. 烦乱的,不高兴 v. 颠覆,推翻,扰乱,使心烦意乱,使不舒服 1. i'm always upset when i don't get any mail. 我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱? 2. he has an upset stomach. 他胃不舒服? 3. the news quite upset him. 这消息使他心烦意乱? Ignore v. 不顾,不理,忽视 1. i said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我! 2. i can't ignore his rudeness any longer. 他粗暴无礼, 我再也不能不闻不问了? Calm n. 平稳,风平浪静 a. 平静的,冷静的 v. 平静下来,镇静 1. it was a beautiful morning, calm and serene. 那是一个宁静?明媚的早晨? 2. you should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静? 3. have a brandy it'll help to calm you (down). 来点儿白兰地--能使你静下来? Calm down vt. 平静下来(镇定下来)


高中英语人教版必修一知识点总结 Unit 1 Friendship Unit 2 English around the world Unit 3 Tracel journal Unit 4 Earthquakes Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero 第一单元 1)add vt/vi加;添加;增添 add up合计加起来,但在口语中有时用于否定句,表示“莫名其妙,不说明问题”。add up to 总计共达,所有一切都说明,总而言之。 add sth(to sth)把……加到……里去。 add to 增加,扩建。 add 表示“继续说,补充说”。 区别add和increase add意思是“加,增加”,强调添加。或者表示将数字加起来求和。 increase“增加”,表示在数量,产量,尺寸,程度等方面的增加。 2)cheat v 欺骗;作弊n 骗子;作弊者;骗人的事 cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 从某人处欺诈某物 cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺诈 3)list v 将事物列于表上;编事物的目录n 名单;目录;一览表 make a list of 造表,列……表 take…off the list 从表上去掉…… stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅 as listed above 如上所列 3)share share in 分享,分担,共用 share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物 share out 分配,分发;得到股息,升股息 share(n.)in/of 一分,部分 4)trust vi/vt 信任,信赖;依赖 trust in 相信,信任,信仰 trust to 依靠(运气等),依赖 trust that… 希望,想 5)suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受惩罚,受损伤 suffer from 受……伤害;患……病痛 注意:suffer 和suffer from 都不能用于被动语态 6)calm vt/vi/adj. 使平静;使镇定。平静的,镇静的,沉着的。 calm down 平静下来,镇定下来 quite指人对外界事物感触的安静。对人时,侧重不激动,平静温和,不发表意见。still指完全没有声音或者没有动静,突然静止不动。 silent主要指人不爱说话,沉默不语。 7)concern


高三英语必修五Unit3重要知识点总结(词汇部分人教版) 1.impression n.印痕;印记;印象;感想 常用结构: haveanimpressionofsth./doingsth.对某事有印象 makeanimpressiononsb.给某人留下印象 makenoimpressionon对……无影响/效果 givesb.afavorableimpression给某人留下好印象 animpressionofone’sfoot某人的脚印 yourperformancegavemeastrongimpression. 你的表演给我留下了很深的印象。 whatIsaidmadenoimpressiononhim. 我的话对他不起作用。 联想拓展 impressv.留下印象 impresssth.on/uponone’smind把……牢记在心上 https://www.360docs.net/doc/cd8393499.html,ck v.&n.缺乏;缺少的东西 注意:lack作名词时,后常接of。lack作动词时,既可作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,作不及物动词时,后常接for或in。lack不用于被动语态。

常用结构: lacksth. 缺少某物 lackforsth. 缺少;需要 for/throughlackof... 因缺乏…… nolackof... 不缺乏 a/thelackof... ……的缺乏 Hedidn’tgotherebecausehelackedcourage. 他没去那里,因为他缺乏勇气。Theplantdiedforlackofwater.植物因缺水而死。Theylackedfornothing.他们无所需求。 联想拓展 lackingadj.匮乏的;不足的;没有的 belackingin缺乏Sheseemstobelackingincommonsense. 她似乎缺乏常识。 3.sight n.视力;视觉;看见;光景,奇观;名胜


必修一英语知识点总结 Unit 1 1.add up 合计 add up to 加起来是… add to 增加,促进 add…to…把…加到…上 add that 补充说 2.upset ①adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的②vt.使不安;使心烦 作为动词时,过去式、过去分词皆为upset,现在分词为upsetting 3.ignore vt 不理睬,忽视 1)ignorance n.无知 be in ignorance of 对…无知 out of ignorance 出于无知 2)ignorant adj. 无知的 be ignorant of 对…不了解 4. concern ① vt. 使担忧;涉及② n. 担心;关注/系 the concerned people 担忧的人 the people concerned 牵连到的人们 1) be concerned about/for 关心 2) be concerned with/in 牵涉到 3)as/so far as…be concerned 关于;至于;就…而言 5.set down 记下;放下;登记 1)set about doing 着手做某事2)set of 动身;出发;引爆3) set up 竖起;开设 4)set/put forward 提出;促进5)set out to do 出发;着手做6)set…aside 搁置 7)set down to doing 着手做 6.on purpose 故意;=by design for the purpose of 目的是 =with the purpose of 反义词:by accident/chance 7. in order to In order to 为了(位于句首/句中 so as to 只位于句中 in order that 位于句首或居中 so that 引导结果状语从句,需加情态动词may, might, could, can 等 8. power n.能力,力量,权力 1) be in power 执政;掌权=come to power = take power 2)have the power to do 有…的能力3)beyond/out of one’s power v某人力所不能及的 power 指职权/权力或做某事所依靠的能力 energy指人的精力,自然界能量 strength 指力量,力气 force 指自然界力量,暴力,军队力量,压制力 9.settle vt.使定居 vi.定居 settle down 安定;习惯于某种生活;认真做某事 settle down to doing sth.=get down to sth 着手认真做某事 settle in/into 安顿下来,适应…… settlement n. 解决;定居 settler n.殖民者 10.recover recover from 从……中恢复过来 recover sth. 获得某物 recover oneself镇定下来


人教版高中英语必修一知识点总结 人教版必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受 get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动); take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心

14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是… 17. no longer / not …any longer 不再… 18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.) much too 太…(后接adj.) 19. not…until 直到…才 20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为… make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话。间接引语在多数情况下可构成宾语从句且 不要加引号。 例: Mr. Black said, “ I’m busy.” Mr. Black said that he was busy. 变化规则


高中英语必修五第二单元知识点整理 高中英语必修五第二单元知识点整理 Unit 2: 1 nsist f =be ade up f 由……组成(没有进行时) eg The U nsists f Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland =Great Britain and Nrthern Ireland ae up the U2 区别: &slash; separate fr (把联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离出) &slash; divideint 把…分开(把整体分为若干部分) eg The teaher divided the lass int t grups The Taian Strait separates Taian fr Fuian3 debate abut sth eg The debate abut the prpsal fr three dasdebate /argue/ quarrel4 larif: vt/vi (ause sth t )bee lear r easier t understand 澄清;阐明;清楚;明了eg I hpe hat I sa ill larif the situatin an u larif the questin? be lined t = be nneted t /be ined t 连接 【习惯用语】★lin A t B 将A和B连接起6 refer t 1)提及,指的是…… eg hen he said “se students”, d u thin he as referring t us?2) 参考;查阅;询问 eg If u dn’t understand a rd u a refer t ur ditinaries Please refer t the last page f the b fr ansers3) 关系到;关乎 eg hat I have t sa refers t all f u


高中必修一到必修五主要语法点 必修一:直接引语和间接引语(宾语从句);现在进行时表将来;定语从句 必修二:定语从句(非限定定从、定从中的介词前提);被动语态(一般将来时、现在完成时及现在进行时的被动语态) 必修三:情态动词;名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句及同位语从句) 必修四:主谓一致;非谓语动词(V-ing) ;构词法 必修 2 第一单元,非限制性定语从句的第二单元一般将来时的主被动第三单元现在完成时的主被动第四单元 现在进行时的主被动第五单元介词+which/whom的用法 必修 3 一二单元情态动词的用法三单元宾语从句和表语从句四单元主语从句 五单元同位语从句 必修4 第一单元主谓一致第二单v-ing作主语和宾语的用法第三单元v-ing作表语,定语和宾语补足语第四单 元v-ing作状语第五单元构词法 必修5 第一单元过去分词作定语和表语第二单元过去分词作宾语补足语第三单元过去分词作状语第四单元 倒装句第五单元省略句 必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4 on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…


高中重点知识考点总结 一.重点词汇 1.consist(可能考查方式:结合时态或consist of ) 2.consistent (可能考查方式:用consist的正确形式填空) 3.convenience(可能考查方式:用convenient的正确形式填空) 4.collection(可能考查方式:用collect的正确形式填空) 5.enjoyable(可能考查方式:用enjoy的正确形式填空) 6.description(可能考查方式:用describe的正确形式填空) 7.possibility(可能考查方式:用possible的正确形式填空) 【巩固练习】 The atmosphere ______________(consist) more than 70% of nitrogen. His action is always ______________(consist) with his words. On-line shopping is a ______________(convenient) for buyers who are too busy to shop. His ______________(collect) of ancient pottery is turning one hundred pieces. It was much more ______________(enjoy) than I had expected. The book gave a detailed ______________(describe) of the war. Is there any ______________(possible) that you'll be back by the weekend? 二.重点短语 1.consist of(注意时态,区分make up / be made up of ) 2.divide …into(注意时态、被动语态) 3.break away (from) (注意时态,要求学生熟练掌握break的过去式、过去分词) 4.to one’s credit(注意one’s 所对应的形容词性物主代词) 5.leave out(注意时态、被动语态,要求学生熟练掌握leave的过去式、过去分词) 6.take the place of(注意时态、被动语态,要求学生熟练掌握take的过去式、过去分词) 7.break down(注意时态,要求学生熟练掌握break的过去式、过去分词) 【巩固练习】 The UK _____________(consist) four parts: Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland. England can be ______________(divide) three main areas. Do you what they are? However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _____________(分离) to form it own government. _________________(值得赞扬的是) the four countries do work together in some areas. The question mark can’t be ______________(省略) in the sentence. Our car _____________(出故障) on our way to school yesterday. It would be difficult to find a man to _______________________(取代) the secretary. Electric trains _______________________(取代) steam trains in England several decades ago. 三.语法: 过去分词作宾补:get/have/find + 宾语+ 过去分词 例句:I will have the dictionary delivered to your house.


人教版必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4. on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来11. suffer from 遭受12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽15. be good at/do well in 擅长于…16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…17. no longer / not …any longer 不再…18. too much 太多(后接不可数n.)much too 太…(后接adj.)19. not…until 直到…才20. it’s no pleasure doing sth 做…并不开心 21. make sb. sth. 使某人成为…make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 二、语法----直接引语和间接引语 概念:直接引语:直接引述别人的原话。一般前后要加引号。 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话。间接引语在多数情况下可构成宾语从句且不要加引号。 例:Mr. Black said, “ I’m busy.” Mr. Black said that he was busy. 变化规则 (一)陈述句的变化规则 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that(可省略)引导,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语都要发生相应的变化。 人称的变化——人称的变化主要是要理解句子的意思 例:1. He said, “ I like it very much.”→He said that he liked it very much. 2. He said to me, “I’v left my book in your room.” →He told me that he had left his book in my room. 时态的变化


第一单元 1)add vt/vi加;添加;增添add up合计加起来,但在口语中有时用于否定句,表示“莫名其妙,不说明问题”。add up to 总计共达,所有一切都说明,总而言之。add to 增加,扩建。 add sth(to sth)把……加到……里去。add 表示“继续说,补充说”。 区别add和increase add意思是“加,增加”,强调添加。或者表示将数字加起来求和。 increase“增加”,表示在数量,产量,尺寸,程度等方面的增加。 2)cheat v 欺骗;作弊n 骗子;作弊者;骗人的事 cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 从某人处欺诈某物cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺诈 3)list v 将事物列于表上;编事物的目录n 名单;目录;一览表 make a list of 造表,列……表take…off the list 从表上去掉…… stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅as listed above 如上所列 3)share share in 分享,分担,共用share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物 share out 分配,分发;得到股息,升股息share(n.)in/of 一分,部分 4)trust vi/vt 信任,信赖;依赖 trust in 相信,信任,信仰trust to 依靠(运气等),依赖trust that…希望,想 5)suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受惩罚,受损伤 suffer from 受……伤害;患……病痛 注意:suffer 和suffer from 都不能用于被动语态 6)calm vt/vi/adj. 使平静;使镇定。平静的,镇静的,沉着的。 calm down 平静下来,镇定下来silent主要指人不爱说话,沉默不语。 quite指人对外界事物感触的安静。对人时,侧重不激动,平静温和,不发表意见。 still指完全没有声音或者没有动静,突然静止不动。 7)concern be concerned about 担心,关心as/so far as…be concerned 关于,至于,就某人而言 have no concern for 毫不关心concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙于,从事;关心,关切 have a concern in 和……有厉害关系be concerned in/with 参与,与……有关 8)separate v/adj 分开,和……分手;单独的,分开的,不同的separate…from 使……和……分离9)reason without reason 不合理 lose one’s reason 失去理智,发狂by reason of 由于bring sb to reason 说服某人理智些within reason 合理listen to reason 听从道理reason sb into/out of sth 以理说服某人做/不做某事10)power beyond /out of one’s power =not within one’s power力所不及的,不能胜任的 in power 当权的,握有政权的come into power掌权,得势 11)habit form / make a habit of doing=make it a habit to do sth 养成做某事的习惯out of habit 出于习惯 be in the habit of 有……的习惯fall/get into a habit of 沾染(养成)……习惯 break(off)a habit=get out a habit 戒除一种习惯form good habits 养成良好的习 12)according to为介词短语,后跟名词,代词,不能很从句,表示“根据;按照;试……而定”。according to其后引出的信息应来自别人或者别处,不能来自说话者自己。 according to其后不能跟opinion,view等名词。 according as 相当于连词,后跟从句,意为“正像,根据,按照,如果”。 13)区别join;join in;take part in;attend join 参加某个组织或者团体(党派,军队等),并且成为其中的一员。join in 参加正在进行着的活动,如游戏,讨论,辩论,谈话等。


U5(BX5) First aid Language points 1 Aid (v)帮助; 援助=help sb 帮助某人去做…. aid sb to do 在…事帮助某人aid sb in … He aided me in business. I aided her to continue her study. At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor. n /U/帮助; 援助 在某人的帮助下with the aid of ( 为了帮助… in aid of Teachers give their lessons with the aid of computers. He raised money in aid of the sick. 知识拓展: give/offer aid 援助 come to sb.'s aid 帮助某人 cut off aid (突然)终止援助 a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids 教具 《 medical aid 医疗救护 2. temporary 暂时的,临时的 temporary relief from pain短暂的解痛 temporary work/ solution临时工作/解决办法 3. fall ill fall+ adj. ill asleep awake ; sick silent His wife suddenly _______ ________ last week. She has _______ ________ for a week. fell ill been ill 4 get+过去分词表被动或状态 The computer got damaged when we were moving. My bike is getting repaired now. My glasses got broken while I was playing basketball. %


必修一英语知识点总结 Unit 1 1. add up 合计 add up to 加起来是… add to 增加,促进 add …to … 把…加到…上 add that 补充说 2. upset ①adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 ②vt.使不安;使心烦 作为动词时,过去式、过去分词皆为 upset ,现在分词为 upsetting 3.ignore vt 不理睬,忽视 1) ignorance n. 无知 be in ignorance of 对…无知 out of ignorance 出于无知 2) ignorant adj. 无知的 be ignorant of 对…不了解 4. concern ① vt. 使担忧;涉及 ② n. 担心;关注 / 系 the concerned people 担忧的人 the people concerned 牵连到的人们 1) be concerned about/for 关心 2) be concerned with/in 牵涉到 3) as/so far as …be concerned 关于; 至于; 就…而言 5. set down 记下;放下;登记 1) set about doing 着手做某事 2) set of 动身;出发;引爆 3) set up 竖起;开设 4) set/put forward 提出;促进 5) set out to do 出发;着手做 6) set … aside 搁置 着手做 =by design 目的是 =with the purpose of 反义词: by accident/chance 7. in order to In order to 为了(位于句首 /句中 so as to 只位于句中 in order that 位于句首或居中 so that 引导结果状语从句,需加情态动词 may, might, could, can 等 8. power n. 能力,力量,权力 1) be in power 执政;掌权 =come to power = take power 2) have the power to do 有…的能力 3) beyond/out of one 's power v 某人力所不能及的 power 指职权 / 权力 或做某事所依靠的能力 energy 指人的精力,自然界能量 strength 指力量,力气 force 指自然界力量,暴力,军队力量,压制力 9. settle vt. 使定居 vi. 定居 settle down 安定;习惯于某种生活;认真做某事 settle down to doing sth.=get down to sth 着手认真做某事 settle in/into 安顿下来,适应 ... settleme nt n. 解决;定居 settler n. 殖民者 10. recover recover from 从……中恢复过来 recover sth. 获得某物 recover oneself 镇定下来 11. tired 7) set down to doing 6.on purpose 故意; for the purpose of


欢迎使用,祝您学有所成。 第一单元 1)add vt/vi加;添加;增添 add up合计加起来,但在口语中有时用于否定句,表示“莫名其妙,不说明问题”。add up to 总计共达,所有一切都说明,总而言之。 add sth(to sth)把……加到……里去。 add to 增加,扩建。 add 表示“继续说,补充说”。 区别add和increase add意思是“加,增加”,强调添加。或者表示将数字加起来求和。 增加”,表示在数量,产量,尺寸,程度等方面的增加。 increase“ 2)cheat v 欺骗;作弊n 骗子;作弊者;骗人的事 cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 从某人处欺诈某物 cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺诈 3)list v 将事物列于表上;编事物的目录n 名单;目录;一览表 make a list of 造表,列……表 take…off the list 从表上去掉…… stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅 as listed above 如上所列 3)share share in 分享,分担,共用 share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物 share out 分配,分发;得到股息,升股息 share(n.)in/of 一分,部分 4)trust vi/vt 信任,信赖;依赖 trust in 相信,信任,信仰 trust to 依靠(运气等),依赖 希望,想 trust that…  5)suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受惩罚,受损伤 suffer from 受……伤害;患……病痛 注意:suffer 和suffer from 都不能用于被动语态 6)calm vt/vi/adj. 使平静;使镇定。平静的,镇静的,沉着的。 calm down 平静下来,镇定下来 quite指人对外界事物感触的安静。对人时,侧重不激动,平静温和,不发表意见。 still指完全没有声音或者没有动静,突然静止不动。 silent主要指人不爱说话,沉默不语。 7)concern be concerned about 担心,关心 关于,至于,就某人而言 as/so far as…be concerned have no concern for 毫不关心 concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙于,从事;关心,关切 have a concern in 和……有厉害关系 be concerned in/with 参与,与……有关 8)separate v/adj 分开,和……分手;单独的,分开的,不同的 separate…from 使……和……分离 9)reason lose one?s reason 失去理智,发狂 by reason of 由于 bring sb to reason 说服某人理智些


最新人教版高一英语必修一知识点总结 进入高中以后,学生的学习压力就会越来越大,特别是英语,想要提分特别难,下面是小编整理的人教版高一英语必修一知识点总结,希望大家喜欢. ☆重点句型☆ 1. What should a friend be like? 询问对方的看法 2. I think he / she should be…表示个人观点的词语 3. I enjoy reading / I m fond of singing / I like playing computer games. 等表示喜好的词语 4. Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes.“when 作并列连词的用法 5. What / Who / When / Where is it that...? 强调句的特殊疑问句结构 6. With so many people communicating in English everyday,... “with+宾语+宾补”的结构做状语 7. Can you tell me how to pronounce...? 带连接副词(或代词)的不定式做宾补的用法 ☆重点词汇☆ 1. especially v. 特别地 2. imagine v. 想像 3. alone adv. / adj. 单独,孤独的 4. interest n. 兴趣 5. everyday adj. 每天的,日常的 6. deserted adj. 抛弃的 7. hunt v. 搜寻 8. share v. 分享 9. care v. 在乎,关心 10. total n. 总数 11. majority n. 大多数 12. survive v. 生存,活下来 13. adventure n. 冒险


人教版英语必修一第一单元知识点修改贴切版 语言要点(模块) 一、短语归纳 ! 1. 做个好朋友to be a good friend 2. 做下列调查make the following survey 3. 合计总分add up the score 4. 得分get points 5. 心烦意乱地来到学校come to school upset 6. 不理睬铃声ignore the bell 7. 使你那个德国朋友平静下来calm down your German friend 8. 关心你朋友be concerned about your friend(s) 9. 松开了get loose 10. 不得不去户外遛狗have got to walk the dog outdoors 11. 帮他期末考试作弊help him cheat in the end-of-term exam 12. 列出理由make a list of reasons / list the reasons 13. 记下一连串的请求set down a series of requests 14. 根据问卷调查according to the questionnaire 15. 根据编辑的忠告according to the editor’s advice > 16. 为了分担你的困难in order to share your difficulties / troubles 17. 与老板相爱fall in love with the boss 18. 与我的同桌相处融洽get along / on well with my deskmate 19. 关心青少年be concerned about teenagers 20. 为了和老板面对面地交流in order to communicate with the boss face to face 21. 信任政府trust / believe in the government 22. 经历了太多的战争go through too many wars 23. 相邻的城镇neighboring towns 24. 相邻的国家neighboring countries 二、.词语辨析


高一英语必修一知识点归纳总结英语是高中时期比较重要的一门课程,高一时期打好英语基础尤为重要。下面就让给大家分享一些高一英语必修一知识点归纳吧,希望能对你有帮助! 高一英语必修一知识点归纳篇一 1.be good to对……友好be good for对……有益;be bad to…/be bad for… 2.add up加起来增加 add up to合计,总计 add…to把……加到…… 3.not…until/till意思是“直到…才” 4.get sth/sb done使……完成/使某人被…… 5.calm down平静下来 6.be concerned about关心,关注 7.当while,when,before,after 等引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致时,可将从句中的主语和be动词省去。 While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose. 8.cheat in the exam考试作弊 9.go through经历;度过;获准,通过 10.hide away躲藏;隐藏

11.set down写下,记下 12.I wonder if…我不知道是不是… 12.on purpose故意 13.sth happen to sb某人发生某事 sb happen to do sth某人碰巧做某事 it so happened that……正巧碰巧 14.It is the first(second…)that…(从句谓语动词用现在完成时) 15.in one’s power处于……的控制之中 16.It’s no pleasure doing…做…没有乐趣 It’s no good/use doing sth.做某事是没好处/没用的 17.She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place.it做形式宾语 18.suffer from患…病;遭受 19.so…that…/such…thay… 20.get tired of…对…感到劳累疲惫 21.have some trouble with sb/sth.在……上遇到了麻烦 22.get along with sb/sth.与某人相处 23.ask(sb)for advice.(向某人)征求建议 24.make后接复合宾语,宾语补足语须用不带to的不定式、形
