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4. Read for details T: Miss Lu divides the story into

three scenes(. 板书

1,Scene 2, Scene 3)

let ' s read three scenes one by one more carefully.

(1) Scene1 P4-11 T: The 11.

T: One day, Mouse gets great news.


T: Party? What is a party? Look at this picture, it is a party.

T: Cat is very happy and excited. He asks:

T: Who can read as Cat? T: Will they go to the party?

animals are going to the party, and he will go there, too. He asks Cat...

T: Does Cat want to go to the party?

T: He says:

go to the party. Do they go together?

T: Oh, Mouse goes to the party alone.

T: Why? Read Page 8 to 11 and find the reason.

T: Look, is Cat happy? Why? How many animals can go to the party?

Ss: 12.

T: That means if you are late, there is no seat for you. You can not go to the party. So they must get up early.(给出两幅钟表图,帮助学生理解early, late) T: We know if they want to go the party, they should get up early. Can they get up early?

T:Can Mouse get up early? T: Mouse comforts and promises:

Does Mouse wake Cat up tomorrow morning? Look at his face. What does he think?

T: Yes, you are right. However, he does not do so, he goes alone.

T: Oh, Mouse is dishonest. T: This is scene 1, would you like to act this scene out?

T:Then on the way to the party, what happened? Let come to scene2.

(2) Scene2 P12-18 Scan

and choose

T: Boys and girls, you need to learn this part by yourselves. Can you find the answer to this question quickly?

Q: Who gets the first chair?

T: How does Mouse make it? Does it Mouse runs very fast or he uses somebody else?

You can read and discuss in Learn: early/late

Ss: Cat can'gt et up early. He looks a little sad.

Ss Read: I can ' t get up early in the morning.


Ss Read: Don ' t worry.

I ' ll wake you up.

Ss: No. He thinks: If

Cat gets up late, I can go to the party and have a seat

go alone

Ss act out this part in pairs.


(2) Scene2 P12-18

Scan and choose

Ss read P13-18 quickly and find the answer: Mouse.

Ss read P13-18 again in groups and find the answer: Mouse uses somebody else.

Ss: We can ask the

groups of four. But if you meet new words, what can you do?

T: Right. You can ask the teacher and guess from the pictures or the context. Let ' s get to read.

T: Yes. Mouse uses Ox and gets the first chair. Let read this part together. Teacher leads to read P13-15. Teach: lost

T: Mouse suggests: I ' show you the way. Is this a good idea? What ' s on th mind? T: Who can guess what they think?

T: That ' s the reason why mouse gets the first chair. 总结Scene 2,并板书。

T: OK. Let ' s act out this part.

(3)Scene3 P19-21

T: Mouse and Ox get the chair at the party.How about cat? Where ' s he? What is he doing?

T: Cat wakes up. It is too late .He becomes very angry. What does Cat think? T: Because of that day, Cat and Mouse are no longer friends.

5. Listen, read and enjoy. Teacher plays the recording of the story. (Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation) teacher. We can guess...

Ss' resa d and enjoy this part.

Learn: lost

l Ss think and try to guess what they really etihr ink.

Ss guess their thoughts.

Ss retell Scene 2 together.

Ss act out.

(3)Scene 3 P19-21 Ss: He is sleeping.

Ss: catch/eat/ kill...

Oh my god! I ' m too late. Bad Mouse, I hate you! You ' ll die

5. Listen, read and enjoy.

Ss listen to and read the story together. 读演故事符合中年级学生的的读后产出,能够把学生对故事的理解表达出来。

