

Unit 5 meet the family

重点单词:neighbour, sports academy, art college, writer, husband, everybody,

重点句型:what do you do? What’s your/ her/ his job?

Are you + 职业?Is he/ she + 职业?





老师:I have a new friend, he is tall and thin, he has brown shoes……. Who is he ?(让同学根据老师的形容猜出学生的名字)

T:Nowpaul has a new neighbor, she has short bair, black dress, Who is she? (让学生阅读课文,找出正确答案:she is Claire.(先回答出来的队伍为猎豹队,得到郑凯头像,另一队为猪队,得到陈赫头像)


meet,neighbour, sports academy, nice, art college, aunt—uncle, writer, husband—wife,

everybody, welcome,





nice: 美好的, a nice name, 口语句型:nice to meei you. How nice!

Sports:体育的,运动的;(sport 的复数形式短语do sports,)

Art:名词艺术,美术,如I like art. 形容词,艺术的,art class; 职业artist.

Writer 作家,(write 写,write homework= do homework)

Welcome: you’re welcome. Welcome to our school.



Who is claire? What does Claire do?

Is she at the sports academy?

, 2.重点句型;

A, what do you do ? what does he/ she do?

I’m a/an + 职业。

复习所写职业:(doctor, nurse, policeman,postman,singer,teacher,)

B, I’m at the sports academy.

介词at 的用法(表示时间;“……点”如at nine.)

(表示地点,用于详细,小范围的地方,如at school, at the door)




A,讲解Is ….?句型提问的回答方式,yes, it is. No , it isn/t.


B,复习特殊疑问词,who whose,where,how many








what day is it today? What’s the weather like today?

What colour is…..? how many….. are there?

What do you do ?

二,speak a chant






, 2,句子接力赛(老师随意说出课文里的一句话,学生接下一句)


1复习音标/^// a: /




her , job ,housewife, policeman, postman, actor, actress, photographer,accountant


3,击掌传单词,photographer, accountant,加强练习。


六,pattern practice

1, be 动词的拍手歌,集体进行背诵。

我用am,你用are,is 用于她他它




2,现场提问学生,is he /she a teacher? 引导学生回答,并且引入句型。

A;Look at him, Is he a teacher?

B; No, he isn’t. He’s a student.ou


I YOU HE she we they

Me you him her us them


3,A; Are you a teacher?

B; No, I’m not.

A’Are you a student?

B; Yes ,I am.


5,由what do you do? 引入同义句what’s your job?,然后延伸出句型What’s his / her job?

复习形容词物主代词,my , your, his, her.然后指出图片提问学生相应的职业。

6,write the conversation.

7,Written exercises.

8,Exercise book.



青少版新概念英语1a教案详解版 UNIT 1 Meet the family! Ⅰ.教学内容 句型与结构词 My name is… Is this your/my pen Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Whose is this pen % It is / I t’s my/your pen. Ⅱ. 教学目标 1)学会用英语进行日常的打招呼; 2)学会用英语简单的自我介绍; 3)学会用英语介绍自己的家人和朋友; 4)学会用英语数1-10; 5)学会两个前元音/I/和/i:/。 Ⅲ. 教学重点 … 陈述句(Statements)

一般疑问句(Simple Question) 特殊疑问句(Wh-question) LESSON 1(1课时) Warm-up Teacher: Hello! Everyone, my name is Karen(教师英文名), Nice to meet you. & What’s your name (逐一询问学生姓名) Hello! ***(学生姓名)

Write the students ’ English names on the whiteboard. Let ’s count how many students are there in the classroom (One, two, three, four, and five…) Listening and Understanding 听力理解 1) 介绍故事 Today we meet the Jenkins family. 2) 理解情景 Please open your books and turn to page 2. Let ’s look at the pictures together. 3) 听力目标 Please close your books and listen to the tape to find the answer … 4) & 5) 播放录音或朗读对话 No stop 6) 回答问题 Ask the question again, (让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否Is he/she right or wrong) 7) 精读 Let’s listen to the tape again and read the sentence one by one.(让程度较好的学生给出解释) 8) 再次播放录音或朗读对话 No stop 9) 重复跟读 Let ’s repeat the text sentence by sentence. 10) 大声朗读 Let ’s read the text together loudly. Notes on the Text 课文注释 1) ] 2) Hello!—How do you do —Hi!—Nice to meet you! (3) My name is William Jenkins. 4) This is my family . 5) This is Karen. Karen is my wife . How do you do 6) This is Lucy. Lucy ’s my daughter . Hello! 7) This is my son, Robert. Hi!


Unit1 Meet the family!认识一下我们全家吧 句型与结构词 课文注释: 图1:Hello! —标准的非正式问候语,用于问候初次见面的人、朋友和熟人。 My name is William Jenkins. William Jenkins在英文中,名在前,姓在后。所有名字(专有名词)的首字母都要大写。 Is —(第三人称单数现在时)动词be的现在时第三人称单数形式。 图2:this —指示代词,用于指近处的人或物。 My wife —第一人称物主形容词+名词 图3:How do you do?—正式、礼貌用语。用于问候初次见面的人。用how do you do来回答。 图4:Lucy’s=Lucy is切记This is不能缩写。 图5:My son, Robert.—这个陈述句中有两个补语:My son和Robert这两个名词指的是同一个人,第二个名词说明了第一个名词的一些情况。二者是同位语。书写时,同位的名词之间要用逗号。 your—第二人物主形容词 图6:Nice to meet you!—固定短语,用于非正式的介绍,用于回答Hi! 其它:whose —疑问代词 no 与not的区别(稍微提一提,让学生以后读句子有方向性地培养语感)以下只是备注,不详讲。 not副词。用在be动词,情态动词,助动词之后。Is not/can not/do not not可位于动名词、现在分词和不定式符号to之前,构成其否定形式。 Not doing/not done/not to not可以与every,both,all等词连用,意为“并非,不都是”,表示部分否定Not every/not both/not all no用作副词 1、no置于可数名词单数前面时,相当于not a;放在可数名词复数前面或不可数名词前时,相 当于not any,意为“没有的,全无的”、“远非的、完全不是的”。 2、no用于命令或标牌中,意为“禁止的”。例如:No smoking.禁止吸烟。


新概念英语青少版1A 教案2018 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

青少版新概念英语1a教案详解版 UNIT 1 Meet the family! Ⅰ.教学内容 句型与结构词 My name is… Is this your/my pen? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. ? Whose is this pen? ? It is / I t’s my/your pen. Ⅱ. 教学目标 1)学会用英语进行日常的打招呼; 2)学会用英语简单的自我介绍; 3)学会用英语介绍自己的家人和朋友; 4)学会用英语数1-10; 5)学会两个前元音/I/和/i:/。 Ⅲ. 教学重点 陈述句(Statements) 主语动词be 补语 My(物主形容词)name(普通名词)This(单数指示代词)Karen(专有名词)is(第三人称单数,现在 时) William Jenkins.(专有名 词) my family(第一人称物 主形容词+名词) my wife(第一人称物主 形容词+名词) 一般疑问句(Simple Question) 动词be 主语补语回答 Is it my/your pen Yes, it is./No, it is not./No, it isn’t./It

特殊疑问句(Wh-question) LESSON 1(1课时) ?Warm-up Teacher: Hello! Everyone, my name is Karen(教师英文名), Nice to meet you. What’s your name (逐一询问学生姓名) Hello! ***(学生姓名) Write the students’ English names on the whiteboard. Let’s count how many students are there in the classroom (One, two, three, four, and five…) Listening and Understanding 听力理解 1)介绍故事 Today we meet the Jenkins family. 2)理解情景 Please open your books and turn to page 2. Let’s look at the pictures together. 3)听力目标 Please close your books and listen to the tape to find the answer… 4)播放录音或朗读对话 No stop 5)回答问题 Ask the question again, (让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否Is he/she right or wrong) 6) 7)

新概念英语青少版 1B 备课教案

新概念英语青少版1B Unit Topic Key words and sentences 16 On the London Eye ●There are two cars in/on/under ... ●Are there any women in front of / near / beside ...? ●There aren't any children in the park. ●There are some children in the classroom. ●How many boats are there in ...? ●I can't see any children in ... but I can see some in ... ●There are two men in the street. They are policemen. 17 Smile, please! ●Can you do Maths? Yes, I can. / No, I can't. ●Can you drive a car? Yes, I can. It's easy. / No, I can't. It's difficult. ●Can you play violin? Yes, I can. I'm good at it. / No, I can't. I'm useless at it. 18 Men can cook too! ●What's in the packet? Is it tea? No, it isn't (tea). It's coffee. ●I can't see any tea.


Unit 1 Linda comes to London Class one 一.教学目标:1.Lesson1课文理解,熟读并能回答课后问题 2.Lesson1单词熟练掌握 二.教学重难点:Lesson1课文理解,熟读并能回答课后问题 三.三会单词,短语:Arrivals, Baggage 四会单词短语:next to, exit,wait for,suitcase,come round,stand,phone,come out,sit 四.流程: Step one:greeting Good morning ,boys and girls. Step two: warming up Call numbers,lines. Step three. 课文理解 T:Today we’ll learn a new book, something about England and English.Look at these pictures,do you what it is? Yes,it’s a Ferris wheel in London,it’s called The London eye. And this is the Big Ben,Thames River,Tower Bridge,Westminster Abbey.Do you want to go to London?So you must practice your oral English!OK,Let’s begin our class. T:Who knows what the title is? Ss:Linda comes to London. T:Very good. So we know one of the actress is Linda,and look here(幻灯片9)and the other two people,Paul and Karen. So think about what’s the relationship between these three people? Ss:自由回答,老师引导 T:And where will Linda go ? Ss:She will go to London.


青少版新概念英语1a 教案详解版 UNIT 1 Meet the family! Ⅰ.教学内容 句型与结构词 ? My name is … ? Is this your/my pen? ? Yes, it is./No, it isn ’t. LESSON 1(1课时) ? Warm-up Teacher: Hello! Everyone, my name is Karen(教师英文名), Nice to meet you. What ’s your name? (逐一询问学生姓名) Hello! ***(学生姓名) Write the students ’ English names on the whiteboard. Let ’s count how many students are there in the classroom (One, two, three, four, and five…) Listening and Understanding 听力理解 1) 介绍故事 Today we meet the Jenkins family. 2) 理解情景 Please open your books and turn to page 2. Let ’s look at the pictures together.

3)听力目标Please close your books and listen to the tape to find the answer… 4)播放录音或朗读对话No stop 5)回答问题Ask the question again, (让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否Is he/she right or wrong?) 6)精读Let’s listen to the tape again and read the sentence one by one.(让程度较好的学生给出解释) 7)再次播放录音或朗读对话No stop 8)重复跟读Let’s repeat the text sentence by sentence. ease(2); is(1); mitt(1); meet(2); he(2); his(1); green(2); grin(1); will(1); wheel(2); key(2); keep(2); kin(1); teacher(2); isn’t(1); silver(1) Pattern Practice 句型练习 ?Notes on the new words and expressions 课堂口头练习(练习形式:由全班?小组?单个学生;再分小组练习) ?Written Exercises 书面练习 回家作业 Listening 听力 1)听例句 2)听录音并打勾


新概念英语青少版暑期培训教案 Unit 1 hello ! 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、能听懂、会说、认读单词hi, hello , fish,cat ,dog,ball,apple,egg. 2、能用hi, hello打招呼并且能简单地用yes ,no简单地回答问题 3、能区分a / an的区别 二、课堂练习 1、中英互译 你好()fish ( ) 鸡蛋()ball ( )Apple ( ) 猫()dog ( ) 2、用a / an 填空 ()apple ()fish ( ) cat ( ) ball( ) egg ( ) dog 三、课后作业 1、大声朗读生词并记忆 2、练习打招呼的对话以及用本单元 学过的单词与句型与搭档互换角

色相互问答 Unit 2 Yum my 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、了解一些口语及俚语:yummy, yuk , help ,stop . 2、掌握重点词汇:girl,hat ,insect ,jelly ,kite ,green, red. 二、课堂练习 1、选择题 ()jelly A a B an ( ) hat A a B an ()insect A a B an 2、圈字母组成单词 ①g j l g g i l l j g r g j g l (以g开头的单词) ②h b d h h d d a h h d d h t (以h开头的单词)

③j I e j t j j t l j t l I y (以j开头的单词) 2、读一读 ①Girl hat insect . Girl hat insect . Jelly kite . Jelly kite . Girl hat insect . ②red cat , green hat . Red cat , gren hat . 三课后作业 1、自制生词卡片,看谁的卡片做的最好 2、把自己做的卡片展示给爸爸妈妈看并且要一一读给爸爸妈妈听并解释. Unite 3 look at your red nose 一、本单元教学目标:



Unit 5 meet the family 重点单词:neighbour, sports academy, art college, writer, husband, everybody, 重点句型:what do you do What’s your/ her/ his job Are you + 职业 Is he/ she + 职业 教学用具:碟片,带有各色图标的地图,色子。 教学过程: 单课lesson9 一,引入; 老师:I have a new friend, he is tall and thin, he has brown shoes……. Who is he (让同学根据老师的形容猜出学生的名字) T:Now paul has a new neighbor, she has short bair, black dress, Who is she (让学生阅读课文,找出正确答案: she is Claire.(先回答出来的队伍为猎豹队,得到郑凯头像,另一队为猪队,得到陈赫头像) 二,生词和短语 meet,neighbour, sports academy, nice, art college, aunt—uncle, writer, husband—wife, everybody, welcome, 1,写出音标,分音节,让学生拼读,再纠正。 2,老师带着学生读单词,快速指认单词,回答总数最多的队伍,投色子两次,根据点数走地图,吃图标。 3,游戏:“单词勾勾乐”(将单词打乱写在黑板上,各队同学跑到黑板前读出单词,并且打勾,用时最短的队伍投色子,走步。)4,让同学从课文中圈出所学的单词,备注音标,然后进行讲解; nice: 美好的, a nice name, 口语句型:nice to meei you. How nice! Sports:体育的,运动的; (sport 的复数形式短语do sports,) Art:名词艺术,美术,如 I like art. 形容词,艺术的, art class; 职业 artist. Writer 作家,( write 写, write homework= do homework) Welcome: you’re welcome. Welcome to our school. 二,课文理解 1,看碟片回答问题。(一个问题一次投色子的机会) Who is claire What does Claire do Is she at the sports academy , 2.重点句型; A, what do you do what does he/ she do I’m a/an + 职业。 复习所写职业:(doctor, nurse, policeman,postman,singer,teacher,) B, I’m at the sports academy. 介词 at 的用法(表示时间;“……点”如 at nine.) (表示地点,用于详细,小范围的地方,如 at school, at the door)


新概念英语青少版2B教案详解版 Unit16 what’s your middle name 1:Teaching objectives 引导学生学习一般过去时,重点是规则变化动词的过去式,以及规则动词过去式的发音规则。句型:Did he clean his teeth after breakfast When did she clean her teeth I finished the job last month. Did you finish the job last month 2:Language focus: Middle names, impossible, all the time, unlock, discuss, talk about, plan, everywhere, key-ring, silly, silliness, for example, keep 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。要求:站到讲台上,把自己的名字写出来,通过中文名字来引出中名概念。问学生昨天干什么来引出过去式。 Warm Up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/) Saying: Hoist sail when the wind is fair. Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where were Karen’s car keys 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词:impossible, drive, silliness, 最后做详细讲解。语法重点:一般过去时,要求学生理解并记忆动词过去式。 Part3: 根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做P9的选择填空。做P6句型练习,句型为一般过去时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。然后两人对练对话,最后再做P8书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4: 语音学习,规则动词过去式的发音规则是,以辅音结尾的一般读/t/,以浊辅音结尾的一般读/d/,t 或者d结尾的一般读/id/。讲课过程中把语音学习融入到课堂中去,这部分主要做个总结。 Unit17 A cuckoo in the nest 1:Teaching objectives 继续学习规则变化动词的过去式,语音重音以及规则变化的方式副词。 句型:They counted the money. Did they count the money late last night Yes, they did. They counted the money quickly. 2:Language focus: Engineer, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, install, webcam,log on, patient, patiently, suddenly,chance, dart,hatch, excited, excitedly, easily, enormous, in a moment, show, be over 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting:首先问大家昨天做什么了,来复习十六单元,再以我的名字:燕子(swallow)来引入鸟的话题,比如喜鹊(magpie),麻雀(sparrow)鹰(eagle),问大家08奥运会在哪


Unit16 On the London E ye在伦敦眼上 句型与结构词 课文注释: 题目:On the London Eye—乘坐几乎所有的交通工具我们都on来表示。 图1:I sn’t this fun —Isn’t…. —需要用“Yes”来回答的疑问句;fun—抽象的不可数名词前面不加冠词。 图2:the River Thames —河流名称前面要加the;the River Thames —表示名称的首字母要大写泰晤士河是流经伦敦及伦敦河口汇入大海的一条河流。它会有潮汐现象,即使在伦敦市的西边(内陆)也如此;只有在涨潮的时候,船只才能进出伦敦塔桥上游的伦敦池(Pool of London)。图3:Tower Bridge —在地标性建筑的纪念物的名称前不加冠词。 I t’s open —塔桥(Tower Bridge)的桥身可以分开并抬起,大型般只可以由此驶向上游的 伦敦池。 Pass me —与give me和show me作比较一双宾语动词,其间接宾语是me,直接宾语是the binoculars。固定短语。the binoculars —只有复数形式,后接复数动词。 图4:Can you see any ships there —我们用a ship来表示非具体所指的单数名词。问句中的复数用any ships来表示。Any指不确定的数量。 I can see one — one,代词,指代“one ship”。 Westminster Bridge —在地标性建筑和纪念物的名称前不加冠词。 Some people/cars/buses — some用于肯定句中,表示不确定数量的复数名词。 图6:Big Ben —著名的塔钟,与议会大厦毗邻。它的钟声通过英国广播电台BBC传遍世界,因此成为伦敦的象征。 其它: 否定疑问句 1、定义:疑问句的否定结构称为否定疑问句。 2、构成: 完全式助动词+主语+not+…… 简略式助动词的否定缩略式+主语+……


新概念英语青少版B备 课教案 Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】


Unit16:On the London Eye 1:Teaching objectives 复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法 2:Language focus: Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。

Warm up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/) Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets the cat out of the bag today. Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge? 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词. 最后做详细讲解。 Part3: 根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做P9的选择填空。做P6 句型练习。然后两人对练对话,最后再做P8书面练习,按照句型来写句 子。 Part4: 语音学习,辅音组/fsaying: She is an early bird, she often gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(What’s the meaning of ‘early bird’? Part2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。 Part3: 根据课文问P13问题,要求学生回答,做P17选择填空。然后做P14句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做p16书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4:


Unit 12 I’m a doctor ●语音: 掌握字母组合sh在单词中的常见发音 ●重点词汇: dancer doctor nurse policeman policewoman postman teacher 新课标词汇: doctor teacher nurse police dance 第一次课 ●教学过程 Period1 Step1 Greeting and warm up (3min) Step2 Review (5min) Step3 Lead in and pretention and practice (25min) dance: 字母d, an, ce的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。dance是跳舞,加上r 就是跳舞的人,通过这样帮助学生记忆dancer。 doctor: 字母d, o, c, t以及or的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。 nurse: 字母n, ur, se的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。 police: 字母p, l, i, ce的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。 teacher: 字母t, ea, ch, er的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。 Step4 review(5min) 设计不同的游戏操练单词 a.Big bomb b.Get the chair Step5 课文重点(15min) 1.listen to the CD 2.Repeat sentence by sentence 3.分析课文重点内容 a.I' m a policewoman. You're a nurse. He's a teacher. It's a dancer. 肯定/否定陈述句:表达某人的职业。 给学生一些图片,让学生运用这个句型进行职业描述。将学生分组进行职业扮演,让他们介绍自己和他人的职业。 e.g She is a nurse. He is a doctor. I am not a postman.


Unit 13 This is his rabbit ●语音: 掌握字母组合ch在单词中的基本发音 ●重点词汇: frog mouse parrot rabbit tortoise ●新课标词汇: frog mouse rabbit 语法点 形容词性物主代词my,his,her,its 一周二次第一次课 ●教学过程 Period1 Step1 Greeting and warm up (5min) Step2 Review (10min) Step3 Lead in and pretention and practice (20min) frog: 字母fr, og的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。 mouse: 字母m, ou, se的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写。 rabbit: 字母r, a, bb以及it的基本发音,大小写书写,以及单词的发音和书写,记忆时强调double b。 建议:引出方式有(选一):声音效果,不同动物的叫声(可与本单元Lesson1的狗叫声联系)。联想,展示动物身体某一个部位,如嘴巴,让学生猜出动物。(可与本单元的对话联系起来) 通过自然拼音教授和操练单词,操练时可以让学生边做动作边输出单词。 Step4 review (5min) 设计游戏操练单词 Period 2 Step1 warm up(3min) Step2 Review (7min) Step3 (30min) 课文重点: This is his rabbit. 通过学生随身带的学习用具来引出:This is my... / This is his ... / This is her ...,并让学生运用这个句型介绍同伴的文具,已达到操练该句型的作用。 ●重点语法: 形容词性物主代词:my, his, her, its,复习your 正确的运用这些代词。 可以给出填空或选择题,进行专项训练。


新概念英语青少版暑期培训教案 1 ! 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、能听懂、会说、认读单词, ,. 2、能用, 打招呼并且能简单地用简单地回答问题 3、能区分a / 的区别 二、课堂练习 1、中英互译 你好( ) ( ) 鸡蛋()() ( ) 猫( ) ( ) 2、用a /填空 ( ) ()() ()( ) ( ) 三、课后作业 1、大声朗读生词并记忆 2、练习打招呼的对话以及用本单元 学过的单词与句型与搭档互换角

色相互问答 2 一、本单元应掌握的知识 1、了解一些口语及俚语:,,. 2、掌握重点词汇:,, . 二、课堂练习 1、选择题 () A a B ()AaB () A a B 2、圈字母组成单词 ①g j l g g i l l j g rg jg l (以g开头的单词) ②hb d hh d dahh d d h t (以h开头

的单词) ③j I e j t jj t l j t l I y (以j开头的单词)2、读一读 ①. . . . . ②,. ,. 三课后作业 1、自制生词卡片,看谁的卡片做的最好 2、把自己做的卡片展示给爸爸妈妈看并且要一一读给爸爸妈妈听并解释. 3 一、本单元教学目标:

二、课堂练习 读一读 . !! ! . !! !! !! 三、课后作业 画一幅人的画部画并用英文标出各个器官的名称 4 , ! 一、本单元教学目标:

二课堂练习 1: 把班级分成两个小组进行单词比赛 2请代表朗读歌谣 ①

② . . 三课后作业 1、读生词 2、用本单元学过的句型与搭档对话 5 !! 一、本单元教学目标:



新概念英语青少版 1B

Unit16:On the London Eye 1:Teaching objectives 复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法 2:Language focus: Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship 3:Teaching procedure Part 1: Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。 Warm up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/) Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets the cat out of the bag today. Part 2: 讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词. 最后做详细讲解。 Part3: 根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做P9的选择填空。做P6句型练习。然后两人对练对话,最后再做P8书面练习,按照句型来写句子。 Part4:


Unit 5 meet the family 重点单词:neighbour, sports academy, art college, writer, husband, everybody, 重点句型:what do you do? What’s your/ her/ his job? Are you + 职业?Is he/ she + 职业? 教学用具:碟片,带有各色图标的地图,色子。 教学过程: 单课lesson9 一,引入; 老师:I have a new friend, he is tall and thin, he has brown shoes……. Who is he ?(让同学根据老师的形容猜出学生的名字) T:Nowpaul has a new neighbor, she has short bair, black dress, Who is she? (让学生阅读课文,找出正确答案:she is Claire.(先回答出来的队伍为猎豹队,得到郑凯头像,另一队为猪队,得到陈赫头像) 二,生词和短语 meet,neighbour, sports academy, nice, art college, aunt—uncle, writer, husband—wife, everybody, welcome, 1,写出音标,分音节,让学生拼读,再纠正。 2,老师带着学生读单词,快速指认单词,回答总数最多的队伍,投色子两次,根据点数走地图,吃图标。 3,游戏:“单词勾勾乐”(将单词打乱写在黑板上,各队同学跑到黑板前读出单词,并且打勾,用时最短的队伍投色子,走步。) 4,让同学从课文中圈出所学的单词,备注音标,然后进行讲解; nice: 美好的, a nice name, 口语句型:nice to meei you. How nice! Sports:体育的,运动的;(sport 的复数形式短语do sports,) Art:名词艺术,美术,如I like art. 形容词,艺术的,art class; 职业artist. Writer 作家,(write 写,write homework= do homework) Welcome: you’re welcome. Welcome to our school. 二,课文理解 1,看碟片回答问题。(一个问题一次投色子的机会) Who is claire? What does Claire do? Is she at the sports academy? , 2.重点句型; A, what do you do ? what does he/ she do? I’m a/an + 职业。 复习所写职业:(doctor, nurse, policeman,postman,singer,teacher,) B, I’m at the sports academy. 介词at 的用法(表示时间;“……点”如at nine.) (表示地点,用于详细,小范围的地方,如at school, at the door) 3.看碟片,模仿发音。然后分组分图片,进行课堂对话。 4.游戏“一只蛤蟆”被抓的队伍读课文,没被抓的投色子。 三,对话练习 A,讲解Is ….?句型提问的回答方式,yes, it is. No , it isn/t. 现场抽同学回答问题


青少版新概念英语Ia教案详解版 UNlT 1 Meet the family! I .教学内容 句型与结构词 My name is … IS this your/my pen? Yes, it is./No, it isn '. Whose is this pen? It is / ItS my/your pen. ∏.教学目标 1)学会用英语进行日常的打招呼; 2)学会用英语简单的自我介绍; 3)学会用英语介绍自己的家人和朋友; 4)学会用英语数1-10; 5)学会两个前元音/I/和/i:/。 川.教学重点

LESSoN 1 (1 课时) Warm-UP Teacher: Hello! EVeryone, my name is Karen( 教师英文名 ),NiCe to meet you. What 'your name?(逐一询问学生姓名) Hello! ***(学生姓名) Write the StUdents 'English names On the whiteboard. Let 'count how many StUdents are there in the CIaSSroom (One, two, three, four, and five )?? LiStening and UnderStanding 听力理解 1) 介绍故事 Today We meet the JenkinS family. 2) 理解情景 PIeaSe OPe n your books and turn to Page 2. Let 'look at the PiCtUreS together. 3) 听力目标 PIeaSe CloSe your books and IiSten to the tape to find the anSWer … 4) 播放录音或朗读对话 No stop 5)回答问题 ASk the question again,(让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否 IS he/she right or Wron g?) 6) 精读 Let ' IiSten to the tape again and read the SentenCeone by One.让程度较好的学生给出解释 ) 7) 再次播放录音或朗读对话 No StoP 8) 重复跟读 Let's repeat the text SentenCe by sentence. 9) 大声朗读 Let's read the text together loudly. NUmberS 数字 One, two three, four, five, six, SeVen, eight, nine, ten. RhymeS and Songs 歌谣 1) 让学生看歌词; 2) 教师读两遍; 3) 全班集体重复每一句歌词; 4) 简单释义; 5) 分组学唱歌谣。 1 One, two, this is my shoe One, two, this is my shoe. Three, four, that is the door. Five, six, PiCk UP StiCks. Seven, eight, ope n the gate. Nine, ten, Say this aga in. 穿插简单指 令:oPe n, Close, look at, listen to, rePeat, read Notes on the TeXt 课文注释 1) Hello! — How do you do? — Hi! — NiCe to meet you!(注意语调是升调 ) 2) My name is William Jenkin s. 3) ThiS is my family . 4) 5) 6) 7) ThiS ThiS ThiS is Karen. Karen is my Wife . How do you do? is LuCy. LuCy's my daughter. Hello! is my son, Robert. Hi! And this is Paul. Paul's my nephew. Hello! NjCe to meet you. GUided COnVerSatiOn 对话练习 练习形式:由全班 小组 单个学生;再分小组练习 FamiIy JF William JenkinS ■ Kare n husband Wife LUCy daughter Son nephew 大 写(UPPer-CaSe )禾口 小 写 (Iower-Case ).句首、人名、 地名包括星期、月份在内 的专有名词,以及标题、 题目的首字母也要大 Paul ROber t
