

题目 A Literature Review about Feminism in “Jane Eyre”









I. Introduction

Jane Eyre is one of the most complex novels of the mid- nineteenth century, offering more than progressive political content and trenchant social observation. Since it was published, there are hundreds and thousands of experts devote their life time to study it. The Victorian Age was men-centered and men-controlled times. Women were discriminated against by men at that time. However, the ahead-of-age female consciousness of Jane Eyre, the main character of Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte, challenged men's authority. In this novel of the Victorian Age, Charlotte exposed and denounced men's oppression of and discrimination against women. On the other hand, Charlotte is remarkable in portraying Jane Eyre as a self-respecting and rebellious girl, desiring equality, bravely showing her love and deciding on her own marriage. Through the portrayal, Charlotte sets a new rote model for women of Victorian times as well as modern age.There are some literature reviews about it.

Keywords: feminism female consciousness self-respect equality

II. Domestic studies

A.The background of Charlotte Bronte

Bronte was born in a poor family, whose mother died when Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and their brother Barnwell were children. Because of the poor condition, Bronte and her sisters had to spend a period time in a charity school. However, the conditions of that school were very bad, which led to the death of her two sisters.

After that cruel period, Bronte went back home which was in a remote mountain areas. Therefore, the only thing Bronte could do was read and writing. However, order to make a living, Bronte had to work. She worked as a governess, which made her feel humiliated and lonely. Nevertheless, the devoted sisters found support and companionship in one another; at night, they read their novels and their poems to one another. Their society did not encourage women to fulfill their talents. The twenty- year old Charlotte wrote to Robert Southey, the poet laureate, for his opinion about writing. His response showed the barriers facing women writers: "Literature cannot be the business of a woman's life, and it ought not to be.

The more she is engaged in her proper duties, the less leisure will she have for it, even as an accomplishment and a recreation." That was why she used her penname Currer Bell.

B.The background of Jane Eyre.

This novel presents a number of conflicts and struggles within Jane and

between Jane and other characters, conflicts which must be resolved for her to achieve self- fulfillment and happiness: Reason and common sense range against feeling and imagination. Jane must learn to subordinate her passions to her reason. She must also learn to control imagination, which may take the form of superstition, as when she is locked in the Red Room. When she is a child, her passions erupt unchecked, with both positive and negative results. Jane's need for love is so great that, according to Charles Burkhart, "Love is a religion in Jane Eyre." A closer scrutiny of Jane's romantic relationships raises the question of whether they are really power struggles for control and, perhaps, show some sado-masochistic tendencies. She must also learn to adapt her desire for experience and independence to her dependent position. An orphan, she suffers the humiliations of being dependent on the charity of wealthy relatives. Though as an adult she supports herself as a teacher and a governess, she insists on her status as a lady and struggles with feelings of inferiority. She alternates between submission and rebellion, between passivity and self- assertion, between restraint and freedom. Jane's quest for self- fulfillment is tied to her spiritual growth. When divine love and human love prove incompatible, Jane is forced to choose between them.

C.The comparison between Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte are strikingly similar in many ways, and the characters Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte are almost mirrors of each other. (Li, 2009: 485) Many researchers point out that Jane Eyre is another Charlotte Bronte. They both have the unfortunate childhood. Jane Eyre started her life with no parents, no money, inferior position and terrible family environment. (Li, 2008: 105) While, Charlotte Bronte was also short of her mother’s love and lived in a bad family environment. In order to make a living, Jane Eyre worked as a governess as well as Charlotte Bronte. Because Jane was an orphan who had no family to call her own, and lived with an aunt and cousins who despised and disliked her; she was left penniless by the death of her parents, and was reminded daily by her housemates that she was inferior to them because of her circumstance; Charlotte Bronte grew up in a more loving home with three adoring sisters and a father; however, she also felt the absence of a parent because her mother was away and Charlotte Bronte was also poor, her father having lost all his money in an attempt to help a needy friend, in this way, both Jane and Charlotte Bronte are alike - they both long for the life they had before they were poor, although Jane longs more for the richness of a family while Charlotte Bronte and her sisters desire the material wealth and the return of their father. However, in both cases, the girls' longing for these "riches" influence their whole young adulthood - - Jane clearly shows this the best when she refuses to become Mr. Rochester's mistress later in life, because of

her continuous search for a stable family life. Besides the similarities in family situation, Jane and Bronte are also similar in their characteristics. They are both mature for their ages, spending a great deal of time reading and thinking. From the beginning of the story, we can see that Jane spend much of her time reading books left by his uncle, while during Bronte’s life, she is also fond of reading and thinking. They are both passionate and willful, although Jane shows her spirit more through occasional outbursts when provoked, while Charlotte Bronte is constantly losing her temper and making inappropriate comments. Both are also plain children, Jane having no features to make her beautiful, and no features to make her unattractive, as well. Charlotte Bronte is a tomboy, and therefore rejects the "appropriate" dress and actions for a girl of her age, hiding her beauty because it is "unmanly." Though all these researches, we can see that Jane Eyre is a shadow of Charlotte Bronte. Unlike her sisters, Charlotte rejected the convention of the beautiful heroine. While writing Jane Eyre, she told them, "I will show you a heroine as plain and as small as myself." She succeeded in her goal and established a trend of ordinary- looking or unattractive heroines. Jane Eyre - The protagonist and narrator of the novel, is an intelligent, honest, plain- featured young girl forced to contend with oppression, inequality, and hardship. Although she meets with a series of individuals who threaten her autonomy, Jane repeatedly succeeds at asserting herself and maintains her principles of justice, human dignity, and morality. She also values intellectual and emotional fulfillment. Her strong belief in gender and social equality challenges the Victorian prejudices against women and the poor. Charlotte Bronte’s own experiences were reflected in the novel. Jane Eyre is the mirror of Charlotte Bronte.

II. Feminism in Jane Eyre

A.The background of Feminism

Feminism is a collection of social theories, political movements, and moral philosophies largely motivated by or concerned with the liberation of women. In simple terms, feminism is the belief in social, political and economic equality of the sexes, and a movement organized around the belief that gender should not be the pre-determinant factor shaping a person’s social identity or socio-political or economic rights. A large portion of feminists are especially concerned with what they perceive to be the social, political and economic inequality between the sexes which favors the male gender; some have argued that gendered and sexed identities, such as “man” and “woman”, are socially constructed. Feminists disagree over the sources of inequality, how to attain equality, and the extent to which gender and gender -based identities should be questioned and critiqued.

B. Feminism in Jane Eyre

This book is written in the first person and contains some authentic autobiographical experiences. Jane Eyre is the leading role in this book, and she is the symbol of new female who have the courage to pursue the ideal and dare revolt. The author wants to portray the special character of the leading role – Jane through their love story. This contrasts with the situation of women’s low status in Victoria n age, and shows the idea that women want freedom and independence. In this book, author leads us to see Jane’s opinion about marriage and Jane’s attitude towards equality between man and women. (Shi, 2009:73) Jane fights against those who believe women to be inferior to men. She thinks women and men are equal. In chapter12 Jane said “women are supposed to be very calm generally, but women feel just are men feel they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do, they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the plan and embroidering bags. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more that custom has pronounced necessary for their sex!”(Charlotte Bronte, 1996: 53) Though the love story between Jane and Mr. Rochester, we can see that Jane wants the equal marriage. Jane was very sober when she towards love, she was self-confident and stubborn, she did not put herself in a non-result and passive status, and the most important is, Jane put the personality and self -respect first, she thought they are more important than love. In Charter23 Jane said “Do you think I can stay become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread, snatched from my cup? Do you think because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you; I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh is my spirit that addresses your spirit, just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal as we are!” (Charlotte Bronte, 1996: 159) Jane lived in that time, which men were the authority in a family. But the behave that Jane’s offer of marriage to Mr. Rochester showed Jane’s pursuit to happiness and reflected Jane’s expression towards equality of men and women.From the above we can see Jane is a good model for women in all aspects of her self -esteem, self -confidence, respect, independence, her views on love, her courage, her spirit and ideas. We can also see a new women’s contemporary image from Jane: self-esteem, self-respect, self-reliance, self-improvement, and for its own personality, emotional, life, judgment and choice of the firm ideals and persistent pursuit. Jane is a symbol of feminism as well as a hero among women species.

IV. Comments and Limitation

“Jane Eyre”is the master piece of Charlotte Bronte. She portrays Jane’s story in the angle of herself. In the story, it includes many reflections of Charlotte’s own experience, including her childhood memory, her working, her characteristics even her attitude towards life and marriage. Jane is brave enough to fight against with the man’s world as well as Charlotte. Because Charlotte spent much of her energy portraying Jane, it is a pity that there aren’t many studies on Mr. Rochester who another main character in this book. The Victorian Age was men-centered and men-controlled times. Women were discriminated against by men at that time.However, the ahead-of-age female consciousness of Jane Eyre, the main character of Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte, challenged men’s authority. In this novel of the Victorian Age, Charlotte exposed and denounced men’s oppression of and discrimination against women. On the other hand, Charlotte is remarkable in portraying Jane Eyre as a self-respecting and rebellious girl, desiring equality, bravely showing her love and deciding on her own marriage.

v.Works Cited

Li Xiaoyan. Jane Eyre, a Plain but Spectacular semi-autobiographic Portrait of Charlotte Bronte [J] 人文社科2008 105-106

Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre[M]. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 1996

Li Meiju.Jane Eyre —the mirror of Charlotte Bronte’s own experiences [J]. 人文科技2009 485-486

Shi Beibei.An Analysis of Fem inism in Jane Eyre[J] 青年文学家2009-21 72-75

Charlotte Bronte.Jane Eyre[M].Yili People's Press.

LiuLi.Western woment's study--origin connotation and development[M].Social and cultural circles press.


外国文学名著鉴赏期末论文院—系:数学学院 科目:外国文学名著鉴赏(期末论文)班级: 08级数学与应用数学A班 姓名:沈铁 学号: 200805050149 上课时段:周五晚十、十一节课

奋斗了,才有出路 ——读《鲁宾逊漂游记》有感小说《鲁宾逊漂游记》一直深受人们的喜爱。读完这篇小说,使我对人生应该有自己的一个奋斗历程而受益匪浅。当一个人已经处于绝境的时候,还能够满怀信心的去面对和挑战生活,实在是一种可贵的精神。他使我认识到,人无论何时何地,不管遇到多大的困难,都不能被困难所吓倒,我们要勇敢的面对困难,克服困难,始终保持一种积极向上、乐观的心态去面对。在当今社会只有努力去奋斗,才会有自己的出路! 其实现在的很多人都是那些遇到困难就退缩,不敢勇敢的去面对它。不仅如此,现在很多人都是独生子女,很多家长视子女为掌上明珠,不要说是冒险了,就连小小的家务活也不让孩子做,天天总是说:“我的小宝贝啊,你读好书就行了,其它的爸爸妈妈做就可以了。”读书固然重要,但生活中的小事也不能忽略。想一想,在荒无人烟的孤岛上,如果你连家务活都不会做,你能在那里生存吗?读完这部著作后,我不禁反问自己:“如果我像书中的鲁宾逊那样在大海遭到风暴,我能向他那样与风暴搏斗,最后逃离荒岛得救吗?恐怕我早已经被大海所淹没;如果我漂流到孤岛,能活几天?我又能干些什么?我会劈柴吗?会打猎做饭吗?我连洗洗自己的衣服还笨手笨脚的。”我们应该学习鲁宾逊这种不怕困难的精神,无论何时何地都有坚持地活下去,哪怕只有一线希望也要坚持到底,决不能放弃!我们要像鲁宾

逊那样有志气、有毅力、爱劳动,凭自己的双手创造财富,创造奇迹,取得最后的胜利。这样的例子在我们的生活中屡见不鲜。 《史记》的作者司马迁含冤入狱,可它依然在狱中完成《史记》一书,他之所以能完成此书,靠的也是他心中那顽强的毅力,永不放弃的不断努力的精神。著名作家爱迪生从小就生活在一个贫困的家庭中,可是他从小就表现出了科学方面的天赋。长大后爱迪生着力于电灯的发明与研究,他经过了九百多次的失败,可它依然没有放弃,不断努力,最后终于在第一千次实验中取得了成功。 鲁宾逊在岛上生活了二十八年,他面对了各种各样的困难和挫折,克服了许多常人无法想象的困难,自己动手,丰衣足食,以惊人的毅力,顽强的活了下来。他自从大船失事后,找了一些木材,在岛上盖了一间房屋,为防止野兽,还在房子周围打了木桩,来到荒岛,面对着的首要的就是吃的问题,船上的东西吃完以后,鲁宾逊开始打猎,有时可能会饿肚子,一是他决定播种,几年后他终于可以吃到自己的劳动成果,其实学习也是这样,也有这样一个循序渐进的过程,现在的社会,竞争无处不在,我们要懂得只有付出才会有收获,要勇于付出,在战胜困难的同时不断取得好成绩。要知道只有付出,才会有收获。鲁宾逊在失败后总结教训,终于成果;磨粮食没有石磨,他就用木头代替;没有筛子,就用围巾。鲁宾逊在荒岛上解决了自己的生存难题,面对人生挫折,鲁宾逊的所作所为充分显示了他坚毅的性格和顽强的精神。同样我们在学习上也可以做一些创新,养成一种创新精神,把鲁宾逊在荒岛,不畏艰险,不怕失败挫折,艰苦奋斗的精


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注释主要对文章篇名、作者及文内某一特定内容作必要的解释或说明,可夹在文内(加圆括号),也可排在文末。序号用带圆圈的阿拉伯数字表示。 (2)参考文献 本刊采用顺序编码制,每一引用文献必须同时在文中及文未的“参考文献”两个部分予以注明。论文中,每一文献条目按引文出现的先后以阿拉伯数字连续编码,序号置于方括号内。一种文献在同一文中被反复引用者,用同一序号标示。需表明引文具体出处的,可在序号后加圆括号注明页码(中文文献:第xx页;英文:p.xx)或章、节、篇名。


标准论文格式 一 1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。论文摘要和关键词。 2、论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和新见解。而不应是各章节标题的简单罗列。摘要以500字左右为宜。 关键词是能反映论文主旨最关键的词句,一般3-5个。 3、目录。既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题,应标注相应页码。 4、引言(或序言)。内容应包括本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题及这项研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等方面的理论意义与实用价值。 5、正文。是毕业论文的主体。 6、结论。论文结论要求明确、精炼、完整,应阐明自己的创造性成果或新见解,以及在本领域的意义。 7、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。 (参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。 参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 8、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。

二本科毕业论文格式要求: 1、装订顺序:目录--内容提要--正文--参考文献--写作过程情况表--指导教师评议表 参考文献应另起一页。 纸张型号:A4纸。A4 210×297毫米 论文份数:一式三份。 其他(调查报告、学习心得):一律要求打印。 2、论文的封面由学校统一提供。(或听老师的安排) 3、论文格式的字体:各类标题(包括“参考文献”标题)用粗宋体;作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要、关键词、图表名、参考文献内容用楷体;正文、图表、页眉、页脚中的文字用宋体;英文用Times New Roman字体。 4、字体要求: (1)论文标题2号黑体加粗、居中。 (2)论文副标题小2号字,紧挨正标题下居中,文字前加破折号。 (3)填写姓名、专业、学号等项目时用3号楷体。 (4)内容提要3号黑体,居中上下各空一行,内容为小4号楷体。 (5)关键词4号黑体,内容为小4号黑体。 (6)目录另起页,3号黑体,内容为小4号仿宋,并列出页码。 (7)正文文字另起页,论文标题用3号黑体,正文文字一般用小4 号宋体,每段首起空两个格,单倍行距。 (8)正文文中标题 一级标题:标题序号为“一、”,4号黑体,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。 二级标题:标题序号为“(一)”与正文字号相同,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。 三级标题:标题序号为“1. ”与正文字号、字体相同。 四级标题:标题序号为“(1)”与正文字号、字体相同。 五级标题:标题序号为“①”与正文字号、字体相同。 (9)注释:4号黑体,内容为5号宋体。


一、荷马史诗《伊里亚特》 (公元前九世纪行吟诗人,成文于-6世纪,记载-12世纪的事,-3世纪定稿 1、史诗分为《伊里亚特》《奥德塞》两部分 2、两个主要英雄人物:阿基琉斯(英俊骁勇,感情强烈、但过于自尊,盛怒之下不免残忍赫克托尔(遇事冷静,比较内向,性格稳重,有人情味 3、人神双线推进,多用善用比喻 二、索福克勒斯《俄狄浦斯王》 (公元前 5世纪 1、俄狄蒲斯形象分析:正直、诚实,为了躲避杀父娶母的厄运而四走奔走,力图自己掌握自己的命运,说明其有独立意志和坚强毅力,遵循高尚的道德准则,敢于反抗神喻 2、作者的命运观:肯定独立意志和高尚品质,但命运使一个优秀人物成为罪人,命运的正义性和合理性就值得怀疑。但作者没有否定命运, 主人公也未能逃出命运的劫数, 存在历史局限性。 3、结构和艺术手法:歌队的穿插;临近高潮落笔的“回顾式”结构;不断“发现” “突变”推动剧情。 4、 130个剧本, 7个流传至今。 三、但丁《神曲? 地狱篇》 (13-14世纪 1、恩格斯对但丁的评价:中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时也是新时代的最初一位诗人 2、神曲的三部分篇名:《地狱篇》《炼狱篇》《天堂篇》。拦路的三头野兽:豹、狮、虎。 3、两个形象:维吉尔――理性的指引,经过各种苦难的考验,涤除各种罪恶,在道德上得到净化;贝雅特里奇――信仰的引导,走出迷惘,到达理想的境界。

4、神曲的两重性:虚构的情节与场景源自中世纪宗教思想。运用宗教文学中常用梦幻故事的写法,以前隐喻、象征等手法,具有一部宗教文学作品的特征;素材取自现实生活, 从现实出发评价人物、表示态度,富有现实感,使虚幻的的地狱具有可感性。塑造出有立体感的人物, 主观抒情色彩强烈。用意大利文写成; 兼有中世纪文学的一般特征,也表现出新文学的特征。 5、象征意像: 黑暗的森林 ---意大利现实 三头猛兽 ---阻碍人类达到光明世界的邪恶力量 但丁在森林中迷路 ---人类的迷惘 但丁游历 ---追随理性与信仰 6、第五歌、第十九歌的内容: 第五歌:地狱第二圈。凡生前淫荡的亡魂之所在。弗兰采斯加与保禄的故事。 第十九歌:第八圈第三层。惩罚神职人员。教皇尼古拉三世,菩尼腓斯八世。 7、神曲表现手法: A 、既有中世纪文学的一般特征,又具有新文学特征。 (梦幻故事,但取材于现实,从现实出发来评价人物 B 、善于运用丰富的想象和大量取自现实的比喻。 C 、注意用人物自己的语言来叙述人物特定的处境和特定的心情。 D 、不是纯客观描写,爱憎分明、感情充沛、直抒胸臆,有鲜明的抒情性。 四、薄伽丘《十日谈》 (14世纪


本学期“英语报刊选读”课程期末考核方式以期末论文的形式进行,请全体同学按照要求做好相关事宜。 期末论文要求: 1.用英文以给定题目写一篇论文,字数1000字左右。 2.内容要求:结合所学理论与实践,举例得当,语言通顺,结构合理,层次清晰,符合逻辑,体例规范,论述充分有理。 3.格式要求:英文使用Times New Roman字体,标题使用小三号字,正文使用小四号字。固定行距18磅。段首缩进两个字符。请使用论文模板,把模板中的封面信息填写完整,封面与正文按照模板的格式行文,格式不要改动。 4.抄袭或雷同者一律按零分计成绩。 5.论文完成后请用A4纸打印,左侧装订,11月11日前上交。如不能亲自到校,请委托他人上交,如因论文不能及时上交导致的期末成绩异常,后果自负。 6.全体同学都要撰写并上交期末论文(包括已实习同学),否则没有成绩。 看完后请将本页删除,论文写作及打印均从下页(模板)开始。

How to Improve the Ability of Reading English Newspapers and Magazines Course: Selected Readings of English Newspapers and Magazines Major: English Class: 0899111 Number: 1089911121 Name: 王琨 Date: November 15th, 2011

How to Improve the Ability of Reading English Newspapers and Magazines Abstract: Rapid progress of modern science and technology make us into a new era of information. Education should disseminate information and cultivating students’ ability on information intake and processing. Key words: Newspaper reading ; reading skills ; how to improve ; the ability of English reading ; importance 1. Introduction In recent years, more and more English newspapers are published in China. These English newspaper language are not only real, and is close to the students’actual life. It is suitable for different levels of English language learners to read. Learn English can not be limited to language learning, note also the accumulation of knowledge from all sides. Having a broader knowledge is to achieve better learning outcomes. English newspapers involved a broad, including political, military, diplomatic, economic, cultural, and educational. If you do not understand the background, some words and articles are difficult to understand. 2. The characteristics of the English newspapers and magazines The knowledge of English newspapers and periodicals cover a broad area, broad, and genre diverse. Reading English newspapers can not only help the students increase knowledge, and helps develop students’ ability of observation, understanding, thinking and judgment. English newspapers are attention to current events. The novel is very interesting. Reading English newspapers can effectively avoid out of touch with real life, helps to stimulate interest in learning English and to strengthen their confidence and motivation for learning English. At the same time also allows us to better understand the way of news features and news. Newspaper reading is not only used the simple and obvious words, popular language, illustrated, but also introduce learning methods and techniques of column, helping to improve the ability to actually use the language. We can also participate in the discussions and contributions for these columns, increase their enthusiasm for writing and ability. English newspapers determined its content and characteristics of the new words more than other materials to promote language learning and expand the value of social scientific and humanistic knowledge. English newspapers are not only learning


摘要 《煤炭法》修订工作已经启动,这将对煤炭行业未来发展产生深远影响。目前,全社会已经意识到,煤炭业可持续发展在国民经济的可持续发展中起着不可替代的作用。可持续发展这一思想也必然会反映到《煤炭法》的法条修改中去。可持续发展道路,应成为煤炭业的行业准则,并且作为指导思想参与煤炭业可持续发展的全过程。 策略

ABSTRACT "The Law of Coal" revised the present,the entire society already sustainable development was playing sustainable industry profession criterion, and takes the guiding ideology participation coal industry sustainable development the entire process. "The Law of

目 摘要…………………………………………………………………………… 1 ABSTRACT (2) 文献综述…………………………………………………………………1 引言…………………………………………………………………………… 2 1.可持续发展思想在《煤炭法》修改中的运用 (3) 我国《煤炭法》修改的背景和内容 (3) 可持续发展的有关概念................................................5 (6) 2.煤炭业可持续发展的必要性以及存在的障碍 (7) 2.1煤炭行业极度分散,市场集中度低 (8) 煤炭行业整体素质不高 (9) 煤炭企业经济效益低下 ................................................10 煤炭资源日益匮乏 (11) 3.促进煤炭业可持续发展的策略分析 (11) 12 14 16 (20)


Survey of British Literature 材控1102班付兰平2011010883 Abstract: As we all know,literature is a kind of arts and reflect social reality.For British literature,we can devided it into seven different periods.From these periods,we can understand about all the British literature. Key words: Old and Medieval periods, Medieval periods, The Renaissance Period, The Neoclassical Period, The Romantic Period, The V ictorian Period, Twentieth Century Literature 1.Old and Medieval periods (450---1066) After the fall of the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Roman troops from Albion , the aboriginal Celtic population of the larger part of the island was soon conquered and almost totally exterminated by the Teutonic tribes of Angles , Saxons and Jutes who came from the continent and settled in the island , naming its central part Anglia , or England. For nearly four hundred years prior to the coming of the English , Britain had been a Roman province . In 410 A.D. the Romans withdrew their legions from Britain to protect Rome herself against swarms of Teutonic invaders . About 449 a band of Teutons , called Jutes , left Denmark , landed on the Isle of Thanet .


外国文学的论文 范文一:高中语文教材中外国文学选文现状分析 摘要:随着外国文学作品在我国高中语文教材的出现频率逐渐增多,外国文学作品的 选文内容对高中语文教学质量和教学内容的影响逐渐增强。在实际的高中语文教学过程中,如何利用好教材中的外国文学作品进行教学是不少高中语文教师面临的重要课题之一。本 文通过对我国高中语文教材中外国文学选文现状的分析,提出对改善我国高中语文教材中 外国文学作品的建议与思考。 关键词:高中语文教材;外国文学作品;教学思考 引言 自新中国成立以来,我国高中语文教材中的外国文学作品逐渐增加,成为我国高中语 文教材中不可分割的一部分,直接影响高中语文教学质量和教学内容。外国文学作品丰富 了高中语文教学的教材内容,提高了高中生的文化素养和人文素养,使学生接触到了更多 类型的知识。然而在实际的高中语文教学中不论是在外国文学作品的选择上还是教学上, 都存在诸多亟待改善的地方。 一、高中语文教材中外国文学选文现状 当下我国的高中语文教材主要分人教实验版、苏教版、沪教版和山东版这四个版本, 有学者对这四个版本中的外国文学作品的选文数量、范围、体裁和题材进行过统计和分析,发现外国文学选文在我国高中语文教材中所占的比例在15%至25%之间,选文大多数是来 自于欧美的发达国家,亚洲和非洲国家的选文比较少见,但是所选文学作品的体裁比较丰富,包含诗歌、小说、戏剧、散文、演讲词、序言、书评等形式。同时选文题材丰富,大 多都表现出一种独特的审美文化和高尚的人文情怀,使学生的视野和思维得到了拓宽,陶 冶了学生的情操。此外,统计数据还表示,我国高中语文的外国文学选文除了比较集中在 某些地域内外,还比较集中在某些时间范围内,比如有一半左右的外国文学作品是写于20世纪,还有超过1/3的外国作品是写于19世纪,其他时代的文学作品较为罕见;当前的高 中语文教材在外国文学的选文和编排方面,缺乏一定的时间顺序,即没有按照西方文学的 发展历史来编排,文章之间缺乏联系,思维过于跳脱,教学内容过于零散,缺乏教学整体 性和系统性的表现,影响学生学习的连贯性。 二、对高中语文选材中外国文学选文的思考与建议 有教育学者曾指出,当前我国的高中语文教材在选文上过于单调,视线过于集中在有 限的文章上,视野局限在某些特定的时空范围内,缺乏通观古今,放眼世界的目光。笔者 认为在进行外国文学的选文时要注意扩大选文的渠道,放眼世界,选择那些能够满足学生 精神需求和能够给学生带来“正能量”的外国文学作品。由于语文是国家经济、政治、文化、科学和社会风俗等方面的综合反映,因此在进行外国文学的选文时,注重文学作品的


论文格式要求 1.论文开本及版芯 论文开本大小:A4纸; 正文页面设置:左边距:30mm,右边距:25mm;上边距:30mm,下边距:25mm。 2.层次和标题 一级标题:宋体、三号、加粗,段前段后间距为一行、左对齐、单列一行; 如:1 课程论文; 二级标题:宋体、四号、加粗,段前段后间距为一行、左对齐、单列一行; 如:1.1课程论文; 三级标题:宋体、小四号、加粗,段前段后间距为一行、左对齐、单列一行; 如:1.1.1课程论文; 3.摘要 摘要标题:宋体、三号,加粗,段前段后间距为一行、居中、单列一行宋体、小四号; 4.关键词 3~5个,宋体、小四号、各关键词间距3个空格; 5.目录 目录标题格式要求同摘要标题,目录内容中一级标题、后记、参考文献和附录为宋体、四号,二级标题为宋体、小四。 6.正文 必须从正面开始,并设置为第1页。 (1)正文字体:正文采用小四号宋体,行间距为20磅。 (2)图、表、公式:图形要精选,要具有自明性,切忌与表及文字表述重复。图形坐标比例不宜过大,同一图形中不同曲线的图标应采用不同的形状和不同颜色的连线。图中术语、符号、单位等应与正文中表述一致。图序、标题、图例说明居中置于图的下方。 表中参数应标明量和单位。表序、标题居中置于表的上方。表注置于表的下方。 图、表应与说明文字相配合,图形不能跨页显示,表格一般放在同一页内显示。 公式居中对齐,公式编号用小括号括起,右对齐,其间不加线条。 文中的图、表、公式、附注等一律用阿拉伯数字按章节(或连续)编号,例:如图1-1,表2-2,公式(3-10)等。 文中表格均采用标准表格形式(如三线表,可参照正式出版物中的表格形式),图表单位要统一为国际单位制(SI)。 图、表标题采用小五号加粗;表格中文字、图例说明采用小五号宋体;表注采用六号宋体 (3)量和单位:应严格执行GB3100~3102:93有关量和单位的规定(参阅《常用量和单位》.计量出版社,1996)。单位名称的书写,可采用国际通用符号,也可用中文名称,但全文应统一,不要两种混用。 7.参考文献

英美文学选读期末英语论文格式要求及范本 (1)

英美文学选读期末英语论文格式要求及范本 (1)

A Tentative Study of Female’s Psychological Factors in Sino-American Business Negotiation 福建师范大学协和学院 外语系英语专业 12402200500×××× [Abstract] Negotiation is a common and necessary process in concluding an international transaction. With an increasing number of females participating in Sino-American business negotiation, they have found that they are always in an awkward position. Owing to the gender discrimination and their psychological factors, the public tend to put down to the female negotiators the barriers and failure that they have met in negotiating terms. Hence, this thesis is to analyze Sino-American cultural differences on the impact of women negotiators and to probe into their psychological performance in negotiations. By means of the above-mentioned research, suggestions will be


标准论文格式 一: 1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。 2、论文摘要和关键词。 论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和新见解。而不应是各章节标题的简单罗列。摘要以500字左右为宜。 关键词是能反映论文主旨最关键的词句,一般3-5个。 3、目录。既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题,应标注相应页码。 4、引言(或序言)。内容应包括本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题及这项研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等方面的理论意义与实用价值。 5、正文。是毕业论文的主体。 6、结论。论文结论要求明确、精炼、完整,应阐明自己的创造性成果或新见解,以及在本领域的意义。 7、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。 (参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。 参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 8、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。 二:本科毕业论文格式要求: 1、装订顺序:目录--内容提要--正文--参考文献--写作过程情况表--指导教师评议表 参考文献应另起一页。 纸张型号:A4纸。A4 210×297毫米 论文份数:一式三份。

其他(调查报告、学习心得):一律要求打印。 2、论文的封面由学校统一提供。(或听老师的安排) 3、论文格式的字体:各类标题(包括“参考文献”标题)用粗宋体;作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要、关键词、图表名、参考文献内容用楷体;正文、图表、页眉、页脚中的文字用宋体;英文用Times New Roman字体。 4、字体要求: (1)论文标题2号黑体加粗、居中。 (2)论文副标题小2号字,紧挨正标题下居中,文字前加破折号。 (3)填写姓名、专业、学号等项目时用3号楷体。 (4)内容提要3号黑体,居中上下各空一行,内容为小4号楷体。 (5)关键词4号黑体,内容为小4号黑体。 (6)目录另起页,3号黑体,内容为小4号仿宋,并列出页码。 (7)正文文字另起页,论文标题用3号黑体,正文文字一般用小4 号宋体,每段首起空两个格,单倍行距。 (8)正文文中标题 一级标题:标题序号为“一、”,4号黑体,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。 二级标题:标题序号为“(一)”与正文字号相同,独占行,末尾不加标点符号。 三级标题:标题序号为“1. ”与正文字号、字体相同。 四级标题:标题序号为“(1)”与正文字号、字体相同。 五级标题:标题序号为“①”与正文字号、字体相同。 (9)注释:4号黑体,内容为5号宋体。 (10)附录:4号黑体,内容为5号宋体。 (11)参考文献:另起页,4号黑体,内容为5号宋体。 (12)页眉用小五号字体打印“上海复旦大学XX学院2007级XX专业学年论文”字样,并左对齐。 5、纸型及页边距:A4纸(297mm×210mm)。 6、页边距:天头(上)20mm,地角(下)15mm,订口(左)25mm,翻口(右)20mm。


浅析《飘》中女主人公郝思嘉的人物形象【摘要】 《飘》的创作凝聚了女作家玛格丽特·米切尔十年的心血,它一经面世,立即轰动美国,随后又飘扬过海,飞向国外,成为世界性的畅销读物。多年来学术界对其评价却始终众说纷纭,其女主人公郝思嘉是作者在小说中塑造得最为成功的一个女性形象。郝思嘉生活在美国南北战争时期,从十六岁登上人生舞台,到二十八岁孤单一人,在这十二年间,她经历了别人不曾经历的一切,难能可贵的是无论有多少艰难险阻,她始终能够沉着应对。在此过程中,她坚强的性格和直面困难的勇气,给每一位读者留下了深刻的印象,与此同时她所表现出的性格的复杂性,也让郝思嘉成为了学界争论的焦点。 【关键词】:郝思嘉复杂性格成因典型人物文化性格女性主义

【英文摘要】 Abstract The book "Gone with the Wind" costed the writer Margaret Mitchell ten years of effort, as soon as appearing on the market, it immediately hit the United States, and then flied over the sea to be a worldwide best-selling books. For so many years, the academic community can’t have a consistent evaluation about the book .The novel hero Scarlett is the most successful image of female in the nove molded by the author. Scarlett livied in the United States during the Civil War, from mounting the life stage in 16-year-old to being alone when she was 28-year-old, she experienced everythig that other people hadn’t experienced in the twelve years .The commendabl e thing is no matter how many difficulties and obstacles appear, she has always been able to calmly deal with. In the process, her resolute character and courage to face difficulties, left a deep impression on every readers.At the same time she has shown the complexity of her character, which let Scarlett became the focus of academic debate. 【Key Words】:Scarlett Complex Disposition Origin Typical Character Cultural Disposition Feminine Princip


广州大学松田学院外语系2011级英语专业 学术论文写作(英)考核 试卷 题目(英)Writing Strategies for English Learning (中)英语学习中的写作策略 学生姓名李琳 学号 23 专业班级 2011级英语 3 班 指导教师__王冉_____ _______ 二○一五年五月

毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本毕业论文不包括任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 20 年月日 毕业论文版权使用授权书 本毕业论文作者完全了解学校有关保障、使用毕业论文的规定,同意学校保留并向有关毕业论文管理部门或机构送交毕业论文的复印件和电子版,允许毕业论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权优秀毕业论文评选机构将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本毕业论文。 本毕业论文属于 1、保密囗,在10年解密后适用本授权书 2、不保密囗。 (请在以上相应方框内打“√”) 作者签名: 20 年月日 导师签名: 20 年月日 Writing Strategies of English Learning A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts By Li Lin Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Wang Ran Department of Foreign Languages


英美文学论文范文 一、“四段论”的英美文学教学方式 二、多元复合式的英美文学教学方法 (一)构建“互动式”的英美文学教学模式 (三)构建立体化的教学内容 三、多元复合式英美文学教学方法的意义 通过对英美文学课的学习,实际上是使学生获得对世界和人生的感悟与体验,培养学生对任何生命主体的亲近和敬畏。它不仅是一 门科学,更是一种对世界的态度。通过教师使用多元复合式的教学 方法,可以给学生提供广阔的自由发展空间,充分发挥学生的主动性、积极性和创造性。学生通过积极参与英美文学课的教学,养成 积极思考与表达的习惯,通过积极阅读英美文学作品原著,理解英 美文学与文化,提高文学批评鉴赏能力和英语水平,学生的分析能 力和思辨能力在这个过程中也就得到了相应的提高。 一、文学教育及其重要意义 二、英美文学教学改革途径 现在的英美文学课程课时偏少,教学内容不够丰富系统,教学方法单一,要想通过文学教育更好地培养学生的素质,就必须探索英 美文学教学改革的途径。 1、调整授课学时 2、增加“文学批评理论”教学 3、改革教学模式 以教师为中心的传统教学模式注重专业知识的单向传授,学生的积极性、主动性和动手能力不强。课堂教学应将教师的讲授与指导、课前小组准备与课堂专题讨论结合起来,有效地实现师生之间的互

动。教师通过布置开放性的研究任务,让学生带着问题,以协作学 习的方式完成自主探究学习。学生对图书馆和网络资源进行查阅检索,对所得资料进行分析比较、选择取舍、加工处理,这是一个努 力探索、积极进行意义建构的过程。教师是意义建构的帮助者,即 帮助学生学会独立思考和独立解决问题的能力。教师也可利用多媒 体设施与影视资源,增加学生的学习兴趣,或号召学生运用想象力,根据名著改编作品并进行舞台表演。 4、改革评价模式


标准论文格式 一:包含内容 1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。论文摘要和关键词。 2、论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、研究方法、成果和结论。尽可能保留原论文的基本信息,突出论文的创造性成果和新见解。而不应是各章节标题的简单罗列。摘要以500字左右为宜。 3、关键词是能反映论文主旨最关键的词句,一般3-5个。 4、目录。既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题,应标注相应页码。 5、引言(或序言)。内容应包括本研究领域的国内外现状,本论文所要解决的问题及这项研究工作在经济建设、科技进步和社会发展等方面的理论意义与实用价值。 6、正文。是毕业论文的主体。 7、结论。论文结论要求明确、精炼、完整,应阐明自己的创造性成果或新见解,以及在本领域的意义。 8、参考文献和注释。按论文中所引用文献或注释编号的顺序列在论文正文之后,参考文献之前。图表或数据必须注明来源和出处。 (参考文献是期刊时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、文章题目、期刊名(外文可缩写)、年份、卷号、期数、页码。 参考文献是图书时,书写格式为: [编号]、作者、书名、出版单位、年份、版次、页码。) 9、附录。包括放在正文内过份冗长的公式推导,以备他人阅读方便所需的辅助性数学工具、重复性数据图表、论文使用的符号意义、单位缩写、程序全文及有关说明等。 二:毕业论文格式要求: 1、装订顺序:目录--内容提要--正文--参考文献--写作过程情况表--指导教师评议表 参考文献应另起一页。 纸张型号:A4纸。A4 210×297毫米 论文份数:一式三份。 其他(调查报告、学习心得):一律要求打印。 2、论文的封面由学校统一提供。(或听老师的安排)
