

21. 对于某人来说很熟悉be familiar to sb.

22. 因为…而著名be famous for

23. 作为…而著名be famous as

24. 为全世界的人所知名be famous to people all over the world

25. 据我所知as far as I know

26. 被…吸引住be fascinated with/by sth.

27. 举行告别会hold a farewell party

28. 过时了不时髦了be out of fashion

29. 失宠失利;lose favour

30. 支持;赞成be in favour of

31. 帮某人忙ask a favour of sb.

32. 用…来喂养… feed…on/with…

33. 吃,以…为食物feed on

34. 把…喂给…吃feed sth. to sb.

35. 与困难作斗争fight against difficulities

36. 算出;弄清楚figure out

37. 装满be filled with

38. 决赛the finals

39. 因做某事而罚某人款fine sb. for doing sth.

40. 着火catch fire

41. 把火扑灭put out a fire

42. 被解雇了be fired/dismissed

43. 试穿fit on

44. 适合(做)… be fit for/to do sth.

45. 保持健康keep fit

46. 注视… fix one’s eyes on/upon

47. 长距离飞行 a long distance flight

48. 流利的英语fluent English

49. 集中注意力focus attention /mind on

50. 民间音乐focus attention/mind on

51. 如下as follows

52. 听从忠告follow one’s advice

53. 食物链food train

54. 某人做某事是愚蠢的It’s foolish of sb. to do sth.

55. 禁止某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth

56. 禁止做某事forbid doing sth.

57. 地心引力的力量the force of gravity

58. 强迫某人做某事force sb. to do sth.

59. 天气预报the weather forecast

60. 填写表格fill in a form

61. 以…的形式in the form of

62. 前任总统former president/student/wife

63. 发财make a fortune

64. 提出put forward

65. 期盼;等待look forward to sth.

66. 释放某人set sb. free

67. 没有…的;免除的be free of/from

68. 冰点freezing point

69. 冷冻食物frozen food

70. 淡水fresh water

71. 与---交朋友make friends with

72. 把某人吓死frighten sb. to death

73. 从那时起from then on

74. 充满的;有很多的be full of

75. 为了消遣for fun

76. 开玩笑make fun of

77. 在最近,久远的将来in the near /distant future

78. 增重gain weight

79. 一般说来generally speaking

80. 代沟generation gap

81. 克服,战胜困难;从(疾病,震惊等)中恢复get over

82.在某方面有天赋have a gift for

83. 投降;屈服;上交give in

84. 发出(蒸汽、光等) give off

85. 发出(热、气味等]; 分发;(供给等)用完;筋疲力尽give out

86. 放弃give up

87. 看一眼glance at/towards/up

88. 复习; 走到另一边去;检查go over

89. 出去;(灯火)熄灭go out

90. 走上前去go up to

91. 完成目标achieve a goal

92. 进球score a goal

93. 黄金时代golden age

94. 对某人/某物有好处be good for sb.

95. 好多 a good many

96. 认为理所当然take it for granted that

97. 因…感激某人be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth.

98. 感激地with gratitude

99. 用微笑/吻来迎接/招呼某人greet sb. with a smile/kiss

100. 人口的增长the growth of population

1.养成做某事的习惯form a habit of doing sth/ get in to a habit of doing

2.切成两半cut sth by half/ into halves

3.手拉手hand by hand

4.上交hand in

5.碰巧做sb. happens to do= It so happens that

6.刻苦工作be hard at work

7.对…有害do harm to= be harmful to

8.和睦相处live in harmony

9.在某方面有问题/困难have problems/ trouble/ difficulty with sth.

10.前往head for

11.身体健康良好in good health

12.听说,得悉,hear about

13.心脏病heart trouble

14.全心全意地heart and soul

15.用心记忆,暗记learn sth. by heart

16.激烈的讨论heated discussion

17.帮助某人做某事help sb. with/ (to) do sth.

18.在…的帮助下with the help of

19.毫不犹豫without (any) hesitation

20.隐藏hide sth. from = conceal sth. from

21.以高速度at high speed

22.高度评价;重视;赞扬speak/ think highly of

23.历史性会见historic meeting

24.历史研究historical research

25.打在某人的鼻子hit sb. on the nose

26.阻挡;抑制hold back

27.(电话用语)别挂断;抓牢;坚持hold on

28.推迟;拖延;挡住hold off

29.度假on holiday

30.老实说… honestly speaking

31.表示敬意;为了招待…;为了纪念in honor of

32.为祖国争光win honor f or one’s motherland

33.想要hope for

34.抱乐观的希望,尽量往好处想hope for the best

35.东道国,举办国host nation/ country

36.按小时计酬pay/ charge by the hour

37.伤害某人的感情hurt one’s feelings

38.(突然)想到一个主意come up with an idea

39.不懂,无知的be ignorant of

40.对某人来说做某事是非法的It is illegal for sb. to do

41.对…产生影响have an impact on

42.在脑海中留下深刻印象impress sth. on one’s mind

43.被…深深感动;对…留下深刻印象be impressed by/with

44.在五十几岁时at one’s fif ties

45.我不方便做某事It is inconvenient for me to do

46.个人体育运动项individual sports

47.把某事通知某人inform sb. of sth.

48.使某人得到通知keep sb. informed of

49.进一步的消息,更多的信息further information

50.从…处继承inherit sth. from

51.受了重伤be badly injured

52.鼓励某人做某事inspire sb. to do

53.求生的本能an instinct for survival

54.教、指导、指示某人做某事instruct sb. to do

55.给房屋保火险insure one’s house against fire

56.打算做某事intend to do

57.对…感兴趣take interest in = be interested in

58.追求利益look for interests

59.每隔一段时间,每隔一段距离at intervals

60.把…引进;传入;把…列入;插入introduce --- into

61.婉拒邀请decline one’s invitation

62.需要做---,包含做--- involve doing sth.

63.介入,卷入be involved in = involve oneself in

64.新闻条目news items

65.把…从…隔离开isolate --- from

66.交通阻塞traffic jam

67.参军join the army

68.连接be joined to

69.共同努力 a joint effort/joint efforts

70.恶作剧 a practical joke

71.使某人大为高兴的是to one’s great joy

72.从外表判断judge from/ by one’s appearance

73.比…小,地位低be junior to

74.喜爱…;对…着迷be keen on

75.敏捷的头脑 a keen mind

76.记日记keep a diary


78.遵守;保持keep to

79.消磨时间kill time

80.一位知识渊博的 a man of knowledge= a knowledgeable man

81.理解;认识have a good knowledge of

82.快车道the fast lane

83.最后但并非最不重要的(一点) last but not least

84.过后,后来later on

85.嘲笑laugh at

86.突然大笑起来burst into laughter

87.犯法be against the law/ break the law

88.诱使某人做某事lead sb. to do

89.通向;导致lead to

90.斜靠lean against

91.依靠某人做某事lean on sb. to do

92.至少;最低限度at least

93.讲授…;作关于…的讲座give a lecture on sth.

94.给某人一个教训teach sb. a lesson

95.位于/在于lie in

96.乘电梯take a lift

97.要求搭车ask for a lift

98.点着的火柴 a lighted match

99.很可能… It is likely that= be likely to do 100. (靠)…生活live by doing

1.严密保藏某物keep sth under lock and key

2.渴望得到某物long for sth

3.渴望做某事long to do sth

4.很久以前long before

5.不久,不久以后before long

6.照顾look after

7.轻视,看不起look down on

8.调查look into

9.把…看作… look upon/ on--- as---

10.注意;留神look out

11.浏览;核查look through

12.依赖look to = depend on = rely on = lean on

13.输了一场比赛lose a game

14.输了一个球lose by a goal

15.灰心lose heart

16.沉迷干… lose one’s heart

17.茫然不知所措be at a loss= be at sea

18.停车场the parking lot

19.碰运气try one’s luck/ fortune

20.使某人发疯drive / send sb mad

21.发疯go mad

22.寄航空邮件by air mail

23.寄信给某人mail sth to sb

24.保养公路maintain a highway

25.主修(工程学) major in engineering

26.多数;半数以上a/ the majority of

27.(有目的且快速地)冲向make for

28.偷;带着…逃跑make off with

29.(1)开出;写出(2)理解make out

30.(1)编造(2)化妆(3)构成;凑足make up

31.补偿;弥补make up for

32.成功地做某事manage to do

33.上市;出售on the market

34.娶;嫁;与…结婚marry sb = get married to sb

35.事实上as a matter of fact = in fact

36.不要紧It doesn’t matter.

37.意味着做--- mean doing

38.本意为;打算做--- mean to do

39.用;依靠by means of---

40.同时;其间in the meantime

41.采取措施做某事take measures to do

42.纪念in memory of

43.提及做某事mention doing---

44.更不用说;此外not to mention

45.给某人带个口信give sb a message

46.给某人留个条leave a message for sb

47.牢记某事keep/ bear sth in mind

48.拿定主意做某事make up one’s mind to do

49.避免做某事miss doing sth

50.错误地做某事do sth by mistake

51.把…误认为… mistake A for B

52.把---和---混合mix --- with ---

53.流动图书馆 a mobile library

54.心情好/坏in a good/ bright/ bad mood

55.没有心情做某事be in no mood for doing sth/ to do sth

56.一轮新月 a new moon

57.非常乐意做某事be more than happy/glad/pleased/ready/willing to do

58.以---的名义in the name of

59.以---的名字命名be named after

60.打个盹儿take/ have a nap

61.土产的be native to

62.如必要的话if necessary= if it is necessary

63.非常需要need sth badly

64.对…神经紧张的be nervous about

65.向某人点头nod at/ to sb

66.(表示惊奇)不是别的,正是no(ne) other than

67.记笔记take notes

68.仅仅;只不过nothing but

69.(有意)注意take notice of

70.到现在为止by now = up to now = up till now = so far

71.既然;由于now that

72.许多(修饰可数名词) a good/ great many= a number of

73.反对做某事object to doing sth / be opposed to doing sth

74.强迫某人做某事oblige sb to do = force sb to do

75.因某事而感谢某人be obliged/ thankful/ grateful to sb for (doing) sth

76.遵守规则observe the rules

77.庆祝某人的生日observe one’s birt hday

78.我想起一个主意。An idea occurred to me.

79.某人突然想起--- It occurs to sb that---

80.提供某人某物offer sb sth = offer sth to sb

81.主动提议做某事offer to do

82.把…对公众开放open sth to the public

83.为某人动手术operate on

84.依照某人的看法in one’s opinion

85.对面的be opposite to

86.有次序;整齐keep sth in good order

87.混乱;发生故障be out of order

88.命令某人做某事order sb to do

89.文明的发源the origin of civilization

90.换言之in other words

91.除了other than

92.前几天the other day

93.克服缺点/困难overcome one’s faults/ difficulties

94.悦人的景色 a pleasant outlook

95.开阔视野broaden/ widen one’s outl ook

96.把…归功干own --- to

97.由于owing to

98.某人自己的书 a book of one’s own

99.单独地;独立无援地on one’s own

100. 跟上时代keep pace with the times= keep up with the times

1.一双,一对 a pair of

2.引起恐慌cause a panic

3.平行的;类似的be parallel to/ with

4.原谅某人做某事pardon/ excuse/ forgive sb for doing sth

5.禁止停车no parking

6.(在…中)起作用play a part/ role in

7.参与;参加participate in/ take part in/ join in

8.(过于)讲究的;挑剔的;吹毛求疵的be particular about

9.去世pass away

10.对(某人)有耐心have patience with sb = be patient with sb

11.为…铺平道路pave the way for

12.偿还(欠款) pay back

13.还清债务pay off the debt

14.与某人和解;同某人言归于好make (one’s) peace with

15.---所特有的be peculiar to

16.用铅笔in pen

17.请求许可ask for permission

18.允许做某事permit doing sth

19.允许某人做某事permit sb to do sth

20.孜孜不倦地学习persevere in doing sth

21.(固执地)坚持persist in doing

22.说服某人做某事persuade sb to do= persuade sb into doing

23.说服某人不做某事persuade sb not to do = persuade sb out of doing

24.分辨,挑出pick out

25.拾起;获得;学会;买到;(用车,船)接人pick up

26.去野餐go on a picnic

27.清楚地了解get a clear picture of

28.一堆;一摞 a pile of

29.同情/可怜某人take/ have pity on sb

30.人民解放军战士PLA man

31.用简明的英语in plain English

32.首先in the first place = first of all= to begin with

33.发生;举行take place

34.代替;取代take the place of

35.按计划as planned

36.高兴做某事be pleased to do

37.大量的;充足的plenty of

38.跳入,陷入plunge into

39.指着point to/ at

40.指出point out

41.做某事没有意义There is no point/ sense in doing sth

42.改革开放政策the reform and open-door policy

43.受…的欢迎be popular with/ among

44.推迟,延期做某事delay/ postpone/ put off doing sth

45.上台;执政come into/ in power

46.停电power cut/ failure

47.社会实践social practice

48.练习做某事practice doing

49.为某事赞扬某人praise sb for doing sth

50.为了某事而向某人祈祷pray to sb for sth

51.祈求做某事pray to do sth

52.宁愿做---也不做… prefer to do --- than to do ---

53.为某事做准备prepare for sth

54.在某人面前in the presence of sb = in sb’s presence

55.出席be present at

56.赠送;提供present sth to sb = present sb with sth

57.现政府the present government

58.记者招待会press/ news conference

59.保护森林免遭灭绝preserve forests from extinction


pretend to do sth/ to be doing sth/ to have done

61.阻止某人做某事prevent sb from doing sth

62.平/特价regular/ special price

63.为---感到自豪be proud of = take pride in

64.基色primary colour

65.原则上in principle

66.把某人关进监狱cast/ throw/ put/ send sb in(to) prison

67.在进行中in process

68.获利make a profit

69.在进展中in progress

70.取得进步make progress

71.违背诺言break a promise

72.守约keep/ stick to one’s promise

73.许诺某人某事promise sb. sth.

74.答应做某事promise to do sth

75.保护某人免受…的侵害protect sb. from/ against sth

76.为某人提供某物provide sb with sth

77.当众,公开地in public

78.对公众to the public

79.因某事惩罚某人punish sb. for sth.. / doing sth

80.购买力purchasing power

81.故意地;有意地on purpose

82.把---收起,放好put away

83.放下;记下;镇压put down

84.提出;建议;把(钟表指针)前拨put forward

85.关掉,熄灭;脱去,脱掉;推迟put off

86.穿上;上演;开(灯、收音机等) put on

87.熄灭;出版;公布;伸出put out

88.举起;搭建;提出(计划等);留宿put up

89.容忍put up with

90.胜任这份工作be qualified for the job

91.胜任做一名教师be qualified as a teacher = be qualified to teach

92.(使)具有…资格qualify sb. as---

93.质量好be of good/ high quality

94.因某事同某人吵架quarrel with sb. about sth.

95.下倾盆大雨rain cats and dogs

96.提出一个问题raise a question

97.养育五个孩子raise five children

98.筹钱raise money

99. 广泛的 a wide range of

100. 在---和---之间变化range from --- to ---

range between--- to ---



1. 熟能生巧。

2. 爱屋及乌。

3 一石二鸟。



6 结尾好一切都好。


8.入乡随俗。(Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。)





13. As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。.

14.All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。


15.行动胜过语言。(Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。)


17.欲速则不达。18三思而后行。19万事开头难。. (A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下。)


21. .失败是成功之母。(Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。)

22 Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜

23 A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

For you:

24. No pain; no gain. 没有付出就不会有收获

25. God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

26.An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

27. 36.To live is to learn,to learn is to better live. 活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。

28. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

29. Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of being defeated. 知己知彼百战百胜

30. One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。


2016年上海市高考英语试卷 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1.(1分)A.It is satisfactory. B.It is luxurious. C.It is old﹣fashioned. D.It is disappointing. 2.(1分)A.On August 5th. B.On August 6th. C.On August 7th. D.On August 8th. 3.(1分)A.A waiter. B.A butcher. C.A porter. D.A farmer. 4.(1分)A.In a theatre. B.In a library. C.In a booking office. D.In a furniture store. 5.(1分)A.She expected to a better show. B.She could hardly find her seat. C.She wasn't interested in the show. D.She didn't get a favourable seat. 6.(1分)A.The woman often eats out for breakfast.


2020年高考:英语知识点高频必考归纳 1.able 用法:be able to do Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。 3.admit 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。 Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。 4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。 5.afford 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after 用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。 Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree 用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。 8.alive 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive. 9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。 Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later. 12.another 用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。 Note: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:another 2 weeks. 13.answer 用法:及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词to搭配。 Note: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door. 14.anxious 用法:be anxious for/about/to do Note: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。 15.appear 用法:不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。 Note: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。 16.arrive 用法:arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。 Note: 引申含义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion. 17.ask 用法:ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:ask that sb. (should) do的形式。 18.asleep 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 通常与动词be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。 19.attend 用法:表示参加,后面经常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等词;也可以表示照顾,照料。 Note: attend to可以表示处理、照料等。 20.attention 用法:pay attention to; draw/catch sb’s attention Note: 写通知时的常用语:May I have your attention, please?

上海市高考英语核心词汇复习 第16课时(nod-pair)

上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第16课时 (nod -----pair) I. 单词拼写 1. A n family usually consists of a husband, a wife and their children. 2. UFO stands for unidentified flying o . 3. The Pacific O covers one—third of the Earth’s surface. 4. English is the major o language of the USA. 5. Tyson knocked his o____________ out in the first round. 6. Would you prefer rice or n (面条)? 7.O is necessary for most animals and plants to live. 8. He had put on his o (大衣) and was pulling the collar up over his ears. 9. With China’s entry into the World Trade O (组织), more foreigners coming to Beijing to work, study and live. 10.A large p (包裹)has arrived for you. II. 介词填空 1.Dave made a note her address and phone number. 2.The hotel lies on an island the coast of France. 3.Are you doing anything special Saturday night? 4.I don’t like it when the cat jumps my lap. 5.They said they had cleaned up but there were beer bottles all the place. 6.— What’s your opinion Cathy? — She’s very lovely. 7.Ann may be her forties, but she looks very young. 8.Doctors had to operate his knee immediately. 9.The boss is occupied his business and has no time with his family. 10.It is obvious everyone that the pet has been badly treated. III. 单项选择 1.— Have you got a camera? — No. I should buy . A. it B. any C. one D. some 2.I know what people are saying — but of it is true. A. none B. no one C. one D. all 3.It’s to feel nervous before an exam. A. ordinary B. common C. normal D. usual 4.She’s looked everywhere for her glasses, but they were . A. nowhere found B. to find nowhere C. nowhere to find D. nowhere to be found 5.Dad loves fishing best; the hobby most of his spare time. A. observes B. occupies C. costs D. spends 6.Doctors believe only tiny number of people at risk..


第一学期高三年级期终调研测试 英语试卷 (完卷时间: 120分钟满分: 140分) 第I卷(共100分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. In a cosmetics shop. B. In a hospital. C. In a nutrition department. D. In a supermarket. 2. A. Boss and secretary. B. Editor and publisher. C. Student and professor. D. Writer and reader. 3. A. Open a wedding company. B. Try a new restaurant. C. Run his own bakery. D. Buy some insurance. 4. A. The package is too big to deliver. B. The delivery can be made automatically. C. The woman will have lunch with the man. D. The man can make the delivery tomorrow morning. 5. A. He was most difficult to satisfy. B. He set many special requirements. C. He inspected the project regularly. D. He was as common as other customers. 6. A. An amazing book. B. A great woman. C. A scientific field. D. A strong voice. 7. A. He himself is a big fan of Hepburn. B. He does not think the girl is like Hepburn. C. H e felt puzzled by girls’ love for Hepburn. D. He does not know anything about Hepburn. 8. A. When to do mind-wandering. B. Where to have physical activities. C. How to keep attentive in a lecture. D. How to take notes in a lecture. 9. A. Ordinary. B. Practical. C. Disturbing. D. Unrealistic. 10. A. Decorating the company. B. Finishing a painting. C. Preparing a presentation. D. Restructuring the budget. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. 2. B. 11. C. 21. D. 30. 12. A. A horse. B. A dog. C. A pig. D. A cat. 13. A. More annoyed. B. Less anxious. C. More frightened. D. Less shocked. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.


2018年高考英语单词必考知识点总结归纳 一、一个星期七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 三、一年四季 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. twentieth第二十 四、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 2. niece (女性晚辈) 3. nephew (男性晚辈) 4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹) 5. aunt (女性长辈) 6. uncle (男性长辈) 五、以下动词加-ed或-ing要双写最后一个字母

1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语) 六、部分过去式和过去分词不规则变化的动词 1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播 2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑 3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止 4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅 5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰 6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung) 7. lie (作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain) 8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求 9. shake (shook, shaken) 发抖 10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌

2020上海高考英语核心词汇 字母L

label labelled unlabelled labelling labels labeled labeling unlabeled labour labor laboured labouring labours labored laboring labors labourer labourers laborer laborers lack lacked lacking lacks ladder ladders lag lagging lagged lags land landed landing landings lands landless large largely larger largest last lasted lasting

lastly late lately lateness later latest latter latterly laugh laughs laughing laughed laughable launch launched launching launches launcher launchers law laws lawyer lawyers lawful lawfully unlawful lawless lawlessness unlawfully lawmaker lawmakers lay laid laying lays lain lazy lazier laziest laziness lazily lead leader

leadership leading leads mislead misleading misleadingly misled led lean leans leaning leanings leaned leant learn learned learner learners learning learns learnt leave leaves leaving leaver leavers lecture lectured lecturer lecturers lectures lecturing left lefts leftist leftists lefthand lefthanded lefthander lefthanders legal illegal illegality


高三英语知识点总结归纳5篇分享 学习高三英语知识点的时候需要讲究方法和技巧,更要学会对高三英语知识点进行归纳整理。 高三英语知识点1 look at a book? 1. 表示阅读性地“看书”(即读书),一般要用动词read。如: Don’t read such books. 不要读那样的书。 He is reading a book on Shakespeare. 他在看一本关于莎士比亚的书。 但是,在许多情况下,“看书”只需用read 就够了(尤其是泛泛地表示“看书”时),无需后接book作宾语。如: In the evening I usually read. 晚上我常常看书。 This light is too poor to read by. 这光线太暗不能看书。 I read much less now than I did at school. 我现在看书远比我上学时少。 2. 若不是表示阅读性地“看书”,而只是大概地看一看,比如看看书的封面、定价、内容提要等,或者回答问题时看看书的某些章节或字句等,或者是考试时悼词楸镜龋此时都不宜用动词read, 可用look at, see 等。如: Can I look at those books? 我可以看看那些书吗?

Jim demanded to see my books. 吉姆要求看看我的书。 Please answer my questions without looking at your books. 请不看书回答我的问题。 Students must not look at their books during examinations. 学生考试不准舞弊。 高三英语知识点2 虚拟条件句 条件状语从句是非真实情况,在这种情况下要用虚拟语气。 l-条件从句与现在事实不一致,句型为:If+主语十过去时,tiag+should (could,would,或might)+动词原形,例如:If l were you,1 would study hard. 2.条件从句与过去事实不一致,句型为:If+主语+had+过去分词,主语+should(could, would,或might)+have+过去分词,例如:If I had not studied hard.1would have failed in the exam last term 3.条件从句与将来事实不一致,句型为:lf+主语+should/were to+do,主语+should( could.)+原形do,例如:If l were to go to the moon one day,I could see itwith my own eyes. 注意: 1.If条件句中绝对不可出现“would”。 2-根据句中的时间状语,有时可能出现“混合虚拟”的情况,即主


2017年上海高考英语真题试卷_上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案 2017年高考已经结束,相信大家都对高试卷感兴趣,下面是小编收集的上海市2017高考英语试卷及参考答案,供大家参考! 第I卷 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Who has given up smoking? A. Jack. B. Frank. C. The woman. 2. Why does the woman apologize to the man? A. She broke his telephone. B. She didn’t take him to the hospital.

C. She forgot to tell him the message. 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Salesgirl and customer. B. Passenger and driver. C. Wife and husband. 4. What is the woman’s opinion about the course? A. Too hard. B. Worth taking. C. Very easy. 5. What is the woman doing? A. She is apologizing. B. She is complaining. C. She is worrying. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出虽佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who wants to attend a US university? A. A daughter of the man’s friend. B. The man’s daughter. C. The man’s friend. 7. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a classroom. B. Over the phone. C. At a language


高考英语完形填空专题 解题技巧与方法指导 一、利用首句来解题,根据全文来选择 首句一般不设空。因此我们应重视首句,并利用首句预测短文的问 题和全文内容。 1. I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be anything but a failure. A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful 2. Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her first concert. She had been waiting for this moment for years and years. “Now it is here last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___1___ is.” The song made her go back to the days when she was Lauren’s age As a young girl, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___2___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a her teachers told her. “But y ou must be fine ___3___ in the future,”  prepared to study hard and work for many years. 1. A. voice B. face C. dress D. life 2. A. French B. music C. piano D. dance 3. A. actress B. student C. singer D. dancer 二、根据上下文语境,合理推断来解题 1. Our father was a struggling lawyer, but I always knew he was . He

2020上海高考英语核心词汇 字母 S

sacrifice sacrificing sacrifices sacrificed sacrificial sad sadness sadly saddest sadder sadden saddened saddening saddens safe safely safeness safer safest safety unsafe safeguard safeguards safeguarded safeguarding sail sailed sailing sailings sails sailor sailors sake sakes sale sales saleable unsaleable same sameness sample sampling samples sampled satisfy satisfying satisfies satisfied satisfactory satisfaction satisfactorily unsatisfied unsatisfying unsatisfactory unsatisfactorily save saved unsaved saves saving savings saver savers say said unsaid saying sayings says scale scaled scales scaling scalings scalable scarce scarceness scarcely scarcity scarcities scarcer scarcest scatter scatters scattering scattered scene scenery

上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第33课时(not any more~put on)

上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第33课时 (not any more -----put on ) I. 单项选择 1. we know each other a little better, we get along fine. A. Now that B. With that C. Now and then D. Not until 2. I a few words of Greek when I was there last year. A. pointed to B. picked up C. pointed out D. picked out 3. Not only a pay increase, but also reduced working hours. A. do the nurses want; they want B. the nurses want; do they want C . the nurses want; they want D. do the nurses want; do they want 4. They win -they’re trained hard enough. A. shouldn’t B. ought to C. might D. shan’t 5. Rosie’s five kilos since she quit smoking. She’s decided to lose weight. A. put away B. put down C. put off D. put on 6. Those who sell drugs to children should . A. pay for it B. pay it back C. pay it off D. pay it over 7. The bills keep coming in, . That’s why I’m short of money. A. one by one B. One after another C. one another D. for one thing 8. Although much progress has been made, , men still earn more than women. A. on average B. above average C. on the other hand D. below average 9. The way to learn the script (剧本) is to say it to yourself . A. once again B. all over C. over and over D. once more 10.I Freddie to see Mary, but he disagreed. A. ought to persuade B. managed to persuade C. was able to persuade D. tried to persuade 1.He his case and took out a clean sweater. 2.It must be important, he wouldn’t have called at 3 am. 3.The crowds had all gone home and the street was quiet . 4.-Is it OK if I have another cup of coffee? -, help yourself.


高考英语知识点归纳总结 听力 【常考点】①数字(涉及年代、日期、数量、价格等数字信息,以基数词、序数词、分数、小数、百分比等形式呈现);②地点(考查内容多以where开头); ③推断(不仅推断时间地点,还推断人物关系、身份、情感、态度、事情真相等); ④场景(涉及购物、问路、咨询天气、打电话等场景)。 【技巧点拨】领略主旨大意,概括对话的中心思想:领会弦外之音,揣测真正意图;捕捉细节,确认提到的具体信息;推测谈话背景,辨别角色关系。 【常见错误】听不懂;连音和吞音听不出来;语气、语调和重音辨别偏差;中外语言表达方式差异。 【常考点】①冠词、非谓语动词、主谓一致、时态和语态、情态动词、定语从句、倒装句、强调句和疑问句;②情景对话;③词组的辨析。 【技巧点拨】领略出题意图;分析句子结构i找关键信息词。 【常见错误】逻辑上受母语干扰;忽略关键信息词;忽略选项处前后的附加信息。 完形填空 【常考点】①同义、近义词词组辨析(动词、名词、形容词等);②固定搭配(动词和介词或副词、名词和介词、形容词和介词等);③语法(时态和语态、从句连接词等):④上下文逻辑关系。 【技巧点拨】跳过选项空格通读全文,领略主旨大意;做题时细读全文,结合选项含义及前后文关系、句子结构等,综合考虑作答:先做简单题,结合简单题找出的信息,进一步加深对文章的理解后再做难题:代入所选答案,再次通读全文,检查逻辑语义是否一致。 【常见错误】脱离上下文,只看选项所在单句;语法判断错误,词汇理解错误:缺少常见生活常识或文化背景造成理解偏差,选项误选。 阅读理解 【常考点】①常见文章体裁(记叙文、说明文、议论文);②常考开头或结尾(主题旬或中心句);③常考因果关系(because/so/SlFICe/for)④常考表示转折的语句;⑤常考比较关系;⑥常考数字信息(时间、数量等)。


III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (A) Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo (单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them___45___. They were also constant communication with people on the earth. ___46___, being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine (潜水艇) voyages. It will also happen on___47___space flights in the future. Will there be special problem of adjustment under such conditions? Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of___48___is. When men are___49___together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very___50___. Apparently, although no one wants to be___51___all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy. When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of___52___or stress. People who are well-adjusted are able to___53___stress situations better than others. That is one reason why so much care is taken in___54___our astronauts. These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress. 45. A. tired B. asleep C. conscious D. busy 46. A. So far B. After all C. However D. Therefore 47. A. long B. fast C. dangerous D. direct 48. A. fuel B. entertainment C. adjustment D. health 49. A. shut up B. held up C. brought up D. picked up 50. A. pleasing B. annoying C. common D. valuable


高考英语常考必考六个语法知识点 高考英语常考必考六个语法知识点 1. 语态和时态 —do you see those people on the little sandy island? —yes, they _______ handkerchiefs for the last half hour. i wonder why. a. were waving b. waved c. had waved d. have been waving 【正确答案】d 【高考考点】考查动词时态。现在完成进行时:表示一个从过去某一时刻开始的动作,一直延续到说话时还在进行或刚结束,句中常出现用for, since,how long等引导的时间状语。 his telephone has been ringing for a long it hasbeen raining since last sunday. how long have you been wearing glasses? 【题干句意】“你有没有看见那些在小岛上的人?”“是的,我看见了。他们在过去的半小时里一直在挥手帕,我不知道为什么。” 【详细解析】这个挥手帕的动作是在半小时前开始的,然后一直在挥,一直挥到了说话的这个时候,所以我们用的是一个现在完成进行时,强调一个动作的持续。我们再来看

一下其他几个时态: a选项是were waving——过去进行时,它指的是:①过去某一时刻正在进行;②过去某一阶段正在进行;——过去时,过去某时间发生的且已完成的动作,所以我们知道a 和b这两个时态都是和过去有关,而和现在是没有一点关系的,所以a和b这两个答案错了。 c. had waved——过去完成时:过去某一时刻或某一动作前完成的动作或状态,那么它所表达的时候是在过去的过去,例如: by theend of last year, we had built 5 newschools.到去年年底为止,我们已经建造了5所学校。首先,过去的时间是去年年底;而句子表达的意思是在去年年底之前,所以我们用过去完成时——hadbuil d.和现在是更加没有联系了,所以这个答案也是不正确的。 题干中的时间状语是“for the last halfhour”,注意这个last不是指“最后的”,而是指“刚才的——在刚才的半个小时里”,那么往往呢句中出现last,或者是last halfhour、recent这种词的话,我们一般都会选择现在完成进行时,因为它指的是“刚才”,那么肯定指“从刚才到现在”。所以本题答案是d. 2. 名词性从句 the information could be helpful to ____will take over the job.
