



下面摘取了最新的来自中国日报网(CHINA DAILY)的两篇文章,并做了必要的批注,且于文章末尾增添了几个小习题,可自行按照所附的参考答案检测阅读效果。


Bedroom floor harbors TEN times more bacteria than a toilet seat

中国日报网2020-02-12 08:23


You might be diligent about running the vacuum(吸尘器)over your carpet(地毯)whenever it starts to look a bit scruffy, but shocking research has revealed that the average bedroom floor is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat.

scruffy [?skr?fi]:adj.破旧的;肮脏的

The data, compiled by sofa and carpet specialist ScS, found carpets in the bedroom also harbor(藏匿)more than double the bacteria found in a

living room, and ten times that of a gym floor.

Their findings also showed that almost half of Brits have admitted to never cleaning their carpets, making them an ideal breeding(滋生)ground for

colonies of disease-causing microbes.

Office floors were found to be the cleanest in the experiment - in which carpets and household appliances(电器)were swabbed(擦拭)to

reveal levels of aerobic bacteria, yeast and mould.

Bedroom carpets were by far the dirtiest, with a combined bacteria and yeast level of 140 CFU per cm2 (colony forming units per cm2) uncovered within them, as well as heavy mould(霉菌).

The cleanest surface swabbed was an office carpet, which contained less bacteria than a gym floor, toilet seat or living room carpet, possibly due to more regular professional cleaning.

Daniel Wiadro/unsplash

The filthy results are perhaps not surprising considering 41 percent of 2,000 Britons recently questioned by BISSELL admitted they had never washed their carpets.

Some 84 percent of those polled by the carpet cleaning experts believed their carpets to be clean - with 63 percent were not aware that bacteria and allergens can live on the floor.

Carpets can be a breeding ground for bacteria and dust mites(尘螨), which can lead to health issues including breathing problems, eczema(湿疹)and other allergy symptoms.

Experts recommend vacuuming at least twice a week and having carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year to avoid growing levels of bacteria, mould and yeast.

Hygiene expert Dr Lisa Ackerley said: 'This research is of concern as unwashed carpets can become homes to bacteria and germs and in particular dust mites, which can put some people at greater risk of asthma, eczema and perennial allergic rhinitis caused by allergies to dust mite faecal matter.

'Each mite produces about 20 waste droppings every day, equating to around 20,000 particles of faeces in every cubic foot of air'.

Dale Gillespie, Head of Acquisition at ScS, dubbed the results of the company's research 'shocking', adding people should 'put time' into ensuring their carpets are clean.

Bella Middleton, Founder of Norfolk Natural Living, added: 'I am not at all surprised that your carpets are dirtier than your loo seat, largely because people clean their bathroom a lot more often than they do their carpets.

'Psychologically, we are all more aware of the need to give the loo a good clean, despite the amount of dirt and detritus that gets trampled(踩)

through our carpets on a daily basis.

'It is often difficult to see just how dirty carpets are, especially if they're dark in color. However, it is crucial to consider just how much bacteria collects in your carpets everyday, from dead skin cells, pet dander and outside dirt.

dander ['d?nd?]:n.头皮屑,羽毛屑

'Unwashed carpets are also a haven for dust mites which can affect allergy sufferers. These findings highlight the sheer amount of bacteria we're around everyday at home - it's enough to make anyone pull out the cleaning products.'


Sorry, but indoor potted plants don’t actually improve air quality

IFLScience、煎蛋网2019-11-19 09:09


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

In 1989, NASA conducted its famous Clean Air Study to see whether common houseplants might purify(清洁)indoor air by removing toxins

in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. It worked, and while plants are still capable of absorbing harmful toxins(有害物质)in the air, new research suggests that potted plants(盆栽)’ ability to improve air quality in the home or office is largely overstated and buries a more effective solution to keeping the air clean.

Writing in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, researchers found that natural ventilation(通风)of indoor environments dilutes(稀释)concentrations of potentially harmful air pollutants much faster than a plant is capable of extracting(吸收)them.

"The best way to have a healthy home is to try to reduce indoor emissions (排放), ventilate well (especially when doing high impact emissions like

cooking), and using filtration(过滤器)for certain pollutants (e.g. particulate matter),” study author Michael Waring of Drexel University told IFLScience.

Where NASA and similar studies went wrong is that they conducted their experiments in sealed chambers(密封环境)in laboratories, which do

not accurately mimic the many factors that influence our indoor environments.

To come to their conclusions, Waring and his team systematically reviewed a dozen studies by taking the available VOC removal data from different studies and converting (转化)the findings into a common metric(指标)they nicknamed the clean air delivery rate (CADR). CADR was used to parameterize air cleaning indoors. Using that metric, the impact of plants’ ability to remove VOCs was compared to the removal ability of other kinds of ventilation, both natural and mechanical.

VOC: abbr. 挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds)

P hoto by Mike Marquez on Unsplash

"In a small office, you would have to have somewhere between 100 to 1,000 plants to have the same air cleaning impact of ventilation at 1 air change per hour,” said Waring.

To understand the effects of indoor pollution, Waring says to think of it in three categories. The first is volatile organic compounds, which are gas-phase molecules that are emitted from many sources such as consumer products, cleaners, and building materials. These tend to reside in the air itself.

The second is semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), which are in things like pesticides, flame retardants, or plasticizers. These tend to be

'sticky' and stick to surfaces indoors and may persist for months or years.

Lastly, particulate matter, which can be solid or liquid, may be found floating in the air. These indoor pollutants have been linked to asthma,(哮喘)allergic reactions, irritation, and other respiratory ailment s(呼吸系统疾病).

That doesn’t mean you should chuck out your plants just yet. Waring says that although houseplants do not clean the air under typical settings, houseplants have many benefits, most of which are psychological.

Translate the underlined sentence.

1. You might be diligent about running the vacuum(吸尘器)over your carpet(地毯)whenever it starts to look a bit scruffy, but shocking research has revealed that the average bedroom floor is ten times dirtier than a toilet seat.

2.Carpets can be a breeding ground for bacteria and dust mites(尘螨), which can lead to health issues including breathing problems, eczema(湿疹)and other allergy symptoms.

3. Writing in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, researchers found that natural ventilation(通风)of indoor environments dilutes(稀释)concentrations of potentially harmful air pollutants much faster than a plant is capable of extracting(吸收)them.






新高考英语时文阅读高三专版(含答案解析及全文翻译) A The life of FM-2030, a transhumanist (超人文主义者) who believed humans will be able to end natural death in the future using technology, is explored in a new documentary. The film, titled‘2030’, was released late last month and is available across multiple streaming platforms. It was made by British filmmaker Johnny Boston who interviewed a range of FM-2030’s acquaintances and scientific experts. Transhumanists believe humans can and should use emerging future technology to greatly enhance their natural abilities. These technologies could include robotics, AI, gene therapy preventing the ageing process. This could radically change what it means to be a member of our species. FM-2030 was born in Brussels in 1930 named Fereidoun M. Esfandiary. The son of an Iranian diplomat, he later changed his legal name to mark his belief that by 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. FM-2030 wrote a number of books around life extension and transhumanist topics, and is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the modern transhumanist movement. After his death in 2000, FM-2030’s body was placed in cryonic suspension in Arizona. Mr Boston commented: “I met FM-2030 and that was his legal name when I was about 11 or 12 years old. He’d come to London with his partner at the time and they stayed with us. This was in the early 80s when he had these really off the wall ideas that we were going to live on indefinitely and that there was going to be a much more progressive politics. He talked about we were going to communicate brain to brain. There was going to be a machine that you could put in various characteristics and it was going to print stuff.” Mr Boston went on to produce a number of videos outlining FM-2030’s ideas. He did a series of films called the future of democracy that came out of talks that FM had done. He said,“FM really talks about what the future holds in terms of how we govern ourselves. He thinks we’ve got to useAI.” 1. What will happen in the future according to transhumanists? A. Humans will die in a natural state. B. Humans’life span will remain limited. C. Humans will not need language any longer. D. Humans’abilities will be largely improved by technologies. 2. Why did Fereidoun M. Esfandiary change his name to FM-2030? A. Because his father forced him to do so. B. Because he didn’t like his former name at all. C. Because he wanted to flag his transhumanist faith. D. Because he thought human would end natural death in 2030. 3. What does the underlined phrase “off the wall”in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Dull. B.Ambiguous. C. Ridiculous. D. Upset. 4. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. The Uncertain Future. B. The Film Called 2030. C. The Ideas of Transhumanists.


考研英语(一)阅读技巧总结 俗话说:“前人栽树,后人乘凉”,我们做任何事不能闭门造车,备考考研英语也是同样的道理,我们要学会寻找技巧方法,吸取前人的经验教训,进而才能更好的准备我们的考研英语考试。 之前我在准备考研英语考试时,咨询过很多学长学姐,再加上我个人的一些体验,总结了如下技巧(主要是针对考研英语一阅读)一、素材来源 好多同学买到真题就立即上手做,但从未了解过,真题是来源于哪些杂志文章啊,以及它会涉及哪些方面的内容啊,我们只有了解了这些才能做到心中有数,做起题来也更有方向感,其实,考研英语阅读和完形填空的真题文章有一半以上的都来源于英国的著名杂志《经济学人》,这个老牌的英文杂志涵盖的方面比较广泛,包括经济、政治、文化、科技、历史等诸多方面的话题。 二、阅读能力提高 阅读能力的测试包括阅读速度,理解程度以及记忆能力等。要想获得满意的考研英语成绩,最根本的方法就是提高词汇量,加强阅读训练,同时熟悉一些阅读技巧和做题方法也是至关重要的,每个人都有自己做题的一套方法,也各有所取,个人比较偏向于快速浏览,选取关键词的方法,做阅读题时,我们尤其要避免以下几点:第一、不忠于原文,主观选择答案。尤其对比较熟悉的题材或有个人习惯看法的问题往往容易以自己的主观看法代替作者的观点。 第二、问题简单化,粗心以及一些不良的阅读习惯。研究生的阅读题比六级要难一些,一般情况下文章的中心思想比较隐含,不会放在每段的第一句,答案不会在文章中直接给出。 第三、做完题缺少检查。对感觉把握不大或较难的试题,尤其是概括归纳题,作者意图题等在做完后要根据全文和问题的答案,看是否有矛盾,是否符合逻辑。 以上就是个人的经验总结,希望对同学们有帮助,最后,再推


时文阅读1.低头一秒,家毁人亡! 随着科技遍布全世界,智能手机成为了“通讯神器”。但是对于那些精力不集中的司机、骑行者和行人来说,手机在他们手里就是一把上膛的枪 Alexander Heit, a 22-year-old college student with good grades and a quick wit?[w?t](智力,才智), was driving in Greeley, in the US state of Colorado, when he decided to reply to a text message on his phone. "Sounds good my man, see ya soon, I'll tw" We don't know the rest. The message was interrupted by a crash. Heit died. While the young man was distracted, he drifted into oncoming traffic, according to the International Business Times. On my cycling trips around Beijing, I often think about the many tragic cases like Heit’s that I’ve read about in my home country over the years. I am astounded by the number of my fellow cyclists and also scooter riders who I see not only carrying on phone conversations but also only reading text on their phones. Their heads are down, eyes transfixed by a small luminous screen, oblivious to the world they’re rushing toward.Of course, the faster you’re going, the quicker a distraction can become a tragedy.。 Studies show that staring at a cellphone for 3 seconds while driving at 60 kilometers an hour is as dangerous as driving blind for 50 meters, according to Xie Caifeng, a fellow at the research office of Shunyi Court in Beijing, writing in a column published by China Daily last year.Xie wrote that official statistics showed that “the use of cellphones while driving was the top reason for traffic accidents leading to death in Zhengzhou, Henan province”. It is also illegal. According to the national traffic code, it is illegal to use hand-held phones while driving, and an offender can lose points on their license and receive a fine of up to 200 yuan ($29.75), Xie wrote.Penalties are one deterrent, but education and social pressure also are important. Two years ago, the Shanghai office of the media company Havas designed a campaign for the Global Road Safety Partnership using 350 smashed cell phones that had been in the hands of people who had died while texting in China, showing their last words.They were mounted on black slabs(板子)like gravestones(墓碑) as part of an installation for Road Safety Day in 2015, which was made into a film,?SMS Last Words. It showed heart-rending last exchanges like this one:: Driver: Don't worry, I'll be home quickly.


高三阅读资料——叙事类美文系列 T h e K e y o f a C a r A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curiously, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" Then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things. When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words... "PAID IN FULL". How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected? I trust you enjoyed this. Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. Four wives in our lives There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best. He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men. He too, loved his 2nd wife. She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante. Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and guide him through difficult times.


新高考英语时文阅读高三专版特训(含答案解析及原文翻译) A The life of FM-2030, a transhumanist (超人文主义者) who believed humans will be able to end natural death in the future using technology, is explored in a new documentary. The film, titled ‘2030’, was released late last month and is available across multiple streaming platforms. It was made by British filmmaker Johnny Boston who interviewed a range of FM-2030’s acquaintances and scientific experts. Transhumanists believe humans can and should use emerging future technology to greatly enhance their natural abilities. These technologies could include robotics, AI, gene therapy preventing the ageing process. This could radically change what it means to be a member of our species. FM-2030 was born in Brussels in 1930 named Fereidoun M. Esfandiary. The son of an Iranian diplomat, he later changed his legal name to mark his belief that by 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. FM-2030 wrote a number of books around life extension and transhumanist topics, and is widely regarded as one of the founding fathers of the modern transhumanist movement. After his death in 2000, FM-2030’s body was placed in cryonic suspension in Arizona. Mr Boston commented: “I met FM-2030 and that was his legal name when I was about 11 or 12 years old. He’d come to London with his partner at the time and they stayed with us. This was in the early 80s when he had these really off the wall ideas that we were going to live on indefinitely and that there was going to be a much more progressive politics. He talked about we were going to communicate brain to brain. There was going to be a machine that you could put in various characteristics and it was going to print stuff.” Mr Boston went on to produce a number of videos outlining FM-2030’s ideas. He did a series of films called the future of democracy that came out of talks that FM had done. He said,“FM really talks about what the future holds in terms of how we govern ourselves. He thinks we’ve got to useAI.” 1. What will happen in the future according to transhumanists? A. Humans will die in a natural state. B. Humans’life span will remain limited. C. Humans will not need language any longer. D. Humans’abilities will be largely improved by technologies. 2. Why did Fereidoun M. Esfandiary change his name to FM-2030? A. Because his father forced him to do so. B. Because he didn’t like his former name at all. C. Because he wanted to flag his transhumanist faith. D. Because he thought human would end natural death in 2030. 3. What does the underlined phrase “off the wall”in Paragraph 5 mean? A. Dull. B.Ambiguous. C. Ridiculous. D. Upset. 4. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. The Uncertain Future. B. The Film Called 2030. C. The Ideas of Transhumanists.


考研英语阅读文章的几大组织结构 来源:文都图书 对于一篇英文文章来说,不管是英文说明文或是议论文,无论其看上去有多复杂,每篇文章都有其写作的目的性,为了达到写作的目的,考研英语阅读文章一般采用特定的写作方式,我们如果想读懂这篇文章,那么必须了解这篇文章的组织结构,我们一起来学习一下英人生中最幸福的就是身体健康 语阅读文章的几大组织结构吧。 一、层层递进型 全文论述从抽象到具体,从简单到复杂,文章开始是对有关主题的一般介绍,然后一步一步将主题具体化。这类文章的各段开始常出现表示递进关系的副词,如in addition to, furthermore, moreover 等,文章的主题一般可以通过综合各段首句得出。 二、一枝独秀型 全文围绕一个核心概念展开,文章围绕着这个概念、中心思想或者现象,从各个方面进行分析和解释说明,最后对文章进行总结,并再一次对该概念、中心思想进行阐述。 三、花开两朵型 文章开始提出两个核心概念,随后分段论述。把握这种文章的关键是注意这两个核心概念的定义,以及它们的区别和联系。这种结构分为两类,一种是两个概念是并列的,另一种是两个概念形成对比,对于后一种文章要注意两个概念之间的区别,以及作者对各自的态度。 四、现象--解释型 在现象--解释型的文章中,作者在文章开始给出一个现象,相当于提出一个问题,然后对现象进行解释或分析现象或问题产生的原因,存在的因数以及可能解决方案,作者可能提到几个不同的解决方案,但是之后作者自己认可的那种解决方案才是文章的重点和主题;在文

章最后对现象或问题进行总结说明并进一步强调作者支持的那种解决办法。 五、问题--解决方案型 在这类文章中,作者首先提出一个问题,然后针对这一问题给出解决方案。如果有多个解决方案,作者认可的才是主题。 除了文章结构外,对于报刊杂志体文章时文的一般特点也应有所了解,因为这种文章在考研阅读中占有极大比重。报刊杂志体文章的主要特点有: 1.引人入胜。通常以一个有趣或吸引人的故事或背景开始。 2.抛砖引玉。讲故事或交代背景的目的在于引出主题。所以,时文的主题常出现于首段的最后一句话或第二段的首句。 3.假装客观。作者开始不说出自己的观点,貌似客观地陈述各派观点,最后才表达自己的观点。在确定作者态度的时候,主要根据所举的例子进行判断。如果例子表现一种正面态度,说明作者对这一事物持正评价;反之持负评价。 总之,对于一篇完整的英文说明文或者议论文来说,不论其形式看上去有多么复杂多样,但是套用一句老话:"万变不离其宗"即文章都遵循了特定的篇章结构模式,在这些模式中采用频率最高的是"现象-解释型"型模式。这种模式的特点即提出问题(提出说明的事物或者现象)、分析问题(对事物或者现象进行说明)、解决问题(对说明的事物或者现象进行总结)。可见,如果我们熟悉了文章的篇章结构模式特点,对读懂文章和把握主题帮助极大,一般来说,我们阅读文章的目的是为了获取信息。文章体裁不同,其结构特点就会各异。因此,我们获取信息的最有效方法之一就是去学习和了解文章的结构,以便更加准确、快速地定位我们要找的信息。此外,英语的阅读能力不是一蹴而就的,需要我们日积月累的积累学习,我们每天要计划好阅读量,习题量,并且要持之以恒的坚持,如果同学们,手头没有合适的资料的话,可以看一下何凯文的2017《考研英语阅读同源外刊时文精析》,这本书与考研阅读真题是同源文章,相信对我们应对实


高中英语阅读理解(时文广告)解题技巧及练习题含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解时文广告类 1.阅读理解 Various cultural activities always take place on campus in springy March. This year, the Office of Student Affairs is going to organize the South and Southeast Asian Cultural Festival to present cultures of these two regions across the board---the opening ceremony, food and cultural booths, talks and workshops, and many others. Don't be spoilt for choice! Local South and Southeast Asian Market The Cultural Square will be transformed into a local market where diverse South and Southeast Asian cultures meet. Visitors can taste local food, meet the locals and experience some local ways of life, so remember to drop into this wonderful marketplace! Date:6&7 March 2019(Wednesday&Thursday) Time:12:00-14:30 Venue: Cultural Square, Main Campus Tofu Making Workshop Soft or firm, salty or sweet, steamed or fried, tofu is well-known for its nice taste and good nutrition. It plays an important role in East Asian and Southeast Asian food culture, so we may well have eaten it, but do you know how it is made? Here comes a chance for you to try your hand at making this widely enjoyed food! Date:10 March 2019(Sunday) Time:15:00-16:30 Venue Room 201B, 2/F WS Centre Fee: $ 100 An Introduction to Dandiya Raas Dandiya Rass, a traditional folk dance of India, is associated with scenes of Holi, which is a famous spring festival known as the festival of colors. At this workshop, our Indian students will introduce the dance to the participants by dancing together and feel the soul of their unique music culture. Date:13 March 2019(Wednesday) Time:18:30-20:30 Venue: Room 502, WFY Building Quota:20(First come, first served ) Thai Loy Krathong Festival Loy Krathong, or Water Lantern Festival, is a widely celebrated occasion in Thailand where people pray for good things for the year ahead. In this workshop, participants can try their hand at making their own krathong under the guidance of Thai students ! Date:14 March 2019(Thursday) Time:18:30-20:30 Venue :L-LOUNGE,3/F YIA Quota :20(First come, first served ) (1)These activities above are aimed to___________.


高考英语阅读素材:阅读经典名著能锻炼大 脑 He wrote that the ‘human mind is capable of excitement without the application of grossand violent stimulants’. And it appears that simply reading those words by William Wordsworth prove his point. 英国诗人威廉·华兹华斯曾写道:“人的心灵,不用巨大猛烈的刺激,也能够兴奋起来”。要说明这一点,看上去似乎单是读一下这句话就够了。 Researchers at the University of Liverpool found the prose of Shakespeare and Wordsworth and the like had a beneficial effect on the mind, provi ding a ‘rocket-boost’ to morale by catching the reader’s attention and triggering moments of self-reflection. 利物浦大学的研究人员发现,莎士比亚和华兹华斯以及其他类似作家的作品对思维具有裨益,能够吸引读者的注意力,让读者自我反省,像“火箭助推器”一样提升人的精神状态。 Using scanners, they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read pieces of classical English literature both


考研英语阅读文章结构特点分析 对于一篇完整的英文说明文或者议论文来说,不论其形式看上去有多么复杂多样,但是每个作者都有自己的写作目的。为了达到写作目的,一般考研阅读的文章都是采取特定的篇章结构模式,仔细分析历年考研阅读理解的篇章结构特点,发现命题人在编排文章时通常采用五种结构模式。 一、层层递进型 全文论述从抽象到具体,从简单到复杂,文章开始是对有关主题的一般介绍,然后一步一步将主题具体化。这类文章的各段开始常出现表示递进关系的副词,如inadditionto,furthermore,moreover等,文章的主题一般可以通过综合各段首句得出。 二、一枝独秀型 全文围绕一个核心概念展开,文章围绕着这个概念、中心思想或者现象,从各个方面进行分析和解释说明,最后对文章进行总结,并再一次对该概念、中心思想进行阐述。 三、花开两朵型 文章开始提出两个核心概念,随后分段论述。把握这种文章的关键是注意这两个核心概念的定义,以及它们的区别和联系。这种结构分为两类,一种是两个概念是并列的,另一种是两个概念形成对比,对于后一种文章要注意两个概念之间的区别,以及作者对各自的态度。 四、现象--解释型 在现象--解释型的文章中,作者在文章开始给出一个现象,相当于提出一个问题,然后对现象进行解释或分析现象或问题产生的原因,存在的因数以及可能解决方案,作者可能提到几个不同的解决方案,但是之后作者自己认可的那种解决方案才是文章的重点和主题;在文章最后对现象或问题进行总结说明并进一步强调作者支持的那种解决办法。 五、问题--解决方案型 在这类文章中,作者首先提出一个问题,然后针对这一问题给出解决方案。如果有多个解决方案,作者认可的才是主题。 除了文章结构外,对于报刊杂志体文章时文的一般特点也应有所了解,因为这种文章在考研阅读中占有极大比重。报刊杂志体文章的主要特点有: 1.引人入胜。通常以一个有趣或吸引人的故事或背景开始。 2.抛砖引玉。讲故事或交代背景的目的在于引出主题。所以,时文的主题常出现于首


时文阅读 1. 低头一秒,家毁人亡! 随着科技遍布全世界,智能手机成为了“通讯神器”。但是对于那些精力不集中的司机、骑行者和行人来说,手机在他们手里就是一把上膛的枪 Alexander Heit, a 22-year-old college student with good grades and a quick wit [w?t](智力,才智), was driving in Greeley, in the US state of Colorado, when he decided to reply to a text message on his phone. "Sounds good my man, see ya soon, I'll tw" We don't know the rest. The message was interrupted by a crash. Heit died. While the young man was distracted, he drifted into oncoming traffic, according to the International Business Times. On my cycling trips around Beijing, I often think about the many tragic cases like Heit’s that I’ve read about in my home country over the years. I am astounded by the number of my fellow cyclists and also scooter riders who I see not only carrying on phone conversations but also only reading text on their phones. Their heads are down, eyes transfixed by a small luminous screen, oblivious to the world they’re rushing course, the faster you’re going, the quicker a distraction can become a trage dy.。 Studies show that staring at a cellphone for 3 seconds while driving at 60 kilometers an hour is as dangerous as driving blind for 50 meters, according to Xie Caifeng, a fellow at the research office of Shunyi Court in Beijing, writing in a column published by China Daily last wrote that official statistics showed that “the use of cellphones while driving was the top reason for traffic accidents leading to death in Zhengzhou, Henan province”. It is also illegal. According to the national traffic code, it is illegal to use hand-held phones while driving, and an offender can lose points on their license and receive a fine of up to 200 yuan ($, Xie are one deterrent, but education and social pressure also are important. Two years ago, the Shanghai office of the media company Havas designed a campaign for the Global Road Safety Partnership using 350 smashed cell phones that had been in the hands of people who had died while texting in China, showing their last were mounted on black slabs(板子) like gravestones(墓碑) as part of an installation for Road Safety Day in 2015, which was made into a film, SMS Last Words. It showed heart-rending last exchanges like this one::
