2020最新必修五unit3 单词拼写和完成句子+语法填空

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Ⅰ. 重点短语:

1. 给某人留下…印象_________________

2. 立刻,马上____________________

3. 看不见(v)__________________________


5. 朝四面八方_____________________


7. 加速______________8. 拿起;接受;开始;从事,占据____________________ 9. 看见____________________10. 使某人想起___________________________ 11. 开(闭)幕式____________________12. 因缺乏_________________________ 13. 一无所缺______________________14. 好像

Ⅱ. 重点单词:

1.It's of great importance to make a good on the interviewer in a job interview..

2.The book was worn out from (连续不断的)use.

3.To my anger,he is (不断)changing his mind

4.The project had to be stopped for ________ of money. The manager has gone to raise money.

5.Though (缺乏)money, his parents managed to send him to university

6.Applicants (申请人)for the job must have ___________(先前的,以前的)job experience.

7.We must be (指引) by our sense of what is right and just.

8.The university students are fairly _____________(乐观的) about their future.

9.Have you thought of a (解决办法)of pollution.

10.I recognized her the (片刻)I saw her.

11.I can't ___________(忍受) having so much homework to do every day.

12.I never been to the (沙漠)visited by them.

13.I could see on sign of life in the (遗弃的)town.

14.It is OK for parents to ask their kids to work hard, but remember not to (逼迫)them too hard.

15.Many families have decided to give birth to a second baby since China made some (调整)to its birth policy.



The thief ________ ________ the room, (steal ) a

lot of money.


Warning: the ________ ________ before get ting the car started.


I __________ __________to catch up with the blue car.

4.When he got there, he _________ _______ ______ (看见) the ship on the sea but soon it was ______ _____ _______ (看不见了).


He was __________ __________ in the centre of the crowd.


Don't worry. You'll soon _______ ________ ________ _______ ________ .


_______ ________ . your weapons and prevent the aliens from invading the earth.


The sofa _______ _______ to much room

9. 因为缺钱,他们放弃了到国外旅行。

They gave up going abroad for a tour _______ ________ ________ money.


She left out a cry of surprise when she ________ _________ __________ the big diamond.


1. The city of Hangzhou is really an_________place. Especially the famous West Lake always leaves quite an_________on the visitors. I was strongly_________by its beauty the first time I saw it. (impress)

2. He walked in the_________villages and found the_________very comfortable to live in. (surround)

3. We’ve got to_________our students, because the stronger the_________is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. (motivate)

4. When hunting for a job, it is useful to have_________career experience, which means that you have done the same kind of job_________. (previous)

5. Are your opinions_________of the other students? In other words, do you_________your fellow students to say that? (representative)
