

































中山市第一中等职业技术学校:融企业文化,促学生成长[ 发布日期:2012年3月23日发布者:陈列阅读次数:968次 ] 龙卫平 随着经济社会的不断发展,现代企业对学生的职业素养越来越高。为了满足现代企业的要求,尽快实现企业与学校全方位无缝对接,中山一职在班级管理中积极引入企业化管理,通过对企业优秀文化的移植、提炼、升华,通过对学生有针对性职业意识和职业素养的培养,缩短了学生转变角色的时间,使学生快速成长为“企业员工”。这种“融入企业文化”的班级管理取得了很好的教育效果,赢得了学生、家长、企业的一致好评。 下面我将从几个方面谈谈我校的班级企业化管理。 一、什么是班级企业化管理 什么是企业管理?企业管理(Business Management)是对企业的生产经营活动进行组织、计划、指挥、监督和调节等一系列职能的总称。什么是班级企业化管理?班级企业化管理是把一个班级当作一个企业来进行管理的方法;也就是借鉴企业的优秀管理方法和文化对一个班级进行管理的方法。具本来说就是把班级当作企业,把班级的学生当作企业的员工,把学生的学习当作员工的工作,把学生学习的结果当作员工工作的产品,利用企业的优秀化对班级进行有效管理的一种方法。 二、为什么要在班级管理中引入企业化管理 1.创新职业学校班级管理的需要 目前,职业学校的班级管理仍存在很多弊端:①在长期“应试教育”的影响下,职业学校的班级管理仍是“保姆式”、“警察式”的班级管理。班主任或是强制性地发号施令,或是家长制地出言必训,或是“保姆式”的包办,或是“警察式”的看管;这种班级管理造成班主任起早贪黑,疲于奔命,整天忙于繁重班

级事务,且效果不佳;这种班级管理造成了学生不关心班级事务,不关心班级荣誉,大多数学生被动服从、被动管理,缺乏主动性、自主性、参与性。②在长期“功利主义”的影响下,职业学校的班级仍像普通学校一样“只关注课堂,只关注成绩,只关注个人排名”,从不关注班级文化建设,从不关注团队氛围营造,班级缺乏凝聚力、向心力和活力。③在长期“传统班干部形象”的影响下,职业学校班干部仍像普通学校一样,带有明显的“官味”。这种“官味”的班干部(如团委书记、纪律委员等)往往形成了一种特殊的“工作作风”,要么命令式,指挥式;要么被动式,应付式;这种班干部权力多,责任少,容易导致班级事务管理不好,学生干部培养不好,这是不符合职业教育的理念,不利于现代人素质的培养。同时,这种班干部一旦任用,一般不换,忽视了更多学生参与和锻炼的机会,忽视了更多学生的自主、自理、自治能力的培养,是不符合现代教育理念民主平等原则,这是我们提出班级企业化管理的原因之一。 2.职业教育的需要 (1)职业教育特殊性的需要 “以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向、以能力为本位”的职业教育就是就业教育,而不是培养学生升入高一级学校为目的的精英教育。《职业教育法》明确指出“职业教育是建立在普通教育基础之上的,以社会分工形成的职业需求(包括社会的、个人的)为价值取向而进行的教育”。联合国教科文组织明确指出“职业教育为就业作准备的教育”。这充分说明职业教育的特殊性在于它是就业教育,这也是与普通教育的最终区别。 (2)职业教育培养目标的需要 我国职业教育的创始人黄炎培先生指出“职业教育,以教育为方法,而以职业为目的者也”。国务院《关于大力发展职业教育的决定》明确指出:“职业教育是以服务社会主义现代化建设为宗旨,培养数以亿计的高素质劳动者和数以万计的高技能专门人才”。教育部《关于全面推进素质教育,深化中等职业教育教


2018年九年级英语4月模拟考试题(中山市含答案) --I don’t have enough money This watch is too expensive ---Look, there are some more over there They are ______ and nice A big B old C small D cheap ( )33---Can you hear me? ---No I can’t because you can’t speak_______ A clearly enough B clear enough C enough clear D enough clearly ( )34 ---May I watch TV for a while? ---No, you ______ You have to finish your homework first A shouldn’t B may not C mustn’t D needn’t ( )35 If you don’t knothe neords, you can ___ them ____ in the dictionary A look, for B look, after C look, up D look, over ( )36 Ms Smith ______ in NeYork in the spring of 1998 A has been B will be C were D was ( )37 Be sure to let Tom knothe notice as soon as he ______ A arrives B will arrive C arrived D was arriving ( )38 I ______ to Cape Town, so I knonothing about it A don’t travel B won’t travel C have travel D haven’t traveled ( )39 Look! There is the nebridge It _______ a month ago A.build B.was built C.is built D.will be built ( )40 Don’t let him _____ out alone at night He is young and will be frightened A.go B.goes C.to go D.going ( ) 41 There _____ seven small and short persons in the forest


印发广东省地方教育附加征收使用管理 暂行办法的通知 粤府办[2011]10号 颁布时间:2011-3-23发文单位:广东省人民政府办公厅 各地级以上市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构: 经财政部同意,我省从2011年1月1日起征收地方教育附加。为规范地方教育附加的征收、使用和管理,经省人民政府同意,现将《广东省地方教育附加征收使用管理暂行办法》印发给你们,请认真贯彻 执行。执行中遇到的问题,请径向省财政厅反映。 广东省人民政府办公厅 二O一一年二月二十三日 广东省地方教育附加征收使用管理暂行办法 第一章总则 第一条为规范和加强地方教育附加的征收、使用和管理,多渠道筹集教育经费,加快我省教育事业发展,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》和财政部有关通知要求,结合广东省实际,制定本办法。 第二条本办法适用于广东省行政区域内地方教育附加的征收、使用和管理。 第三条地方教育附加属于政府性基金,收入全额纳入财政,实行“收支两条线”管理。 第四条各地级以上市(含深圳市,下同)、县(市、区)征收的地方教育附加收入,按3∶7固定比例与省分成,30%为省级收入缴入省级国库,70%为市、县级收入缴入市、县级国库。省地税局直属分局随营业税征收(包括委托地方代征)的地方教育附加为省级地方教育附加收入。 第五条地方教育附加的征收、使用和管理,应接受财政、税务、教育、人力资源社会保障、审计、监 察等部门按职责分工进行的监督检查。 第二章征收和缴纳 第六条征收对象和标准。对广东省行政区域内缴纳增值税、营业税、消费税(以下简称“三税”)的单位和个人(包括外商投资企业、外国企业及外籍个人),按实际缴纳“三税”税额的2%征收地方教育附加。 第七条地方教育附加由各级地方税务部门负责代征,纳入地税“大集中”系统与税同征同管。省地税局直属分局随营业税征收的地方教育附加全额缴入省级国库,市、县(市、区)征收的地方教育附加收入按分成比例,足额就地分别缴入省级国库和地方同级国库。缴库时按规定填列《政府收支分类科目》相应的“政府性基金预算收入—地方教育附加收入”预算科目及科目编码。 第八条国税、地税部门要密切配合,加强征管信息交换,具体办法由省地税局与省国税局商定。

2019 年广东省中山市中考英语押题卷(一)

2019 年中考英语押题卷(一) 满分:90分考试时长:80分钟 一、单项选择(本大题有15 小题,每小题 1 分,共15 分) ( )1.InChinese, date5.20hasasimilarpronunciationto“Iloveyou”,makingit lucky and romanticday. A.a,a B.a, the C.the,a D.the,the ( )2.---Whatagood you’ve given me! Thanks a lot! ---Mypleasure. https://www.360docs.net/doc/de6227487.html,rmation B.news C.suggestion D.advice ( )3.The old musician wasborn .Inhis , he held one of his concerts in his hometown. A.70-year-old, in1930s,fifty B. 70-year-old, in the 1930s,fifties C.70 year old, in the1930,fifties D.70 years old, in the 1930s,fifties ( )4. Somepeopledress in bloody shark suits. Theytellpeople shark fins to protect thesharks. A.them,eat B.themselves, toeat C.them,toeat D.themselves, not toeat ( )5.---Jimmy, which class won the basketballmatchyesterday?---_ did. Jack is really a blackhorse. A.ClassThird B.ClassThree C.ThreeClass D.Third Class ( )6.I think time ismore than money. When money is spent, we can make more. but when time is gone, it neverreturns. A.conveniently B.convenient C.valuable D. valuably ( )7.---Are you used to the life inBeijing? ---No. thecrowdedtraffic the high living cost. The only reason is the badly pollutedair. A.Not only,butalso B.Either,or C.Both,and D.Neither,nor ( )8.They more than 14,000 books sincethelibrary lastmonth. A. have collected,built B. have collected ,wasbuilt C. collected,isbuilt D. collected, wasbuilt ( )9.---ItissaidthatchildreninSouthKoreahavetohikeandwalkthroughmountainsatnight their militarytraining(军训). ---Really? So their training is much harder than ours. A.after B. since C.during D. before ( )10.---Someone is walking towards myhouse,who itbe? ---It be Tom. He is still having an exam at schoolnow.Y ou wait andsee. A.must,can’t,can B.will,can’t,must C.can,can’t,can D.could, mustn’t,may ( )11.---Why don’t you go to Mark’s birthdayparty?---I in 30 minutes. I’m busy preparing a gift for him. A.arrive B.arrived C.havearrived D.willarrive


广东省中山市2015届九年级英语5月联合模拟考试试题 说明:1、本试卷共五大题, 60小题,试卷共8页; 2、本卷满分95分; 3、将答案写在答题卷上。 一、单项选择(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。若用答题卡答题,则将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。 ( ) 1. --- How far is it from our school to seaside? --- It is 8-kilometer walk from here. A. /, a B. /, an C. the , a D. the , an ( ) 2. Many people showed their singing and became famous on the TV program The Voice of China. A. ability B. competition C. background D. suggestion ( ) 3.--- Does Antonia always finish her homework on time? ---Yes, of course. She leaves today’s work for tomorrow. A. also B. hardly C. only D. usually ( ) 4 --- Look! It be Tom on the playground. --- It be him. I saw him enter the classroom just now. A. must; can’t B. must; mustn’t A. if B. unless C. when D. until ( ) 8. ---What do you think of the film last night? --- Not so good. In fact, I’ve never seen a one before. A. better B. worse C. bad D. good ( ) 9.--- Li Ming is getting a lot better than expected. --- But his doctor _______ he shouldn’t be in a hurry to return to training. A. imagines B. notices C. wonders D. warns ( ) 10. I’ll give a talk tomorrow. I’m thinking about . A. what to say B. how to say C. what can I say D. how can I say ( ) 11. --- Your brother often agrees with you , he? --- . We often have the same opinions. A. does, Yes B. doesn’t , Yes C. does, No D. doesn’t, No ( ) 12. A boy with two dogs under the tree when I got there. A. were sleeping B. is asleep C. was sleeping D. are asleep ( ) 13. A lot of food to the town after the earthquake. A. is sending B. sent C. are sent D. was sent ( ) 14. --- Could I know _______, please?


中山市初中统考2019年七年级上学期英语期末调研试卷(模拟卷四) 一、选择题 1.________ is your P.E. teacher? A.What B.Who C.Whose D.When 2.—Excuse me, whose bag is it? I found it in the waiting room. —Oh, it’s _______. Thanks. A.me B.my C.myself D.mine 3.Are these peaches? ______ A.Yes, they are. B.No, these are. C.Yes, they aren’t. 4.(易错题)Look!A map is ______ the wall(墙). A.in B.on C.at D.under 5.一Does your brother have a soccer ball? 一_______ . And he has a basketball, too. A.Yes, he is B.Yes, he does C.No, he doesn't D.No, he isn't 6.—Does Bill ________ tennis bats? —Yes, he ________ two. A.have;have B.has; has C.have;has D.has;have 7.Here ____________ two yellow jackets. A.am B.is C.are D.be 8.Jane bananas, but she likes strawberries. A.don’t like B.don’t likes C.doesn’t like D.doesn’t likes 9.______ is on January 1st. A.Children’s Day B.Women’s Day C.National Day D.New Year’s Day 10.I have two_______. A.pencil cases B.pencils cases C.pencils case D.pencil case 11.The telephone is not in my room. It’s in my room. A.parents’B.parents C.parent D.mom and dad 12.My name________Tony, and________name is Lucy. A.is, her B.is, his C.am, her D.are, his 13.________ you like ice cream? A.Are B.Does C.Do 14.I want to have a hat ________. A.in green B.fantastic C.in shop 15.There ________ a computer on the desk. A.are B.have C.has D.is 16.晚饭后,你散步时遇到你的一个朋友,你应说“_______” 来打招呼。 A.Good morning. B.Good afternoon. C.Good evening. 17.(题文)Look! Mr. Green is ______ the photo. A.of B.in C.at D.about



广州2017~2018市学年上学期期末考试九年级英语试卷一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满 分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和 上下文连贯的语法要求,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将 该项涂黑。 When your dream is to become a footballer, nothing could get it in your way—even if you have no feet. Gabriel Muniz, 1 eleven-year-old Brazilian kid, was born without feet. 2 his family thought he would have serious difficulties living a normal life, he started 3 before he was one year old. 4 mother would go after him, expecting him to keep falling, but he never fell. It 5 him a long time to make the jump from walking to playing football, but he did make it. There was 6 he loved more than playing football. In his school, he was not only the best player in his school team 7 the captain of his gym. 2


广东省中山市小榄镇2017届九年级英语第一次模拟检测试题 一.单项选择(共20小题,每题1分,共20分) ( )1.---It’s really hot today, what drinks do we have in the fridge? ---We have some _________. A. noodles B. lemonade C. sausages D. cheese ( )2.---_______chocolate bread you want is done now. ---What ________delicious smell! A.A;the B.A;不填 C.The;a D.The;不填 ( )3.In Beijing,you can see m any people wear masks(口罩) if they _______ out on foggy days. A.went B.go C.are going D.will go ( )4.---A latest English newspaper,please! ---Only one copy left.Would you like to have________,sir? A.one B.this C.that D.it ( )5. ---Junior high school days will be over _______ a week.How are you feeling? ---I'm trying to keep my cool because we've been together ________ three years.A.in;in B.for;in C.in;for D.for;for ( )6. ______ my father ______ my mother take good care of me. I love them so much. A. Either, or B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Not only, but also ( )7.---How was your interview for the work? ---Oh,I couldn't feel any__.I hardly understood most of the questions they asked.A.harder B.happier C.better D.worse ( ) 8. -- When ______ the 24th Winter Olympic Games ______ in Beijing? -- In 2022. A. is, held B. will, hold C. do, hold D. will, be held ( )9.I’m not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, because it ___ the weather. A. stands for B. agrees with C. lives on D. depends on ( )10.It is reported that people throw ________ plastic bags along this street every day.


九年级英语期末测试卷及答案 一、听力选择(共20小题;每题1分,满分20分) (请先熟悉听力试题,然后再动笔答题.做题时,先将答案划在试卷上.录音内容结束后,再将试卷上的答案转填涂到答题卡相应的位置上.) A、听下面10段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话读两遍. 1.Which sign didn’t the lady notice? 2.What’s the weather like when they are talking? 3.What time did the girl get up this morning? 4.Which actress does the woman like best? 5.Where does this conversation probably take place? A.At home.B.In a stadium.C.In the hospital.6.Which dress does the man like? A.The red one.B.The white one.C.The purple one.7.How many desks are there for the parents? A.Sixteen.B.Twenty-five.C.Twenty-six.8.Who is the man speaking to? A.Mrs.Green.B.Dr.Brown.C.Joe.9.Which bus does the man want to take? A.A number 5.B.A number 3.C.A number 63.10.How is the woman going to the airport?


中山市2012---2013学年度上学期期末水平测试 九年级英语参考答案及评分标准 一、单项选择(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1-5 CCDBA 6-10. ACCDC 11-15. DDCCB 16-20. CBDDB 二、完型填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 21-25. CBABD 26-30. CCDAD 三、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 31-35 ACBDC 36-40 CDBCC 41-45 DEFAC 四、短文填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分。) 46. ideas 47. to 48. Thinking 49. them 50. better 51. also 52. much 53. pay 54. words 55. that 五、读写综合(本大题分A、B两部分,共20分) A)信息归纳5分 56. making friends 57. on computer 58. plays computer games too much. 59. Li Ping 60. stressed out B)书面表达15分 Dear_Meimei, I’m very glad that I can give you some help Please don’t worry about not having friends anymore. I think it’s easy to deal with your problems. Just try these ways. Always remember to be kind to your new classmates, which can show that you are easy to get along with. Y ou can also find someone who looks easygoing and talk with him. I have tried that and it worked. If you want to have more friends, why not join some clubs in order to meet more people who have the same interest as you do, then you can be friends easily. I really hope my suggestions can be useful for you. Y ours, Li Na 评分档次和标准: 第一档:13—15分,内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,只有个别语言错误。 第二档:10---12分,内容涵盖所有的要点,表达清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,但有少量语言错误。 第三档:7---9分,内容涵盖大部分的要点,表达还清楚,意思还连贯,基本符合逻辑,但有一些语言错误。 第四档:3---6分,内容涵盖部分的要点,写出少量句子,但表达不清楚,意思不连贯,语言错误较多。 第五档:0---3分,只写出个别单词,不成句子,表达不清,错误连篇。


2018~2019学年下学期3月质量调研 英语试题 二、单项选择(本大题有15 小题,每小题 1 分,共15 分) 在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 ( )31. They stopped in ____ beautiful place for camping, near ____ farmhouse of the Smiths. A.a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. an; / ( ) 32.____ the te achers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are ____ teachers. A.A number of;women B.A number of;woman C.The number of;women D.The number of;woman ( ) 33.I don't know my friends and I can do to help the little boy parents have left their hometown for making money. A.that;whose B.what;whose C.how,who D.what;who ( ) 34.﹣﹣There's a present on the table.Is it for me or for _____ mum? ﹣﹣It's _____,Dad! Happy Father's Day. A.you;hers B.her;his C.your;yours D.hers;mine ( ) 35.﹣What about going to the movie tonight,Alan? ﹣﹣Sorry,I am busy ____ a report.______,it is raining cats and dogs. A.in,Besides B.with,Besides C.in,Except D.with,Except ( ) 36.The price of the T﹣shirt made of cotton is not ,but this kind of silk dress is usually very . A.high;expensive B.expensive;high C.high;high D.expensive;expensive ( ) 37.﹣﹣How does your mother like your presents for Mother's Day? ﹣﹣Well,______ this sweater ______that one is fit for her.They are much too big.A.both,and B.neither,nor



序言 中山市中等职业教育学校、普通小学在校学生数量数据分析报告从中等职业教育学校在校学生数量,普通小学在校学生数量等重要因素进行分析,剖析了中山市中等职业教育学校、普通小学在校学生数量现状、趋势变化。本报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 借助对数据的发掘及分析,提供一个全面、严谨、客观的视角来了解中山市中等职业教育学校、普通小学在校学生数量现状及发展趋势。本报告数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,并经过专业统计分析及清洗而得。 中山市中等职业教育学校、普通小学在校学生数量数据分析报告以数据呈现方式客观、多维度、深入介绍中山市中等职业教育学校、普通小学在校学生数量真实状况及发展脉络,为需求者提供必要借鉴及重要参考。

目录 第一节中山市中等职业教育学校、普通小学在校学生数量现状 (1) 第二节中山市中等职业教育学校在校学生数量指标分析(均指全市) (3) 一、中山市中等职业教育学校在校学生数量现状统计 (3) 二、全国中等职业教育学校在校学生数量现状统计 (3) 三、中山市中等职业教育学校在校学生数量占全国中等职业教育学校在校学生数量比重统 计 (3) 四、中山市中等职业教育学校在校学生数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、中山市中等职业教育学校在校学生数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国中等职业教育学校在校学生数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国中等职业教育学校在校学生数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、中山市中等职业教育学校在校学生数量同全国中等职业教育学校在校学生数量 (2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节中山市普通小学在校学生数量指标分析(均指全市) (7) 一、中山市普通小学在校学生数量现状统计 (7) 二、全国普通小学在校学生数量现状统计分析 (7) 三、中山市普通小学在校学生数量占全国普通小学在校学生数量比重统计分析 (7) 四、中山市普通小学在校学生数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (8)

广东省中山市 2017-2018学年 九年级下学期--第三次联考英语试题(无答案)-精选教育文档

2019-2019学年第二学期第三次联考 英语试题 第二部分笔试部分( 共90分) 二、单项填空(本大题有15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分) 在每小题的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 31.Angelique Kerber used to dream to be _______ best tennis player in the world. This year , she won her first US Open title and reached ______ No.1 in the world. A. the; the B. the; / C. /;the D. a; the 32. ---Could I use your e-dictionary, Mary? --- Sorry, but I haven’t got _______. A.it B. one C.this D. that 33. ---We’ll be back for our school’s ________ anniversary ceremony? ---I see. That means you’ll have a get-together with your classmates in ______ years. A. twelve, seven B. twelfth, seven C. twelve, seventh D. twelfth, seventh 34.---Thanks___ our government, we can play sports on the new playground next week. --- That’s for sure. And we’ll have a sports meeting ____one month. A. for; in B. to; in C. for; after D. to; after 35.--- Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer____ you give it up halfway. --- Thank you, Miss Rowling. I will _____writing till the end. A. unless; keep on B. if ; keep off C. unless ; keep away D. if; keep out 36. ---Do you know that Jim won the first prize in the final exam? --- Well. ______ great progress he made! That was________ what the teacher expected. A. How; hardly B. What; exactly C. What a; specially D. How; probably 37. ---Tom, ________ rubbish into the river. You’re polluting it. ---Sorry, Ms Clark. I won’t do it again. A. not throw B. don’t throw C .not to throw D. never to throw 38. ---Must I return the book today? ---No, you ______. You can do it tomorrow. A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 39.--- Ann, when shall we go shopping? --- Not until the homework ______ tonight. A. will finish B. have finished C. will be finished D. is finished 40. ---Mr. Huang, it’s late. Why are you still here? ---My daughter hasn’t come back from school yet. I _______ for her. A. waited B. am waiting C. was waiting D. have waited 41. --- What a nice smell! --- Yes, I’m sure that my father _______ the dinner ready. A. gets B. will get C. has got D. is getting 42. --- _________ is the Olympic Games held?---Every 4 years. A. How soon B. When C. How often D. How long 43. Most students in China have a special military training ______ usually takes place when they enter high school or university. A.who B.what C.where D.which 44. After reading the text in the magazine We love science, I’ve got to know _________. A. where electricity comes from B. where electricity came from C. where does electricity come from D. where did electricity come from 45. ---It’s raining heavily. Let’s stand under that big tree. ---______________. It’s very dangerous to do so in such weather. A. We don’t have to B. Let’s go C. All right D. We’d better not 三、完形填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分) 通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出_个最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 Mr Guo is a teacher from Xi’an. He asked his students to hand in their homework ___46___a QR code . “ We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate the codes, and ___47___ everything gets easier,”said Guo.“When students finish the homework, they keep it on We Chat. Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives ___48___to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone.” The QR codes can be sent to Mr Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans his students’QR codes, their homework ___49___on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative , with many pictures, music and ___50___videos. Guo’s students like the new way and think it is interesting.“We are living in the ____51___age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun.”said Tingting, a student of Guo’ s. “The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share.” Guo said. “It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don’t want my students to ___52___the times.” However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and____53___time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it’s unnecessary. Students still need to___54___information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesn’t take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students’ work at any time. And it’s also an easy ___55___to share homework with other students. ( )46.A.cross B. across C. past D. through ( )47.A. in the end B. by the end C. to the end D. at the end ( )48.A. them B. it C. her D. its ( )49.A. appears B. disappears C. puts D. stays ( )50.A. hardly B. seldom C. even D. usually 第 1 页
