


1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and _ duration _.

2.Stability also depends upon the __ flexibility __of the local economy.

3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the _ option __ of a fine.

4.She states her views very __ definitely __.

5.Did he_ actually __say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure

6.The baby felt _ ignore __ by her parents.

7.You need to __convince _the employers that you can do the job.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/df18732387.html,panies will have to do more than this if they are to _ survive _the earthquake.


You will need to 1. _explore__ where you fit in best in regards to 2. _extracurricular__ activities. You should start by gathering a list of all the activities that are 3. _offered__ on the campus. Usually these can be found in the student handbook on the universities website. Please be 4_aware_ that opportunities won’t come to you, instead get involved and seek them out. Make sure you check out the descriptions of each club and organization. Ask a 5. _sophomore__ for any 6. _definite_ information you might need. Talk to other club members and ask how they like the club. There's a 7. _possibility__ you will feel an instant fit. Feel free to stop by the club for a visit. Most clubs will have an open house once or twice a year. Be sure to attend. If you had a particular interest when you were in high school and you still have 8. _passion_ for it, participate in it again on a college level. It might be a good time to pick something new that you have never got 9. _involved_ in before.

It is not the end of the world if you decide wrong. Allow about six months to get used to a club before making the decision you cross it out from your 10. _options_. Remember it does take time to get used to something new.


1、The college schedule is very different than the traditional high school schedule. Generally, there is a lot more flexibility with your college classes.


2、The other cool thing about the college schedule is that you usually have more opportunities to explore your interests and passions.


3、There will always be some courses that are only offered on certain days at certain times , but for the most part ,there are a lot of potions to think about.

总有些课程是只有固定日子的固定时段开放的,但是对于大多数课程,你有很多选择!4、However ,college is like high school in that you will have the opportunity to get involved by joining different clubs ,organizations ,and maybe even by getting a part-time job.


5 、Of course ,the best way to see what a true day in the life of a college student is like is to actually get the schedule of some college students.



only caught a glimpse of him sitting in the car , so I can not tell exactly what he looked like.

are in search of new opportunities to reach their final goals.

happened without my being aware of it.

are involved in different extracurricular activities on campus.

guys always do everything as they like ,but ignore others' feeling.


1.The two countries __ maintain _ friendly foreign relationship with each other.

2.It is _ vital _ for the human beings to do something to save the earth.

3.You can _ omit _ the parts of the story that parts of the story that are not interesting.

4.The little girl had a really _rough _ time when her father died.

5.They _ emphasize _ the importance of careful driving.


如今,中国共有大约2500万名大学生,是十年前的五倍,并且这个数字有望持续增长。中国设立的学位制度包括学士、硕士和博士三个学位等级(Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees)。中国的大学通常依据学生的高考(the National Higher Education Entrance Examination)成绩招生。公立大学对学生择优录取,被看做国家经济的主力。踌躇满志的学子们急切地等待考试结果,因为成绩能决定他们是否能进入着名的公立大学。

Today, there are about 25 million university students in China—five times the number a decade ago—and that number is expected to keep growing. China has set up a degree system, including Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees. Universities in China generally select their students based on students’performances in the National Higher Education Entrance Examination. Publicly run schools get their pick of the best students and are viewed as engines of the economy. Ambitious students eagerly await their exam results, which determine whether they can get into a prestigious public school.


1. I don’t like this young woman; she seems a social _ butterfly _.

2. The novel _ capture __ the imagination of thousands reader.

3. God knows. How can I _ endure __ six exam a week

4. A tiny star cans _ spark __ in the darkness.

5. There are good chances of _ promotion __ in this firm.

6. Mrs. Hill is _ keen _ on Tom’s marrying Susan.

7. Some professions are _ stuff _ with people who have not grown up.

8. How should this _ innocent __ girl see the coldness of the letter


Perhaps nothing is ever quite as painful as getting over your first love. This is the boy / girl who taught you what it means to fall in love. You thought the boy/girl were your 1. soulmate and you’d spend the rest of your lives together. Now that it’s over, you’re afraid that you won’t ever be as happy with someone else. Here are some tips to help you get over it: Cry, and cry and cry as much as you can because it will help your 2. emotions . After this you will feel a lot better. Make sure you call your best friends and have happy conversations afterwards.

why you broke up, what you hated about him/her, and what you could never agree on.

the pain and loneliness 5. bravely. With time, the pain will heal.

Don’t be so 6. innocent as to believe that you will never love anyone as much as your first love. Most first loves and occur during teen years or early 20s. Look , and you still have most of your life ahead of you to find the love of your life.

No relationship is ever a mistake if you can get something out of it, such as learning something new about yourself. This might be the opportunity to change yourself for the better. You might also learn that you are a very lover, in which case you can take steps to becoming a(n) jealous boyfriend or girlfriend.


in your house I’m sure you have a collection of old love letters, pictures, cards, stuffed animals and movie tickets from your first love.


the lessons that were taught and the experiences that all of us went through were just part of growing up and becoming wiser about oneself.

但是那些我们曾吸取的教训,经历过的事情都只能让我们成长,我们因而变得更有智慧。wanted to come to college together, get married and live happily ever after. Reality set in and he moved states away for a big job promotion.


and innocent, some people stuck through it and tried to make it last as long as possible, while others just took the heartache and learned from it.


5. My girlfriend and I were passionate about everything —loving and fighting with each other as well as hurting each other with jealousy and greed.



girl began to look through the photograph albums.

in East China usually sets in about March.

if things do not improve ,her family will fall apart/break out.

good student usually knows how to sum up knowledge.

go of my arm , you are hurting me.


1.After years of great effort, their company _ flourish _ into one of the largest in the industry.

2.Be careful not to _ engage _ yourself in their local conflicts.

3.They soon developed a very _ intimate _ relationship.

4.This is a (n) _ unique _ opportunity that will lead you to success.

5.They will _ proceed _ to build another laboratory building.


从前,有一个名叫祝英台的女子,为了上学读书,她不得不女扮男装。求学三载,她爱上了同窗好友梁山伯,但梁山伯始终不知祝英台是女儿身。当山伯得知英台真相后,便向祝家提亲,却遭其父断然拒绝。梁山伯伤心欲绝、悲愤离世,而祝英台被迫接受家里包办的婚事。出嫁那天,花轿(bridal sedan chair, bridal palanquin)经过梁山伯的坟墓,祝英台下轿到墓前恸哭。突然,狂风雷电大作,梁山伯的坟墓随之裂开,祝英台趁机投入坟中。过了一会儿,只见坟中飞出一对彩蝶、双双翩然离去。

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Zhu Yingtai, who had to dress herself up as a boy to go to school. During her three years in school, she fell in love with her classmate and close friend Liang Shanbo, but Liang remained unaware that Zhu was actually a girl. Having learned the truth, Shanbo proposed marriage to Zhu but was rejected by her father. Liang felt so heartbroken that he died with grief and indignation while Zhu Yingtai was forced to accept the arranged marriage. On the wedding day, when the bridal sedan chair passed Liang’s tomb, Zhu got off the palanquin and wailed in front of the tomb. Suddenly, a thunderstorm came from nowhere, and Liang’s tomb cracked open. Zhu seized the chance and threw herself into the hole. Moments later, a couple of colorful butterflies emerged from the tomb and flew away, together at last.


1.They were full of _ envy _ when they saw my new car.

2.the doctor tired to help _ restore _the function of his limbs.

3.Let me assure you that it was not done _ intentionally __.

4.The smooth space flight, experts say, marks a big _ breakthrough __ for Chinese scientists.

5.He failed to _ respond _ to the medicine.

6.This medicine cans _ lessen __ the pain in no time.

7.The boy really enjoyed the useful and _ creative _ work in science.

8.Advertising is often the most __ effective __ method of promotion.


The (1) _ mission __ of the Center for Parenting Education is to educate and support parents to raise their children in emotionally healthy ways so that their children can thrive personally, socially and academically. Our programs, led by (2)_ genuine _parenting educators, are lively and interactive and enable participants to share experiences and learn from each other. Parents are given opportunities to practice the skills they learn so that they will come away with information that they understand, remember and can apply in their everyday lives with their children. (3) _ By __ emphasizing the (4) _ importance ___ of providing children with a balance of unconditional love as well as the need for setting firm and reasonable limits, we strive to make parents (5)_ grasp ___ the skills necessary for raising responsible children in today’s world.

Our shared (6) _ beliefs __ are as follows: we believe there are no perfect parents and no perfect children. Everybody is doing the best they can given the experiences they have had. We believe that each family is unique and deserves to be highly valued, respected and supported. We believe that it is never too late to make changes and improve relationships. Healthy parenting can be (7)_ learned __ .

We teach parents skills and information that current research indicates is most (8)__ effective __ in creating an environment that produces resilient (适应性强的) children, confident, socially competent. Building upon a family’s existing strengths, we help parents to become critical and (9)_ intentional __ thinkers, (10)__ creative _about their parenting decisions, and advocates for their families .


window shattered by a baseball, a lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen is already broken .


boy started to beam and the parents seemingly got the message I sent to them .


recently heard a story about a famous research scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs.


was being interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked him why he thought he was able to be so much more creative than the average person.


prominent scientist remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to make mistakes.



invited her to dinner but she didn't respond /made no response.

lost his grip on the slippery bottle of milk and it fell ,spilling its contents all over the floor

too fast down the road , he knock over a child on a bicycle

raised his voice to ask for help.

the backyard of the house ,the fruit trees blossomed out beautiful flowers


1.Let’s now carry the discus sion a bit further in a more formal _ fashion _.

2.Many grocery stores sell _ diverse _ pet foods to owners eager to please their pets.

3._ conversely _, it is a very stable pattern producing results through effort.

4.In this map, the towns are _ indicate __ by a red dot.

5.Her father _ foster __ her interest in music.


孩子的行为模式与个性发展常常来自于家庭教育。中国传统家庭教育则是以伦理道德(ethics)为核心内容,即孩子的行为建立在“孝悌”(filial piety)和“忠义”上。父母主要通过言传身教(behavior and speaking),为子女树立楷模;而子女主则主要通过模仿父母,完善自我。父母无论对孩子做什么,其目的是为了使其做一个有德之人。传统文化和价值观极大地影响了大多数中国家庭的教育方式。

Children’s behavior patterns and personality development often come from their family education. In traditional Chinese family education, ethics was the core content. In other words, children’s behavior was built upon "filial piety" and "loyalty". Parents set examples for children mainly through their general behavior and speaking; the children perfected themselves largely by imitating their parents. No matter what parents did to their kid, they aimed for the kid to become a person of virtue. The educational style of most Chinese families has been greatly influenced by traditions and cultural values.


1.He _ compliment _ her on her last physics paper.

2.After dinner, I took a _ stroll __ around the park.

3. A hundred years ago people _ scoff _ at the idea.

4.They are determined to carry forward the _ enterprise _ .

5.The conference discussed the fair _ distribution __ of income and wealth.

6.Women’s social _ status _ has changed much over the years.

7.Before he could find the __ fitting _ word she had cut him short with a question.

8.In time you’ll __ appreciate __ the beauty of this language.


There are some who don't need an excuse to 1. skip a day's work—but this could be a good reason to quit your job 2. altogether . A badly-paid or temporary job can be as bad for a person's mental health as none at all, researchers claims Little job security ,3. demanding work and poor managers can all 4. impact on a person's well-being just as much as unemployment.

In fact, people who are unemployed can feel better-off 5. mentally than those who are in poor jobs of low "psychosocial quality" ,the report added. Researchers said government policies tend to 6. focus on job seekers when they should also take into 7. account the quality of a person's job. Writing in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, a team at the Australian National University in Canberra said; This study has shown that work of poor psychosocial quality, 8. characterized . by low job control, high job demands and complexity, job insecurity and the perception of 9. fair pay, does not bestow(给予)the 10. sufficient mental health in jobs.


businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

商人们称赞这位墨西哥人捕获的鱼质量非凡,并询问他要花多长时间才能抓到这些鱼。would control the product, processing and distribution.


more and being more is success.


may momentarily help us to escape emptiness; it cannot cure it.


learn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends.



walked along the wood pier and climbed down into the boat.

was not fishing for compliments(沽名钓誉)

ranks of teachers are constantly expanding

businessman was so future-oriented that he hadn't taken sufficient time to question what the future looked like.

have a great affection for New York .


1.As soon as the comes out, the mist will _ vanish _.

2.But apparently it’s not one our congressmen are brave enough to _ execute __ properly.

3.We _ charge __ him of taking bribes.

4.I see no__ prospect _ of his success.

5.Whatever difficulties you _ confront __ you can always talk to us and we will try to help.


世界为中国经济的成就感到惊奇,许多人开始研究中国模式和“中国道路”如何促成了这一成功。100位受访者都认为“中国道路”是一个巨大的成功。在世人看来,“中国道路”振兴(revitalize) 经济,表明该制度的优势,同时也有利于公众。对世界,尤其是西方国家,中国是一个拥有悠久的历史、充满神秘而遥远的国度。然而,在这个全球化的时代,中国与世界越来越紧密联系。

The world was amazed by China's economic achievements, and many people began to study how the Chinese mode and "Chinese Path" contributed to this success. 100 people interviewed all agreed that "Chinese Path" was a huge success. In the world's view, "Chinese Path" revitalized the economy, showed the advantage of the system, and benefited the public as well. To the world, especially to the Western countries, China, with its long history, was a mysterious and distant country. However, in this era of globalization, China is more and more closely related to the world.


1.we couldn’t __ induce __ the old lady to travel by air.

2.The test is used to __ diagnose __ a variety of diseases.

3.The foreigners marveled at the __ miracle ___ of terracotta warriors.

4.The temple is supported by __ massive __ columns(柱子).

5.Will you __ wheel _ him away because he can’t walk

6.I needed money so __ desperately __ at the time.

7.Life is a battle from __ cradle _ to grave.

8.He _ stroke __ his long beard.


Christian fell in love with Joanne the moment they met. Christian asked Joanne to be his wife in Venice. Joanne told Christian the day they spent in Venice was one of the best days of her life. When Joanne was 1. pregnant , they were ecstatic. Every time their baby kicked, Joanne would 2. grab. Christian's hand, put it on her stomach. Joanne wanted to call their daughter Ilaria, because "Ilaria" in Latin meant "always happy". At that time, Christian's life was full of happiness.

No one could have what would happen when Joanne gave birth. Ilaria was in when she was ready to come. Worried about her daughter, Joanne looked in and 6. screamed. Meanwhile, Joanne's heart rate started going up and her blood pressure started going down. Half an hour later doctors told Christian the shocking news that Joanne die from 7. massive bleeding caused by an aneurysm.

On hearing the news that Joanne died, Christian's world fell 8. apart and he felt totally lost. Until the nurse told him it was a 9. miracle that Ilaria was breathing on her own, Christian was determined to live for Ilaria and give Ilaria the best life he could. He would up Ilaria in a way his wife would havebeen proud of and let Ilaria remember how special her mother was.


splashed out on a gondola ride, giggling to ourselves. I remember you tilted your head up to the sun and told me that this was one of the best days of your life.


2.When we found out you were pregnant we were ecstatic and soon we discovered it was a girl and spent the months running up to the birth getting the nursery ready.

记得当初得知你怀孕的时候,我们俩简直高兴得不知怎么是好。很快我们便知道,我们就要有一个女儿了。接下来,我们花了好几个月为生产做准备,甚至奔波着布置好了婴儿房。3.You looked at me in terror as we were surrounded by doctors trying to get Ilaria out. When she was born she was blue and nurses rushed her to the special care baby unit.


4.It breaks my heart you never even saw your daughter,let alone held her. Then your heart rate started going up and your blood pressure started going down .


5.Minutes later a doctor took me aside and told me Ilaria was showing signs of major brain damage and they didn’t expect her to live.



cannot afford a bicycle ,let alone a car.

brought up her son on her own.

should pull ourselves together and make a greater effort to achieve success.

,she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

walked up and down ,biting her lip and thinking desperately hard
