




Distributed localization in wireless sensor networks: a

quantitative comparison


This paper studies the problem of determining the node locations in ad-hoc sensor networks. We compare three distributed localization algorithms (Ad-hoc positioning, Robust positioning, and N-hop multi late ration) on a single simulation platform. The algorithms share a common, three-phase structure: (1)

determine node–anchor distances, (2) compute node positions, and (3) optionally refine the positions through an iterative procedure. We present a detailed analysis comparing the various alternatives for each phase, as well as a head-to-head comparison of the complete algorithms. The main conclusion is that no single algorithm performs best; which algorithm is to be preferred depends on the conditions (range errors, connectivity, anchor fraction, etc.). In each case, however, there is significant room for improving accuracy and/or increasing coverage


Wireless sensor networks hold the promise of many new applications in the area of monitoring and control. Examples include target tracking, intrusion detection, wildlife habitat monitoring, climate control, and disaster management. The underlying technology that drives the emergence of sensor applications is the rapid development in the integration of digital circuitry, which will bring us small, cheap, autonomous sensor nodes in the near future.

New technology offers new opportunities, but it also introduces new problems. This is particularly true for sensor networks where the capabilities of individual nodes are very limited. Hence, collaboration between nodes is required, but energy conservation is a major concern, which implies that communication should be minimized. These conflicting objectives require unorthodox solutions for many situations.

A recent survey by Akyildiz et al. discusses a long list of open research issues that must be addressed before sensor networks can become widely deployed. The problems range from the physical layer (low-power sensing, processing, and communication hardware) all the way up to the application layer (query and data dissemination protocols). In this paper we address the issue of localization in ad-hoc sensor networks. That is, we want to determine the location of individual sensor nodes without relying on external infrastructure (base stations, satellites, etc.).

The localization problem has received considerable attention in the past, as many applications need to know where objects or persons are, and hence various location services have been created. Undoubtedly, the Global Positioning System (GPS) is the most well-known location service in use today. The approach taken by GPS, however, is unsuitable for low-cost, ad-hoc sensor networks since GPS is based on extensive infrastructure (i.e., satellites). Likewise solutions developed in the area of robotic and ubiquitous computing are generally not applicable for sensor networks as they require too much processing power and energy.

Recently a number of localization systems have been proposed specifically for sensor networks. We are interested in truly distributed algorithms that can be employed on large-scale ad-hoc sensor networks (100+ nodes). Such algorithms should be:

?self-organizing (i.e., do not depend on global infrastructure),

?robust (i.e., be tolerant to node failures and range errors),

?energy efficient (i.e., require little computation and, especially, communication).

These requirements immediately rule out some of the proposed localization algorithms for sensor networks. We carried out a thorough sensitivity analysis on three algorithms that do meet the above requirements to determine how well they perform under various conditions. In particular, we studied the impact of the following parameters: range errors, connectivity (density), and anchor fraction. These algorithms differ in their position accuracy, network coverage, induced network traffic, and processor load. Given the (slightly) different design objectives for the three algorithms, it is no surprise that each algorithm outperforms the others under a specific set of conditions. Under each condition, however, even the best algorithm leaves much room for improving accuracy and/or increasing coverage.

The main contributions of our work described in this paper are:

?we identify a common, three-phase, structure in the distributed localization


?we identify a generic optimization applicable to all algorithms.

?we provide a detailed comparison on a single (simulation) platf orm.

?we show that there is no algorithm that performs best, and that there exists room for improvement in most cases.

Section 2 discusses the selection, generic structure, and operation of three distributed localization algorithms for large-scale ad-hoc sensor networks. These algorithms are compared on a simulation platform, which is described in Section 3. Section 4 presents intermediate results for the individual phases, while Section 5 provides a detailed overall comparison and an in-depth sensitivity analysis. Finally, we give conclusions in Section 6.


Before discussing distributed localization in detail, we first outline the context in which these algorithms have to operate. A first consideration is that the requirement for sensor networks to be self-organizing implies that there is no fine control over the placement of the sensor nodes when the network is installed (e.g., when nodes are dropped from an airplane). Consequently, we assume that nodes are randomly distributed across the environment. For simplicity and ease of presentation we limit the environment to 2 dimensions, but all algorithms are capable of operating in 3D. Fig. 1shows an example network with 25 nodes; pairs of nodes that can communicate directly are connected by an edge. The connectivity of the nodes in the network (i.e., the average number of neighbors) is an important parameter that has a strong impact on the accuracy of most localization algorithms (see Sections 4 and 5). It can be set initially by selecting a specific node density, and in some cases it can be set dynamically by adjusting the transmit power of the RF radio in each node.

In some application scenarios, nodes may be mobile. In this paper, however, we focus on static networks, where nodes do not move, since this is already a challenging condition for distributed localization. We assume that some anchor

nodes have a priori knowledge of their own position with respect to some global coordinate system. Note that anchor nodes have the same capabilities (processing, communication, energy consumption, etc.) as all other sensor nodes with unknown positions; we do not consider approaches based on an external infrastructure with specialized beacon nodes (access points) as used in, for example, the GPS-less location system and the Cricket location system. Ideally the fraction of anchor nodes should be as low as possible to minimize the installation costs, and our simulation results show that, fortunately, most algorithms are rather insensitive to the number of anchors in the network.

The final element that defines the context of distributed localization is the capability to measure the distance between directly connected nodes in the network. From a cost perspective it is attractive to use the RF radio for measuring the range between nodes, for example, by observing the signal strength. Experience has shown, however, that this approach yields poor distance estimates. Much better results are obtained by time-of- flight measurements, particularly when acoustic and RF signals are combined; accuracies of a few percent of the transmission range are reported. Our simulation results provide insight into the effect of the accuracy of the distance measurements on the localization algorithms.

It is important to realize that the main three context parameters (connectivity, anchor fraction, and range errors) are dependent. Poor range measurements can be compensated for by using many anchors and/or a high connectivity. This paper provides insight in the complex relation between connectivity, anchor fraction, and range errors for a number of distributed localization algorithms.


From the known localization algorithms specifically proposed for sensor networks, we selected the three approaches that meet the basic requirements for self-organization, robustness, and energy-efficiency:

? Ad-hoc positioning by Niculescu and Nath ,

? N-hop multilateration by Savvides et al, and

? Robust positioning by Savarese et al.

The other approaches often include a central processing element, rely on an external infrastructure, or induce too much communication. The three selected algorithms are fully distributed and use local broadcast for communication with immediate neighbors. This last feature allows them to be executed before any multi hop routing is in place, hence, they can support efficient location-based routing schemes like GAF.

Although the three algorithms were developed independently, we found that they share a common structure. We were able to identify the following generic, three-phase approach 1 for

determining the individual node positions:

1. Determine the distances between unknowns and anchor nodes.

2. Derive for each node a position from its anchor distances.

3. Refine the node positions using information about the range (distance) to, and positions of neighboring nodes.

The original descriptions of the algorithms present the first two phases as a single entity, but we found that separating them provides two advantages. First, we obtain a better understanding of the combined behavior by studying intermediate results. Second, it becomes possible to mix-and-match alternatives for both phases to tailor the localization algorithm to the external conditions. The refinement phase is optional and may be included to obtain more accurate locations.

In the remainder of this section we will describe the three phases (distance, position, and refinement) in detail. For each phase we will enumerate the alternatives as found in the original descriptions. Table 1 gives the breakdown into phases of the three approaches. When applicable we also discuss (minor) adjustments to (parts of) the individual algorithms that were needed to ensure

compatibility with the alternatives. During our simulations we observed that we occasionally operated (parts of) the algorithms outside their intended scenarios, which deteriorated their performance. Often, small improvements brought their performance back in line with the alternatives.


In this phase, nodes share information to collectively determine the distances between individual nodes and the anchors, so that an (initial) position can be calculated in Phase 2. None of the Phase 1 alternatives engages in complicated calculations, so this phase is communication bounded. Although the three distributed localization algorithms each use a different approach, they share a common communication pattern: information is flooded into the network, starting at the anchor nodes. A network-wide flood by some anchor A is expensive since each node must forward as information to its (potentially) unaware neighbors. This implies a scaling problem: flooding information from all anchors to all nodes will become much too expensive for large networks, even with low anchor fractions. Fortunately a good position can be derived in Phase 2 with knowledge (position and distance) from a limited number of anchors. Therefore nodes can simply stop forwarding information when enough anchors have been ??located‘‘. This simple optimization presented i n the Robust positioning approach proved to be highly effective in controlling the amount of communication (see Section 5.3). We modified the other two approaches to include a flood limit as well.

2.2.1 SUM-DIST

The simple solution for determining the distance to the anchors is simply adding the ranges encountered at each hop during the network flood. This is the approach taken by the N-hop multi late ration approach, but it remained nameless in the original description; we name it Sum-dist in this paper. Sum-dist starts at the anchors which send a message including their identity, position, and a path length set to 0. Each receiving node adds the measured range to the path

length and forwards (broadcasts) the message if the flood limit allows it to do so. Another constraint is that when the node has received information about the particular anchor before, it is only allowed to forward the message if the current path length is less than the previous one. The end result is that each node will have stored the position and minimum path length to at least flood limit anchors.

2.2.2 DV-HOP

A drawback of Sum-dist is that range errors accumulate when distance information is propagated over multiple hops. This cumulative error becomes significant for large networks with few anchors (long paths) and/or poor ranging hardware. A robust alternative is to use topological information by counting the number of hops instead of summing the (erroneous) ranges. This approach was named DV-hop by Niculescu and Nath, and Hop-TERRAIN by Savarese et al. Since the results of DV-hop were published first we will use this name.

DV-hop essentially consists of two flood waves. After the first wave, which is similar to Sum-dist, nodes have obtained the position and minimum hop count to at least flood limit anchors. The second calibration wave is needed to convert hop counts into distances such that Phase 2 can compute a position. This conversion consists of multiplying the hop count with an average hop distance. Whenever an anchor a1 infers the position of another anchor a2 during the first wave, it computes the distance between them, and divides that by the number of hops to derive the average hop distance between a1 and a2. When calibrating, an anchor takes all remote anchors into account that it is aware of. Nodes forward (broadcast) calibration messages only from the first anchor that calibrates them, which reduces the total number of messages in the network.


A drawback of DV-hop is that it fails for highly irregular network topologies, where the variance in actual hop distances is very large. Niculescu and Nath have proposed another method, named Euclidean, which is based on the local geometry of the nodes around an anchor. Again anchors initiate a flood,

but forwarding the distance is more complicated than in the previous cases. When a node has received messages from two neighbors that know their distance to the anchor, and to each other, it can calculate the distance to the anchor. Fig. 2 shows a node (_Self_) that has two neighbors: n1 and n2 with distance estimates to an anchor. Together with the known ranges c, d, and e, Euclidean arrives at two possible values (r1 and r2) for the distance of the node to the anchor. Niculescu describes two methods to decide on which, if any, distance to use. The neighbor vote method can be applied if there is a third neighbor (n3) that has a distance estimate to the anchor and that is connected to either n1 or n2. Replacing n2 (or n1) by n3 will again yield a pair of distance estimates. The correct distance is part of both pairs, and is selected by a simple voting. Of course, more neighbors can be included to make the selection more accurate.

The second selection method is called common neighbor and can be applied if node n3 is connected to both n1 and n2. Basic geometric reasoning leads to the conclusion that the anchor and n3 are on the same or opposite side of the mirroring line n1–n2, and similarly whether or not self and n3 are on the same side. From this it follows whether or not self and the anchor lay on the same side.

To handle the uncertainty introduced by range errors Niculescu implements a safety mechanism that rejects ill-formed (flat) triangles, which can easily derail the selection process by ?neighbor vote‘ and ?common neighbor‘. This check verifies that the sum of the two smallest sides exceeds the largest side multiplied by a threshold, which is set to two times the range variance. For example, the triangle Self-n1–n2 in Fig. 2 is accepted when c + d > (1 + 2RangeVar) * e. Note that the safety check becomes as strict as the range variance increases. This leads to a lower coverage, defined as the percentage of non-anchor nodes for which a position was determined


In the second phase nodes determine their position based on the distance estimates to a number of anchors provided by one of the three Phase 1

alternatives (Sum-dist, DV-hop, or Euclidean).The Ad-hoc positioning and Robust positioning approaches use late ration for this purpose. N-hop multi late ration, on the other hand, uses a much simpler method, which we named Min–max. In both cases the determination of the node positions does not involve additional communication.


The most common method for deriving a position is late ration, which is a form of triangulation. From the estimated distances and known positions of the anchors we derive the following system of equations:

The unknown position is denoted by. The system can be lined by subtracting the last equation from the first n _ 1 equations

Reordering the terms gives a proper system of linear equations in the form Ax=b, where

The system is solved using a standard least-squares approach. In exceptional cases the matrix inverse cannot be computed and late ration fails. In the majority of the cases, however, we succeed in computing a location estimate. We run an additional sanity check by computing the residue between the given distances and the distances to the location estimate

A large residue signals an inconsistent set of equations; we reject the location ^x when the length of the residue exceeds the radio range.

2.3.2 MIN-MAX

Late ration is quite expensive in the number of floating point operations that is required. A much simpler method is presented by Savvides et al. as part of the N-hop multi late ration approach. The main idea is to construct a bounding box for each anchor using its position and distance estimate, and then to determine the intersection of these boxes. The position of the node is set to the center of the intersection box. Fig. 3 illustrates the Min–max method for a node with distance estimates to three anchors. Note that the estimated position by Min–max is close to the true position computed through late ration (i.e., the intersection of the


无线传感器网络结课论文 学号: 姓名: 学院:

目录 一.无线传感器网时间同步技术综述 (1) <一>引言 (1) <二>同步技术研究现状 (1) <三>时间同步算法 (2) 3.1泛洪时间同步协议 (2) 3.2 RBS 协议 (2) 3.3LTS协议 (3) <四>小结 (3) 二.基于无线传感器网络的环境监测系统 (3) <一>网络系统简介 (3) <二>网络系统结构 (3) 2.1总体结构 (3) 2.2传感器节点结构 (4) 2.3汇聚节点结构 (5) <三>应用无线传感器网络的意义 (6) 三.学习心得 (7) 四. 参考文献 (8)

一.无线传感器网时间同步技术综述 <一>引言 无线传感器网络( Wireless Sensors Network,WSN) 是一种在一定区域内投放大量的传感器节点,通过无线通信形成的一个单跳或多跳的自组织式的网络系统,它通常采集和处理监测区域中被感知目标的信息,并通过网络发送给主机端以提高人类对物理环境的远端监视和控制能力。无线传感网络技术在交通、国防、医学、农业等方面有着重要的运用。无线传感器网络由大量的节点构成,通常包括传感器节点、汇聚节点和任务管理节点。大量体积小、精度高的传感器节点随机部署在监测区域内,通过自组织的方式构成网络。传感器节点将监测到的数据传输给其它传感器节点,经过多跳后路由到汇聚节点,最后通过互联网或卫星到达任务管理节点。用户则通过任务管理节点发布监测任务以及收集监测数据,对无线传感器网络进行管理。 无线传感器网络是许多领域里的关键技术之一,而时间同步则是无线传感器网络中的关键技术之一。简而言之,在检测与监视某对象的过程中,目标定位和追踪、协同数据处理、能量管理等都对物理时间的精确度都有着敏感的需求。因此,无线传感器网络的应用通常需要一个适应性比较好的时间同步服务,以保证数据的一致性和协调性。此外,数据融合、通信信道复用等也都需要时间同步的保障。所以,如何根据无线传感器网络的特点对物理时间进行同步是一个重要的问题。 目前,学术界和业界对无线传感器网络的时间同步技术进行了一定的研究,本章节描述了无线传感器网络时间同步技术的研究现状,对3种不同时间同步机制的经典算法进行分析和比较。 <二>同步技术研究现状 时间同步技术相对于计算机网络的相关技术而言尚为年轻,自从2002年学术会议Hot Nets上首次提出了时间同步这一研究课题后,到目前为止,无线传感器网络的时间同步技术也取得了一定进展,同时也开发出了多种极其有价值时间同步的算法。 目前,对于单跳网络的同步研究已趋于成熟,但由于同步误差的累积,导致单跳网络的同步技术难以扩展到多跳网络,使得多跳网络的同步技术研究较为薄弱。若再考虑节点的移动性,则会极大增加同步技术的研究难度。因此,无线传感器网络的时间同步技术还有很大的研究空间。


南京航空航天大学 硕士学位论文 基于无线传感器网络的环境监测系统设计与实现 姓名:耿长剑 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电路与系统 指导教师:王成华 20090101

南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 摘要 无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是一种集成了计算机技术、通信技术、传感器技术的新型智能监控网络,已成为当前无线通信领域研究的热点。 随着生活水平的提高,环境问题开始得到人们的重视。传统的环境监测系统由于传感器成本高,部署比较困难,并且维护成本高,因此很难应用。本文以环境温度和湿度监控为应用背景,实现了一种基于无线传感器网络的监测系统。 本系统将传感器节点部署在监测区域内,通过自组网的方式构成传感器网络,每个节点采集的数据经过多跳的方式路由到汇聚节点,汇聚节点将数据经过初步处理后存储到数据中心,远程用户可以通过网络访问采集的数据。基于CC2430无线单片机设计了无线传感器网络传感器节点,主要完成了温湿度传感器SHT10的软硬件设计和部分无线通讯程序的设计。以PXA270为处理器的汇聚节点,完成了嵌入式Linux系统的构建,将Linux2.6内核剪裁移植到平台上,并且实现了JFFS2根文件系统。为了方便调试和数据的传输,还开发了网络设备驱动程序。 测试表明,各个节点能够正确的采集温度和湿度信息,并且通信良好,信号稳定。本系统易于部署,降低了开发和维护成本,并且可以通过无线通信方式获取数据或进行远程控制,使用和维护方便。 关键词:无线传感器网络,环境监测,温湿度传感器,嵌入式Linux,设备驱动

Abstract Wireless Sensor Network, a new intelligent control and monitoring network combining sensor technology with computer and communication technology, has become a hot spot in the field of wireless communication. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to environmental issues. Because of the high maintenance cost and complexity of dispose, traditional environmental monitoring system is restricted in several applications. In order to surveil the temperature and humidity of the environment, a new surveillance system based on WSN is implemented in this thesis. Sensor nodes are placed in the surveillance area casually and they construct ad hoc network automatieally. Sensor nodes send the collection data to the sink node via multi-hop routing, which is determined by a specific routing protocol. Then sink node reveives data and sends it to the remoted database server, remote users can access data through Internet. The wireless sensor network node is designed based on a wireless mcu CC2430, in which we mainly design the temperature and humidity sensors’ hardware and software as well as part of the wireless communications program. Sink node's processors is PXA270, in which we construct the sink node embedded Linux System. Port the Linux2.6 core to the platform, then implement the JFFS2 root file system. In order to facilitate debugging and data transmission, the thesis also develops the network device driver. Testing showed that each node can collect the right temperature and humidity information, and the communication is stable and good. The system is easy to deploy so the development and maintenance costs is reduced, it can be obtained data through wireless communication. It's easy to use and maintain. Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network, Environment Monitoring, Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Embedded Linux, Device Drivers


频谱感知技术外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 一种新的协作频谱感知算法 摘要 该文提出了一种在认知无线网络控制信道带宽受限条件下基于信任度的双门限协同频谱感知算法。首先每个认知用户基于双检测门限独立进行频谱感知,但只有部分可靠的认知用户通过控制信道向认知无线网络基站发送本地感知结果。当所有的用户都不可靠时,选取信任度最高的认知用户发送本地感知结果进行判决。理论分析和仿真表明,同常规能量检测算法相比较,该算法能够在控制信道带宽受限条件下,以较少的网络开销获得更好的频谱感知性能。 关键词:认知无线电;频谱感知;信任度;双门限 1引言 随着无线通信技术的飞速发展,有限的频谱资源与不断增长的无线通信需求的矛盾越来越突出。然而根据现有的固定分配频谱资源策略,绝大多数频谱资源得不到有效利用。据FCC 的调查统计,70%的已分配频谱资源没有得到有效利用]1[。为了提高频谱资源的利用率,认知无线电技术由Joseph Mitola Ⅲ提出并得到了广泛的关注]5[]2[ 。频谱感知技术是认知无线电网络的支撑技术之一。通常它又可以分为

能量检测法、匹配滤波器法和循环平稳特征法[4]。能量检测算法因为应用简单且无需知道任何授权用户信号的先验知识成为研究热点。认知用户在接入授权频带之前,必须首先感知该频带空闲即授权用户没有工作,否则会对授权用户造成干扰。一旦授权用户重新工作,认知用户必须退避,实现在不对授权用户产生干扰的情况下对频谱资源的共享。由于实际信道中的多径和阴影效应,单个认知用户频谱感知的性能并不乐观,针对这个问题D. Cabric 等人提出了协同频谱感知算法[5]-[6]。协同频谱感知算法性能较好,但是当认知用户数量很大的时候,控制信道的带宽将不够用。文献[7]中提出了一种在控制信道带宽受限条件下的基于双检测门限的频谱感知算法,该算法能够以较小的网络开销,获得接近普通单门限频谱检测算法的性能。针对认知无线电频谱感知的需要,本文提出了认知无线电环境下一种基于信任度的双门限协同频谱感知算法。该算法中每个认知用户基于双检测门限独立进行频谱感知,但只有部分可靠的认知用户通过控制信道向认知无线网络基站发射感知报告。当所有的用户都不可靠时,选取信任度最高的认知用户发射感知报告进行判决。本文对该算法进行了性能分析并通过仿真表明,本文方法比较常规能量检测算法,在减小网络开销的同时提高了检测性能。 2系统模型 假设一个认知无线电网络有N 个认知用户和一个认知无线网络基站,如图1 所示。认知无线网络基站负责管理和联系N 个认知用户,在收到认知用户的检测报告后做出最终判决。 图1. 认知无线电网络示意图 频谱感知的实质是一个二元假设问题,即 01 (),,()()()(),n t H x t h t s t n t H ?=??+? (1)


中英文资料对照外文翻译 基于网络共享的无线传感网络设计 摘要:无线传感器网络是近年来的一种新兴发展技术,它在环境监测、农业和公众健康等方面有着广泛的应用。在发展中国家,无线传感器网络技术是一种常用的技术模型。由于无线传感网络的在线监测和高效率的网络传送,使其具有很大的发展前景,然而无线传感网络的发展仍然面临着很大的挑战。其主要挑战包括传感器的可携性、快速性。我们首先讨论了传感器网络的可行性然后描述在解决各种技术性挑战时传感器应产生的便携性。我们还讨论了关于孟加拉国和加利 尼亚州基于无线传感网络的水质的开发和监测。 关键词:无线传感网络、在线监测 1.简介 无线传感器网络,是计算机设备和传感器之间的桥梁,在公共卫生、环境和农业等领域发挥着巨大的作用。一个单一的设备应该有一个处理器,一个无线电和多个传感器。当这些设备在一个领域部署时,传感装置测量这一领域的特殊环境。然后将监测到的数据通过无线电进行传输,再由计算机进行数据分析。这样,无线传感器网络可以对环境中各种变化进行详细的观察。无线传感器网络是能够测量各种现象如在水中的污染物含量,水灌溉流量。比如,最近发生的污染涌流进中国松花江,而松花江又是饮用水的主要来源。通过测定水流量和速度,通过传感器对江水进行实时监测,就能够确定污染桶的数量和流动方向。 不幸的是,人们只是在资源相对丰富这个条件下做文章,无线传感器网络的潜力在很大程度上仍未开发,费用对无线传感器网络是几个主要障碍之一,阻止了其更广阔的发展前景。许多无线传感器网络组件正在趋于便宜化(例如有关计算能力的组件),而传感器本身仍是最昂贵的。正如在在文献[5]中所指出的,成功的技术依赖于



无线网络技术发展趋势所谓无线网络,既包括允许用户建立远距离无线连接的全球语音和数据网络,也包括为近距离无线连接进行优化的红外线技术及射频技术,与有线网络的用途十分类似,最大的不同在于传输媒介的不同,利用无线电技术取代网线,可以和有线网络互为备份。 随着3G时代无线应用的日渐丰富,以及无线终端设备的层出不穷,对于无线网络,尤其是基于技术标准的Wi-Fi无线网络,在产品技术应用逐渐成为市场主流应用的当下,基于Wi-Fi技术的无线网络不但在带宽、覆盖范围等技术上均取得了极大提升,同时在应用上,基于Wi-Fi无线应用也已从当初“随时、随地、随心所欲的接入”服务转变成车载无线、无线语音、无线视频、无线校园、无线医疗、无线城市、无线定位等诸多丰富的无线应用。 在某种意义上,Wi-Fi无线网络已不再仅仅只是2000年左右所承担“作为有线网络的一种延伸”的吴下阿孟,“取代有线”已不再只是梦想。 推动无线网络市场迅猛发展 作为目前市场主流的Wi-Fi无线网络技术,标准采用多入多出(MIMO)与正交频分复用(OFDM)技术,使得网络传输速率得到了极大提升。相比b/g的25Mbps、11Mbps、54Mbps,可将WLAN的传输速率提高到300Mbps甚至600Mbps。同时,在覆盖范围方面,接入点发射的信号虽然并不比传统硬件发射的信号传输得更远,但采用智能天线技术,通过多组独立天线组成的天线阵列,动态调整波束,保证WLAN用户接收到稳定

的信号,并可减少其他信号的干扰,使Wi-Fi无线网络移动性极大提高。 此外,在兼容性方面,采用了一种软件无线电技术,从而成为一个完全可编程的硬件平台,不同系统的基站和终端都可以通过这一平台的不同软件实现互通和兼容,这使无线网络的兼容性得到极大改善。用户可以通过使用基于的产品实现高质量语音通话、高清视频传输以及更大范围的移动上网。 而在制约市场发展的最大问题——产品价格,随着正式标准的颁布,以及各个企业纷纷调低无线产品价格,目前,已逐渐取代b/g设备成为市场主流。在ABI近日发布的最新研究报告,目前几乎所有笔记本电脑、上网本、移动互联网设备(MID)与智能手机都开始内建Wi-Fi芯片,预期未来此趋势可望延续,而由于的功能强大,加上芯片价格也一路下滑,所以在新产品均陆续选用标准后,2010年出货量将超越成为市场主流。 中国联通设计院无线传输部一室主任冯毅表示,支持标准的WLAN网络代表了无线宽带网络未来的发展方向。中国联通将在未来网络建设的招标中引入设备,并在部分数据热点地区进行建设,提高空口传输速率,以满足用户需求。 动讯网数据显示,截止到2009年底,中国电信将在全国铺设的Wi-Fi热点将超过10万个;中国移动在2009年底进行了大规模WLAN采购,计划在2010年底之前完成超过11万个Wi-Fi热点,预计到2010年年


基于无线传感器网络的桥梁安全检测系统 摘要 根据桥梁监测无线传感器网络技术的桥梁安全监测系统,以实现方案的安全参数的需要;对整个系统的结构和工作原理的节点集、分簇和关键技术,虽然近年来在无线传感器网络中,已经证明了其潜在的提供连续结构响应数据进行定量评估结构健康,许多重要的问题,包括网络寿命可靠性和稳定性、损伤检测技术,例如拥塞控制进行了讨论。 关键词:桥梁安全监测;无线传感器网络的总体结构;关键技术 1 阻断 随着交通运输业的不断发展,桥梁安全问题受到越来越多人的关注。对于桥梁的建设与运行规律,而特设的桥梁检测的工作情况,起到一定作用,但是一座桥的信息通常是一个孤立的片面性,这是由于主观和客观因素,一些桥梁安全参数复杂多变[1]。某些问题使用传统的监测方法难以发现桥梁存在的安全风险。因此长期实时监测,预报和评估桥梁的安全局势,目前在中国乃至全世界是一个亟待解决的重要问题。 桥梁安全监测系统的设计方案,即通过长期实时桥跨的压力、变形等参数及测试,分析结构的动力特性参数和结构的评价科关键控制安全性和可靠性,以及问题的发现并及时维修,从而确保了桥的安全和长期耐久性。 近年来,桥梁安全监测技术已成为一个多学科的应用,它是在结构工程的传感器技术、计算机技术、网络通讯技术以及道路交通等基础上引入现代科技手段,已成为这一领域中科学和技术研究的重点。 无线传感器网络技术,在桥梁的安全监测系统方案的实现上,具有一定的参考价值。 无线传感器网络(WSN)是一种新兴的网络科学技术是大量的传感器节点,通过自组织无线通信,信息的相互传输,对一个具体的完成特定功能的智能功能的协调的专用网络。它是传感器技术的一个结合,通过集成的嵌入式微传感器实时监控各类计算机技术、网络和无线通信技术、布式信息处理技术、传感以及无线发送收集到的环境或各种信息监测和多跳网络传输到用户终端[2]。在军事、工业和农业,环境监测,健康,智能交通,安全,以及空间探索等领域无线传感器网络具有广泛应用前景和巨大的价值。 一个典型的无线传感器网络,通常包括传感器节点,网关和服务器,如图1


无线射频识别技术外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译: 当前无线射频识别技术应用略述 摘要 无线射频识别技术可以自动识别多目标并以非接触式方式移动目标。越来越多的零售商、银行、交通管理系统、展览及物流供应商将这项新技术应

用于他们的产品和服务。因此,这给RFID技术的研究带来了机遇和挑战。本文简单介绍了RFID系统的组成、原理及RFID技术的特点。本文比较了RFID 与传统条码,然后提供了一个简短的关于目前RFID应用情况的调查报告。 关键词:无线射频识别技术应用物流

一、简 介 无线射频识别(RFID )是一种识别技术。与RFID 技术的前身——条码技术相比,RFID 技术具有很多的优点。但由于其成本高,RFID 技术至今未能广泛应用到各行各业。RFID 技术因其无需视线扫描而具有无可比拟的先进性,它能够降低劳动力水平,提高知名度并改善库存管理。 RFID 技术的普及提供了一项人或物体定位及追踪的解决方案。RFID 定位与跟踪系统根据独特的识别标签、阅读器与物体标签间射频通信的信号强度确定物体的空间位置,主要适用于室内,而GPS 系统是不适合应用于室内的。 RFID 技术是一项基于“无线电频率”的非接触式的自动识别技术,自动识别静态或动态的人和对象。 RFID 标签是一个特殊的微芯片,植入商品中,可以跟踪和管理物理对象,是物流管理信息化和跟踪信息化的重要手段。 RFID 的系统组成部分包括: (1)标签(应答器):对象植入待确定。 (2)阅读器:可以读或读/写,按结构和技术。正如图1-1,RFID 的工作原理 图1-1 RFID 的工作原理 与计算机通讯 阅读器 电磁波(操作指 令和新的数据) 标签 发出的ID 代码和数据


1武警部队监控平台架构介绍与设计 1.1监控系统的系统结构 基站监控系统的结构组成如上图所示,主要由三个大的部分构成,分别是监控中心、监控站点、监控单元。整个系统从资金、功能以及方便维护性出发,我们采用了干点加节点方式的监控方法。 监控中心(SC):SC的定义是指整个系统的中心枢纽点,控制整个分监控站,主要的功能是起管理作用和数据处理作用。一般只在市级包括(地、州)设置相应的监控中心,位置一般在武警部队的交换中心机房内或者指挥中心大楼内。 区域监控中心(SS):又称分点监控站,主要是分散在各个更低等级的区县,主要功能是监控自己所负责辖区的所有基站。对于固话网络,区域监控中心的管辖范围为一个县/区;移动通信网络由于其组网不同于固话本地网,则相对弱化了这一级。区域监控中心SS的机房内的设备配置与SC的差不多,但是不同的是功能不同以及SS的等级低于SC,SS的功能主要是维护设备和监控。 监控单元(SU):是整个监控系统中等级最低的单元了,它的功能就是监控并且起供电,传输等等作用,主要由SM和其他供电设备由若干监控模块、辅助设备构成。SU侧集成有无线传感网络微设备,比如定位设备或者光感,温感设备等等。 监控模块(SM):SM是监控单元的组成部分之一,主要作用监控信息的采集功能以及传输,提供相应的通信接口,完成相关信息的上传于接收。

2监控系统的分级管理结构及监控中心功能 基站监控系统的组网分级如果从管理上来看,主要采用两级结构:CSC集中监控中心和现场监控单元。CSC主要设置在运营商的枢纽大楼,主要功能为数据处理,管理远程监控单元,对告警信息进行分类统计,可实现告警查询和存储的功能。一般管理员可以在CSC实现中心调度的功能,并将告警信息进行分发。而FSU一般针对具体的某一个基站,具体作用于如何采集数据参数并进行传输。CSC集中监控中心的需要对FSU采集的数据参数进行报表统计和分析,自动生产图表并为我们的客户提供直观,方便的可视化操作,为维护工作提供依据,维护管理者可以根据大量的分析数据和报表进行快速反应,以最快的速度发现网络的故障点和优先处理点,将人力资源使用在刀刃上。监控中心CSC系统的功能中,还有维护管理类,具体描述如下: 1)实时报警功能 该系统的报警功能是指发现机房里的各种故障后,通过声音,短信,主界面显示的方式及时的上报给操作者。当机房内的动力环境,空调,烟感,人体红外等等发生变量后,这些数据通过基站监控终端上传到BTS再到BSC。最后由数据库进行分类整理后存储到SQLSEVRER2000中。下面介绍主要的几种报警方式: 2)声音报警 基站发生告警后,系统采集后,会用声卡对不一样的告警类别发出对应的语音提示。比如:声音的设置有几种,主要是以鸣叫的长短来区分的。为便于引起现场维护人员的重视紧急告警可设置为长鸣,不重要的告警故障设置为短鸣。这样一来可以用声音区分故障的等级,比方某地市的中心交换机房内相关告警声音设置,它的开关电源柜当平均电流达到40AH的时候,提示声音设置为长鸣,并立即发生短信告警工单。如果在夜晚机房无人值守的情况下:


无线传感器网络的应用与影响因素分析 摘要:无线传感器网络在信息传输、采集、处理方面的能力非常强。最初,由于军事方面的需要,无线传感网络不断发展,传感器网络技术不断进步,其应用的范围也日益广泛,已从军事防御领域扩展以及普及到社会生活的各个方面。本文全面描述了无线传感器网络的发展过程、研究领域的现状和影响传感器应用的若干因素。关键词:无线传感器网络;传感器节点;限制因素 applications of wireless sensor networks and influencing factors analysis liu peng (college of computer science,yangtze university,jingzhou434023,china) abstract:wireless sensor networks in the transmission of informa- tion,collecting,processing capacity is very strong.initially,due to the needs of the military aspects of wireless sensor networks,the continuous development of sensor network technology continues to progress its increasingly wide range of applications,from military defense field to expand and spread to various aspects of social life.a comprehensive description of the development


【参考】无线传感器网络论文 引言:无线传感网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是近年来得到迅速发展和普遍重视的新型网络技术,它的出现和发展对现代科学技术产生了极其深刻的影响,与传统的网络技术不同,无线传感器网络技术将是现代无线通信技术、微型传感器技术和网络技术有机的融为一体,已经是近几年来国内外研究的热点,引起了世界上许多国家军界、学术界和工业界的高度重视,其引用前景十分广阔 无线传感器网络的研究背景 传感器的定义根据国家标准GB7665-87是:“能感受规定的被测量并按照一定的规律装换成可用信号期间或装置,通常由敏感元件和转换元件组成”。传感器是一种检测装置,能感受到被测量的信息,并能将检测感受到的信息,按一定规律变成为电信号或其他所需形式的信息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储、显示和控制等要求。它实现自动检测盒自动控制的首要环节。而近年来对传感器的要求越来越复杂,单个传感器已经基本不能满足日益增长的复杂要求。所以将多种传感器构建成网络已经成为研究的热点。传感器网络通常是由许多空间分布的装置组成的一种计算机网络,这些装置使用传感器监控不同位置的条件(比如温度、声音、振动、压力、运动或污染物)。通常这些装置很小很便宜,以便可以大量制造和部署,因此它们的资源(能源、存储、计算速度和带宽)严重受限。每个装置都具备一个无线电收发器、一个很小的微控制器和一个能源(通常为电池)。这些装置互相帮助,将数据传输到一台监控计算机

传感器网络是由一组传感器以AdHoc方式构成的有线或无线网络,其目的是协作地感知、采集和处理网络覆盖的地理区域中感知对象的信息,并发布给观察者。对于传统网络,大部分是以有限方式构建,这是因为有限方式的传输带宽,传输速度快,误码率低,购进啊简单等优点。但是这些优点对于传感器来说并不重要,这是因为传感器的数据传输率低,要求带宽窄,而误码率问题可以通过纠错与编码方式降低。所以,在无线传感器网络方面采用有限传感模式并不是最好的选择,我们注意到传感器是为了监控不同位置条件,比如温度、声音、振动、压力、运动的信息,所以其安装位置一般来说都是具有典型代表性的。特别对于一些特定环境中,例如古建筑,恶劣的污染环境,布线困难或者无法布线的情况,采用无线传感器网络较为合适。 由于传感器种类繁多,其数据特性也各不相同。所以构造一个万能的传感器网络技术上非常复杂,代价也很高。因此够哦早一些小的,灵活的子网络,再由这些子网络构造一个大的网络成为较为通用的做法。当前无线传输设备小型化,低功耗化,使得无线传感网络的构建成为可能


无线网络技术发展趋势 所谓无线网络,既包括允许用户建立远距离无线连接的全球语音和数据网络,也包括为近距离无线连接进行优化的红外线技术及射频技术,与有线网络的用途十分类似,最大的不同在于传输媒介的不同,利用无线电技术取代网线,可以和有线网络互为备份。 随着3G时代无线应用的日渐丰富,以及无线终端设备的层出不穷,对于无线网络,尤其是基于802.11技术标准的Wi-Fi无线网络,在802.11n产品技术应用逐渐成为市场主流应用的当下,基于Wi-Fi技术的无线网络不但在带宽、覆盖范围等技术上均取得了极大提升,同时在应用上,基于Wi-Fi无线应用也已从当初“随时、随地、随心所欲的接入”服务转变成车载无线、无线语音、无线视频、无线校园、无线医疗、无线城市、无线定位等诸多丰富的无线应用。


计算机通信分两种:有线通信和无线通信 无线通信包括卫星,微波,红外等等 无线局域网(Wireless LAN技术可以非常便捷地以无线方式连接网络设备,人们可随时、随地、随意地访问网络资源。在推动网络技术发展的同时,无线局域网也在改变着人们的生活方式。本文分析了无线局域网的优缺点极其理论基础,介绍了无线局域网的协议标准,阐述了无线局域网的体系结构,探讨了无线局域网的研究方向。 关键词以太网无线局域网扩频安全性移动IP 一、引言 随着无线通信技术的广泛应用,传统局域网络已经越来越不能满足人们的需求,于是无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Network,WLAN应运而生,且发展迅速。尽管目前无线局域网还不能完全独立于有线网络,但近年来无线局域网的产品逐渐走向成熟,正以它优越的灵活性和便捷性在网络应用中发挥日益重要的作用。 无线局域网是无线通信技术与网络技术相结合的产物。从专业角度讲,无线局域网就是通过无线信道来实现网络设备之间的通信,并实现通信的移动化、个性化和宽带化。通俗地讲,无线局域网就是在不采用网线的情况下,提供以太网互联功能。 广阔的应用前景、广泛的市场需求以及技术上的可实现性,促进了无线局域网技术的完善和产业化,已经商用化的802.11b网络也正在证实这一点。随着802.11a 网络的商用和其他无线局域网技术的不断发展,无线局域网将迎来发展的黄金时期。 二、无线局域网概述


一、课题研究目的 针对目前中国的交叉路口多,车流量大,交通混乱的现象研究一种控制交通信号灯的基于无线传感器的智能交通系统。 二、课题背景 随着经济的快速发展,生活方式变得更加快捷,城市的道路也逐渐变得纵横交错,快捷方便的交通在人们生活中占有及其重要的位置,而交通安全问题则是重中之重。据世界卫生组织统计,全世界每年死于道路交通事故的人数约有120 万,另有数100 万人受伤。中国拥有全世界1. 9 %的汽车,引发的交通事故占了全球的15 % ,已经成为交通事故最多发的国家。2000 年后全国每年的交通事故死亡人数约在10 万人,受伤人数约50万,其中60 %以上是行人、乘客和骑自行车者。中国每年由于汽车安全方面所受到的损失约为5180 亿(人民币),死亡率为9 人/ 万·车,因此,有效地解决交通安全问题成为摆在人们面前一个棘手的问题。 在中国,城市的道路纵横交错,形成很多交叉口,相交道路的各种车辆和行人都要在交叉口处汇集通过。而目前的交通情况是人车混行现象严重,非机动车的数量较大,路口混乱。由于车辆和过街行人之间、车辆和车辆之间、特别是非机动车和机动车之间的干扰,不仅会阻滞交通,而且还容易发生交通事故。根据调查数据统计,我国发生在交叉口的交通事故约占道路交通事故的1/ 3,在所有交通事故类型中居首位,对交叉口交通安全影响最大的是冲突点问题,其在很大程度上是由于信号灯配时不合理(如黄灯时间太短,驾驶员来不及反应),以及驾驶员不遵循交通信号灯,抢绿灯末或红灯头所引发交通流运行的不够稳定。随着我国经济的快速发展,私家车也越来越多,交通控制还是延续原有的定时控制,在车辆增加的基础上,这种控制弊端也越来越多的体现出来,造成了十字交叉路口的交通拥堵和秩序混乱,严重的影响了人们的出行。智能交通中的信号灯控制显示出了越来越多的重要性。国外已经率先开展了智能交通方面的研究。 美国VII系统(vehicle infrastructure integration),利用车辆与车辆、车辆与路边装置的信息交流实现某些功能,从而提高交通的安全和效率。其功能主要有提供天气信息、路面状况、交叉口防碰撞、电子收费等。目前发展的重点主要集中在2个应用上: ①以车辆为基础; ②以路边装置为基础。欧洲主要是CVIS 系统(cooperative vehicle infrastructure system)。它有60 多个合作者,由布鲁塞尔的ERTICO 组织统筹,从2006 年2 月开始到2010年6月,工作期为4年。其目标是开发出集硬件和软件于一体的综合交流平台,这个平台能运用到车辆和路边装置提高交通管理效率,其中车辆不仅仅局限于私人小汽车,还包括公共交通和商业运输。日本主要的系统是UTMS 21 ( universal traffic management system for the 21st century , UTMS 21)。是以ITS 为基础的综合系统概念,由NPA (National Police Agency) 等5个相关部门和机构共同开发的,是继20 世纪90 年代初UTMS 系统以来的第2代交通管理系统,DSSS是UTMS21中保障安全的核心项目,用于提高车辆与过街行人的安全。因此,从国外的交通控制的发展趋势可以看出,现代的交通控制向着智能化的方向发展,大多采用计算机技术、自动化控制技术和无线传感器网络系统,使车辆行驶和道路导航实现智能化,从而缓解道路交通拥堵,减少交通事故,改善道路交通环境,节约交通能源,减轻驾驶疲劳等功能,最终实现安全、舒适、快速、经济的交通环境。


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文对照外文翻译 单片机技术的发展与应用 从无线电世界到单片机世界现代计算机技术的产业革命,将世界经济从资本经济带入到知识经济时代。在电子世界领域,从 20 世纪中的无线电时代也进入到 21 世纪以计算机技术为中心的智能化现代电子系统时代。现代电子系统的基本核心是嵌入式计算机系统(简称嵌入式系统),而单片机是最典型、最广泛、最普及的嵌入式系统。 一、无线电世界造就了几代英才。在 20 世纪五六十年代,最具代表的先进的电子技术就是无线电技术,包括无线电广播,收音,无线通信(电报),业余无线电台,无

线电定位,导航等遥测、遥控、遥信技术。早期就是这些电子技术带领着许多青少年步入了奇妙的电子世界,无线电技术展示了当时科技生活美妙的前景。电子科学开始形成了一门新兴学科。无线电电子学,无线通信开始了电子世界的历程。无线电技术不仅成为了当时先进科学技术的代表,而且从普及到专业的科学领域,吸引了广大青少年,并使他们从中找到了无穷的乐趣。从床头的矿石收音机到超外差收音机;从无线电发报到业余无线电台;从电话,电铃到无线电操纵模型。无线电技术成为当时青少年科普、科技教育最普及,最广泛的内容。至今,许多老一辈的工程师、专家、教授当年都是无线电爱好者。无线电技术的无穷乐趣,无线电技术的全面训练,从电子学基本原理,电子元器件基础到无线电遥控、遥测、遥信电子系统制作,培养出了几代科技英才。 二、从无线电时代到电子技术普及时代。早期的无线电技术推动了电子技术的发展,其中最主要的是真空管电子技术向半导体电子技术的发展。半导体电子技术使有源器件实现了微小型化和低成本,使无线电技术有了更大普及和创新,并大大地开阔了许多非无线电的控制领域。半导体技术发展导致集成电路器件的产生,形成了近代电子技术的飞跃,电子技术从分立器件时代走进了电路集成时代。电子设计工程师不再用分立的电子元器件设计电路单元,而直接选择集成化的电路单元器件构成系统。他们从电路单元设计中解放出来,致力于系统设计,大大地解放了科技生产力,促进了电子系统更大范围的普及。半导体集成电路首先在基本数字逻辑电路上取得突破。大量数字逻辑电路,如门电路,计数器,定时器,移位寄存器以及模拟开关,比较器等,为电子数字控制提供了极佳的条件,使传统的机械控制转向电子控制。功率电子器件以及传感技术的发展使原先以无线电为中心的电子技术开始转向工程领域中的机械系统的数字控制,检测领域中的信息采集,运动机械对象的电气伺服驱动控制。半导体及其集成电路技术将我们带入了一个电子技术普及时代,无线电技术成为电子技术应用领域的一个部分。进20世纪70年代,大规模集成电路出现,促进了常规的电子电路单元的专用电子系统发展。许多专用电子系统单元变成了集成化器件,如收音机,电子钟,计算器等,在这些领域的电子工程师从电路系统的精心设计,调试转变为器件选择,外围器件适配工作。电子技术发展了,电子产品丰富了,电子工程师的难度减少了,但与此同时,无线电技术,电子技术的魅力却削弱了。半导体集成电路的发展使经典电子系统日趋完善,留在大规模集成电路以外的电子技术日益减少,电子技术没有了往昔无线电时代的无穷乐趣和全面的工程训练。 三、从经典电子技术时代到现代电子技术时代进入 20 世纪 80 年代,世界经济


无线传感器网络的研究现状及发展 默认分类 2008-06-12 18:19:20 阅读910 评论0 字号:大中小 摘要:无线传感器网络(WSN>综合了传感器技术、微电子机械系统(MEMS>嵌入式计算技术.分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术,能够协作地实时感知、采集、处理和传输各种环境或监测对象的信息.具有十分广阔的应用前景,成为国内外学术界和工业界新的研究领域研究热点。本文简要介绍了无线传感器网络的网络结构、节点组成,分析了无线传感器网络的特点及其与现有网络的区别。进而介绍现有无线传感器网络中的MAC层技术、路由技术、节点技术和跨层设计等关键技术。最后展望无线传俄器网络的应用和发展并指出关键技术的进步将起到决定性的促进作用。 关键词:无线传感器网络节点 MAC层路由协议跨层设计 Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN> is integration of sensor techniques, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, embedded computation techniques, distributed computation techniques and wireless communication technique. They can be used for sensing, collecting, processing and transferring information of monitored objects for users. As a new research area and interest hotspot of academia and industries, Wireless Sensor Network(WSN> has a wide application future. This paper briefly introduced the wireless sensor network of networks, nodes, the analysis of the characteristics of wireless sensor networks and the differences wih the existing networks. And the MAC layer technology, routing technology, joint cross-layer design technology and key technology are introduced . At last the prospects of wireless sensor network are discussed in this article. Key Words: Wireless Sensor Network, node, MAC, routing protocol, Cross-layer design 一、概述 随着通信技术、嵌入式计算技术和传感器技术的发展进步,包括微电子机械系统


无线传感器网络在各行各业广泛的应用价值论文 摘要:本文简述了无线传感器网络的定义、组成及特点,并结合其特点介绍了无线传感器网络在各行各业广泛的应用价值和未来发展前景以及目前存在的技术问题。 关键词:无线传感器网络;组成;应用;发展 科技发展的脚步越来越快,人类已经置身于信息时代。而作为信息获取最重要和最基本的技术——传感器技术,也得到了极大的发展。传感器信息获取技术已经从过去的单一化渐渐向集成化、微型化和网络化方向发展,并将会带来一场信息革命。具有感知能力、计算能力和通信能力的无线传感器网络(WSN,wirelesssensornetworks)综合了传感器技术、嵌人式计算技术、分布式信息处理技术和通信技术,能够协作地实时监测、感知和采集网络分布区域内的各种环境或监测对象的信息,并对这些信息进行处理,获得详尽而准确的信息,传送到需要这些信息的用户。 由于WSN的巨大应用价值,它已经引起了世界许多国家的军事部门、工业界和学术界的广泛关注,被广泛地应用于军事,工业过程控制、国家安全、环境监测等领域。 无线传感器网络综合了传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、现代网络及无线通信技术、分布式信息处理技术等多种领域,是当前计算机网络研究的热点。 一、发展概述 早在上世纪70年代,就出现了将传统传感器采用点对点传输、连接传感控制器而构成传感器网络雏形,我们把它归之为第一代传感器网络。随着相关学科的不断发展和进步,传感器网络同时还具有了获取多种信息信号的综合处理能力,并通过与传感控制器的相联,组成了有信息综合和处理能力的传感器网络,这是第二代传感器网络。而从上世纪末开始,现场总线技术开始应用于传感器网络,人们用其组建智能化传感器网络,大量多功能传感器被运用,并使用无线技术连接,无线传感器网络逐渐形成。 无线传感器网络是新一代的传感器网络,具有非常广泛的应用前景,其发展和应用,将会给人类的生活和生产的各个领域带来深远影响。发达国家如美国,
